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PagentLX over USNIC Project Description: PagentLX is a traffic generator and analyzer tool. It is a user-space application which uses a kernel-space driver to generate traffic. Business requires traffic generation at 10G/20G thruput speeds which cannot be achieved due to frequent context-switching between user-space and kernel-space. By running PagentLX over USNIC (User-Space NIC), the frequent context-switches are prevented and higher thruput can be achieved. Individuals working on this project will learn Linux kernel internals

Power Monitoring / Usage Tool Project Description: Enhancing the Raritan Power Monitoring/Usage tool for BU specific needs. This application is gathering momentum due to Cisco Green initiative. Raritan has a tool developed on Linux to monitor the Power using the IP controlled Power Cyclers. We are working with Raritan team to use this tool for any IP Controlled Power Cyclers ( Cyberswitching, APC etc).

EIS Lab web portal enhancement Project Description: Enhancement EIS lab web portal to take care of latest updates. Deliverable is updating the EIS lab Web portal with latest information and modifying to take care of new web standards.

Path and Statistcs History Visualizer Project Description: Displaying all the paths that traffic has taken over time, current path and the other paths that traffic could take. This can be further enhanced to a Map view Use Mediatrace to update real time path changes

Graphical representation of various parameters (jitter, latency, packet loss) over time

Conversion of UI Pages to New Infrastructure Project Description: The existing UI framework which is based on JSP, Servlets, JavaBeans and custom ORM framework, has its own limitations – lack of presentation / workflow consistency, business logic code is mixed with presentation pages (JSP), repetitive java script code in JSPs and lack of AJAX framework. The aim of this project is to: 1. Introduce Rich GUI interface and intuitive UI workflows 2. Replace the legacy pages / work flows over a period of time with the new GUI framework. This project would involve extensive use of the latest GUI technologies like AJAX, JavaScript based frameworks to implement widget based development and UI frameworks like JSF.

Web based reporting

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Project Description: Contact Center Express (UCCX) has a thick client based reporting interface for historical reports which is a very primitive client. The idea here is to create a web based reporting interface without requiring any installation of client on administrator machine. The UI should be intuitive and should have a look and feel in line with other contact center reporting products. This capability has tremendous impact on customer satisfaction.

Project Title 41: Graphical UI for script editor Project Description: Contact Center Express ( UCCX) provides in depth built in utility called script editor for writing script for call flow within system. This is widely used tool by all partners to deploy any UCCX system. This tool has not been changed since inception and incremental changes have been made as and when new functionality is added. It has more than 110 steps and powerful capabilities around validating the scripts etc. But what it is missing today is good user interface. One study across markets has pointed us that the script editor should be having easy to use graphical UI. The UI should have pick and choose call flow design steps which are more intuitive for less skilled partner/customer personnel. This project has significant value in terms of customer satisfaction and also will provide competitive edge for UCCX in market place.

Streaming media processing tools Project Description: Design & develop tools for processing real time streaming media for Cisco's new MediaSense IP voice/video recording product. Mix and transcode between codecs and formats such as MP4, g.711, RTP, wav, etc.: An RTSP proxy service which adds capabilities such as authentication and capacity management to an existing RTSP server A tool which rebuilds and plays raw media files, mixes tracks, and transcodes among codecs A prototype which uses Cisco's media processing appliance to mix or transcode media streams in real tim Implement a bridging server between RTSP and HTTP streaming technologies in real time

App analysis for Facebook Project Description: Facebook has lots of popular app like games. We want to identify those apps by NBAR. For that we need to identify unique application signature present is network data generated by those apps. The work involves understanding of: How facebook application (includes facebook mobile app) infrastructure works. How those application interacts with the backend (e.g. ajax, xml RPC, FBML etc). Capturing of network data generated by facebook apps, mine those captures and come up with tags either in http header or body to identify apps uniquely.

Development of the Android application for Media sharing over Bluetooth Project Description: Developing the Android application which will stream a jpeg image from the Android phone to a linux pc. Bluetooth will be used as the medium for streaming. The interns will get the screen shot in jpeg format on a android phone and will stream this image using Basic Imaging profile (BIP) for Bluetooth to a linux pc. Also work includes

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developing some GUI on pc for demo purposes. Further extension of this work would be to try Upnp over Bluetooth. This can also be developed over Android and over Bluetooth using ESDP profile.
