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  • 8/14/2019 Christianity Time Line


    Christianity Timeline


    Age of Persecution and Apostolic Fathers125 150 190

    Clement of Rome Tertullian Irenaeus

    Ignatius Justin Martyr Tertullian

    Polycarp Theophilus OrigenClement

    The Didache - Sunday worship was norm


    Council "Old Roman Creed" Canon Crystalized Liturgies Formalized

    3 to 5 BC 50 150 175 200

    Birth 1. Salvation by Grace of Lord Jesus First Form of Apostles' creed Books of New Testament 1. Elders Bcome"ordained"

    of 2. Not by works, Judaism, not religion Affirmation of Essential Beliefs Agreed Upon. to do liturgies

    Jesus "Do you believe in God the Father..? 1. Apostolicity. 2. Sacraments of Baptism &

    Do you believe in Jesus Christ..? 2. Able to edify Communion Ritualized

    Do you believe in the Holy Ghost..?" 7 Books still Disputed: a. Baptism by Immersion &

    Salvation James, II Peter, II & III John, Pouring (didache)

    X Good Works End Time Beliefs Jude, Hebrews, Revelation b. Baptisms done at

    XI Christ's Sacrifice XIX Return of Christ In 367 Athansius lists all 27. Easter & Pentecost

    XII New Life in Christ XX Resurrestion Books as Canonical. c. Infant baptism accepted

    XXI Judgment - Latter Councils agree. by 400

    XXII Final DestinyXVIII Kingdom of God Scriptures XVII The Holy Sacraments

    V Sufficiency

    VI Authority #6 War & Peace

    #1 False Worship #3 The Lord's Day VII New Testament

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    Christianity Timeline


    Roman Government Declines in Power -- As the Church Authority Increases

    325 - Golden Age of "Scientific Bible Study" - Great Councils Decide Major Points of TheologyJerome - Vulgate Version -- Augustin -- Chrystosome -- Athanasius

    Christianity Becomes

    Persecution the Official Religion

    Intensifies Toleration Edict of Milan Council of Nicea Council of Constantinople of the State

    250 311 313 325 381 395

    Results of Persecution: Constantine Trinity Nicene Creed

    1. No church property Freedom for All 1. Arius - Jesus was created by God - Divine but not Deity.

    2. Martyrs - witness - Religions 2. Athanasius - Christ was co-eternal, consubstantial, equal.

    great growth 3. Eusebius - Compromise.

    3. System of Elders This council went with the compromise, but over the next

    system of deacons 60 years saw it was not to be compromised.

    4. Lack of ability to Developed what we now call the icene Creed in 381,

    meet and correct in Constantinople.

    false teachings REFORM


    250 - 350 Growth in Ascetism I. The Holy Trinity Simeon StylitesAnthony II. The Father Ascetic who sat

    III. The Son on 60ft. Pillar

    IV. The Holy Spirit for 30 years

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    Christianity Timeline


    Reform Movement

    Council of Ephesus Council of Chalcedon Monastic Order (Communal) Pope Gregory I Islam Begins

    431 451 480 - 543 590 622

    Man's Part is Salvation Nature of Jesus St. Benedict First "Pope" Mohammed

    1. Pelagius - human will 1. Antioch Theologians 1. Rejection of wealthy Bishop among Bishops 570 - 632

    is invlolved - denied original stressed "two natures" "Government Church." 1. By now the Petrine

    sin, or man's depravity. humanity - word - man 2. Rejection of the world's theory accepted.

    2. Augustine - God did it all. 2. Alexandrian Theologians ways. 2. Warship becomes

    3. Cassianus - Compromise stressed divinity - 3. Dedication to: controlled and formalized

    Council went with a word - flesh prayer and study. a. Sacredotalism

    modified Augustine view - 4. Missionaries Priest is necessary to w rship.

    stated like our Article VIII The council did not b. Gregorian Chant

    try to go either way, 3. Mary worship begins

    MAN but stressed the "Mary never sinned"VIII. A Free Moral Person Biblical view that

    Jesus was fully God

    AND fully man, yet #15 Simplicity of Life

    joined in one #11 Stewardship of Possessions

    individual - "one

    person, one


    By this time 22 Articles

    of Religion were decided upon

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    Christianity Timeline



    Roman Empire Ends Holy Roman

    - Rise in Feudalism Empire Begins

    Lasts 'til 1806 - Napoleon


    Donation of Popin Charlemagne Otto Crowned Movement

    754 800 962 1050 1054

    Begins Last of the Great POPES Rome excommunicates

    "Papal States" Roman Emperors now crown Michael Cerularius, the

    Church now enters (7 ft. tall - a man of war) the Emperor Patriarch of Constantinople

    the temporal and hold control

    Political arena. over affairs Church begins to take hard

    of state. line on reformers

    1050 Scholasticism Begins Mysticism Re

    "Doctors" of theology - an attempt to organize theology into a "system"-systematic theology Reacted to by1. Anselm - "I believe in order that I may know"-FAITH IS PRIMARY

    2. Abelard - "I know in order hat I may believe" - REASON IS PRIMARY

    3. Thomas Aquinas - synthe is of FAITH & Reason - Man is not totally depraved

    4. Bacon - Scientific method

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    Christianity Timeline



    1. Doesn't accept Rome' Authority

    2. Allows marriage of Clergy.

    3. Wants Easter to be on th right date - not day (Sunday)

    4. Holy Spirit proceeds fr m Son - not Father Son

    5. From now on church c anges very little

    PAPAL RULE Reform Movement Peak of Papal


    Crusades 2nd 3rd Refrom Movement

    College of Cardinal Pope Gregory VII Begin Waldenses Crusade Crusade Inocent III Friars

    1059 1073 1075 1184 1187 1192 1198 1210

    Election of Pope Increased Papel First Pete Waldo Prime Franciscans & Dominicans

    Power Crusade (Also excommunicted) Example of Poor Clares

    Took 1. Wanted new "life" Papal Power Franciscans begin Hospitals

    Jerusalem in worship Philip & Ingeborg Dominicans begin Universities

    from Moslems 2. Bible in vernacular of France

    Interdict in 1200 Stayed within the church

    closed churches as a reaction to cold

    reasonable scholasticism

    cts to Scholasticism

    major movement in mys icism1. Catherine of Siena sa visions about evils f clergy

    2. Meister Eckhart fusion of human essence ith divine essience in ecstatic experience

    3. Thomas a Kempis - imiitation of Christ

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    Christianity Timeline


    Eastern Orthodox

    Decrease in Papal Power / Increase in "Nas

    tions" States

    --Strict celibate hierarchy causes decline

    in clergy mor le and morals

    Children's 4th Lateran Synod of Toulouse Pope Papacy Moved to Roots of the

    Crusade Council and 6th Crusade Gregory IX Boniface Avignon Lollards Reformation

    1212 1215 1229 1223 1301 1309 1382 1401

    Transubstantiation 1. Forbade Commissioned Make a last ditch State John Wycliff Death penalty

    Life - giving vernacular the dominicans Proclamation Controlled for being a

    sacrament scriptures to punish "Unam sanctum" Pope 1. Christ is head of Lollard

    controlled by heresy Church.

    the church 2. Retook Jerusalem Pope at Roman Church 2. Bible in vernacular.

    leaving the Roots of has spiritual and 3. Opposed to

    Tremendous Mosque of Omar "Inquisition" Temporal power over transubstantiation

    power over all, and submission 4. Forced to retire, but

    Kings and to the Pope is "necessary began "Lollard's"

    commoners for salvation." travelling preachers

    1350 -- Renaiss

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    Christianity Timeline


    Eastern Orthodox

    NATION STATES RU E Nations Support Reforma

    No more Papal Temporal A


    Council of Luther's Luther is

    Reform Council Florence Pius II Columbus Erasmus 95 Theses Excommunicated

    1415 1431 1439 1460 1492 1516 1517 1520

    John Huss, Tried to change Pope responds Decreed: Prints N.T. 1. Scripture as Authority

    Wycliff student, the Church by increasing "No more in Greek 2. Faith as means of salvation,

    burned at stake sacradotal reforming Original not "transubstantiation"

    by the sacraments. councils truths 3. Christ as Head of the Church

    Council of 7 Sacraments now can be now set free 4. Clean up the bribery and

    Constance all demanding a held." immoral clergy

    priest. 5. Stop selling indulgences

    Until now refromation was controlled within - but now new chu

    nce & Rebirth -- 1 50

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    Christianity Timeline


    Eastern Orthodox


    thority Lutherans

    1. Change in worship:

    a. Preaching central - not mass.b. Vernacular congregational singing.

    2. New Church government system.

    3. Elementary education for children (S.S.)

    4. Bible as Authoity.

    5. Faith brings salvation.

    German Reform Reformation

    Melanthon N.T. Attempt Result

    1521 1522 1523 1530 Augsburg Confession 1534

    Reformation Luther 29 Articles of Religion Henry VIII

    Theologian puts N.T. Act of Supremac

    in vernacular


    ches begin! Conrad Glebel 1526

    contested infant Persecutionbaptism. by

    Rebaptism Drowning


    The Church

    XV The Church

    XVI The Language of Worship

    #8 Public Schools

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    Christianity Timeline


    Counter Reformation

    Eastern Ortho ox

    ROMAN CATHOLICS 1540 Jesuits Ordained


    1545 Council of Trent

    1. Added Apocryphal Books to Bible

    2. Church, Bible, equal in authority

    3. Faith AND works necessary for salvation

    Church of England -- Anglican -- A erican Episcopal 4. 7 sacraments reaffirmed

    1. King is Head of Church 5. Transubstantiation reaffirmed

    2. Roman theolgy 6. Purgatory begins

    3. Bible in Engish 7. Pope is head of the Church

    John Calvin's "Institutes"

    1536 Total Depravity -- God does it all

    Unconditional Election -- Double predestination

    Limited Atonement -- God saves only those elected

    Irresistable Grace -- If God chose yo - you will be saved

    Perseverance of the Saints -- will never fall away

    Reformed Churches1545

    French Huguenots


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    Christianity Timeline


    Eastern Orthodox

    Roman Catholic


    English Presbyterian Rem in Calvinistic1606 American Congregational Churches

    Religious Religious

    Reformation Reformation Puritans-Congregation-Ba tist-Remain Calvinist

    1549 1563 1567

    1. Clergy can marry 39 Articles

    2. Communion up to laity 1. Comunion, not transubstantiation

    3. Book of Common Prayer 2. Bible as authority Anglican Becomes Arminian High Church

    Veinacular Worship 3. Calvinian influence Arminius Not

    1. Man is not totally depr ved-He can respond to God

    2. All can be saved-condi ion is out response

    3. Atonement is universal

    4. Grace can be resisted

    5. Persons can fall away

    1560 John Knox - Scottish Presbyteria

    French Huguenots

    Anabaptists - Mennonites

    XIV Restoration

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    Christianity Timeline


    Eastern Orthodox

    Roman Catholic


    1629 Mass Bay Congregatonalists English PresbyteriaAmerican Congrega ional

    1616 Independent Baptists Independent Baptists


    1703 - 1791

    John Wesley



    1618 Reformed Churches Scottish Presbyterian

    United Presbyterian

    Dutch Reformed


  • 8/14/2019 Christianity Time Line


    Christianity Timeline


    Eastern Orthodox

    1854 1870

    Roman Catholic Immaculate Papal

    Lutheran Conception Infallibility

    English PresbyterianAmerican Congregational

    Independent Baptists

    Anglican/Episcopal Anglican/Episcopal

    1791 United Methodist

    1. Armenian

    Quakers 2. Societies

    Methodist Methodist 1860 3. Early Christian

    1. Spiritual Revival

    2. Small group "societies" - Methodists

    3. Social Welfare.

    4. Remained an Anglican priest, but forbidden a pulpit. Scottish Presbyterian

    5. Emphasis on Holy Spirit's Sanctifying work United Presbyterian

    Dutch Reformed

    French Huguenots


    IX Law of Life & Love

    XII Entire Sanctification

    #4 Human Rights #2 Secret Societies

    #17 Christian Citizenship #16 Employer/ Employee

    #7 Cival Oaths

    #9 Discipline of the Body #10 Misuse of drugs

  • 8/14/2019 Christianity Time Line


    Christianity Timeline


    Eastern Orthodox

    1961 Vatican II Roman Catholic


    English PresbyterianAmerican Congregational

    Independent Baptist

    Calvinian Congregational


    United Methodist

    1878 Salvation Army Salvation Army




    1. Injustice of Slavery

    2. Equality of Women Scottish Presbyterian

    3. Lay Participation United Presbyterian

    4. Simplicity Dutch Reformed

    5. Holy Spirit's Sanctifying wor Huguenots


    B.T. Robertskicked out of

    the Methodist

    Episcopal Church

    #13 Entertaiinment #18 Marriage and Family

    #14 Pornography # 2 Gambling

    #5 The Sanctity of Human Life #19 Homosexual B havior