Page 1: CO.; Walker Redward,...1 I DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVJGRTlSrM, StiPTlMBlM 2,... s CORRESPONDENCE. rnikm I3n Slutljoritn. conscquently, a considerable number of Sales. I gullies are


3ilrerfise Oanls.10

AdvertisergrcialG. P. CASTLE.J. B. ATUERTON.Walker & Redward, s.n.castle.

", ptBlISBED

vntH Sundays.

Knowledge is Safety.At a meeting of the Iron and Steel

Institute of Great Britain, held during avisit to the Glasgow Exhibition, Mr.Adamson, replying to a toast, said tooinstitute dealt purely with techmcWmatters. They now knew to a hun-dredth per cent, what the metals theydealt with contained, and they knew to avery small fraction of a ton what weightthese metals would carry in both direo.tions. (Applause.) Gentlemen in Scot-

land had had a painful experience in thelack of that knowledge when the TayBridge blew down. That bridge never

if the author of it


Importers, Wholesale and RetailDealers in

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission Merchants,.?c oo,r.

Groceries and Provisions.if--1 Six months

ZE1p;Err ear::;:: 5 co

ye1, kiv in Advance.

Contractors & BuildersBrick, Stone and Wooden Building

Estimates Given.

Jobbing; Promptly Attended to.



Greneiral Merchandise .4-l- House Goods n Npecialty181-- tf

GAZETTE CO.,AIU Honolulu, II. I. P. O. Box 423.Bell Telephone No. 2. --ALSO, AGENTS FOR--d. Mckenzie & co.,' ?11 tf

had been a member of the Iron and bteetInstitute. (Applause.) Directly afterthat bridge blew down, he (Mr. Adam-eon- )

tested several flat bars of ordinaryqualitv, such as those of which the bridgewas constructed, and he found thev weremade of fairly good iron and camed22tons per square inch longitudinally. Butwhen he applied the strain laterally thepressure they could endure never quitereached eight tons. He fancied it was

of the laws that

TKobala Sugar Co.,Grove Ranch Plantation,Commission Merchants, Haiku Sugar Co..Paia Plantation,

Papal kou Sugar Co.

R. Halstead's Plantation.A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,

G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.Park Beach HotelSHIP CHANDLERY,i

g'RASEHAN.Xnval Store and Groceries,

v 'BINDER, Opposite Itapiolanl Park, Waikikl.llrlcka, Inline and Cement.

ill.FamiUpa and Shita RUDulied on most reason

Union Tire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.

Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.

D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.The New York and Honolulu Packet Line

The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco.Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.

Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson

Hoof"1""' able terms. Island orders solicited.





governed the strength of material thatthe tremendous and unfortunate calam-ity arose.

mm' "

Speech of the German Emperor.Emperor William of Germany attended

the unveiling of the monument erected inmemory of the late Prince FrederickCharles at Frankfort last Thursday. The

Mutual Telephone 292. P. O. Box 479.

No. 26 FORT STREET, opposite Oceanic Steam-ship wharf. 216-- 1 y

Finest Bathing Place on the Islands.

Elegant Rooms, gas and water in each,


,.t,Lewer9& Dickson)

SEWIISTG MACHINES.Extensive Grounds, well shaded;The Table is supplied with the best

the market affords.

A m11

fcudsol Euildini! Materials.


B. LEVY & SON,Importers, Wholesale Dealers and

Commissson MerchantsIn Foreign and Domestic


STiltET. Honolulu.


.;cr8 to William McCaudless.)

Dealers in

Billiard Room and Bowling AlleyAttached.

Emperor was present at a nreatiastgiven in his honor after the unveiling,and gave a toast to German unity. Re-

plying to the speech of the Burgomaster,he said: .

" I well know how to appreciate tnoties of fervent and faithful devotion thatfor centuries had bound the Pruasianpeople to the Hohenzollerns. EmperorWilliam I. well knew whom heelectedwhen he conferred the command of theThird Army Corps upon Pii ice FrederickCharles. The Prince's iron frame, power-

ful will and strategic genius renderedhim eminently qualified to command.This is a serious time. Emperor Wil-

liam I., Prince Frederick Charles andnti.a military commanders ana

,1, Vial, Mutton, fctc,

Gk "W EST & CO.,Ifo, 105 Fort Street, Honolulu.

New Pianos, New Organs, New Parlor Sets,

NEW TABLES,New Diningroom Furniture, . ,

ew Bedroom Furniture,

r.jactn Street, Fish Market, Ml

Full information given to tourists as to thebest routes of travel, for scenery and curiosities;also current rates for horse hire and guides onthe other Islands.

RriaaeM and rarriapps will he furnished at spe

! nrHprs carefully attendedit lurnsLed to vtssatla at abort

We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds Inour line, and make a specialty in packing allkiuda of fruit for longdistance markets.

Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialattention.

628 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco.P. O. Box 1742,

E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu,118-6-m Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

.u:ltt of all kinds suppueu io

.u No. 12. f " New ricture Mouldings anu rraiues, uncta, mn.ti0,cial rates for excursions. Busses and baggagewagons will meet every steamer. Special ratesfor permanent boarders. A wagonette will beprovided for the use of guests at special rates.

C. N. ARNOLD, PROP.30-l- ni

first-clas- s Upholsterer just from the States, whoWe have in our eniploy aALFRED MAGOON,

" LWV5mey at thoroughly understands all ot tne taieai iasuiuiw iu ma w

ltfMint Street, Honolulu. Lambrequins a Specialty.:TAILUSC0URT ASHFORD,





Factory, (Solicitor, Aent to TnKer

helpers in the creation of the Empire areno more, tho' they will continue to livein the memory of the German peopleforever. Just as the people of Branden-burg, with their iron strength and un-

wearied activity, wrest a livelihood fromthe sterile soil, so the Third Army Corpswrested victory from the enemy. Thedeeds which the Third Army Corpsachieved they owed tothoPrinco. Therecan be no question as to the surrender of

what has thus been gained. Our eighteenarmv corps, our forty-si- x millions of peo-

ple, ought rather to be left on the 1attlefield than to permit one atone of " what

I tnUnn VVlih this

iDOHledtfuieulx, Etc.We have in our employ as good a Piano Tuner and Polisher as ever did work

of this kind here.:o:

Furniture and Mattresses of all kinds made to order and repaired. Lambrequins

Cornices and Cornice Poles and Picture Frames made to order.Vol Building, adjoining General

Kit Office. 27-3- m


Portland Cement.

B J. Iv K R Y .

Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker.Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

71 Hotel Street.Botli Tcleplioues 74.

has oeen gaineu iu uosentiment I drink to the welfare of myBrandenburg people."

We have the exclusive Agency for the VERY BEST GUITAR made in thiscountry, of Native Woods, equal to a Martin !


AK of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan.

Importer and Dealer in


M Queen Street, Honolulu, ltfG. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street.







iCommission Agents

The length of the pipe laid in Paris foe

the distribution of power by compressedair already exceeds thirty miles. Thecompressing engines are of 3.000-Uorse-pow- er

and about 3,000,000 eabio feet of

air are compressed daily to a pressure of80 pounds per square inch, at an expen-diture of 50 tons of coal. ! 'FOB SALE !JUST RECEIVED


Galv. Gmied In, &avtvt$tratnts.

kQrieen Sts., Honolulu, ltf

3EAVER SALOON,". Opposite Wilder A Co.'s,I J 0LTE, PROPRIETOR.lUucbea Served with Tea, Coffee,

EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE,Sugar Coolers.





""r.uiner Ale or Milk.--And Just lauded In Fine Order.

jTron, j a.m. till 10 p.m.6, 7 and 9 Feet Long. ForSalby

H. HACKFELD & CO.Barrel Shooks and Heads,

Ax Handles,Pick Handles,

Hoe Handles,Canal Baarows,

Nests Trunks.

Galvanized Barb Wire,Galvanized Cut Nails,

Galvanized Cut Spikes,Galv. Clinch Boat Nails, j

Iron Cut Nails (asst'd)Horse Shoe Nails..



ltfFor Sale By

H. HACKFELD & CO.215Alakea Sts., Honolulu.


I '"iTW, Pood wrrVmToil and a.

fainted. ltf Second-han- d Iron Safes.H. G. CRABBE,

HAY & GRAIN Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber,Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum, Meat Company,



StrU Honolulu.toTTON AND VEAL.

Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing, MMetalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust.


BOOK BINDER,Paper Hnler and Blank Book

Manufactnrer,Wishes to notify the public that he has removed

to larger quarters.

i1 8aaff. - "Electric" Kerosene Oil.Kino Street, - Honolulu,

Opp. the old Police Station. 32-l- m

31hlni Shipping served on aborts. ltf 81 KINO HTItEET,

"Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil,

Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each).IRON WORKS CO., . ox.,i- - I PiaotPf. Roaendale Cement, Fortiana uemem,NO. Id IVaailUmailll SUeei, D SaU Bales Excei8ior, Tubular Lanterns.fam Engines.

G. J. WALLER,185 1212Up Stairs5y Mill, coolers, BrassWad fast i ncs.


Established 1710.VlirLfJneJy desiption made toi" rn!v lou Paid ships' black- - Marine Meat Market

Fort St.. opp. O. S. S. Wharf,

executed on the shortestltf

Cumberland Coal.Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones,

Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black,Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-p- ly, Ox Bows,

Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks),

MANAGER.!EE hoyal SALOON. description ofT r. nnnn every

na Merchant Streets Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches.j, 'Managen-ento- r .Proprietor.


property at current rates of premium.

Total Sum Insured in 1885 327,333,700

and paidClaims arranged byLocfJAg9' jurisaicwith promptitude

tion of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.

Wolter, Sashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension TopHand Carts, Baby Cairiages,Vim- - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL

Carriages-t- he best ever consigned to us--and a First-clas-s Carriage.V UTcor iV f lbe be8t Wlne9'

, v uiAUUi

C. BBEWER & CO.Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton,

Fish, Sausage, and Vegetables

Also, a supply of

at all times.Salt Meats on hand

lm Agents tor tiawi"


THOMAS LINDSAYHas Removed His Manufacturing

Families supplied at shortest

noe anPdPwUh best attention.

n MrKF.NZIE. Manager. Groceries, Provisions and Feed,I c-- marchant. ANP


Thomas Block, King Street. H. HACKFELD & 00 ontractorsNavy 0Telephone No. vz

ENEBAI. COMMISSIOS AOEWT17 5treet, Honolnlu. Particular attention paid to repairing"


Page 2: CO.; Walker Redward,...1 I DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVJGRTlSrM, StiPTlMBlM 2,... s CORRESPONDENCE. rnikm I3n Slutljoritn. conscquently, a considerable number of Sales. I gullies are

1 I


CORRESPONDENCE. rnikm Sales. II3n Slutljoritn. conscquently, a considerable number ofgullies are worn in the lower portion of theflunk, but they are neither so deep nor soIon"- - as those in the western division of the We do not bold ourselves responsible for the

statements made, or opinions expressed by ouicorrespondents. For San Francisco.island. The southern slope is continuous, v

unbroken, and rainless to such a degreethat the thrpf? lava streams spoken of be

FURNITUREfore, although certainly hundreds of yearsTHE BARKENTINE Si

TCeply to Mr. Hym.Mr. Editor: Not wishing a continold, are quite bare of vegetation ana reneci,

when seen from a distance above, niirror-likf- trnvs of the sun from the smooth sur ued argument with Mr. llym, because I

face. Yet thev are covered with shrub andlove my time better than perhaps Mr.forest in their upper course, so far as thisHym his money in paying for such comtouches the region of.the clouds. Will Sail for the Above Port on or

For the sake" of convenience the Flora about Saturday, Sept. 29th.It has pleased His Majesty the King toappoint . James W. Robertson, Esq., to be

munications to put in the papers, I willto conclude only write this to let Mr.

mmROYAL MSgf Ik 4

gof the Hawaiian Islands is divided by

Vir.o-Phflmhpriji-m to the Royal House llym know that I am not a Macao Portu- -the author into five groups, "occupying tW For Freight or Passage, apply to

hold. of elevation." 1. The guese ana mat l was never called aw w Authorized to discharge the du- - CASTLE & COOKE,

Agents.lOG-t- dlowland zone, consisting of open country,iV nf Chamberlain vice Col. Curtis P. " Ham Ho Chang " and that in my stay

of four years in Macao I never heard: Iaukea, resigned. grass covered after rains. 2. The lower

forest zone, tropical in character and ris such name called to any Portuguese or

On Saturday, Septemj

a io ...dock, to;

At the residence of th.'


Luoalllo.treet.tbliHousehold Goods and


1 Handsome B.W.rarlor SetJ

1 enetlan Iariop s s

V. Bedroom itt i1M; CfntrTati,i


s-.a- x, m: O 1ST !anvbody else.'His commission dating from the 1st ofI am perfectly willing to leave theing from 1,000 to 2,000 feet above the

n Th( middle forest zone. This judgment of our statements to gentleOctober, 1S8S.

Iolani Palace, Sept. 27, 1883.

Sealed Tenders.

men in this city that have lived in Malies within the region of the clouds, anddevelons the greatest luxuriance in tree cao and to decide which one says the

falsehood. v

and jungle. The upper limit of this zoneOffice of the Board of Health,) Mr. Hym asks if "Chin Cows" are. Honolulu, fcept. 24, 1883. ) is from 3,000 to G,000 feet. 4. The upper Just lleceived by Lady Lampson,monkeys. I believe that they look more

like it than anything else that I everforest zone, which extends as high asSealed Tenders will be received at theOsaw.S.000 or 9.000 feet. This is characterizedOffice of the Board of Health until SAT 2 Stoves & Cookin' Mr. Hvm must know that Chinamen 50 Bbls. Fine Red Salmon.binURDAY, September 20, 1888, at 12 o'clock fry stunted trees and stretches to the up-- do not often in Macao throw a joke at a

for the supplying of Drugs andnoon, 1 Ice Chest, Etc.t Eper limit of vegetation which extends on Portuguese w ithout a very liberal rewardfor which his countrymen I often heard Absolutely Pure.Maunakea to a height of 11,000 feet. AMedical Supplies, to all Government Dis-

trict .Physicians, Hospitals, and Dispen-saries, under the care and control of the

theni thank. 105-2- W CASTLE & COOKE.fifth erroun is comnosed of the bog-flor-a 1 Brake and HiAdieu !

Hawaiian Citizen. t or quick raising, the Royal Balling Powder isfound on the high table land of Kauai superior to all other leavening agents, it in abBoard, for the term of one vear from FILTER PRESSES.solutely pure and wholesome and of the highest

leavening power. It is always uniform iuand on the marshy top ot .fcieka, a Quick Trip to tlie Volcano.October 1, 1883. Jas. F. HorJstrength and quality and never fails to makemountain of West Maui.Lists of Drugs, etc., can be had at the The steamship Australia arrived here, light, sweet, most palatable and nutritive food.By careful reasoning the author shows I?read, biscuits, muffins, cake, etc., raised with 107-t- dOffice of the Board. from San Francisco, about 3 o'clock P KVCTinKoval Baking Powder may he eaten Lot. without Paauhau Plantation, 1

Hawaii, March 9, 1888. JTile Board of Health does not bind itself that the volcanic action which gradually Tuesday, the 18th hist., and anion distressing results to the most delicate digestiveRisdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Franorgans. It will keep in any climate without Auction Saleduui up uie Hawaiian "oiku lftr nasSmmfrs were two gentlemen who OFcisco.deteriorition.X " CD " " r--

Prof. II. A. Mott, U. S. Government Chemist,steadily lrom west to east. iot only is Gentlemen We bave used two of your 30- -

to accept the lowest or any bid.

W. O. ASHLEY,Secretary of the Board of Health.

101-3- t tu th eat

were very anxiou-- i to visit tne oicano. after examining officially the principal bakingthe reasoning from geological data but cliainbereri Filter l'ressem this Beason. Theyare convenient, easily handled and are workingImmediately on landing, thev went to powders ot the comitry. reported:

The Roval Baking Powder is absolutely pure.from the author's own special ty, botany. entirely to our satisfaction. I can recommendthe office of the Kinau, and asked if the for I have so found it in many tests made both uo improvement on tnem.He says: steamer was going to- - the oicano that for that company and the United States Government.Tax Appeals. Valuable HorsesVery respectfully yours.

(signed) A. Moore,Manager Paauhau Plantation.

Geologists might hesitate to infer from week, and learned that she wrould not. "Because of the facilities that company haveMembers of the Tax Appeal Board this the absolutely, greater age of the wes for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, andThey then inquired if it would not becommissioned by the Minister of Finance tern islands, for geological evidence alone for other reasons dependent upon the proper-- FROM-proportions of the same, and the method of itswould not exclude the .supposition that all possible for them to go to the Volcano preparation, the Royal Baking Powder is unfor the year 1838:

, OAHU.the islands ot the chain were elevated at These Presses are being carried in stock inand get back in time to return by the doubtedly the purest and most reliable baking Honolulu and are sold at the very low pricethe same time and the volcanic activity powder offered to the piiblic. of 0"O.OO in Honolulu to meet the demand,Australia on the 25th inst. Mr. RoseHonolulu. J. T.Waterhouse, jr., W. P. Allen only died out sooner in the western than

A consignment is now on the way.IMP0KTE D Men

iRr nifAi f iv.n fj a. - i

"Dk. HENRY A. MOTT, Th. D.."5 1221-1- 3 V. S. Government. Chemist.m the eastern islands. Uut here botanical

. Ewa and "VVaianae replied, Yes, he could arrange it so thatevidence steps in to furnish the proof that Kiarion Irou & Loco. Worksin realitv the age of the different islands 82 12312m San Francisco.they could go up from Hilo by the old

road, returning to Hilo within ,'6 hours, W-AJNJ"TE-D.rises in progression lrom east to west, it

J , .Xi. K. Halualani, S. K. Kuhana; Waialua G. Mahaula, J. K. Robertson.'Koolauloa .N. Nakuaau, L. B. NainoaKoolaupoko. Jas Olds, J. Yr. P. Kamealoha

may be stateu simply in mese iew worus, and oe back here Sunday morning, to H. HACKFELD & CO.tarwVus;npuuic,S:Mln

On Monday, Octoberthat the flora of Maunaloa is the poorest accomplish which they would have toand most uniform, and that of Kauai the N AMERICAN WOMAN OF INTELLIGENCEMAUI. leave ior the oicano iinmeuiatelv, onrichest and most individualized in species, and experience wants a position aa house

HAVE JUST RECEIVED PERarrival of the Kinau at Hilo, whichand that on the whole the intervening keeper. City or plantation. Address for inter-view, MRS. L. OARV1N, this office. 102-3- t At 12 o'clock noon,islands follow the same ratio when allow would wait for their return till Friday, G

Lahaina .. , 11. Dickenson, A. PaliWailuku W. A. McKay, W. B. KeanuMakawao.L.Von Tempsky, Rev. J. P.Kuia ance is made ot uinerence in neigut; ior p.m. Owing to the late arrival of the At the Stables at the rear of j.13 ark Dentscliland,high mountains oner a greater diversity mail steamer, the Kinau did not leaveHana .H. Grunwald, J. K. Lyons sett's Office, Queen Strefof climate, and, therefore, suitable condi port that day till 8 p. m. On reaching

Kawaihae Purser Becklev telephoned toMolokai and Lanai. . tions for many plants which cannot live inlower zones.. . .-

-. R. W. Meyer, Kekahuna Hilo to have two horses ready to start 2 a 1 mJAPANESE BOY WHO OAN SPEAK F.KO- -AAt the very outset the author statesHAWAII. for the Volcano earlv on Thursday xi lish. For particulars apply at Metropolitan

From Europe, an assorted cargo of

NEW GOODS,"Which they offer to the trade

Meat Market. 104-t- fmorning, which order was carried out.Hilo Chas. Richardson, L. Severance his opinion thatand our tourists, after an early breakfast.North Hilo J. McKinley, S. W. fa Mares and Colts, fromthent

known Stallions IThere is no ground for supposing that in bestrode their animals and set out withHamakua. ..Milton Holmes, J. M. Horner past geological ages this isolation of the a guide at 7 o'clock, reaching the Vol- -Hawaiian group has been less completeNorth Kohala.. E. C. Bond, H. L. Holstein WW m a e . . LUNALIL0 and STANFO.cano Hotel about dusk, alter a bathIt is true that in a northwesterly directionSouth Kohala P. Jarret, P. Spencer At Lowest Market Rates,a succession of reefs and low uninhabited and hearty dinner, they descended to theislets extends for a distance of thirty. de burning lake,. which they found in lull SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCK-bold- erA of the MUTUAL TELEPHONE OO.

North Kona Chas. Kaiaiki, G. ClarkSouth Kona. . . '. S. Desha, Kaeo grees of longitude about half way to Japan, blast, and spent several hours in enjoy? will be held, for the purpose of altering the By- -

209 tf

J"list --Arrived.revealing a narrow band ot raised sea bot..G. W. C. Jones, C. G. Macomber Laws, at the 'oiupauy's building, on WEDNES

Terms Cash.i

Jas. F. Morgatom, with an average depth of less than ing tne sight ana collecting sjecimeiiswith bright moonlight to aid them. Ori

Kau. .


DAY, October 10th, at 10 a. m.R. Rycroft, Dickman 1,000 fathoms. This line of reefs and islets Friday morning they started back, and C. O. BERGER,100-t-d Secretary.KAUAI. follows exactlv the trend of the fissure in 100-t- f ACCTliXafter a rough ride reached Hilo in time!the globe's crust on which the HawaiianLihiie J. P. Hanaiki, John Gamble Ex Bark "C. R. Bishop,"to spend an hoitr or two doing the town;;volcanoes have been built up, and, as thereKawaihau E. Lindemann, J. Paaniau is abundant evidence that the age ot the Lost S20 fieward.before going on board the steamer;

1 1 11. trw wKoloa J. D. Neal, E. K. Kaloa different islands increases from east to wnicn lanueu mem in Honolulu onwest, it is fair to conclude that these islets,Waimea and Niihau Sunday nomine. The trip to. therocks, and reefs lie on the same fissure and.C. B. Ilofgaard, David Kua Volcano and back was thus accom Two of those well-know- nare oniv. the coral-covere- d peaKs or sub WEDNESDAY, BETWEEN THEON Stables aud the Gazette office, a Bank The Liverpool and Jplished in' four days and' five nights,'Hanalei. . '. C. Long, J. W. Lota merged older volcanoes, or, in other words,

at a cost ot about $55 or fOO each. Book and five ?50 Hawaiian Certificates, the cer-tificate numbers are known, and pavment hasthat the volcanic action commenced at the

One of these tourists left in the Australia don and Globe1i

northwest extremity, thirty degrees of Pianos !been stopped, A suitable reward will be paidby leaving the same at the Hawaiian Gazettelongitude northwest from the Island of last Tuesday, the other goes on to AusOffice. ll)6-2- tKauai, and graduallv moved on to the

. i. (Signed) W.L.GREEN,Minister of Finance.

102-l- Ot 1237-2- t


tralia w in the Mariposa; and INSTJR AJSTCE IIsland of Hawaii, with subsidence of the both are well pleased with the trip andolder formations while it progressed. But all their experiences during their short DRESSMAKING-- .the western extremity of this western ESTABLISHED 1336.,' f&3 For Sale by

ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER fe CO..King and Bethel streets.

stay here.raised sea bottom land is separated by aAssetsgreat distance and an enormous depth ofPacific Commercial Advertiser. .9 40,0

. 9,0

. 112.5Net Income.soundjng from the nearest high land. ISarkentine S. X. Castle Claims raid.M. B. CAMPBELL HAS COMMENCEDMRS. business of Dressmaking, Cutting andJapan, and the circumstance that the pres Ex Coranna"ent flora of the Hawaiian Islands has less This fine vessel is now .loaded fpr.Sn Fitting, at her residence, No. 73 Beretania street. Tabes Risks acainst Loss or Damageaftinitv to that of Japan than to any other opposite the Hotel. The patronage of the ladiesFrancisco, and will sail on MondayBe just and fear not:

Lei all the ends tbou aim'et at beThy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

warm or temperate country on the borders on Buildings, Machinery, SngarMilli.iland furniture, on the most favonble tejis respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaran-

teed. 88-t- fiSi the Pacific Ocean forbids altogether theassumption that this submerged chain of

morning.. She was on the Marine Rail-way eleven days, and during the time Bishop & Co!

1188.6m 1-- 6 ni 1

islands can have at any time formed a roadFrom Liverpool,

A Fresh Supply ofhad an entire new keel and shoe put on, J A.jVl ES CA.RTYfor the migration of plants.SEPTEMBER 29, 188SATURDAY,the latter coppered, the hull caulked toAny one who possesses a copy of awater line and her bottom well cleanedcurious pamphlet, entitled, "The Report7 GUINNESS' STOUT!HAWAIIAN FLORA. Can be fonnd next door to the P. C. A.

Oihce, Merchant Street.She is now in as first-clas- s order as when PACIFICiof the Board of Genealogy,'! might com- - launched, and Capt. Hubbard savs she

TtiQV,Flora of the Hawaiian Islands, pare these scientific reasonings with the has not leaked a drop since she came off HaCKS N0S. 18 37 G6 75 180 Bottled by M. B. Foster & Sons, London, andby W. E. Johnson & Co., Liverpool; also, Hardware CompfJthe posthumous work of the late Dr.

,i,.;.,. m, repairs, including towage to and fromIlillebrand, is a most valuable book.

AND WAGONETTE HO.Hell Telephone 204, Mutual 590.

tf CHAMPAGNES !V . , r 1 ; o ,I,oc ' u,"",fa l"c the railway, have been about $3,500

Those interested, even in an amateur iJ.eP,iNiauiru oi joo-- .I The owners and underwriters art to h

Of Benj. and Eng. Perrier. Chalons-sur-Marn- e:The botanical portion of this work is congratulated on the moderate charges ur Joseph Perrier Flls & Co., Chalons;Way, in the botany. of the Islands havelong, looked forward to its publication, preceded bv Bentham's "Outlines of and tho line condition in which the


HOT Have Just OpenedFor Edit or For Sale, ui veuve Amtot, (Jhalons,

Botany," which will be of great use to uale leavf8 Fort a! ,1 elrllonslexfor it was well known that Dr. Ilille For Sale by

siuuenis ana inose who uesire to tate upbrand had for years been employed ingetting and digesting his information, the study not only of the Hawaiian flora A PLEASANT COTTAGE 0 Ed. Hoffsclilaeer & Co. gu f

EING AND BETHELbut of botany in general.while to the careful student of botany In Ierfect Order. STREETS.

J'ollce Court.Friday, Sept. 28th.

Bill, Win. Isaac, drunk, $6 each.Benjamin J. Horner, badge 14, vio

The main portion of the work occupiesthe work will be valuable. 150 1 203-t- f

Col pages, in which are described 999To the casual reader the introductionA few minutes' walk from the Tost Office.


Which will repay inspection.J

species and 0G5 genera. It is a pity that lating carriage regulations, $3. Sugar Plant Jfor Sale.will apeal most readily but here, alas,the stroke of death has marred what funds were not available for illustrating In the Salesrooms on i th JIa l'ortuguese man ana woman are many articles enureiy new - itried for disturbing quiet of night andthese descriptions. Such a course wouldwould have been one of the finest re DAVIS & WILDER,discharged.have enhanced the value of the booksumes upon the physical characteristics

CIVIL CASES.very much.of the Islands that has yet been penned.The Entire Plant of the

STAR MILL CO. Special Goods at Special Prices-52 FORT STREET.James Lvle vs. Ilavmond Ileves.The book has three very well executedEnough, however, was completed to be

of great interest and a few comments Damage, claim $200, for collision on themaps giving the topography of the eight Kohala, is offered for sale. The machinery Isroad. Judgment for plaintm, $155, with IMPOETEES Household Goods in large vai

Complete Lines

niprincipal islands. There is also an exshow the plan which was to have been iu peneci worsing oraer, and consists ofexpenses making $161.60. Appeal noted.

followed in the latter portion of this sec Several cases are continued and otherscellent index in which the scientific, theEnglish and the Hawaiian names of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrie- r,Grocers A-- Provision Dealers.tion. settled. Hardware, Agncmnplants are given.Dr. Ilillebrand wrote with a graceful

A Tropi al Fruit Trust.We cannot close this brief reviewand practiced -- pen, and although a Ger Implements, Etc.fSTFRESH GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER.BJwithout speaking in high terms of the It is telegraphed from Georgia that a 1H3 yman by birth and education his English

few days ago a secret conference of fruit

eiu., complete.One pair of boilers, 6x20.One Double Effect. 6 and 7 ft. Pans.One Vacuum Pan 6 with Blake Pump.Three Weston Centrifugals and Engine.

Together with the usual assortment of ClarinetCleaning Pans, Coolers and other Machineiusually found in a well appointed Mill.Also, a number of

California and Island 91 ale.

capital editing done by Mr. W. F. Ililleis as perfect as of one to the manner born. Plantation SnppHe. Kerosenemen from all parts of the country wasbrand, the son of the deceased doctor. best quality ,In introducing the main subject the llMllI Jit. NflW Orlfntl at. wliw-l- i o ironiixil IN" E "W.The manner in which the work has been fruit trust was formed with an aggregateDoctor has dealt with the position of the of


Pacific HardwareCoLflj- -Islands and the influence of ocean cur- -GO

annoiaieu ana me care displayed in ar-- capital oi flU.UUU.UUU. Tins trust willranging the incomplete fragments found purchase the entire offering of tropical JAPANESE GOODS!rehti in bringing plant life to these

shores. A clear sketch of each of thefruits, and consumers will be unable to Cane Carts and General Plantation Implements,among tne J doctor s papers soeak verv get a single banana or plantain save

GO TO 3IAXDelivery will be given after next crop hashighly for the ability of this young man,larger islands of the group is given and through this trust. London capitalistshave advanced $0,000,000 to build a rail1. : 1 il r We have Just lleceived an Assortmentwho im eviueiiuy a worinv son 01 ahere wc can make comparison with the

ot Fine Japaneseroad in Honduras and elsewhere to conworthy father. ,To his pen is due thework of Dutton and Brigham. The work

wecu uarvcsieu, say aoout July I. 1889.

For further particulars apply to

John Hind,centrate fruits at certain points. fob roc-R-graceful dedication of the work. It runsunder discussion is much clearer and Fallacy - Goodsas follows :more graphic than that of either of the

aubcrtiscnurus. JEWELRYabove mentioned writers. And it is noElanager Star Mill,

Kohala, Hawaii.tfDEDICATED



Japanese Green Tea. nut nn in fnwonder, for neither of those gentlemenhad 'the opportunity for such intimatei t i e e i f IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF HIM straw-covere- d boxes: iust the thin a-- forjtnowieage oi every ieaiure oi ine group find Silver,willWhere youTO THE

HAWAIIAN PEOPLEas Dr. Ilillebrand had had.presentation.

Paper, Silk, Satin Screen and HangingPictures.MONEY TO LOAN; DiamondAvhose kindly, traits of Character heAs a specimen of the power to hit off

the salient features of an island in a few W,artiUcjwarmly appreciated and to whose wel-fare during a sojourn of twenty years,his best energies were unselfishly

devoted.short phrases we quote the following: Made up in

Handkerchiefs of Japanese Silk.Blinds made of Split Bamboo.Variety of Bamboo Articles.Fans of every description.Boxes and Jars covered with hp.intifni

4SUMS TOFUNDS TO LOAN INTRUST at a low rate of interestOf much more recent origin is East Maui, uion first- -

LEWIS Sd CO.Ilave Just Received ex S. S.


N. Z. Smoked HaddockAND

New Zealand Potatoes' 3f tf

Ten Dollars Eeward.

im all ttUclass eeenrity. Apply tobmlt up entirely 'by. the vast mountain108-- 1 w 1238-- 1 1 P. C. JONESmass of Ilaleakala. Its height exceeds colored straw.War Morocco, and bloodreigns in e 'd for them, viz;10,000 feet, and a vast triangular pit crater Tape for hats, etc., made of coloredflows like water. The Sultan. Mulev

straw.also received,with steep sides of 1,000 to 2,000 feet in

height occupies the summit. Its slopesstudded with numerous tufa conesslope

Hassan, has taken the field against therebels, and the contest is of the mo3t He b8Fancy Hardware of all kinds.

Silk Crepe and Satin Cloth, fornotice:.savage order. Tiger-lik- e ferocity is dis-played on both Bides, and from presentappearances the population of Morocco

ing chairs, tables, doors and windows.Different kinds of Porcelain ami T..,o A New Invoice ui j

JtVyquered ware, etc., etc.will be greatly decimated should the warlast much longer. rtal

to the sea witnout a oeit ot iiat land mter-veninc- r,

and three hare lava fields lie ex-posed in glistening blackness on the south-ern flank. Still, the subterranean fireshave been quiet for ages; there is no steamvent or hot spring on the island, and notradition of volcanic activity is preserved innative lore. The great height of the islandforces the clouds to deposit their moistureon the northern or windward side. Here,

craeWbich are veryf pHE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OFI Crown Lands haa been removed to the office SAKURAI & Co.,

Next door to Castle & f!naipThe vanilla bean grows wild in Mexico. adjoining the Legislative Hull, lately occupied

by tioveruor j. j. lominis.

HE ABOVE KEWARD vlLL BE PAID ONA conviction of any person found stealing

the Daily Advertiser or "Weekly Gazette" lro?uthe store or residence of subscribers.

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.Honolulu, March 30, 1888.

and, fresh from the forest, sells at $10 to$12 per 100. i IAUKEA,

108 1238-l- t Agent of Crown Lands. 108-l- m Kill 2 St.. Hnnnliilrt

Page 3: CO.; Walker Redward,...1 I DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVJGRTlSrM, StiPTlMBlM 2,... s CORRESPONDENCE. rnikm I3n Slutljoritn. conscquently, a considerable number of Sales. I gullies are

..... ihiihY-- -e-

MME&OtAL AhVBttwtfitis &ffllftfWl? 188g.! j j f M ! LOCAL AND (jISNKUAl. THE ASYLUM FATALITY.

Sdwlisenunts.Mr. P. C. Jones offers trust funds toloan.

The Action Taken by the Coroner-Writ- ten

Kvidence Including State-ment of the Superintendent.


FBH.AT, Sept. L8.

from Waianae,.BjervvooJ.

frm Wai"moibon'Kauai.


i Deputy Marshal Honki ns Pnrnnpr

Comes all the way n ICE from

St. Louis.

has granted our reporter the use ot evi-dence which he took in writing in hisinvestigation of the drowning of the uauuu l ujAjiii ur rijCj jjl u jejuniimtieui, iveoia at the Oaha Insane

1 'Friday, Sept. 28.

. rhaney, for Maui and

The Police Court is a terror to heed-less drivers.

The King's sale of horses will be heldon Monday.

The Tahiti Lemonade Depot has deli-cious buttermilk on draught.

It is denied that the proposed newboat club is founded on fiction.

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Col burn havelost a child by whooping cough.

Brigantine Consuelo will be despatchedfor San Francisco on Tuesday next.

For Japanese goods respond to the ad-vertisement of Messrs. Sakurai & Co.

Asylum. The testimony of attendantsand patients gives the facts of the caseas briefly summed up in our firstreport of the accident. Dr. Tucker the

'khop. Le CIaire' fr CirCUlt

jijea. Sandgurist, for fort Highest Premium--i Awarded Wherever Exhibited.

. . ,v v KKm . iMV' Mil' "Superintendent's statement,, however,throws some additional lisht on the case3

Of the Latest and Prettiest Designs.



Waltham Watches, Elgin Watches, Etc, Etc.At Exceedingly Low Prices. , .

CLOCKS BEAUTIFUL MARBLE CLOCKS.A Special Line of Alarm Clocks at $1.75 Each.

and is therefore published in full below.jnfT To-la- y. pa

.Hart, for the Colonies.

fASiENOKKS. Sale of furniture at the late Mr. Ilarri-n'- shouse, at 10 o'clock this morning

named Peter Hansen de-tl- ie

ship Rhea before herA seaman

serted fromdeparture.

ect Th ese Goods have all been personally selected in the States, guaran-teeing thereby a choice selection of the Newest "and Latest Designs.

Sample packages of Goods sent to any part of the Kingdom.Having every facility requisite for a first-cla- ss Jewelry Manufacturing Estab-

lishment, we feel confident that we can manufacture anything that may berequired in the Jewelry and Silverware Line. -


,ti!c. Pr stmr J A Cum'' Sl.MiJ A Cumiuins, wife and


..snj Hawaii, per stmr W G1

Kor W.lcaiio: Mr and MrsUcey.aiHllISmbley. For

rbbaina. eh;.: His MajestytjHS Martin, G W C Jones,J. "m.. Mr Malioney, Miss Ma- -

.J"1'1' rr I.M.I..,?,r. Mr lvnrw

The surf was running high at Wai-ki- ki

on Friday, and the water was warmfrom the souther.


J-- o-

Keola, it appears, was one of the class ofconsidered harmless cases, whose dan-gerous manifestations in the shape ofepileptic fits had been growing weakerand further between. This class of pa-tients had been allowed a good deal ofliberty, and the bathing tank being onlvthree feet deep, lias not been consideredperilous to any without suicidal ten-dencies. However,, after the fatality inquestion, the Coroner found that it hadojierated as a salutary warning to theSuperintendent and all his subordinates,who had already instituted measures ofincreased vigilance which were likely tobe made permanent. The following isDr. Tucker's statement:

Keola was admitted to the . AsylumApril 23, 1885, was registered as an epi-leptic maniac. At first was excited andviolent after an epileptic seizure. SinceOct. 1, 1887, he has been quiet and in-offensive, the fits have occurred at longerintervals and have markedly decreasedin severity. The last epileptic seizureoccurred Sept. 12, 1888, very light attack,lasting but a few minutes, did not loseconsciousness. He has required no

Watch Repairing and Engraving in our well-know- n manner.Dr. Whitney i3 putting in a waterfNs Kauhane, Hon J D motor at his office with which to drive

his dental machinery. GOMES & WICHMAN, Fort Street.. L' 'il l 111 .'l J Chinese and.M III JY." ' P. O. Box 343.iii ioc

Captains Hopkins and Larsen had asail round the water front in the policeboat yesterday afternoon. BE10VAL! REMOVAL !


Veer Kaulilua arrived last night

n'erKaimiloa will make another.'ijfurt'iioon.

--o-The Commissioners of Crown Landshave removed their office to the room iff

III mmadjoining the Legislative Chamber.

ruw morning.

nerKaala arrived last eveningWaianae.

ii).h:p Mariposa is due early thisifroru 2an Francisco.?i.f if and J. A. Kin" will finish un- -.ifir lumber next week.

Lady Lamp son has been shiftedie Oceanic Steamship Company's

The alalaua, uwiuvvi and aweoweo(red fish), set in about the wharves inlarge numbers on Thursday evening.

President Dr. Emerson of the Boardof Health did not go to Kauai this week,but will go on next Tuesday's steamer.

Mr. Harry 8aylor is about to start anew restaurant in the premises formerlyoccupied by Messrs. Wolfe & Co., Hotelstreet.

The 3G0 Chinese landed from the S. S.City of New York were released fromquarantine on Friday afternoon, 21 daysfrom Yokohama.

GOO EIMWill REMOVE his Business from the Store corner of Fort and Hotel Streets,


New and Elegant Store on Niinaim Street,Where can be Bought at GREATLY REDUCED RATES,

Dry Goods, Crockery and GlasswareTeas, jVXatting, Toys.


due this morning are:Viva, Mokolii, Waialeale and

special watching, as he has been per-fectly well behaved and harmless. Hehas never shown any disposition to sui-cide.

S. G. Tucker,Supt. Oahu Insane Asylum.

Honolulu, Sept. 2G, 1888.

Uecorative Art.Honolulu is keeping step with the

outside world in matters of refined cul-

ture as in many other respects. Thissentiment has its present suggestion froma look into the window of the PacificHardware Company, where some beauti-ful specimens of hand-paintin- g on chinaand crockery ware are exhibited. Thereare landscapes, fruits, flowers, Crustacea,faces, etc., and the work was executedby two ladies of this city, being bakedin a San Francisco pottery. It is as

iarkentine S. X. Castle will leaveiffliav for t?an Francisco with sugarter.sers.

... :i I I j. rrwrKioraniKi win it?;tv nexi mes- -yia4 for Howland Island, near.toloatl guano for Europe.

For Sale on Draught, at. fcaritirio Lurune has very likelyThere will be a game of baseball to-

day at the recreation grounds betweenthe lloads and Bridges and the Ven-tures commencing at 3 o'clock.

-- ALSO-htHilo, Hawaii, the early part ofi. with general cargo from Sanmorigan tine Consuelo lias finished un-'Car- co

and has already taken in su- -THE "PANTHEON."CUSTOM-MA.!- ! CLOTHING

Under the direction of a Fashionable Tailor. For Bargains call onGOO KIM, AT HIS N U UAN U-ST- RE ET STORE.

30-- tf;l J rice, ani she is exnected to sailBy the Mariposa the Ca'ifo nia Fruit

Market and the San Francisco Fruit De-

pot will receive two large refrigeratorstilled with fruits and cabbage.

.tjtweek for San Francisco.oarkC. R. Bishop will finish unload-t!a- -t

of her cargo coal this noon,is already taken in considerable sugary(, and will likely leave next Wed- -

The Honolulu Business Directory isabout tfeadv a neat handbook and as FOE TWO WEEKS, GEEAT BAEGAINS.'urisan Francisco.

Tlie RisdonIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,

San Francisco California

W. H. TAYLOR PresidentR. 8. MOORE Superintendent

soon as a copy can be spared us for re-

view will be more fully noticed. 105--1 in

artistic work as one could wish to see,and other ladies can have similar paint-ing baked into ware on leaving it withthe above company.

.6"The Chamberlain's Office.

Mr. James W. Robertson, who has forabout eighteen months been bookkeeperin the Chamberlain's office, is officiallyannounced as having been appointedVice-Chamberla- in to the Royal House-hold ; authorized to discharge the dutiesof Chamberlain vice Col. Curtis P. lau-ke- a,

resigned, and his commission dat-ing from the first of October, 1888.

DIED.TRX-- In Honolulu, Sept. 27th, thedm of Jno. F. and Julia Colburn,:lnionth. of whooping cough.

H.VRGKD WITH LARCENY,Builders of Steam Machinery

In all its branches.Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers,

High Pressure or Compound.- - - '

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.

JeBom In Dan Hone's Ark Theiwu-tn- l a G. A. 11. Comrade.


visable. . : :

STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs conm Short, a member of the G. A.

T arrested on Friday afternoon atKance uf Daniel Bone, on a war-iar-i- n

him with larceny. There2 story back of the legal proceed- -

structed with reference to the trace in wbicnthey are to be emi loyed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

The Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOF THE UNriTB STATES.

Stands First Among; tie Leading Life Assurance Companies of the World,

In Outstanding Assurance, in New Business, in Surplus, in Total Income,in Premium Income, in the annual Increase in Surplus and

Assets, in the Percentage of Assets to Liabilities,and in all other Important Respects.

Assets. Dec. 81, 1887, : : : 84,478.904 85.Outstanding Assurance 8483,039,563New Business of 1887 138,033,105Surplus (4 per cent. Standard) 18,104,355Increase in Surplus during the Year 1,748,379Increase in Assets during the Year 8,868,433Total Income 33,340,849'Premium Income. 19,115,775Percentage of Assets to Liabilities 137 1-- 3

A Careful Study of the above Proves Conclusively that 1he Equitable Societyis the most Profitable and Secure Life Assurance

Company for intending Assurers. ,


SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making . Machinerymade after the roost approved ,plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.which there is only space here WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made ln suitable lengths for connectingtogethf r, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

Mte the different stages. Bonoark-a- lout which items have ap--Jin the papers built for his

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water- -

rs W a carjienter named Foster, Pi pes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork being far superior to hand work.

" n alter completion he owed the

Tenders for transportation of patientsand freight between Honolulu and Molo-ka- i,

also tenders for supplying medicinesto the Board of Health, close at noonto-da- y.

One Namauu was brought from Waia-lu- a

under arrest on Friday, charged withassaulting Major Wroughton and Mr.Buick with a dangerous weapon, to wit,a stick.

Mr. Goo Kim has moved his businessfrom the stand for a long time occupiedtherewith, corner of Fort and Hotelstreets, to his new store on Nuuanustreet.

Judge Preston will render his decisionin the case of Wideuiann vs. Minister ofthe Interior, injunction to restrain de-

fendant from grading Halekauila street,at ten o'clock this morning.

Residents of Nuuanu Valley have notbeen deprived of omnibus service sincethe Pantheon Stables dropped it, as Mr.William Bichardson immediately took itup and runs commodious vehicles.

The Hawaiian Social Club holds itsweekly social this evening, and on Mon-day evening its quarterly meeting for theelection of officers. At this meeting itwill be decided whether to keep up theweekly socials.

At sunset last evening three or foursharks put in an appearance almost un-

der the veranda of Mr. G. West's resi-

dence at Waikiki, the house being builton the beach. One of them was esti-

mated to be not less than ten feet long.They sported about, occasionally jump-ing well up out of the water, until some-time after nightfall.

SHIP WORK. Ship and Steam Capstans, Steamr a sum of money. Finding it;.ep his head above water, as Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made

after the inoBt approved plaus.SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the Pacifio

Coast of the Home Safety lioiler.PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or

w, the owner liad the arkf to the possesion of Short,

it from the Marine Kailway:Site near Iwilei.

the new owner having got workcity works pun oses, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.--5wroaii engine at Moiliili was

Sar there, it ia alleged that Hone J. N. S. Williams Honolulu.Room No. 3, upstairs, Sprecki.i' Block., ullu UU arK ana erij0yei

41-3- m Agent for the Hawn. Islands..,7, r? some tJ"ie nndisturbed.

Drink Moxie at the " Elite."Horn's genuine Butter Scotch.

Genuine Butter Scotch (Horn's) forcoughs.

Magazines at Graenhalgh's, 106 Fortstreet.

Ladies' glace trim Cotton Shoes atFishel's.

Horn's Butter Scotch, the best lubricatorfor the throat.

Get your newspapers at Graenhalgh's,100 Fort street.

Milk Shakes at Tahiti Lemonade Depot,28 Merchant Street.

For a stylish Hat or Bonnet, go to Sachs'store, 104 Fort street.

New novels, bv the most popular au-

thors, at Graenhalgh's, 106 Fort street.Extra Fine Cream Cakes and Eclairs

every Tuesday and Friday at the Elite.

Just opened, a fine line of French KidShoes for ladies, misses and children,atFishel's.

Ladies will do well by calling at Fishel'sand see his new stock of French Kid Shoesand Slippers.

Best variety of laces and embroideriesalways to be found at Sachs' store, 104

Fort street.W. H. Graenhalghhas all the papers and

magazines upon his counters for sale atSan Francisco prices.

It has been proved by unanimous verdictthat the San Jose Lager Beer on draughtat the Royal Saloon is the best.

Children's tine lace dresses, children'sfine embroidered dresses; something new,at 104 Fort street. N. S. Sachs, prop.

Irritated throats and annoying coughsare quickly relieved bv the genuine ButterScotch, only to be found at the PioneerSteam Candy Factory of F. Horn. Plentyof testimonials.

The Pioneer Steam Candy Factory, Bak-ery and Ice Cream Parlor is the only' estab-lishment in Honolulu that can afford tosell the best Ice Cream at $2 per gallon, andno others can. . .

to back toL'V v t 'Lsion go4 t1"'1 etfects and furnishings

;fi? hone occupying one of the- tnder legal advice he left the CHU ON & CO,,ini Vi ere but notified Bone to

tokethem away. The latterover the things charged Short

Importers and Deftlers In

:f,m . mot money that hadaled nmier Bone's bed, andiuJ ?rnt for w arrest. Chinese fi Japanese Goods:w;rr ' 1 ost Commander of Geo.

going toinn ' U' A! abot nine o'clock to give 42 NUUANU STREET,the

tos "normed that

i. TSired ,would be from $300W n!!8r ""asonably lii


It having come to our notice, that an inferiorquality of Gin, purporting to be J. J. Melciiers'" Elephant " Brand, is being offered for sale inthis market, we have to

Caution, tlie IPxiblicThat we are. the Sole Agents in the Hawaiian Isl-

ands, for the said Brand, and that every genuinebottle bears our " Sole Agency " label.

W. c! PEACOCK & Co.,

Sole Agents for J. J. Melchers'Schiedam, W. Z.

94 1336-6- m

iiSofhdal within reach who'Re iiiu . ! .... .

A fine stallion was shipped by theW. G. Hall yesterday, for Kona, Hawaii.He is the property of Hon. John D.Paris, and was raised in Waialua on thisisland, being sired by Cator. a dark brown color, of medium height,well suited for breeding carriage horsesand roadsters. He is a very showy ani-

mal, and was the admiration of all whosaw him on the wharf. The horse wasbought from the Hawaiian Hotel Stables.

i i, ?1Kjn'imy of modify-- i

nl ,ltIloned to theil Mral aSd the latte- - ve in-",Jl'n- bl-

cers to accept a de--

"Trt..-- c ' Meamei W. G. Han.le departure of the KonaKan aearner drew out a lunmr;rg at the

i ... Interinland S. S. wharfM 1 II

Convicts Quarrel.Some Chinese piisoners ventured to

settle an old feud while waiting for cartson the King street works on Friday.

W" 118 MaiVstv" the

Jb . horn, rropneioi.I beg to call the attention of my friends

i the ppneral imblic to my fine stock otr..i . : "i"

Have constantly on hand. Silk, Satin,Crape, Grass Cloth, Embroidered andHemstitched Silk and Grass Cloth-Handkerchief- s,

Silk and Crape Shawlsand Scarfs.

A great variety of Chinese and Japa-nese Tea Sets, Vases, Bronze and Lac !

quered Wares.Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortoise Shell

Card Cases, Taper Cutters, Fans andJewelry Cases.

Gold and Silver Jewelry, setting with;Tiger Claws, Cats' Eyes and Amber,such as Scarf Pins, Earrings, Bracelets,Necklaces, Etc.

An assortment of Chinese and Japa-nese Nick-Nac- ks and Curiosities too nu- -merons to specify.

Chinese Matting a specialty.Ebony and Marble Furniture in sets

Tables, "Chairs and Sett-ees- .

A full assortment of Flower Puts, Arti-ficial Flower Baskets, Lacquered andBamboo Goods, Etc. :

New Goods received by every steamer.The public are resjectfully invited to

inspect our goods. ll-3- m


'ean,P? 18 ltte the sail- -

fHih";. .V. '"conee pIan.- i iim wnrL-- ic,

Boat For ale. City Market,aahi1 e ?i the lowing

;nihaJ !a !Sty' ln vetoing thS

croods just received. A careful inspectionwill convince you that better goods in myline have never been offered m this city.Please give me an early calL

Received per Australia, Sept. 18th,

Two Refrigerators containing Grapes,Plums, Pears, Quinces, Peaches, hiteHeart Cabbage, California Tomatoes, Cau-

liflowers , Celery , etc. , all in excel len t ord er.California Fruit Market.

'. Mutual Telephone 378.

andTHE BOAT SAVED FROMthe wreck of the 'DnnnotarCastle," and sold at auctionto the Kint. has been re

vlL I if tmvf- 1 Al, legislaturebill Joseph Tinker, Family Butchergrantinsr a bonus of fivef,y l Oil Phffan crop will betf" fin tn. "..V."

other , .c uie harvest.

fitted, coppered and decked over by Mr. Holland,and is for sale cheap for cash by

92-- tf E. R. RYAN. Boat Builder.

Hewett's Bookstore..1. '.. 111 f XI WW 1Mun I Tw t Vvij-r- -i I iri riin llr.ll

TO NOTIFY HIS FRIENDS AND THEBEGS that he baa improved facilities fordeliveeingthe Choicest Meats, tc.and he herebysolicitD those families he has not served before

Ifor . i"1.11?' anJ several tour-- 'Mvtrimmtntz.

They had implements of war in the shapeof hammers and stones ready, but thesteam roller coming along prevented thefight taking place as soon as preparedfor. When the opportunity arrived therewas a brief scuflle, iri which queues wererudelv pulled about with Chinamenswinging to them. The lunas preventedserious hurt to anybody, but a " fiend1of one of the factions hied away and gotout a warrant for the leader of the otherside the Deputy Marshal not being in-

formed at the time that the accused wasa prisoner.

Supreme Court At Chambers.Friday, Sept. 28.


Equity division. C. Monting et al. vs.Yee Hop & Co. W. R. Castle and W.A. Whiting for plaintiffs; A. S. Hartwellfor defendants. It is decreed by theCourt that the Master's final reportherein filed be confirmed, the plaintiffs'bill being dismissed, and that the costs

to give him a trial. THE CLIPPERn Concert. Promptness, dispatch and cleanliness Isthe his motto, serving the best Beef, Mutton, Veal, Bark Lillian,!er't bv f,prolrame for the enter- - Lamb, Fork, etc, tne market affords. His Corned

ue Beef and

Cambridge Sausages,Wl,"theY-M.0.AHall- :in.): .'U

TO THE CONTEMPLATEDOWINGof the uuderslgned by the Octobersteamer, all indebted to him are requested tosettle their accounts before the 30th of Septem-ber.

All books, stationery and other goods in hisstore are c He red to close at cost, or

30 per cent, redaction.

from regular prices until the above date. Thestock in every line is new and fresh.

Fresh daily, and cannot begot at any shop ln

340 Tons Register,


Well fitted for immediate despatch.

i2TFor particulars, apply to

Change of Partners.VIRM OF CUV LUNG & CO.. DEALERS

Tn Dry Good and Tailoring. No. 86 NuuanuChu

have this day dissolved partnership,Pin? withdrawing from the firm, and baa no

connection with it.further hrmineaNine will hereafter carry on the

by this firm. 107-- 3t

Honolulu, Sept. 22, 1888.

Mrs T. C.PorterMiss A.M. Pay son-- Mrs. W. W. Hall--Miss Evelyn Dexter

Miss L. Dressier

xown out tne City Market.

tWS. B I am prepared to deliver meat withln a radins of three miles of the city.

Telephone 289. both Companies.33-3-m CITY MARKET, Nunann St.

I ''lUfJ ... 'A r?j. j , AM. WhitnevWING WO CHAN 6 CO.,

Nuuanu Stree)j Icorr ,iear ie ladies. Every- - A. M. HEWETT. 94-2- W80-t- f

De paiu oui oi me partnership iuuuo.1

Page 4: CO.; Walker Redward,...1 I DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVJGRTlSrM, StiPTlMBlM 2,... s CORRESPONDENCE. rnikm I3n Slutljoritn. conscquently, a considerable number of Sales. I gullies are


(General 3torttscments

s. foster CO., Australian Mail Service.flf EmMjL 5

Mm? ISTo. 17 Street.Importers anJ Wholesale Dealers In - EmmaFOR SAN FRANCISCO, O ON ACCOUNT OFThe undersigned begs to inform the public of these islands that he is making Shirts by EEMOtJmeasurement. Directions for self-measureme- nt will be given on application.Groceries & Provisions raw new and fine Al steel steamship White Shirts, Over Shirts and Night Gowns.


" A fit guaranteed by making a sample Shirt to every order. Island orders solicited.--::


Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Auclclana

on or about m. MELLIS--i2T Bell Telephone 4lO. 104pueohaslnq agents,

G--E 1ST XJ 1 1ST E

CLEARANCE SALEOct. 20th, 1888,

and 28 California St., SAN.FRANCI3CO.

And will leare for the abre port with malls andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to : ofSPECIAL ATTENTION Paid to Selecting and

Packing Goods on Foreign Orders.Just Received a Full Une of--

GENTLEMEN'S v AND .Wm. (x. Irwin & Co., LADIES', CHILDREN'SWo hah AimRnnh and Fancy pi

litClLlUllUl V ---LUU11UaTCareful Attention given to all Commissions

and Satisfaction Guaranteed BOTH IN TRICEAND QUALITY. 168-l-y 1206-l- y For Sydney and Auckland. In COTTON --Ba- tllillg SuitS-A- nd in WOOL

coiiPRisixa- --- ALSO-

Ladies' Black Diamond Dye Hose.C, BEEWER & COMPANY,




Plush Sets, Ladies' Work Baskets I


i-- tf

In Plush and Leather;

The new and fine Al steel steamship

''IMAJRIPOSA."Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about


LIST OF OFFICERS: And will have prompt dlapatcn with malls anP C JotiM Jr PMMnt.n t.n.n.. I assengers for the above ports.

Hon. W. F. Allen ..AndiS COMMODATIONS, apply to

Bisque, Glass and Parian Ware, Opera and Marine Glasses, Telej



TTT r r

From Australia,

The Leading Millinery HouseOF CHAS. J". FISHEL,


DIRECTORS: Will. l. lrWlH tV, O..Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. H. Waterhouse

FOR SALE. hVOk LOT & GO.,And other things too numerous to mention. All the above Goodwill be offered at the

s113 Nuuanu Street, opposite Emma Hall A FINE LINE OFT! l . r t t Ir urmiure iiiaiiiiiactorv importers and dealers in - 5

Chinese & Japanese Goods, kMTall hlltS, Dl'eSS Silfcs, SatinS, L0WEST quoted iN the kingdom.And Turning Shop with Lease ofProperty and Building

:o:--JS FOR TEN YEARS, BELONGING TO-- TL BAM SANG. CO., corner of Bethel Flre Crackers, New Designs In Cups andyO nd KiS streets, with the folic wing Sauceea, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of Fancy

Lawns, Satteens, Cretons, Lace Curtains,AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF FINE

GoodsMachinery, Tools, etc.:At Oreally Reduced Price. bPPnw31Ji1fabVe ?00(?s ?re New' Fresh and oi the Latest Designs hi

recent arrivals and were selected expressly tor the trade.

1 Engine and Boiler, 20 h.-p- ,, in good order.1 Beach Table Band Saw, complete;1 Turning Lathe with Tools, complete;1 Bench Table Jig Saw, complete;1 Moulding Machine, complete;1 Beading Machine, complete;1 Circular Saw Table, complete.

Regnlarshipmentsbyeverysteame, FANCY AST) STAPLE DKY GOODS !

WHICH WE WILL OFFER ATPOST OFFICE BOX NO. 255. OPEN EVENINGS,Very Low IPrices,tZT The above machinery, boiler, tools, etc.are In perfect order and to a responsible partyliberal terms ill be given. For full particularsapply to

-- lm SAM SANG CO.Cl-t- f!BU AC

ORGANIZED 1850.J 106 Fort StrelW. H. Graenhalgh,LOVE'S BAKERY I THE GREAT CALIFORNIA INSECTICIDE,1 he Manliattan Life Insurance Companyko. 73 NKnu 8tree, 34-3- m


MRS. ROBT. LOVE, - Proprietress. I fiflWP fa fl Tmifofimia of HSTew Y"oi?k.VfX J-Ji-ll A LUX UXV 11 k3

Every Description of Plain and Fancy Which are being put upon the market. t3" Assets over 811,000,000. Net Surplus over 83,000,000.-- o-

WOLFE & CO., KING STEEET,Have Just Received an Assortment of

Bread and Crackers,f res n

Soda Crackers


Groceries, Provisions and Fee

POSITIVE RESULTSUf a Policy in the Manliattan Life on the New Plan.

Age, 30; amount of Policy, $10,000; term, 20 years.The Annual Premium will be 9 3Ql gQThe 20 payments will amount toAt the end of that time the Company will return to the holder Yn cash:::: SOO OO

& sucri asDupee Hams , and Bacon, Kits Pig Pork, Kits Salmon Bellies,

gMS?' nd lelnngi le8 Sauerkraut, Limberger Cheese,iuettamurets. Smoken SansMcrfa nrn ni, j xa


Saloon BreadAlways on Hand.


Bole Agents In the

HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Brr.U Rnmf- - 5read Fnch and American Peas, Sugar CThus the ?10,000 Insurance will have been secured at the net cost for 20years or only. ............. ....OP Sl.fiM frr Si nnn ." 33C 00 5 v; Aluru awsage, uurried Fowl.Table and Pie Fruits Olive Oil, Pickled Olives, Oysters,or If the Cash be not drawn the Policy will become paid up for 10,050 OOFOR THE Germea, Rolled Oats, Pearled Wheal, Oat Meal, Corn Meal,Island Orders Promptly AUended;to.

172-S- m Th0r. n WWKBU wneai, uats, tfran, Corn, Wheat, liarlej, t

Buhach Producing SSSBSBa, Grapes, picked every day and sold for 25ctsperQ-n-

rl Mf(y Pn V LeaTe Ynr r1 or Kng tip 191 or 3 19. J:JEWELRY ! JEWELRY !

U1AU asn or ram up Value being Guaranteed by tbe Tfirm. nfI Ithe New York Law.STOCKTON, CAL.

73 aul2tf N" NOTT,NEW GOODS AND DESIGNS. Clans Sprecbrels Wm. Q. Irwin. thFe06fflce n tLe 10 and 15at oF'thige!;" 'ears P". write or applyr m v




Cold Chains, Lockets, Pins,

i1 - .

Diamonds, Plated Ware. I wona.

Will receive deposits oh open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.Kukui and Shell Jewelry.

New Goods. flew Goods,

NEW GOODS.To Arrive Per S. S. Australia, Sept. 18th.

A Large and Complete Assortment of Choice New Goods, selected byiviK. bAuHS, personally.

Deposits bearing Interest received In their Savlngs Department subject to published rules andregulations. 17oc3tf

WENNER & CO., Stoves, Banges and HousekeepirHONOLULU MARKET.93 Fort Street. 109 tf


Plumbing' Tin' Coppeand Sheet Jn(Successor to Wm. McCandless.)

No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market, Hoxiolnla, II. I.






Choicest Beef, Muttoo, Pork, Fish


Always Kept on Hand.Best Eoller Flour

MADE IN AMERICA. tr'lLDEBWait, wait, wait, and do your Buying atMeals Superior to all Others LiSS "d Bhipping ordcr8 CarefulIy

Tli a Pnrm Mill XT I A i 77! i j . - Hono. .Live Stock Famished to Vessels at short vj- - iaauja xTxxiimoij iLU UOU, 1J Oil Ot. TO and 77 Klincr Street,i - n s I notice.u-onsaiv-

es c& uo., I

SOtf Sole Agents Hawaiian Islands. J TelepllOIieS 3N0. SISN". S. SACHS,


: Prop.Bell Telephone jfo. 275. 69
