


All business firms have realized that marketing is a core element of management philosophy and the key to successes lies in focusing more and more on the customer.

Adam smith in his, the wealth of nations, has said consumption is the sole end and Purpose of all production and the interests of the product ought to be attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for promoting those of consumer.

This quotation only reiterates that the purpose of production is consumption and ones own purpose will be served only if the consumers interests are attended to. Here then arise very vital questions .how can a marketer ensure that his /her firm is Able to respond to their customers requirement quickly? The answer to this question lies in the quality of the service it is offering to its customers. This again will depend on consumer expectation from the product or service .no doubt the quality of the product or service will decide whether it matches the consumer expectations or not, But the firm and marketer must make all efforts that the consumer satisfaction is achieved.

The aim of this chapter is to provide an insight into the characteristics of consumer markets, identify the possible sources of dissatisfaction, work towards handling complaints from consumers which in turn will help in enhancing consumers which in turn will help in enhancing consumer satisfaction and prevent Dissatisfaction.

ComputerizationToday consumer is looking out for value for money. The challenge before the Marketer is to identify what value would appeal and convince the consumer. Marketers are trying to enhance the concept of value through unique methods. They have realized that product service characteristics, consumer aspirations and availability of competing alternatives can used to enhance consumer value.

The focus and challenge before every firm is to rebuild around its consumer .it should be able to perceive, interpret, serve and satisfy the customer with the type of product and services he desires and arm itself so as gain a competitive edge of consumerisation.

Consumerisation refers to the process where in all the employees of the firm are required to interact directly with the consumers and end users.

They can have access to every person and function within the organization,be involved in designing and fine turning key products and process,and turn every interaction with the customer into a plaform of interactive communication, so as to add value and increase customer satisfaction.

Consumerisation will help affirm in:

Providing the quality of service to match customer requirement.

Help to focus on consumer needs so as to add value offer benefits to Customer.

To identify consumers, new market segments and new application for existing Products.

Work towards total customer satisfaction and maximum customer delight.

Expectation:Consumer expectations through may look realistic is very often build upon A very high platform. Then the quality of the product of the service may not match the expectations. this again will effect the consumer satisfaction level.

So as to reduce the level of dissatisfaction amongst the consumer, the marketing decision-maker could adopt an approach wherein he can classify markets in relation to the degree of opportunity to deliver consumer satisfaction. He could establish a list of common factors and then evaluate each market opportunity against these .the most probable factors which influence consumer behavior are: -

market size

rate of growth of the market

stability of demand

the due importance attached to the price by the consumer before making a purchase decision. consumer emphasis and the due importance given to the quality aspect.

the consumer expectations of pre and post purchase service.

the customer desire for product innovation.

the level of competition.

the firms competitive strength in terms of price and product performance.

Working towards enhancing consumer satisfaction:

In the existing business environments markets are turbulent and consumer needs fast changing ,companies should opt for ways to add value for their consumer by offering products or services just the way they want it.

When the consumer has to choose from a large bewildering number of options ,features ,pricing structure and delivering methods ,offering a unique product to a every individual customer decision making process.

Consumer satisfaction is a continuous process, which does not begin or end With a purchase .it covers an entire ownership experience from a product ,to Purchase ,through after care to repeat purchase.

clearly there are three phases in the consumer satisfaction process namely:-

Pre-sales: during this stage the consumer expectation are developed through the Various information sources like advertising ,word of mouth and so on.

During-sales: when the consumer is engaged in experiencing on how to deal with enquiries and sell products.

After sales-period: this refers to the period when the consumer has started using the product.

Thus consumer expectations and their experience will together determine the level of satisfaction .these expectations inclusive of:

Presales period:

Availability of clear, useful information on :

the product or service.

its quality aspect.

its core benefits or advantage.

its price.

its availability or sales outlet.

how to obtain it During sales period:

opportunity to inspect the products.

provision of attractive sales environment.

courteous and attentive service.

reasonable and reliable delivery.

enhancing quality of goods and services.

prompt redress in case of complaint receipt.

freedom to choose with out undue sales pressure.

After sales period:

if required necessary support or advice be provided.

prompt replacements or refund if necessary.

smooth and straight forward complaints procedure.

efficient repair and maintenance service.

efficient and effective consumer follow-up process.

The feeling derived from comparing a products perceived Performance vis a-vis its expectation is defined as satisfaction .when the Performance of the product exceeds the consumers expectations ,the marketer would want a products performance to exceed consumer expectations.

Consumer who is merely satisfied may switch over to another brand. but consumers who are highly satisfied are less likely to switch in spite of better offerings from other brands. generally ,the high satisfaction creates an emotional bond with the brand.

A very satisfied consumer will stay more years with the company and make more Purchases as well .a brand represents a promise about the total resulting experience that the customers can expect.

Consumers form expectations based on: past buying, experience, word of mouth and competitors information promise. Raising expectations and delivering Performances to match are the characteristics of many successful companies today.

Different consumers may use different may use different yardsticks to evaluate Performance. a level of service which is rated highly satisfactory by one consumer may be rated not satisfactory by another consumer.

Similarly two different consumer s may be highly satisfied by a particular level of service or a particular product, but for entirely different reasons. These aspects must be taken in to account while designing questionnaire to measure consumer satisfaction.


Consumer behavior is defined as a psychological ,social, and physical behavior of potential customers as they become aware to evaluate, purchase, consume and tell others about product and its services.

Consumer behavior includes the act of individuals directly involve in obtaining and using economic goods and services including the sequence of decision process that proceed and determine these acts. actual processing is only a part of the declaration process. in buyer behavior we consider not only why and what people buy, but other facts which as where ,how often and under what conditions the purchase is made. all understanding of buyer behavior is essential in marketing planning and programmes . in final analysis buyer behavior is one of most important key to successful marketing.

Chief characteristics of buyer behavior

SSSS it consists of the mental and physical activities which consumers undertake to acquire goods ,services and satisfaction from them.

it includes both observable physical activities ,like walking through the market

to examine merchandise and making a purchase and mental activities like forming

attitude ,perceiving advertising material, and learning to prefer particular brands.

consumer behavior is very complex, constantly changing and symbolic too. There fore management needs to adjust with the change ,otherwise market is lost.

the individuals specific behavior in the market places affected by internal factors,

such as needs ,motives perception and attitudes as well as by external or environmental influences. the study of characteristics of buyers behavior such as needs ,motives attitudes

and perceptions makes the marketing job the easiest .let us discuss the perception in Broadway.

In market ,goods can be classified in to two parts i.e.industrial goods and consumers goods.industrial goods are those goods that are sold to the industrial Users, which are used in carrying on business or industrial activities rather than for consumption by individual consumers. Consumer goods are goods, which are ultimately use by the consumers, particularly for their personal or household purpose. Individuals, firms and others directly use such goods. Consumer goods has been further sub divided in to two category:

1.consumer durable.

2.consumer non-durables.


Consumer durable is characterised by high cost, long life and consequently low frequency of purchase. because of this risk involved in purchase decision for consumer durable is high .hence a potential customer is likely to seek more information and give much more greater thought to the purchase of a consumer of a consumer durable than for a non-durable ,where the risk is considerable les and the decision does not entail much loss even if a mistake is made.

In case of durable ,examples are refrigerator or a television or a watch, there is non-consumption of product when is being used. It may depreciate over a number of years and may replant ,but it is not consumed the way soap cake.


Consumer durable differ from consumer non-durable unlike Consumer non-durable normally survive may use and are not consumed in the process of use .for example :every time a cake of soap is used for washing, in the process of it is reduced in weight and volume. the diminishing process continues till the cake of soap is entirely used up. this is also the same in case of foods articles ,toilet preparation and cosmetics, etc. ,which would be termed as non durable.

Human personalities on enigmatic and the dealing with diverse, obscure and complex personality may not be an easy task .the study of buyers behavior is a vital Consideration, particularly in changing modern management .to motivate the consumer one should have an in-depth study of factors that effect the consumers buying patter

The scope and range of behavioral scientist are not confined to the personal. development and moral rather has been extended to the designing and distribution of goods and services .the buyers decision making process may be simple or elaborate,static or dynamic, gregarious or distinct or overall combined endeavor of multifaceted properties.

Major factors influencing buying behavior: CULTURAL

*cultural.*sub-culture.*social class.

SOCIAL *reference

Groups. *family. *roles&



* age &life

Style. * occupation. * economics,

Circumstances. * personality&






Cultural factors

Cultural factors exert the broadest and deepest influence on consumer behavior. The role played by the buyers culture ,subculture ,and social class are particularly important.


Culture is the most fundamental determinant of a person want and behavior. The growing child acquires a set of values ,perceptions, preferences and behavior Through his/her family and other key institutions.

Subculture: Each culture consists of smaller sub cultures that provide more specific identification and socialization for its numbers .many subcultures make up important market segments ,and marketers often design products and marketing programmes tailored to their needs.

Social class:

We virtually all-human societies exhibit stratification. stratification some times takes the form of a cast system, where the members of the different castes are reared for certain roles and con not changes their caste membership.

Social factors:

In addition to cultural factors ,a consumers behavior is influenced by such

Social factors as reference groups, family, and role and statuses.Reference groups:

It consists of all the groups that have a direct or indirect influence on the persons attitude or behavior is called membership groups .some membership groups are primary groups, such as family, friends, etc. people also belongs to secondary groups such as religious, profession etc .which tends to be more formal. People are also influenced by groups in which they are not members. groups to which a person would like belong are called aspirational groups.


It is the most important consumer buying organization in society. Family members constitute the most influential primary reference groups.

Roles and statuses:

A person participates in many groups through out life---family, clubs, and organization. a role consists of the activities that a person expected to perform.each role carries a status.marketers are aware of the status symbol potential of products and brands.

Personal factors:

A buyers decisions are also influence by personal characteristics .these Include the buyers age and stage in the life cycle ,occupation, economic circumstances, life style, and personality and self-concept.Psychological factors:

Four major psychological factors motivation ,perception, learning and beliefs and attitudes influence a persons buying choices.Motivation:

A person as many needs at a given times. some needs are biogenic, They arise from psychological states of tension such as hunger ,thirst and Discomfort .other needs are psychogenic, they arise from psychological states Of tension such as the need of recognition, esteem or belonging. a motive is a Need that is sufficiently pressing to drive the person to act.


It is the process by which an individual selects organizes and interprets Information inputs to create a meaningful picture or the world Perception depends not only on the physical stimuli but also on the stimulis Relation to the surrounding field and conditions with in the individual.


It involves changes in an individuals behavior arising from experience. Learning is produce through the inter play of drives , stimuli, cues, Responses, and reinforcement

Beliefs and attitudes: Beliefs is a descriptive thought that a person holds about something. Attitude is a persons enduring favorable or unfavorable evaluations, emotional Feelings, and action tendencies towards some object or idea. attitude lead people to Behave in a fair consistent way towards similar object. people do not have to Interpret and react to every object in fresh way.NEED AND IMPORTANCE OF STUDY

In todays fast growing and competitive business environment in which the customer is considered the king, it becomes imperative for every business to focus on its customers in order to retain and increase its customer base.

The growing competition among soft drinks company as whole &the coming up of varieties from various different companies have set fire in soft drink after an effective promotional method &lot of money is to be involved in it has created a need for the study on what the consumer feels about the product in the phase of competition.

A study of this kind may help the company to find out the reason for any kind of dissatisfaction &appropriate methods to sort our problem. in the light of the above problem the researcher felt that a comprehensive study on these matters will help the company to identify &take the corrective measures.

A very satisfied consumer is likely to stay with the company many more years. however todays consumers are smarter, more price conscious, more demanding less forgiving, &approached by more competitors with equal or better offers. for this purpose company need to look at the industry with which the consumer

will happily pay the right price.


to know the consumer satisfaction towards products of coca-cola.

to obtain consumers feelings about price, taste, packaging and availability of the products.

to identify what qualities specifications of coke they desire.

to find out which brand of coke would sell in large qualities.

to know what reasons made them to choose the coca-cola products.

to know their satisfaction towards the schemes of coca-cola.

Any business study involves collection of data from the market.the type of data that is required makes it all more important to device the right method of collecting the data. the present survey mainly aims at finding out the consumers satisfaction towards the products of coca-cola.


The project exploratory in nature. This is because the study explores facts and figures that have been unknown.


Research methodology is the scientific way to solve the research problem. This involves exploring all possible methods of solving the research problem, Examine the alternative methods &arriving at the best possible method considering the resources at the disposal of the researcher.


A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research process with economy in procedure.A researcher design is the specification of methods &procedures for acquiring the information needed to structure or to solve problems. it is the overall operational pattern Or frame work of the project that stipulates what information to be collected, from which source and by what procedures.


OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Methods of data collection

sample selection

field work(data collection)

processing, analyzing, interpreting the data.

formatting the research report


Target market- the primary data was collected from the Hindusthan coca-cola beverages Moula-ali ,Hyderabad.

SAMPLING UNIT: the sampling unit constitutes the consumers who consume soft drinks. extend: survey conducted with in the warangal district.

time: the survey was done for 45 days.

SAMPLING SIZE: to fulfill the objective of the study the data is collected from 150

Consumers .who are consuming soft drinks. SAMPLING TYPE: random sampling.

RANDOM SAMPLING: known as probability sampling or chance sampling where each &every item in the population as an equal chance of inclusion in the sample& each as the same probability of being selected.


A structured questionnaire has been prepared with open end questions. The questions used for collecting data.


The sources of data can be broadly classified in to two categories.1.primary data

2.secondary data.

primary data: questionnaire is the most common research instrument.

secondary data : existing data are collected from company websites, company catalogues &some company materials.


The project involved a field work of around 45days where in the researcher administered Protested interviews schedules. the study calls for mostly primary data rather than secondary data.

area of study :the study has been carried out in the warangal district.

period of study :the data collected during the month of june & july.


Although an attempt is made to gather all the relevant information connected to this study. There were some limitations with regard to respondents bias, disinterest.

however ,these limitations were overcomed by taking information only from those who are willing to respond.

the study of soft drink industry ,which is known to be a seasonally fluctuating one so this study doesnt take in to account the seasonal fluctuations.

the study is confined to only warangal district.

the study was conducted by a student ,whose resources for market research is limited.

the sample of the study is limited the respondents response may be biased on which we cant decide the total market.

since most of the consumers were in busy 100% outcome was not possible there lies the main limitation.

COMPANY PROFILEHistory of coca-cola

Birth of a refreshing idea

John styth pemberton first introduced the refreshing taste of coca-cola in Atlanta,Georgia .it was may 1886 when pharmacist concocted caramel-colored syrup in a Three-legged brass kettle in this backyard.he first distributedthe new product by Carrying coca-cola in a jug down the street to Jacobs pharmacy .for five cents, consumers would enjoy aglass of coca-cola at the soda fountain .whether by design of accident ,carbonated water was teamed with the new syrup, producing a drink that was proclaimed delicious and refreshing

Dr.pembertons partner and bok keeper,Frank M.robinson, suggested the name and penned coca-cola in the unique flowing script that is famous world wide today mr.robinson thought the two c s would look well in advertising.

By 1891,Atlanta entrepreneur,Asa G.candler had acquired complete ownership of Coca-cola business. within four years ,his merchandising flair helped expand consumption of coca-cola to every state and territory.

Coca-cola began as fountain product .but candy merchant joseph a.biedenharn of Mississippi was looking for a to serve this refreshing beverage at picnics. he began offering bottled coca-cola ,using syrup shipped from Atlanta ,during an especially busy summer in 1894.

Bottling partners

Today, our products reach consumers and customers around world through a vast

Distribution network made up of local bottling units. these bottles are located around the world ,and most are independent businesses. using concentrates and Beverage bases produced by the coca-cola company, our bottling partners package and market products, then distribute them to more than 8million customers and more than 2million vending machines around the world. the coca-cola company is committed to assisting its bottlers with the functions of an efficient bottling operation. quality control ,monitored constantly by the company, is necessary to produce high quality soft drinks. in the year 1989-99 we have made acquisitions and hence we have 31 company owned bottling operations.


Coca-cola enterprise is in the business of marketing, producing and distributing liquid non-alcoholic refreshments to customers and the consumers in their franchise tern tones ,in 1994 they distributed approximately 1.7 billion equivalentCases of the product through their territories, which comprise of 38 states and the District of Columbia in the united states .their territory also extended to many foreign countries.

The coca-cola enterprise and the coca-cola company are in business partnership. the coca cola company develops the product while as a bottler the Coca-cola enterprise combines the product concentrates with other ingredients and Packages the beverages in bottles, cans and fountain containers.

Management philosophy

Corporate area

The major concept of the management philosophy is to retain in the beverage Industry and not diversify in to other areas. the management believes in investing in non capital-intensive areas. in fact ,the beverage industry requires little capital, and Produces maximum returns .the returns from the foreign markets are tapped to the most.

Financial area

The corporate objectives are to increase the shareowners value .the management

Believes that in increasing the shareholders value it requires consistent growth in financial results complemented by effective use of the cash flow.Marketing area

Here the management is committed to superior market place execution. this is

Achieved by decentralized operating structure that places the responsibilities,Authority and the accountability as close to the customer and consumer possible.

The brand

The coca-cola consistently ranks first in the worlds most valuable brands. The brand value is about $39billion.this is greatest heritage of the company. As far as the branch management concerned ,we find that coca-cola ranks itself As the third only after Microsoft and louis vuitton.Products

The carbonated market

International brands

Classic :the coca-cola classic is the flagship of the companys carbonated drinks.

The product was made public on may 8th 1886. Diet coke: was launched in 1982 to target the market of the light products. Caffeine free coca-cola classic :was launched 19883 which aims at customers who want limit their consumption of caffeine while still drinking coca-cola and enjoying its taste. Cherry coke :the first cherry flavoured cola was launched in 1985. The coca-cola company offers several other carbonated drinks to target consumers. Sprite is the number 7 in the us soft drink market launched in 1961.fanta is the world third best selling soda and the worlds best selling orange drink with a 31%market share of the category.

Indian brands

For the local market in India coke has the following brands.








Gold spot


Diet coke

The non-carbonated market

Fruitopia a line of fruit flavoured drinks launched in 1991. Minute maid: offers frozen concentrated fruit juice launched in 1998. Ice tea: varied flavors and sweetness in a line of ice teas was created with cokes joint venture with nestle SA in 1992. Power ade :non-carbonated energetic drink aimed at athletes. Sunfill: a powdered soft drink mix launched in 2001 for local market in India. Kinley: packaged drinking water.

Four basic segments


CSDs: Coca-cola,fanta,sprite,thumsup,limca.


Ready to drinks tea and coffee: nestea ,georgia gold .

Health and nutrition:

Juices and milks:bibo,Fruitopia,minute maid,sunfill.


Water and sports drinks:kinley ,shok, powered.

The operating groups.

North America group :30%share

Latin America group :26%share

Europe and Eurasia group :21%share

Asia pacific group :16%share

Africa and middle east group :7%share

Totaling to 22 countries around the world.

Coca-cola India

Coca-cola returned to India after 16 years ,in 1993.the brand promotion was Between 1994-96.the bottling acquisition occurred between 1997-99.its quest for profitability started 2000 onwards. in India coke has its concentrate plants at pune producing 10 brands. its company owned bottling operations are at six operatingRegions,29 operating areas with 26 plants to 10 green fields and 3000 associates.It enjoys a business of over RS.3000crores in India.AP region

Consist of five operating locations-moula-ali, ammenpur, nellore, vijayawada And vishakapatnam having a turnover of over 750crores with 3 plants, 2green fields 1500associates.


Indias largest volume location.

80%market share.

best plant in India.

45%volume thru direct distribution -20000 outlets.

55000 outlets -300 distributers.

The most profitable unit in India .penetration higher than any FMCG company 2-plants -7 production lines(6are glasses bottle lines).they do not have an ERP. Acquired plants &people .different work cultures .very capital intensive business. 90%business is returnable glass .fast expanding product portfolio.

Thums Up is the largest brand ,followed by limca ,coke , maaza , sprite ,kinley,

fanta , sunfil.Coca-colas mission:

Coca-cola exist to create value for our shareowners on a long term basis by building a business that enhances the coca-cola companys trademarks. This is also is coca-colas ultimate commitment.

As the worlds largest beverage company ,coca-cola refresh the world. Coca-cola do this by developing superior soft drinks, both carbonated, and non carbonated, and profitable non-alcoholic beverage systems that create value for our company ,our bottling partners and our customers.

In creating value, coca-cola succeed or fail based on our ability to perform as worthy stewards of several key assets like,

Coca -cola,the worlds most powerful trademark, and other highly valuable TRADEMARKS.

1) The worlds most effective and pervasive DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM.

2) Satisfied CUSTOMERS ,who make a good profit selling our products.

3) Coca -colaSpeople,who are ultimately responsible for building this enterprise.

4) Coca -colas abundant RESOURCES ,which must be intelligently allocated.

5) Coca -colas strong global LEADERSHIP in the beverage industry in particular and in the business world in general.

1.coca-colas trademarks:

coca-cola creates demand by continually expanding the relationship that bonds our trademarks ,principally coca-cola with the 5 billion people on this planet.Everything we do must strengthen that bond ,and we will utilize every available Resource to expand the value of our trademarks in the hearts and minds of our consumers.

Coca-cola will continue to market our trademarks ,and especially coca-cola ,the most recognized ,most powerful commercial symbols in any market where they are present.

Coca-cola will continually strive to enhance every aspect of product and package


Coca-cola will always communicate advertising messages that bond with our consumers.

Coca-cola will never hesitate to adjust our product line to keep the coca-cola,Trademark strong ,pervasive and present ,as such adjustment may become necessary due to changes in the desire and needs of our consumers. In doing this ,we will never compromise the integrity of our core trademark and all for which it stands.

2.coca -colas global distribution system:Coca -cola fulfills demand by creating and leading the production and distribution systems best capable of delivering our products to the customers who sell them and the people who buy them coca-cola values every component of our enterprise and we depend on each one to reach our consumers. Coca-cola will continually evaluate and enhance our relationship with link in our system , increasing the opportunities to fulfill consumer needs as efficiently as possible.

Coca -cola relationship with our bottlers and distributors will be defined by their desire and ability to strengthen our relationship with the people who buy our products.We will always help bottlers serve our customers and consumers effectively and efficiently.

Coca -cola relationship with suppliers to our system must involve them as an integral link in the value-adding process.

Coca-cola relation ship with the communities we serve must be of a kind that

Makes the coca-cola, system a standout citizen of those communities.

3.coca-colas CUSTOMERS:coca-colas fulfill demand by assiduously building and maintaining relationships

with our customers that are mutually beneficial and that ultimately translate into competitive advantage.

Coca-colas relationship with our customers must continue to evolve. Coca-cola Cannot allow ourselves to be limited to the role of mere supplier, but must instead Make sure every customer views us a partner in the creation of value for them.

Coca-cola will do this by inventing and reinventing ways to provide customer Service and by developing value-added activities that enhance customer profitability.

4.coca-colas PEOPLE:every achievement in our history can be traced directly to the inspiration , skills, courage and discipline of coca-colas people. Coca-colas business has expanded exponentially, and accordingly so has the demands on our people. For coca-colas people to live up the challenge, they must possess:

the values that allow each individual to make decisions based on a shared frame work of principles and priorities, always focusing on doing the right thing and never sacrificing our long-term integrity or viability to handle short-term pressures.

To knowledge that comes from having meaningful and currently relevant skills.

To be recognized as the global business leader, we must labor daily to distinguish Our ultimate challenge is to make all our assets our trademarks, our global distribution system and our customer relationship distinctive in every way.That ability is almost entirely dependent on the skills of our people and the Ideas and execution they bring. The most important skills are:

The broad understanding of, and focus on our obligations to protect and enhance the value of the companys trademarks, which allow us to comprehend why do what they do. The professional and technical competence that gives us specific expertise in what we do and they do it

The creativity and open-mindedness to discover and develop the ideas that will

Create new value, not merely re-create more of the past.

The flexibility and insight to anticipate changing market conditions and capitalize On those changes by adapting our business to the needs of their customers and Consumers.

The ability to process information rapidly and make decisions thoughtfully and


The capacity to execute assignments to a successful conclusion quickly and effectively.The willingness to communicate our goals and strategies, as well as the obstacles We encounter, precisely, persuasively and effectively.

The confidence to develop people into competitive, performance-oriented achievers who never lose sight of integrity and excellence of every task at hand.

All of this takes on additional importance as coca-cola increasingly assert it Selves within their global system, from the production of its products, to the Servicing of its customers, to the caring for its consumers.5.coca-colas resources:

focusing on key values, knowledge and skills , its people will be equipped to be good stewards of the companys resources. They will exhibit good stewardship by wisely strengthening its trademarks and our people, building its distribution system and intelligently allocating resources in a manner worthy of the coca-cola, trademark.

First and foremost, we will be vigilant in protecting and enhancing the companys Character and the image it projects. Coca-cola will focus on allocating its resources in ways that maintain its companys first-class images to its customers

And consumers.

Coca-cola will invest our resources, financial and otherwise, in the smartest way Possible. Coca-cola will spend every dollar and working hour in the most efficient And effective way it can. Coca-cola will be good stewards of the valuable relationships that have been created over the years with its customers .coca-cola will help them in every way We can ,looking for opportunities to make its resources available to them, Understanding that its growth and profitability are dependent upon their growth And profitability.

All of these are resources available to coca-cola for creating value ,but they must be jealously guarded and enhancednever wasted or diminishing in value.

7.Coca-colas commitmentIn order to create value for shareowners, we must also create significant, sustained, long-term value for every one involved in the production, distribution and selling Of our production. To do that we pledge to:

aggressively focus all we are and all we do on making our trademarks even more powerful and more appreciated by each of our customers and consumers around the world.

reconfigure our global distribution system as an ongoing necessary process to deliver most effectively and efficiently our products into the hands of the people who buy them.

6.coca-colas leadership:

coca-colas people must not merely manage; they must understand their leadership role in the context of executing the companys mission . to do this , it must always exemplify the necessary values , knowledge and skills . they will do this by taking responsibility for developing coca-cola and those people around coca-cola by creating constantly an aggressive learning environment.

Establishing the accountability and responsibility that clearly define roles and Expectations, personalize responsibility , grant appropriate latitude and create A specific sense of stewardship.

Asserting coca-cola ability to develop and control systems , instead of systems Controlling us, Allowing the organization to do what it should as quickly as possible , no matter What the circumstances.

Using seamless organization structures that breed clear and efficient communication that does not stall action , but instead encourages trust and Thoughtful evaluation of past and future action.

Promoting trademark-focused behavior by rewarding effective word and discouraging mediocrity.

Coca-cola industry leadership must be reflected in its relationship with its bottlers and customers, as well as in its consumer communications but never is this stance to be accompanied with the slightest hint of arrogance.

Facts about coca-cola: everyday, consumers in approximately 200 countries around the world drink

an average of 10,450 coca-cola beverages per second

if all the coca-cola ever produced were placed in bottles and

placed end to end , the bottles would reach all the way to the moon and back 1045 times.

stacked on a football field, the bottles would form a mountain 325 miles high

59 times taller than mount everest.

loaded on average sized trucks, passing a given point, bumper to bumper, at a speed of 65 miles per hour it would take 3 years , 6 months , 3 weeks 6 days for the trucks to pass.

placed end to end the bottles would wrap around the equator 20,051 tomes.

if all the coca-cola ever produced were to erupt from old faithful at its normal rate of 15,000 gallons per hour, the geyser would flow continually for 1577


Facts about coca-colaslogans used:

The following is a sampling of the variety of slogans that has been used to advertise the coca-cola product for years 1904- Delicious and Refreshing

1922- Thirst Knows no season

1927- Around the corner from everywhere

The Pause that Refreshes

1932- Ice Cold Sunshine

1938- The Best Friend Thirst Ever Had

1939- Coca-Cola goes along

1948- Where theres Coke theres hospitality 1956- Coca-Cola.Makes good things taste better

1959- Be Really Refreshed

1963-Things go better with Coke

1970-its a Real Thing

1971-Id like to Buy the World A Coke

1976 Coke Adds Life

1979-Have a Coke and a Smile

1982-Coke is it!

1987-When Coca-Cola is part of your life, you can beat the feeling!

1988- Cant beat the Feeling

1989- Cant beat the Real Thing

1993- Always Coca-Cola


TABLE 11. Consuming of Soft DrinksS.No.Consumption of soft drinksNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents


2Once in two days3221.33

3Once in a week5939.33

4Any other2818.67


This is an open-ended question . this question is designed to know How oftently people consume soft drinks depending upon given chart we can estimate Percentage of consumption. From the responses of the consumers, daily use consumers are 20.6%.among the total consumers 39.3% are consuming weekly once ,and 21.3% of consumers are taking Soft drinks twice in week ,and remaining 18.6%of people are taking soft drinks in occasions.


2. Types of BrandsS.No.Types of brandsNumber of

respondentsPercentage of (%) respondents

1 Coke12784.6

2 Pepsi2315.3

3 Others 00


This is an open ended question. this question is designed to know which brand comes in the consumer mind while consuming. intention behind this is to find out brand image of the coca-cola brands compared to other competitors.from the responses of the consumers ,coca-cola has the highest brand image in the in the consumers with the 84.6%.


3. Consuming of this brand

S.No.Consuming of this brandNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents

1> 10 years4530

25 to 10 years5838.6

31 to 4 years3926

4< 1 year85.3


From the response we can know that 30%of the respondents are consuming coca-cola brand from more than 10 years,38.6% of respondents are consuming coca-cola brand from 5 to 10 years, 26%of the respondents are consuming this brand from 1 to 5 year and 5.3% of the respondents are consuming coca-cola brand from less than 1 year.

TABLE 44. Brands of Coca-Cola preferred:S.No.Brands of Coca-cola preferredNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents


2Thums Up2617.3





7Kinley Water10.6

8Kinley Soda00



From the above graph we can know that 2.6% of the respondents like coca-cola. 17.3% of the respondents are like thumsup,59% of the respondents are like sprite, 16.65%of the respondents are like maaza,2.6% of the respondents are like limca, and 5.2% of the respondents are like fanta, and 0.6% of the respondents are like kinley water and 0% for soda. From the responses from the consumers it can be concluded that sprite has always been obvious choice for soft drinkers because it guarantees a great quality and giving the consumer great value for money.

TABLE 55. Purchasing of Coca-cola brandsS.No.Purchasing of Coca cola brandsNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents

1 200 ml10872

2 300 ml2315.3

3 600 ml00

4 5 Ltrs1912.6


From the above graph it can be concluded that 72% of the consumers are referring 200ml bottles for the sake of consumption. 12.6% of the consumers are preferring 1.5 litres bottle & remaining consumers are preferring 300ml bottles.

TABLE 66. Location of Soft drinks consumedS.No.Location of Soft drinks consumedNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents




4Kirana Shops3322



From the above graph it can be concluded that 54.6% of the respondents consume at bakeries,7.3% of the respondents consume at hotels and 6.6% of the respondents consume at theatres,22% of the respondents are consuming at kirana shops and 9.3% are consuming at outside.

TABLE 77. Occasion of Soft Drinks consumedS.No.Occasion of Soft Drinks consumedNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents



3At home2013.3

4With friends7952.6

5During meals1510



From the above graph ,it can be concluded that 12.6% are taking soft drinks at arties, 10.6% are taking soft drinks in the traveling ,13.3% are consuming at home,52.6% are consuming with friends,10% are consuming during meals and 2% are consuming in other periods.

TABLE 88. Impact Coca-cola products are very highly pricedS.No.Input Coca-cola productsNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents

1Strongly agree3824



4Strongly Disagree76.84

5Either disagree or agree00


The above graph shows that the prices of the coca-cola products are reasonable. From the above graph 24%of the respondents are strongly agreeing that the prices are very high, 17.6% of the respondents are agree about high prices of coca-cola products. and 52.6% are disagreeing about prices, and remaining 6.8% are not accepting the high prices.

TABLE 99. Choosing of Coca-Cola ProductS.No.Choosing of Coca-cola productNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents

1Brand name128



4Package 32





From the above ,it can be concluded that ,most of the consumers of coca-cola products are satisfied with the taste ,quality, and brand name and very satisfied consumer is likely with the brand and consume more than a satisfied consumer.

TABLE 1010. Kinds of advertisement preferred for Coca-colaS.No.Kinds of advertisement preferred for Coca-colaNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents



3News Papers10570



The above graph shows that most of the consumers are preferring the television advertisement ,70% of the respondents are preferring television advertisement than the other advertisements.

TABLE 1111. Schemes of Coca-Cola:S.No.Schemes of Coca

ColaNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents

1Strongly agree3020



4Strongly disagree4932.6

5Either agree or disagree00


The above graph shows that the consumer behavior towards the schemes of coca-cola. Majority of the respondents are happy with the schemes of coca-cola. But the remaining respondents are not happy

with the schemes.

TABLE 1212. Perception about Coca-colaS.No.Perception of Coca- colaNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents

1 Positive8053.3

2 Negative7046.6


The above graph shows the consumer perception regarding pesticide problem in thums up . majority of the consumers are positive towards the pesticide problem and they are not believed that problem. And 46.6% of the respondents are negative and they believed the problem.

TABLE 1313. Coca-Cola is easily available

S.No.Coca-cola is easily availableNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents

1 Yes12080

2 No3020


The above graph shows the availability of coca-cola products to the consumers. From the above graph we can say that majority of the consumers are happy with the availability of coca-cola products.

TABLE 1414. Satisfaction of Coca-cola brandsS.No.Coca-cola is easily availableNumber of

RespondentsPercentage of (%) respondents

1 Yes11476

2 No3624


The above graph shows the consumer satisfaction towards various brands of coca-cola .it can be concluded that most of the consumers are very satisfied with the brands of coca-cola. Only few consumers are not satisfied with the brands of coca-cola.


The coca-cola exist to benefit &refresh every one it touches.

By 1891, Atlanta entrepreneur, Asa G.Candler had acquired complete ownership of coca-cola.

From the year 1894 they began bottled coca-cola .

The company offered its stock in the New York stock exchange on November 21st,1986,in the largest initial public offering made up to that date.

Coca-cola has started its operation in Indian market in October 1993 this has been its reentry in the Indian market after with drawal of its operations.

Coca-cola corporate head quarters are in Atlanta, with local operations,in over 200 countries around the world founded in1886.

E.Neville isdell is the Chairman & CEO of coca-cola company.

84.6% of the consumers are preferring coca-cola brand.

Majority of the consumers are preferring coca-cola products because of taste&quality.

59.3% of the respondent consumers are preferring sprite.

72% of the respondents are preferring 200 ml bottles.

70% of the consumers are preferring television advertisement.

54% of the consumers are consuming the coca-cola products at bakeries.

majority of the consumers are preferring fruit juices in your brand.

most of the consumers are preferring plastic bottles in small sizes ,in order to carry in the journeys&traveling.

45% of the consumers are not happy with the schemes.

47% of respondents are believed the pesticide problem in your product.

80% of the consumers happy with the availability of coca-cola products.

76% of the consumers are happy with the products of coca-cola.

SUGGESTIONS Focus on brand building ,create unique and relevant proposition to command a larger market share. This will reduce dependence on the highly regulated trade and bring down the cost of sales.

Improve the quality of coca-cola products.

Decrease the prices of coca-cola products & make preparations of fruit juices.

Bring awareness among the people & the consumers about recent pesticide problem in your products.

Bring awareness among the people & the consumers about your schemes and most of the consumers are not believing your schemes.

The advertisements should be simple so that each and every one can understand easily.

Avoid unnecessary expenditure on advertisements.

See that all the products of coca-cola should available at remote places also.

Many competitors are existed in the market ,so coca-cola company need to retain its consumers through recognizing their wants and demand in order to satisfy them &increase consumer base.

Use more plastic bottles in order to carry the soft drinks in the journeys & traveling.

Please donate some amount of your profits to the old age homes and welfare of the society. So that your company can get good name in the present market. Improve the quality of thumsup.



1.a. Name of the consumer

b. Address

2.How often do you consume soft drinks?

a) daily b)once in two days

c) once in a week d)any other(specify)

3.Which brand of soft drink do you prefer?

a) coke b) pepsi c)others(specify)

4.How long have you been consuming this brand?

a)>10 years b)5 to 10 years

c)1 to 5 years d)
