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Coca-Cola Porters Five Forces-SWOT Analysis.docx 

Porter’s Five Forces Sample Analysis Coca-Cola

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Porter’s Five Forces Model is a framework for the analysis of an industry and

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how a businesscan implement strategies to gain market value. The model

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includes threats of new entrants,threats of substitute products, bargaining

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power of the buyer, bargaining power of the supplier,and competitor rivalry. In this case, the

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model is being utilized to analyze the global beverageindustry from Coca-

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Cola’s perspective. Threats of New EntrantsThe level of new entrants is measured

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by multiple factors including: brand loyalty, advertisingability, access of

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distribution channels, and supplier availability. These factors create a low tomoderate

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threat of new entrants.

 Customer and brand loyalty make it very problematic

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for new competitors to enter intothe beverage industry. Coca-Cola is the most

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known beverage brand throughout theworld, which has been made possible

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through advertising and marketing.

 Advertising and marketing

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are a key component for a new company to gain recognitionfrom consumers.

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However, both these components require large amounts of funding to produce broad scale

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marketing campaigns that will gain the recognition needed tocompete with industry

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leaders, such as Coca-Cola.

 Access to distributing channels is an important factor when

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entering into a new market. Itcan be tiresome for new entrants to find retailers that will carry

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their product before theyare established. Shelf space will rarely be made for products

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that cannot prove they haveconsumers to regularly buy their product.


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Coca-Cola and other industry leaders have strict bottling contracts in all of their salesareas.

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These contracts block the bottling company from doing business with companies pr

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oducing a similar product. One of the only alternatives for the new company is to dothe

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bottling themselves, which requires high amounts of capital.8Threats of Substitute Products

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In the beverage industry there are many substitutes for each category of

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beverage. This allowsthe consumer to help shape what the retailers put on the

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shelves. Examples of these substitute 

 products compared to Coca-Cola are: Pepsi

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products, beer, wine, tea, coffee, energy drinks, etc.The substitute products

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create a moderate threat in the industry.

 Marketing and advertising,

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again, have a major impact on the substitute products. If theconsumers do not

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know about a particular product, then retailers do not want to stock that product.


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The switching cost for retailers is fairly low, so retailers can easily switch to

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more popular products. This can create an advantage for the retailer from a cost

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standpoint andfor the producers of the substitute product.


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Throughout the beverage industry, product lines are very similar in price betweencom

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peting companies. Differentiation techniques are taken so consumers will choosetheir

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product. This can give substitute products the opportunity to use promotional

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influences to gain consumers’ favor. Bargaining Power of Buyers

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Buyers make up an important aspect of the beverage industry. Some of these buyers

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include: fastfood fountain, vending, convenience stores, and super markets. The

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bargaining power of the buyer is low to moderate.

 Fast food chains have

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the highest bargaining power out of the other buyers, simply because they buy in bulk. This

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method of purchasing provides the least profit for Coca-Cola due to small margins. It is more for the

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customer to sample the product and grow aloyalty toward the brand name.


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Vending machines provide a straight line approach from getting the product directly

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intothe hands of the consumer. There is literally no bargaining power for the buyer.

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 Convenience stores, like vending machines, have no bargaining power. The

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reason for this low bargaining power is because convenience stores pay inflated

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prices for the products since they are buying smaller quantities.


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Super markets have low bargaining power. The power they possess is best shelf

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space, but consumers usually make the final decision of the most popular products.8

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Bargaining Power of SuppliersThe bargaining power of the suppliers, in the beverage

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industry, is very low because theingredients used to create these beverages

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are readily available. 

 The basic materials used to make Coca-Cola products are

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easily found with manysuppliers. This ease of access gives a huge advantage to Coca-Cola

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because the companycan set their own prices with the suppliers.

 Switching costs are also

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very low, so the ability for manufacturers to change suppliers iseasily done.


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There is great emphasis put on the buyer industry to suppliers. The industry utilizes

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largequantities of raw materials the suppliers must remain in good standing with the buyers.

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Competitor RivalryThe intensity of rivalry among competitors differs by the industry. In

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the beverage industry thelevel of rivalry is relatively moderate. The main reason for

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this is the number of major playerscontrolling the market share. These players are

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Coca-Cola and PepsiCo.

 Brand loyalty is a determinant of the rivalry between com

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petitors. In the end theconsumers chooses the product, so the rivalry comes in the form of

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advertising andmarketing strategies to gain market value.


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Products in the industry are easily differentiated. This differentiation lowers the level

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of rivalry because each company is trying to create the next product that will have

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highconsumer reviews.

 The ability for consumers to control the market

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greatly boosts competitor rivalry.Because stores stock their shelves with the most

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popular products, competitors are alwaysfighting for their product to be the most

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popular and easiest to recognize.

 Expansion opportunities are one of the major

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factors affecting rivalry. The best way togain market share is to enter into a market

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that is not already occupied by strongcompetitors. 

SWOT Sample AnalysisCoca

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-ColaSWOT AnalysisThe following table outlines an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses,

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opportunities, andthreats of The Coca-Cola Company. This SWOT analysis identifies the positive and

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negativeaspects of Coca-Cola as well as opportunities and threats in the external

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environment. A moredetailed description of each of these items is discussed in

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the following text.EvaluationEnvironmentPositive NegativeInternalStrengths 

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 Strong Brand Identity

 Various Product Lines


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 Large Distribution Network 


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Highest Market Share in CSDWeaknesses

 Brand failures (New Coke)

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 Product recalls damaging brand image

 Destocking of Coca-

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 Increasing bottled water consu

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mption globally

 Acquisition of CCE


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 New product penetration

 Potential growth outside U.S.


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 NARTD market growthThreats 


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Biggest competitor: Pepsi

 Increasing cost of raw material

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 Reduced demand worldwidedue to health concerns & purchasing power 

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 Changes in consumer  preferencesStrengths

 Coca-Cola has been

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accepted as a part of American culture for over a century. One of the biggest

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strengths of Coca-Cola is the company’s brand recognition. The Coca

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-Cola brand image is displayed on items ranging from clothing to souvenirs, and

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thisrecognizable branding helps distinguish Coca-Cola from competitors.

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