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CLIP 2: Searching & Citing

Jim FitzGerald

Today's Questions• What did we talk about last time?

• How do we come up with search terms (keywords) to find articles (or books, magazines, etc.)?

• How can we adjust a search strategy when we get frustrated?

• How can we find one particular database that might have really relevant "stuff"?

• How can we find images to use (for free)?

• How & why do we use APA style citations?


Information Timeline

CLIP2 Worksheet (Gomez)

Name:  __________________________________  CPN  Instructor:  __________________  

Topic:  ___________________________________________________________________  

Main Concepts (2-‐4 main components/ideas)



Search Terms/Keywords (2-‐3 synonyms for each main concept)

Synonyms (Main Concept 1) Synonyms (Main Concept 2)




What  encyclopedia  &/or  thesaurus  did  you  use  to  get  ideas  for  main  concepts  and  search  




Article  Title:  ___________________________________________________________  

Author/s:  _____________________________________________________________  

Date:  ____________________________________  

Journal  Title:  __________________________________________________________  

Journal  Volume/Issue:  ______________________Page  #s:  _____________________  


Article  Title:  ___________________________________________________________  

Author/s:  _____________________________________________________________  

Date:  ____________________________________  

Journal  Title:  __________________________________________________________  

Journal  Volume/Issue:  ______________________Page  #s:  _____________________  

Try a Search• myRedDragon

• Library Tab

• search terms in the search box

Find a Book

• Limit to "catalog only"

• Choose Source Type "books"

• Note Call No.

Find Articles• Remove "catalog only" and "books" limiters by

clicking the X on each one in the left column (or click New Search in the upper, left corner and reenter your search terms)

• Check off "Academic Journals" under Source Type in the left column

• Scan results for a title that seems relevant

• Click the article title to learn more

Refine Results• use alternate search terms if necessary (see

search history if you get lost/confused about what terms you've already used

• refine results by academic journal

• can you use "subject terms" or "author-supplied keywords" from a relevant article to adjust your strategy?

Choosing a Specific Database*

• Click on Library Databases in the Library Search box of the Library Tab in myRedDragon

• Click the drop-down menu (red arrow) and choosing an appropriate subject

• Pick a database from the results list by reading the summary provided

*you might want to pick one that is focused on your topic or field so you don't have to look at irrelevant stuff

Google Images• go to google images

• enter search terms

• click "cog" (settings) icon in upper, right corner & choose advanced search

• narrow search results by color, type, usage rights ("free to use or share")

Citing• After clicking the title to get more info, click "Cite" in

the right column OR

• Click "E-mail" to send it to yourself

• Choose your citation format (APA) and fill in form

Why APA?• MLA is a citation style for humanities (e.g. literature)

but APA is used most for social sciences (e.g. psychology)

• Social Sciences value "currency" of information because new info might refute older, so the date of an article is near the front of the citation

• Because most social science is published in journal articles and they're often available online, APA includes URL or DOI (digital object id)

APA References

• Nelson, J. (2012). Airbrushed nation: the lure and loathing of women’s magazines. Berkeley, CA: Seal Press.

• Pritchard, M., & Cramblitt, B. (2014). Media Influence on Drive for Thinness and Drive for Muscularity. Sex Roles, 71(5/8), 208–218. doi:10.1007/s11199-014-0397-1