


r a - ■ :Ow T*v. ttrstGy is »¡me« Tit r^iVftd st tetUt rf U KSi K « d v ............................................................ ...... ! •IVw Itntk ....................................................... B*T* dry il U ’W » 1 .................................. * J*T» fkL-ffit ti ( r ii p«a{t m ali) . . . - **- Ci:v . . . 1 *»" Mrv-=c. . . 1 •

- SonU ì a u . - ■ • *»* ' . . * mTW ren . f ame* nm t*r*fa cosaci*» a Aasrr-eta liilte IT tee* co È* »*■«and; ’Ju «costui -j r i i y laài » Itnm 0«r &v?a ttaU «aa k»>* ài» pia: m »* un* arcaci »> *7 mà pmmjt ros=iin a aai »• rr»po;rfaJy afe* (bar ,nrwiri{i.

CONTENTS Of TH1S NU%»S£R.feài staUa si tA* Ckudt_____ JU f B Ra*J-«»V. Ic-iit»-"............ BP*■V* le i ra tin i i.......... M * Sj r tu in uiitof.i-Jlj’«.. *Cfo-B.iia a (>i*i Rapila Micìl tu A • acne»------ --------- . S<infili ii nrf r»; n r ulli Wl l.cic Sm Ut, 5»-Ear„....«__ l "T e e » U t . iiaaiiiii . ..... . a»; >n»w* aa« teiwvaii~ ..-’ '............ ....Sta Ra On«:«« Iiit* ___T-' — • Vratra tf l = . T<a ....Bùi U ilfri« Dt. ... .- •Se..-» TaccMT- Qnmzrj .. ........ ** ‘**w*fv t------ --------- ^Ì zsrM s*. w\ti « H* .......... * < >-r-e-T=r~ Vf« t«*..., V*Ui«i m.* kpdDndfej' vtii fii vtcli 9 lk«>cr.i. c* Wt 9 à i*,.llJ . 3**

SPIRITUAUSM OF THE CHTJHCE.Ti; «ensoa defirarpd by E«- Vr J»ci-oc ol .N. T »?

¿ ì lue Dlwaa Coarsiùa &f ib i Pn>t-*4ut Fjinrr yil CVìt. ì. «kkà set ài Si J.fas'- Cà-imb. variefatrsts. Iti* cilj fe» £.»-«»1 ttJkr» be«s il n i «4 va Is cur « lisi.-; tat »* fe* tfe» v* vcald rag :*<? feferfernacc* cf «a «eesilal «rrrk? fa» ‘V eas«» ai SfKiì*»»ìì*y. 9 re ih. ».\l «itbfeld fresa orni tvm itr? sa« .teli*»«""*—pteDarrcteV ripe»-, oi tbe ¿ ¡» « ¿ em ìiseit. Ti"* rrro n • » « ft frr a tfe C i . an i5 EpUcnytfan papa? fai*L4»é ób Ai« «l*r. Frca feri.' g jo t- «saEj itxrd tfe -era«.«*. tt» », ■ -et ci ili* imurnicetaaa eia V-rt’f j -­A» lhiifa3.tB#*t of Ub» rej-.-r-: ** fir a* Ft gra» : bei tra pojtti -fe; ifa pfasvgnj ! r ho» ibrida <1 it la t e r m i fiatar* »ai ia *»& » u t *s tu >: lns enpéafk ra fts aaln e«»riL»c* Aas i?*ff*Ar*«ì *a-ra dallT-^i. V. ¿*:aHl tirt ti>a n u j •.•ur r>»iirn rL pera?« it wiik teeilsr« <i sarpri* ia>l niìfcni'' i

vo- ACM viib wtikb «e borni lt de .T^rri • ssd |f aar Ae«l 1 'c ! t J t a w«e «Li. " C*a i* be p«o.W« tbat Utrae ire Joc ria*» td tfc* Fra - »uat Efiyc-p*! Ottani *~ ** cu *a!j u m r . ibu tir

r u io * nsmervm* «sLt«y *JmSd-.-i. iacUiia^ tietr »ai Aat aeTsrti «of tb- t'e rg r

». j at»«ea »« «poke c-eacc.-i it idineari. fata lt tb«ir «W ^v, i

J: ik r -ill tue r*anrk>*<i titai tV *> rtnuo t»' I*Iinpri «lay >*ti»; v t ' Si R.-rinei »sii all A5f4*. >*j»tirjB»rr l t «A’Cb■il*4xpUiB aaac .vlbaMO* uà tv

' Bu te »re eoa« asu> Mutici Zni» u i u tu tbe t.JT ci ti» Kriac Gii. tbe bcsTea.'T . to le iZ 'S ìrs-r»1.> ^ai « r qt aafmt» ,ta li» Grami Ajeeith;? tid Chn,'<il • ' ’.k St'I !^n abeb aft arit. te» *-/i i»m»Aa. aaii la G*_i. ;l<- r •« - ajii U tic rf >MSSf i oati-e ¡¡.(»4 s.. j ,uj>. tic Sitili., r t» ti» C-»■ is**- ~—<B«b. l: l i 4àd .«»

i ....- i* tptaic, tbe ncTftvrvi prr-i.-fc»r ' ■> l.t f".-jA jh?. t ;-'. apM9C» rnm KaUiipr t • r.‘n 4 ,» ^ <«.t.»»r*5i‘cr- « :' <_ itr-ii'» »!»».«« a u-.r» j» A m ?;itvr> < t

t.->i —»fvrftvu ¡i • L.e m'■>ta:'aTf uf arWL taci •*■»Ùie «li-i- w • »t- "• b iw l. r.«t «i> a fTuiirr kw-^.r. r lina M-*»«. a r -sW :à*« Aar & a c-»-al<.r pròre •-ÌLait Mci-tLeirk , l- it t.’.e «fiftjt, ty«.« «.I rv’:'y r r j -- ìS-JCty.i*i u— ifl fresox'.«rT. do Wm in pa’.c»,* *4 ~4 «••iich basi bea :DLr>»i-ml thfac^tk L1-*' «; .»-. .r , (•ed tib«t «Ito g«*A«ìl}r fcrtJ« «rJwp o i ày . ; . n . t n h r f ^1 ‘ lite Sjwrt'j of *|ì j ^ c. a t m

«ri lite ▼*> d-J«e ¡I roaid » .-s i »’ili Ibc p«pMi rf rtteoìi p r i g irr- -;*.«ni *o|fe» i iTrifali ttjs ^ r S tga lia s that. í-- a t«Qf¿e. t? t i r fr a? lite «ad ccccacat •*? Ur «radon <-f iLr ‘Partii o t v O f . Wr nriai ,ibe «*■ Tv lise Wart vi » pi-« Je« ik n *»? m m A la -be jfw rrU j« . ani beptK M t». «f S s:«nactit of tbf A vàstl —rvi ia«t ««a tre»-? v*’ iaM K è aa ir brid ‘fet ' . fore b n Ur r k ^ o t» .k tke pnt «od J tbe TWtk t« ti- ' Lar </ trade-tioteu-y ferr^ p«!ritert-- pr-=4i «ab k s r i *u » ««frrk myoi di «od dwp *h tbs agST oí «ib» «as eeoa b >«* ta^-rr^Ee s pcv ar ; a # ^ rs jraSr « «ùk tbrr- » v **af wHha «ad iap -"t. - r eadltodaj$:k tecrrris tkr -pw kl^ ; ‘Jaere. two, « a ù r t« « .' -,i b m tk (tttb cs n x à ta d a b r ía s « ìr x ? G a i b a n a e lf a e p fa r o d a r W y ; I fa e n . «*?„ j j a À

«>« J t i r n jb C ity d a l thè tra c ie , « b à ^ f a te tsa. «ad « la rt^ vs of ^ .*a A friv .: -: -sf tb* aaaru •bar«. Tbb ««or (ft*v4tab«d it» wmW »1 - -VT!.

i mi: Ara Tr.i !er «r«Ftrrr t

«--T b««i. «* a

*1-• fL*r rr»-it Safesaèr gad ¿ «a* p""*1».' %• G.t i f t *«•.« •• - - <.* i!b=g TV* Pinzai

it nAjs ’A» ifemtìr Te* Orne* bad» ük

D«ñd VjT» «its^rí? Vi li.» ei - s r í k m .«hick «a - m> -. ¿j'nr.'i V. *.. . - yerra s - - tao»> ; nmd ¥t _2-¿«rre : •. Uiai - 1 t i® w » .« ? ¡íki tfc» «sa- *•• ;• «**CT, ■ .?•-*-.*▼ ••' «iáek «a» í. -sa^terr«hoaM be v.- t'-- J a -rvajf-L? j h! « i

It ««.- ;b» r i ‘ ■- ; b « -4««. l ^ ^ r m * r b b ^ érissai- 4iÉ3^«i ■**. i t • • --,*rfeaì «ère- "-f- A il Lar beacaA tb-«-

Sr-yítar» and•.i ter *í j. y b ¿ «d

ti«--. t_ dar«! r.-•Kj»,»:« .- pr>- l>cht u,- _ *.


f r ib- ’ix .re »let i* c©*! oo<»-> a i» -r ì, tLsS 1 •Víaít tké "Ye arr BM6, bcdrc«.. i_ i?e t l¿ 'luitr táat «bñb ■átirt' 4

cr - «# c « bw viar-ai¿ 3V.- «£ lir ViHN• - v 4i*iw á, «e teT«e car__ -t¿jR bet»«* ib«* « « i¿

i'*1 V isarr«7 las*«» rbcfc« « r 7V _fcr» ;W CW rb r t m aad Ibf Oasch fetén mst> arspsáfey ca l

«rap '. -• ’B É fe «Mft n g a t ferik, tete pfwfe- -nri ib tebe. --yjiBima«,

v - » _ . • ^ e í . * I l I t e l i t —

- _ _____ _____ _ kii. alt tb - - 1 -e ^ antebl a^n^Bt « t ii arf e '.or etear'A httii.c f i ^ £ ^ Í aad te«inir. »■ »•tea. far tfe rteteaeteaete^s ^ x s s tr U f • . dfea,*«al tfe mnrind pn m & m -1« «ian a# «ter Cm. )

xscì '»rtj y t t * i

-i=?i i ti of crateri «áÉt tfe i im ate* t e n t e «rtea fe tfe ù r à «ir «nd «teR MmMI ^ritr'b j - i Mam . aa dteA te te d /as '

X lO f«iT iaij ÍTtefjlUvI T fe a c • r,-»f r-.T * CMteartalfri. !-tee * f;, •v» uars «ni «c tiici fesrfe i«a«j ras »a - . ■* 'A¿»„ U««* to tfe J*«^A


« 1 - - le r if - b-: « « id rae?J3S^c «ad á rfcr* « ita tfe r'.- - te « m d , fe- a n n r a . ik » te»rM ®c? : lh se s& s& yú u d ì , «tei « fe ^ « a * tx rsr. k n ^ n i G«ai : m d tVib ^. L fe J te a n tete f e f e

íWTí Maál H-r» -i;^nnü x%~rlr io te e - < a w

fk. SBSisp*: a ■ .-ri- *f

M r tetefeaS f e r a s. at m* tfe Swbk

u s etnas tetfe v «- i i -ui i f e as^ fe bt i t e f e i , sad ! W ced f e l l p> ta e g p la ts te d - « - to ra a l » Ab fev, . r frackae» . «ad d B t o f e sad lu i|» * i. b p i w * r f e n b t fe atef B if t e y ^asd ttw m ~ . * -i i tr^rsreci. aad tfe T ra a te a n * : km n , btetb m n . or ¿a.- b te fll arr <i«e :■. ■ ic«»»s a * «» etfi« «* rar *5n l Ltat w * Wfec « » fakj n •** '"i*XJ e n a ^ m u j « - *»' Ll-i .i barter«! c ra y c ijr « !aen aaaacs arv- * « - 1 ictaterd ea ife feteCtwr * f e tradu-u us b ra rte . t. *3 » B ateen ife o ?*(**? c t step « , «ad u- tfe taateer of tbaar ~ r r ;« t j ] I* * **“• * **5* Pc rP<trSpates •* t e t f e p < a n te p f e - ” ■ a > t e a m f e p n d M l A n f e l m n r a t a a f e * f e t . f e ®

Tfe anpana« «te tfet. lbn«pb nemra, tfe* ^uraate pc««* s^r:A \. ajfp dk: t i «S « fe ? <B*r1ass* aravr a fe e a t ; «ad fe tea d «f u «^taaarate (C ia p n of « fe d ,: r a r e i j I carband ffeu fcsr f e Mr fetawe *d «■w*a. t in r a fe» id » i* .:.-si|rv 6r ^ i^ '¥ = a rbfu q - rnai ¡ r m r , «ad sa iteratem i«? c te^ niT «f tfe t «xká- L- -t »r<J dtateS <i betL-» d m rartd aad d8rar-.r«¡ S* » that b-/«;..• «a. t ttra yf pafeteafe pt«|fete. fe te te anc zmrtys* Oxej fed v>te< ¿im u t e - ' a f 1 aJi ife á ^ á iu i>f tfe ;% t istefa parro t ; atei t e «rj- tfe » tfeeS fcs* t 'b r ^ y .i-uctefel w r«-í«m tíf tc b* t« U g d p A hg ® tsFZWS <t V. » t J i ? )«ad tead*<tadr tfe t fe fe * f e b f e I : » »..d !»,•>. sfeeb «B <te* k car m M l B d ffe^fefe , ^ - «-^ l t f e fe d fe tb te tfe t tfe a n e - s of tk c fe jr fe tfe t **. _i v.»-

f e f t U kfed ted AB l a g * Tfe Wi..npaii¡

z ’ f r srns?. fe I f e-r í » • 5b ejfess afee^» -c '#3 tfe _

. « t r» *- / r f i ra r a « is* «yi.d fei: * * 4 ltj* E u ^ » , *» 1 • ffe>H«--feewafe. Say fe o c t e t feifcj f &ifera lb sal#^ «nàie, feac4 «r S S i K a . k t % 1 ih , aad a-» ^ |» d fe e ra e .'i.. w mafef Wse#!. tfe nraralav «^»Bifetiac a m t e f e t e ia ^Sa


N O V . 27, 1858.:*0\ T i n i s i - M K i T U A L i .

these orders, ami their resjMvtive GcrvitH-*. Those orders were I 1 ) an innum«’ruble company ol angels ; (2 ) the first­born. or tboe-c \vb'«se mimrs are written in heaven ; (¡1) the Spirits of the just perfected : and ( 4 ) .Je-rU**, the mediator and control life of all, ami lam enting by the blood of his atonement — the at-one-ment—all these several orders into one indivisible body, of which he is the head anil life. Artgvls, therefore, the perfected Spirit? of the departed, und those whose names »ro written in heitren, though now toiling and suffering in the dust of earth, constituted th a t oue blessed company of all faithful people whieli is the mystical 1 mdy of Christ ; and ihe-e several orders cxi-teo a« a nuit in him. Because they exist in different orders, vn> were apt to think and syieak of them os different bodie- ; 1ml tin. y were in fart no otherwise different than as dif­ferent organ* they have different uud several functions. And tl»is ui\K*n was not a metaphysical one. denoting mere unity ot purpose ; not a mere moral one of affection and sympathy only, but u vital and orgauic one, as the branches are nun with the vine.

A t the first creation men and angels were ouly the creations of God, and there was no lie lietweeu them but that of affection and an obedient will. There was uo union of natures, no man­hood taken into God-hood, .so that where that moral tie was broken, they fell each from find, and were henceforth divorced and put asunder. This fall was, according to the religion of ra ­to re, an irrecovtrable full. Ik-cuiinc there was in the nature of the ere* tu re no principle of reunion. \ \ it bout a mediator there was no wav of access unto G od; ami like L suii, having lost his birth­right, there was no place for repentance, even though he sought it with t« u x For the angels that fell there ha«l been no recov­ery ; but man fallen, and still falling, .Jesus litui caught with a new attraction, and bound him to himself forever ; and he had done it by that awful mystery of the incarnation, w hereby he had gathered man's nature into oue jterson with his own. Jn him the twain had become one, and thus spanning the awTiil jgtdr by his own person, he had become himself the bridge of ncciTH and the bond of union, that never more con lie dissolved or taken dowu. 11 '* was thus the Ladder wliieh .la«-ob saw neching from earth to heaven, down which the unge]* came, and up which redeemed -‘innere go. Verily, he took not on him the nature of angels, J«ut the seed of Abraham. And that was why we are in liim as they an* not, and why for the angels Huit Call there i.- no return. Such was the nnity of these seroral ordere. The moral union of affection and sympathy was the rwalt of our own cultore.

At this point in his «ll-vouree the reverend preacher ."poke of the service or function of the several orders or orrem* in flit« ; mystical lxxly of Christ. Those denominated the general ns- •emhly und Church of the first-born, whose names are written in heaven, wer** thus? eajiecially whooe saintliness and 7eul had given them the rank and honor of a priiuogeu’ture, or firet-fruit*. in thu ganger of God. They wer? those elect and precious ones now in that grva* tribnluti'in out of which they all do come who enter that bright kingdom They wen? tlioçr th a t St. .John saw the angel murkiog with tho new name, and scaling on their fure- with tlw? signet of salvation, m«:!i as seem to c a m ever­more upon their b»xlir* the marks of the Lord Jom-.. The-c were they who were goth«: red by u Secret call out of every na­tion, and tongue, and kindred, and i**"ph-, and core tituling that invhribl" Clmrtii within the virible, a -• lection out o f all th»* Oij^pel m l itirlI * 1, liki fit *t of the aug'-U when upon the etcr- oal hbor*.*, they Ittdl gather the go**l into v« *?«■!» mid eaet lb<- bad u*-ay 'Hu few eho- n out of the many i.i'kri, and <-hi«$en U w . und rta b d and w.-nu,a in heaven, no; arbitrarily, bat a- * i » » : . t * . ..I G ml, prtnrsl, in tin ir allegiance, their faith and Io n ; »ad t*ii t ,-ogh tlicy might not lit known of u.-*, nor written «a «V bojL< ? • were they writreu b, p tf; Lmnl/s luxdc of lòfi..

Of Un* Spur* of Ihr just, we might Ik.* «nr- tliat they hav. l o t notbtnir of t'.i ir iuter*’S iu ih** kingdom of Christ, nor of ttMN* sb .id r to it., ft now that they arc made* jjerfçct. Thny Wsm « o t,. ■ eom- w.Hil-i in. ye u*» be liete, entered into th-ji bright »«srid if af, dumb, arid l.iaid 1“ all that U jwi ing, and tok- Isg the iv i of <i -Oiiie in? t*ad of the refreshment of wiiriif.

fr“' i as, th y had only pasukj from d urìiors. to

like onto angels. And so when the Church Militant buried her dead in Christ, she buried them not. with lamentation, but with the chant of victory, marching " ilk them into the very domain of the king of terrors, mid taunting him there with his own de­feat. saying, at the mouth of the «'pen sepulcher, “ O death, where is thy sting?” O grave, «here is thy victory ?” and in early turns, us we were told, their mimes wi re rend out aloud at each administration of the Sacrament, as living still of the blcssol company of the faithful, ami only immortal l»y victory over death ami the grave. The living never regarded the dead

tig.'- n V, A. t.> f i‘»m di Li.:mr to glory fr-tn'I k tiiurfol to , l e imiu'ir?»! Tlxry < ia th*- r-i»« M* at '-a l fattgs, I-.«III tú form a*«i i :i , hi Ur'-tu- rj und uff«.* lion, SwlbM» tr*f*iìmg In ti.e paire» «f ñu* b an ilu i! «n h t. Th. y leid feât <diaaged into mW cimature*, bat in rely di rci ij*r*i th o r fanner -rl«F%t nuUl, flûronling tu the in;.; of J* a-, they ar».

ns lost. but only advanced frotn the army militant to the host triumphant, regarding them as the blessed and favored ones al­ready called from the conflict t«' the crown—from the heat and burden of the day to the cool shades and sweet repose of the paradise above. Therefore did we still luunch them forth with the shout of triumph, saying, as they pass from our sight, “ Blessed, blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.”

W hat precisely might be their mission or their service there or here was uot to as revealed ; hut as memory and affection never die. we know that they have thought and affection still for us. even as we for them ; and if they eonld servo us no other­wise than by thus drawing ns by such sweet attraction whither they are gone, and go suggesting to our minds all that is pure, and holy, and abiding, then even for us their departure was n gain. Still, like stars lienming through the night, they cheered uir dreary pilgrimage, and inspired ns to run with patience the race that is set before ns. Beyond all doubt, they did perform for us a service growing out of moro intimnte relations, and leading to greater issues than we can venture to define in words ; but only this w<* kumv—that if, when here with all their imper­fections they were to ils a help and a joy, now* that they arc jw-rfected they surely am 1*> uo less. But it was the services of angels and men ordained and constituted in a wonderful order, that the festival of this day more especially commemorate« Who, then, ami what, were the angels, their or«ler and their ser­vice ? I f this question w«?re one of mere speculation, it woult at least Ijc equal in dignity to that which employs the minds o sages in «jiKslinus id tout the inferior creations of God. I the highest genias of the ages might exhaust its function upon un ¡meet or a worm—if (he museums of science might «li.-play ns the choicest store of all their gleaning, the recover«*«! fossil o an extin«.*t life— if the great heart of man might thrill with new joy sit the discover)* of a lost horn?, or the appliance of a new force—surely, it would not be unworthy of us if we lifte«l our minds to the creations that are above, and explored, amoug the rreeadc* o f lliai gi* .it eternity, for (lie orderc that a>ceu«l from the sinner that here prays to the seraph that there adores and hums. And if, as .Jei*u-¡ -aith, when we pass these Ixmudurics of time and sen e, we became like unto the angels—if our end­less future wu* to bo um«>ng them and of them, and they were i*v«*n now our guardians and our brothers—surely, it was not a vain question, who and what are they? ‘‘ But,’ coulinacd the reverend preacher, " fur us, my brethren of the clergy, it hath a special .significance, in that we acknowledge, in th«* Collect for the «lay, that God hath ordained and constituted the nen iéis of ougeLs and m* n in a wonderful ord« r.”

In describing th«* nature and Services of angels, he adopted th«* ie!ect«*d word-. «>f Hooker : ‘‘Angels are Spirits, immaterial ami intellectual. In number and ord«*r they are large, mighty, and reval arm'-;4, d'viring good unto all the creatures of God, but i*.«pi'i*ially untu the « hihln n of rneu ; in the «"nutenan«*».* of who»* nature, looking downward, they behold iheneel>•«■*: be- m ath the»nHolv«-H ; be-ide which the ang* Is have with us that coiotounion which th«- A p e lle to the lb-brew* nol<-lli, anil in r**g»r«l whereof th*-y di-du.u not to p;'ofe--.s lie ire Iv«?* our fi-l* low-wTTaut* Atnl fr«»m h« n*;e there sprihgetli up another law, wlií»b Mn'k'th them to works «if «•mployriieiit.'’“ I ’ nited, th en , m y b re th re n ,*' tin- reveren«! prcaela-r w ent on t-i say, “ by M<)ta>.* ruy-liejtl tie, w ith i|u- m m e body o f whii'li we tu c na-rubers, they a re u m inislftring o rder in (lie ('hnrrU <<f

C hr;-t N ow the ru rd ia to r ia l reign o r CliriM involv«-* th«* stibj»*‘timi un(i« bun o f all tilings vu ihb . nr»«l ¡nvt-d'l**, thi? ««iinmit- t ia g «ado him o f all p»w er in bear« u inn! in ea rth ; m> I hat •in«-«* * he h a th gone «nto th e h<u»v«-ife»,’ ju .d lu S i. i V r f , 'ang«-!

The preacher next spoke of angels as exercising ministry urn!guardianship in the (Mnm’lt of God, and cited various proof«contained in the Scriptures, to show that they do ex«reim* suchministry uinl guardianship ; ami then sa id : “ Tints, not iilunc,my brethren, «to mv preach tin* Word, and iiiinisfirr to dyingmen. All around us wait the unseen Imiul, eager to hear, if itmay lie, above, the tidings of a sinner turned to God.

1 How oft «lo they tlicit* ¡-ilvi-r liowet*.« leave.To come amt nuccor us- tfmt m i- cor wnul!

How oft do they with golden |tini'»nf« cleave The Hilling i-kie.s. like (lying pursuivant

Against f ul fl'-nds. to aid us militaul ! 'Ttu-y for us tight, they watch and «Inly wnrd,

Ami their bright squadron« round uhout u- plant.Ami all tor love, ami nothing for reward.

O, why bhoul«! Imavenly Gad to men have such regard!'But this view is familiar, uud I need not dwell upon it. Tlnirservices in the kingihmt of nature and of 1’nividenee are, as Isaid, incidental, resulting from that law which puts, for tliepresent, all created tilings under the government of lijni whogoverns the church. So that his angels are his servants there,as really as within the sacred enclosure— the divine eccltria—here. And so we find their footsteps, wo hear tlioir voices, wosee their working hands, in all tho mysteries of nature and thoevents of Providence.”

A t this point, the preacher mMueeil Scripture evidence In show that their agency in Providence is that, of suggestion to the minds of men, ami of performing visible, palpable acts ; ia which connection he quoted passages from the writings of Char­les Wesley and Bishop H all. He then continued by saying, that there is less difficulty in seeing ami acknowledging the min­istry of nngels in the events of Providence than in nature. It w«is among the mysteries of redemption, that he who redeenu the world must he the maker ami the governor of it and all that is therein ; so that there might b«? no element or power that should thw art his purpose, nr disobey liis will. Under this rs. parity the powers of nature became his subjects and his servants. I t was a great question in our day, when the most hold and u«:live intellects are absorbed in the study of nature, What arc these powers ? So marvelous, so astounding were the phenom­ena ever)’ day revealed, tha t men had uneonsciously, and in the very boost of superior illumination, fallen buck to tho wondering simplicity of curly heathenism, and worshiped nature as an un­known G ml, or rntlmr as gods many and lords many; or cl«, giving to m atter its own eternity and its own law, the fool had said in his heart, “ There is no God.” Pantheism or Atheism, therefore, being, as was supposed, largely the product of natural .-iluilicd, men snw the great Spirit disintegrated, broken up into L'lidlccs fragments and scattered l ays, so that in (ho poetic senti­mentalism of some—

“ All are lint purls of oho Ktup«*n<ton. whole,Who <* hotly Nature i«, uud God Hie xoul;Warin'« in the Min. refruolies in iho breeze.Glows in thestiuv, and blo^vom t in tho trees

or else, in the language of a huhl and hopeless atheism, what in termed spontaneity of nature was the sole creating power of the universe. Much of the error which »’xiVts in this rerpect be­thought might be traced to that »Sudiliicccbm which docs not H-lh-ve in angel*- as preheat and active powers. After continu­

ing his remarks upon this portion of his subject fora short time, ic elowil with a very eloquent and stirring address to las breth­

ren of the clergy, dwelling particularly upon the encouragement and coin fort they might derive in the discharge of their sacred luties, from tin? fact that they arc awtoriated, in the ministry of

reconciliation, with the Lord «if glory and oil his holy atigi-Li; and upon the nece-.sity of the iilmoat faithfulne-wi in their high '»riling, in order that they might bo worthy of such exulted corn- mmonsliip.

.><i80*1 no!'in?'*« >r- ai»'l pów«-r- ¡«re fitfulc Mjl.j. * ( unto | tiit*,* th'it ti.** b< a*i 1 ■> P c *• Lure,! i., h'-ud ov«-r all (lnng>. An«l th» refbre. bavé n t*I!y to tlu-r Kirie« m the k;eg«|<uu of gru.«e, nag* !- ure e-r .!.iM.- l by Inn» ia the laboratory of nature, mul the f»duum*trdi!"a of 1 ’t oviueiiee **

Kju .vkvm*.— I*..- fr.xnlt will) ihe »»«rl«I. rraukru-*«« i» tJio ctilld ofhftic ■ Jin.l eouragn. &i>y ju*l whnl you iin <«n 0» d«i on «-v«-ry occudon; rind tdk*- Inf grnno-d yen m-an l«i <1o what i« right T l i a friend ok* ¡» favor, you rhoold yrnitt it, if ii H rea««n*b|y ,- If nut, i ll him «vh) you c«n no«. You will wrong him wul youn« If by t>|uivoeatlon of j.oy klinl. Sr-vt r dn «» wmngr ihing to intiku n Irl' iid, nor i>* k. *-p Wc ; t Vj m ai who c <| iif ) »« to do *> I J v | ji*ci.!j*»»»*»I ul cuti * ■ii-i.Uce. I> ,l kindly, but fin ily , « i'll all mm ; yiw will ilrni 1« tb* policy wtikh w-sr* b'-«t. A»K«re '»II. do «">' o''P- «*> **•*’• J1«*•>«.• not It j , n hi vc s-.y f.u l' l«< n-i«t «,,'X i,n" othi ru, of v..b«»t yon complain. Th« iv . no n-««i *1"'*«" "Umn t-hi' oi liiidi r t .kiui: l«> «-• «.-««’ tin"V * bits'l litc bork. We JlOllM li« . «M«. *'*dft!,) Jr-, and ■? i»-».l dn what wr .'I >./ ui'-i: T-tn*Ui t of p«b«:y.

1« .ml only br*t

«•'II hiptl, i-ot

- - < ■;. « in at it n«»u'-' fur«'. » naii ¡r U- ,ik «Ui« of n.i tin

usMIrif; itle«til<l b' km«"" »ad of j.rlH' bbvhu«**«


M»V. 2 7 , IHhH.*, t \ i k s i m i m t u a i , T i o u - x ; u a i m i 3 0 3

LMil'll AMITliiarv-TMIKO 8KSSI0«.

H ie r/nostioci of (I)'* ove-nlng w.n: How ui«* erroneous commo-ilr. lo lio (iccouiitid for ; mi'l wliut are ill« modifying circtiujuliiK-v

ailtctiiig tho liingungo «ml Intent of comimiuicntiou; or, In other word*. cn;i « communication from Spirits be (nli in-ptcd or inoiiilh-d by pi r m u In the body ?

Dr. Gon.ii rvad « paper, sotting forth Id* opinion. that I In dinicul |!oj. »latigiTrt «ml error« to which mo tiro subjected, arl* ; from a \untt of the right faith.

Dr. Oiuv raid : Ho would cull the attention of the Conference for a moment, bt-fon-entering uj)o;i the qucHtfou, to n portion of the report of the tweiity-iiiulh ««-¡-«ion of this Conference. at It appear* In the Tkm:- ilium of October 30 . lie 1* there complained of ax being, " in about eight tenth* of nil his ruling*, Incorrect and impiirllumentnry.” He \ros In Bo-ton at tho time, und of cQur»u wiw not prevent ot the Confer- cnoe to make the statement, which ho think* hi* duly to n grout can«* require* him to make now. He I* not willing the impression vhonld obtain here, or with the reader* of tho Si-iuiriiAi. 'i'Ki.Kuiurii through­out l .o country, that he In a sort of spiri'iial autocrat whoso “ ruling-.’’ ire in eight caves out of leu, a* unjust an they arc nrliitrnry ; when the truth 1», we huv no ruler. We have no parliamentary forms and no I'rc.-ident, and never have hud. All the force there 1* in his, or any other muu,H " ruling’’ another out of order, is derived from it * In-lug the expression of the undoubted »onue of the Conference.

Jlr. I’AKTittbuK fluid : The question roll r* or course, to comimtnlca lions from Spirits, and inquires for the cause of alleged error. There 1« a tm'urtil, and therefore inevitable similarity In nil mental phenom­ena. Hence the difficulty of discriminating in all cases between idem.' derived from Spirits und from persons in the body. It In maintained by the experimenters In nicMncrirm, that one mind cun inllucnce another, and ll this be no, then communications embracing facts or evcnU within the knowledge or ability to know, of a person In this life, can not with any certainty bo nflcrlhed to Spirits. Iftlii* power of p*ychloal impre*-iou really belong* to the earth-life, it will account for lunch of the error oferibed to Spirit*. It ¡8 nUo to be considered that word-commuulcu lions an between each other are often made with great difficulty 5 that Is to say, the muu we are addressing not unfrequontly get-, an entirely different Idea from what we mean to convey. It is n common occur­rence in our dally Intercourse to lind to our chagrin that what we had deemed a plulu matter-of-fact statement on our part, bn* been alto gether misinterpreted ; and If this difficulty appertains to oral commu­nications between mortals, It Is u fair presumption that it must bo <11 lianccd lmlcad of diminished, when one of the purlieu to a communica­tion has passed from the present life, and 1* obliged by the law« of the new condition to adopt u new mode of communicuting. The word Intercourse, In this case is, so to speak, through an inhrprcln; we do not see the motion of the Ups, nor hear the voice of the frioml who is addressing uh ; there 1* a mnliatur in the case, who stands for our friend, and is obliged to Iruuslate as well as to transfer hi* meaning. Now. it is to be noted that we can not very easily, if at all, separate ourselves from our own cherished alTectiou*, whether appertaining to opinions or property. We carry our own interests, real or supposed with us, nad thi" necos.-ily of the sell hood 1 nti 1 |_j||tn. a* g in ■ m lw

1m»ui, .«-/, a li.'J.--jr m inforni d lilfu </f h . broli*«-«•• iimmI I . aIUi and Udin i- ikv t„ {(,, , ,,t|,)y re > I. In »Indi he stili ri, *1, . 'Mu*ii a liv* ly ini* r» i. ')n rioMn-r o " a dori, lil <»wn-lerni - wa» pr-<l.:c 1 t.y -p ’rit*

'In- d:>y sud Iintir wu>. «' d —r i-o fht-ijcuth <g ,,f hi. chitd/--n With re p iti t»» tl»( .<• prvdh;limi», il m-.y l*. pmp<r tovtvU th«t in hi*

■•vii ca ll.ough h-' did noi m.ike III» »ili rior ri».gls,t hi* ii-'/ul »toc* tion», yel abati th> hour «va" * uni'-. »»)».■ w »« editing In Ili-« ffl.*- h*’

il <1 ir'roioj tu,!, t,f fpiutuol ii./tunifr, « b’rb, hotu-v- r, did not d« privi l'ito wboily ot br' tth ; and In thè ca-e of tln- chlld, al thè hour pr dicb d stu- tra» v>-ry low imi» < d, being tu a »tal» of coiti» .'roto v.bicb "he wa. recovered with gmat ilifficulty. Boi tb«.:i* or* pne.f» of <Ha- Isilisin on thè p irl of Spirita. A f«--w y«*n slno-i, ll.<-y uadertook to uatoulrh Ilio world wi<h a nrir .lf'Vw. birictions as min ut» a» Ueu-e given tu Mo.o v for thè riinnulactuf of tl .e “ Aik of chittim worsl, '1 and of «qnoily high authority in thè «otimatiou of thè medium. w- r- given l'or thè con.trucUon of thè tnnly of Itila n«w niechstiical birlh, wiiich body w u to l*e liolf mortai and baif rrfal, ami «a* lo he liur d ttilemaloly ut thè forge aod ut thè brv«..(, antri, Ibrougb tb«' llr»r.;< s s

to, all wo »ay or do, und oftca unconsciously perverts our mediurmhip and translates the message we have und 1 taken to d-liver, into words which squ ire with our own opinion*. That wc are thus liable to be Kwuyed by our own intercuts, in seen in our money disputes with each other. In those cusca where we arc- anxious that justice uod rigl; ibuiild prevail, wo are afraid to trust oup-oIv- h, knowing how judg merit luny be biased by in terest; we refer Hie malter in dh-puiv to umpires, who arc supposed to be fiee from this bin*. Mu*t nut thi* l»w hold everywhere ! If so, then wo have utiolher fniitful nource of error in ver bo I communication* with Spirit» through medium*. Then it li rational to suppose that all mediums urc not equally expert, or alike adapted to the ¡diosyncrucic* of the Spirit do iriug to cumrniini cate with us. A good reporter, who rhould report thi* Conference lor tho first time, could icarccly do it with the correctne* lie woul acquire by greater familiarity, and ho see* not why the »ante law u.nv not apply to the reporter of courermitioa» with stranger* in the other life. Thu ciii-o related1 l>y .Mr. 1’ierrepont recently, in oao of hi* dis course" in Dodworlh’* Hull, would seem to favor this idea He bail addressed 11 letter to bin Irierid und brother in the ministry Che l»l< Dr. dimming), aeuied und pawled ¡1 carefully in an envelop, and, with out tlm privily of any person. »< nt it to Mr. Mansfield, or Boston where it remained »0 long without hi* bearing from it, that he waN Induced to inquire through hi» little gr arid-daughter, who tv as u writ lug medium, into the enu-e. She km-nr nothing of his having sent th letter to Mr. Mniiaticid, nor ua» his name mciilioiu d ; lie »imply h-L the questiuri of l)r. I’lmnning, If Im wu* uwsre that h<- hiul addre ml him a letter ! Tim answer (in rulistaiu'e) w.n : “ Yes, ami I have ln-en Itytiuj fur a oi-.X, to get tin* control of ilr. Matnfleid, ■« <>- to nn»w* it." Thi* would imiicut" ixuoiltnr cause of e iro r; for no nllfuipl l comrnunicutc, whet-' Umre Is bur purliul control, a* »(Teutio.i mlgb prompt many Spirits to do, must imlurutly m u ll In imperfect t ouitnu nlcai Ion».

Dr. Dniov iiceords with the statement ,»f modifying circumstance« mad-by Mr I’artridge, mill fr. ■ ly adtnlU It elr ton:-' ; tmt he tlnnk there in * 1 additional i llnplci of rau--» I. r I'm eirors of »piltlii l In ler-'OIJIi'-; to Is* Ivk-'tl Into Conslderalifni. TIli'Jl.' CilV-r , iif. to be iollltil **» Ml t- oilier »Id« ; I lint la to m y, in 111« jc 11 - i |. ,1 ntlvclioris of Spirit’. 11« was on«- ob niiily iuroim- d by Spirit» o ftl,, ,iV4n, „ l,r„lh*r in Ohio The «1» ieraent wa,. confirmed llmmgh v- vcinl medium», wbon

o ! jtnl «3 he vu- about l- comm- in male lb« »*(] , UU| I,/ a s ut of| E P I l t r i TJ A L i'lM IN GIIAW D fiA P ID S, MICH-iilWirriim | ' Ai

iJ.or Vtr—'Iil’l:*,». (h'AbO ItAiiirm, ,\tju 11, I */<>%

i.-rc nmv !«• in fit*? W* tmsfitwnii.h KjsiKtu ili r.» ha» f iv«j in fli- Ki t-rn «, »■; y*mr■i.p — i.trr, P, IS. Kamii.l],h ; imi tthil>? I tt'X |»t li"’ ili' ' tr n*-, or mvi.»*-, of <>iiiiibuii!r'aii( g wifli tlffi J<1* u r v 't * severe 1 !m tmi-riient, at the sum« t-ino I will •;** ft liH li? li)*>re p ssoiuiifl*, ni -1 not rjuife a-» MttigUitir-, tti fo o t r i ­lutimi Kan<j<d]iii. A--. 1 have 00 ' ' f a i " «:liur<.'h *al#ry, O t 4 liJ •e.ondury ol.j.*rt in tir» , I will *p>»k ftujil^llr, utr'l Kpirilunlhui, out here, i* >.-nr-lhirrl tlt'rptvm , ow -third i^ur'tonfK,

Oi«l O' l llnrd sn ,m n t »y rflual ph- ln f /»/iy ' »lid, frOOiwlittt n t'oufi1» I can ghnii from th*? pnjnr« in r- gafd *0 t-tber ],!un g( ¡1 »1 > tu* lb me it.iit thi- s u nee diuiijv to about tlm *ato*: jirMli* ttfncirt »11 ov*r the country.

The 1« »I*.''g*ther ia thceiriiij^ o! h* r- ; but it mart and a mother’* ali. ction, It wan to buiat upon the worM. tbe gì* al J th a t the .*• j.ifitunliet» u/C th*.tot« !»• * rlrrx-tvcd ^ l t d ’UtQ^mechanical «»vlor of th« ot<v dtyrntjl\.<n! What ha» Is o'ime of it nud how arc wc to account for auch vagari»« on any other by potb«*)* than th it which aacribes them to the tnalicloimuc.-» of .■‘¡urita * John M, SjH.-«r lie Consider« one of the beat medium* in th»- world, and yet it doea not nave him nor hi* odhercnU from the commi* ¡on of a«U which look to him like K-ttiog Iw/lh morality and corutnoa •• a t de­li once. Now, a« Mr. Sjs.-ur’« me-liuauhip it uuunpciur.liable, w.- urc 1».ft but with the alternative to necribo tb<-»e thing" to th»? »Jetnonlac ten­dencies of Spirit’. f rom gTcat experience he ia rali*fl'-d thai Spirit»« of a low grade delight to lead u* into folly and irovcry, ju t aa we soe is lh«.- ca-»■ with *oino men on th».- earth ; tln-jr »imply uk<- 10 tb<‘lr oM trick», jirompteil by their old loves. Thi* 1» certainly what *» might

»t,icmlaU'l l.y the exhilarmticg UillttfUto which .Spirit» b*v* tip-.u IIm.ui, ofU-u o».»inIui:i thctowUe* wirir than » l«tnd of maniiy», und the *' niaiiifc-tatic/'ii ' «‘inn;*»tg»0 eihihit a 00 !**• ridlVulou* w- nc thtvu can lx: witues ^d at the low<t*l »if ptlftpet» "h*>W" The ru-elluin- ccrn t»J ire jocrfectly hotu«*. tdxrut it, and tbltik they nr« d»/ing th*.* »mMiag of their “ gaurdian AjstriU f l>uf, at ihc arno time, the common ocnxe of etlhtr » Sptr-.l *jr mortal would » ty th »’ turj ot-ly indulge tlx* j>riuka of u silly s'otp.'cit. We have medium* here who preUiid to u lk “ It'gm ;' and they have talked ’’ login * to the di«gu«t of »11 »eimtU»

rationally • xpcct; aud it is t/i»> late in the dsy for men, cbunnag j*eoplc who »'.tomi our cirri*». 'H.-";« arc medium» IsCTC wboto be ratiunul, to tell us that Spirit« do not deceive « v- ry - «rtbiy dupj cu(j crUici>ra, Lw.’t foreign and Indian Ungu»*' »,

. f |1 t b J . i r m . d i a m i . l o , lo, i l t t e f U r . orJlr. S mith (ol Chicago) raid : 11« sympathized with the view* of Dr. * * . . , .Orton, hut wo* not able to go to the full extent of th« ad j ¡- aom ething »hi« h I put down aa *n absurd ity tuid 0 d* JmloiLvn(ic»'d. Tho spiritual world is mote »¿mpathelic 'hsu our*; they! I found ih ii crt’jci-iiu uje»ti wh»t transp ires 111 toy »»wo tu * u ,naturally de-ire to aid us, und. from th- ir luperabuiidanc* of svtupa j and ail Ire» - i t to the uiitt-is of j»*-«.'jile 10 o ther part* of thetby. he think* liu-r urc otten inductd to do »out th-.- exp. ii of » *cru I (.ouu( rj *f]ie •* | n whirli our mr-diimi- talk preoeata i tpnlou* regard to the meu.s ; that i- to ,ay. tL-y oft* 0 doeelr. u* from 1 ^ ^ ^ |MsCJ j ia , pluaSAH, w h k h m j ingenuity mitt xtui

>: best ol motive*. In thi* they do but copy natur«.-, wbo dot* tbe , - *same thing. For ages ohe rnaile ua believe that the .-aitb i. m* flat »• ! ^ ^ « « J than to toy It m w rya pancake, and that the »mi rolled around it. i t U but r-iceotiy that ¡ng to Ixho ld , and very wretched to think o , O ur medrtU*wo bnve found out the cheat, but uo one ha» been Injured by it that lie ! will m anufacture »1/0O’, ft hulf-a-doxea *Cift louud», 1 which anyis aware of—It ha* dune no dara-ujje to anything except the seient Oc j woui»t kuow ra n not to * ty language,,' andrepulalion of vome old fo g ic who religiuady U> th-, deception ^ ^ ^ ||wJ<;r wflu< ^ ^ to l U ^pcaU B *alter it wo* found ouL Even now, that we have b ^n in i op m ' 1 ,1 ....... i Uher trickery, when the plnloeopbi.r lhru*u the cml of In« wrtlk/ng-*Mck , ' ' .into tin- water, though straight in fact, »he tries very hard to m*ke « f t i-au d * arc Jrfrlty Well m u e d 0^ 1*-: ’ fca-moda».him In i’evo ihat it is cro»ik«d ; in short, cfae is perj«dually «!». elviug law-mo-fei. ’ I ’tii* t* “ f ' A n tifhcr medium. wwil< !•'*■u» through ih«- m-nv.*, iieccptiou having x baai* in nntui«. it i* 1°* ¡nj» •• log in ," couid lx- no b e tte r described than a.« using »i/undiuuualnral to »upjMi«« that »ympath.-tic Spirits rhould practice it, »Otoe- j^ n rio jj corn into a tin pan. u r h i« a *. tu n ftime* for our good, and sometime«, doubtk»», for their own **lf»«h , . rvmVx-'r lei______ . . . . . . . , .1 , he'i chuckling oT tr her b ltlti o r , » .M r d i a u y , onrywi-er»*, t«*r* ■ IJ- ! -V I t - n . « t teuti.« «.r till- rm rlla fa r<u«j bport with 11s, up- of tin- gro*—r sort, «ympatbixiug with a* tbe m«f" r Ihe to you . be careful now you Laik Htgtu,perfectly from that cause, and u* tb.y draw tbelr »usumuKC from the j for you may receive «arte oLarp triUcisTD fpjm tho^i who b>ar warm l/luod of «»ur piiihURlit* r-b<iUM f ibe •Utv» of our kjtch*u*, *Wi<l 1 j ^ ij(the flagrant exhalation* of our c«« pool*, it i* Inti rational that they | T i|e Syir.tuiiU iU ou t here, &» well p robably an iashould, in a good degree, partake of the character lucid.mat to that , ____ i nr i,«, , , , „ . . , , , „ . o ther place*, »re thu»« who wen* eitbur U doreluioa o r uykind of feeding. High Spirit* are l»>u sympathetic. Their a*p'r»tioii* I k • , , , . .are for wi»doni j their motto 1?, Kitrluur—their inclination* point u p -, u a tu rr , rcu-^tiiu'^ and u itc l-c tu ' tn 'ti, OQ ta e t** vuwaul, rather than to th« earih. S'-eiug. th- refore. that lb« inhabitants , -titd athei»’-- who hav*- {¡otic in to Spiritualtaoi, »lid JOU w\Uof the » world, who common« with u*. are uliw-temlw of Diemun re mudpok- f, and the other U-utb like «aglts «oaring Ihrriugb theetupyrian. with their gaze fix.d upon the sun, it ‘lands as in baud tolook well to our way* iu all mailer« of ¡ntrrcourvi with them Hrwould lu te no man bow to Spirit dictation. II- would ar roon thinkof placing u higher «atiiuat« upon a man’» opinion Ir-caume he deliver* dit without Ills coat, a.« I»,c»aw| he is d nu lul of his earthly tssty"-

thcui th-. iti' free fr<-ui the-i' charg1 -, oe they uiftk» no td- Vttiu.'t'S without, fore-1 bought, ami pure Bat tbeMagatiutl whom I briog the charge of igrc'ratH-e, .in, thi/-- w!o> h*re guuc deeply into live uiaPt-.r without prwimi; liuti of it«* phQoHTphy. Such pc-ip!« infest our c tr tio over thu « ountry, o n d u» ouch petq-lc I Mudi» *•* ll»i* artic i', aro! a j

Mr. I.xvr wl»b«d to protest against the nntlnu that fMsehoo-1 or de- ly t )tl,1U( «• | UVt«UguU S p ir i tu a li« before you g o farlh -'iceptiou ia jii’ iiltublo in asy care. Ilo ‘hotild w>itj to bave ih" old Je«niticnl duelline, tliat the* dui justlfle-t thè tto iu*. obtaiu amoug SpirltualUt'. Dee-piloti U alike laUcbietous wb.tini proriievd by imutsls or Spirile.

Di. M-ie-lt ttiink« Natura nen-r d-coive# u«Dr. I ih u sniil ; li..- would invile ih* alP-ntioa of »neh a» bave nui

tv body insd* up ibeir mimi* nu thè »Aihj- ct c.f « rii Spinte, lo a wrnk tintili- d " ’Iti* llistory of Drnrtf»*, V-«tou*. A,{'p«rili«>n*. tmat'tcy.’ eie-, by A Uflrrn* D-i li' i 'iiKiiii. 1 ho doet-vr ri mi -i *■- n i ratrocu fr--tn liic Work, showutg Ih; ongin of Dt»*»r Mlj-p«'- -«I •p'rlluaJ i::an.-fi ‘tatioii* bolli of «eciitR ond beatilig lo l>e ih« dl»«A«*’l org*al«fii «if |« l ' ni*, the-c sulgcv'tit» ntsi),testai ioti» e»a»inK •"» thè recovery of th-’lr hf »Ilh III- due* n«‘t d**ny Ih*- Imputrd d otsdhm of spirile, but bit» uo! y«t *« i-Q nny - videili'i of II. Ila I» of Ih«- opinimi Ihai » c„reful posu«al uf llw wcuk of II.:» Ft» nidi sul!--r «ri11 »u*g*»t a dotti»« In tk* tiund uf <b.- lnquir. r a* to whrth. r diat-ìi. ai . jcriP or, Inderd. any SpiriU ai all, eitl .-r ili»« (ine iiihidutlog ndtw?»Ti'! ls«ly bar - ar-rthitq{ fn do witli H largì, per ri rilnge of Iti-v -irppo-«t «p>fltuni

Tln- quss'iien. shnplill.ll i» lo J i «.«aDtiUBd. A- miinndod. il a-k« IVbal 4i» ih<- ». itile«*» if fsllar.y tu spirilunt emantualesUun *

AdjminuH. * v listav i*

X f-ruiT i» "I rmil. trro t old. uin‘’mjrvnWslug. akitb i- tr>ing thr inslimiimt» * t Uh- wnrld a< t.y firir.

S{ontuitli'iu , c*]« viuliy «>ut bere, b tu ila iefaucy ; U f i uà ft» iiifaitt, ¡;s m aik - tc ry d a» rff show th a t it w ai l>ort. uf putren!» w ho, in tu a tij r< - ¡iet ti, were in thè hnint uf tuV U éutli g tb*I iw i *.f » -</r-i,i«/>* and *'w«wrn.'iii>«* f»ir Utu- 4«>f h t& lih ai.ii Aor-

t %ony.M r fvhtitr. y«»u now utMÌcr*teUi«i thè cond i vi/ o f ttmi^* .»ut

h' r>- ) ami. n» wc h.^ve a | 4 uc« Iktv J f reu t u to tilt'.«’» th mi utid lo b 'd .’ttui , 1 hepe you wtll coiumcnd us uj t\io ioc- tu n n g pijhho l)o tre not um d your a ttiri Moti in ti».. t :■ -p c c t l

7 «inr* fritte rnalìy, ix t e*r-

Kv»iv KtTtM. — 1 wonld Inacr.Dj uu th« i n r tu u « a f r ^ irIn vi, ai.el ti* Wall-«>f w ur ckafal-rr, If y4!n q« Dt4 rU*raflj vmi n*ii tnake pri.'^n^ n nuthing ; if you du j.ut, a i apnrt i.ij,- I,. nr- for reading, ,f yuu stitT.r Voi,n,cir *- ni.; t ‘«BIo In e .il Iti «poti Ih n u , jw ird a y - w ili „hp «,„, j ,uop i-fitiddoaiu l friTol.Xir, tt*d «int-i.ji - ,,d riry .-u r« -’**

A i V - i i n v S i M iU toT — If y OM wnitSel hav»- i.ur !»»»-* <’i).ye«l **ithuiil in n im t, » f wn!| t„ | ( th«y a ir 'p „ ie « ^ of «imi A lillip u t)’a Ina - otheiw i-.; all thè Afblhaj «t t',„- ,:klrati uni k c p di/Wu imiUUT


' * 0 4 T I I K S I M I Ì I T l ' A L T K M X M t A IM I. ‘N ü v in , i n v

PHiLOSÍlFHIriL IMi BOR IL DEPtRTVENT. 'dam ar-:?/. f ir » im iltitfri'nf i£re..r-i.t ri««)-, wh* would take a cavil, tlmre f u »ut ouly an intelligence <**f»ft^* -------------- ktf *<i»i -e ft* ^ Dr] o n ly !<« t U (• —¡<cl r f C S r U i A l l , <-r «H at I ha I w r i ' f f n , U * . a!*o a j»owcr alt!« to arrr»t %tA •>*.

B IS T JA K IT Y ^ A ^ D PA Y IT fq^ P R I S 8 T 8 . ( most of them, ha»! p»rh**j* l*rrrnr tu (,ua!ii’«d with Mr. IP* trol tin medium. au I thus mxki him reply to * tette? sW*O P*rr>ifr«-.». : ' ' * " Bferatun. ai*! »h»t must have far» n t!nir iropf<-.M,»:i «t liti» h<-bad ncvt-r known anything about, and which wa* (bea Usta

/ h~mr ¿iw— 11 j» the dreniny «f al] thu^r* la thte - - -« e tel tns* • , ,r wly> ,n »rt’*«*:* b*” l* f® * *b*«m »*» th« nd* a te* off. fk d * toiEe. that ►, u>clt*Lbv or take on *« a W t-rm V-»- Pr**^rTmi* ,,,r fcH denommatioee, '«tminr now f.rrwan! I* »ring Th«t whteh wa* * n f by mr nephew wm delayed l-orr- c ra i, vegv-tabJr. animai, ?U taateri*] o f M A , u d erg o Usto prorw« *^^ ^ * batws»-«* of a fallible inrtltu'.i' r» human in iu i-rigiri —crumble iwte à m t ; W l what of U e %«] ? So to*g • it U ! “ <* iokaiaan in ir* dogmas. c* ¡»bed a pdu'.te «i/bt. f+ * t «p in tb»’ e r t itiy u lt r m r lf , it -ur. ly partak»»« *a ima* de- ^cr «TrT7 rffect ***** ma»!, be a and »U » ^ • > of Mr,

and lU n John C Calhoun amwered jt, «ajrng th»t, to il vm o»idre--cd to no our, fa fact whh h he could noi bar« lutami aob • « be Lai] really look« ! ini j i t , j au») a* no om noiiotd R,

I- he would irire lueh an ao.wer a* he eoo Id. It wa# not, bow-fm * of »u outer garment, for the dafrm it opiate** we imbibe '• recomxweixUiton w<«M l* t-> mere*-'- worldly edifice atironeh life, aod the itiffierrAt ettioat* tkm ng frmm ihie d w o ^ f rrw 7 loo T«*t and name**'/«« (V>tnpared with the I* » ' fit* deri*#,| prer, to moch an ftimwer to the queatlorut as ft word (A k»4 tif opiniun, imwi d r U t a f t r t the rpirit viUu» or nt»J he the ^*ro 'hem. The rao^e a**«.' 4». 1 *m w«rrv t-i «ay, dirt^tlj r.y>. encouragement and ln«trnetioa to the writer, which he thf« nwolt of tb* f^rrjrts*^ ^ ^ rotrugTBrle la Vtm*^ *•* tb of J««*. Ti»e Chan h <>f O im t m lore— ytarticularly rimle*l. Of *«t» ral of the nucuiow*, u they n as p ir i t ftba> ? Tfca to • qqcstkm I would faia be enttytellnl to *°rt to all mai k od. . l e w exemplified hia ! u•/ only by hU of a personal nature, he profemed to know nothing ; bit ¡»4 to aanr4-r m the are^tiT»-, bat w Uj,y pg^rt, p r • * / to th^ j toftchaig. hot by bia artion- Pewl the hansrry, ciotb*- the poor, i/ot, afur all, the interruption of the currenU that aoaietima«oatrary. were bin mwxfow, l«t nerrr do we find .lam* p-commending fhc afford* the moat conrincitg te-1 ?

With feeli-r« of duuw* atei-wt approarhiag l » dkl ( 'A c**«tly church»-*, or the enthronement of fat pnV«t* I hare lately been im|*llc<l to addrexa rny elder hrolhtr cfkd n the S n rm a t. Tsiwatoam that r»rtiow of T. L Harrw* •“ jmlgtneiit seat. “ Yet lA» k"*t thoo on“ thiog ; vdl all th* Spirit-worl l, Benjamin Franklin, aUo through Mr. Maatm d

ahi the *^tíng ay^rt , K<a haet and <&tribwt* to the poor."’ Ila/1 Mr. II. ex- field, and with ecpially natUfactory result«— «erenteeo qoetó»lor the atfsrratoHremeBt of prints, the mnung» » t the w«mUl- *» t0 benwvolmt cour-. in uoiutir.n of the of Urndàw'Ktrw» wber» jn be *o «trm gly ree'

lag and ttodwath < nIM Htlitth»- «peca U t

*ly all->w»ag Lkem l>» talu. Ma.«ier he ;* t . _* » *Ik e t t f r 1» » e a iw gh to k eep b ru ir n d *uoi to s rrh e r

I " Taita» I bad farawd aa oyaakao of thi« rjwit-Jirerted pjrt from tbe mere reading <4 ht- work*, mj farorafde to human na-

with me if I ep a e a few rrf lUL, mao's id e v wb®» a/^stpwnwd ( &l ’r --*7 that the trifle of one d- !lar to a hciplow ory^an or or direct^ by «oíne iaridble a * w y . and let j <jut reader* * : » wi’.b kind and eympatLet'c wt^ik, » a dre»l of charitybare ac4 bad the opportnity to permr Us w<A* c .«uyare | «w»* ^ thr • atbof ^ than 4 thoomwlwuh bw pmwait ribollali«.^ . ¡i»~akini_ of the crii trttdenry i *4oíIa rw <«sti-ntai*otody heatowrd on hrirka and mi*rtar, wrrplice, «f f .n e k , be mm : i cwlik>T» or ItoQ*. But s ìa » recompctwe are the merrhanta to

" - Cerei* Jwatre the »««J, ! rerrire. if hr f.»n .wiar Mr. II '* direr*lore» they imjiOTcri-h tbem--ìr«» an»l enrUh a more Uzy dare ? He surely can not, as Je«ui>U»r*4» n 4 re« ita» S im <4 the Wart.

C r e i are IW W ade* » » ijiiO «red eorjMM wear * k t o tW rj m t o n d «rem la w A iy u *ra. fn l^ M to wW eae lift fW y aeree t r e »gala.**

diri, pfwmi-*i them treaeurè in hea”«m (>w «loing an act which, ' hi their niurwini thrr condemn, or that ihdr reaeou would

' * W “ **■” ^ “ ” »« ^ •» «B »■?•** * • « « « - , . ^ t, y * « t i* , . trc r^U riM under fnl« prH «r..o n * » wppnrr . u d w«, M ; w p«f.r joa lr n-1 „ k r^ lV r f,,r tV ,n u e 1

m m i i . « .» .* '* « p p n rt in r o a U f l U in d lg « « . , „ ^ tlu , w hole o f A i t ,rm y^ on t | „

Phrl- í ¡anity the age ikmaiy!». For my I »Jo not see it re­quire* a U tti-r Chrwtianity than what w contained in the teach­ing* of J» -re. U t LLat he fully practiced, and the cure for eril will *htiw itrelf Bui if Mr. II. g“U a fine »horrh erected, with

most important and r(tried character having rtormd U» aerre, though he bad spoken to men too intelligent, ¿alhfactorv, and highly cheering answers,

inv rested in worldly m attm to follow his advice, it would have D r> Franklin recommends that I xhouid open, through M: )«wu more in coti&muni-r with hia written »-xhorUTiott«, anri m>>re ,Mm*firld, a correspondence with a certain high onbr of t i v a true Christian. Morrovrr, I contend it t* onjo*t, unchrfc- spirit»», concerning topics that will be of nnlvereaJ ilUrcst;

tare, that href »m j one asked me u, potat out a tru ly worthy . ^an «»d »mmanly to eiwkaTor to torn the *wirce of charity in j and when released la part from the many cares and labors that one who W'jaid ;n n>> m m - tn m m e l with hk» own nohU na- j direction of chsrebre. w U . there are «o many poor, hclplo* now oppress me— and when Mr. Mvn*field himself bre mor* upright ami -ycAh ** teff#“ Cod stod mv w eokl# who ore pining in tr. - r j Snr tbe rommoo neeewwrire of i leisure— we may be able to bring this about. In the a m

hava rraerted to T I. IJ But w w , how S ten m t I B r e r ' ^ likewise affirm, and no really humane man or woman will j time, it gives me great pleasure to recommend Mr. M. to ailsorb as are seeking truly reliable communication»! from I bar Spirit-friends.

I should not forget, in this connection, Mr* 8. E. y^/fru, o f 274 Canal-street, X . Y. I first visited her, aa ectre stranger, and found her not only a very lucid clairvoyant, Ut a woman of remarkable powers every way. The intelHgeac« is conveyed through her by mean* of symbols, which are often highly poetic and beautifai; but they come home to the poet with a truth that startles ns.

All I hod to wish for while listening to her eloquent speera, was that I could remember, or in some way reproduce it. Tu wonderful compactor s * of the style, as well as the <pteo»!or of the imagery, astonished me. Mr«. X. is said to have a gtxd power in healing and treating the aick and sorrowfnl, and would doubtless afford great benefit, as well as satisfaction, to those who virit her.

ft w*« my good fortune, during a late sojourn in my lativ* city of Providence, to meet with another very interesting Me­dium of this kind, the wife of I>r. C. II. Lr-ffingvelt, No. 9 .-ibip-xtreet. Her revelations arc so clear and vivid that they become actual pictures. Xothiog can exceed the beauty aad power with which these symbols are often clothed ; aad bo one, I believe, can lie insensible to the excellent alleforia which thn* either define our experience, or foretell our fotert

With a great hope and faith that there, and many such at the<“, n rt good and tru“, I hail the many signs of prognes« that nre now making marvelous «trides over old pnjudicea.

Having aorna very interesting facts at disposal, J propow to address you again shortly, on the sul»Jcct of the new mod“ <>f lire ling that is now fa»t merging into a distinct system, oader the name of Klectropnthy. r, n. o.

tike hedp)«re, the orpbaa or the widow Again :* TV erred* !lat area Is CkrUi«»t>w» ereatre

Prore IU dwiropen« «orliar> nt tlw tmiaL>ka * Mid i* rire,

UX* dektjr (d sn frre t b*ri*4 otsrp*."Mr H nret be well aware that all ehTrehre hare a »-reed . , , . , „ , e ., . .. . . . . . , , .a worA m inrr attadwd. and hrmrelf utotalled for the retnanvWatod y « hr exhort« fato beare-* to haod o r r r to the <4> reh—t 1 4 _ , . „ . , - .

J r u . "f his earthfrearecr, we then shall not rinquire much exertion tow. u I-wWat wuuld axnoo&l to aa hameuae re renar ft^ea ha wìsh tu

are totoh a bloated luermrehy aa re/w ex tote in Fio riami ? There thè working, Uàliag pntot, h a <4tm to perfine dnty ìa two & • taxi partohfl« ire thè «tute rlay, fnr th* juvw pitt*->"c <4 a»s«it lerty poatork or two ktoadml dodar* \+ r annoia, whik thè atately Wilinp. parfortoB reach Ina fdc 20,000 <X HKI,000 drdkra.Mr. II. w p i t e , x M fn in g thè prW ilotìd :

•* TW w««Mk Arm tftdto bf hwaÉ m»4 rrtree «stare A oll te*é tV kmngrj nati Aalt ctwUw tfa* poor.Abd ih.'iof '1 bj Or*4'* lato, ibc dare* «f gl*>»t TLm eoli'*« R^lifkw, IkiLTbe lùaz ->■ and priore» of asrrb bold pre«r by reeaa*(ft Uà care* t»l«eb <»4. baJbUnx *0 tb- doma*And tretotoreeitoa ai rre. breed oa rrtre* fiera re thè Iwwrwi pia,4-Mbiwifjr roie t>7 rigbt diiriar,V k lW la Cbiwk or rttsl*. VytoóB— ito arcb ()f to*psd»a- WriJii A»« «tre»« *«rey Aod tire hs<« fiahria fall* V> rése »o swr» '

1« «y ^ V * piace Mr. Il calla thè presti■* Btire! Jrretrr* «f a asrtwi tdlad ;

Wer t set (or pire», aiate eterei«*«. Wxtof «a»HukAì/rd iro*14 ir-t kow arato tbe wre/*g* *te7 te weaa, th« «afcrii*x» of 0» m i of rea. ”

hi* earth Ir rwreer, we then »hall not find the carew. Your* faithfully.

-a—»T E S T S T H R O U G H M R . M A lfS F IE L D .

Ml Ef/tvo* '.— I hare beca Intending for some time to give . you two or three fact* of two or three M»rtlium», which I

But I think are worth publishing. I will begin with Mr. J. V.* Mansfield of Bo*.on, the inimitable medium for answering

1“ ItereIVi ’¿log r.'>t only to test hi« remarkab'c power*, but a!*o

t»» «i«ta o iuforraatíoo on certain irof*>rtant points early last «oracaer, I addrwreed a letter, tbrongh him, to my mother, and alzo w el'm ctz ose frota my oepbew, which cr>ntaioi^l qQ»;*tion*, tmt Tta* not sddrererd to any particular spirit.

Mise was answered directly, sml th a t with such jerfeet in- taJHge&tt th a t I »jonld ac t doubt the identity of the Spirit U S E S O F E V IL .•b o ibo* replied. But the mo*t remarkable thing al»ont it f)ur q ,a (,)f. Kreal | nfiniu. f.w„ aj f(>r what mas from wtm, that tV ntedium never « u t it. I bad *“nt the letter to ¡ hw¡ . .^ d in g ly low rtan.Fp.Ìi,(, »all* »irli ; and whm rkvnl a friend who. I > would fannd it to Mr. M. ; but «be I fr„m n p</lI|l a,^ Te lhf. f,r<.„ nt ,,ftrrow row.ej»!imw of wan, howhaving for aererai d»»j*. m-gkirtcd to doti,?« it wae M ir e ^ l ¡r ,jK.r,. thftl rnan lrnn, ,.TI| would be daescl to

I hart quoted eo/«ugIi to ritrm tb*; what is reported of Mr without Ms ever Laving touched or ‘ten »*, 3%d wh > lie •, A mftU/r tttUy ,.rj| uTH¡,.r „11 th», a>,^, L* iu whsbfl. » firmad»«»J m truth, vir, : He dietstwl id* pomos, «o replete i mofa than three mi)» « away from tV j<er*ou w)« still h»d «V i,„10 |tiut y t i, regarded it ; but w< rc bo o «•talted that !*-• o«H with >M*uty aa<1 truth, white in Uk traare stale, wh»nj hi* tornd ! in her pocket. Thito h. hanl f ?~r come into cteU ct with *t tjw fiwl]U ;n a nioro » xU udtil and «•»•mpreheawve m»u«r, waa tohto g»w .too« of l»y »>•* Spirit o f high order ; and hi? | at ^1. at least in tte outer ¡ ¡jf ^

ate»# o lU r that Ik L,*.- Iktu f >riaken \ry that I U «ih tetten were »enird with to* utmost ear*», «nd lu»d pri- ! "AH *r? i«ut j>ui* of oc -top' * »»• wtely' ■ ■ . . . I Wt«e* !«o«ir Natuiu Is #-•<! tirsi !»« »“»ut ’¿os^ío¿t miwpr-tr

ipL-StuaJ mAtototow. o r th a t h is ow u spiri» ta l c a la re , w hh fa b* is ¿tb w n ifn re i to ta k a fo r a g a i/te , w I» d in w l • tep n r e - w h ich teffwrs.'tod h ire » t b e *r«-. •. I f fate ow n n, w l rrer will* IhwtmflA couU úm ú -> m ivrr**^ through-»wit h-« poern-, ¡» «Wre a w. teJwu wdl Isc foB fay rvery j»> windvnrk* ore the world, »»ever m re to he ro-aIJrel

h*s<Mi» red htovs entrred the Vert«

n o . m*/V» of such a “LnraCter a- to h* “«»ily rniw*»!, if n ip W)«*« issi/Itiiit lared hy :u.y ir* slafi t»t attempt on the ferm ey of tb* «nal, and ThU. however, is not «aylng thatr* *f e -titite Vmld not Ik Imp-d

yet so mJisnf c- to tr- ape oWrvuti--». Tli«<i the aii.lrcie of upon the growtKW* of ru»n ; U t te « ^ n g tbe nci.irvuty cf «tne tetter w«a ro«t»jl v)y sbrotsfi-i fn/m view ; and y d it more » vtevted clianty townrd irusn. 1 i at W’,I1, >'

i u j r r t r » r / r m .a ( *8(] July fot r»to»jc*'»»- bwrk u m e t t i* , with ao -a* « ff i*anif«toir,g umioobUA |s ‘.re evil and inbarmonl.,«»« in d- I»’’ " f1' ' j ' 1' ^ W,¿ ” 11'lito ih^Tarv 11-it# !1 (gear e in «rery psrtieMar. í¿u#-*ti.of» l-r «»«je »•;<>«. and »■«!! on*, nur Unevotent «xrrtiow to improve * ’ rnite

■ 1 ,. . , ' . . . i , ít lis* ir re lit lieJU for Ito tíT V point hy poìn», ah *** no:»-»! Name« s»r»- wn*t»n o.»I tf« crerni of tb»* own miirih«s-. Jl-i*»»'1 ^ ^,mí4*«iihr u»

of thcu^viste, itoli, aad an ta»'Jo**d slip »«f fwp r from «*'i»>t!i»-r o> r<on »fa'- “reter and n»rt-growil) of die engerm»'! * * * , _of ia»w=Me ., » * , „ to at u* merely n d w nl"nI/" ?__________ r . . . . . NVterig couíd U Tl'iftgv that w«*»ld app«!

U i- , . «w I w p .M l >- p«r..l*r M « « » « h e r « »I»*» U » » I » « » * »(S . « «Ur} »1» ""»• »*K>*» tlm t, U r ~ > '"*» •“ '« w k *"i a * s ,u ii- — k rel“!- ''«“ail*« t*


Uff"M>»\ I**™* ' l ' I I K H I M K I T L ' A L T K Î - K O K A W Î • ï O O

*be t i ?e s irt> Ü.,o~* a* to rvnder t t r i r bdu? indiBpeiMbte m*Vr ri» I TO T H E W O M EN O F AJÍ £ B I CA. «vrry «fe/. i» pubfafitol » **«7/árwíSt^a’í. ». linkrd, th-' ï j j U/ m ¡Mifífql *o>l harro^U«; Ir. fu« nosu* r,í « i 14 » rr« t « | át ^ ¿a m í rV/baer. f» « Ï porte OÍ t i e <lrt**<'7juudnsry ot Nàto/v do** uot «xbt t*r ar-kiewt. dr*<-> jj wom-V'itevte j<<<¿ í ».; >«, v> tí* íJboo » f ^-"U , j W o m «í A%*£c i ! (be AÍAfmtog? Jttcrcas» '.( (TMjatif by parts, without refi-renr* to fitto*», y to Ijh»/- T ■•-• /v i'! «toar», *.'« M o ra ta w «/, as¿. tè i teto «í el*£& t/«rr, d e s s e 1M» itofiteicagy u f d i yp fe te g atoOM íjc jÁk« aad nutnw'r, in it* prwí> ntl»tior,* to tL« great wlwte h* '* ar-rarte-i oí oor propi» t#> the twI< r» ¿oye </ ko» fi* « fa r» T « , loua. aa tes modteto*, tb* cd aea tm , * ¿TW Great Arrhit*-u don* mxhin.:- ty tadv**, n*/r tíj exper- ¡ R > k / bfoantain*. A m os? ’-V » » » * 4 tb aad o s t i j ( * ¿ f f ( M • i*» « Q tn ú n «f tbe a*¿»-o tbe rae*, *

tófiÉ i« a Cí .t t i in «fi ti** reloliofc* that pertain uves wfco ir»»*d-* «ni fnoooj/ií ¡K ’-a« lw ¡u v a i*»«r_ _ m í t i» r ,1 * M í te 4 # tewl . «HiTmai being—not Ut tl.cù ¡«olation, but h ti*ér ! k* eeroy "í ttoir krr*ly rsík j* . ib wtocb ttey W i r.vtd f * 1« * t e 4 l u tee 7 o í rèi 4 wa oí Tó Ve« bare M i(«e*, «nd uliiniotk/u. i l" who /ompGir»* at t>.' '*3^* te comparative pea/*# acd p i a t j , sbere í* ««trace m í i l a . to Superi c ^ jfc n « a i to tbe manbeitoff bujtrk oí » pin, might c//mptaiu worm w«r»> tf^r*;*oj«nm to f/rck: rw hw ? to «a *rt«nt trbxb « ; • < « arr>r t«09rv: of for Vinati a«4 «»A • rgg u» oBwd V> tbe f*r m *ne «od be wbo njormur» at the nnfaimea# of «or arili <*« ti/«1 i ’cr let U ijç borne ¡b salad vbat bmúj oí ¿ 4 v.« - « te tte ir a o í a*í-< * -f» ■f -v**. m í pensr. andsrcatíl/ of ma¡iitaín¡b(r relation* with th 'm: mor* honest; an*i. aom«i (tale, a n a rirtaoM and MAée people, muí tbe& it ia | «ni t r a í , :1a «Mi« tt >~ <jf tbe A a c r» « tú*.^ vbo freí aun ore» I by the eril of et»naaJ gr <>enr:i*I r lü W*\ aot ar.ül lirpra*«!1) b r whtrkjr aed the akm*m aed »11 r i i á o i ', Toa are e s l e í «|sm to p r / e c tte « n » a o l k a t r of j>wr

oí drJizatioo, that t i e / baxeae wnttke*í aed t t e r t í t . " TVe, ^rsCinn aad w a- by gsLfttn f a fa fe tc (*• n r t « a*0 basar •/«teta of toying ao í « f fa ? voosee m earned oa a l s&Mf tbe c í Use itrpassíear 4 — 1 ; fiar tt ia a ia f a s , rh J e tbe V vrot root« aeron the ptaiaa aceo:«^ tbe tra íe n m í froatisri ossa a* , *nr aag lsru í. tbe b^ lu fe are w r ¿ r e í ia íogrvist.

the am *ity of liring more uje/n the plane of interior nsM-toea», sad there by avoid the annoyance. A* man ax«nds in the scale of troc greatoem, he will see kw of thoae fanek-/| lk<ns thatterr *0 fearfully diahen their ¿taggT manes in hi* path. T o | * re rs’ar ealahftebed prsr'.ice'’ Taeat poor woesea, wbea unot I t eaa fc*t be bwt tbat wafie ice w m * races are bcM aempp"* tb« Infinite p-gard* tboae matter* we term erU, in the takes p o a e m a of by white taea. are ever wtu-rwu'i duowaed the rtetius of eavag» aad etehsee, tM t a a i«me light that we do, is to oi^/o-e that He see* them throngh by tbeir lariiao reUtises, aad no; oerefy ^s«sr persea*. tert wifi be «m m It m not b s a u e tb* p i s r p u «f oar G*oar finite eonct{.tion, or that we behold them with tbe m&mt lbe?r lire* are a t the d’-po- J of their yan k M en. The cT- eraaeat Ssre failod thwt th e e m b w a M u eztet, )mteuBprcheadre unity that He doe*, either of whk'h propotetiora. spring 0/ tbe*e onion* grow up as they stay, ofiea totally -e* 1 tb«7 bare so t bewa ayy&mL Tbe great acbiev^sieet ter vbkbe too grf«ily ale-unl to merit a ‘erkax* thought. j glected l y their fatbsrt I roboit, whether somethiar can | the pstfviti fiwght bm JH U> b« wmke a in s a ecsry «m u m

Bat to see hfin look in? njKm all the / to Htm; h*motafyu»^ not be done for these one*. TVe <j*ie*tkA ie Myort-/alpahilitk* of Nature, with tbe complacency of % madrinete who | ant freae the fact that tbe existence of terU and tbe preeeace . * 1iai 1 A eicrca u the e e in p re y oi afi tbe ueaean-rrrsnls tlie combine«! working» of an intricate machine as arm- j of troop* open the frontier* eooenr age these detaon£z«tk»«. | ia -he land I f M ytbug iwnr n a n ^ u sy/btr m off it* parft, w’nen cooridered in its connection with tbe •**!, it ie btiSered, are a soaree of no r and «Mery to Vwth so tee she eseaae. Eves the beeeeMMi of WAApeat whole—or seeing it* peculiar a^laptatioo to ultimate in tbe »ate beauty and grandeur that hr proposed to himself tJint it thoald—tha theu puts an entirely different pha«e of*f/n the whole master, and makes those erile, which the ignorance of

race*. And thn* líjese wroegj w*w to 1« u v * ^ by the ^*7 **** ?•? ^ ^ ^**7strong ana of Oow m bts! ; aod wb’Le we sr* « d i * / etQ ini' f -v 9,DOO m > ( i a ^ c t fijr to convert heatbeu abroad, we are allow ;o~ ;Jcm to be ' ^ ■ ** ,!— l • * rmJ* *

reared all around a»* at baase ta le r the wore forms d bothdrty saSfrr/ to afBict itself, appear more a* the abused than r > . »Avage and ciwilized rice.

f n i t f e e l

tbe pwspia— tbe re a l t o to t e e s f f

sba«r, and give» an unenvious distmetion to the n»rrow-miry:->d i Codd the women of America sec the desolation t> whies ^ •* ce® ^ tJiwa.1 the fioQwwesg rtM ly : ligot who attempt* to tttjd and threaten out of existence the , the mothers of ibs*c duMren are redaosd when bMith en d ! 1 A *“ * ^ l*«*»* » « » ;my evils the narrow-souled custom be upholds has a tendency \ c-cwadhacsa are ancceeded by age and ¿¡asset—ee^-aw aji fram to augment. Tl»ose important diffioiltics that the Inunan family! both races-=-w:tbc.nt home or friends, tso words would be rail evil, are the great educational processes of the human soul— | “ t r to move tbe>r -ympathief, or call their atteatioa to the leaves from N'atores page by which they get their roost va -1 rfdresa. But there* is another dess for w b tn ‘"pure sad able leaora, arid tire {irobkms from Xatur^s geometrical ele- fikd relkrioo,5' and 1 he holiest testiacti <d women tx y m e?pe- Btnti that, when individually wrought out, give to the soul it« rial care. By Car tbe greatest porti*ro of the Indian popala- ecoitant acceswions of strength ; which, were it without tkrse j tioo upon <»ur frontiers, of widow* and orpbscs wU’>eikfhcaUks, would forever lie a chikl, and a weakling at th a t . ' father» tad hmhond* hare noWy fallen ai d r in s i , or, as is too Hecce the soul must eitlicr thank God that it ha» these embar-; utsny cases, \rr poiroo, or cAd-blood«d m i-iaert. nsung perplexities to overcome, or rv^ret the p n ^ tn a * f »/.* j Oue of the Indian &g?at- reports that the proport:*» brrwsea

ami wish ¡««If eternally in dependent childhood. 1 the sexes in several band* after tbe late war, is as foiic»wf •That these ideas «an be comprehended Ijt those who repre*» ut I yfo. I, Two awa, twelve * -■xura and '"hiMren.

their God M in etenud wee*Is» of xnoorriing over t>>e * » f / ^ y r r r men. twee‘.7 women aad ch. irea.____________k»i ottu creation, or in falaiinating the Uuuider«~orTifc» hot wrath Xo. S. Seven men, forty w^bb« j ac*i «bfidrmrt tbe'Wavwanhif'^ 1m? can not hindu, *• »** expected. Until j Xo. 4. T<*a men, rixty-five women aad cbSim b nbic»te<l to * -e great tenth«, he will probably Thlv last hard, it u believe*!, were a c ta a i 'y 00 their t i t u >

o«*4, or i></ne at all. ! the fort {Lane f for protec Goo, when they were met by a parryWhen in the pi*rio<l of our progression we shall ascend to of wbi;*.-v who, in col*l blood, and is tbe prreroccoi their wire»

!h*t itsiid point where there are no more di fit'-dries to eocoan- a,0.i rhiMr\n, deliberately *h.>t ttir^ t-n »Ir'-caseViv aed «Urv- ter, wc «ball come to a »talc of abnormal dreaming, or a con-| fog ludiau men : for it is known tin t thrir caap and proTi- dition of eternal qni< «»eiiee, a mental *tand-f»oint in which, if 'cons had been burut up several day* pruv.ooa by a company w* Her*.- to decide for ourwlve^yhe (jrwstioti of “ to be, or not 1 of white«, who were seeking their dr>troct*os. to he," we should languidly ray that " it wa* a matter of to tal. Another ma*sai'Vc of thirty men has recently t«en perpe- irriiffeTcnce.’* A soul with any prefer concvptiou of it« undy- tral*-l, if jv^ublt, under cirututsiUT« still id«»re liorribie A log «roerg«** and it* exhaustleoicep-ibflitirs of expandon, would ' liand of India*»# (««rcoriiing to the acn*unii*( c« /c to*t*»l igoiist, could it be allow<*d that snch a conditlou could) put tbca*clre# in th*- power of the Iwi^ut agent, T idteor,: ofj he Moong the poMibiliiic* of tbe ratio of one in n billion. X o,Southern Onseoo. who promised to eondnet threa to tbe ne-lwesdir, then, that an AleXmid/'r «houlil weep a t the thought j (»«tc in lb: WdUroet Valley ; bu; 00 tbs way, white cnwwrog tost "there were no more world* to conqner," when it must! a rh rr, be had arraog*. I aa »tnavd furor upoa each tide to Sr» put a qnlctus uprm his growth, in the direction of hU «ole ambi- ' n ^ n th»Ma. Toe writer »id*, that it wo* a h-art-rending # ght •j/»n : and no w«*u<ier that drunk'-nii**-# should follow this j | 0 the nH ct, ru '«*miug women and chdiiren, fi wty jo fitue- utiharipy nightmare ! S > with the soul In all of it# depart' |>er, and *0 me of ‘.he ht tie one* wounded by ilui rdte ball* In B«tiU ; wb*n it get* beyond the p'jint where it ho.# no ob#!«.' neither Of thise n v i , and n*any *»a»lar one», was there the d*s to Hurni'iunt, it would iimucdiately Iwgin it-» rrtrognule ! |0^ t ncraaioti or shadow ex- *j-e for such barhar.ty ttoveuient toward eU.rnal dwarlLbu.»*. Th>* aubj-et look« j The u»urputi"ai of our |*->jú<’ h a rt rvlnecd tiw Ijxfiao» to •hrnrd wb*n wr endeavor to eompr/-h**i»d all tin existing evils thr <.<>n«liuoii of |»anpers and alku*, i k>6 lb-tend of their birth of our time, an«l «Go tho*< thul preceded them, as huTitig a uml th*ir own anoetfral domate* ; an«l • th a oraetty <*niy pjsk-i!»r or e»fn t»id«r**‘r, n lntion to «mirmIvm, Bnl thb r«|*i*le I hy tbe savage v«n«LiIuuu of the d.irki.vl ^ t» , tkwy arr Liaginnry moontilu rrcvil» « wh«*n we take into contldcration «vUrniuuntme » race who [«o w m many of the reAhwt trait* th* fact » hat ouly t ! » ^ w»ll have *ny relation t«» n* which pra« of lmmanity. And thh» great wi\»ug fe beüjg dowe wmpîy •nit tlieMwilvs-a directly iu our f»alh for an ir^ iru iu -1 am^tet 11)«* vtettevs aru «.sited ' p* th'./agh they »rr-* not•sdA *4. l«*t ra# th« tif'/fc r» member that there h #»• h a thing #1*0 we* with upml right* and dfwtis'*with ourse¡»e*. t/ Liir»/ ** ovareofirie of evil * »n*l a!**) of ¡t* e.,nr* rv<\ of over- ]t ^ ttoi p«*»ihî<* that the ("irut un wrag«a <J Aamgica can • w u s t v,l Vwkr the luitucncc ot ti,*, fir-t pr..{H.aiti»>n. wc ^ ,tJia<| ,,, tfe. nar*r»l «ron. =. wl»;- h » » n ^ . niwuitbcir *>wn^ \j (IffUHiki tu tiw.» í?4i i . » t i of t inerì) chlitv • eihI of tho, * « t . > . ,L/f.iwu i.<. i.» ... i i . 7 1 * 1 hu^Wi'i*. tiroth* r*. and >on$, #^1 thrnweirr», by perpétrâth*s#•* «ri, iff/wii on iu ru eit-mul approxtuittum tow «id the, • * ,te.ity,gf.»f..J ir «o*| rxc.dh*n/ t of the Great Inimité r. » *o eic-no-judf W»ju*< *1 « ^*»1 Th-* rv+atitm U tis.b.e m

4m . i . A s a r ia ? <d a ll tbe cafe «jf f « t s ' w hole system of tbe preaeat euedy im £ aa

S . A n r ia f jd a c i «me of tae ¿a « — ro M a rr aad m a rie r a i I

1 4 A drying ap o f oae o t tbe1 and a m a ! v « ;

5. A fiwimfantea te ü ter a tree 4 Thrifty m ttiw e e e p am

p e r*.-» aad a t î t o m p capte oe «very p mt v c 1 re s eke •IpfM to tbe P a cific , bteeg a M r c e o f ttr m & h o m t

1 tb e country.* T e s. w .ù tbe n l e v ’t-d to tbe peeeb an eo i M i T#

we could Ia^titote b u m t u that w eurii d c re k p

tr.'w wfetete our i*rr,ioÔ M . ta ¿ te e c wtefefc am h rfc v e thact m - moaaii wce H he é rv jie d to te ip the fitotiw rti pour o t

o ar cittei, who M ud a UMawr pr'amaae,. A s a aattee , we buwe a3 ih* m aieriate adeqauAe fur tbe pm pmw ; a e i we tafieee, tisat w ita the o rs o n t p u li foe the U M lr w w r of paup er» am i tba p rrrc -tio u aad p t» # é n w it d crim e, w«r eouM atm ««i aeuk hilate them o tm Snm m by peoaédieg ttee poor w ith haem * aud tbe m m * of >e¥ «— tu i m -itt S lu e y o f tbe beet m ia ia ie tbeenuutry arrw c w ith mu iu tbe fn rrg irag , xud m e pledged to ro -O j*rstr -rich us la curvyiug out thum utfmfei la the te- t f g m j o f Usb fb tb , to u t tbe rig h t auefi* «■>/ to b u ueeu iu o n k f to to telt uud rao açraêE Î. wfefi y t E i t t e u a a d B augh to n o t A a n ric a , w e o r o e y rtfe sur «mu* .

A ddrcs» . J< v< H t M e , 15 id g d w o v A V


« to» .Aera»

T r » Ito »Tto reato «tee e^toi

TOi to»wrl . { *ittor teudw* feattor ; i t sto k ru M * b a e k ta**y

< « . M— ‘ far Vtoj U niì m é s of « • s e i « u n '.■ u U i t o fa** s e i faftar.

t o t làirgjMsaaily « e ie > 11r( t o t e K K * ut M H « to ,

A d i *« p r u e a s»n *B f to*i Ato t j Uà« itarm to>w*a-] » te tto *

Sv ’ «éto bj- t/Oc »e* IueM Ai to**0 WVIt feasfe II ir 0ÈOOÈA aad «*jv* U x*«>W 8

G<d r*t- s* 111 ufi aat Wt « e r*#A*?Tl* r, 4 tn to>|» sRPWlve, Ito «ttor

T» »4r» *»>h *: * i a i!a i:ty to^Al.A Or! t - ‘f k« « | t o te iM t l h f« kr» :

T ir * if jo a nn- « «'>'•!»- r iati Air-J t o Ito to- $ !• " ’

tf t ». «m> a ulL\ m .l !nr..p «.tt «p «m! stick torwtiher.


n i ' D I M - I ’ H U T L ' A I . r K I - E f i E A V I I .

r. . r £■> *r4 so lb* <s-?e * •'-* • ' *.L v rk

NOV. 27, l«r'r

< - 'vVt ».

’* 1 , . f M Sc * ua > K ê

C ' i i A K ! , F , S r A IS 1 K I D G t ,

» c.M uir

T 0 3 X . SATTBDAT. 5?V £3tBH R *


r. 155*9 r,- xr jj ripari Cite"«. vL -t -f • ?

« P I E I T T A L I S M , W H A T O P IT *A- i if:*- . ’l* ' 1

_f -** *te: oc* .frriti*D - ? -. : :.; u> ' t :.v • r" ■»--T asM «V el€ra .3v;.._- • • s io r-»■ t. tte la*'«, a.*;d *%■ : ■pTjr¿&* f" •• toj» to thc 5r~to* w .*> t ir ? ter:; c*-V.I fr enrr .re*. see to S r . «or»»Tir e-toalìv. L-t i l» vri.-A oí <dzd:r.à e-*,lt- ? 'rem *V L»r..> teck ;c j "te - -Art** r in t i f j

L c**Lteh wriL ‘j r : : a a l tere tw!? ita ir ia t im t ;&| t te sa tter !

_ •» , ■ .'* - - * ‘ T f . • a . a '.*-* T’SnÌ* * ' * te-

vSO *Vv

3 £ i

t ^ . ^ T p ,. !-(*?■

.. i . W a it,t »he «ostai

ifejr- 3ÇT-’- i ' ’■TOII>* tt*r ?<' •••*■=. Ilarr ìsj »-tritìi.*

• a r i ^3.%rr^jz ? J P*-•% M

w*r* u Jbasa^ù-ty ’

is .a-, ì.mt 'j sta ^ jf ‘.teff w ¿ .e t ta c a sg r ily i o -«r

.'ES thsi Spart* o M a t o ari

L* ‘--«*^1 r-'; dvf. ’?* 1«ribW* *rr ry w,. f . DCi*

ir<* i--*7 «c:r i '*■<!:a ;L e.1 tV-t hare *'•"!!» oc:

* * joMzdi ile■’ raîarü r ei- . : . to tte tail-

*h .*■ stri-Tí ?£¿—

T a- :.. -i i-cdtteve ftj'1 isp-tTt-i?:-: jtanctaea* <¿ s v^n - vriu-iil-u; -r i^ te - iu ri,? brea.'?« t i ìb t^ Vìi'. Lari *ZIf v t *^?à tV is , i r fcic • i ih* xowtìr. I* L-ifr * - «tscacù.?:/-,«, 4 j>*e’ar irav aa I ¿-k *.h ni w r¡ i *,j, It nttsi?H»tt v.r s l_ie. a í¿t. r<?d w. a. j rcraü Í .r t jqt ';**».^firkiaal b*r~£î ? Do shuik *cur íp lr T-ímcd" tb ícriír<« »are » «t t . a ì ì ? DM :ìtfj joc : . i¿’fe srpjj -•■ <:a* r*-n ' -'»-' Ai *.'& frp^neL’cr of tlrfir aìod j

? I? tl-e ^{mt-arr-rM sprD'Uns he >/t*t f..- T#-r=- '.a* iTA‘i£oa -n ? Diti i ' -'r de^írn h ? Ar- 7*

üi^.ñíal ;* T r i t'.- j eipeet-M? or, 1. -ta jtc , rosstran tV-jt -relies ani ;.t; . i > ' DirÁM tb-.-lr tr»-a¿or<íí in j ^ vs 1 ,<^a ? A&d ali i r wbs*. ? F* r Í nr * f Iìk* prfolar iza«!***’• 'jr*.: i}f*Ç2fd tO r- L'- A1'? IOÚ 7 ^AÌeìK2 t«f t f e ^ ¿ ’•--h: t T - . <i> -'.*2 i-ti :Liì J'*n Lara doìK- rnar fkrr ♦ ÎIt-- tou sÌiots foaatitr'' vorM.v ? II**. - je e osed thr a e o s s v iü j*Y«er :o bifora toar nergb1- ^ an i piace r<wr expeóm ~>i ìcvtiaot r Wf'.'re a =j4ntaaIÎ_v-L'*JiLinç worid ? We 7 :r ia ihc -bapc of spirito*! txp:r>r.c<5 ; and ter? ìrA.! t i os**. Iva: tn> ar* »7,177 we ^ noî pcrmitte^î io thè

¿P- C * n ÍDÍ¿*ti t+k ,» aí?-:*£íís* aaà

■ss4 r ^ m t k.1» . irclir- ufé

■T :-3 • ■. i.e 7

1 » } p ^ ìK - fuer*,. 1 rir* pS jtLì LLit - Che bt£e-rr> ^v'rir^kiia« a t-Hli't) Md •wefc'o'^* Uj s a i ' ant

r e r t i * ■ ; « p t m i t f t i r y to

L- v** « b : Li. * arordHV ì *

« r i ti. - •' :s» -Tv lt*itW e V r *T- r--.ria» do j«r-

r 1 _ 'oaoL.w.cìi— ;«W% t : L , '-«t t-^ òumtm-

vii* -■ **. v v - . - : imùtm * f

-Ttr»t r t r t t m t ta r^f -r— m ' Tr^Der : ter t h wl> lieaaaitarr ’

iflKe*. he: v? d<A d>~< r«*«!- F Î ■--<?« tr.jpd àa w n o w t eiceptL K£e I A v- - > » • Agcw ' • iu te hi. l ì! '.- • :' S -àrtis'' ' *' «arnesi T > r!_ . ti r «a’ *L.ù œaj exrha'.Cí- *zr*rrïtz.

no «eh arr&n La- r 'o-_ - _ j £_ ! L e te Sht 7 f. d rain <■ ’ Lf- * • t J ■ Í th è T h e f***'. tl.-û î if c w ¡úJxjralirt o í ik t

1 •> ' H '* r , oe e aft r a." •*. r La» failed. ar*i t l< j vZ! - ■ -rt | aade fcr Dr. Or:=Æ an J b as f<!!'■'«■- ; o .’>* ■ £'**■ f-î?v»tr;r^ b a t t & c e i l *tt frire L*. lier s Lit

.; J to ocr j**-*3î s^i^rî, «ad v t m a j asor'*Æ tt h rr* #t-:r.

W e »çe^ i b r» o owan* n t f ’.'-.'. :!•*■ f - - t t **i ripiritmii»«» ; are hiT.’- e-r rtN 'ih' ,r> *f“A. n tî- 'r * »r‘a .ce *i»; -*’• m j.j jreî

B i t *T Îwà l i i t a r^jj: t r in tL — r «¡7m&t

t- i »

t‘>«i i'î% tv> v»r leb-nü r' *

i •- <!

*•1 ;*> *’e e x ? .- ! n ? '. - ' ' i of tm jr t^ d ‘>, c ia l f sa sk isd £Aid tis- t f i r rs.»Liit'- a of o«r la w ; at-j

« thicker? b^> «» ia M«e G tertaAraar. |W c Ijtc j m^er.f v ^ k ! « h à r th e r 'tM JbàM eaS of a |> I * -si erraTrirstio::. >nt

' ' epjvtaa of lav^ »tv.- cr^aaifalioat----------- M ---------------

L E A V E YOTTB T S S T n iO S Y W ITH T H E W ORLD, r i r a k***. t ie ;*«- ' Tnt : ritritai*»"' p * • tn*- •. —.. . - J.j I r. Orton, aad j L*w b « r <a ® e v - ^ * f a o w iw » . r e ta to u» L» L •- *? f « ho»«tt *te!e-

t-Kxt ta?w» thtlr :■ *« £ro« io .V a' V *Ht, w wb

M*. Pa*te:&ce : Notkvse3 Î0.í»—Oa Fr'dij r jk t -week I m n y wri»<. at the Co^rr**.

at C.iatoa Hall, to «‘a-e vka! I ko*w rtiaiiTe to Corae’iai V a* t iwîCT. I ¿.eeliaed C‘-3fW -:f k e n e . fca the first piace. I fcaMlkeocaln- itrf-jrs'ij <:i tt^i at epe.king fce-itce nek ia asflsc«- a^d li* : a r .A ir a a t voald ’.L - - 7*r be rîider*c •ad. ia the o*Xt. « accocst i f thi recirTr- ; h o b^s ¡tíre» k* Dr. «rrtoa La tke Burner <f L $ l. aad to it n r r.iîDî L* app-sd-**. Tito* far *nr kaovledge of il ts* W-a Evi» p*;Vie : Wt, tVn * • «Ahrr i_<Vital c«M««ttd with Lha*e coæe wlurit ,* •* /■ • : m f l ; kao*s : aad u joe see* ¿estrooa of Uaalwìng alt toe -iLna».'fe cas (« ihíi mo'.'.’i < 7 : I »111 «ure it.

Os the M of Wt J sir Dr. E r-lou h* Vl a if jwr a: a h a st « io I war Tirltiftç. Whes tlir circle w»« .,ttt I scc-csí; icl»4 hi® fees »-■»'r* : u o®r n r ¿d ra . bjv «prciacle w àirh ksd be?a ¿ -.*!*- ? a part of the rres iz : t i= ürowa orer tsj ehnaHtr 12* { l t d .t 3p.aod «sa 1 AZnf it wíU U»k ki» has ’., eonrersásj wLJk a t ikaA ;t< W¿ 1, thtaoo^rged. ran iia j facsg each Wte«;lâ a Ici' 'lu ? of ga*-llght khisiskg V"a O'*» the doar c l»* , u i

- W - wLj, b . 1K-? ‘j'tapÿ.’l thr f/LjC-®! l>?Jr e • '»'—o’ a* i ' of err«* cr ierre* k»ir-g near,widdl i ta L iars b - ' _-rd— ha» FÛaaîsSed

hlag caw drap . Os hnsgSúst

» ' • * ' ■ -- - - ~ T* • * . T í u -h ^ - í »- ' „ _ . - n 1

of :a? r - si. iurì li«* .'f*- îÆaiDrrr ofLii taaû . !


lh r 7 ri,-t anxi J dsrwa. s.* if Cr«* the celli•:g raá Ml k t r a t i, ,____ . - , _____ . . ____ r _ ' ïp Dr. lU d a a a reea«m)»«4 ft a* a b ei» b e e r ie r to th? r t r a ir a <fa afea referred to « '-x c«tfcf- _ ¿ ^ uUM. f » ? t -v ' ?

bat ariî r7-*»J. is ir * «.nr.- aew Ì'riìi oc eri !-c¡.' L j r«- i ta perfectly - . s s^-i happy to eossatn^cat« wh» iT V ’"’ iT'- ri?--. - f J,--J thl; !>’ - . 1 ‘ W »7 a is «Q»; et u> *=y 11? p- .t IÍM lb? iatic=iC-«a be — Tt «

X . rwrw-2 m a ' *-3 V th Dr O r k ^ k * t ■ r ^ : ^ «« it f^bi>!y. w.*w b, « o e f^' * —’ih c ra iil to * j » Lf sre ja»»V:e to the » h i . ! «

f » .~-1" “ •drd.-'irix; ¿- - *- y : i , .t a r tt, * r / u the p*-r..-'i «b»f.cnrj. rd J ® t l SCr^TT* 0* U * *a£.'f*'..UU-« T » *." I •*! ( *: i ;-» »ha-r «ire-* w o i*î4 ; A- y ^ jkatíoa allalHS te »

: . t.. e? ìt m !BV i«*wi: .1 W* - .rteLtti j ‘5 h thr ,f?reà2g V rit I k ; to í«- *»-1.1 3^ tt a-.-í r a *«a p»/»*. %«*.

J-ra »il! ilh * s j Ig æ u e e of t « r o^tíL c v. rsb!*t cash •í»l! a fflS rithost the wrUí • * is » v..p <ail u mr trea o tú a . VU

7 tiaakj u> j® fcc drrstiaç 6ta¡ a i ou b ù à td rak is ït c ».

if& È! ®t£ sii iìè&t e ssa i te *» a>er*9earj .bafisasgssss « f Eie » a ctsftav' r ? p ® d v- ai: . *.

I l ia a s e ^ à e g H h t a r è —« a aearàslj &«®à, ; .-• ar iS O I in atteBgp* io L ve h j v .* rr% ^ 0 ^ p w B J ^ l i j

tv # 0 ^ririiesd «eskL Tratta »rii Ita *^sr?<l m t ì M n M t prc* arri at te** sad t a r t r y ' ‘ 'ir*

;•«5 vi-,, ie. w » t e te® te Uar^ii» r» tal t o u t y . Atri m a -3 s s e ì I re lfilB K h U sh d . Sta * a j » s * 4 w a w « f w k*?L i v r - .'2,, feA rir-."; i f e i t o y e i ftkSr ty jw i h 11 1! B j t H ■ *ao>

C •» i", 3IWj ì *ir ^3p«S ®Cfcr^ìJ5 fr»>ei tV cri i g m«r

iJI sA^mrS hit te*. Ba*. ita dj5*T*-tm*.' ( * opés>*n ;- a® bQ ri. <^-s«—tr^-tVr \ tr oí*;t* ar ìa- t'.aì* TL? *■ tçtsJ "piai ■*_. catar‘afe»ri «ww s / . ri. V 11 v-i •<» tV frrf. h.t .1 ite T*ri- *—a tta'-ìrv» of pera«? r--^w ~ z > »irit-j? nr* r T taw wìk>

. tt ted n*» expfftaw* * f " • a -r ^.-,. belien; ri*t • jA .a LrosjrLì tta Lo® - i r a !!^r»f ì »! or ssrxhcaz to do

. î utf I with the ¡m-hzzMtsM ; « 4 «n cf wL<» A.tree a»f experieBeed * ar witene-rvì •çiri» j J pi

T U I CT t \S¥- TSedfiVB. etc.

I »3 v?ry r o p t fL't. * * •V '' ir n o f i l i e Time**.

In ttkctiiaùcoL.« Dipartaseli! ih:« week, m jnìf'ikif ■X a» i 7 ck! a re?ifeia £da® ct frira j » ti*>-utae&: wbkb, far ita im(>ortaot >igtL£r®ece, f rraU

pcrhsp bave Làd a more couepktK*a» püice ha#J ite r<

S s ®fcfSìs^3 ■*aùÌ t £ 7

I* 1 rrh* arri i> f 7 ’te truth, thaï •ùit'iurri* 4tosh! be 1 been c-ÆT-iLentlr at 0 7r It » no le-* than a itf*Li.'r *>d rrprri— -*v v,f beûür L x^i ..pot * »'■ria! frota cTtr £v* Ls?«]rr<i A a-trian CatLohc i ii ~.ij'w.

w , • - :V j # . a* hererirf r» . '. -st t'jere k daarer c f extrese* 1 iacl«i«i:Dç tbeir B b h o p . which »a* sd'ires-ed to i te Popt *ad■ -i tech **te White we w r^-l tLaî every &*&’> tL'c^y j j hi» coa iw ’î'jr*, p ^ rixr Í >r s o æ nuLeal sad TfTOlaxknrj be ta id withua t ta ctnapw « f :-L owe «qwrtaor?, ob*rv*tif<n rrfora* ;o t t e exirtiog ectit-eíaírfísJ %vi>tetu u e*peciaiJj cprrv

»"ri-. - ?iîcjs5. w v î t e i s t penoa »b-FJtfd tire ia -Æ ? Tec «rii» of thi> *v.«tcxa of which tierte her® e s is r •. i i , i «iserrri aU i î> i c - , . . iad w x:'*Ì3 , are »et iteth ia ttelr ¡a* »orisi ia a n o*t frirùtâ.* * I * -

lyywter. test. &M Seg- *‘XiV* jjrfumr» i. sad Bf<co tLL* « r^’I-cr.. I teprci, la a pùaio and ruaple . ¿.vi yc: eTidentJr wlthos: the / ^ ea ta taslisf d w f sw rj (iìrÉssirat • / p~ «anwir®» so t m p «&u>! f r ’y |.iri *ügLte»i sottTe fe/r, or lU tc;^ . a*, exaggeration. Posts ?

* r t-T'4?' |p semi *•> **^-7. prrbarjj* grada. | A a rftree;ígík»?r for truth arar «b-jc* i Lare a¿r ' ff’ ^ the rjaarter ú n a is does, a&d at thl» particular jascisr»•r*r7^%3Ci g ,®sd w tet * d » 8 we k sh t theocy ©r fes»«. *e ííryta of «^¿ etar. i.'ii' in hi? w-, t. ¡r; the grerral eocksi® !ía*;, p*/L’.i-7*I and »ocial a£i*tn of *Ar

l « t i»3c*V4¡r m n etiœ U x b h e 'Jr »he who. p i? j - r ’ » ' r i ■, we xa ®ot L i! ¡h 'j dx-uaaea: w m iaipcnaaito tte wsy »jf * tinto espertase*

WT octar* '-f, dsrnrtin» asd *te£?weat •£ tat aarrat*r, mi stteadast .¡toma- ‘ C'Mcfit i*>r v-i rir

">jw_rraï;rin. « d ' fc»t A'.' \n tte tte tien- * ~ ¿LoaiJ tte Pope *zri Jbcr Ltì trt e fftetewwta </ »reryVrir «-k» ^^4 ] » ¡viaert grati ri:»e f ?' t.>n of tt?*-.» cl.-r,;/. ia whoù *tr la pè«t

S r *-» V. itala ita fati rrt& i or daarr*«ìà w te L ita | ia L iu ' w ta ii ,. r.i*. a*. , .1 wtB «eUid^L « fcs-: i t ! porwosc c? 1 Caltele

®a»I ìa ta v » » , taritámiVir »arrae» ;a .J so SfO<rc Tta 14 '.as ni'-tt», a* i ’* .'«f ¡ganrasto c f avi <pr® *®anng ! atobj- wtíl p*- ¡- •■ 1/ -■

the t a r t e s t “f a w o f the s s t iap r*♦to V» la d i M M s j i r t | l s s s i t P f^ « r t!>vrta*. pep«W r^»-

1 j,-çakr sota

►. éawVlfy sad prr asd or.

ta t iC eia ita coT.trarj. t ’t* ., V -if asctL’ f R/fi. e rí •■ i T..17

e-- S*’ |¡.*' ^ of g ìméwìÉ» . W­« m £ * ' stíffnsc ^]*h ûsxieSf e t : A^r* -

’ e» cjr& ^ality o f the R . J l n H rs-j 7 ■;•'* ' of progrem-a ;

r <;*, •_ r>-*-•■ .T' 3 sotioi. Itaa - r H u b a r_ tLj .? r-S&Jf


NO’ 1' T l - I K s p i R I T C A I . T K l . K G K A V I I . 307P. B. R A N D O L P H ’S LEC TU R ES.

(> •. ' r. !»v ui tti’d.*, Mr. I*. 1>. K *v!n!ph delivered ani.V .oa Hull, in which he def>-d Li* position in

n r r, - to rif iritaallsn uml Spirit-medHinisLin A-the address j; t ' published b paTnphkt Tore», we wil! < nly dance at thi* táae y. «rscb r.- =!«•' &s rao-t clearly ind;<»««? the «peaker's pr* lent r. of H t *a:J that he Lad W a a medlnmftr nine v-mt- ; iL..*. ^n r'a j :H-.* trreitrt par; of that time he wa« je> fa '.r a..JUr the eontrri of what purport'-i to be '• ¿fprrit-ínflu- ca-r" Vx.. L « jló >•; at uuy one tlm*-* La own ma-ter for a p-ri.-d /T*' ih._r tbirty-ix hour-. T m fir-t manife^atiow xbr-ítf»a b in wore “ rap- " and “ ripping^.“ rnb^queotly he tootm* a !' mediata,** under an entrancing powerwbvrb rla/ t > Ik- prvda*ved ly Spirits. While thus entranced, he :VeqC'Vjy - : h ''.--t- to inquirer« a* t-> satáfj them at K-4í*. *L«! thx-j v«.rv holdin-r comraanwn with their Spirit- fftfad* By rv i Li:n-'-if up to *.1h -c influence', be wa? Ji.,J fres ■.'•'r-' - -p to another into the darkest and mart ab?ok;e

:n of m -ota! 'laverv, un’l at length h*1 reason wa r e e k f i op>t» the neks of «ubu&sioo. rad in a aomeat of rom- jirte im-aaily, he t i ! compdLd by the tm*een influence to a&mp: h¡¿ own life, by • jieuinj the art eric? in both arm.:, wbioL wonlij ksrc re-nltcd in death, had no*, a fritad by aeci- d»qr Li- r<ioni ja-; in :«aw»n to call in the necesKary aidby which hii life wa- »aved.

While he fully atknowledr 1 the cxi-tutee of Spirits, i u stair rod' ab.-.-d purer to contr-d mortals, be 1- of opinion that not more tl^n ton p a 1 am;. of the " tnanife-ution:¿psitaol ; the balance are the prodnctkxts of trick, hallucina t>-. ¡ivi serró® excitation. He i; «a! L-Sed that the identity o

~i ess a>>: be positively established, and hence no peráve*>.1! ■

5-v-.. F*l w.<rI- "¡od rolden promises can as well come from %z 'r il a- ít- si s "0*^1 Spirit, and that medium who sahmita to tie 1 ccti’.r-.u of a purported father or mother, a Swedediorf uc a W uhin^ton. may iri f*ct lie the pliant tool of a fjed asd leck.rotw Spirit who f./.-dy a belored or inflaestk. uam.> fv-r the purpose of accomjdUhing- more eurely the pr'-. if the ol>ediem rktixn. F>/r tlicse reasons be repadiatos

so far a- hfe own rolitioo s concerned. l ie also <fcedar»s LL» on1- lief in that kind of “ Ilanaonul Philosophy ” wisch t»ra,’‘ically ftvd. while it flies for oyinf*sri, counselu l ski, to mere a¿»ii fr.TI:b k Spirit', who at best are a: t*},/- i-rr'.r' in j-;d^a». V-í a- <jureeht*. Heneefbrtb he desr<»ju. pjux hki-*:h in a y altitude t<> di-j-d ■-'i»d Smrits

" ¿rirr only t>> (f“d. As a leaded,die prefer- Chri-t to Andre» d l » a r k , aod Si. Paul »0 John M. .'¡»ear. For «pr‘ü .1 Í h* ck«»'-' the Old Bi'ile rather than the Ed*- •;Lr_ ii.-i the New Te.-tatneat lc.-f:ee the * Great liannonia.*'

In iL* < f .-atay. Mr. Ilatviolph g*re a dLcour'e in pr<x;f of tí* t i i- ’ .nv-': of a God. He treated the subject nUhmaliy,IvkaliT. anu hr the >trif7c< n iN of analojry, and it wa¿ con- élr*Pi ha the aadien -. a- an aide disrourv. At the conclusion of tb* a d * a series» of resolutions were offered, and onani- aou-ÍT iilopted, by the a odie nee, nejuestina: of Mr. Ranfhdpb a espy "f hS rn< m ie r * addre¿ f*or ¡jahlkatiou, a:*! also awarding to him a fail ackaowtodcnient of their fkith in his honesty and ridrm-j.nt in taking the -t^rid be now occupies in reference to

It was aiwo vuteil to inrjte 5L-. Randolph to repeat LL» lec*.'*r'.'» at Dcdworthá HaE, «>r tome other suitable place, ai yy;n a.- coriTenient. cSj. B. B ritia n * * W e s te rn a n d S o u th e r n T o u r .

la an interr.tow with á. B. Bri'tao on Friday of last week, we learned that be was ju‘*. •«» the ere of departure on hii pro- pr^-i k- turing tour to the West and Sooth. Mr. B. will lec­ture at .Sandi^kr City, Ohio, on Sunday next ( flsth in.-:.), and thence wi’l ricit rari'>m place« in Michigan. Illinois and Indiana, and exp-cu to be in LoaL»Vilie, Kr., about the holiday*.Tficac- he will proceed directly to Memphis Teno.. and after cJ'.ier' hL message tl^re, will go to Mobile aad New Gr-

ir. J miy ¡tos^bly go a« far 1« G*Rc«toa, T ixa . P»c- t« r¡^« , U * :! »top and yire a e-« r« of krturc* at Mscoo. k..ii e x e m p t But IG i , at the »iifitalLon of Ilrr. L l . IV A alrsr* , Eiiitor *-?j tp^re tonni-lfr? sil tn-h Í’.íi.t-g* ¡ tVe Georgia f Ihzn . pubibbed at that ¡dace ; and then he »01 gethar*»ith t !aae and raflutioo, in proceed by the ».»ethern route back »¡rain to New York, stop ~ j’ t-g raid ' .tiirlug at any mu?riu«diü¿ pty ^ at which the frin i* — ~j Krranjp; with him lor hw aerwk^i, arriri* ir in

s p i r i t u a l i . in ari»! f in i ' ! i a n i ry .~ I 'b.«card* and r^podute?." riU"Jl you hare br.toí'nt rv> tofore theA .rifud scad' u- a -tìuìì tr-> ,f, '^nrlrr^ the ob »•• title, * neh I p^p’h- witboat o r eoBf'O! ; I therefore r is to the right to be

^ hi- coa^*»pOt an 1 by x general rir.-jUtoíaof whiri» he tJuiiks ; *,**r.) j tai ^ ice will not refu«e me a h o r-pLritaal p!iea«':n''..-. 1.1 .y l/roeght to the attordfr« of! 107 ; but a* I hare only this moment resd ro a r p»per, x

tuxTiT who arc now inoran** of tkm . W» do n ,t knew but f will time -.or my ba4 u«w ct-g-xeiroeiiü perm it me to r a p ta dthat he * right ; and in on tor that our readers m y be uUe to l in scawna f^r you- next tr-w>. With roar permiimk», howerer,

f/f the pnjbal>le utility of this l;ttW d e m e n t, w^ gire j .0 --<«j a« tbe*>• do ¡e m it, I «¡yj r^ . ;T to thoor " rc^^ctio« , the toll owing extract, with c u n c ti-w of Keae diritt error» h i' »rare »ad ^rions” as they ftre. Not with the riew, >.r, of the wording and punctuation :

- Som* p**pte c*n no» *** tbe eoasees» ìi*ai;'y of boti of tt~** ! lot -Jx- . , - , _ tnauw^l pr-ife^ai A ?p»r:t«a3bt iea*« patera af-r 0;* Icr* ^ ri, , m ,lt , tren i U) wluch rou a!*rJe, U>•od 'ni:h </C im . asd a Ckri-tion ~ ”-t b>- Vd to ti* ; plr't *^*0 »- thè thcnrtr« stia prsr! oti" wy^k th i pvhV*'. t i ’.hrr dlsz&nlt OC W v ■) xrA dm Irj tbe fc-à. To folto» thè Uaeiiisir» of Ctof»*. b lo forbid tL.t r o-, 1 1’ j ^ a „ 1 e^Jb i C ^ . uzA Saro'r^ tic ne-: -4 tr of »all:-.* la avi aitar tfc* * f F 0<* - *®rwJ 1 « « ^ 1 draceud » lo*. I W

eoweou H*at;*y of boti t¿ tt*»quartet' my own * ouoecù'ci with thto m^retneat, nor thè aò*«-

inoo tbi« «pe-iìoa. c*o Ui-,-* Spir.t* wa**oc-: laauKieu ; i r C'- 'i j are now -a tre Spirit-wor’ 1. c^^a«»*»jerte u-oiir c*ruiti osii-tb to tkoae still ia to; WJrT Splritxallrt* KfBnaiag iLh. aM tk opf^ed. deoy in 7fa* pr»«of fili- on ÜK Spirilwaltote. Tkry prò1 to thow Ih:» bj ti« te^tiaíoar of tbou^aai». a rr iwo of who»« i*»tia»o- cie« ow a trial of mirti r. wóaM »end a ori*^n*r to *he yaHow».

'ìpirit. The on’j d i-.r- iC* Jetww» Sj-rittalai* at-4 ReUgU-tV■*.*. n tb it I La"'<r, »od the fr emii bere xp*j io the Spirit-tie SHOO- t-tioa. Cío ti,.,-* Spirit« whoooc-t iakabctol t ir C—-U ani *

a <t t*. a

deoy in 7fa* prW fili- on th< Spiritwaltote. Thry pr^' -- ',

o S t to a 4 w:t,J ^ bare 4 hdtor. asd mare satoiac-tto> * * tory »taodard by wbfch to rnr , ,-^durt. If we bare

vt, I wooid híd a final *l>ta to Ciirittorinn, s a i Sp1 ri total*\r,* I » a , aod cT*.ry other ism, which a srxxi God hai Toochsafed

'■ till 4«®y til*. a r4 li a*w Tour 4 y . j Ut s a k e a Ocw propoli- ; r.^. .- „ ^ 1 . , . - . _ , , r 'ttoo. aod Vrtor JMIT eri to aecW . i.r ito atosotstaa d^lfoe- , for {ue ™ * *9*>* « Uw w° - ¡i J**- « sto lìvq .comag. Jir. StlrP-Wfr a*k* if w- wil! nrpW s» w artfefe

Maay (f*p«i*!!T Chri-tlu».) toj^et to «tow- d ^ o - 't rx t« » or. -to i of )te. , . , :k ; * , * ^ , r that •« wül ac^M lo k a tto ari r i l e » « r groatid of toc iaslgn-feaot *n<! o:xl:CKltod iBìnuer through which ttor ^ “¿»«.fschastahtotlppiag raping!etc It i» granted this i» ac«»d to ottosw-Ea.naall indeed : tot i> tbi* all ? Let m look in tie teaching* of CferhT . . . .for a parallel. - U* wa=l <l the di»op!-9’ feet." lie larstd n w , ' » c t iou .Into wise. n;ff*red ito derlls to go into a b?rd of »wise, etc Ar? no: Daring the la--t two yean we hare, through Uw kiadfteae ofth- »*C'.enpara'irelT era'! things In :bem«*'.T-»! Bat :• tLl- ill •.hatCbri.-t caasr Jor! No. 1.» tto tipping aod rappior i!l that t- tag h t i '™ * U “ l 0 l* ^ « - 'V ^pcaU dlj w c tm d . per »*¡1 printed ia tto*e ptoaocrKua ’ No. Do*- not •;* tohiad all tV^e I c-.'ipic of a *torr of a “ Mr*. H ardfa ,’' of M^chtgaa, rilingasd art itore not hie^-r ttaaifc*lit‘»ne teaehlag lor*, puritr a=d r ‘ .v j -a . j __ , , , . ,lm ;h! teaching iM ^ u lI tr and identity ia the wVrVd *l4 •PPe*r<a?» 10 **r U tfdeeafed bodj, to her^pirito «re erer horcrier woutd a«, trying to itfiorece a* Sor g-*«l h d j^ U rri» ? and reirartory bufto^d, «"d warning him that tikeali the varioa* ph**e? of exi»t>£C*! lb other word’, that tto Sr’-rit- • . . . .■■•- - ■ • • • ■ - r '¡m of ¡¿u «xa from earth had arrired, aod the» riakiosr dowaputte U the

lire. d;T*lc<p aid prt/gre» ia tto zreal oa»een aaJ uadiscorered éou.- j try to which we are bwstrnisg wish rap<d rtrvW . a mass of puirtao-nce oa the floor. N i ts « of alkgt-J w it­

- Now. rlew tto p r» f* in tto aaterial pci«, after reid'se ’ _ , „ , . . . . . , _Galotlai. t : 1« to tto end and Mark IC : 17 to the «*L la th;- la i 4ad ‘ f i1“ " 5' M iScged OOUTT paM»e, whirij «retestimony given th.t they who britere -hall be ahte to heal the *>k. * ^iren in attestation of the account, give it, thaf far, t r t t j ap- etc. It £o!lowa, tho»e powe^Lnar itowr gi'ti hare thee ruin f . ,, . ...«ign of believing truly. Now. there are icocw U beating a -dina* P*“ »“ ’* a l x ' V45 *»«1 knows by mpsetoble Citoens arouad y-. who haT» s-r-;-r nudled anatomy or piiTi.o?ogy he.liig ia “ Graod Traverse Couiity, M’riiisran ;* and doubtiws tto ra- asd caring dmeases ■*clo«r awd or aey aid /r?m n*itna**, and ear n* . , ., . ' , , , _ ,thoee which tto regalar beali; give up a* bo-g-li». *och a’ caaco'.. 7tator of « » r i the*« Bam« asd a&darIc-m dU*a*e. drf>j»-T. tcarlet feVer, etc. Not oniy do they core by tto* ; rils of imaginary perv-oBa, would Oóu-1'icr it a capital joke if ay»taioo* power, but g're an accorate diagnoas of the trosWe ia tto ’ . ^ - .1 .bum U*nr* co*«. Whence all the we nee on ererv baad. that .be wmId * * »P'nttUUSto paper* Bp tto iloryal ire1«« oolysh* external ^ 3 0 ! If St Mark is cot eornct. then b»v1 parading it before tto ir readers as as attoaadiag »«iacecwot for it, if poneible. Whence tto Tarioot Iftteb-g^t BMaife*ta-__ , .». . _ . .. , ^ -___tioa# made daily through the proper organs, aider proper conditioas! F a c e ti ; ccariuaTe deaj7Bt_ra.iOO . Dowa tor* tn Go.1ft«,Philoaophen and scleaiiic mto have larttiigatod thia pheaooesos , howertr, we don't happea to to quite aoTardasi as s n e W a t-with the close«: sctuìLet. and hare not beta ah!* to eo*ae to a eolotioo _ _____ _________» , % .»___ » ___ »__>of it. Magnetic an--l electric ¡uetrumpets of delicate contraction have ern -Ory-wnteo are thesafitlres, aod we hare, therefore, rrsriredi>r«a placed on noting article*, and hare ¡¡'A toes icflae&cid ia the < th*t the Kuppoeed copyright of thU clever hctiuci -‘»*11 to s b ­

* Ct‘t> ia which tto momentaai observed wa* ao great tlai i l 1. . . , -______ . __ _ „ »- j , 11 n n » ,yr eiectric « iris. U*** 10 00 irihngaBent on ocr part. Oar fn taa ‘ M. C. «

Potsdam, to whom we are indebted for tto ¿uf ropy we hav*received of this " wooderfol narrative' «ad “ strasye derriop-meet in Spiritnalto*,"’ will find oar asawer to kit isqairiea ia-

leart. _wouid dath them ia a thoaiAnd piece*, if of maga« tic or eiectric origifi- Invevìigate then, and decide.**

Ou another leaf of tlw? Tract, the author »iates tto following uinler the toad of “ Things I hare rieea and Known

c'-m1 1 by La'r.I hive kcowa great trouble of mind and body alleviated, and jos I Since writing the atore, it fr recalled to «wind that we 5 0

C I have «eea tto down-tr«iden and can-down apbom a-.d upheld. ¡lhxá lbfc ^‘or7 oo its first appearance, and pronounced it a I tore known, ia c*e » of *a<iden death. Spirits to pela; oo; ito I fiction.

place of ih» body, aad gire thè casse of tto death. | ----- --------—— — -------■* I toTc toard u a t of tto »•<: «tocare pasas gei of tto Bible inter- , \ t w S p e a k in g M e d i u m .

Pr'íh a r e t T aCb ^ I g r í S l Í Í Í etn»lI.. parity, love and toll- ! A COrT wfcftt’ &** C a lU n u t^ coraty ,see?. Uaght b coki» in which the medi» koew not a tot they said; mad b other case*. wh«7e they tod so knowledge that they ksÀ «pokes.

~ I know pereon* hold 1 eg this principle and curotiTe power, whose organization* are favorable, that have bees f< rc*ri. <;wm( l i e s n l i , to embrace theee rar*u and manifest (heir power*." etc., etc.

11N. Y.. ?ay? the fwüowhi^ in reiereBce to a new speak’-.-sq ne- dium, and the tpirit of the '<ppoa!r>n in that What »graad ebaShioQ of ¡¿ety m s3 have been ptm atad is tto «0$ scene that is spokes of i

Mto L‘bby Low, of Leca. Cauarangas li— Tj . who began te> « y i t as a trama a to lsa to t water. » issproviar very rapidly, sad tfcoafh bat «¿xU«o year» old Is found cajofcieof hawdibg lbeq)«giewl m í «V «stìfe Mibfeets t't j hand=«a«ir. f u m i who tor« toard t o . j a f f i that her power«, when matured, vHI to fall/ sjo il to «toa» of à r r tr j

L E T T E R PRO M M E. S T IR L IN G .Dto/t lieoTBzz : CLrrxLiifti, A or. 50. I ¥o?i

Little did I think that my baity letter of the 1 ’ U» ai:. waa to find a ptsoe in the column« of the Tri.t-.aari»; bat I didhope and think that you would comply with the very reasonable beat rpeskbg esediasw, Sto saw Wturas rrery Satoatk. ato fre- renaett therein contained, to pobliah inch portiona of 3Ir ?a«tly during tto wmk. Osr emsty toe •*! tto irrt «aaa^to of New ton*' report of the Kino tone Convention, as voa iLournt • r Aw9*® MI*»**«» Imdli sslri eWH iT**,v-*'£ to » m i r o « d rim sa ,c . j • . , ____ 4 • . r . . i t k ff 9 T^t W A u d r+om+ ^ ul p rrtiU i t£., an . make jm : such commenl an-1 sin..tort» as too pleased _ K. v ^ . — „ _ _' • « CiUifi^rs« kllif. i ocr» c k. m in m .

I do DOtr however, cocapUits cf this ; sor do i fcipi dutpottd — ----- - ------- ------- -10 •hr* k b tb t »«poMiutUtT Whkh ya* hare | Sp£ U u * ";,u * ^ Z I Z V Z L ______ _ p » ^ .thm thrown upou me. I fee! that I can bear all the odhue iand reproach which wil! ««^«arily fail upon me ; if I r-scid | ^ ru U ^ iy ^ iT ^ u IlaTl aad - err t r J ”n tog. w r td ^ 'a to "¡^a to i n-.t, I shovhl fed a y ^ if tmSt f-r the pcsitTn aaii^aed me.

Your reflections upon this mwement, and the octarrcnces at the dottain, not only *' « a t , ” bat are, “ of a rather arrive ar.d•trioni chara-

tms^rty * <ta* time :a March Ci.til D e^ot^r l i , Mr Bay \k ndlft^^d care 'A Ili^g'nt RrotL^re, Chicago, IH.


Splrttw ■ssri'-at-eas are goùog ca very well la Fraaos. s a lj .a b a rly w«il ic Hall a» 4 —«rrtriJ r t^ to g . w r t:i* g *¡¡4 y a t i » |

^-diunac to r* !■ ■ »a 4- v J s pad b Ito H¿íg9t t o other parm A B«S ia-4 . » ri *v«n »a Ür'g-Isa.

D D. H i»v bUfi'iSw to rasala dklv viatee h 5 t F C-í-ant Knartolsfl*, hi« brother-ift-Iav. Tto E-14i><r ur cf fl

_ , . Sed tos with a nag of ervat tstos.” *•*.*c:, and cuy e.v.-ile not only mirth ami pity, bat | Mr r -------------------- ---------------------1 c»»:.tempt Bat I woald say to tout reader», j E..,. J I'.-rr<^»i c ! « 4 » «ay btermtiag mrni Vtgh^y

I tptre touni It-r? all *u--h Lel'.t-gv ; for a liv> more li^rht, oaa?sa -..r ! xim m *t b^dwadh7« Acwlraiy Usi ' laigjr, I getíter »iti» Vaie and reflutioti, may pnt q ::t* a differtn: ils-I wsra'y M dbg f,í>r fri»u4s6kd «peto la gato **rk. g ^ o u Ite m ttu r. W . M k f w . o p l . j r . m m J i e n - . » , ^ ^ _____ „ . . . „ . _ , --------------

1 "de twt i t t u r j . -.f u , r o i t t r i . '. i 'i ia li.* ¡ m a l« . ^ ^ n f T w a » ’ Ki—i. . . . . . . . . vfll to faaad ia oor airefttoay c ilaiwas » * ar* toppy I* hetoÉ i

t k « u . Prrtert»ooW .c»r. , f r .* a » l» h a ¡ i ; o f U ,o í l lw ^ ta „ « m n o . , ^ „ Ü T 5 » t a « u , t a b . t , M fa


by the patile to sanctias lha?riti and practice »L:l1i it utterly ; ttotr Ua«.


T J i i : S F i L U T L ’ A L T K L K G l i A P H . ^ G V . _»7 i „ . .» * wyft,

R E V E R E N D A X D I H it E V E R E N D .fe. % * 1 •* V . • m.\'f ~ OTTT) “ *

.1 **vf v t . M

J M ». TM X W *11 " fj-il- r i f o»>( 1 * ?

I k * - v - . i 1 » ». L».-*t :

\A r | - I ■f U> f e ! * k " ' '• r Ì K* r - ' i - i m à i i i f t h e

b* ( r - ' v i ;J '■»'*• 1 fi -i <\ u r i - i i i < r j r » n , » l , . n

««V i ; - - » , s • ' : «-■ *. .* 1, r t r i f**r. .'* .)! * ;■ ■* * -

TV i» * J '> -‘ i - r- 1 tJi* <1 pn»t «ad efergytaar».* • * * « s A ■«<• • r • . •!■* S p ir .in »;►•««, J-r«U**.*M O H T M 3 » f#w

4 % y , L , a 1 % «K-1» U»-> »ipp.i:* W« MW^eCt U at tbk- .>n- .k .• <_•/ fi » hfW.0 h *S fe*"U M*Tio*»iy tipprd. L »***■•**■ J r» •»»/

T W a.~v.- -q / »nv v -A t ’i • J o o r m l v^ t-v to ferirò*«* thè A<*»y W ^ y <»f t.i- -T'-/ GA /-* -»% «o 1 it **x<_!a*ru? :

- tV * A.--* J A n l 'K fT -1o ' 1. Ili»- rì'-ryrmv* r I# ^of y v > M i J'» vf. i' • '« H b*f* V i v w

W lr «Syi-4 tM 1 t*N &"*• 11»«»*,. Un» di t!n;rr‘*hed d*T-£**,** w« 4 ’. !** ♦* ■• ,lj»4 EU'IT» p«*ILt kft* »07 U ltr f llt’i lo t*=

1*1*00. là«& 1'»^*K<wr. me « oufeJ f *r t f e rHrttf *»f ibcs-e gr-ntlrnv-fi, and

Al] oibcyw SBSK* ' !».*<*, tfeat M r. l ’iw rrp-ini's cane k n 'd soV t -~ »* t<t ><■ ».li* >*jt. rn u a j j sarai] »ri *ml fwvccdent.* of thè IA>{ r» |« tab ir «* vfferter M *ny very rìadferuiab«*! eUrgymrn, *ìko jttr&z*. »ori pr*f‘*ou»l r*rn>«»<»HHf £- of tbe presesi «a "e li fe*

»*»-*■, La/«- Inui t f e i r ‘ baiare»-w ferfe t¿f y r-i** hard ttu fe rh l» tirrtak <»fT il«- du-»-* .-**v» «e 1, liristi, tù ff n**! and «•*»«- tracArd fetofe <>f u »ricusai)»' a c l fegoled «litica Loo. a v i to I t m i fi>il «slarg»? th»* creed-feiouil ujh] > rec«l- fi. I» « 1 caviti** of a K rt« n a a m unì. T .« p ’- w r <4 nmrnoti. fe ted by thè rirre <A N*iat* a miiutii»- «b!<- ari»! barmo*«i«<ui faci* arai prin<if»'e», h«? affermarti r a w - . t in ta to reToJv' alti» a prcrM ou ami *».carary a fe ilt Ium aavmatiws) ti.*- mori*! In ffet, ir»»**t o r all of thè jp>at tra th» whjch eErv L our jrf»-*--nt *j.»>ft-tUft of {iLilor- 'filij, thè i* y* iitiportaiit aiijji.» ti u-- of iu* r h aak * i a rt7 thè present elc> ra lr i j r.tKh'i*/n **t a j» ' t t «j </f oar ra. th< Ucv»ia(r- of a omu- f*ratir>*|T n-hrir-’i ao-l wial-ckvatiiiar *y-;« in »*f pìnl<jMi-phrj__«rrr **> ta u tj U?orf*ctÌMW p v en to tLe wurlìi Wv ram »how « » u M f e r a l w A oaly " c r a i t t u a d T'-ry ir-rcverctrtl, 1«'. t«> v f e jn \Jb t appellati od of •' I r»Ti] ** ma» ajiplkd, a v i thè •n<]r(* cica v m tiMÌBÌgod in of ih d r k n i j r "JK, ..r>-f d of ijtiril»,” “ in fea^op muli fe d i/ ‘J noUl tu ita* J )t i i l / «tc.

VV c monrter tf lite anU)*>r <A tfe: story of th*- mitch of Endor d'*d noi b a i r hi* " lrtdiu*ci-ml*crl tip^ed T’ And wonld not th t

1>* cofmnnrd Ijj no otì»»r In fart, thi* xd'.J- i the ru'>-t p - i - ! fv■ t»-r. of tht- Presbyterian Churvh. Vi hen I can, y.>t»f«* v v by which ttren <J**1 hiaiedf ba» u u 'r l : ''.i>l h% invL<Mr pev-coco and in all titne. The irrow'tli “ i plant-, :h*o p ’iinif of flower', the proecsee- of r ip nin^ ha.Tc t-, w» il ;.s 1 1+ magTiiu«> w v o f m itcn a l wurld- a* they roll in -pare— ail th«a*. it in Aar»l. «¿«dare tb*:r (trea t O ripno] And y : n*»t all are cf*»Tinr' d a t o w e of hi* c x i i te w . wi^loni ..rt i {»ower : vt-rv mvny d-*ohtf while the great argnment, with iv im -L«tihlc force, s'.an*l-» in it* eTsrlasUn^ scope.

Nor i- it to 1 * # xjci.ted that ail persons will fe* convinced a t o ici’- of th«- fact tha t '* Spirits*’ manif thcmsclTCs to the chil­dren of earth , althoo'rh the llible fe a • ¡audio;? declaration that t iU ortler ohtain^J «larin^r th» 6r»t fonr tbou*anil yearu in the exjierF-nrc of man. The masses h.ive not oil ut o u rt received the pr» v>f of the m ighty riewlei# forces h r which the nnirer»o is c ■ntruMnl. N o t all people Iiat* fee a convinced at once that tl»e cf.rth rcvolTes ont it« axN, althoagh the fact has Iccn so oft a v l positively demonstrated ; and whatever may fe.* the natnre or force of the demon'?ration, not all [arsons are convinced at the same time of the fact c f Spint-manife-tutions. Some will not entertain the te^tiinooy or the {»roof as allowing; it-legiti- mat*- force, iniistinir th a t they mu«t Btt-pend jadgim nt on bo strange a thing : while others are os willfully blind a* would be the man who should ?hut himeclf in a dark c»jllar, and declare th a t there is no evidence to him that the «un shines a t noon.

Hut let the marv»-l stand. The upheaval of the Alleganies or the And**, d '- lare* th a f a mighty power once produced tho»c convulsions in nature ; there standi the irrefragabk* jir<x>f. The -{»¡ritual phenomena of our time are not now generally doubted, but a an actuality adm itted. The -.Landing question now, th en - furr, W hat jxjwcr produces them ? what eaa.-e- o p rate in producing the-c effctife ? H ere let the m atter -land for the con­sideration of intelligent arid true minds. Skq>tical jK*r»onx must have their *u.'jii« ious, but the general impression tiovr U th a t the ** Ix ys*’ ar»* artles-, noble and tm e— a fact well kuowu to tb<»ve who know them l>est. There are those who have at* b nd« i more than a hundred of their circle-, beside lieing with theca in a gr«.at variety of private conditioiu*, and who have thus had abundant opportunity of testing the truthfulnew of the me­dium.', and »-f the manife<»?atiODS given through them. These

fe nr» * H»t ~ have fee:n very in:<pproj*rutc »* apjdhd to him, witm *-, vrh'>-e t<-timony f ir veracity wonld not be questioned nh/f'<ngU it otay be very appropriate to i» r»-f:d«r him as having»at any tribunul on earth, are ready to testify, from what they !»»« iafaihl iy iiep/tred ? Tl»»* gri*at I*r. Scott tna-t have had | have h»ard, and felf, and Seen, to the truth of Spiril-inanifcsta-I im * 'bahuM^-wfeirl tipped," mud fe «aixn* v*ry irreveren*J, when km opifici tha t t h e Sj« r ? of Samu* I held actiiai Lulwours-c with fcaal and the mirili ' r i e n o ; ;* li.bic, 2^til chapter 1 Sam uel;. .Huvrijr Jeon’» th»i invi ih- * c h b “ wheel (ip]»c«l ” wht u liebM»J ll»e fer-gtisr» a <»'.>. j t»» him in Mnttfn a io ; 10 ; nor d o v i ifactik Iks- kurti• ■. I>r_ .Vatin b la rke very crazy <<r irrev- mbd> Wfew i,•- tfeceght tl ( 'uriitY lantrunge reference to tra a rd i in hp:ri?»ni}» <>>» ("Uri*» C'«.rii ; Ir i 'd may l»e cou- i>ltr<d icfnil hly u. p’rt J, but woi.Ul U n«»t highly iv ynnit* to < '* n k r hao otfetw uct Umw *' mad n when fe intcr-

t;V» U H-tm t'ilvtl that the alii.*.) w- re »11 lie J. if ta r in g SM U T- v (sk-i- H» hr. w . 1 : 14.)

Anil feilly, will tie - g*Hxl ••dhoit illOrna ni ju»t how rJTuZV and rm iverend fet. ./»»Ln v. s wii»n h* told the worbl th a t he beard the *■ tinnoU ring Spirit ” of om- of the ohi |*ropi»«sf.a VpfctdMIifr to him in ife» lanirriafcr of Rev. ‘¿J - Wi U V Lhi« tfe Sfarit of f-auiita I t»* men iu tfe a e-cond l ime? of wà- h t t i*-d:-» ini» «iri! Spirit of >voh- other of the ancient pf»ip*t*-t_« ; J: ftpjKru- to have fe*oii -onir ».f the prophet-, at h *s* a , tf. ».

------- —i ■*■ —-------------T H E D A V E N P O R T B O Y S .

In uìm mi t to m ain re »pi -l , w^ would f-tnte th a t thca»-“ fey-, lur -h*' )a-t t in inoiithi, bar»* *j» rit the inret of t h ' ir lina* in Mai®*. I t i S i k i i l i e ir l< m p ira rr home on tini l ‘rito}**-'<(— hnw- f e ! (fe> r i e »: ;!/« ! d Iti variiaiH |#*rLi of the S ta te , giving, b\ t f e ’.i ■ia.i-«,ui.<*u4 im i ic th rough Uieir inediunrehi{>, fU'inonf iru- ti*x* of -if''r **-pr'-Hrj«,c nod p»iwcr. ‘Ife.y «re, ¡M e* •ii|ijif»«d, mjtiit Ut T for liu* W w t, win n il i* «vp^vtf.d tie» work |»ro-e- ««»feri t? *■■. ,?! t)i#ui wtU fe- ro iitm ti'd aitli utrft »,-«d power and p i- . r . . | ' r r e . g r i w nhm g to correquin'! with ou

*• il (4iis*vt till fa rther not»*», ;<ldre—i * H avinport Jfein, <>i>»o >, M*.

I* Ik known th a t the m n u f i t a l i a m giv* n thmughifc*»* f e i i b i t f e r lo, have (k***u gene/ally jihy^fcai dcin'M—'rn' ion

tion. Titer know, a.- well a* anything on earth can be known, th a t tho-e thingy are eo.

Tlte Spirit* hare ta lko l with distinct and audible voice to them — handled them— m/»v»*d pKyw/*nl oKj»****«* hr tlicir {»uacucc, with and without contact of t f e mediums, in tie/ light and in the dark. They have written many pages and communications with ."pirit-handf, communicating fact*» of which none of the {»/.rst/ns fipx-n t, a! utiy of tlie parti«.«, ever conceived. These and riuuvv kindred t lungs, from th** most thorough t<^tj anti sc- V“Tx-»t Beni liny, are in 'ju n to U tru '.

In a»l«Ution t<» th «-sc private t»c-t-. th* re ure the detnond ration* given a t tlu.'ir jiuhlic circles, fefore the rna.-^-;, which astonish «n»i r>»nff>und the worhl They produce an upheaval of inquiry wherever they go, which im» sophittry or perversion of human ingenuity can allay. An array of fact»* is thus prws ulfd to the mind of man. which b forcing the cwtablishmcut of a theory which can n<>t bo resiiftcd. T hat theory is fraught in the simple fact—>a* true to-day a- in the thousand* of year» in the p;o*t— of Spiri l*ma u ifee ation.

'He- fe»ys have *>tli* r g ifu than thowe for physical um nifetu- tioiM. 'Hu- older medium wa.»» recently entranced, when there wua 'iffered thr/.ngh him, by MuredeU, one of the band that >*t- l.cnds the fey#— n mos>l nbh. and fervent firayrr, whicti was fol­lowed by a Rpecch of Miry»a-*-ing force and clcKjucncc, involving «im*¡derations <>f iiii^{»«'Akablc importance to tnuji.

Ono-'o, .Mi.., -Vue. \ ’l , IboM. l.l'KK I*. It A .VI).

L E T T E R P R O M D R . W E L L IN G T O N ..1 ivv.»»rowv, N. V., A*yc. 7 , 1 8 5 8 .

I'm» • t* I ’acthm«.»: ; — I prom is'd to writ«; you of some of the di vehypmcntn in Spiritualism , und should be able to give you *'.'ioc fuc'** showing Im*w th«.* nubjic’ w welcomed iu all cnnnniiiiitici, by ¡llm tfntn .g from tic. progress iu Laoni, 4'ulrmil»ns, I'u , 1'VedoTibi, and many o'h« r piacer. in our vicin-

| by, in rerm of which it ti*gr*>* the mb rest of the majority

Tfe* f e l l i « f 4mm**n*rw fe a fe fe

wiil u ri fe- ignored, 1 t f il.»* pe.q I»- lint 1 fc* l tb.t* I ought brut 1.« mention a very him ut«ti»T tfe» » I'l-i- tfe»'-. ace Wl.t» wdt I inter. .Ling di-coofie d*;livcn»l in this town by the Ifer Mr,tatiiijs Sj-in'.-|H»-'i ' •

• v jTc oil!»six month* ago, there were tn ly three {»er.v'rni Had t ■a-oirmJ an iiiterc*i iu Spirita*i -in ojienly. I do know there are many m«>re l»jw th a t dare to ta ll tin ia*«lii i Spr#, mdi-ts : hut few- {» r-ons can meet t-ygetiu r without c o r .? « ^ on the s-ii^jct-;, if tli-?ro fe* a single Spiritualist present. b!y more lu.»n a th o an n d [»t-rsous went from thU vilt^*». m?etio*; at Ki&utone, .nud many of them from the m Mt iatefik geut citizens. M n»v, u!-o, went to L-*oni, twenty-five taife I presume Mr. K iug hears of this growing interc-t, at»] led to an explauation of his vfewg of Spiritonliam, in a #»*<* which has beta the subject of co little comment in all da***.

H e said, in the out*' t, tha t “ whc-n sin and evil were m * distance, we might let them alone ; but when it s».-tilei] in oor vicinity, and catne into our very midst, where, to al! vjq*af. antes, it was likrly to remain (! \), then we must meet it." fle th«.-n said there was evidence th a t Spirits had conunanica^d with men in nil ages. The " Bible is f u l l o f Uptrituali/m and he instanced the record* of these communications. Bn; n those times God took the "o ld and strong to manifest biaaeli through, while now he takes very common people." .last think of G od communicating with Thomas Paine a t one end t»f the telegraph, aud a sensitive medium a t the other !

The first part of his di-course was a most candid adom-ion of the facts of Spiritualism, and th a t the Bible was full of similar facts. In the last part, he tried to show that while "A ncieut Spiritualism was from God," M odern, '* if not from bvlow, certainly conld not be from above," for " God wooid not give this power to his foe.-.” Therefore, he concluded that “ L'nitarianism, U ni verbalism, Spiritualism aud Nlormonhm should be burl d in a common grave.” A s there is a large rn society here, containing many of our most intelli­gent and wealthy citizens, this clause alone would have indited his own people to consider the m atter. B u t the whole dis­course has done us g rea t good— more good than any Spiritual­ist could have done in half a dozeu lectures.

Yon will ask, how a school kept by so confirmed a .Spirit­ualist can flourish in such a community ? W hen I first caxce, I lectured on Spiritualism, and then devoted myself with alloy energy to my school, not fearing Blander, nor courting patron­age. Sometimes wc have had as many as fifteen pnpils freo the village ; but most of our support is draw n from Spiritual­ists and reformers abroad. W e have four able assistant?, who sympathize with our views mainly, aud have more delight in

| seeing actual grow th in children tbau iu their own comfort. All our school exercises are conducted iu conversations, snd wc have not giveu a single exercise to fe committed to memory as a talk. W c have no rew ards or punishments, but aul each individual soul to gTow iu knowledge, arid in the power of re-lf- goverument. We allow no faculty to lie dormant, but ran our exercisi s to devefep the physical and intellectual in all their relation- to self— to practical life— to the Spirit-world, and to the right exercise of the sucial and filial affection*. A; this moment twenty-five me sitting in our room uririne to their fri»*nd». This is our ¡ray of spending Sunday afternoon.I would he pleased to have you, or any friend of human pro­gress and individual character, sec this, or any, or all our exer­cises. M. II. WELLINGTON

H O P E .nr thk r ’ svowv (iaki>.

There’* an aDg» 1 sweetly singing, an evangel swiftly winging.Kver cheering tidings lu ingiog to my sail and weary soul ;

For she come- te> me all smiling, into ji.y my heart beguiling.And the heavy hours whiling, till they lightly o'er me roll—

Guiding angel of my soul.tty the star-ray evon»-/cent, by the light of luusr crescent,

With a passion adolescent, which I cun not nil con'rol,I «wail her *t*-p advancing, a* she cornea with lute and duncing.And a smile as from the glsnclog eyo that made the Iojht wLok- -

Hovering angel of my soul.Oft when erm irg'* gentle vesper mak'Uh leaves aud tlowen lisp h»-r

Name in low and silvery whisp» r us the night winds oYr them stroll. Then she finds me* soib.d with core, »inoini- and w Ijm.*» me with h» r t»»lr.

Lighter.» much t r i load I bear, and up nearer move* my goal —litem d angel of my *oal.

F aj iki: o r FiTt’Brrr. n»l I hut

-The United State« N now colled the Empire only by inen who are traveler , |ibi!i''* ],.I<< i *

arm Historian#, nm oy n.desnien. Minister» of 1 Inai’ce, and of i (.rnjju. Attain*. (See Germau Quarter y, No. **. page 261. article “ Vienna Tnrilt Gonferi-uc where lh«» writer, n porron »lauding mo-« to th» Emperor, call - l-V L oiu d SUU* b e “ Empire of the hiiturc./.cr U n ct." )


\<>V . ¿ 7 , l ^ s - l ' i n - ; s i > i i > i t l ' a l t e l i -x m í a f i i . : ¡ 0 Í >

1HF. INAIMI iJKNT\K Wfini.Ii—THE NEWS. (' f ' u I.i >: -A a »•

Th »'kL',-r:th‘> *01 ¿ c n

giving—'Th*- p r in c ip i p***;»« . _>f 1 »«> ne ,-k. W.t* T *-> - fc ■ » i i; .• v-J v’c’nity with the u-i.»' I

•• in Ih r G,tbsm!t!-h<1 >y. It > i> t.,j>t ihr«jjfVvit

«¡V t ■ • .Tid ih i n rtf.i* downX l . liimiiii'h’ *1 -to-.k " t V '- . ; y kr '" ° »'"1 chkk^r... Rf p P:.-u-

y It-11 in th< chinch-*-: ¡t\d hr tb? charito-

pr-tï diug ft)» i;. f : :l t-f to- '.I :- 'i I be iniçxct ï i j ., *,r A V »- ■

v .r '.V > ¡ t* u> ?-» U / j ' tu r » j I > :ii> C *n .• »tea pfoì»»1»-

v i - ¿r* -'./i»». ' 'Hb ’U ' I tb>* II jh!*;*!«, hT i

.re quite g>*uer.»'r iE i..» n lT .ir ,o f oar riFz-n*. i!»>* ¡neve* of of th

r i r *.,v*« pattile 1e--fvolent in*t’t r ' f<n* were treat <1 lo »ych latori* s of the U hl .t« fitly r* j>r* • nt* *1 to*? 1-oiritk-« of Drin«? Prot,.]» j ■< .Kiri»? tbe p l-î which o i l up"'i lb* h’-art of man to render th» ik*.

S nv b - a r i l r - per-on pT|< lratr.1 a crn**l hoax upon the |**»r ar.*l ( ritori* rt * !*« o-.,*.;»!« o ' th*-'u,

Av oyk :><*.»•) m¿n n b .'*1 oo S 7 night, <.-.*n

J imp >g ».t. rimari.■'•(CiTTH 5 *tjr rto *TT.—Tb* W- Vigto*» r«,*», h m *i%V.r .»♦-■*

leadi3 g m'jcl» il i.i| • • ! i* ¡j i!r* q i : of •or»»*: c'i'y to tl:* i -t/ / j,*í*. »Ccao i'.c*-* e n i t '- r >.-■<* r-igu'.y i i »M i*♦ f,.r.«* fc-l-o;.* q* » tb ft p it» •tco*! 'Joetr».'<*?, that C *ugr* •* I*«- f'»M- e*c'-.riTe j«ri-.Lc.i > i . it»» t'** territ^fin: to»i o, • .i;p*rtn» uitltt: A;’ a:s .-ority u n tpt-ct of tL<s :f



M E M O R IA Lr t n r*

; a i i j ì -

I '

u.^Iv of o ir city. m d for bi-_ p.«i-- we pre-urn* be fo< 1-* .mply n*pA,'i br the D^ult that ennir.l. W>- r'-f r to the fact th-u " irr." oa<* in«*-r'• >1 u - v' ol the city pip* r* an ailv»rti;’'m eat, that ou Tbur-'lay o 'l**«- tr ib r on of bread and meat would lx? m vle L-y eovornl U ' T i and tMlci-.r- of thi« city , to the poor at U".ii*>n Sofur*» According’y- »'■■ice *to or three lho«-and Mil ar»d d* xtitutedooking penott*« collected e'. raloo ripar*’ on Thnrolay morninz. U aritig Iw-ket- toc^rry home the a n ils ot t ie exjjccted donttion : b it afte r »hiriring on the «.dewalk for hour- in a ra in expectation, they wont home hungry, dbcoaaolate and perplexed, many of them, doubtless, to continué their fast for the re*t of the day. We hope th** name ol the wretch who could thu-* era elly tr'.fi * with the feeling* of thow whose »nlfTing*. in many c*;*4, are already q .ite equal to their power of endurance, will be made known, *0 that .i generous public may mete to him hi* due reward.

f 't.*: IP. j . f* \'o**v»T.—O:trav* l/i g ia NV,;t Ay b;* native ■ highest • nthu i*-nj. A* he *-a • fr-t nf Crut*.!, u. srjiikiog b M c officer, who led J.'rjj o7 to a c *:nm**11 ri<i to p,4i a *|. i f,.r v*«"sitjne

not w t na. Dali, ib* « -b rateai rinllairt. !• now

r j 'i ln . w'j r 111 u ‘.*at it t . t» « tb* 1 »bri/ wV.kmg quietly ibrough a

r, h** « i* ac-o.;*. I bj a p'i'.ice f> of p'd’.r by ■*u"Tl be W44

i m l a i j i h ; by i«.•if ila T . b y i «j 4 if"« ’lap-.ft».- — alit» ap S-OIJ t e f f - ' ’ •.

! »r.t- »»au* tti«i. 'V n A ». ; ligh* of It. IVr.- V, is .** •

mìa *cil f!*“ w a 1b ,re Uf -0 « iTi-u .mg the «pini * *i

R E M A R K A B L Eis ;i *rr?r* rnta-fs ¡v aierrau.

4xu*»:itt ha» b-*»-a ( -w a H 1»! to as »ui t S ' • to

ftp o ’f .—*“>r : -r> ru eorr«q>'‘'v,J '‘*»t». A br;* '

•I 11 fsxst? ©f th» j *ira ils Ir tèi» r . in try \ni_ sr -jsisrjf ksv» t»»»o nftd^r**1**.*!- W , s u d? I’ k> ' .»•* V ir r wd' r* in fj|L OtsT e rft T -'d*

hid »taokinir u th- - r . f . r . f ih'S pxlii-t. He w ■ ; ,.r,: to ¡yn-i'i C^at day ih I•■ he ira* rulcis-d. T: c*u*e of the artisb;. and at the pr*

U.» y iai* 1 s. ( »J.

guia'iiio«. f r*B¿ : t»*i no ia*i. r tn

-0 I i‘, >; is lii,t unid l-e U Jt'.'rn'* t*M¡k up t'i»

awn*.nt, th» »-gur o O.e Ball

•*. vi I .J y i r». Á k<,

;«-*l to i*t< ';*■,b 5» in t »' •«.

' Uì» CVstTch in .\e* tr* try t-j nuh« ii i*> »jung th» pc>*<h *i*l iij .-'*1 éf nM *sd Pfi/ni* «*I 5/XmA*,

r.<1-!|i|»f*U)3 lb* B»WS oí «jetjtífJCl'be •**-» I t t i ».•m '

i hat atnamed the tn-gnitnde of « q*tc»tm of h gli imp*»:; meI I'.t> ra\rrr ro t S u t * - Tbe Parìiatn-ut of H*': nd b iv« T'it*4 »c* ,1 fifty mi i Ho fi irir,* b d -m u itr l" D*i':b fi- merar» *vl 5 : r ‘nj*u f, r fi**. w *»*" "»her »**

tf lè » re-r xas» pci'p **d a ** »V: n i ' . / v in i*f tbe (l*tjrt to fan; *y íí.**», *r>* of ii,<* b* !d‘*t kt*. !, at. 1 tbu ih ■ »r* n^j'-l »' » *. •) b d. TWâB»tn*»rial h va ' »‘•ro-'l bv r>r* Mi*>fr <J *j.*i r¡ i»,» B-ib»«la3i. ó*.p* a .1 !e i V - i * i j h ^y j* I., b-qpa«fa»frit au It ; e -e t av-v *i t. %rA that ma*» <,j.j ;»>rir. ' ^« ¡a B.A*»mfa. wb::b a—« J *» m < j t»* tb»sr»-lr. * » r ill v : f t

• part the way f.jf U<.f ,r3v«lU». caay be

liberation of ‘l i t t«, and three uuUi* u: ¿re for t »*.' Lo d '.útin the iA Tr.s:iiEM)or* Cai.-n.—About one o'clock on Friday morning ofla«t ¡n.j:in Ar*!ii>-Ucx

week, the n. w State Arsenal, f lo a te d on the north. -'•• Corner of 5 * r - ; ‘Nl£w stattk or 'Tb Florcoee i *t of th** N'ew-cnlh-Arenue and T h .rty -flA b-tr.rt fell w.tb a trem*.-ndoo9 crash, c a r - ; ark /JatIv um br d .u of 0 -toW 3 . writ* • : Tbe «leond^ w,JLh “v ° ^ r tU ‘ "«rt hem ea-tern and southern bronze e v t of Pos f W, b-t r is j,i d C ubbe-i. If p - . lb ! •. it 1« morewails. The budding was nearly completed and won.d hare been oc- than th * on- b.**» v - a. U *J»„uM b- exhlodel at W^ h agt.ttcap.t l by the S tate auth. ntic* »n a few days but for tb.« cam a lty .; M w t W b!, pliiC, ;1 03 it . aJ in ^ toa. | if ib r- t» aThe cause of the fall n * an imperfection in the construction of tbe noUer p *trait statu» e rtaa l * WVb-Vr se­re*) f which, giving way, pushed out the wall«. j , aj, '

Adjoiuing the W ilding, in Thirty-tifih »treet. wa* a fma'l two etory j fvr a building occupied by a Mr*. Arm-trong and her daughter. When the crash eccnrred. a coping-stone aV.nt six feet long by two wide, a:id weigiun; more than half a ton. fell front the Arsenal wall through the

p—qd*, the C f*l «f r i f e s , s 'd S t . t¿At 'ai • u*e-


nr M *!•", 1 fr »m fit* ifr») R»*cff s3 Csi&slicts7, h*» k - a “»-Tit up lo lie AfchAKA'ip V'.q Rauw^-r. *t Vdetui»,aäd

‘ p«, » iilinx lh« c=ad_:*.:*,n th- « 4 th». h io *n_-n »‘ • pp»*ai:

of tn * law r toi'i . s ^1 frti wv* t g ^ p a o d obtb p*rt •»! tte- w raU r raifie-"'- ia tSw vb»’ ■ »»d-.-j of cuXtrial■i-y-l »1 po».tl->u th« !■-»*; el -rgy. »ss*l m q r r t toi i . i ' i >:> <-r- prt;jwr**I tiy tb>* l)i» t ^

• .V* w./lühonah ••ix* of tb** r lr r ry *»*. ta refarm- of»t*;h a na'oT- .Le d-.i»*yj-i V»liir r-d r«tl» r to ihr AfKAotb; 11*^4, j t i

p-.'tm it Statu» »Ttaal. * M>b-Ur w m « to t II er**rr p-.rt of ¡t.* i v - P!'*P\<: ’* r^ ‘ 1 io-aa-ti «.iS. load midrinfB. Im i . W tw«aid or.« cif our glf;*d coaatrTm*-n thta moralng aAer cootemrdating it 5>irl ‘f :n:»,Vl r- *"'• **at * aT3' * t ®* T 1 ^ «ftfc» Lbet.- hoar.'’ * I tb »es h o p - oi th» i l royh«<l raal»b<*l. u»e » r r a a u of J«cb» Chrkt

’ th '.ig h t t . y is l / i' *ap ci Uom Ule rnWn of Lae Charoä aod 5 wtcRv.r. Mr. S itp.g i" v.—Thi« gemleman’-- a'irn’r v . *>y* '.he B srr (E iglandi T ^ -t, will 1* sorry to l**arn thut he L** been attackH with

a-*— inflammation of the kid.vy — ind that a f w , go 1 is lif was all tm de*pain-d of. Hi* o ^ lc a l .»/Iv’« r* f u r .

gtv*n it a* their opinion that no dooevr now *.-xi>i*. teit he ited from pr**:chiig jn t r* t Th** mor.iy for ;be site of chaj»*!, ?a7 .fx*0 , was pil*l down ib-e day before h*: wad attacked,

Bki livati : v.—The (.Uih'Jii Ttltyrayh • uti-s th ii *■ 1 \if Bull* for tl**- consecration uf it * ••.a’or ed. or as coa»ljiU»r to the Bishop of Pilt*- burgh arriv* .1 b«>ly. Imt its verr reverend brother declined the honor

Spooxet.—A youth who desired to wear the matrimonial yoke had I ° f lb<! rv-peetfuHy returned the doca-not sufficient courage to "pop the question.'’ On informing his f*tber | \ T O f c l r ** a a t » i «a V i i f f t i o a l s u i w ^ p * f t V . . * s a t » - i a n l * . * t i t u 3 j 1 !

roof of Mr*. Arm -trong'» dw tlliug into the bed-room occupVl by her- I'a^yut <1:.»a».--- inflammation of the ki ,n-y *ud that aself ar.d daughicr. and landed on "their bed. It grazed the lower limb* .'f, *: wV .a ,J.a t 'l^pain-d of. H - o:* *»dv>er- tu v .of Mrs. Armstrong, bnt inflicted no K-riou» injurv upon either her or t n. 1 a' heir opinion that no »* QC*r “° " >>;,t he :» pr.yiii»-her daughter. The etone, however, killed a dog which waa lyiog at Jlf J ltr ^r? ,* ,"r*4 T^", m<’,*’ -r f,’r °f hi- n-*the foot of the bed. The falling wall» also d**moli.*hed an adjoining c aPr • »-» wss P i;d down ine day be.ore h*: wad 3U*ck:d.

iimbinjury upon eilber her or

killed a dog which waa lyio also d**moli.*hed an adjoining

stable, killing a horse, and shatter*.-.1 another adjoining ho :ec. occupied by a Mr. Taylor, scattering brick* and stones around the sloping in- tnv.e*. but hurting no one.

an tTyproT' Ui- n: of ih Lr a u - r ta ] <u.d »-«.laj •;*>-¿ , 1 of Cnr.-i m i. jar*-*J by Uw merlect of ib^w aetdlul r h r w . M d i- v.-.tfnias e r r - ¡od mote ectranged frem L*/«* L> * ru of lb* people, whilst t£ *.&s*aa*: time, new <9Hbto* an* *ltiy r i_g sp »galyi-t the Gwr- .■mm-nt.

■ ¿m ee «V o. the -:\p»c:a»!*M e-y eipTrrrally «slcT ta it J ife»’. a m t r u v. *t Ii] t.*r '«km to 1 i > p*rr*>'jd pfiTaiiuu». and ru w the U*e <i tai--»!« anivog the r * r.-.r cl* r.-y »—m* dooaaed»0 pro lcrgnl dMppnod» m¿ a: ; »i *0- a.;c<-,rdhig all p arsDC- tbe IxUwdoctUta o f th* Coo- cord-t * »aie». w b '» *.-i'iwi!i^ grat! It«-*»» of |rivil«-g* *ad p*w«r oa

Et..'r ’par , W*r • .a* iofi-rurr í Ltkt to u-wr the fall >-*?»»!■*! oí that iq p< xiitiio and urjdUg*ji»*:d ki'rvil n t*cb that Uftp*.-paiv

of the d fflcttlty be labored under, the old man replied quite pas-ion- j r " DS“ \ C.hVi’ **?9 ,a«».tv •• tVTi •• t T irom .-rt. A*hans 2u2 000 pound* ofcVe-:, worth 1 1-j l->0; and l«o lb* -.«stural nfonn la tbe« r»alu« ; aw*l <tae*, ®»*r*.*/»»r. tb r: .* ?*jud rew*m v r '-Í1 ♦•»' vi*-"’ s i i l ib»^nrorniinf* tow r - votf-carT iid mc^i/r ' Pouu‘!s f,f‘ butter, worth 5 .0 771 . bringing in to the tarmers of that «on iaaf-pr**t.-:.<i that ib» irse «uuruf lb» Ctaroh »rr»rw i.:—.M u hilfcrr- w Vhaly* ^ , be £•?,“ .SlDg l0VC■r• J0 n Kd 0 I locality th» pleasant -mm of Í 4 1 021 . Talk about po*,r farmer*.'' to oev“ ha— r ^ h tbe n o of b*r h l & n mlrr*. t h r u ^ t:e legitima.'«

^ * ° i ry » rarfft gi . . . . . I woveurjct U on f*»*t in Bo*ton for the iurmation of a par'y in favor i ¡.fflJs! c&anacU. tb« etai«r*ii(ned f?*i imi** )y»d oy cossm sce to bringSt s i« F ile KvotvE.—A self propelI.ng_siearn_ fire engine, built by | 0f |}je enforcement of the law* agaln-t drinking bonse*. A Charter th» cas**. «** it rrally w A * . i:.* Y c m and r- y r - s ■ >taiiv»« «Í

ticket on th - p'atform i- to be put up. \ Christ upon »anb. In ord-r it» i ih**y.k*Ti-gtba Ui**-*-^of tvligT-a asdA New .1e..-i y n u . - meeting has nominated Sleph .n A. Pouglis for j tbe wt\l-V.ínx oí cl vie«l «iScgdiaatíW Dear their V»art. awy. era

President, in 1^60 . j t t it be too Ut**. u k c - • p« towarii tbe introdcctto» ef msM etxrgstieS enathh Snt.vui.— Lett* r- r cm tly received from Mr. 5 umner repre- m-astires a» «hall ward <Jt it* great and cW iy-imp»adia*<U»rvr, or a:

sent his health as being con «id > rably iayprov»>d. lie writ*.* that tbe phy- all r veolA, tr«e tb»tii*-*lv'-« irom ib» y ca*r¿» of bavlag baca u r jo t m'cian at Aix will pro! whir attrlbnt.* hi* iraprov-ment to th» bail* : Dr. and carde*« steward* oí tbe hue »»hold ot Chriai Brown S-quard will think it i* the re-ult of Iht morn, ar.d bi* Mead* at " The boiiest ia .ertau of humaoity an. at prewot k id low. Reil- home mav suppo*? that relaxation from labor 1= the cause : bat of the fact gioo i* Iwcow a m*re form : Ciiorch disotpUae iMe abadow uf a d id « ; that he 'i* ranch improved in health th- re Í* no doubt He w » about twart riiigtoo !u*ce*ml to exux »aviig or; x a i worst all. aael- lcavlng Aix for Psris when last beard from.—7« r . a'-choly want Is not. a* la form-* ag*-s, «Iic..vwr*LI: oo!y atoaag ibe ta-

~ . . . . . calkd U tr .-ii ft tilmniaUt IxiL ahts ’ the auhaUownl lcwvsm o f ufibsdicf\ ekwont TtuxE-Givixc}.—Tl.« Government ofN onn---nt h*a appointed 1Thursday, the 2*1 day of December, to he oh** rved in that 5 it*: a» a day* ¡Q. „ - ih , * , i i , M i r n f " r ' ,ll’" r I v - n e S M á «■*»* ' w . - j f r — - ' k * m , » » » M m m r * — M * »o p -« * , «-Ii l/»K fK« f"* i ri rTnlM wlM i 11 u m naieini \a ft»-*fvw*w-wt * j| urw!

brgiDA IO

Me*=ra. Leu und Lamed, at ihe Novelty Iron Work«, under a contract with the city, was tested a: lb*.* Bowling’» Green on Friday afternoon, before Mayor Tiemann. Street Comrais«ionc*rCooper, and other official«. It* performance was in every respect admirable. It propelled itself the Novelty Work.«.

Meciumcs’ Sorrerr L ecttoks.— The regular course of this Society for the winter was commenced at the Cooper Institute, on Monday evening last, by the Rev. Dr. Bethnnc. whose theme was •* Common Sense.'’ The list of lecturers engaged presents some of tbe best names in the country.

AvrorvETTE L. Brow.v before the 5 nunT.ii.r--n>.—We see it stated that the Ri*v. Antoinette L. Brown (now Mrs. Blackwell) was to have given ihe first of a ierics of four discourses in ii,« k . N. J.. on Sunday evening la*t. Subject: "T he Forgivene«» of Sin.” The remainder of t ie course will be delivered on succeeding Sunday evenings.

Those T wenty Thousand C«Mrh in ts .—The Annual Report of the General Superintendent of Police, ju«t i«>ued, announces tbe humiliat­ing fact that ID.902 complaint» for the violation of the statute against the Sundoy liquor traffic have been lodged with the Diftrict, not one of vhi'h hat been protfculed. We seriously question the expediency of retaining law» upon our statute books unless they can be enforced more generally than this seems to be.

Sickness at New Oki.ea.v»—The N<*w Orleans Crttetnt, in a summary of the event» of the week coding the 3 0 th n it . record» a satisfactory change in the weather, large rece’pt.*» of produce, and tbe arrival of lUO vessel», all heavily loaded with freight. The fever having ceased to he cowdered epidemic, the Howard Association has suspended ope­rations for the season.

D orati* '» Washington Organ.— The Richmond Ktupurer mention» a rumor t in t an arrangement bus just been concluded between Major John P. Hei»?. of the States, and Mr. Roger A Pryor, of the Richmond $o»tA. by which the two papers are to be uuiled iu n single sheet, to hi published at Washington.

Peabody IssTtm 'K.—It is annonneed in the Baltimore Patriot, that George Peabody, E q„ has most generously added §200,000 to the Peabody Institute Fund, for the erection of the noble edifice now going up in that city. This, with the previous endowment on the part of Mr. P.. makes more than half a million of dollars.

Th iMis A. T eekt. of Providence, read a paper on the subject of a uniform currency iu England. France and America, before the Social Science Congrc*», which ha» just been in session ut Liverpool. The London gives au ab-tract of the c:?ay in its report of the proceed­ing* of that body.

A T iuoi.dy.—A young man named B. B. Ball, of Cypress. Mi»»., was ordered by hi.» father to leave home, under the penalty of being cow- hided. Tue father attempted to fulfill his threat, when the young man'» moilu r interced' d in his behalf, and was »track upon the head several tirn*-s by the father, which the son seeing, he resolved to die by self distraction rather thou live and » c hi» mother and himself Impa-ieii upon, lie thou took hi» gun. receded a few steps from the hou*e, pulled off hi» eho<*e, and looked nl his watch, giving himself hulf an hour lor n On tlu* expiration of the half hour, he blew hi» bruin« out. by pulling the trigger with hi* toe. The young man's un­timely fat*: is deeply mourned by Li? surviving fr ic ’d*.

Tnc (»eologioul Mu: cum ol the late Mr Hugh Miller has been pur­chased by the government for £'»00 . In addition to this Mira unoihcr Of about AOOO, rub***ribed nil over the country with a view to the pur chase of the collection, w ill In? bunded to Mr.'M.ller’s widow. The colj leetion will remain in the Edinburgh Museum.

A tat in, but t. n \ run- old nnm»d Walker, shot and killed a calx- mount, ¡ ear Memphis, u Itvr duy3 ago.

! and icdlffi reue« has r* at bed tb* ms-****, a td <pr»*«d aa«*ei then with f* arfal rapidity, ■>) that religion L« beco«K aa object of d--ri/4oa «ed eoe-

I which the CoM onM TW cvd a# « ru e ra to t&uLwral d»rkaaForgery.—Au extensive and succe«ftil forgery of Aa-trian bank ; prr-iJan. ha* excitrd to t*nL*ld fen: * -vra in r&rdtrat** m-«- _ „ ____

bills iu this city, ha? just come to light, and is now being prosecuted, i j* 0pOTi7 expr**»5»*i. ami k re r -n ^ d on th« fattUlrrs of it* d«<r«^-tl*s two or three of the participante ia the fraud having been apprehended. J inferior clergy—ou whom d-K'-nd* a b - r r in u cUwm of hatred, which

A m cnN G Incident.—The New Orleans Courier relate« the follow-* threatens to Iw the more dang*ron», a» its chkl Scat I»In tbe afgrrg&Upopulation of the »mpire. I : w re ib"-i ao» i* . as «mil at unjatt, to re» gard ibts* filing« ac tbe Hngerng thro«» of t .c rwolutloo to 1M 5 ; for whereas it »as at that time rare to find a country parish in which the onhaFuwid w* <d of disaffection to tbe pricetbood had ‘prong up, it nooid now nquire minute s-.-arch to discover one in which it d- th aot tainriaie. Doabtl ss tbe drmocrade&l party, w«.ll knr.« tog that itsecd? are pro­mot'd by uprooting r-rilgious f *diag in the heart« of ¡be ps®p*e. Í» aid wholly idle : but ii could «(Let little c"opar*tiT«Jy. were ite ♦ ffsr'« ro t aid'd by the grave «rr*>r which the Ciurth bw eotatsÑlKd ia rr- estaldisè* ing the ccclt^'i- ic*l yok**, from which Ike awa c: 1' 4» lri*d toffee the people ; au l a<* «“ untily th* r»- Is no mare certain is.-ti<d cl uprooting nligion than by mok-D « its minlet-r* ha tad and d - p - d . so thU ia tha very mvaa- now r-sor.ed to by tb- encalas of ord-r. to paraJr**- the én­ergie* and d. stray t!*r inll i* rxc of the prii»Lhcod ovrr th< otasaof th? jr-opt«. Nor I» tbv li-k a d fficnlt c*a«.

•• Tb** inf ri'ir clrrcy, whose fix'd «aiari*-» ger**Tilly i»*Lw that o f a hackney coachman, (yu. Irom tn .n ty io iifiy fi-ír: 1 p r auaim t m-«t need? eke out th*ir rorwrctlv ivc m . < by l -vy.-x g«r,.. rally fr*jm the very p<jort«t pfriioa of du* p.r.-!/* *r*, 'h* ir »llo» 'd modicnai of pariah due*. (Stair C rtitir« 1 r and the rolriug of thi? tax i 'U s rt«* fre­quently, not only to very dweu-ttng sceu*«. In «hícb «h*- prit«* n-T’ma n ly figure« a« an oppm«vr *'f the p «*r, i*u‘. religion '-•»•If appear« in the light of a baiafal Uinîcn, wï-i h it were w->- to -hake off; th» «tato of f.' ling bring awwroV'T ir.du»i< lously fceti rrd tir the ror»{#« i f the C'jurcij. wbo taksa pain- to c >11 ou -a u*o. not to thé ancua»! n ? of the in­ferior, but to tbe «fuflo iti*« of thf h g'a r ckc^y.

•• But » * c , on the cvatrary. i ** lavfugiirtfgy (who. In fie*, arc the rrally working part of t c I-U* ileal pdN*)*«i*my p d d out uf a>»li­able cT:ur*.ii fund«, more <'¡«-dally Out at vh* i venu-« of convent^ who**1 inmatr*. bring »holly idl*. might > « tij be A-.*ealar * d . not exdr w..ul<] tbrir undeolably bard lot t** 'm l the eon*i>w a t ga*kgovtnun»nt. r-digion cod »ocluí n ie s would l«- d e p n r td e f Oár chfcT

ui pcqm lar o dus ilun.-• ) »<• must no', conceal that th* di >111 -t blowuf uU ha« haaa

j:lv<u to cl-rt- a! inti*.»- r.e- by tie* dmi' n< w almo«» n lw l ly »»ih*r- tsUo* d. **f too morality of the prie.«**. To -oeh an ravemt htm 'dm wrwpoa 1« * n brought to lf-ar u-aiixt ibem 'h •« it u.*uld le h*e>l to find an iad>-

ing affecting incident; *‘A few days since a gentleman coming into the city from Osyka found him-elf silting rn-c-tb with a company of strangers in whom he became interested. On inquiry, he found the party consisted of four youths of Kentacky. going to New Orleans to seek their fortune. ‘Are you not afraid of the fever!’ said our friend.‘ We did not know the danger when we started,’ wa» tbe r»-p!y. • I advise you,’ said our friend, ■ to take the return cars for Jackson, or you will doubtless rnon be occupants of our grave-yard.' 'W e had rather die than go back.’ was the answer. Tb**y come Our friend followed them to their boarding-hou«e. and watched tbeir fat«. Three cf them have been buried ; the fourth can not survive. Incident» like the foregoing are not, unfortunately, rare.”

Gbeat Increase of Methodism.—We arc able, from the minute« of Ibo Annual Conference of th*: M. E. Church for the last cedes*a.-tlcal year, which are now complete nt the Book-Room«, and will soon be published, to announce tbe »tatistic» of our membership for the year.They .»how a degree of progress which will sorpri*e. we think, the moet »anguine of our friends. Tbe following table gives the recapitulation:

M-*Jit)«n. rn>l,»l,*>aan. To LaiThi« T«»r..................................... 7ft', AaT 1ST Vll OVA (T:Lut jrtar....................................Tons« IIOa i »»

laer«*.«i:............................... tol&i 77 «1 Hi »*1This estimate dues not inclode the For< ign German Mission, whose

returns have not yet reached ns. There has been an lncrea»e daring the year in every Conference except that of Kentucky. The Crermao Mission Report will doubtle*» Increase allghtly the aggregate, and the total gain of members and probationers will, we think, exceed 133,000 Methodism was never iu a men? prosperous condition than a t preveut.— .1 (Locate or.d Jmirnsl.

Cotton MixmcruKE.—Tbe los*e* in cotton maua/actnrlng concern« the la»t few years hove b **n heavy. The stock of twenty-1wo of theheaviest ma Olfactories in New England ii not worth more than rixty-one to sixtv-two p: r cent, of th« par volne Nolwith‘t mding the nn-

I favorable indication», some fi*w cspiUli-T* have ventursd on new in ­vestment« Mev«rs. Spracu*, of I’lNiriilriic-. have recently crcctv<l a | mill at a cost of over one rail lion dullur*. ]

S.iUf or * 5 vcg<;ikd Trw rcur*.—A prafesenr in the Hniwrvity of[ vidnil *t*u believe* in th- ir nrirol p iriiy 1 t»rd t® fiad ■» pri«wk?iU*--i**)ppi ivccnMy pnrcha*> <l a t**l'«eiq>e ibr hi» private u***. ar.d r«-( «-ho is t»*>t lusaiUd mj Ibis tubjvci by m**cai3g. UwM>v of «dulls Cap'ri '."ring diitv’ou its importation by representing that it woa tt>r outy. l*i;t * v*:uof lA /boo«J. Nor U » j j .* ! -, -uariU:«*« toDutofwujdU h» ihe Uuiver>ity. The K<-dc(al tfifioer- a; 1’onlotoe got wind of lH?j pr-ivo troa* .r *iou ; pfi t'iTAhAau.T , « «' asp' y os •lodge.aud i-ei/iijg (he lu«tniuu*ut. »old it at unction for about one lk*id , i;i»l 'U>* «It ;>i tl of lawfcl »artiAi«' ha* i »t>m/v«M It »a unp*»*e.ii>'iiy But of itsvalne—«bout three hiiitdr") di'*. _ I tbl* ir not alL Not «tty d*:*ej tV fisd p-v-sto i:▼ *-xptawfi

There hn* hern quite n »everr fro»t In the utighl>oih"t>i of t <* sugar' to d r.-lon on thi- he b..« tji« pvio of b KtfbTi ■ ,* l >« » ,si**it th ioil««;» tn Lo*Wana. and it is A-and s*itnii injury ha* t>ccn *U‘laiacd j a-iim til *!**1liqa'aei* • of * *.l--»* i n : v *-'.tr:tr:i~*l l*i -j* n tl» i to f rtherv-liy. though of ibis there b» u>«.hing. as yet. u*Ttom. j,*l : tl ik e atcftMig ‘be o-.;c: d Ain^ui-b-dly viriarouj p --—'*f-y


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* c» body c « « e t t * : -.* ‘ i l* A .

te I »fKaued'-

Cte *»ctt.— TW-p m a » . ■ i * i C t e ¡to atetobf. tefc* baa »tru ^ »j, lo a <Bu t <a | o4 lite 4 t e . . c - Aad «rL x* < '**A F*te&ì*MS » 4 '. Lai ITa ì - . . « IgMh 4 «t x"P * ? * * • tei(7 i to te ifc r i I# i m e bòa se» - s r» t e • -

" **. » te r» ia- towt&l «se e i-’ü jr r t e : f f * -•■ / • T*t *ed •‘ TX'-'J *£ tV- reca— «»rj '.* t* A -1ìl ■ : ca. .

“ teter Ä^tr% sfcrr« I* m ì 'j »i*# a s f:_ ite»» I«»aA VaiStoto e w r d r -sa e d V. « i t i bä« Fteir u ie

* W# teted. fakà*t »toesratoki . s i üLi.wCA. E * r n ì.w h; a « l . . - rete a M » «sto Ite« fetoMM mài « ito ì» i. -S v ”:*« - ? . > r C -vp-r, '

te .* » * -? e t , tua# k* t e * t e i % r ì e ì -oa alio- ' . s>rf e»;ca » «« A l» :* r-« io ta* x*’ e-*s- 1 P»: r l>y i I r * * / U*. : v s tru c ie , bai a

_ , ^ l i j i i ’t «f I*' è a a t j . eee*»•» kte o t f s f c : r««TTf B e te f » > r * d v> te tu«

• t e b f » t o tote» i l i t * b ä « ea tV: A toesieeo citorteam-t »* tote «■« te *« te : m r j n è s f if sVe- t a t r : f ù u » b«d «¿2 *.&.«

te 6H lót«»ee t e » EoflA sd Atei a s fr y l ix u g . ; , 'r «4 teu todrài«*-*, W i ¡Ljótotótoi ibe Te^iTipte eitC.

M « » t t e j d i - ^ e W .,, ^ »s#-tV*T à - t e . Est« «ferrep-

«re s rra«?ka.l_i «ad » * *ètoi!UÌ Lfc.e k a e» 3t=»e ceacertuay it- j , , _____^ a c i r e* C .’srr.— I Lsr» b uj »ijìt ììo c # La a U r r i i i r y fcr t a t t i > .................... ■*

yr»r». merer faoad *sy tkim; tteat »etot-i e & c ; aì «pe^rr a care a- j .................. "* _—)-* r tu ip : * s > à I Azi f ù t g l o T r a . - iL*yr.

T- r errt* y -o r t - <k. atei, n i l t ia re * .tù lore c-i S ilsp tire per N ü a l ' * ? - ~ f*Ca«V*-i. «ed. *..- c^r> »ITT aerei- '>■ U'o-o-.rì » it£i ttee n r : * t - I H e—_

l i 7 a» bar» T'-r.-rrsed pt-eaaC ur krj ae*AMiri, a*-l a* t o f tou r R. ^ .......' ' 1 «£e *t^ t - i , v tb er r g y 2 1 T te , n ix aa oaatoe t L i u

♦' « a

■ WUtg, i l » -»V'- - Zìx;oeteree ix«, »itfca :-.* ' «i uusri. ^

I s i .T u m i « (« 1 1 ib* d-.«e r i t i r a xipemXiag. t a t La ordì*satt »itAcU-, rre « u l Uè »a S d ea t. Aad t*e reitera i:oc o f a i l k » i l l be ejected .L t - eìTa or Afteea at lUe larikesl.

Tbo* re a ed y a r r -r pr-'.»itLe» r»»Llisr & tid*t or o ' r c 3pl<A-Aut rrstyd a m * . a sd m y be » ix t u t e r - .- l »Lib t_a A i^ ir u t t T C i ì i-^ rm ».

I n f a m n i A ó E o a — TL# D ü ; of N .r.'olk bad a i u e j ter ( w l t «f »kasb b- L»p( t a t r f t i H» col.-I 00« . f t o a it* r ^ s is t e u x e to tta cbneeeiLyr. *-I^-ni TAffirLì». ' T ie 'iakr * .oltai'.r-r » 1* <»ee ia c-oarer-

«U à fela, » b ea . tv b;* *-arpri»e, tbe o » : keeper CA.a»i s p mud-P lato« toot grace. Lord T aario»'» laid a s » ’

:h aad ad- 5

> 00i : i eo



P r o t l . l o i H — H t t . e s » - D ? e t t o rU

«.Ti -»ss. p u i ............ »: *4 i : •t * | t*»« «.................... li to «l*toPe #« ......................... ....... to# togref ¡trim« uni». T * — *"* » A i » Damm« *e*f«Ltet«ci:- - ’ ■“ *!’. • rxx 4fi. n . *» . .;! :> «n toDo. --?« ce^tlry.. ......... : e t tol>* y r e * . . . ....................W*t ; Hi—ì.............. .1 s i M».~t H t«i »'4Ai Dei F-■ — . . . . . . . . .

Ik - ! , . Utt *l!'l iia*k Caa tec .'-t s U .1 v#Po. 1 i x ■**Ds». t_iia- ‘ ”

I lato. ir e i , -a ! • l* A t4.j 1 IV '

4«I'UTA ? U l _____. . . ------------ toJ x te ...................... , . > . >.* « ! T fT.A sH f'eii ifw r........... . . I . 1 -v «ito toDo. ¿0 tn o M l.......... ...isir M

3 k - T Dz N- I to i.‘. te. cr - rre: < .............1 A- •• • ,,(»•••I_xrd ...............Kir« -S- tt

n id i». G

-U m . I ? «t vi t i l s* I B A t !» to .

•**B «•»*■• ixAgrtogb. caM» oBK C i» ta d «JsCTi«

• r r t e U t o t o M B t o .— T t e r « d . i a r « 4 t t o » 7 « * » » Ja i - ’. j

to * t a t o «.U .’t o l ~ T m to o d n a .- t :u * i k e R- i- ■g l« to L ite r » , i . i G 'aeto . EsliUd T b - etftu r e< tfce fiT<«ars ST«,- - totoi M a tW t tte to n t o b k e r*A*l - By i . IL G r u » , e d . ^ . ' aoJ

■* 4 tod k to n fi-»»» 1* w y « t e : m m «a aantoor. fa» act pax: ofS e r J-M.C» » .r ? d* I I I « ! , to* i f f m al W ere tto*

' a-*ì o te 1) ttoaì ta la S i, b» paUUetor-f~ P ii* . -» . < * Tr * ■ fuc ttoe Tratto. A btototSi u!*. >.i

•■d • Mr I r a n i c i t e s « a s ^ fc ac:ff— T»t« f-.rM t o t o ' * 1» - « * - - * *4 . ^ 1 . . f t t d S : t « c o p i e d f i r m « a

n r - - • - **y « t o f » « I « to to a r r d MX>4 Mr. f > r s m p atoneika M ts

f r t e - f tb*.f i i - . r M «.ft f

M A J B .R I E D .la tto» c ity . S o t . I t . T.y ito» R tT .Jx .itsg . L. Hcr-»i€. of BrLJx'rport,

C o c a - H l»t t Cu t H .crtrax . o f ? « b . S i t a c i ; , to M ia Lczzzx Ramt . « ì y daughter of G n c n l P t U d i CtCAtr, of F r ^ o o it , N . Y.

.« b . * a . . . ' ........... as « « STv 4e rr a C . , . . ......... n « t» sL?r .>«*•• . . . .- , , S3 < ¿3 i.i ta 1 » to ................................ . , . ¿1 X —SlTfai . ......................................... 1# a - ' toS fiK * x « xfa-l 4 ....................... H « . i

| Vsrxsv *» etc. ........... 1 " | i 1 4AUlxisz Si ...................................................... i l <** i l1 F. Cxi -*«<t................. Ji S®Vera X* • • • • * • • • * 4 • • « : : « .3Vrr S. i . . . . f a . -fa- 13 J u nrtlrv 3:»# ........... .. 13*« ISi>> y F p « * . . — 1 e 1o> : tafa!«4 . . . . . . . . 1 r) • 1 i

. BLfavk. — fa . . » * . . • - - * • 1 10 s 1 -•*

G<- -r U ; n e * .

S a il— > n . IJT«lk'« ';«!**»?, ' Ft W f s l . . .L ~. -j*:«. —7 ^:-- «3* ...' ..

^rrrli—r—*». u n•'Io- «t y Ü ................. .T r - d y V terra ............rte*. .ist.-V M !«B (k...


fino« > —r>- TT. Jl t ab Ai n i‘» •j — T r*#-. ................ *4 «tL"Sssi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,4 c

tTi l


• ’ H * p » - > r r ij c*. v i «»lTàe desto x; L> »iwortb'* AcAfiatay. »01 be oeeopiad b j Tho*. G ales 1 * E.*Maro a .......

F -* *taxr wtxt S * e*Ls j eiuca-a^ Aad rrtuLa?. ___H « » l ■«. Hart;«—t*rr». « f e t - d t»L

Mì u J F . C o i« « i l i « d 4 n n ih* ¿ Px «Lìa L»U o f Roodoul, S Y.. 00 {°*- * K * ®- G *- c * -t^asiay &eX*-. aftorùdDe « a l erca iag . . L **tl»rr-tS«W)—t> m n i ¡-t fai *-«:

S à f Mrs. Aj(* a« a M. B xìtt tosa baro lec ta r isg la O r le r a i az-1 WaI-ipatec i s P a layra .

cl i

i l

^ a t» n —TVtt« • ■- 1 ? A ........N i» OrL ,a*...........• -a: * '•:averto« . . .

' rrtrtn it c.-i ..............iH ir ir i » 1 ve.........SliTjri. £ K V ...» ............S:«*ru* P » . V. . . . ■ 3 .rt>' i n ¿f e...

lie> e ..«-.W ti‘ A«t

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-- ««».» *3' »• • s »f *'¡He

.— — *»art* rrcxsrj er *e-1 .------

Tre r*. I ) p a: fa' ti

_____ . ___ r »tto, Wjì- r ia s a t tto» la it f-w » « k u S ta ia tv __ -i-i ip fresa *z. vto copy 1 k ' . - , d a n eg itoa laat »ceto of ttol» monito. Iler addròc u T.i s a l le, i l i .

pO^fetecS % x J X .yaam: &i • M>! W , T o t o b?Ìvfi-x_3a pr«d^t:»l a* w x * a* L< t - a denr in to P u n o f * Vacue t o t a l . I fü L-5 Wert M tb tore-t, » u : T iL araaue.

Ap^i’y 4« i ta par««**!#, or <1 1^. • *SVr».t - * r ; v r i 4 ’j « t e i * i n t i , » y l r l i o l l i t I D ; U t t r Urr l'” *.

:> (*4** rs tcite i t a I

.-*t »-*»;

Or- »e V f-.ra t*^ £r»: "f * v . j^ry, I «àtei ptsLUrto No. 2 -f tbe ' a r;-.r. 1.-1 II- f > U ; f .r 1 - / ». a scl*. pook ! <r,>3>pA»«a #4 ttol?ir-rx

»V * »'onlJi «Ir»» 1 « -s '- ., ex.-ii I. _•-.c F*rt,i ' * '¡fall t o t

■eit-iifa -• ’■ C F j Mc<4»-ra j.'r.i -. » i sa

w# Aoxl Irs7Uif«*», A ocìtùt -ad -----aLa*#*. Free Lore, BW t w . «hört lA m * —r»m 14 p et. vi «ti

flbA’tar (• ¡ton Ifte » NUinxy dLHbj ¡. •..

«N. — 1* - > i Eq fa -rS? T-."#4 »¡»aly. « _£N#y ‘‘ .m m -edm- ^ a»! *- fa! :-«!▼ l e t s 1 nrrTc *-• i.f . . : . r .*. 1..1 All, a x a c t *.i L et«r#r* u> i l l n l ' i m . G -’aeTAl JV -.<fal»=A, ee o . - LJ- - »•*•-*" —jiff - ■ » - ti-: f je -i f.-rir Sia tifai .71 e,f - 1 r ; ...»U , e l : #cc Tin# lit !« rn fk i* a« aimsoaI. tifa

• a * * ry ®L.-rr.. •- Bo*. ' en iy a-a* c-f -ì_t k - l »-Ter {-iU w bnl. »M ita |«*t ..«nbcr » v# * A.<-a-¡if n a * * « ta r t&sir ««FätaaDi— »too 1 «ir»iy ryaotMl by t«e popslfar [>r -et. W ,11 i l l lecturer» ra-d'.tr.-.«tooald m i x haf-'>ul itom oelr»» : ear m : .»fpintatezitr ttoroorr. » I Itoa C'.*mtrr. p |>«< r :j,c-:*. c-» <. -r iy ¿-* d etract l i t s - n t « r « u j o a U t D te l« n i t e other« » i l i m n e d ÌAb-.y rrv l t i - ir o r i r* wiici

S« « ^ r c t i s r ie » Tt* cattar«f*S aótaa»# p x y a a o t, a.« t ta »o rb » i l l B‘,t br* •- >r. •, ut »»a iter , aad tL: jMtafi Vi ' " 1 t e prtrmoar i O A r « s « c t I ortaiioo w ill U H a iled U> m t t Io b i a: I - H * . ,■ d fr-«. fie? d&!l*rt a v pams» m * f >«- d fe s e e d orex »«& - 1 V iadr-d ; f i l e for Itooee doltarc ; fiartr-^i f-vr doilxr ; #iagl - c</pic-<

>fcà* R ut.. » p ........ . « 31y© rs._ d ________ _ *-• « >9'»- T?r • . . .. - 4* « fl>v irr . 'J# - fa fa 14 « »7Ufa €»*r _fa „ _ ............ . — 4 •¿toDa tew »era l^ S J ......... «Do. ail * * ( I to ................ — — #— —» » iter i ............... « Ì il-> i t— Ì4 3« Id{>* bei iU;s« i tDo. lx=- - - J ..................... 1 • A iiDo. F s. * -* - •• .«•••». 13 « 14

Hj-h a . .V -«far H*ica, -Hy HÄ .......................Tt i s I i t , ................. ..,V = f *: ■! O rljaf......... .f 1 - "sr "* — f

. ------ ----____« » fa-'

L a a i l i r —I- -t. I) P c ! «4 r*i ~ ■ toe lte Nord» A w r i n CeVi»«1 * * - -


IT dtagfatiTir . tea c m * A M m , CuU> C u u , l i t a n i . N. Y

• *r » r V cab. f t ..I- -X > C «V ft..........

; * >i ■? . . . . . . . . . . . .

i Uei-VP fcy c»» TP ©-A., dm : ty m « m ! fta», i I c j # .............. - ........ id i)0

rt'- i* -— t e ni l 4 « A—fa a »& # A*

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W o o l—r- tt ai •* <•■A fa _ i /n I .*t-c<- 1» rt l K B. ' ' t r-.e*>... ..

A -. ifa* !» VJe-rfaso...4 .-c ! v Vertue —

5 . ; . .* • * . . . . . . . .v ■ 1 I - .led I . . . . .• i'.n : failed I’# « *---fV—.iTl I Lfal«J** tNv V i. cnm. W .3 A (. 1 * » . . .S. An C«It A l * < k E. I- <töte «3 » v t e l

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T i l l - : S I M R 1 T I ' A L T E L K G I Í A P H

M ivi i» T i- r. -- '

;.(OI *-*■( I « Y i r • W k l i r I » V i l ' ï W>î\ »I* . . . - -Yviil!}' rv lucrai

• <í «i....... ” 1__ t <•!T» P iin i . » In r« t-n î» . T»Uh P r r f c id i V>

J ( u t v » . 3 « .O. ' l u l f A , ‘ I a - 3 W»ath Vparrit». «io. 3 iMKcto|w. 4*. a UO

T f : - - f i - n e -e ia t?« » , i Asî<-*--»a t r -V i _ ; , L-* -!•:»'*{ »« ¡j,,J»-. - -* r * • - • :*s ~ —J .*.- ilM«-*r i . t t >. ; ■ i ' i - . ‘ 7-t v . ; . : r » j . . -¡*s»n*. ■ ■* • •• V - T - • : ' r» : • " • m î »».» i . •: .. ¡ .i», -> ¡.sei. vvi ur»i t - i ; .Iman

hy —»: ■ •« * -.'»a. - y W » » : * - y* "f * b ■ a *•■=■. M t • i t r ' : . ,■ -

I * * - í *V 1 * » • V -» * ^*aM %*T *: Y*r *r-,i'-. _V*., H • V* 3*e i ' - - * - r X* * - k* J . f ;mí'1 *- »-X* « ,. T ' 1 V f ' .U i V .*- V

à A. V-1

‘« ^ v ; , w r ^•- . r f-.i —VT *r-1 t L t

ía#t *T 9 m im ix*’ r tmTa*:-- *“ V - 7\ M -O V. V. V F­-* » “ *;r 7rt*f N T. « F lieft. 2. :

í i ? ' \ V- T N : U w U r a i t ^ T â , - « . u ; i N\ ' • 1 **V trfiwwinti. î “*t i V t» £/;V¿> ;. ; • î-i •_'**€ : * r Ju ;:i . V .-ni -l JC. A. IXîm* ' i f s ,U.1 i .*'•* OS 2*h¿a rí Vi. H T.«’-r— ■■Lrrr*; V. VT Lit*. T '«,¿ c i *'• * Tr*a_ 5 I» r**.c*t. « - wu • -_K F.« O. fU*o i îrc*!*.- r t-Oô-rs fs ü.-.*rA*:-'-s. "r!_ L VT Wertrrf*iî. I lrcvi vici. J 5 r ¿¡¿er. î f : /< ? ’T V > '- t r a i s %Î3. V » ; « - * » ; i .N^ric.-tut î-vt% • a F ¿' «Vit

Ik'* VÍW' i ...«t» k’ .S- *HtV-l * -- t : îl. “ * *<r \m l*j .

n î:X. *

.* ?.r▼ ’ *’ * i*. ;* « * * i A**•' .:, T- - * r*t‘ ^ ■:. N . „ V: * •£* ; ‘ - *-j ^ ’• — a **<■-* ¿~

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AV CU:SID£ VJiW IFm , ; u \ n i » n r i T » o N < a n d\ m i. : ti a :t ï l^ S . A

* -J- -7I ttfrA► t d»r

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♦ *• srî * v“• - • r • •-C Usa t;- A

• . V U - n . r « » ■ ' « H ü T l y l ? ' » h' 'v (*! r* r.î.? t '.>i'« t.» pii«.« fcia IV« . J'JV. ' v'-TSÍ*t «Í î*» vi v>* ..gje. mî » J > ; k’.j- ; •■< v . two«i fl U. ; >vfin kl ili >w. U. w.*4 ivpb-î«. if sue ie<!f «r4 l-.l vit! lu i r*-■-V ifc i.’&si L. ir» frvia • î. «. vj * r *.Iros Ci'TT,li ^vl^owi, N«w T"!t

n. * v

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r» 4 Î3 '15. 4 .i “■ ■

SPIRIT PRITIKATIOIS.Grrx* i> «: 3* s-v.rr jlt> ?5B«n rr rv» «r il B- rt- nm. Nr» T a

r . » o > r - 3 3 f. r v m rTü* a» » e.. •: r-:? «rLr» *i.v»rr ;.. «iî t£**er î .. , _ . . . . . Û« 'i jrf»»4t;t -f AJfcs*-iM* »»î wa**taJi*.Ui* ‘ 7 ' ' -*7^.u • *l J1-K. J G- v a ¿j i; n w • l . f l in r v a » i« : i :‘j’ t’- ~ ,Fx-/T. OïlauM u n i* ' il'-jui/ im o . • 'aCiril « <r>i'.'i lir:

HEALI5G 3Y THE “ LAÏLSG OV 0?HASPS.” ____________

P) I*. WfLSON t«fi£ ¿ruca 39SCi*' "2 »»est I« ^1 Sx“.!. \ t _ Mi I I' -— ■■ ‘ - X "A M i j t » f ( t ( ^ 3 Vi ' t» s»

■X - ; - t "t t . ÎlOéj ÄU T Nl p f «4 11* <

r? tv ■* '«,jla * * ¿e~rr- -


•ut. i a -v .-V-.‘ • ' « „3*- ; s «i- s 4 * .

Í.+-Í A. r *-*v»**m ks4 ü*'* t • e i.” ?* à 03* 1S ^ i l ¿ T > » • V i b # -

. ^ *; '>!-• i-* »4 feSBt*h_ ; £' v>t «j ß - i, O* I


DE. WM. LrraSSTOS.T T’A U S CTI C A NI) C L AI Tî VOY A NT.» J. * .. ' : g . ■>-,

i M &» y v- l i o ! t l ' « u a . P r f j ^ T l <-uriL»: f »Lvr


a * v'.*-v T -viV> '.. VT. r v W jra.CïLH -.r:-v3. | ~

ïT ‘ '"■ v»î S 'k rwi&r- -»ai Ve ny^oai "a ^ j ane*!» I W . i »: r-v-l 4î?•*= '•-', .^«raiKi ïsS «a-ffdiituTniifcfaik. f-r.*., a».*, rr:>Ctti rf«« i > . r rr« Mr i>-" - - • ■ ' * * - T < r v ^ j i r r â î - i V> r T C T r r » K a a t r i r r f r : l _ ^ ^ ■ « ù t r t * . f r « j t x r tV' II« S' I-TVIV Tiv.-:*.?« tvj fryr »Ü Book* („iir. i w, » nr» li*a • î* w .i ou, ,-«.t c î. «il

nrrU.Tc. hj: *. kvU.r=«:—S iu ra . X I . 1 i . restie* . î «-î ‘ ' '::rz-‘t \ v. N » g»».?. •j .-!iu>. n. v. waki= ^ 7 i i ' ' t_« ikj vil jug rrvi. :T m«,iv ' ; i a i m X. I . j. O bsM . MprrwrJl*. X V. i; «j».T.iif'i. '! r~.» N.Y . V sn terv Ailirn. N T. J. H. • r~* • - JTt T iT it4ürv •, >i£mtr, X. T..I.E. Lt«. SociknU. '* Si .Vu .- v '.v.via-i . Rei.»« Moec*.ç**. vv - ?«n ïi aGixt. f'ffai i csn. Ma.i«rvA •— i . C r — . L r J A X«-tú«r Nf* Hsrta. f« a , ___ _. .. T Pr.c»rrauH X. ru in a >’si. 1—tr«r i t i . WvrJ i l w i '

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PI BIT LVBÎXATI.'V.fait Vaa. Jcka R Lr-i. f '9*'* h* ^ w __ _____ ____r. W*aT««*-eP ll»a.'.l P War» J S - v - ^ a a i '**'.■ " " ' ~ ' " ~ ' ' ' ' a» D«c»kT « , ¡ù d m ____

Oc u ’ Si ; : s ¿í x N. f t< ’ C. f tU T L ir<otoc)L Vt, Ass- _ îV L »!. , [ â r* c t y t t c w TV ^ s tÉmà o U ig . T V ” ** ^ ffI | f *fg **tr * vci V- nrr ie o V£ \ ííc=í. Rt**-~* Tl « Vlw?<uî ^rLü. • A. L. 3i X JL. ll.# ' of to* vVV-a u^iwfí»£ AUv i '>M3i.O-S.LE«!ia Btiirw. O.V. L , ^ f! î - ~ ¡» « '«• 11 * k X te * « i U RI PO F PO P.T | ' >» I Y I> P P EN PFNT **4 « 'tà IM VWClx-. e_-iMTilla. CL. H. SueL iViia-w Vkii_ la»«« ! P«™»»« “ * r«1-*« »* S?4S ; *** r£r~.^»iM n -i . l ' r - r i v - '1 " 1 * . 1 ï*-»* v h--i o rr . ■». r~r>y.. • v in vX ?*A*rÄ.i- . s«saac, HkV . tiaìvci L. « lirai «v,f i «mc i: wti: fc*5#*Ad titeas *»: r eC se csd-% :i*Lf ^-l.kT *»TXÀ u a trv- t « u-1 f l£ P u*ÆH.i’ . ¿iw T TUtXbtfm» Orma Cim\ F S Hxûia . Da». ! ^ «•« wWr# tXc part aJ«cV-ì -♦ aat ▼X a Dr -- - f uw •'» — f - m ‘ > <“*** ‘ T- ^ MrvJt Tra i . B.Stvan FarMtrvraii. C W. WiILaa w. | *«î-«.r > ras »K t* . ma« . ts i ’aar r**: =s- . . n i? 'r*' f ' ».1 - 5UL- Ta_ J. « . .Mtiieahall L-iàis». H. f v-fc!»4 vrf tx> »tei ocaylaUla. *-.0 a tse .r = ~ »* f ' P,?S*—=2 - i Iota WXte II E’^aOery. î*^ Prs*.»i4. Hrx.™_ “ 'C*K fkM. J. B lauUiv. R>e iüstf.'.tli. i Riie. . VT.C R- .ETT.$P«_V v, <v Ba»Hr Baiiime. 11 '.XLi i«I Pr^pt. ' —’ r ? 7 - 't n a s i n i ci it«a-m'. rr litaTiaiim tod wiîî lea'« Ur« i; !ia .a vc-'i-i-Va« .

I ¿ » S e i i J i C E U i t l i b c W > m a n J a » , '. .e t* « P : « » i-■er iweil«. lor (1*. a foulri :»r* atli Le r » !.'Ll iLB -E.nP iiT T n Ï Ï F \ T ï \ Î t IV s T lT fT F — ’ ^ ^ 8 - ^. I1C.A1.1A.T I- U 1 H i l . . Til» ~w derisi ¡a?! cae va» ¡etttd !.. b» oa* -f iLs * a

\ 0 1 ' BOND STREET. NEW YORK. — i •■• ' ii» evviertirat. V«i_ ..ri s-.4 '. î .î.it ( lutile. B* P'tTK;Vaa. 1 2 ^

o i i / fci.i-pei/— A ./:* E*r*M! cA »e~ T ls. -.4 X T v-arter. ti I laatn alesata, . . -T- . r-V» -I ¿ i Ve» . a ¡ P - i v . i i - n -> î a a . « a . , l » a * n " ~» 1 I R » i^ f M A L l C ■. i 2 1 1 t .a- 1 OSe», LJC BUS-ri uvtT i'-.ûi. 114 5 ; Vy



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TO SPIRITUAL INVESTIGATORS.*** A fBS- BECK. RAPPING. TIPPING. 1 PLAN h i - beri ¡ ' C; ’ ■ < i ~ r o«3 ,i>r>:t=l!=*¿4ti> awsatt. I ^»A ¿PF.LLISG. «E T S n rIE iU S C rS E iJ S A r tX a - X - - “-' r ' c '4 . y T


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TiiAXi K SPKtSIX'»» MEOU'ML ; sptiv i ^ î i i a <m ^e> iiV.t b-<-r ÎMei f a. ■„ t» 1st T a. a', fece resiveaee ¡ J ‘ ' : • »n » t .n«»-i-v*r» » t i t t », v WEsi slXTtLMrH*ÿT&££T.8*î«M*S*Teaifc .-É k ? * * * .R J. LŒW K-NDAHL wh"0 LleaLai ! arrcaea-.X«* Y»rt oír. : F?1 •T -A-AMBP— — Il i ■' ■— i^— 64, mirer

A WORD 10 THE i ;:<mn fcxi Ctrl-•'■■: t J l HEALING XEDHIMSEIP,_»-.c— NfiipaBu**** 11 V »V vr - , .i.;l¡ »; . IV ' _

■ ” l!f J « f f n r a i G l»a bw;i. e». Î> iiî i ^ ' ' T ; .wJ R ir . T P C H U S S E Y . Uâeî rHUiVctl IT'.'ÜI 4 I I■ , 1 * • 5R*i»»r i> SU C .511-ïTBît

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■!-.r-'-- '-J ri-t'a carni iv »y«» davi T « l:-a i . .w u »»■ », • Bn*»»a; l> SU C .SlLïTEïîT licthwxait w- »• “ ““ — i ~ — - «— ■■■»J IÆ 1T .-V U K I THÎ V IO M T C H l »f Broad*»?. M- ü a a a» gwNfer.ta. v-re?a.-at: a. y» - C R E A T J O N E S -S T R E C T , Sü ? i g a »J . i O i l l O - X Z l l K l . i í i í . . V l » X l . T U t . K , i a r a a - e * . t » i ' t a V - t i a e a h i a » 4 e v . 1 - v = r a » « s ¡ * » * * 4 » » » - Q . . . . . r w . . _ , ) ■ ,

Cie«, ta X « * l « t K Suvct-i-»tr«v l-taeca k a t u»:» iÿM S b j .Vi ^ « . . H j — l U j a i i i n m ü n s . \ ^ 7 L C - , U-, . . v»2 4 t i , » « , ta Bnaatlj-a. *2 >. iv tw ..-««t. :«'.*«ea AlUvVe ; „ ' . r x • *. - ? » t* e ' .»*«»..-»a . i .'-te 4^ Siat* v_ ... « .................i a__i . » «>- « ^ W m* « . *» Xe*m— +. Hx * « , , vr

: . ;*t ut tu . :eYvT u t S. T. MUNSON, PUBLISHER,-it.;, tim is*:

aia * • • .. a^e-i». »? i ....... .m, ■,i . i!i.—■.* * « ■ * ?llex* ï J ÿ .l»Sc» Inn it £:w'l!n ina iloti» * ei XV* Terri.fjM J :o i r. mT S—Sir. Lw*e: I.S! a ; r- arei ’_i ■leee’op '..r Cta-rr-t ■ __»'¡•vii.-i.iii:* ,i-!--i.; iàe ifnvi’c cm -¡I ‘ -~e**v. i-.tav m c < T \l TTSI l ' \l >a l usMnant. T?.ur»!:U »: »b «K»AaSi«. *i-•-' I ^ ‘ ' L.________________ ■ -*- -»f Ne* T- *L. aa4 a'., v ]

Oicoe jc- vn ftv-aa ’ w !J a ? aad fr**« 1 '* f t tDR. G. A. REDMAN,

iVri i i- T a ] ila n * i3<»ÌM»iP» i t ÛKr,» IT. t r j * .-er» 1 i -*a . i i '4 w* I* a» |! jai la l l « L î H l; TX l* .‘t g» Lt» ¡» taaataf w tha »►tia Tl«< T—»— * : .•-—i* * <ttr¡» o i æa/»i-.i*r **!■1 —-I - *.»* lisr»l »--t — «caaàllrti:, Pts« î*d^îariKil i > . <i c .li , an wi »t i> « ^ ¡t «t». SO>Ms *: >'«. l«< F-iCÏTS I TÚ¿':lifSUí PlittïM iJUÜVSi

i AVEXCCK. *1»«* fc» »^1 i-waetT» TW-t»*» *» i*raa»rL-/' X*5’ | t u h aaa i S», «Ua»— -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- j h a r r * v s ».» »^ikx ■îX Qfvî'

J. B. C0NKLI5, MEDIUM. ■*<«■-*• ,t • « fa, la^ r«j- T —, T . . . , * _ 1 S*1-- i» «V- *» ü* « li» * a W» » t*»..-\ \ a LL receTC r.'.: F' er^nr dav ü".i erp- r. • .a»! ?. m riiii 'iWB aai « w w»» ait». *i ku rtaca*. to ÜLOIDW.lY, Hun.»* -jc ^ m knifreee 1 w t ». ii»rk*wL ir vn î v». 5 »vd «*f «s-ii fr=.-a 7 -, ;« T. - ■ i -*i=>» ¿¡r-s

ïi. ' A ra,=»*» v.*»h e* . re¡ter

S*ai ■. r ■ »•■..-.- »vf 4ÍTífcsn«al»a: I ¿»h-vu, e»»-»-« t» lie« lt? .a Ü.a *ar» ma-a rf u* yur. ,4 .. ,4, ^ ^ rÄ?; jarvr* ai tta-- keam ¡V 'C_________ . T M .- ^x ,* ; lea*o»'i*»t¡ i ’ /. .T* * ._L ***u*t' '^¿^»•»'Ir/iCi Y’.e1 »7 !« »jifiiiiVi-.i. Trizii>êat t>r*rion ,1«. F'urUlrd ﻓf ~ _____________________________ ü ï - WHEÍ1ES * w n sa ? r

'! c la iey o y a st PHYSICUS. . x r r u m - s .* e tn s . ; m .u h i n e v -_Lf,""?«‘»^ , V* * _ B. T. T rail. M D, Pre*.i»r.î ri t'r XVi, Tre-L 'fije e Tb»e- T I p < « F VDURT" n f l'L'TT Sftll Ohio w L-. ' -Y »iiMl ï " ? '. ' — 'V » ■ .»# 1 =-* .-ma^ b4» L-tïîr, X Y ^ - r f . r w ,* '! « '.Vlt2 t:«UTaU,fe .-« ii .it^ c r ,J.c !. »t fli. r il oi IStû- \ ï R>- N L. NUKK!>. Of 1 »« T t » , MOiO, 1 N<- . ^ ; -.*» »v! ai.'»G.4TL «*«i K ,• 8VtV»n' a-e *L» *Y¡ tULiüemt. H r. J'âaLL M f. 1 *’A LuVaîolj» a» c.:y » v-î. N W. u B. ' * «» Si*.«, v « - -'- >î - .- ' .• - . * '-»v.- r«m-»Ut« - « - •¿‘Vrt-”-i1V1 - a - “!-* a»? ¿j7a?l >:n>. r. L .'V! ILLvl. M. n. ’. . t.-e.- ;.-*»v a fca «m» «a»: «« Ci«..#*,y » io »JE*».. .*J BLOir.» t X* • ■ t. v - *. . ; v . ■ —yrmvrv* .; U: î-..»-i»-» • »---- S-« ., &-» **.» D. A. »■.C.TJN M. O. 1 • j* v» r*icr l?t ! 1 -rtà!- a »r : v 5 . Y :— »» ' e r , ,-.v-.. - ;w '.-.w . .m »

Sn 3 -- . * -- 1Lí> ¿îrT» ^ V. -riPeCli« la't * •»*. í ■liti \ i i'-a Kyrmvsi:* : ’. ;V(-»r:T be? 7-ja-3Íi3J ;.3Tmi

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Oe í: MRs. CAROLINE E. DJRÄSN,T U E ; ’» ’J C .- iirv .r . it»*» P íY.t¿ = * b . *•>

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r » R n •' •» K irrry A w- A w S ^ r.R titC f7 ’J : T* .---L X « t 7 C H tt.

¡ t o » | i i »7 :• ri-**-; ' .» i f f 1 tr»r»ii» -• fa,» #* 1 qi,»T » ■ ! 5 îrcf.: Iry.fTiri I* .t " ‘ -* "!» . . : _________

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u » <» = • * a«"-4. Rr-ijt | !_ ^ T , , . _________ . .

O n ttO A i. t e C f r f c j i . • LiVr^ry e f M t c s c r - i s . is ». vil^ r-v'-vticc: x?r w u n a r} y L A T t i t f w t . S w n t e i f a i j i * C t » t : » U ! * - Sj \ t * B t i , Î7.-2. Dr D séi I T u U s i. u j « t i i n f n i t w i « i r U v l f * ; 4*sM . '^ ( t t t u t t a n a c & r m . n i » i f f f t t j f à « d a » * « L | i W t c t r r K a c « » i t « . ' c t s a * H.-»»®r>w ,»■ : L*n > T t t - T I . i tt»¿ t e Ai ■ p«r»ùm L7M tk t t a i ; e » 7".‘™ »7 «* * 7 _ , , _ *_____ , „ , . i f E» t-J ! j »»*7 K.»«! «t ctt»' t n f i t i L . i l V» tfe» x m l <*' i r i s • * • * * » ■ »• i E * - _ i s e * i a td SasreA Mfeiodist : « i i r v \ > tf t m -r-ürcfi ■ * ----- -- ‘O t a W ^ a •» " t a i ^ ~ T f f at d i^nr-rl-% j+ i - | - » ■ *'* ' a . * ^ ’ !*itsa» •< s-^r* saJ H raat t r «^-a: rire 4*» u«-> t w t

» â * r - j -.i. 1 rsvr«. |: f a i n t I f i t i î »

là r^ rtr ’.Î7 r-.-t- frf-rv ,:,rr 2 for > 1 j î ’ t : ‘- ' '.i n

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5» : w » * ~ - “at. v . - - * r r a s e .-w 6 e .ir c*=s»: j» - a ^ « i U f t t a t - ! rrvt* l i c i t ; pe*^»re. to ¿o~. • ^ ^S t= — » res»«* : »sait I — u t i fr :a i li.* S ip e n a r S u u . ; *r. # e V ft* k j :u * i* i i i t- resitr a t W i *» ^, T U af T \ i T t i T «¿2». . ï j ' j y sr,^ . v « ; ; a . C t e x ^ t c « ^ 1 ; J îia JIi.-nT . : r H ;•:■ > i p r t U w n a 2 c r t l i t - v n ty-«a

I-» : * '' —~ vyet^T,. '. : ià» 5 - • «t T^imn fi—o ’ r"- « »; c»^i»; H ^ n * one« " * | taï }»? —C '*ciri? o= rrfgyitta. ‘' o r - *ra*,-n ; a ^ s , : « « t a f t e t f t M c c ï . r . -.- L - ' A m aer or t - « «ri» i t tod j«wtsr» frre, to » £ »« -'-■ »»» r---iST£r«» reWU«Mt I ----- K i —^rc._r»D. , , iriîre - ^rer or-: y<#tzg* >ttai» iof «te»

/-._, , , _ r r-. _ —- -» r ■ - t y A ^ - 2 i n ir*. tossc * **invzsA- ' r m * V cos.u s f i t t i Ctoe-uurA f t fC tt i: •-- (to ^iT* G iim y « « F to t-r r t umt’am. tt ,*. <- ifata»v*l Act«*: *»d s c n J c .to- ! c».fc 4i T Tire T«7- t f 1 'As _s e t . «♦ ïo*:« —- :« ü t ; f t — { t f rr^-« As t ? *.•: * » « will cjçt i i j liT tr in m r,* to s t -

j ,Æa^ * f^ r' r *T • ! ; ^ v » r n Seel, b « £ « ï i T f î I m , » - » ¿ r i _ * 7»Jtrv * a l rcc*;TC Ü t*X-:z. y — > «É— ^

I " t Z Z X S z Z i : r~ „ = > . 7 - ' T ‘1 • “ “ ; «■ ■■ - ^-4 ma ■ % ' m t* =r=st fco^T» Ttrm ifc* P L c k ^ f r i s i H a é e rr S p y . . - 4 = a - j s T B E L t , N e» totk,

t o w - T to ta 1= B-H tjitSL Pïfe*. « otst» ; posispe. : t t -r » . ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --r .T »d to j t i . t S î ir i î .V r f a .-O è e « . I Y O U 2Ï G S A J E N K I Ï S .

" “ “ ' i - . t . ’ --- ------ ----7- * I-

i T be W ar ta x c . i L a " V a r i.A i t»o- ~~*t im, rri—t ii* V’Je^ y V r . »Tir.: .' t a. i ; t» R ?. to*-tor« i i r » { ; rite* < etc. »

a«**«toe errfes«, «rt^to« ctoc£i S p y . a » h G i 1 » F L C S M A U d i q y î a a f t t , _ „ , ^ ____ .i*r= » te&5 T lirti ■ i « \ Jlî Et— t r^ s. to t o t - , O * N -» T - t d r a t , f ’ ^ - - O C^Wtrr»**. a £st

». - ç i T » fam t i l ü*i » r -L b7 *- - f y -n**Trti ^ • t7f r* ’ .**“ ? f”* ?*«• w A P**Wf * ^p i i » • *7«j* • tgacMB I** k «ai.,1 T t» a * . - » - - «i i m» fssa t irfi.j-. a ae »i» er P w « — fr. cr | . F * - * ” V* tesit.

C « e t C s c — rsrsstiee.. *f-te . tz * k » * « . fp . 94. ai ii_t »ass. > K ed e ra Sy.-.-:liT t ' - m{ - ‘ ' / '*» — sto: peest®»;-» —sAa <t i * 1 to— : j B* î _ i r • «r rea. !-j f i c i tad r ir e f.o .ta t; m feataei- i - » »

H « » A C L J T * - ** ®**Tl j — t t L s w t n 1 m ras : » . u to- A ff— dii. r n c * . | : : | - * nf~‘t m 1 A : *T - s*c-&: m - 1 t o n 4 * ?» . • !>r Hsr**» Lecrrr* a: t i c T a ta r * « !» - J K ^ « e s* :* ü ~

iy ts^A - »* « — «e r a J » N -*e = i*r. l iâ t U i t * as a-yfiaaoe sf A r r - - f r g F a c a f r e a Ü » iyüriî-W eriA.

Li y cia____ u. f i - a t i t4» rt - i;»*^ stl t e a « t o i t o - *

i t— o — tm am i i^ra* raart —A a « Ira; to»T

* * * * • - j

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TA. Li j J i \ ( T n t S 3 . Or ito rtoi— cyfcy «T f n t t *? etc»« ; j s — f t . Ï» c tra .

T ta Sarrfd C _ *ÿî

N o . S I P E A R L S T R E E T .1 NJEW 1 U K K .

H m i T trrt». J» ----- T aw V tcre*«.

T T ^ . L L R E C E I V E , a n d o c ^ b t» > ii* kr*_de*-

FLOTTE A 5TD G E A I5 .SV tlK rr- U r l I«««.

. T U k s . H«i* L-c.F-to2 < t r x ix . W ooL .L ra ita r.

to tte af 5 »e T * i ?aa> 1 aesto ; p * ■«* I Sri at. to - »tJ* «i J. A. ûr.dto* I

’^ S S . ’ S S S S S S T . T S i S P J O T j M . B0 K 8 E Y OTHER F J 3 U S H Î R S^ Citar--* i* St-' ^ P . - T to r -, T s l L Tto r*.rd=sto“ Kâî «it a p t. - Ü ■ *->-. j-». “ _

f, s» tmKu±. • M% ’ * -^» *» ■' r»ot- to — r t o y i . X e n dT t a Graai S a r a sire. T sL H . T to T « i * r

v ; j- « i: f a T y i » .T ta Qraa: S n s o . V cL ILL T«*

•7 » - i . |f f - n i f t IfT ta ê r re : E a n — A». Ttf. IT . Tto

5* A - ia-r« «.on iai — » • « n u âÿt o — A t e m p fm * . | ;n i l 1— f m W .

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T-r ..o»3sy. VT.^_^- :SwQiissitiae. «fits .—Teirii*i a . A l-iKa. 3 « i ' - ; fsr^aps. > rcesa.

T t t Ci_I4 and T t a l u .} . ta li -'r-*_wf * - Dr. R tl it f l . * i t lcasio-.» P rH“ w«t i j m k I r . - i t ta4 sekaea fiac* cats» ; . :. à oac.ii.

3 m r ' » IciT are «a 5r^r.: K »x;f7<ArQ-ra

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_«a < . T 7 t -*> *» te* " . t 'fas i=-=1 «%T» L '» S î'arï-sSi K» % il* I?t fvl «p d ' *U.- *- -<*J

. ^ , t 5$ r z z .^ +& T-V& (ïc Î- ^ t * * & * S ~ i T* ? ivàsa Sk Ià a v s c ! A «h*2 L e a d » o%( m * j t i QCwttlcü4. ? i ilàv» a -hr rw»r * - S U t : f ifto - fries. s< t— i î f»-*top« i itto t « t a « 1 « T i-« u it te n ; »A- ^

1=--JT-..Ü JLJ frea -Jit spiry. i 1- . :— - -- - «-'-to «*:. :»j,__w « ' i*i* ci —o1- r _ .«. _.■ ■ ■ :• i - ■ ■ . Xwa. -¿3 i.i ¡j -" .- A '- t i t o t . A !..-y»dto friK o: iâ o » *Y

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£py-.rz*i In e ra e tie s» .' • ■-f'y.i« Ito &a£ Rütseetep te %- sLaaî

-- T a.- c - r , e_ÿ* '- Loacüirr^ ffw c i I t e i t a » Bcpert.

, t - — -* » —.« Be. Y3 T P * » « rf IV ■■ » « P «te* « ' ' ^ a«-to .’» ■ ^ n . r=

“ T a x a * n .

i - f s t t s a r t i a : - . i f . V~- e±'tS p u r .ilx ie r r c s r * . : <* n a .^.-—=1*1»» « • » . , - - -

Br -»—»«■- i » * is.--» t* y .ï7îa2 V.»i»7t : as Aî-ccaqrr*, I i£ 'S ? " -r»» T.-. H .'«>■. BFi*--»ait«, fraet aa> cfcis»; &a»ïa«* ü e*as» | <twa<. t s l w - r «.:*.->:- r t t o i , s r * t .

_ pTVto arl -ri 4stii s — ;< .» -s*, ' ' . —." .o ,ü î m s t e i OV.actiGM «j -î y.*i>i*î=* > - - C . 1

e f— »: .. I : '. tr .< 7w i x lo tt a ! A t e a v rayer. * • >•39 »7itu=- Ï- O,

T»« P tJTa'.cral V asi » A _______» : r t o «a

T ta y * 'n«iirv.y ctf S y c i» ; P r v n ta ts « .I f A t ^ t « t A T issa , fi x a . U ci* : f t s i i f i t r*j

F m T k i i t a o i X t L p i a .1 » l ' T v ' t P -.'t .- exsat, | t » t ( ï f Ci:,«

T ta Kjbçsc S t o fA s Sstofc»t%-rv>-c7 v< K J D«*aa fTir* | . to;Ê rssA»

Z t a F X -I to r ^ r * » ^ n r iA l ! u i m c »*7 A - j t - x fr. « s w s t ; y s m f s ï e c s a

T l t r w i i î l . *7 A j Ê*»w f r e t 9: : ytoiaga. î3 cte ,I T b * W.»— n , , gj. T ' t a e v -L^-> - v« ira» . T n et i ci*-: t — 1» : - - . _ v<s * -X - - r i faper > -_ U w «? c o te ; Z rA S fe î «f î l î B p te n »

» 1*:. - ;. r» .it. ; .- t i il .asa. ( ¿J t .' linsiail IrLcm » m i» ; yarn?« I CrciH t v b » «f gy r a i l Devcd»«- * « s r » > a l a ü a .

*« B to Tkaaea» L. : v*m T e » *e it te mm.. A etetec- î y frr »trdarte T> ' • « ; frattt«* l i w ite « jm = I- - y » ■ *»«■« to t o T !» B tS> ; a » O d ta le H a tT ts ?

T f ' *..- ï S k - i . L a ta - ï K rfj; p ..'» * ,

i k&A to*_r:a*l Wr.if=r* Exp-rr*«» tf M rt Lor*i L. Fted.« c-m» ; l î s t t ’i,

• t( k i i r*w- ? n * c p te tf Htsxk Mi»A.i f U.ktJ fcî*» laaV-'te i - i a fitu e td Lava fn c *

- ' » * te to f * 1 i. : ' S t ; p u r■ «* I c*B£t‘ ter- i-*-«- • “

M U S I C A L .

Aiawe. T H E ^ U B S C T U l i E R , I I A V I N * G M A I ' E-L t - n s g i r t : -; vr... r=_- -irr* ' . '• ’ ■ - 1 .-. » *•. l!7>'k

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' H *-■ ' » — te— , m e e « — u : y « i . I ■ a ( t e C i - , • i .» ■ k- ; t f f . . . n . :

1 A 8jM p£« t f Spxntc»!

»-. c* • '-cv tte u.

t e l * t e ■ »*' Veto

“.-ta»-4 fer r- -. • 1 ‘ ü

. I ' ■-- '* -L~ U i A«*Si-, _ >«-*- ki-: iî-» ; ; ; •_• V u : — l i t f*»-k.-î ;U cm «r

■* t«'- —c i - f .~l ». — «j c te : » , .< r-» » ¿ 1 g Seas«M"

> *:» — Té»* r- ■ & r* <r*-,■* - * a*?«*? £/*? ^ f«x ;î , «» CJTf «VTb * »JiiS-t (NSEft*. ' T l* VY 14* ocC Lite tt*4»i" «■ ' . A ,tek

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