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Added by ankit harjai, last edited by Smruti Ranjan Mohanty on Oct 21, 2013

Community Profiles / … / ankit harjai

Classification Concept



Classification is the process of assigning objects to classes and characteristic values to these objects. The module in SAP which enables the classification of objects is known as Classification system. It is

the means by which an object is classified based on its properties. Classification concept provides us with the flexibility to keep track of various features that are assigned to an object. Also these

characteristics can be used across multiple classes and hence multiple objects. And using the same characteristics different values can be assigned to different objects.


When you are managing a large number of objects, you must be able to group these objects according to particular features. Using the Classification System you can create a hierarchically structured

classification system for your company. This enables a proper and easy way to manage various objects and its features.


Classification system consists of:

1. Object Type

2. Characteristics

3. Classes

4. Class Type

Object Type: The entities in the classification system which are to be classified are known as objects. The type of object that is being classified is known as object type. Example: material, Functional

Location, Equipment. The object types are identified using the object table i.e. the primary table which contains the objects. Ex. Table MARA for material, IFLOT for Functional Location, EQUI for


Characteristics: Characteristics are the properties based on which the entity is to be classified. Example: Density, Location, Model Number. It has a set of values (characteristic values) which are assigned

to the Objects. These are the characteristic values which are used to differentiate various objects, i.e. different objects can have different values for the same characteristic, as the value range is provided

Classes: A group of characteristics logically grouped together is known as a class. A class is assigned to an object in the classification system. Thus the object can have all the characteristics that are

assigned to the class, i.e. this is the upper level of the hierarchy to which the characteristics can be assigned. A single class can have number of characteristics. Similarly a characteristic can be linked to

several classes.

Class Types: A class type is the unit of control for classes. The class type is defined for a specific object type such as material. The class type can then be used to classify objects of its associated object

type. A class can be assigned only to one class type i.e. a class type contain one or more classes associated with it. The class type determines the objects that can be classified for a particular class.


Object Type => Class (Type) => Characteristics => Values

A real time example of classification in general can be taken from an automobile company,

Suppose: We produces cars, and a car named say ABCD is developed. We want to have number of models say 1000, 1001 and 1002 with different features in each of these models.

Now the car ABCD => system to be classified,

Model number (AX, VX, ZX) => Object Type

Number of class type can be there say,

100, AX

101, VX

102, ZX Now a class N-Generalinfo of class type 100 created having following characteristics and values

A/C => Yes/No

Music system => Yes/no

Heat rods => Yes/No etc. Model number 1001 needs to be classified,

Object Type Class Type Class Name Characteristic and Values

Model (1001) AX (100) N-generalinfo A/C => Yes

Music system => No

Heat Rods => No

Model (1002) VX (101) N-generalinfo A/C => Yes

Music system => Yes

Heat Rods => No

Model (1003) ZX (101) N-generalinfo A/C => Yes

Music system => Yes

Heat Rods => Yes

Setting up the classification system (Functional Location)

The path for setting up the classification system in customizing is

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide => Cross Application Components => Classification System => Master Data.

Process Flow

First Characteristics are created, which describes the various features that can be assigned to objects. Its Data Type is given along with Value Assignment (Single or Multiple) and all the possible

values are provided. Example: A characteristic N-BUILDING_CODE is created for Functional Location having values TU (Turbine Building), TB (Tank Building) and CB (Control Building).


Afterwards, Classes are created for the suitable class type and the required characteristics are associated with it. Example: The above created characteristic N-BUILDING_CODE and

along with it several other characteristics created for Functional Location are associated with a class of type 003(meant for Functional location).


Classification in the master record of the object can be done by assigning one or more classes to it. On associating these Classes its corresponding characteristics appears, now the required3.

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values can be provided for that particular characteristic to update the master record of the technical object. For example: While Classifying Functional Location, associate the Class created

above to it, on hitting enter key it will display all the characteristics. Fill in the required characteristic values and save.

NOTE: Number of classes can be associated to a single Object type and characteristics of all these classes can be associated to the object.

Tables in Classification System

Table Name


TCLT Classifiable Objects - Stores the object table

TCLA Class Types

KLAH Class Header Data

KSSK Allocation Table - Object to Class

KSML Stores the characteristics associated with a class

INOB Link between internal object number and the object in the object table

AUSP Characteristic values

CABN Characteristics

CAWN Characteristic Values

Relationship Between The Tables




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The tables TCLT and TCLA are populated during the configuration of the classification system in transaction SPRO i.e. during the creation of object tables and class types.

The table KLAH and CABN is populated during the creation of classes and characteristics.

When a classifiable object is assigned to a class, the relationship between the object and the class is maintained in table KSSK.

Whenever an object is classified, there is an internal object number which is generated for tracking the values of the characteristics of that object. This is stored in table INOB and the characteristics

values are maintained in table AUSP.

Function Groups And Modules

CLBPA And CLVF are the function groups having large number of function modules required to deal with the Classification Data.


- Infosys Internal BOKs.


Note : Note 1083986 - BAPIs for classification - Overview All BAPI's Information and Some Sample Code given by SAP for

Classification Data .

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