

Cinemann 2

Table of Contents

4 Child Stars6 Special Effects

Reality TV

9 Summer Movie Recap

True Blood vs. Entourage

1618 Fall T


20 Two and A Half Men 22

Dr. Oldh



Cinemann: Volume VII, Issue 1

A Letter From The Editors:

Welcome back everybody!

While Horace Mann students are returning to the routine of home-work, tests, and projects, we here at Cinemann believe that it is also important to take some time to observe and appreciate the culture sur-rounding us. Movies and television provide us all with much-needed escape from stress throughout the year, and we do our best to provide the Horace Mann community with thoughtful, interesting, and in-sightful explorations of popular movies, shows, industry heavy-hitters, and entertainment industry trends. While parts of this issue reflect on summer movies and TV, we are already looking forward to a highly en-tertaining year ahead – and sharing in the fun with the entire Horace Mann community!Best,Alexandra Saali and Matthew Taub

P.S. Check out our new blog at

Editors in ChiefAlexandra SaaliMatthew Taub

Production ManagerVictoria McKaba

Senior Editor Hannah Jun

Associate EditorsEmma Garcia

Nicholas McCombeCharles ScherrSavannah Smith

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Deborah Kassel

Cinemann 3

Elle Fanning, younger sister to Dakota Fanning, has spent the past few years proving that good acting must run in the Fanning family tree. The thirteen year-old has been playing in films (and occa-sionally television shows) for years, but she didn’t become a big name until she starred in the film Phoebe in Wonderland (around the same time, she also could have been found playing a younger ver-sion of Daisy, the female protagonist, in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button). Now, between her recent starring roles in The Nutcracker 3D, Somewhere, and Super 8, you’ve definitely seen her face on the big screen. With three more films featuring young Ms. Fanning set to be released this year, we definitely haven’t seen the last of her yet.


Elle Fanning

Does the name Lily Collins sound familiar? That’s not surprising. The first film that Phil Collins’ daughter ap-peared in was The Blind Side alongside Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw. Fast-forward two years and Lily Collins has two movies coming out: Abduc-tion (alongside tween favorite Taylor Lautner) and Priest, both thrillers. We haven’t seen the last of Lily Collins; in 2012 she’s set to star in the live action version of Snow White (which also will feature Julia Roberts and Sean Bean) and the film adaption of the teen best-selling novel The Mortal Instruments. Lily Collins is cer-tainly one to watch!

Lily Collins



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Kodi Smit-McPhee may look small, but he has a big acting career ahead. The fifteen year-old Aus-tralian will be featured in three films over the next two years. Last year, you might have caught Smit-McPhee as the protagonist, Owen, in Let Me In alongside Chloe Grace Moretz. Before that, he was in Matching Jack, The Road, and Romulus, My Father. If what’s planned for Kodi Smit-McPhee is any sort of indication, then we should be seeing a lot more of him over the next few years.

Kodi Smit-McPhee

If you haven’t heard of Craig Roberts before, you will soon. Roberts, a twenty year-old Welshman, has been on British television for a while now playing roles in the shows Young Dracula, Casualty, The Story of Tracy Beaker, and more recently Being Human. But in 2010, Roberts got his “break” by staring in Submarine, as the word-obsessed, love struck Oliver Tate. He also played the very small role of John Reed in the Jane Eyre remake. So what makes me think Craig Roberts is bound for great-ness? Well, his upcoming four films, of course. In 2012, Roberts will ap-pear in the films Red Lights, Comes a Bright Day, and Wayfaring Strangers. It also doesn’t hurt that his accent alone makes you smile. Keep an eye out for Craig Roberts!

Craig Roberts



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Sometimes in cinema, a good script, complete with Holly-

wood’s top director, actors, and actresses, just isn’t enough.

Sometimes, a whole new world, be it in the past, future, or

surreal, needs to be created. Think of movies like Titanic,

The Matrix, and Avatar -- all called for the need to re-create

a certain setting that is just physically impossible to shoot

without some sort of aid. This is where the Special Effects

Supervisor comes into play, designing and creating an ob-

scure set production, makeup, props, costumes, and com-

puter-generated imagery.

Take Titanic, 1997’s Academy Award-winning drama.

What comes to mind first from the movie is the brilliance

of director James Cameron, the superb performances of

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, and of course the

jaw-dropping final scenes in which the ship sinks to the

ocean bottom. While these aspects certainly drew all the

fanfare, behind the scenes, a man named Robert Legato,

Special Effects Supervisor and Best Visual Effects winner,

was in charge of everything from building a 65-foot model

Titanic to sinking the set with 5,000,000 gallons of water.

John Gaeta, The Matrix’s Special Effects Supervisor,

also enjoyed innovative success in his work on the block-

buster hit. The film popularized what became known as

“bullet time:” a slow motion shot that allows the viewer

to explore all angles of a specific action. Over the years,

scenes incorporating this have come to define The Matrix

just as much as its plot or cast.

In arguably the most impressive special effects perfor-

mance of all time, James Cameron’s Avatar stands alone as

a stunning achievement on the effects spectrum. Cameron


Cinemann 6


ocean bottom. While these aspects certainly drew all the

fanfare, behind the scenes, a man named Robert Legato,

Special Effects Supervisor and Best Visual Effects winner,

was in charge of everything from building a 65-foot model

Titanic to sinking the set with 5,000,000 gallons of water.

John Gaeta, The Matrix’s Special Effects Supervisor,

also enjoyed innovative success in his work on the block-

buster hit. The film popularized what became known as

“bullet time:” a slow motion shot that allows the viewer

to explore all angles of a specific action. Over the years,

scenes incorporating this have come to define The Matrix

just as much as its plot or cast.

In arguably the most impressive special effects perfor-

mance of all time, James Cameron’s Avatar stands alone as

a stunning achievement on the effects spectrum. Cameron

hired James Letteri to run the special effect show. The task

was so large, that at one point in production there were

over 900 people working on the special effects alone. Let-

teri and his crew tackled creating and lighting Pandora’s

jungle and capturing the facial expressions of the cast to be

played on their avatar. According to James Cameron, the

new method of “performance capture” employed by Le-

terri “allows the filmmakers to transfer 100% of the actors’

physical performances to their digital counterparts.” The

work of the these three men stands out as an impressive

and tough feat for any Special Effect Supervisor; one of the

most important - and hidden - jobs of Hollywood.

By Charles Scherr


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Along with the many scripted shows debut-ing during the 2011 season, several reality shows will also premier this fall. Among these shows is The X Factor, which features both Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul of American Idol fame and has already drawn quite a bit of hype. This seems to be the continuation of a trend that will only persist through the upcoming years.

Many scripted shows are often cancelled af-ter a few mediocre episodes, or when ratings decline after a few seasons. Obviously, not every reality show lasts a long time; Ameri-can Idol aired its first season nine years ago, in 2002. America’s Next Top Model first aired eight years ago, in 2003.

Fans often complain that the quality of scripted shows begins to decline after sev-eral seasons. This, however, is not a prob-lem with reality shows, in which each season introduces new contestants. Reality shows are usually kept fresh by the change of cast and occasional added twist. Luckily for net-works, these shows are also often cheaper to produce. A staff of capable writers is not required, and the absence of big name ac-tors certainly cuts costs.

When you look at magazine covers, you are just as often going to see faces from shows like The Bachelorette as you are going to see the faces of real actors. And with the suc-cess of newer shows like The Voice, or even non-competitive reality shows like Jersey Shore, it seems that television is only going to continue its embrace of the reality genre.

GET REAL!By Abigail Greenbaum








Cinemann 9

Out of all of the superhero flicks this summer, X-Men: First Class is my favorite.First Class is a prequel, so no knowledge of X-Men beforehand is required. It shows the backstories of Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and Erik Lensherr (Mi-chael Fassbender), not yet known as Professor X and Magneto, how they met, and how their complicated relationship spawned the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants. One of the good things about this film is that it explores a story not well known by comic book fans, unlike many of the other superhero movies that came out this summer.The film intelligently discusses mutations and evolution currently taking place. The different opinions formed about the mutants are debatable and some things are left to be thought about after the movie is over. The story soon becomes emo-tionally charged and complex. These are some things that a movie like Thor, no matter how awesome it was, lacked.James, Michael, Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique), Nicholas Hoult (Hank McCoy), and those who play a few other mutants all have powerful and sometimes even relatable performances. Also, the action is awesome, with most of it visually stun-ning.The Xavier-Erik relationship is very well done, and the charisma of Xavier and the anger and vengeance of Erik really brings the characters to life. X-Men: First Class’s emotion and intelligence (that I wish more superhero movies have) allows this film to succeed as this year’s The Dark Knight.

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By Josh Arnon


With seven books and a whopping eight movies, Harry Potter was on fire and seemed like it would never end. But everything comes to an end. Harry Potter is no exception.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 is truly epic, as after the very beginning of the film there is nonstop action. The price of that action, though, is that the audience is expected to be caught up on Harry Potter. If you haven’t seen a Harry Potter movie in a few years, I don’t blame you for being confused, as the film does not remind you what a horcrux is.The film is, in a sense, the reward for watching Part 1, which felt to many people a long journey not seeming to go anywhere. This time, from the break-in to Gringots to the final battle at Hogwarts, the plot is fantastic and the char-acters’ performances are incredible. This film does not lack any of the wonder seen in the first movie all those years ago. It truly shows how far the charac-ters have come.I was worried, though, that the film would not conclude the series right- the fi-nal book was so perfect, especially the ending. But to some extent, it’s better on the big screen than on paper, as the fights are dramatized and made more epic (especially the last one), and the movie is extremely satisfying. It is personally my favorite of the series.Whether you are a die-hard Potter fan geeking out at the some of the most fantastic and memorable events in the series, or just a fan whose childhood was filled with a boy wizard with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead, you will love this movie.

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By Josh Arnon


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It took over one hundred years for civil rights to come to African-Americans living in the Deep South. The Help explores and exposes what life was like for those working as domestic employees in the early 1960’s in Jackson, Mississippi. Polite, seemingly well-educated white adults relied on their staffs to raise and feed their children, but could not imagine those same individuals sharing their toilets. While entertaining and at times incredibly funny, The Help high-lights the dependency of whites on their domestic workers and the cruelty with which they treated their employees. It is through the telling of their own stories that those working as the help find their voices and the courage to stand up for their own civil rights. The summer’s most moving film.

By ross KAretsKy


It’s difficult to describe a film like Sarah’s Key. Revealing much

about the plot would make it less impactful for those yet to see it.

Let me say, though, that it concerns a journalist researching the

roundup of Jews by the French government during the Holocaust,

and her realizing a unique connection she shares with a young

girl who suffered in the Holocaust named Sarah. There is a haunt-

ing, brutal realism to the scenes involving the Holocaust, and

there is a profundity in the journalist’s growing obsession with

this girl; it is an obsession that affects her own life choices, as she

happens to be going through a tumultuous period in her personal

life at the time she is doing her research. This film is very upset-

ting but also beautiful, and it transcends average melodrama by

expressing the drama in a compelling way. This film has power

due largely to its great performances and strong script. There’s

not much else to say, other than that this film must be experi-

enced, especially by those who enjoy dramas or who are interest-

ed in dramatic portrayals of the Holocaust.

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By DAniel erlich


By no means do I consider myself a Woody Allen fan. In fact, Midnight in Paris was first Woody Allen film I’ve seen. It was, however, impressive enough to warrant my interest in seeing more of his movies. It was charming, sweet, and just a bit beautiful, but without being overly showy. It doesn’t take itself as seriously as it could, but it is poignant. Most of all, though, it’s a tribute to the city of Paris and the history held within her. Owen Wilson stars as Gil, a screenwriter on vacation in Paris with his fiancée. Slightly disillusioned with writing mediocre Hollywood fare, he hopes to work on his first novel while in the City of Lights. He loves Paris, so much so that he mentions to his fiancée his desire to live there one day and how he would give anything to have been there with the famous expat writers that lived there in the Roaring ‘20s. One night, while wandering the city streets in search of inspiration, Gil comes across a stranger in a carriage who offers to give him a ride as the clock strikes 12. Somehow, this takes him back to the Paris of the 1920s that he always dreamed of seeing. There, he meets the likes of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, and Pablo Picasso. Picasso’s lover, a gorgeous free spirit who wishes to have lived in 1890s Paris, becomes a love interest for the engaged protagonist. This is where the story really picks up, but explaining it any further would give too much away. The film will resonate with anyone who has longed to experience an era that ended before his or her time. Although it celebrates this nostalgia, in the end it makes the point that no one is ever satisfied with the time period they live in; it’s best to find contentment where and when you are. Gil learns as a person and makes bold life changes based on his experiences. In this way, the film is very poignant, sharing a clear message without being preachy. Plus, it has the charm and humor that is ex-pected from Woody Allen. Paris is portrayed as beautifully as ever, and Owen Wilson, as well as the many other members of the cast, does an excellent job making his char-acter dramatic but real. It may not be in theaters at press time, but it’s a film worth catching on DVD or Netflix.

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By DAniel erlich


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With the potential to be a thrilling action movie and receiving more ad-vertising and promotion than any summer movie, Captain America: The First Avenger had a lot of hype. Unfortunately, the movie failed to remain captivating for two hours, turning into a silly sci-fi flick half way through. While some see this movie as a film with deeper meaning and a message about the power of evil in this world, what began as a story of a young American soldier quickly turned into a comical shoot-‘em-up movie losing all importance or validity in its message. While the cinematography was unique, intriguing, and exciting during the fistfights, car chases, and shoot-outs, the movie just started to seem ridiculous once Hitler’s special branch Hydra was introduced. The majority of the moviegoers in the theater were laughing. The historical significance of a comic written during the time of World War II was lost on the audience. It now seemed like a cruel joke on the atrocities that soldiers faced during such a morbid time in history. The only thing that I did enjoy in this movie, other than the fight scenes during the first half of the film, were the various vehicles and space ships. Space-aged trains, cars, submarines, and flying saucers kept things relatively compelling as the plot decayed into foolishness.

By ross KAretsKy


Cinemann 16

This summer, my inTeresT was peaked when i caughT an episode of True Blood from season 3. convincing acTors, inTriguing and violenTly seducTive ploTs, prompTed me To furTher invesTigaTe The show. wiThin several monThs i was undeniaBly a TruBie (a slang Term for True Blood addicTs). i plowed Through The firsT Three seasons. alThough characTers were consTanTly growing from new experiences, each reTained one consTanT qualiTy, a TraiT ThaT marked his or her idenTiTy- These cenTral qualiTies were whaT i Believe Bonded viewers To specific characTers. however, in This season, The casT ofTrue Blood were sTripped of The very qualiTies ThaT had previously marked Their characTer. i don’T Believe iT’s unfair To say ThaT They were given compleTely new personaliTies. These drasTic changes are The culpriTs Behind The worsT season of True Blood yeT. exTreme shifTs in characTer were undesiraBle, BuT necessary To show ThaT There was progression during The “year” ThaT passed BeTween seasons Three and four. however in changing The charac-Ters’, The wriTers had To familiarize us wiTh Them Before The sTory could progress in order To ensure ThaT we would fully undersTand Their moTives and acTions. as a resulT, nearly 50% of The season was spenT indicaTing whaT evenTs had passed and how They had changed The characTers, making The ploT seem slow To pick up and almosT non exisTenT aT firsT. despiTe The wriTers’ efforTs, 6 episodes worTh of characTer developmenT cannoT compare To 3 seasons worTh and There was noT enough Time To provide The necessary Background informaTion for any of Them. consequenTially, The ploT seemed un-clear and random. where changing The characTers led To an addiTional amounT of Time reinTroducing Them, The exTra Time spenT reinTroducing Them led To Too liTTle Time for The main sTories of The season. The ploT needed more Time To Be developed and have The sTories merge in a feasiBle way. insTead, each evenT was so rushed iT only increased The feeling of randomness esTaBlished By The characTers Themselves. lasTly, The mosT upseTTing parT of This season was The poTenTial The sTory lines could have had if The wriTing were BeTTer. for The firsT Three seasons, The vampires were The mosT powerful super naTu-rals and could noT Be successfully challenged By anyThing. This season, The new super power were wiTches who could use magic To conTrol The (un)dead. This idea could have Been used To a fuller exTenT Than whaT iT was. anoTher sTory line ThaT could have Been really inTeresTing perTains To werewolves. in This season, we goT To see more of Them, BuT noT enough To saTisfy my inTeresT in pack Be-havior, hierarchy, and Their dynamic wiTh oTher super naTurals. despiTe all my disappoinTmenTs wiTh This season, i can’T forgeT The excellence wiTh which The firsT Three seasons were made. as a TruBie, i’m noT willing To drop The series since iT has proven To Be phenomenal aT leasT 75% of The Time, so i’ll Be Tuning in for season 5. i jusT hope iT’ll Be BeTTer.

True bloodBy Emma Garcia


Cinemann 17

VS. EntouragEBy SophiE DizEngoff

Eight SEaSonS ago, a phEnomEnon known aS EntouragE BEgan on hBo, following fivE friEnDS aS thEy navi-gatE thE upS anD DownS of hollywooD lifE. looSEly BaSED on thE lifE of mark wahlBErg, thE charactErS incluDE a-liSt actor vincE anD ari golD, hiS ovEr-thE-top, foul-mouthED, anD chauviniStic hollywooD SupEr-agEnt. ari will riSk it all for vincE, EvEn at thE ExpEnSE of hiS rElationShip with hiS family. E iS vincE’S BESt friEnD anD managEr, hE iS unlucky in rE-lationShipS, anD SomEtimES hiS pErSonal anD BuSinESS rElationShipS with vincE conflict. E ExpEriEncES many upS anD DownS with Sloan, hiS on-off girl-friEnD. thEir trouBlES StEm from Sloan’S fathEr who hatES E (anD iS ari’S formEr BoSS). alSo in thE Entou-ragE iS Drama, vincE’S olDEr BrothEr anD a Strug-gling wannaBE actor, who cannot SEEm to makE it to thE Big ScrEEn aftEr having limitED SuccESS in a tv SEriES. finally thErE iS turtlE, a claSSic hangEr-onEr who grEw up with vincE. turtlE alwayS haS a hair-Brain iDEaS (which alwayS fail) on how to makE it rich on hiS own, without thE hElp of vincE. togEthEr thESE fivE friEnDS makE up thE funny, outragEouS, anD lovEaBlE EntouragE. thiS SEaSon waS thE final SEaSon, But DiD it EnD wEll? it SEEmS that EvErything workED out. ari, aftEr BEing SEparatED from hiS wifE, finally rEalizES that family iS morE important than work anD hE willingly quitS hiS joB in orDEr to fix hiS rElationShip. vincE, who haS founD lovE of hiS own, BringS E anD Sloan togEthEr again to Sort through thEir proBlEmS anD raiSE thEir BaBy togEth-Er. vincE alSo hElpS Drama ScorE a rolE in a maDE for tv moviE. aS for turtlE, vincE SavES him millionS of DollarS By convincing him not to SEll hiS avion tEquila Stock, making turtlE a millionairE. vincE DEciDES to marry hiS girlfriEnD Sophia, anD thEy fly to pariS for thE wEDDing. thE EntouragE iS uSually prEoccupiED with hollywooD Drama in SEarch of morE SuccESS, But in thE EnD thEy rEalizE that thEir friEnDShipS anD familiES arE morE important than any hollywooD moviE. thE EntouragE iS a family of itS own, a family wE will miSS. But wait… thE laSt EpiSoDE lEft ari rEcEiving a phonE call offEring him thE joB of a lifEtimE! can hE rESiSt or arE thE rumorS aBout thE upcoming moviE truE? Stay tunED!

Cinemann 18

Viewers return to Wysteria Lane on Septem-ber 25th for the final season of Desperate Housewives. According to the creator, Marc Cherry, this season will “harken back to the roots” of the show in the death of the character of Mary Alice. He also ruled out any chance for a spin-off based on the char-acters in the series. Paul Lee, the president of entertainment for ABC, justly called the show “iconic” in an interview with The New York Times and credits it for having “put the network on the map.”

The Boss is an original dramatic series from STARZ and Lionsgate Television, starring TV icon Kelsey Grammer. Over its eight-episode season, the show centers on the Machiavellian machinations of a fictional Chicago mayor with a dark secret and is set to premiere on October 21st. Bonus: acclaimed filmmaker Gus Van Sant directed the first episode.


Bones, Fox’s hit murder mystery series, enters its final season this fall. The show follows the lives of FBI Agent Seeley Booth and Anthro-pologist Dr. Temperance Brennan, a crime solving duo, and those of their closest colleagues. But who cares about the murders in season seven.? After six seasons of self-denial (the two partners obviously have the hots for each other) view-ers are dying to see if Booth and Brennan will finally hook up. And if not- WHY? Tune in November 3rd to see how the story ends.





By Alexan

dra saali


Cinemann 19

Dexter, America’s favorite se-rial killer, returns October 2nd. Will this be the end for Dex? Rumors have been circulating since production that the “dark avenger” will be caught in the show’s coming sixth season. I wonder what it says about our country’s character that loyal fans dread the capture of a rogue blood splatter analyst for the Miami Police Department.

Estranged twin sisters Bridget and Siobhan (both played by Sarah Michelle Gellar) find their lives unraveling. After Bridget, a recovering alcoholic who is on the run from the mob after witnessing a murder, moves in with Siobhan their relationship seems to be on the mend. Then, Siob-han mysteriously disappears overboard during a boat trip. Bridget soon discovers that her sister’s seemingly perfect life is full of dark secrets. Hmmm… Do you really think it’s a coincidence the CW 11 cast the same actress (Sarah Mi-chell Geller) for a show that’s on the same night and chan-nel as her previous hit series (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)? Don’t be so naïve. I want Buffy back and in an attempt to relive my favorite TV show, I will watch The Ringer’s pre-mier on September 13th.

The RingeR

The Vampire Diaries will be resurrected September 15th. While another of The CW’s infamous melodra-mas, the show attracts the largest audience of any series in the network’s history. Boasting a particularly attractive male cast, paranormal activity, and teen drama, it’s shamefully became a guilty pleasure of my own….



e D










By Alexan

dra saali

Christopher Ashton Kutcher is best remembered as the fun-lov-

ing Michael Kelso on That ‘70s Show and as the host of Punk’d.

Many of us (Kutcher too, I’d think) would like to forget about his

unsuccessful movie career… perhaps to forgive ourselves for the

hours we wasted watching movies like Dude, Where’s my Car?;

Just Married; My Boss’s Daughter; and The Killers. Thankfully the

actor will return to the small screen, where he belongs, this fall as

the star of Two and a Half Men’s ninth season. Alas, Kutcher has

big shoes to fill on the show.

After Charlie Sheen, the star of Two and Half Men, was fired, the

already popular show became a national sensation. Everyone

wanted to know just how Sheen had lost the highest-paid act-

ing job on television. (Warner Brothers claims Sheen defaulted

on his contract due to: his inability to perform his duties on Men;

his admission of cocaine use; his derogatory public commentary

about the show; and his refusal to continue on the series without

“radical changes” being made.) Sheen’s ridiculous response

to his dismissal sparked media frenzy, as more about the actor’s

bizarre nature became public knowledge.

On his natural high: “I am on a drug. It’s called Charlie Sheen.

It’s not available. If you try it once, you will die. Your face will

melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.”


On his two girlfriends: “You’ve read about the goddesses, come

on. They’re an international sensation. These are my girlfriends.

These are the women that I love that have completed the three

parts of my heart. ... It’s a polygamy story. All my guy friends are

gonna like throw tomatoes at me. It’s like an organic union of

By Alexandra Saali

Cinemann 20

Fanpop wordpress

on his contract due to: his inability to perform his duties on Men;

his admission of cocaine use; his derogatory public commentary

about the show; and his refusal to continue on the series without

“radical changes” being made.) Sheen’s ridiculous response

to his dismissal sparked media frenzy, as more about the actor’s

bizarre nature became public knowledge.

On his natural high: “I am on a drug. It’s called Charlie Sheen.

It’s not available. If you try it once, you will die. Your face will

melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.”


On his two girlfriends: “You’ve read about the goddesses, come

on. They’re an international sensation. These are my girlfriends.

These are the women that I love that have completed the three

parts of my heart. ... It’s a polygamy story. All my guy friends are

gonna like throw tomatoes at me. It’s like an organic union of

the hearts.” (20/20.)

On his dual personality: “I have a 10,000-year-old brain and the

boogers of a 7-year-old. That’s how I describe myself.” (Piers

Morgan Tonight.)

As Marilyn Monroe once said, “No publicity is bad publicity”.

Out of curiosity, people who had never watched Men before

Sheen’s outbursts will be sure to tune in for the September 19th

premier. I wonder how America, midst a recession and war, will

respond to the show’s new central character, Walden Schmidt

(Ashton Kutcher) – a suicidal billionaire Internet entrepreneur

going through a nasty divorce who will move in with Alan (Jon

Cryer) and Jake (Angus T. Jones). I have been a loyal Two and

a Half Men watcher and hope to see the show’s continued suc-

cess. However, I have some doubts about Michael Kelso – he

always let Jackie (Mila Kunis) down on That ‘70s Show.

Cinemann 21


“5 Movies i love” By Dr. Kalil olDhaM

Do the Right ThingSpike Lee poses the deepest of so-cial questions on this hottest of summer days in Brooklyn: who – or what – is responsible for violent conflict and its tragic consequences? Is such violence inevitable?

Impressive cast, great soundtrack, indelible

quotes: Pulp Fiction has everything. Tarantino’s

adroit metaphor and non-linear narrative

make this gangster mov-ie into something much

more interesting.

Pulp Fiction

Archetypal theodicy. Re-sistance and redemption perfectly portrayed. Su-preme mythmaking. Plus, there is no scoundrel more charming than Han Solo. Focus on the originals, not episodes I-III.

Star Wars, Episodes IV-VI”

Cinemann 22




“5 Movies i love” By Dr. Kalil olDhaM

School’s out! There is no better homage to the unabated excitement of embarking upon new adven-tures, and to the fear and ambiva-lence of approaching their end. Plus, amazing music.

Dazed and Confused

An optimistic take on tragedy, Eternal Sunshine offers a Marque-zian combination of the messy innards of a failed romance with a fanciful imagination of barely futuristic technology. Beautiful.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Cinemann 23

Dr. Oldham



CinemannHorace Mann School231 West 246th Street

Riverdale, NY

In Memoriam:

Five-time Emmy winner PETER FALK (9/16/27-6/23/11)