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Cincinnati Chapter Sons of the American Revolution

Cincinnati PATRIOTVolume 31, Issue 6, June 2017

CCSAR honors Patriot Samuel Howard at Re-interment

Ceremony in Harlan County, Kentucky

Representatives from the Cincinnati

SAR attended a re-interment ceremony for Patriot Samuel Howard, his wife

Chloe and Baby Howard on Friday, May 12th at the Resthaven Cemetery in

Harlan County, Kentucky. Cincinnati

SAR Compatriot Christopher Hamlin is a direct descendant of Patriot Howard

and wife Chloe. He served as a pallbearer for the ceremony. President

Bredenfoerder and 2nd Vice President Collins laid a wreath on behalf the

Cincinnati Chapter. President Bredenfoerder offered a sword salute.

The 3rd United States Infantry Regiment, known as “The Old Guard” served as escorts for the remains. “The Old Guard” is the Army’s official

ceremonial unit and escort to the President and has served our nation since 1784. The companies present at the ceremony were the

Continental Color Guard, the Fife and Drum Corps, and the Commander-in-Chief’s (CinC) Guard.

Bringing greetings on behalf of President Trump was Brigadier General R. Mark Toy.

Private Samuel Howard was an American Revolutionary soldier who served in the Virginia Line under Captain Mayo Carrington’s Company. It

is said that he was with General Washington at the Battle of Yorktown during the surrender of the British in 1781.

After seven years of service in the war, Samuel

Howard moved to the area now known as Harlan, Kentucky. He and his wife Chloe had 12 children.

The family was among the first families of Harlan County.

See a video of the ceremony at

The Cincinnati Patriot

June, 2017

2017 CCSAR Officers

John H. Bredenfoerder

President [email protected]

Turner Lee Wilkerson III

1st Vice President

[email protected]

Larry W. Collins

2nd Vice President

Gary L. Duffield


Michael J. Blum


[email protected]

Franz B. Ott, II

Registrar [email protected]

George H. Stewart, Jr.


Shaun P. Smith Webmaster

Kenneth G. Carpenter Chaplain

BOM Members Gregory D. Ballman Jeffrey M. Hartman James H. Houston Bradley Jarard

And All Living Past


Presidents Message


May was a busy month with many memorial services and patriotic events. We are still looking forward to our annual Flag Day luncheon and the events leading up to our Independence Day celebrations and the NSSAR Congress in July.

At the Flag Day luncheon, we will be welcoming many new compatriots into our chapter. The Board of Management recommended last January that we make our inductions more memorable and special, so we have decided to do as many inductions as possible at our luncheon events. OHSSAR President Don McGraw will be conducting the inductions and presenting the chapter’s Howard Miller Memorial Flag Collection. We are planning some very special surprises that will be focused on the flag collection. Please plan on attending and bringing your family and friends to welcome our new members. The luncheon registration flyer can be found on the Cincinnati SAR website and should be returned to Mike Blum.

June marks the halfway point for our calendar year: it is amazing how fast these six months have flown by! In January, I requested that all the officers and committee chairmen evaluate their job descriptions and suggest any revisions in September. These revisions will help us further refine our Chapter By-Laws. We have been extremely blessed with the accomplishments of all our chapter leaders and our membership. Everyone has been contributing to the outstanding success of our chapter. I couldn’t be more pleased. The amount accomplished in these few months has been absolutely amazing and I think we all have some valuable insights that now need to be documented. Since our next Board of Management meeting will be September 6th, please take the next two months to develop your suggestions for improving your officer or committee description. You may feel that your current description is just fine, but if you do see the need for more definition and clarity, please offer your perspective for improvement. You may forward those suggestions to me, so they can be presented to the BOM in September.

Yours in patriotism,


The Cincinnati Patriot

June, 2017

Memorial Day Parade – Blue Ash, Ohio

The Cincinnati Chapter Nolan Carson Memorial Color Guard marched in the Blue Ash 2017

Memorial Day Parade. Participating were Compatriots Jeff and Josh Hartman, Shaun and Conner Smith, Brad Jarard, Mike Gunn, CCSAR President Jack Bredenfoerder and OHSSAR

Secretary Lee Wilkerson.

The Cincinnati Patriot

June, 2017

Cincinnati Chapter SAR Youth Contestants Take State Awards

at the Ohio Society SAR Annual MeetingThe Cincinnati Chapter of the Ohio Society of the Sons of the American Revolution is proud to announce that the following Cincinnati students were awarded Ohio Society SAR Awards at the annual Ohio Society SAR

meeting held at the Crowne Plaza in Blue Ash, Ohio on May 6th 2017:

Paige Gooding First Place OHSSAR Elementary School Americanism Poster Contest

Madelyn Torrans Second Place OHSSAR Sgt. Moses Adams Memorial Brochure Contest (photo right)

Sara Petron Third Place OHSSAR George S. and Stella M. Knight

Essay Contest

Madison Theil Third Place OHSSAR D.G. High – Joseph S. Rumbaugh

Historical Oration Contest (photo above)

Page Gooding’s winning poster will represent the Ohio SAR at the upcoming National Society SAR Congress

to be held this July in Knoxville, TN. Paige is a student in Mrs. Cole’s 5th grade class at the Three Rivers

Elementary School in Cleves, Ohio. Congratulations!

Donations to support the Ohio Youth Contests are welcome


Wesleyan Cemetery Memorial Day Service

On Memorial Day, the CCSAR honored 18 Patriot Veterans interred at Wesleyan Cemetery.

The ceremony also served to rededicate the granite memorial placed there in the patriots' honor.

Participating were

Compatriots: Michael Blum,

Shaun Smith, Larry Collins, Michael Gun, Jim Houston, and President Bredenfoerder.

The Cincinnati Patriot

June, 2017

Germany Society of SAR represented by CCSAR at 'Spirit of

Vincennes Rendezvous'

Contributed By: MICHAEL GUNN | CCSAR

On May 27, 2017 four members of the Cincinnati Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (CCSAR) traveled to the city of Vincennes, Indiana to attend a National SAR ceremony at the George Rogers Clark National Historic Park. This annual ceremony called the “Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous,” honors actions at the site of the capture of Ft. Sackville and the exploits of Rogers’ unit. CCSAR President John H. Bredenfoerder,

CCSAR Past PresidentMichael Gunn and OHSSAR Secretary Turner Lee Wilkerson presented wreaths at the George Rogers Clark Memorial for the Cincinnati Chapter SAR, the Germany Society SAR and the Ohio Society SAR, respectively. Compatriots Bredenfoerder and Gunn are both Germany Society SAR dual members and have German ancestry. CCSAR Compatriot Bradley Jarard was also present and participated in the Color Guard at the service.

The Germany Society SAR Wreath was accompanied by

the Germany Society SAR Flag which is a copy of the

Regimental Flag used under command of Lieutenant

General Rochambeau, commander of the mostly German troops who fought along side the patriot colonists in the Revolutionary War. In all its history, this was the very first time that an International SAR Society has participated in the George Rodgers Clark Memorial Service.

After the ceremony, the surrounding fields called the French Commons hosted several re-enacted battles and demonstrations of weapons performed by soldiers of the Northwest Territory Alliance, as well as music by the Tippencanoe Ancient Fife & Drum Corps and even demonstrations of Revolutionary-era artillery cannon fire. The Vincennes Rendezvous is an annual three day weekend experience that precedes every Memorial Day.

The Cincinnati Patriot

June, 2017

The First Two Presidents of the Cincinnati Chapter of The

Sons of the American Revolution George Stewart, Chapter Historian

The Cincinnati Chapter, Ohio Society, Sons of the American Revolution was organized March 14, 1896 in the office of Honorable James Fassett Follett, with fifteen members. These are short biographies of our chapter’s first two Presidents.

George Kinsey He was a prominent steel broker in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was born in Newark, New Jersey, December 25, 1848 and died October 12, 1932. He married Miss Martha Jane Humphreys in 1873 and they and their six children lived in a stately house in Wyoming, Ohio. He was one of fifteen charter members of the Cincinnati Chapter S.A.R. This loyal and energetic worker was elected the Chapter’s FIRST PRESIDENT. His Revolutionary War ancestors were Lieutenant Samuel Kinsey and Private Jonathan Ingham of Pennsylvania. He is buried at Spring Grove Cemetery. (no photo found for George Kinsey)

Professor John Uri Lloyd In his time, he was probably the most famous citizen of Boone County, Kentucky. Professor Lloyd was one of America’s most influential pharmaceutical pioneers and scientists. He was also a pharmaceutical manufacturer, teacher, author, and library founder. He was born in upstate New York on April 19, 1849. He married Adeline Meader and they had three children. In 1887 he was elected president of the American Pharmaceutical Association. He was elected president of the Cincinnati Chapter in 1899. He wrote novels set in northern Kentucky. His most popular novel was the science fiction “Etidorhpa”, about the end of the earth, the strange history of a mysterious being and the account of a remarkable journey (1895). It is in its eighteenth edition and still widely read in Europe. He and his brothers founded the Lloyd Library that you can still visit today in Cincinnati. Professor Lloyd died of pneumonia on April 9, 1936. He is buried in the Hopewell Lutheran Church Cemetery, in Boone County, Kentucky.

On this Date, June 4, 1940 – Dunkirk Joshua Hartman

After the defeat of France in 1940 the British and French armies were pushed back and trapped in Dunkirk, France. With Hitler’s infantry closing in, the situation looked bleak. But between May 28 and June 4 the British navy conducted one of the largest military evacuations in history. More than 337,000 troops were ferried across the English Channel in whatever craft could be found: fishing boats, row boats, yachts, etc. This was possible for two reasons, one, because Hitler’s generals gave the order to halt and regroup to prevent allies from breaking out. And the Royal Air force kept the Luftwaffe distracted from

attacking the ships.

The Cincinnati Patriot

June, 2017

ROTC Award Presented

At a ceremony held in the cafeteria at Scarlet Oaks High School in

Sharonville on Wednesday, May 3rd, Past President of the Cincinnati

Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution Michael Gunn presented

Cadet Jordan Douglas Clark with the SAR Bronze ROTC Medal.

Commander Brown officiated at the event held at the 300 Scarlet Oaks

drive location with more than 90 members of the High School Junior ROTC

attending at 0170 hours.

Other medals and awards were separately presented to the worthy cadets by AMVETS members, DAR Chapters, The American Legion, U.S. Navy

League, the Military Officers Association and other patriotic organizations. A group of more than 40 students gathered to accept awards for exemplary academic excellence.

A audience of about 200 attended this fine patriotic service of recognition to community service.

Memorial Service for the Revolutionary Patriots of the Northwest Territory - Marietta OH

Cincinnati Compatriots Bredenfoerder, Gunn and Wilkerson attended the Memorial Service for

the Revolutionary Patriots of the Northwest Territory at the Mound Cemetery in Marietta, Ohio

on Thursday, May 25th. Forty-eight patriots are

memorialized there. The event was planned and

sponsored by the Marietta SAR Chapter. OHSSAR

State Secretary Lee Wilkerson laid a wreath on behalf

of the Ohio Society, CCSAR

President Jack


laid a wreath on behalf of the

Cincinnati Chapter, and Compatriot Mike Gunn laid a wreath

on behalf of the Germany Society. All three compatriots served

in the OHSSAR Color Guard commanded by Commander

William A. Robinson.

The Cincinnati Patriot

June, 2017

Honor Flight

Cincinnati Compatriots Mike Gunn,

Mike Blum, George Stewart, Jerry

Knight and President Jack

Bredenfoerder welcomed the veterans returning on the Honor Flight of May

23rd. Three more Honor Flights are

scheduled for 2017: August 22,

September 26 and October 24. Our

Compatriots plan to welcome the veterans returning on these upcoming

Honor Flights – consider joining us!

Naturalization Ceremony

CCSAR President Jack Bredenfoerder, CCSAR Immediate Past President Mike Gunn and Compatriots Jerry

Knight and Ken Carpenter welcomed 140 new US Citizens at two naturalization ceremonies held at the

Southern Office District Federal Courthouse on Friday, April 28th. The Honorable Karen L. Litkovitz

presided over both ceremonies.

At the April 7th

Naturalization Ceremony

at Cincinnati

State, CCSAR President

Jack Bredenfoerder,

CCSAR Immediate Past

President Mike Gunn, and

Compatriot Jerry Knight

welcomed 91 new citizens.

The Honorable Michael R.

Barrett presided.

The Cincinnati Patriot

June, 2017

Compatriot Profile

Michael Blum, Chapter Treasurer

1. Career

I am vice-president of an industrial tool manufacturing company in the Fairfield, Ohio area. We manufacture precision cutting tools primarily for diesel engine and automotive engine manufacturers. My education and degree are in aerospace engineering from the University of Cincinnati with some graduate work in fluid mechanics and structures. I have applied several times to the astronaut program at NASA.

2. How long have you been a SAR Member? Since November of 2011. I have my aunt to thank for doing all the legwork on that first patriot, but I have found 5 additional patriots so far.

3. What committee positions have you held? I have served on the Board of Management for 1 year and am in my 4th year as Chapter Treasurer. I am also currently the Vice Chairman of the Ohio Society Patriot Graves Committee.

4. Where did you grow up? I am a life-long resident of the Cincinnati area. My paternal grandmother’s ancestors moved to the Cincinnati Area right after the Revolutionary War, primarily from New Jersey. My paternal grandfather’s ancestors came from Germany in the 1840’s. Both of my maternal grandparents are immigrants from Germany, arriving in the early 1900’s.

5. What is your current residence and family? I live in Ross Township, Butler County, Ohio with my wife of 17 years, LeeAnn, and my two daughters, Emilie and Carrie. I also have two wonderful step sons who are both currently serving our country. One is in the Army and one is in the Air Force.

6. What other Lineage Societies do you belong to? I am a member of the Germany Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.

7. What is your best family history discovery? Proving that my great grandmother was born a Nuxoll, and therefore making me a distant relative of Cincinnati Reds great Joe Nuxhall. I am also related to NBC news personality Tom Brokaw, and distantly related to George Armstrong Custer.

8. What is your best genealogical advice? Be patient and take a break every now and then, but most importantly, talk to your older relatives before it is too late.

The Cincinnati Patriot

June, 2017

For the Good of the Order

Editor Jeff Hartman 3020 Shaker Road Franklin, OH 45005 [email protected]


Wed June 7th CCSAR BOM Meeting at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 6 PM dinner, 7 PM meeting Fri June 9th Naturalization 2 PM USDC Room 842 Sun June 11th Flag Day Luncheon Fri June 23rd Naturalization 2 PM USDC Room 842 Sun July 2nd Hillside Bible Church Service 10:30 am, 10681 Loveland-Madeira Road, Loveland Mon July 3rd Madeira Parade 7 pm Tue July 4th Montgomery Parade Tue July 4th Independence Day Service, Spring Grove Cemetery, 2 pm Fri July 7th Naturalization 2 PM USDC Room 842 July 7-13 NSSAR National Congress, Nashville, TN Sat July 15th CCSAR Brunch 9:45 am

Membership Any man of age eighteen (18) years or over, who is a lineal descendant of an ancestor who supported the war for American Independence is eligible for membership in the Sons of the American Revolution. Men under eighteen (18) may join as junior members.

If you are interested in membership or need help with your application please do not hesitate to contact the Chapter Registrar, Franz B. Ott, II, at 513-384-7411. [email protected]

Facebook – Compatriots, when you view

our Facebook page, please hit LIKE on the

articles that are posted, even if you do not LIKE

the article.

When you LIKE a posting, it is now able to be

read by all of your Facebook Friends. This will

help spread the word and promote all of the

activities that we participate in.

For More Information about the CCSAR, please visit our

website at:

Our Facebook page also has many more photos of the

events that you see highlighted here.
