  • 8/13/2019 Cloud Atlas Literary Analysis "book"


    Cloud tlas Literary nalysis

  • 8/13/2019 Cloud Atlas Literary Analysis "book"


  • 8/13/2019 Cloud Atlas Literary Analysis "book"


    Humanity is greatly influenced by the dynamics of power within interpersonal relationships.

    Natural predation can almost be explained as a parasite that is waiting for the perfect host latch onto

    and suck the life out of. The Parasite Dr. Goose in the Adam Ewingsstory provides a great example of

    the predatory nature. He preys on the week such as cats prey on mice, and first mates prey on cabin

    boys. The week are meat, the strong do eat(David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas.Pg. 523-4) as Dr. Goose

    poisons Adam Ewing in a slow coldhearted way to steal his fortune, he inherently neglects to realize the

    power of the human relationship between Ewing and Autua. Autua realizing that the man who saved his

    life was now slowly being killed, so he intervened. In an alternative predatory notion, the man needing

    to be saved could be considered weak, and the rescuer only acts out of self-interest. Doing these acts

    automatically degrades the person being saved and they are now in debt to this person. In some

    instances, this is a predatory act of personal interest so they may have somebody in debt to them. Autua

    within you Ewings debt he feels obligated to serve in and in the end the debt repaid, in turn changing

    the power dynamic. Mitchell will portray such ideas with the Swannekke island security chief Joe Napier,

    who was rescued by Luisa Rays father, he tells Luisa the most humiliating thing you can do to a man is

    to save his life(David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas.Pg. 415). As assassin Bill Smoke attempts to kill Luisa,

    Napiersfulfills his debt to her father by saving her life, however according to him he humiliates Luisa in

    the process.

    In the story of Luisa Ray, predation seems to invade the capitalistic role on societies and the

    characters within the novel. It is a Story of corporate America corrupted by using illegal means to

    manipulate all situations whatever the cost as long as the power remains in their favor. From sweatshop

    workers to nuclear waste with the potential use to make nuclear weapons, capitalism is portrayed as a

    corrupt and is responsible for all the controversial activities. This brings us to the story of Sonmi-415

    with a society where technological advancement triumphs over moral obligation. This resulted in a

    society with genetically engineered fabricant clones designed to be used as slaves for a consumer driven

  • 8/13/2019 Cloud Atlas Literary Analysis "book"


    industry known as Nea So Copros. This unchecked power over people and predatory nature leads to

    endless consumption and a post-apocalyptic world of the Valley tribe. The main theme behind these

    turn of events is our predatory natures and allthat goes along with it the need to conquer, consume,

    and in turn destroy with no acknowledgment of the possible consequences of their actions.

    Mitchell portrays a postmodern society within Sonmis world where consumer capitalism

    ignores the impacts they have on the world and a society that is slowly poisoning in itself to death.

    Poisoning coupled with predation is a theme that runs throughout Mitchells novel not necessarily

    poisoning the world; it could be the literal poisoning by the hand of Dr. Goose in the Adam Ewings

    story. Poisoning can take many forms and can be forcing on you to retain certain knowledge or the lack

    of knowledge, the power of suggestion often times is invoked by poisoning their brains will without their

    knowledge, it is used to retain power over a situation by preying on others. The environment, people, or

    thoughts can be potential candidates for poisoning, but peoples minds most of all. People with power

    often like to keep that power by poisoning the minds of a race or culture that could possibly overthrow

    that power. Knowledge can cause the downfall in the hierarchy of power if a certain group or

    community discovers the truth, therefore; poisoning of the mind, forgetting the past, or keeping people

    in the dark are what a predatory society uses to stay in control. Us. Fabricants. We cost almost nothing

    to manufacture and have no awkward hankerings for a better, freer life. We conveniently xpire after

    forty-eight hours without a specialized Soap and so cannot run away.(Mitchell cloud Atlas 336 for

    Sonmi and all the other fabricants are poisoned by their so-called soapwhich numbs their senses and

    makes them compliant. The price of knowledge can be high; as Sonmi goes to a place called

    Xultation, where she discovers that its not the Paradise they said it would be, instead after 12 years of

    service, the fabricants are instead murdered and remanufactured into the soap theyconsume every

    day. (David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas.Pg. 347) (summary ) The lack of knowledge of which what is really

    happening keeps the society compliant and the fabricants physically and on the drug so it is impossible

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  • 8/13/2019 Cloud Atlas Literary Analysis "book"


    relationship. Arys is crippled and unable to play or compose music by himself. The desire to retain the

    power he had the famous composer led him to employ Frobisher even to the point of poisoning his

    reputation to enable his own success. On the other hand, Frobishers starving for the fame with his

    cloud Atlas sextet he preys upon the weakness of Ayrs crippled condition and extreme actions as well as

    extreme consequences without a second thought. Now once again they have both cannibalize

    themselves because of the desire for power and success with the nature of predation at its core.

    Mitchell exhibits the extreme consequences and self-destruction, which is preceded by predacious acts.

    Making the wrong decision is a realization and thought which is carried out throughout the novel, Ewing

    is this character; I believe examines the poor choices humanity has made, in the most depth. The end

    of the world is humanities oldest past timeThe end is what we want, I am so afraid the end is what

    were dam well going to get (David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas.Pg. 471) Mitchell seems to lay out an entire

    history of the world exhibiting the mistakes humankind makes by being consumed with power and

    predation. I believe the novel is trying to tell us if we continue down this path of poisoning our brothers

    and sisters, consuming ourselves, and becoming a slave to corruption this will lead to our destruction.

    However, what if we could change, can we learn from the mistakes and devastation from those who

    came before us or destined to repeat the same mistakes of our ancestors. Mitchell shows us our desire

    to change our path after the mistakes have been made. Timothy escapes from the Aurora house

    compelled to see the place destroyed, Luisa still tempts fate trying to expose the corruption of

    corporations even after several assassination attempts, Ewing after surviving his return to America

    devotes his life to attempt to change the world. The greatest notion I got from Mitchells novel is that

    we are destroying the world because of our choices to pray upon one another for personal gain. Society

    can exist if we stop search for ways to gain power over one another, this is portrayed especially in

    Zacharys narrative where the individual choices he made by overcoming the desire for control of

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    something he does not understand, learning the truth and acting for everyones interest shows that our

    future is not predetermined. I hope that someday we can all overcome our predatory nature.
