Page 1: Christianity and World Religions Mark Brunke CPO 1910 Apologetics and World Religions Dr. Matthews MBI 12/8/10

Christianity and World ReligionsMark Brunke

CPO 1910

Apologetics and World Religions

Dr. Matthews



Page 2: Christianity and World Religions Mark Brunke CPO 1910 Apologetics and World Religions Dr. Matthews MBI 12/8/10


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Page 3: Christianity and World Religions Mark Brunke CPO 1910 Apologetics and World Religions Dr. Matthews MBI 12/8/10

Islam and GodGod Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Allah is God None Father, Son, and Spirit are God

Allah is one Christians believe in one God God is Triune

Allah is to be worshipped

Christians believe God alone is to be worshipped also

A great source of our worship is God’s work on the cross

Allah is a lawgiver God also is a just lawgiver Jesus fulfilled the law so that we do not have to

Allah sends prophets We believe in many of the same prophets

Jesus, not Mohammed, was the greatest Prophet

Allah is totally sovereign God is totally sovereign At the same time, Christians hold human free will in tension with God’s sovereignty

Allah is the Creator God created all things Muslims believe God created jinn, Christians do not

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Islam and God (continued)

God Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Allah is Omniscient God is omniscient None

Allah is Holy & Just God is holy & just Christianity teaches that because God is holy and just, He cannot simply forgive sin but must punish sin. Islam teaches that Allah can forgive without punishment

Allah is eternal God is eternal God eternally exists as Trinity

Allah is merciful God is merciful His mercy is demonstrated on the cross where Jesus took the punishment we deserved for sin so that God could forgive us

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Islam and ChristChrist Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Jesus was a prophet Jesus is very much a prophet who speaks for God

Jesus is the greatest prophet, not Mohammed

Jesus is to be respected He is worthy of great respect Jesus is worthy of more than just respect, but worship also

Jesus is not God or the Son of God

We agree that God is one Jesus is the second member of the Trinity, fully God and fully man

Jesus is a teacher Jesus is our great teacher, our Rabbi

Jesus is more than a teacher, but God Himself

Born of the virgin Mary Agreed None

He performed miracles Agreed! His greatest miracles were His substitutionary death on the cross and resurrection

Jesus did not die on the cross

Fully disagreed Jesus death on the cross and subsequent resurrection is fundamental to Christianity

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Islam and Sacred Books/Places

Writings & Places Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The Quran is God’s Word

The Quran references many Old and New Testament figures especially Moses

Only the 66 books of the Bible are inspired by God and the Quran is not

The Bible is God’s Word Muslims believe that the original autographs of the Old and New Testament were inspired by God

Muslims believe that today’s Bible has been greatly corrupted over time and can no longer be trusted

Worship in a Mosque Christians also gather weekly to worship

Christians gather in churches and do not believe the buildings themselves are holy

Mecca is the Holy City None Christians do not view places as being uniquely holy

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Islam and AuthorityAuthority Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The Quran is the Highest Authority

Christians agree that God’s Word should hold the highest level of authority

Christians do not believe the Quran is God’s Word but instead follow the Bible

Mohammed is the highest prophet

Christians agree that prophets who speak for God hold high authority and agree that the ultimate source of this authority is God

Christians do not believe Mohammed was a true prophet and instead hold Jesus as the greatest prophet, for He was God Himself

Imams are spiritual leaders and lead Muslims in prayer and worship

Christian pastors also lead Christians in prayer and worship

Pastors are not seen as holier than other Christians as Imams typically are treated

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Islam and Origin, Identity, & Meaning of Life

Islam Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Humans were created by Allah

Christians agree that God created everything including humanity


Humanity started with Adam and Eve

Christians agree Christians believe that Adam and Eve fell in the garden by rebelling against God

Humans are frail and weak and prone to temptation

Christians agree Christians would go farther than Muslims and say that all people are born with original sin and are predisposed to sin against God rather than obey

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Islam and Origin, Identity, & Meaning of Life (continued)

Islam Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Humans are able to obey and please Allah

Christians agree, but… People are only able to obey and please God once they have put their faith in Christ and been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. This is because we are in our nature sinful.

Humans exist to serve and glorify Allah

Christians agree that man exists to serve and glorify God

However, Christians believe that this is now impossible for man to do apart from faith in Christ due to the sinful nature in us all.

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Islam and Sin & MoralitySin Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Sin is disobedience to Allah which includes murder, stealing, lying, adultery, etc.

Christians agree that sin stems from disobeying God and agree on many of God’s commands

Christians would go one step farther and say that sin is going against God’s nature and character

Allah has given laws to follow in the Quran

God has given rules and laws in the Bible

Christians don’t believe the Quran but the Bible

Sin doesn’t automatically condemn a person because Allah is merciful

Christians agree that God is merciful and forgiving

However, Christians believe that even just one sin condemns a person to Hell

Humanity is capable of freely choosing obedience or sin

Christians believe that people are responsible for their choices

Christians believe that man is unable to freely choose obedience due to the sinful nature

Humans are prone to temptation

Christians agree Christians go farther and say man is enslaved to sin by the sinful nature

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Islam and Salvation, Destiny, and Judgment

Islam Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Heaven and Hell exist Christians agree that heaven is a sinless place of bliss and hell is a place of eternal suffering

Certain aspects of heaven are not true, like the idea that men will be rewarded with a harem of female virgins. The Bible teaches that sex and marriage will not exist in heaven

Not all humans will make it to heaven

Christians agree that heaven is exclusive rather than inclusive


Humans are not doomed to Hell and do not need to be saved

None All humans have sinned and therefore condemned themselves to hell. A saving act of God is necessary to change a person’s destiny from Hell to Heaven

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Islam and Salvation, Destiny, and Judgment (cont.)

Islam Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Obedience to the five pillars will aid you in judgment

1) Confession of Faith

2) Prayer3) Tithing4) Fasting5) Hajj

Christians believe that doing good deeds will bring reward in Heaven

1) Christians believe that putting faith in the one true God is crucial to salvation

2) Prayer is highly valued3) Tithing is highly valued4) Fasting is highly valued

We can’t earn our salvation because we have failed God and sinned. Salvation is not by works but by faith in Jesus

1) Allah is not God and Mohammed is not his prophet. The Father, Son, and Spirit are God

2) We pray to the Father, in the name of the Son, through the Spirit

3) Tithing is done out of gratitude, not to earn salvation

4) Fasting does not earn salvation

5) God is holy, not places

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Islam and Salvation, Destiny, and Judgment (cont.)

Islam Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

On judgment day, Allah will judge everyone by their deeds

Christians also believe that a day of judgment will come where God judges man by his deeds

Christians believe that those who have put their faith in Christ will not be judged for their sin because Christ has paid for their sin. God cannot simply ignore or forgive sin as Muslims believe, but sin must be paid for

Allah has predestined those who will go to heaven and hell

Christians also believe in predestination

However, Christians believe that all people deserve Hell, but God elects some to be saved through Christ

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Hinduism and GodGod Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

There is one supreme being

Christianity agrees Christians believe this is the Triune God. Father, Son, and Spirit are God.

This being manifest in many forms or gods

The man Jesus Christ is the perfect manifestation of God

The Triune God does not manifest as thousands of deities. He is one.

There are thousands of these gods

God is three… Yet God is one. There is only one God. These are false gods

Everything, including man is god or divine

Everything was created by God and humans were made in the image of God

Only God is divine

Deities dwell in images Jesus is the perfect image of the unseen God

Christians view these as sinful false gods and idols

Immanent and Transcendent

Christians agree God is transcendent because He is holy, not because He is ultimate reality

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Hinduism and ChristChrist Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Jesus was an avatar, a manifestation of the supreme being

Jesus is God made flesh Jesus is not one of many manifestations but the only and the perfect manifestation of God

Faith in Jesus can be a means of salvation

Faith in Jesus brings salvation Faith in Jesus is the only means of salvation

Jesus teachings of love and peace are excellent

Christians agree Jesus is more than one of many teachers, He is the one true God

Jesus is not the only way to salvation

We agree that following Jesus can lead to salvation

Jesus is indeed the only way to be saved

He performed miracles Agreed! His greatest miracles were His substitutionary death on the cross and resurrection which alone can save man

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Hinduism and Sacred Books/Places

Writings & Places Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The Vedas, Agamas, and Upanishads are revered as divine

Christians also believe that God has revealed His truth through written word

Only the 66 books of the Bible are inspired by God. Also, the Bible itself is not divine as if it was God, which is how Hindus venerate their writings

Hindus worship in Temples where deities dwell inside idols

Christians also gather weekly to worship together

Christians do not believe God dwells in physical objects and we consider these sort of things to be sinful and false gods

Many places are venerated as holy and divine due to their connection to deities and avatars and Hindus are to take pilgrimages to these sites in India

Christians remember places where God acted in history

Christians do not view places as being uniquely holy in and of themselves, but we remember God’s actions in those places

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Hinduism and AuthorityAuthority Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The Vedas, Agamas, and Upanishads hold great authority as they are God’s Word

Christians agree that God’s Word should hold the highest level of authority

Christians do not believe the Hindu writings are God’s Word but instead follow the Bible

Those who are spiritually awakened are called satgurus and hold great authority

Christians follow prophets who spoke for God

Prophets spoke for God as God told them to. They themselves were sinful men, not spiritually awakened men who spoke from their own experience

Names vary across Hinduism, but priests and gurus are respected and hold authority to teach and lead in prayers

Christian pastors also lead Christians in prayer and worship and hold authority to teach

Pastors are not seen as holier than other Christians and their authority must come from the Bible

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Hinduism and Origin, Identity, & Meaning of Life

Hinduism Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The supreme being created the universe and all within it over 300 trillion years ago

Christians agree that God is the creator of everything

Christians tend to view the earth as much younger than that, but this is not major.

All life is sacred and divine

Human life is sacred as it bears the image of God

Animal life is not sacred and nothing but God is divine

Humans are caught in the cycle of samsara or karma and reincarnation

Christians agree that humans accrue a debt of sin and that there is an afterlife

People die once and face judgment before God. The debt of sin must be paid to God

This world is an illusion Eternal things matter more than worldly things

This world is very real as are the pain and suffering in it

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Hinduism and Origin, Identity, & Meaning of Life (continued)

Hinduism Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The meaning of life is to achieve moksha or spiritual knowledge and liberation from the cycle of samsara

Leaving this temporary world and living in eternity with God is desired. Spiritual knowledge of the gospel will liberate man from sin.

Humans are not trapped in a cycle of rebirths. Man is given one life to obey God and in death faces judgment.

Karma (past actions from past lives) determine a person’s place in this world including the caste of society they are born into

A person’s past actions whether good or bad do create consequences that they must live with. A person is to honor God and be content with whatever circumstances they find themselves in

There are no past lives. People are not stuck in the caste they are born in but can move about as God sees fit to bless them.

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Hinduism and Sin & MoralitySin Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Sin involves unbelief, evil deeds, and improper worship

Christians agree The Bible alone testifies to what proper faith, deeds, and worship look like

A person accrues negative karma through “sin” and must repay this karma before being released from samsara

Christians agree that sin accrues a debt that must be paid

A person does not have an infinite number of lives to straighten out his karmic debt. Instead, a person lives once and faces God to be judged for his sin

Everyone will eventually overcome their karma and achieve moksha

None God will judge sin and many will be condemned

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Hinduism and Salvation, Destiny, and Judgment

Hinduism Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The universe is in an eternal cycle of creation, preservation, and dissolution

Heaven and Hell are eternal The universe had a beginning and this world as we know it will have an end

Salvation is achieved by paying off one’s karmic debt and recognizing that oneself is divine

The debt of sin must be paid to enter heaven

Humans are not divine and cannot pay off their own debt. Jesus Christ alone can pay our debt

There is no judgment day

None There is a judgment day coming

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Hinduism and Salvation, Destiny, and Judgment (cont.)

Hinduism Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

All people will eventually one day pay off their karmic debt and achieve moksha

Again, Christians agree that there is a debt of sin that must be paid

Everyone will face judgment and those without faith in Jesus will not be saved but will suffer in Hell for eternity

When a person achieves moksha, they are united with the supreme being and become one with it. This is “heaven” for the Hindu and everyone will one day reach this state.

Christians desire to be in the presence of God and be with Him for all of eternity

We do not become one with God. In Heaven, we will serve Him and worship Him forever

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Buddhism and God

God Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

There is no God None The fool says in his heart there is no God. Father, Son and Spirit are the Triune God.

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Buddhism and Christ

Christ Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

He was an enlightened person or Buddha

We agree that Jesus was full of good and right knowledge

He is more than an enlightened man, He is God Himself

Jesus is to be respected He is worthy of great respect Jesus is worthy of more than just respect, but worship also

Jesus is not God or the Son of God

None Jesus is the second member of the Trinity, fully God and fully man

Jesus is a teacher Jesus is our great teacher, our Rabbi

Jesus is more than a teacher, but God Himself

Jesus claims of being God and the Savior were essentially great truths that were dumbed down so that the people would understand

Jesus did teach in a way that we could understand

Jesus claims to be God are not lies or diminished truths to explain something too complicated for us to understand. They are true claims validated by the resurrection

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Buddhism and Sacred Books/Places

Writings & Places Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The Pali Canon is made up of writings that are said to contain the teachings of Buddha. They focus on rules of conduct, discourses, and other writings.

These writings teach certain things similar to Christianity such as peace, love, and compassion.

Only the 66 books of the Bible are inspired by God and the Pali Canon is not to be followed.

Buddhists often meditate in temples or places they feel have innate energy

Christians meditate on the word of God

Buddhist meditation is an emptying oneself of desire to achieve Nirvana or a release from this world and suffering. Christians do not agree with any of these concepts.

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Buddhism and AuthorityAuthority Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The Pali Canon is revered and considered by many to be an authority

Christians agree that God’s Word should hold the highest level of authority

Christians do not believe the Quran is God’s Word but instead follow the Bible

The Dalai Lama is considered the 14th reincarnation of the original Dalai Lama who serves as a guide to all

None Christians do not believe in reincarnation nor that any man alive should hold such great authority. Jesus is the only King of Kings

Gurus serve as teachers and guides on the path to enlightenment

Pastors serve as guides and counselors to Christians

Pastors do not lead people to enlightenment of the mind but to a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ

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Buddhism and Origin, Identity, & Meaning of Life

Buddhism Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The universe and everything within it has evolved through natural law. Many Buddhists believe in the Big Bang theory and similar explanations.

Christians believe in natural law

Christians believe that God created the universe and all living things and that He is the author of the natural laws that govern the universe.

All living things are subject to karma and a cycle of reincarnation

Christians agree that all actions have consequences

Man lives once, then dies and faces judgment. The debt of sin must be paid to God

The purpose of life is to free one’s consciousness from the cycle of Karma and suffering to reach Nirvana

None The purpose of life is not self-centered but God-centered. We exist to serve and glorify God.

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Buddhism and Sin & Morality

Sin Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Sin does not exist as an actual moral wrongness

None There is indeed moral good and moral evil which stems from the character of God

“Sin” are actions that hinder one’s path to enlightenment by promoting selfish desire

Christians agree that sin often stems from selfish desire and hinders one’s own walk with God

Sin is not simply hindering your own enlightenment but violating the commands of God

Buddhists are to abstain from killing, forbidden sex, illicit drugs and liquor, stealing, and lying

Christians are to abstain from these things as well except for liquor, though they are not to get drunk

Christians avoid these things because they are acts of rebellion against God, not because they simply hinder self enlightenment

Suffering is not a result of “sin” but selfish desire

Suffering does stem from selfish desire

Selfish desire is sin against a holy God

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Buddhism and Sin & Morality (continued)

Sin Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Buddhists are to follow the Eightfold Path

1) Right View

2) Right Resolve

3) Right Speech

4) Right Action

5) Right Livelihood

6) Right Effort

7) Right Mindfulness

8) Right Concentration

Christians agree that all of these aspects of life are important. One’s views, words, deeds, job, time, energy, and motives are all vital.

Christians believe that these areas of life are to be submitted to God in order to serve and honor Him rather than using these areas to achieve self-enlightenment

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Buddhism and Salvation, Destiny, and Judgment

Buddhism Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

There is no Hell and no judgment

None Hell and judgment are very real

“Heaven” is reaching Nirvana, which is a state of enlightenment in which your consciousness transcends this world and the cycle of reincarnation and is freed from selfish desire and suffering

Heaven will be a place that is free from selfishness and suffering

We reach heaven through faith in Christ who paid for our sin. We will live in heaven forever as body and soul and there we will worship God

Belief in the Four Noble Truths and following the Eightfold path leads a person to enlightenment and Nirvana

Suffering does stem from selfish desire which we should fight against. Christians agree with many of the concepts of the Eightfold path (slide 28)

Belief in Jesus Christ is needed to atone for our sins against God, this is the only way to be freed from sin and suffering.

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Judaism and GodGod Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

God is One Christians believe in one God God is Triune: Father, Son, and Spirit are God

God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

We believe in the same God of these patriarchs

This God became man in Jesus Christ

God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and eternal

Christians agree None

God is a just lawgiver Christians agree Jesus fulfilled the law so that we do not have to and because we cannot

God sends prophets We believe in all of the Old Testament prophets

The prophets testified to Jesus Christ as the Messiah

God is totally sovereign God is totally sovereign None

God is the Creator Christians agree None

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Judaism and ChristChrist Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Jesus was not a prophet from God

None Jesus is the greatest prophet

Jesus is not the Messiah None Jesus is the prophesied Messiah

Jesus is not God or the Son of God

We agree that God is one Jesus is the second member of the Trinity, fully God and fully man

Jesus did not die for sins, but for blasphemy

We agree that Jesus was officially executed for the charge of blasphemy

Jesus was sinless and His death atoned for the sins of the elect

Jesus did not rise from the dead, but his disciples stole his body

The Bible tells us that many claimed this about Jesus’ body

The Bible shows that this is a lie spread by the Pharisees to cast doubt on the resurrection

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Judaism and Sacred Books/Places

Writings & Places Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The Old Testament is God’s Word

We agree! All 66 books of the Bible are inspired by God and the Old testament is about Jesus

The New Testament is not God’s Word

The Old Testament is the foundation for the New Testament

The New Testament is God’s Word and is the fulfillment of the Old Testament

Worship in synagogues Christians also gather weekly to worship

Christians gather in churches

Israel is God’s nation Depends on which Christians you ask. Some agree with this… I don’t

Depends on which Christians you ask. Some agree with this… I don’t

The Temple is the most holy place on earth

God’s presence once dwelt in the Temple

When Jesus died, the curtain in the Temple was torn, signifying that God’s presence was now loosed on the world

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Judaism and Authority

Authority Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The Old Testament is the highest authority

Christians agree that God’s Word should hold the highest level of authority

Christians believe that the New Testament is also God’s Word

The Talmud and the Mishna are held in respect as they interpret the Old Testament

Christians also read commentaries on the Scriptures

Christians tend to not give near as much weight or authority to Bible commentaries as the Jews do

Rabbis are teachers who teach Jews about God’s word and lead them in worship

Christian pastors also lead Christians in prayer and worship and teach God’s Word

Pastors are to teach Christ above all else

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Judaism and Origin, Identity, & Meaning of Life

Islam Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The universe and all things in it were created by God

Christians agree that God created everything including humanity

The Triune God created

Humanity started with Adam and Eve

Christians agree None

Man was created in God’s image and human life is sacred

Christians agree None

Humans are frail and weak and prone to temptation

Christians agree Christians would emphasize man’s sinful nature and that we cannot do what is right and cannot please God

Man’s purpose is to serve and glorify God

Christians agree Because of sin, we cannot please God apart from Christ

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Judaism and Sin & MoralitySin Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Sin is disobedience to God’s law and violation of His character

Christian's agree fully Christians acknowledge that we cannot keep God’s law and the law therefore condemns us

God has given laws to follow in the OT

Christians agree God has also given commands in the New Testament

Jews are to obey dietary laws

God did give these laws to the people of Israel

Christ fulfilled these dietary and ritual laws and we are no longer under them

Jews are to obey the Ten Commandments

Christians follow them as well Christians acknowledge that we cannot keep God’s law and the law therefore condemns us

Jews are to honor the Sabbath and holy days

Christians also follow the Sabbath and some even celebrate the Jewish holy days

Christians do not follow strict laws that govern that Sabbath but instead seek to keep the heart of the Sabbath

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Judaism and Salvation, Destiny, and Judgment

Islam Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Heaven and Hell exist. Heaven is eternal life with God and Hell is eternal suffering

Christians agree that heaven is a sinless place of bliss and hell is a place of eternal suffering

Christ will rule over Heaven and Hell

The Messiah will come to liberate and rule over Israel

Christians agree that the Old Testament predictions of the Messiah are correct

Jesus Christ is the prophesied Messiah. He has already come and will return again

The dead will be resurrected and God will judge all, rewarding the good and punishing the wicked

Christians agree Jesus will be the judge on that day and those who put their faith in Him will not have their sins held against them. Everyone else will face judgment in Hell

Salvation is achieved through obedience

If one perfectly obeys the Law, then he will be saved

We cannot obey the law. Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law and offers us salvation

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Jehovah’s Witnesses

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Jehovah’s Witnesses and GodGod Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Jehovah is God Jehovah comes from Yahweh Father, Son, and Spirit are God

He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

Christians follow this God None

The Trinity is a satanic doctrine

Christians don’t like Satan The Trinity is the truth of God from God’s Word

Jesus is a god but not God to be honored

Jesus is definitely to be honored

Jesus is God, the second member of the Trinity and worthy of worship

The Holy Spirit isn’t God but an impersonal force

None The Holy Spirit is God, the third member of the Trinity and He is a Person

Jehovah is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and eternal

Christians agree But so are Jesus and the Holy Spirit

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JW’s and ChristChrist Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Jesus is not God None Jesus is fully God and fully man, the second member of the Trinity

Jesus is the archangel Michael

None Jesus created Michael and the angels

Jesus is to be respected Jesus is to be respected greatly

Jesus is worthy of more than respect but also worship

Jesus died on a stake not a cross

We agree that Jesus was murdered

Jesus died on the cross to pay for sin

Jesus rose spiritually from the dead and was given a new body

We agree at least in some way that Jesus rose from the dead

Jesus resurrection was a bodily one to show that He had fully conquered death

The second coming happened invisibly in 1914

We agree that there is a second coming

Jesus return will be public and will usher in the millennial kingdom

Jesus is to be honored Agreed! Jesus is to be worshiped

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JW’s and Sacred Books/Places

Writings & Places Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The Bible is God’s Word We agree The JW’s often twist and misinterpret the Bible and mistranslate it to fit their agenda

The Watchtower Society’s literature is inspired by God

Christians look to commentaries to aid their study of the Bible

Only the Bible is authoritative and inspired by God

Worship in Kingdom Halls

Christians also gather weekly to worship

Worship services revolve around teachings from the Watchtower Society

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JW’s and AuthorityAuthority Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The Watchtower Society is the highest authority and they alone can correctly interpret the Bible

Christians often use commentaries to help when studying the Bible

No person or group has final say nor stands in authority over the Bible. The Bible is clear and can speak for itself

The Bible is authoritative Christians agree However, the Bible is the highest authority, above all including the Watchtower Society

Pastors lead JW’s in worship and prayer and teaching

Christian pastors also lead Christians in prayer and worship and teaching

Christian pastors look to the Bible, not a man made governing body

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JW’s and Origin, Identity, & Meaning of Life

JW’s Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

The universe and all in it were created by Jehovah

Christians agree that God created everything including humanity

The Triune God created everything

Humanity started with Adam and Eve

Christians agree None

Humans are frail and weak and prone to temptation

Christians agree None

Our purpose is to serve and glorify Jehovah

Christians agree None

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JW’s and Sin & MoralityJW’s Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

Sin is disobedience to Jehovah or the Watchtower Society

Christians agree that sin is disobeying God

Christians disagree that any religious organization can add rules on top of the Bible. This is what the Pharisees did.

Blood transfusion, celebration of holidays and birthdays, and serving in the military are sinful

None The Bible does not teach any this, in fact God commands His people to fight in wars and observe holy days.

They follow the Ten Commandments

Christians agree Christians do not follow the ten commandments to earn heaven but to honor God

JW’s must go door to door witnessing

Christians place a big emphasis on evangelism also

This is done almost as a way to earn salvation or righteousness

JW’s practice harsh excommunication

Christians also practice church discipline

JW’s kick people out for non-Biblical reasons

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JW’s and Salvation, Destiny, and Judgment

Islam Contact with Christianity Tension with Christianity

144,000 saints will make it to Heaven

This is taken from the mention in Revelation to the 144,000 faithful Jews

We do not know the number, but those with faith in Christ will go to Heaven

Witnesses not in the 144,000 will live forever on paradise earth

The new Heaven and the new earth will be joined as one

There is only one heaven for those with faith in Christ

Non-Witnesses will not go to Hell, instead they will simply cease to exist

Christianity is also exclusive Hell is a real place of eternal suffering

Jehovah will judge who true Witnesses are based on their deeds

God will judge the living and the dead

He will judge based on faith in Christ

JW’s claim to teach salvation through faith and grace

Christians believe salvation is by faith in Christ alone

JW’s emphasize works to the point of earning salvation