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A. Background of the Study

The existence of literature becomes a part of human life since the

civilization and human culture appears in this world. Sastra adalah lembaga

sosial yang menggunakan bahasa sebagai medium; bahasa itu sendiri merupakan

ciptaan sosial.1 (Literature is a social institution that using the language as the

media; language is social idea). Technically, anything spoken or written is

literature. And there are some kinds of types of literature as the art work. In

practice, works of literature fall into four categories or genres: (1) narrative, (2)

drama, (3) poetry, and (4) non fiction prose. All these forms have many common

characteristics and all these genres are art forms, each with its own internal

requirements of structure and style.2

Novel is one kind of thing that supports the existence of literature and art

work itself. Based on that statement, the relation between art work and society

which always has its changes is very important in giving the significance

influence to the development of literature theory.

Nowadays, the existence of novels as one of the art work has the

contribution for the art work itself. Novel gives a lot of things discussable and to

develop the art work, the developing of novels in earlier century has become the

1 Sapardi Djoko Damono, Sosiologi Sastra Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas (Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, 1984), p.1

2 Edgar V Robert, Writing Themes About Literature, (New Jersey: Eglewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall Inc, 1983). p 4.

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great invention to the printing field of media and their business, even though it is

not easy to write an excellent novels, but still the basic of this writing art is to

expose what the author wants to tell the reader about what they feels, they have

passed, or they imagine, whether it is fiction or non-fiction. Literary work is

author’s imagination because everything that happened in the story is the writer’s

willingness. But there are other factors that can influence writers in making their

works, such as economical, political, social, historical, and cultural situation at the

time when the writers are making their works.

Novels is a story in prose about imaginary people long enough to cover a

book. In other word a novel is an imaginative storybook. Novel is a fictitious

prose narrative of considerable length, portraying characters, action, and scenes

representative of real life in a plot of more or less intricacy.3

Another reference that tells about the novel is written by Burhan

Nurgiyantoro in Teori Pengkajian Fiksi, he wrote “novel merupakan karya fiksi

yang menawarkan sebuah dunia, dunia yang berisi model kehidupan yang

diidealkan, dunia imajiner, yang dibangun melalui berbagai unsur. Kesemuanya

itu walau bersifat non-eksistensial, karena dengan sengaja dikreasikan oleh

pengarang, dibuat mirip, diimitasikan, atau dianalogikan dengan dunia nyata”.4

(Novel is a fiction work which offering a world, a world which fulls of idealized

life and imaginary that build

3 The English Language Institute of America, Inc. The New Grolier Webster international

Dictionary of the English Language, 1976 printing. p.281 4Burhan Nurgiyantoro, Teori Pengkajian Fiksi, (Yogyakarta: 2003, FPBS IKIP), p.4

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up by miscellaneous substances. All those things were non-existentially or a

fiction story, but still close relating with the real world).

The novel entitled “The Lord of The Ring” by J.R.R Tolkien consists of

three part of books, “The Fellowship of The Ring” as the first part, the second part

is “The Two Tower”, and the last part is “The Return of The King”. Those three

novels support each part from the first part of the novel until the last sequel. The

story tells about the journey of character Frodo and his servant Samwise to

destroy the One Ring that has great evil power, the ruler of all the Rings of Power.

The One Ring can only destroy in place where it was made, which is Mount

Doom in Mordor. During the journey, Frodo and Samwise were accompanied by

the Fellowship of the Ring that represent different kind of race in every character,

Frodo, Samwise, Peregrin, and Meriadoc represents the Hobbits, Arragorn for the

Men, Legolas representing the Elves, Gimli the Dwarves, and Gandalf the Wizard.

“The Lord Of The Ring” can represent the complexity of fiction story, and

because of that complexity, there are so many signs that appears in the story.

To convey the meaning of sign, semiotic is one of the ways that can reveal

the meaning of signs. One of the theories is called the triadic concepts of Charles

Sanders Pierce which explain about three parts of the sign relation. The semiotic

aspect based on Pierce’s semiotic theory consists of representament which falls

into qualisign, sinsign, legisign, Object which falls into icon, index, symbol, and

interpretant which falls into rheme, dicisign, and argument. Semiotic is one of the

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ways to revealed what is the meaning behind sign, and what is the message behind

the novels or any kind of art works.

Based upon the explanation above, the writer is interested in describing the

semiotic aspect of Pierce in the novels “The Lord of The Ring” and convey the

meaning of sign in the novels. Therefore, the writer would like to do the research

under the title “Pierce’s Triadic Concepts in the Novels: “The Lord Of The

Ring” Trilogy” (the Relation of Sign to Representament, Sign to Object, and

Sign to Interpretant.

B. The Focus of the Study

In writing this paper, the writer would like to focus the paper on the

semiotic aspect of Pierce’s semiotic theory in the novels “The Lord Of The Ring”

trilogy. The theory of Pierce is classified in three terms, first is Representament,

second is Object and third is Interpretant. In this research, the writer describes the

relation of sign to representament, to object, and to interpretant. From those

relations they will classify into qualisign, sinsign, legisign, icon, index, symbol,

rheme, dicisign, and argument. As explained before, the using of semiotic aspects

in these novels is one of the ways to deliver the message from these novels.

Therefore, in this research, through the Pierce’s semiotic theory, it will be

explained what kind of signs that appear and have relation to the novels.

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C. The research question

The research questions that the writer wants to propose is “How the

triadic concepts of Pierce reveal the meaning of signs in the novels: “The Lord Of

The Ring” trilogy?

D. The Significance of the Study

The research will have advantages for the readers of the novels who want

to understand the meaning of the signs based on the semiotic aspects of Pierce that

are used in these novels, and as the general knowledge of semiotic aspects that

appears in the novels, furthermore, the writer would like to take a part in adding

more references for the readers who concern with this field such as novel’s

practitioner, readers and observers to use.

E. Research Methodology

1. The method of the Study

In this research, the writer uses the qualitative method where the writer

describes the signs on the novel entitled “The Lord Of The Ring”. And

then, the writer analyzes and describes the meaning of the signs based on

the relevant theory.

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2. The Objective of the Study

Based on the research questions above, the writer has objectives of the

research as following:

1. To know the kinds of the signs based on Pierce’s semiotic aspects

that appear in the novels: “The Lord Of The Ring” trilogy,

especially in the relation of sign to representament, to object, and

to interpretant.

3. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis of this research is the “The Lord of The Ring”

novels by J.R.R Tolkien, the novels was released in three different years

and became a trilogy to that stories, there were released in year 1954 (The

Fellowship of The Ring), 1965 (The Two Tower), and 1966 (The Return

of The King).

4. The Instrument of the Research

The research uses the writer himself as the research instrument and

rewriting and identifying the semiotic aspect based on Pierce’s semiotic

theory that appear in the novel “The Lord Of The Ring” trilogy.

5. Technique of Data Analysis

For this research, first, the writer classifies the relation of sign to

representament, to object and to interpretant based on the novels, and find

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out the interpretation of the signs by using Pierce’s semiotic theory. Then,

the classified data will be analyzed through descriptive analyzed


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A. Semiotic

1. Definition of Semiotic

Semiotic is a study of how sign convey meaning, in the life but not

all sign work immediate, visible, or even noticeable aspect of social life. 5

Alex Sobur also said, “semiotik adalah ilmu yang mempelajari arti

tanda”.6 (Semiotic is study or method of analysis to convey the meaning

of signs). There are two kinds of semiotic that often studied in recent time.

First is semiotic of communication, in this term, the explanation is about

how the sign is produced, and this theory pays attention to five factors of

communication, which are: sender, receiver, message, media, and

reference. The first term of semiotic is more about the goals of

communication. The second term is semiotic of signification, in this

second term, the understanding of signification is more important to

discuss which the receiver’s cognitive process is having more attention.

The semiotic significant is usually used in poems, drama, or prose. Here,

the readers have to understand by themselves about the meaning of symbol

or sign used by author in his/her literary work. Semiotic tries to explain

5 p.2 6 Alex Sobur Analisis Teks Media: Suatu Pengantar untuk Analisis Wacana, Analisis

Semiotik, Analisis Framing, (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2002), p.23

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combination of sign which were the essential, the characters, and form of

sign, and the process of its signification. Semiotic gives big attention to

everything that can be esteemed as a sign. One sign can be used as a

signifier that has the important meaning to substitute something else.

There is nothing considered axcept sign in semiotic, the study is about

anything that has related to sign, whether it is signifier, signified, how the

sign can produce, meaning of the sign or anything else. Semiotic is one of

the ways that communication can be delivered.

According to John Fiske, there are three important areas in the

semiotic studies:

1. The sign itself. This consists of the study of different varieties of signs, of the different ways they have of conveying meaning, and of the way they relate to the people who use them. For signs are human construct and can only be understood is terms of the use people put them to.

2. The codes or system into which signs are recognized. This study covers the ways that a variety of codes have developed in order to meet the needs of society or culture.

3. The culture within which these codes and signs operate.7

According to Ferdinand De Saussure, language is a system of sign,

because language is one of instrument to communicate. “La langue est un

system de signes…”8

Saussure calls the science of sign as Semiology, and he describe

more about Semiology as it mention below:

7 Ismawarni, “A Semiotic Analysis on Short Message Service”, Thesis, (Jakarta: The Library

of State Islamic University of Jakarta, 2006), p.19 8 Ibid, p.23

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Semiology is a science that studies the life of sign within society is

conceiveible; it would be a part of social psychology and

consequently of general psychology, he called it Semiology (from

the Greek Semeion ‘sign’). Semiology would show what constitutes

sign, what laws govern them. Since the science doesn’t exist, no

one can say what it would be; but it has a right to existence; a

place staked out in advance. Linguistic in only part of the

Semiology; the laws discovered by Semiology will be applicable to

linguistic and the latter will be circumscribe a well-defined area

within the mass of anthropological facts. 9

2. The Field of Semiotic

Semiotic is concerned with everything that can be taken as a sign.

A sign is everything, which can be taken as significantly substituting for

something else that doesn’t necessarily have to exist or to actually be

somewhere at the moment in which a sign stands in for it.

These are the fields of semiotics.

a. Analytic semiotics. This is semiotics, which analyzes the system of data. Pierce explain that semiotic have object of the sign and analyzed becomes idea, object, and meaning.

b. Description semiotics: it is referred to the system of the sign that are described as the real thing.

c. Zoo semiotics: it is referred to the system of sign on the behavior of non-human.

d. Cultural semiotics: semiotics studies about the system of sign in the culture of the society.

e. Social semiotics: it is referred to the system of sign, produced by the human who have being the form of symbol.

f. Narrative semiotics: it is referred to the system of sign on the mythology and folklore narrative.

g. Natural semiotics: semiotics studies the system of sign from the nature.

h. Normative semiotics: it is referred to the system of sign made by the human being, which have the form of the norms.

i. Structural semiotics: this is semiotic which studying about the system of sign through the language structure.10

9 Ibid, p.23 10 Ibid, p.24-25

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B. Charles Sanders Pierce’s Semiotic Theory

Charles Sanders Pierce is a logician, mathematician, philosopher, and

scientist. He began writing on semiotic or theory of sign relations in the 1980’s.

Pierce’s semiotic, in its classifications, its critical analysis of kinds of inference,

and its theory of inquiry is philosophical logic studied in terms of signs and sign

processes as positive phenomena in general.11

Charles Sanders Pierce is one of American philosopher which more

originality and multidimensional, because his theory can be used in the part of

science. Pierce is the real founder of modern semiotic and without him, semiotic,

as it has developed since his time would be conceivable.12

Charles Sanders Pierce defines semiotic as a sign of something which

stand to somebody for something in some respect or capacity, and semiosis an

action or influence, which involves an operation of three subject, such as a sign,

its object, and its interpretant, this trirelative influence not being in any resolvable

into an action between pairs.13

The explanation above denotes to the triadic sign relation that Pierce

have in his theory of semiotic, and it can be explained with the theory of meaning

triangle of Pierce, which consist of sign, object, and interpretant. Here is Pierce’s

definition about his triadic sign relation that formed the core of his definition of


“Namely, a sign is something, A, which brings something, B, its

interpretant sign determined or created by it, into the same sort of

11 p.1 12 Aart Van Zoest, Semiotika. (Jakarta: Sumber Agung, 1993) p.8 13 Op.cit. p.2

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correspondence with something, C, its object, as that in which itself

stands to C.”14

The relationship of meaning triangle of Pierce showed like this:

Pierce held that there are exactly three basic semiotic elements. First is

Sign or Representament (qualisign, sinsign , and legisign), second is an Object

(icon, index, and symbol), and third is an Interpretant (rheme, dicisign, and

argument), those three terms will explain more below:

1. Sign (Representament)

It is something interpretable as saying something about something.

It is not necessarily symbolic, linguistic, or artificial. On this semiotic

element, Pierce classifies into three parts which are mentioned below.

a). A qualisign (also called tone, potisign, and mark) is a sign which consist in a quality of feeling, a possibility, a “First”.

b). A sinsign (also called token and actisign) is a sign which consist in a reaction or resistance, an actual singular thing, an actual occurrence or fact, a “Second”.

14 Op.cit. p.4


Interpretant Object

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c). A legisign (also called type and famisign) is a sign which consist in a semiotic/logical relation, a (general) idea, a norm or law or habit, a “Third”.15

2. Object

It is a subject matter of a sign and an interpretant. It can be

anything discussable or thinkable, a thing, event, relationship, quality,

law, argument, etc., and can even be fictional. The sign in relation with

the object was divided by Pierce into three parts, as it mentioned


a). An icon (also called likeness and semblance) is a sign that denotes its object by virtue of a quality which is shared by them but which the icon has irrespectively of the object.

b). An index is a sign that denotes its object by virtue of an actual

connection involving them, one that he also calls a real relation in virtue of its being irrespective of interpretation.

c). A symbol is a sign that denotes its object solely by virtue of the

fact that it will be interpreted to do so. The symbol is a habit or acquired law (be it a habit of nature or a habit of convention which must be learned), a habit that lacks (or has shed) dependence on the symbolic sign's having a resemblance or real connection to the denoted object.16

3. Interpretant

It is the sign’s more or less clarified meaning or ramification, a

kind of form or idea of the difference whose sign is true or

undeceptive. In the sign relation with the interpretant, Pierce also

divided into three parts of sign, as it mentioned below.

15 p.1 16 Ibid. p.3

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a). A rheme is a sign that represents its object in respect of quality and so, in its signified interpretant, rheme is represented as a qualisign (a kind of icon).

b). A dicisign is a sign that represents its object in respect of actual existence and so, in its signified interpretant, dicisign is represented as indexical, though it actually may be either index or symbol.

c). An argument is a sign that represents its object in respect of law or habit and so, in its signified interpretant, argument is represented as symbolic (and was indeed a symbol in the first place).17

Pierce is the founder of triadic concept. The theory of what he has

developed was very complicated. Nevertheless, there is still more simple way to

analyze using the theory of Pierce, it was called the differentiating of sign as it

mentioned in table of Pierce’s ten classes of sign below:

Peirce's Ten Classes of Sign (

Relation to representament

Relation to object

Relation to interpretant

Specificational redundancies in parentheses

Some examples

(I) Qualisign Icon Rheme (Rhematic Iconic) Qualisign

A feeling of “red”

(II) Icon Rheme (Rhematic) Iconic Sinsign

An individual diagram

(III) Rheme Rhematic Indexical Sinsign

A spontaneous cry.


Sinsign Index

Dicisign Dicent (Indexical) Sinsign

A weathercock or photograph

(V) Legisign Icon Rheme (Rhematic) Iconic Legisign

A diagram, apart from its factual individuality

17 Ibid. p.5

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(VI) Rheme Rhematic Indexical Legisign

A demonstrative pronoun



Dicisign Dicent Indexical Legisign A street cry

(VIII) Rheme Rhematic Symbol (–ic Legisign)

A common noun

(IX) Dicisign Dicent Symbol (–ic Legisign)

A proposition (in the conventional sense)



Argument Argument (–ative Symbolic Legisign)

A syllogism

C. The Novel

1. The Understanding of Novel

Literary work is an application of feeling and language toward real

life. One of literary work form is novel. The novel is an exploration or

chronic of living, dreaming and illustration in standard work, influence,

connection, result, destroy, or human behavior.

Novel is a story in prose about imaginary people long enough to

cover a book. Another reference is, In Oxford English Dictionary, the

definition of novel is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length, in

which characters and actions representative of real life are portrayed in a

plot of more or less complexity.18

18 Dennis Walder, Approaching Literature The Realist Novel, (London, The open

university, 1995), p.9

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There are two important aspects to understand a novel. First is

intrinsic element, in this part the analysis of literature itself is done without

looking to the relation with the extern aspect, intrinsic elements include

theme, plot, character, setting, and point of view. Second is an extrinsic

element, in this part, the work of literature is analyze by looking to the

relation with the extern aspects such as sociology, psychology, religious,

and philosophy.

2. Elements of Novel

a. Theme

What we called theme is not a summary. The theme of a piece

fiction is its controlling idea or its central insight. It is the unifying

generalization about life stated or implied by the story.19

b. Plot

Plot is the way in which a story’s events are arranged, and it is

shaped by causal connections, by the interaction between characters,

and by the juxtaposition of events.20

c. Character

Character is presumably an imaged person who inhabits a story

although that simple definition may admit to a few exceptions.

Characterizations means how the writer tells the reader about the

19 Laurence Perrine, Literature, Structure, Sound and Sense, (London: Hacourt Brace

Jovanovich, 1984), fifth edition, p.90 20 Laurence Perrine, Reading and Writing about fiction, (London: Hacourt Brace

Jovanovich, 1984), p.63

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physical and non-physical characteristic of the person told in the


d. Setting

Setting means the approximate time and place in which the work is

set; setting also encompasses a wide variety of physical and cultural

features. The setting of a work of fiction establishes its historical,

geographical, and physical environment.

e. Point of View

It is the way of the stories are told or narrated. There are two kinds

of point of view which is first-person point of view and third-person

point of view. The first-person point of view is the situation where the

narrator is a character who uses the first person “I” (or sometimes

“We”), the third-person point of view is the situation where the

narrators are not actually characters in the story, this third-person

narrator falls into three categories:

1). Omniscient: means all knowing narrators, moving at will from one character’s mind to another. This type of narrator possibly to present events and characters more detail than the first-person narrators can do.

2). Limited omniscient: means the narrators are focusing on only what a single major or minor character experiences. In other words, events are limited to one character’s perspective, and nothing is revealed that the character does not see, hear, feel, or think. 3). Objective: means dramatic point of view, narrated entirely outside the character’s minds and it is like recording the action as a camera would. With objective narrators, events unfold the way

21 Martin Stephen, An Introductory Guide to English Literature, (Essex: Longman Group

Ltd), p.12

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they would in a play or movie. Narrators tell the story only by reproducing dialogue and by providing descriptions of the action.22

D. Biography of J.R.R Tolkien

The biography of J. R. R. Tolkien was taken from the website

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born on the 3rd January, 1892 at

Bloemfontein in the Orange Free State, but at the age of four he and his brother

were taken back to England by their mother. After his father's death the family

moved to Sarehole, on the south-eastern edge of Birmingham. Tolkien spent a

happy childhood in the countryside and his sensibility to the rural landscape can

clearly be seen in his writing and his pictures.

His mother died when he was only twelve and both he and his brother

were made wards of the local priest and sent to King Edward's School,

Birmingham, where Tolkien shined in his classical work. After completing a First

in English Language and Literature at Oxford, Tolkien married Edith Bratt. He

was also commissioned in the Lancashire Fusiliers and fought in the battle of the

Somme. After the war, he obtained a post on the New English Dictionary and

began to write the mythological and legendary cycle which he originally called

'The Book of Lost Tales' but which eventually became known as The Silmarillion.

22 Laurence Perrine, Reading and Writing about fiction, (London: Hacourt Brace

Jovanovich, 1984), p.178

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In 1920 Tolkien was appointed Reader in English Language at the

University of Leeds which was the beginning of a distinguished academic career

culminating with his election as Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-

Saxon at Oxford. Meanwhile Tolkien wrote for his children and told them the

story of The Hobbit. It was his publisher, Stanley Unwin, who asked for a sequel

to The Hobbit and gradually Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings, a huge story

that took twelve years to complete and which was not published until Tolkien was

approaching retirement. After retirement Tolkien and his wife lived near Oxford,

but then moved to Bournemouth. Tolkien returned to Oxford after his wife's death

in 1971. He died on 2 September 1973 leaving The Silmarillion to be edited for

publication by his son, Christopher.

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A. Data Description

From the novel entitled “The Lord Of The Ring”, the writer compiles the

selected data. Then, the data are classified based on Pierce’s triadic concepts

which consist of the relation of sign to representament, sign to object, and sign to

interpretant, the tabulated data can be seen in the following table:

1. The relation of sign to representament

a) Qualisign

The selected sign Qualisign 1. Gandalf 2. Sauron 3. Balrog (Ancient Creatures) 4. Frodo 5. Gandalf

1. Gandalf the White 2. The Dark Lord, 3. The Evil of the Ancient World 4. the Ring-bearer 5. Gandalf’s faith

b) Sinsign

The selected sign Sinsign 1. the using of The Ring 2. The rise of Gandalf 3. Aragorn as Isildur’s heir

1. The changes in Gollum, he used to be a hobbit, but the Ring changes him becomes a terrible creature.

2. Physical changes of Gandalf, from

Gandalf the Grey becomes Gandalf the White.

3. The enthronement of Aragorn as the

King of Gondor

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4. Arwen’s marriage with Aragorn 5. Spreading of soil from Lady Galadriel by Samwise Gamgee

4. The changes in Arwen, she loss her immortality as an Elf

5. The changes in Shire (land of

Hobbit), Shire becomes green and prosperous

c) Legisign

The selected sign Legisign 1. The types of Elf-

language in the Ring which explain about the Ring

1. the types in the Ring

2. The types of Isildur which he describe the Ring

2. the types of Isildur “It was hot when I first took it, hot as a glede, and my

hand was scorched, so that I doubt if ever again I shall be

free of the pain of it. Yet even if I write it is cooled, and it

seemeth to shrink, though it looseth neither its beauty nor

its shape. Already the writing upon it, which at first was

as clear as red flame, fadeth and is now only barely to be

read. It is fashioned in an elven-script of Eregion, for they

have no letters in Mordor for such subtle work; but the

language is unknown to me. I deem it to be a tongue of

the Black Land, since it is foul and uncouth. What evil it

saith I do not know; but I trace here a copy of it, lest it

fade beyond recall. The Ring misseth, maybe, the haet of

Sauron’s hand, which was black and yet burned like fire,

and so Gil-gald was destroyed; and maybe were the gold

made hot again, the writing would be refreshed. But for

my part I will risk no hurt to this thing; of all the work of

Sauron the only fair. It is precious to me, though I buy it

with great pain”

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3. The types of Gandalf in his letter to Frodo

3. the types in Gandalf’s letter

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4. The types of Elven-tongue in the Gate of Moria which tells how to get into that gate.

4. The types in the Gate of Moria

5. The types of Angerthas language in Balin’s tomb which tells about the dead of Balin, the Lord of Moria.

5. the types in Balin’s tomb

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2. The relation of sign to object

a) Icon

The selected sign Icon

1. Gandalf 2. Frodo 3. Aragorn 4. Lady Galadriel 5. Hobbits

1. The other names of Gandalf (Mithrandir, Tharkun, Olorin, Incanus)

2. The word “ Master” used by Sam and

Smeagol to called Frodo 3. The other names of Aragorn (Elessar,

Estel, Strider) 4. The other names of Lady Galadriel

(White Lady, Mistress of Magic) 5. The other names of Hobbits

(Halfling, Periannath)

b) Index

The selected sign Index

1. The using of the Ring 2. The destruction of the Dark Lord

ring 3. Gandalf’s enthronement as the head

of the Council 4. Arwen’s marriage with Aragorn 5. Shelob’s sting

1. The ability of Frodo to see the unusual thing, his position becomes easier to find by the eye (of Sauron), and his body can disappear.

2. Great disaster that happened in Middle Earth

3. The changes that happen to Gandalf, from Grey Wizard becomes a White Wizard

4. The loss of Arwen’s immortality as an Elf

5. The serious condition that Frodo get because of Shelob’s sting

c) Symbol

The selected sign Symbol 1. Saruman 2. Elrond 3. Gandalf 4. Kingdom of Rohan 5. Dol Amroth Land

1. Orthanc Tower and Isengard 2. The scepter of Annuminas 3. Glamdring, Narya the Great 4. Horse Rider of Rohan (Rohirrim) 5. Ship and Silver Swan

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3. The relation of sign to interpretant

a) Rheme

The selected sign Rheme 1. the word “Ring”, R-i-n-g 2. the sign of Gandalf 3. the word “Strider”, S-t-r-i-d-e-r 4. the word “Dark”, D-a-r-k 5. the word “Eye”, E-y-e

1. the denotation of the word “Ring” in the novel

2. the denotation of the letter In Angerthas language based on the

novels. The figure above is one of the letter’s

shape of Angerthas Language (based on the novel), and the shape of Angerthas Language above is has a same meaning with the letter “G”.

3. the denotation of the word “Strider” in the novel

4. the denotation of the word “Dark” in the novel

5. the denotation of the word “Eye” in the novel

b) Dicisign

The selected sign Dicisign 1. The information about Aragorn’s

identity 2. The information about hobbit 3. The information about the One Ring 4. The information about the Ring-

bearer 5. The information about the contets of

the novel

1. Aragorn is Isildur’s heir 2. Hobbits are unobtrusive but very

ancient people 3. The One Ring is the master of other

ring 4. Frodo is the Ring-bearer, he bears the

Ring to destroy it in Mount of Doom, where the Ring is made

5. The book is largely concerned with

Hobbits, and from its pages a reader may discover much of their character and a little of their history

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c) Argument

The selected sign Argument 1. What Gandalf has said about the

hobbit 2. What Gandalf has said about the

Men 3. What Gandalf has said about the

Elves 4. What Treebeard has said about dwarf 5. What Treebeard has said about the


1. “[….] ‘My dear Frodo!’ Exclaimed

Gandalf. ‘Hobbits are amazing

creatures, as I have said before. You

can learn all that there is to know about

their ways in a month. (TLOTR I, 1988,


2. [….] ‘My dear Frodo, that is just

what the Rangers are: the last remnant

in the North of the great people, the

Men of the West. They have helped me

before;….” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.233)

3. “[….} ‘What about Rivendell and the

Elves? Is Rivendell safe?’

‘Yes, at present, until all else is

conquered. The Elves may fear the

Dark Lord, and they may fly before

him, but never again will they listen to

him or serve him” (TLOTR I, 1988,


4. “[….]

Learn now the lore of living Creatures

First name the four, the free peoples:

Eldest of all, the elf-children

Dwarf the delver, dark are his houses;

Ent the earthborn, old as mountains;

Man the mortal, master of horses”

(TLOTR II, 1988, p.67).

5. “[….] We are stronger than Trolls.

We are made of the bones of the earth.

We can split stone like the roots of

trees, only quicker, far quicker, if our

minds are roused!” (TLOTR II, 1988,


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B. Data Analysis

From the data description above, then the writer will analyze the data

through the perspectives of Pierce’s triadic concepts which are mentioned in the

data description. So, the compiled data can be analyzed through the following


1. The relation of sign to Representament

a) Qualisign

1). The rise of Gandalf’s status as the chief of the Wizard or called

Council is marked with the changes of the color from grey into

white, the changes are appeared in the costume that he worn,

and his name. When his name was Gandalf the grey he wears

the grey robe, and then after the changes, his name becomes

Gandalf the white and also as the chief of the wizard, he wears

the white robe.

“[….] ‘Mithrandir!’ He cried. ‘Mithrandir!’

‘Well met, I say to you again, Legolas!’ said the old man.

They all gazed at him. His hair was white as snow in the


And gleaming white was his robe….” (TLOTR II, 1988,


“[….] But think of the last part of that business with

Saruman! Remember Saruman was once Gandalf’s

superior: head of the Council, whatever they maybe

exactly. He was Saruman the white, Gandalf is the white

now.” (TLOTR II, 1988, p.195)



object Interpretant

Gandalf the White Gandalf (Icon) The rise of Gandalf’s status as the chief of the

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Wizard or called Council are marked with the changes of the color from grey to white, the changes appear in the costume that he worn, and his name. When his name was Gandalf the grey he wears the grey robe, and then after the changes, his name becomes Gandalf the white and also as the chief of the wizard, he wears the white robe. (Rheme)

Explanation: “Gandalf the White” stands for qualisign because it

signified the quality of Gandalf’s power and authority, the word “White”

represents the power and authority of Gandalf is increase.

2). The wickedness of Sauron and his army are out of control.

Because of that, the time when glory of Sauron is taking a

charge that time was called the Black years. Sauron’s

wickedness was identically with dusky and gloomy, dusky and

gloomy are identical with the black color, and the black color is

close connected with “dark”, so that Sauron is well known as

the Dark Lord.

“[….] ‘But last night I told you of Sauron the Great, the

Dark Lord. The rumours that you have heard are true: he

has indeed arisen again and left his hold in Mirkwood and

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returned to his ancient fastness in the Dark Tower of

Mordor.” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.60)



object Interpretant

the Dark Lord Sauron and his companion (Icon)

The time when glory of Sauron is taking a charge that time was called the Black years. Sauron’s wickedness was identically with dusky and gloomy, dusky and gloomy are identical with the black color, and the black color is close connected with “dark”, so that Sauron is well known as the Dark Lord. (Rheme)

Explanation: “the Dark Lord” stands for qualisign because

the phrase “the Dark Lord” represents the quality of Sauron

who has the Great evil power that have relation with the word

“Dark”, so that he was called the Dark Lord

3). Balrog, it is a name of ancient creature which made of fire, this

creature appears full of fire flame and shadow, its appearance is

terrible and has a strong power, Balrog was shaped with bearing

the whip which made of fire. Its appearance was reflected his

sobriquet which people of Middle Earth called this creature as

Evil of the Ancient World.

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“[….] Then Aragorn recounted all that happened upon the

pass of Caradhras, and in the days that followed; and he

spoke of Balin and his book, and the fight in the Chamber

of Mazarbul, and the fire, and the narrow bridge, and the

coming of the Terror. ‘An evil of the Ancient World it

seemed, such as I have never seen before,’ said Aragorn.

‘it was both a shadow and a flame, strong and terrible.’

‘It was a Balrog of Morgoth,’ said Legolas; ‘of all elf-

banes the most deadly, save the One who sits in the Dark

Tower.’ ”(TLOTR I, 1988, p.371)

Qualisign (representament)

object Interpretant

Evil of the Ancient World. Balrog. Balrog, it is a name of ancient creature which made of fire, this creature is appeared full of fire flame and shadow, its appearance is terrible and has a strong power, Balrog was shaped with bearing the whip which made of fire. Its appearance was reflected his sobriquet which people called this creature as Evil of the Ancient World.

Explanation: The phrase “Evil of the Ancient World” stands for

qualisign because this phrase tells about the quality of Balrog which has

the power of evil, so then people called Balrog as “Evil of the Ancient


4). Frodo was trusted as the Ring-bearer that can destroy the Ring

because he was assessed well in faith and physic.

“[….] ‘You may be sure that it was not for any merit that

others do not possess: not for power or wisdom, at any

rate. But have been choosen, and you must therefore use

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such strength and heart and wits as you have.’ “ (TLOTR

I, 1988, p.70)



object Interpretant

The Ring-bearer Frodo Frodo was trusted as the Ring-bearer that can destroy the Ring because he was assessed well in faith and physic.

Explanation: “The Ring-bearer” stands for qualisign because faith

and physical strength that Frodo has is about self-quality of Frodo.

5). Gandalf had a great faith, he is not interest to taking the Ring,

Gandalf has a great power of wizard and he is possibly to bear

the Ring, but in other fact he is not interesting, because Gandalf

knew the great power that he had could be eliminated by the

very bad power of that Ring. Besides that, the ring does not

want the wizard to touch the ring, and the Ring always makes

heavier the weight every time Gandalf wants to touch the Ring.

“[…] ‘But I have so little of any of these things! You are

wise and powerful. Will you not take the Ring?’

‘No!’ cried Gandalf, springing to his feet. ‘With that

power I should have power too great and terrible. And

over me the Ring would gain a power still greater and

more deadly.’ His eyes flashed and his face was lit as by a

fire within. ‘Do not tempt me! For I do not wish to

becomes like the Dark Lord himself. Yet the way of the

Ring to my heart is by pity, pity for weakness and the

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desire of strength to do good. Do not tempt me! I dare not

take it, not even to keep it safe, unused. The wish to wield

it would be too great for my strength.” (TLOTR I, 1988,


Qualisign (representament)

object Interpretant

Gandalf’s faith Gandalf. Gandalf was not interested in taking and bear the Ring, Though Gandalf have a great power of wizard and he was possibly to bear the Ring, but in other fact, he do not want to bear the Ring, because Gandalf knew the great power that he had could be eliminated by the very bad power of that Ring. Beside that, the Ring always make heavier it weight when Gandalf want to touch the Ring.

Explanation: “Gandalf’s faith” stands for qualisign because the

word “faith” tells about someone’s quality, and Gandalf has quality of


b). Sinsign

1). The significant changes that appear in Gollum or Smeagol are

warning for using The Ring in a long period, and that also

happened to Bilbo, Saruman and the Wraiths of The Ring.

Gollum used to be a Hobbit, but the power of the Ring turns

him into a terrible creatures.

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“[….] He took to thieving, and going about to muttering

himself, and gurgling in his throat. So they called him

Gollum, and cursed him, and told him to go far away;….”

(TLOTR, 1988, p.63)

“[…] The Ring went into the shadow with him, and even

the maker, when his power had begun to grow again,

could nothing of it’ “(TLOTR, 1988, p.63)

“[….] ‘I can’t believe that Gollum was connected with

hobbits, however distantly,’ said Frodo with some heat.

‘What an abominable notion!’ “ (TLOTR, 1988, p.63)

“[….] No, not though he possessed the Ring so long,

almost as far back as he can remember. For it was long

since he had worn it much: in the black darkness it was

seldom needed. Certainly he had never “faded”. He is thin

a tough still. But the thing was eating up his mind, of

course, and the torment had becomes almost unbearable.”

(TLOTR, 1988, p.64)

“[….] He hated the dark, and he hated light more: he

hated everything, and the Ring most of all.’ “(TLOTR,

1988, p.64)

Sinsign (representament)

Object Interpretant

The significant changes that appear in Gollum or smeagol.

The using of the Ring in a long period by Gollum/Smeagol.

The significant changes that appear in Gollum or Smeagol is a warning for using The Ring in a long period, before using the Ring, Gollum was a Hobbit, but after he used the Ring he became a terrible creatures, and that changes also happen to Bilbo, Saruman and the Ring wraiths. They were good creatures, but when they used the Ring, they became evil and bad.

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Explanation: “The significant changes that appear in Gollum or

Smeagol” stands for sinsign, because the changes that appear in Gollum

indicates a singular sign or a reaction of using the Ring.

2). The rise of Gandalf’s status as the chief of the wizard is a one

simple sign for his shape and physical changes, at the beginning

he is identical with grey and after the changes he becomes

completely white.

“[….] ‘Mithrandir!’ he cried. ‘Mithrandir!’

‘Well met, I say to you again, Legolas!’ said the old man.

They all gazed at him. His hair is white as snow in the

sunshine; and gleaming white was his robe; the eyes

under his deep brows were bright, piercing as the rays of

the sun; power was in his hand.” (TLOTR II, 1988, p.98)



object Interpretant

The changes in Gandalf. The rise of Gandalf’s status as the council of Wizard.

The rise of Gandalf’s status as the chief of the wizard is a one simple sign for his shapely and physically changes, at the beginning he was fully grey, and after the changes, he was fully white.

Explanation: “The changes in Gandalf” stands for sinsign because

it is a singular sign or reaction of what happening to Gandalf, Gandalf is

enthroned as the Council of Wizard, and the sign that signified that event

is the changes in Gandalf, from Gandalf the Grey becomes the White.

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3). Aragorn was hailed as the king of Gondor because Aragorn is

Isildur’s heir from Gondor. While Aragorn was on his journey

as the Strider, Gondor is led by Lord Denethor as the Steward

of Gondor, and then it lead continuously by his son Faramir,

after Aragorn was back from his journey, he hailed as the King

of Gondor.

“[….] ‘Then Aragorn, being now the heir of Isildur,….”

(TLOTR III, 1988, p.338)

Sinsign (representament) object Interpretant

The enthronement of Aragorn as the king of Gondor

Aragorn is Isildur’s heir Aragorn is hailed as the king of Gondor because Aragorn Isildur’s heir from Gondor. And he hailed as a King of Gondor after Gondor was led by the steward of Gondor, Faramir.

Explanation: “The enthronement of Aragorn as the king of

Gondor” stands for singular sign or reaction of what happening to

Aragorn; Aragorn is Isildur’s heir, and he can be enthroned as the King of


4). The changes also happen to Arwen when he decides to get

marry with Aragorn, her power as an Elf slightly disappears and

he becomes more like a Men and she lost her immortality of an


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“[….] But Arwen became as a mortal woman, and yet it

was not her lot to die until all that she had gained lost.

‘As Queen of Elves and Men she dwelt with Aragorn for

six-score years in great glory and bliss; yet at last he felt

the approach of old age and knew that the span of his life-

days was drawing to an end, long though it had been.”

(TLOTR III, 1988, p.343)

Sinsign (representament)

object Interpretant

The changes in Arwen’s power, she lost her immortality as an Elf

Arwen’s marriage with Aragorn

The changes that happen to Arwen when he decided to get marry with Aragorn, her power as an elf was slightly disappeared and he become more like a human that she lost her immortality of an Elf.

Explanation: “The changes in Arwen’s power” stands for singular

sign or reaction of Arwen’s marriage with Aragorn. Arwen is an Elf, and

Aragorn is a Men, and when Arwen was married with Aragorn, she lost

her power of an Elf, and he becomes mortal just like Men.

5). The changes happen in Shire, land of Hobbits, plants grow fast,

Shire becomes green, beautiful, and prosperous. And that all

happen after Sam spread the soil which given by Lady


“Then suddenly one day, for he had been too busy for

weeks to give a thought to his adventures, he remembered

the gift of Galadriel


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Inside it was filled with a grey dust, soft and fine, in the

middle of which was a seed, like a small nut with a silver

shale. ‘What can I do with this?’ said Sam.


So Sam planted saplings in all the places where specially

beautiful or beloved trees had been destroyed, and he put

a grain of the precious dust in the soil at the root of each.


Spring surpassed his wildest hopes. His trees began to

sprout and grow, as if time was in a hurry and wished to

make one year do for twenty. In the Party Field a beautiful

young sapling leaped up: it had silver bark and long

leaves and burst into golden flowers in April.” (TLOTR

III, 1988, p.302-303)



object Interpretant

The changes that happen in Shire, land or place where the Hobbits are live

The spread of soil which done by Samwise Gamgee

The changes happen in Shire, land of Hobbits, plants grow fast, Shire becomes green, beautiful, and prosperous, that all happen after Sam spread the soil which given by Lady Galadriel.

Explanation: “The changes that happen in Shire, land or place

where the Hobbits are live” stands for sinsign because it is singular sign or

reaction of what Samwise Gamgee had done to that land, he spread the soil

that Lady Galadriel gave him, so that the Shire becomes green and


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c). Legisign

1). The types in the Ring

(TLOTR I, 1988, p.59) Figure 1

“[….] ‘I cannot read the fiery letters,’ said Frodo in a quavering

voice. ‘No,’ said Gandalf, ‘but I can. The letters are Elvish, af an

ancient mode, but the language is that of Mordor, which I will not

utter here. But this is the Common Tongue is what is said, close


One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,

One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

It is only two lines of a verse long known in Elven-lore:

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,

Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,

One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne

In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,

One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.59-60)

Legisign (representament)

object Interpretant

The types of Elf-language in the Ring (which mentioned by figure 1 above)

The Ring The types in the Ring clearly explained that the One Ring is the most rings from all the rings.

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Explanation: The type in figure No. 1 above stands for legisign

because it is types that use the Elf language and every sign of language is

legisign. The type of Elf Language is based only on the convention of this

novel, it means that this kind of types only appears in “the Ring“ or only in

“The Lord Of The Ring” novel.

2). The types of Isildur which described the Ring

“And after these words Isildur described the Ring, such as

he found it.

(TLOTR I, 1988, p.266)

Figure 2



object Interpretant

The types of Isildur about the Ring (Which mentioned in figure 2)

The Ring The types of Isildur were described largely about the Ring when the Ring was bear by him.

It was hot when I first took it, hot as a glede, and my hand was

scorched, so that I doubt if ever again I shall be free of the pain

of it. Yet even if I write it is cooled, and it seemeth to shrink,

though it looseth neither its beauty nor its shape. Already the

writing upon it, which at first was as clear as red flame, fadeth

and is now only barely to be read. It is fashioned in an elven-

script of Eregion, for they have no letters in Mordor for such

subtle work; but the language is unknown to me. I deem it to

be a tongue of the Black Land, since it is foul and uncouth.

What evil it saith I do not know; but I trace here a copy of it,

lest it fade beyond recall. The Ring misseth, maybe, the haet of

Sauron’s hand, which was black and yet burned like fire, and

so Gil-gald was destroyed; and maybe were the gold made hot

again, the writing would be refreshed. But for my part I will

risk no hurt to this thing; of all the work of Sauron the only

fair. It is precious to me, though I buy it with great pain. ……

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Explanation: the types of Isildur that describes the Ring is legisign

because every kind of types is legisign. The types of Isildur describe what

Isildur said about the Ring, and the Ring is conventionally known by

mostly of characters in these novels.

3). The types of Gandalf in his letters to Frodo

(TLOTR I, 1988, p.182)

Figure 3

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object Interpretant

The types of Gandalf (figure 3)

Letter of Gandalf which mentioned to Frodo

The types in the Gandalf’s letter which mentioned to Frodo tells that Gandalf wants Frodo to leave the Bag End soon, and he wants Frodo to go to Bree and find someone named Strider, he also tells Frodo to make sure that Frodo find the real Strider.

Explanation: the types of Gandalf’s letter stands for legisign,

because the letter written by Gandalf uses Gandalf’s sign at the end of his

letter, and the character of Gandalf is recognized by the other characters in

these novels because of his sign at the end of the letter.

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4). the types in the Gate of Moria, the place of the Dwarves

“The words are in the Elven-tongue of the West of Middle-earth in

the Elder Days,” answered Gandalf. “But they do not say anything

of importance to us. They say only: The Doors of Durin, Lord of

Moria. Speak, friend, and enter. And underneath small and faint is

written: I, Narvi, made them. Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these

signs.” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.318)

Figure 4 Legisign


object Interpretant

The types in the Gate of Moria (figure 4)

Gate of Moria The types of elven-tongue in the Gate of Moria tells about how is the way to entering the gate

Explanation: the types in the Gate of Moria are legisign because

the types in the Gate of Moria are in Elven-Language. Every kind of

language is legisign, beside that, this language is well known by the

characters in these novels although a few of them do not understand the

meaning of Elven-Language in that Gate.

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5). The types in Balin’s tomb

“[….] ‘It looks like a tomb,’ muttered Frodo, and bent forwards

with a curious sense of foreboding, to look more closely at it.

Gandalf came quickly to his side. On the slab runes were deeply


Figure 5 ‘These are Daeron’s runes, such as were used of old in Moria,’

said Gandalf. ‘Here is written in the tongues of Men and Dwarves:



‘He is dead then,’ said Frodo. ‘I feared it was so.’ Gimli cast his

hood over his face. (TLOTR I, 1988, p.333-334)



object Interpretant

The types in Balin’s tomb (figure 5)

Balin’s tomb The types of Angerthas language in Balin’s tomb tells that Balin son of Fundin, the Lord of Moria has died there.

Explanation: the types in Balin’s tomb are legisign because the

types is using the Angerthas language (kind of language which only

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appears in this novel), and every language is legisign. Beside that, this

language also understood by mostly of characters in these novels.

2. The relation of sign to object

a). Icon

1). The other names of Gandalf

Figure 6

“[….] Mithrandir we called him in elf-fashion,’ said

Faramir. ‘and he was content. Many are my names in

many countries, he said. Mithrandir among the elves,

Tharkûn to the Dwarves; Olórin I was in my youth in the

West that is forgotten, in the south Incánus, in the North

Gandalf; to the East I go not.” (TLOTR II, 1988, p.278-


representament Icon (object) Interpretant

Gandalf Mithrandir, Tharkún, Olróin, Incánus

Mithrandir is the name for Gandalf that usually called by the Elves, Tharkun is the name for Gandalf that usually called by the Dwarves, Olorin was his name when he was youth in the West, and Incanus is the name that usually called by the people from the South.






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Explanation: in figure 6 above, it is explained that other names

such as Mithrandir, Tharkún, Olróin, Incánus stand as icon that signifies

the representament (Gandalf). The other names of Gandalf resemble the

object which is the name of Gandalf itself. Mithrandir is the name for

Gandalf that is usually called by the Elves, Tharkún is the name for

Gandalf that usually called by the Dwarves, Olróin is his name when he

was youth in the West, and Incánus is the name that usually called by the

people from the South.

2). The word “Master” which use by Samwise and Smeagol to called Frodo

Figure 7

representament Icon (object) Interpretant

Frodo “Master” Samwise and Smeagol was called Frodo “Master”

Explanation: on figure 7 above, the word “Master” stands for an

icon and the character of Frodo stands for representament. The word

“Master” resembles its object, Frodo. Samwise is called Frodo “Master”,

and so is Smeagol, he is also called Frodo “Master”.

3). The other names of Aragorn






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Figure 8

“[….] In this hour take the name that was foretold for you,

Elessar, the Elfstone of the house of Elendil!’

Then Aragorn took the stone and pinned the brooch upon

his breast….” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.391)

“[….] Then Aragorn, being now the heir of Isildur, was

taken with his mother to dwell in the house of Elrond; and

Elrond took the place of his father and came to love him

as a son of his own. But he was called Estel, that is

“Hope” and his true name and lineage were kept secret at

the bidding of Elrond….” (TLOTR III, 1988, p.338)

“[….] ‘But I am the real Strider, fortunately,’ he said,

looking down at them with his face softened by a sudden

smile. ‘I am Aragorn son of Arathorn; and if by life or

death I can save you, I will.’” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.183)

representament Icon (object) Interpretant

Aragorn Elessar, Estel, Strider Elessar is the name that given by Lady Galadriel to Aragorn, Estel is his own name when he was young age in Rivendell, and Strider is what people usually called him because he lives as a great traveler or strider (pengembara).





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Explanation: Aragorn in figure 8 stands for representament, and

other name such as Elessar, Estel, and Strider stands for icon and resemble

its object (Arragorn). Elessar is name that given by Lady Galadriel to

Aragorn, Estel is his own name when he was young age in Rivendell, and

Strider is what people usually called him because he lives as a great

traveler or strider (pengembara).

4). The other names of Lady Galadriel

Figure 9

“[….] Yet I envy that have spoken with the White Lady.”

“The Lady of Lorien! Galadriel!’ cried Sam.” (TLOTR II,

1988, p.288).

“[….]You passed through the hidden land,” said Faramir,

“But it seems that you little understood its power. If Men

have dealings with the Mistress of Magic who dwells in

the Golden Wood, then they may look for strange things to

follow.” (TLOTR II, 1988, p.275)

representament Icon (object) Interpretant

Lady Galadriel White Lady, Mistress of Magic

Lady Galadriel often called White Lady by the people because he had a fair skin and often wore white robes, and she seemed to shine with a white light. She also called Mistress of Magic by Faramir.

White Lady

Mistress of Magic

Lady Galadriel

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Explanation: Lady Galadriel on figure 9 above is representament,

and other names such as White Lady and Mistress of Magic are stands for

icon, because the other names resemble its object which is Lady Galadriel

itself. Lady Galadriel often calls White Lady by the people because he had

a fair skin and often wore white robes, and she seemed to shine with a

white light. She also called Mistress of Magic by Faramir.

5). The other names of Hobbit

Figure 10

“Hobbit was the name usually applied by the Shire-folk to

all their kind. Men called them Halfling and the Elves

Periannath.” (TLOTR III, 1988, p. 408)

representament Icon (object) Interpretant

Hobbit Halfing, Periannath Halfing is what Men called for Hobbit, and Elves called them Perrianath.

Explanation: Hobbit in figure 10 above is representament, and

other name such as Halfling and Periannnath are icon because the other

names of Hobbits resemble the object itself (Hobbits). The Men calls

hobbit with Halfling, and then the Elf calls them Periannath.




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b). Index

1). The using of the Ring

a. Frodo becomes able to see what he was never seen before, the

consequences that Frodo get is an Index of using the Ring. The

quotation from the novel is below:

“[….] and slipped the Ring on the forefinger of his left


Immediately, though everything else remained as before,

dim and dark, the shape became terribly clear. He was

able to see beneath their black wrappings.” (TLOTR I,

1988, p.208).

representament Index (object) Interpretant

The using of the Ring by Frodo

The ability of Frodo to see the unusual thing

Frodo becomes able to see what he was never seen before, the consequences that Frodo get is an Index of using the Ring.

Explanation: “The ability of Frodo to see the unusual thing” stands

for an index because it explains the causal relation between the using of

the Ring and the consequence of using the Ring. In other words, Frodo can

see the unusual thing because he used the Ring.

b. The consequence that Frodo get because of using the Ring is

he became easier to find by the Eye (of Sauron) in Orthanc

tower, the place of Saruman in Mordor.

“[….] And suddenly he felt the Eye. There was an eye in

the Dark Tower that did not sleep. He knew that it had

becomes aware of his gaze. Afierce eager will was there. It

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leaped towards him; almost like a finger he felt it,

searching for him. Very soon it would nail him down,

know exactly where he was.” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.417).

representament Index (object) Interpretant

The using of the Ring by Frodo

The Eye becomes aware of Frodo’s position

The consequences that Frodo get of using the Ring is his position became easier to find by the Eye in Orthanc tower, the place of Saruman in Mordor.

Explanation: “The Eye becomes aware of Frodo’s position” stands

as an index because it explains the causal relation between the using of the

Ring and the consequence of using the Ring. In other words, Frodo is

easily found by the Eye because he used the Ring.

c. Another occurrences of using the Ring is Frodo can make his

body disappear if he uses it, and he will be back just like before

if he put the Ring’s off from his finger. He was ever to prove it

when he was in his Guard’s home, Tom Bombadil, as it quoted


“[….] Merry turned toward him to say something and

gave a start and checked an exclamation. Frodo was

delighted (in a way): it was his own ring all right, for

Merry was staring blankly at his chair, and obviously

could not see him.” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.144).

representament Index (object) Interpretant

The using of the Ring by Frodo

Frodo can disappear Another consequence of using the Ring that Frodo already recognized is the

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Ring can make his body of shape disappear if he uses it, and his body of shape will be back again just like before if he put the Ring off his finger. He was ever to prove it when he was in his Guard’s home, Tom Bombadil, as it quoted below.

Explanation: “Frodo can disappear” stands as an index because it

explains the causal relation between the using of the Ring and the

consequence of using the Ring. In other words, Frodo can make himself

disappear because he used the Ring.

2). The destruction of the Dark Lord’s ring was caused the great

disaster to the Middle Earth. The war which happened in

Pellenor was suddenly over when the great disaster happened,

earth quake, swirling dark cloud, the tower was collapsed and

ruined. The enemy is gone left the battle field. That all

happened as an index of the Ring destruction. It is explained in

quotation below.

“[….] A brief vision he had of swirling cloud, and in the

midst of it towers and battlements, tall as hills, founded

upon a mighty mountain-throne above immeasurable pits;

great courts and dungeons, eyeless prisons sheer as cliffs,

and gaping gates of steel and adamant: and then all

passed. Towers fell and mountain slid; walls crumbled

and melted, crashing down; vast spires of smoke and

spouting steams went billowing up, up, until they toppled

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like an overwhelming wave, and its wild crest curled and

came foaming down upon the land.” (TLOTR III, 1988,


representament Index (object) Interpretant

The destruction of Dark Lord ring

Great disaster that happens in Middle Earth

The destruction of the Dark Lord ring caused the great disaster to the Middle Earth. The war which still happening in Pellenor is suddenly over when the great disaster is happen, earth quake, swirling dark cloud, the tower was collapsed and ruined. The enemy is gone left the battle field. That all happened as an index of the Ring destruction. It is explained in quotation below.

Explanation: “Great disaster that happens in Middle Earth” stands

as an index because it explains the causal relation between the destruction

of the Dark Lord’s Ring and the great disaster that happened in Middle

Earth. In other words, the great disaster happens in Middle Earth because

of the destruction of the Dark Lord’s Ring.

3). The changes of Gandalf from the Grey wizard to the White

wizard is an index of his coronation as head of the Council and

substitute Saruman’s position, because Saruman was abusing

his power with help Sauron.

“[…] Remember Saruman was once Gandalf’s superior:

head of the Council, whatever that maybe exactly. He was

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Saruman the White. Gandalf is the White now.” (TLOTR

II, 1988, p.195).

representament Index (object) Interpretant

Gandalf’s enthronement as the head of the Council

The changes of Gandalf from the Grey wizard to the White wizard

The changes of Gandalf from the Grey wizard to the White wizard is an index of his coronation as head of the Council and substitute Saruman’s position, because Saruman is abusing his power with help Sauron.

Explanation: “The changes of Gandalf from the Grey Wizard to

the White Wizard” stands as an index because it explains the causal

relation between the enthronements of Gandalf as the head of the Council

and the changes in Gandalf from the Grey Wizard to the White Wizard. In

other words, Gandalf is change becomes the White Wizard because of his

enthronement as the head of Council.

4). Arwen lost her power as an elf is an index of her Marriage with

Aragorn, and Arwen lost her immortality of an elf, and becomes

a mortal thing just like a Men race.

“[….] There at last when the mallorn-leaves were falling,

but spring had not yet come, she laid herself to rest upon

Cerin Amroth; and there is her green grave, until the

world is changed, and all the days of her life are utterly

forgotten by men that come after, and elanor and niphredil

bloom no more east of the sea.” (TLOTR III, 1988, p.344).

representament Index (object) Interpretant

Arwen’s marriage with the loss of Arwen’s Arwen lost her power as

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Aragorn immortality as an Elf an elf is an index of her Marriage with Aragorn, and Arwen lost her immortality of an elf, and becomes a mortal thing just like a Men race.

Explanation: “the loss of Arwen’s immortality as an Elf” stands as

an index because it explains the causal relation between Arwen’s marriage

with Aragorn and the loss of Arwen’s immortality as an Elf. In other

words, Arwen lost her immortality as an Elf because she was married with


5). Frodo get coma and serious condition for a few times is an

index of Shelob’s sting.

“[….] Frodo was lying face upward on the ground and the

monster was bending over him, so intent upon her victim

that she took no heed of Sam and his cries, until he was

close at hand. As he rushed up he saw that Frodo was

already bound in cords, wound about him from ankle to

shoulder, and the monster with her grat forelegs was

beginning half to lift, half to drag his body away.”

(TLOTR II, 1988, p.337).

Representament Index (object) Interpretant

Shelob (kind of giant spider which attack Frodo) sting

The serious condition that Frodo get

Frodo get coma and serious condition for a few times is an index of Shelob’s sting.

Explanation: “The serious condition that Frodo get” stands as an

index because it explains the causal relation between Shelob sting and

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what happening to Frodo. In other words, Frodo had serious condition

because of Shelob’s sting.

c). Symbol

1). Saruman’s symbol (Orthanc Tower and Isengard)

“[….] ‘Isengard is a sort of ring of rocks or hills, I think,

with a flat space inside an an island or pillar of rocks in

the middle, called Orthanc. Saruman has a tower on it.”

(TLOTR II, 1988, p.85)

“[….] Beneath the walls of Isengard there is still were

acres tilled by the slaves of Saruman; most of the valley

had becomes a wilderness of weeds and thorns. Brambles

trailed upon the ground, or clambering over bush and

bank, made shaggy caves where small beasts housed.”

(TLOTR II, 1988, p.158)

“[….] Between them was a narrow space, and there upon

a floor of polished stone, written with strange signs, a man

might stand five hundred feet above the plain. This was

Orthanc, the citadel of Saruman,….” (TLOTR II, 1988,


representament Symbol (object) Interpretant

Othanc Tower and Isengard

Saruman Saruman is identically with the Orthanc tower, it is the place where Saruman and Sauron stay, and this tower is symbol of the Dark power of Saruman and Sauron. Beside that, Isengard is also becomes a symbol of the Dark Power of Saruman and Sauron, it is the place where the weaponry of Saruman was built.

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Explanation: ”Orthanc Tower and Isengard” stands for a symbol

because it only denotes to Saruman as the one that only relates with

Orthanc Tower and Isengard and does not denote to other character.

2). Elrond’s symbol (The scepter of Annuminas)

“[….] and last came Master Elrond, mighty among Elves

and Men, bearing the scepter of Annuminas, and beside

him upon a grey palfrey rode Arwen his daughter,

Evenstar of her people.” (TLOTR III, 1988, p.251)

representament Symbol (object) Interpretant

The scepter of Annuminas Elrond Elrond’s scepter is symbol of authority as the leader of the Elves and Annuminas is place where Elrond is stay.

Explanation: ”The scepter of Annuminas” is stand as a symbol

because it will denote only to one character, which is Elrond as the only

one who own that scepter.

3). Gandalf’s symbol (Glamdring and Narya the Great)

“[….] Gandalf walked in front as before. In his left hand

he held up his glimmering staff, the light of which just

showed the ground before his feet; in his right he held his

sword Glamdring.” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.324)

“[….] As he turned and came towards them Frodo saw

that Gandalf now wore openly on his hand, the Third

Ring, Narya the Great, and the stone upon it was red as

fire.” (TLOTR III, 1988, p.310)

representament Symbol (object) Interpretant

Glamdring (Gandalf’s sword), Narya the Great (Gandalf’s Ring)

Gandalf Glamdring is Gandalf’s swords and it is also a symbol of Gandalf as a wizard, beside that, Gandalf is bear the ring

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named Narya the Great, it is also becomes a symbol of Gandalf as a wizard

Explanation: “Glamdring and Narya the Great” stands as a symbol

because it will denote only to Gandalf who own both things, Glamdring is

his sword and Narya the Great is his ring.

4). The Kingdom of Rohan’s symbol (Rohirrim)

“[….] And I was glad for in the Riddermark of Rohan the

Rohirrim, the horse-lords, dwell….” (TLOTR I, 1988,


“[….] the hobbit on his little shaggy grey pony, and the

Lord of Rohan on his great white horse.” (TLOTR III,

1988, p.65)

representament Symbol (object) Interpretant

Horse Rider (Rohirrim) Kingdom of Rohan The Kingdom of Rohan identically with the horse, the Lord of Rohan is ride a white horse, and the troops of Rohan are mostly ride a horse, and they well known as Rohirrim (Riders from Rohan) and that is a symbol of Rohan. As an addition, based on the Lord Of The Ring movie (New Line Cinema), the Kingdom of Rohan is have a white horse symbol in its flags or banners.

Explanation: “Horse Rider (Rohirrim)” stands as symbol because it

will only denote to the Kingdom of Rohan that always related to the horse.

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5). The symbol of Dol Amroth Land (Ship and Silver Swan)

“[….] And last and proudest, Imrahil, Prince of Dol

Amroth, kinsman of the Lord, with gilded banners bearing

his token of the ship and Silver Swan,….” (TLOTR III,

1988, p.43)

“[….] And from the walls and answering shout went up;

for foremost on the field rode the Swan-knights of Dol

Amroth with their prince and his blue banner at their

head.” (TLOTR III, 1988, p.94)

representament Symbol (object) Interpretant

Ship and Silver swan emblem.

Dol Amroth land Dol Amroth land is symbolized with the emblem of ship and silver swan. This symbol could be related with the location of this land which close by the sea, and the silver swan is symbol of the knights of this land.

Explanation: “Ship and Silver Swan” stands as symbol because the

only Land which has this symbol is only Dol Amroth, it will only denote

to Dol Amroth Land, and not denote to the other Land.

3. The relation of sign to interpretant

a). Rheme

1). The interpretation of the word “Ring”

“[….] ‘This is the Master-ring, the One Ring to rule them

all.” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.60)

“[….] It has been said that dragon-fire could melt and

consume the Rings of Power, but there is not now any

dragon left on earth in which the old fire is hot enough;

nor was there ever any dragon, not even Ancalagon the

Black, who could have harmed the One Ring, the Rulling

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Ring, for that was made by Sauron himself.” (TLOTR I,

1988, p.70).

representament object Rheme (interpretant)

the word “Ring”, R-i-n-g The word “Ring” in the novel

The word “Ring” is familiar in our ears and it is a usual kind of thing, it is small circular metal band worn on a finger. But, if we connect the word “Ring” with the Dark Lord based on the novel, it will denote to the One Ring (the Dark Lord’s ring) it is clearly becomes a thing that have such a great power, and not as usual ring as we know.

Explanation: “the word “Ring” stands for rheme because it has

possibility to interpret based on contextual situation. if we define the word

“Ring” contextually in our life, it will denote to the usual thing, a circular

thing that usually worn in our finger, but if we define the word “Ring”

contextually to “The Lord Of The Ring” novel, it will denote to the One

Ring, the evil ring that has a great evil power and it is owned by Sauron.

2). The interpretation of Gandalf ‘s sign

“[….] ‘The stroke on the left might be a G-rune with thin

branches,’ said Strider. ‘It might be a sign left by Gandalf,

though one cannot be sure….” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.199)

“[….] ‘I should say,’ answered Strider, ‘that they stood

for G3, and were a sign that Gandalf was here on October

the third: that is three days ago now.” (TLOTR I, 1988,


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representament object Rheme (interpretant)

The letter “G” in Angerthas language

The letter “G” in Angerthas language that denotes to Gandalf’s sign

Gandalf has his own signature, and it looks like this figure below:

If this signature transliterated to Angerthas language (based on the Novel) this sign is same with the letter “G” in common language, and it was denote to Gandalf, he uses this sign when he writes the letters.

Explanation: this kind of sign stands for rheme because it

can be interpreted based on contextual meaning. The sign (in

Angerthas language based on the novel) has the same meaning as the letter

“G”, but if we read the novel and interpret this sign, it will denote to

Gandalf, because he always uses this sign as his signature when he

writes a letter, “G” or means Gandalf.

3). The interpretation of the word “Strider”

“[….] ‘But I am the real Strider, fortunately,’ he said,

looking down at them with his face softened by a sudden

smile. ‘I am Aragorn son of Arathorn; and if by life or

death I can save you, I will.’ “ (TLOTR I, 1988, p.183)

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“[….] He seldom talks: not but what he can tell a rare tale

when he has the mind. He disappears a month, a year, and

he pops up again. He was in and out pretty often last

spring; but I’ve haven’t seen him about lately. What his

right name is I’ve never heard: but he’s known round here

as Strider. Goes about at great pace on his long shanks;

though he don’t tell nobody what cause he has to hurry.”

(TLOTR I, 1988, p.168-169)

representament object Rheme (interpretant)

The word “Strider”, S-t-r-i-d-e-r

The word “Strider” in the novels

The word strider is taken from the word “stride” in English, means walk with long step, but if we connecting the word stride (v) and becomes strider (n) in the novel “The Lord of The Ring”, it will denote to character of Aragorn in this novel, which also called as the Strider

Explanation: the word “Strider” stands for rheme because the word

“Strider” is still isolated from the context and possible to interpret based

on different contextual situation. The word “Strider” is adopted from

English, it taken from the word “Stride” which has a meaning “walk in a

long step”, but the word “Strider” in the novel “The Lord Of The Ring”

will denote to character of Aragorn. Aragorn is called as Strider because

he often acts mysteriously and involves in journeys.

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4). The interpretation of the word “Dark”

“[….] ‘But last night I told you of Sauron the Great, the

Dark Lord. The rumours that you have heard are true: he

has indeed arisen again and left his hold in Mirkwood and

returned to his ancient fastness in the Dark Tower of

Mordor.” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.60)

“[….] But when sauron returned and grew in might again,

isildur summoned the Men of the Mountains to fulfill their

oath, and they would not: for they had worship Sauron in

the Dark Years”. (TLOTR III, 1988, p.55)

“[….] The Orcs were first bred by the Dark Power of the

north in the Elder Days”. (TLOTR III, 1988, p.409)

representament object Rheme (interpretant)

The word “Dark”, D-a-r-k The word “Dark” in the novel

The word “Dark” in English means absence of light, but in the novel “The Lord of The Ring”, the word “Dark” is always related with the enemy or Sauron and his companions, the word “Dark” is always followed by other words such as Lord, Tower, Power, and Years to mentioned anything about Sauron or Enemy

Explanation: the word “Dark” stands for rheme because the word

“Dark” is still isolated from the context and possible to interpret based on

different contextual situation. The word “Dark” in English means the

situation that absence of light, but if the context is based on the novel, the

word “Dark” becomes a word that will denote to the enemy which refers to

Sauron, everything about the enemy or Sauron is always related with the

word “Dark”

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5). The interpretation of the word “Eye”

“[….] The Eye was rimmed with fire, but was itself glazed,

yellow as a cat’s, watchful and intent, and the black slit of

its pupil opened on a pit, a window into nothing.” (TLOTR

I, 1988, p.379)

representament object Rheme (interpretant)

The word “Eye”, E-y-e The word “Eye” in the novel

The word “Eye” in English means one of two organs of sight, but in the “The Lord Of The Ring’ novel, the word “Eye” means the Eye of Sauron, it is a thing that horrible and immovable, the Eye of Sauron always looking for the Ring, the Eye is Sauron’s sight.

Explanation: The word “Eye” stands for rheme because the word

“Eye” is still isolated from the context and it is can be interpret in different

contextual meaning. The word “Eye” in English means one of two organs

of sight, but if the context is “The Lord Of The Ring” novel. The meaning

of word “Eye” becomes The Eye of Sauron that will explains a kind of

thing that is like an ordinary eye but actually it is an unusual thing,

because it is a very big eye with the red colored, and it is only single eye

that stands in top of the tower looking for the Ring.

b). Dicisign

1). Information about Aragorn’s identity

“[….] Then Aragorn said: ‘The hour is come at last. Now

I go to Pelargir upon Anduin, and ye shall come after me.

And when all this land is clean of the servants of Sauron, I

will hold the oath fulfilled, and ye shall have peace and

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depart for ever. For I am Elessar, Isildur’s heir of

Gondor.’ “ (TLOTR III, 1988, p.63)

representament object Dicisign (interpretant)

Aragorn’s identity Aragorn The information about Aragorn’s identity: Aragorn is the heir of Isildur or Elendil, and Aragorn is the king of Gondor because he was the Isildur’s heir.

Explanation: In the “Dicisign” table above, the statement stands

for dicisign, because it mentions the information about Aragorn’s identity.

2). The information about Hobbit

“[….] Hobbits are an unobtrusive but very ancient

people.” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.10)

representament object Dicisign (interpretant)

The Information about Hobbit race based on the Novel

Hobbit Hobbits are an unobtrusive but very ancient people.

Explanation: In the “Dicisign” table above, the statement stands

for dicisign because it mentions the information about Hobbit race.

3). The information about the One Ring

“[….] ‘This is the Master-ring, the One Ring to rule them

all.” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.60)

representament object Dicisign (interpretant)

The information about the One Ring

The One ring The One Ring is the master of other ring

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Explanation: what mentioned in the “Dicisign” table above stands

for dicisign because it mentions the information about the Ring.

4). The information about the Ring-bearer

“[….] Do you still hold to your word, Frodo, that you will

be the Ring-bearer?’

‘I do,’ said Frodo.” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.288)

representament object Dicisign (interpretant)

The information about the Ring-bearer

Frodo Frodo is the Ring-bearer, he bears the Ring to destroy in Mount of Doom, where the Ring is made

Explanation: In the “Dicisign” table above, the statement stands

for dicisign because it mentions the information about the Ring-bearer.

5). The information about the content of the novel

“This book is largely concerned with Hobbits, and from its

pages a reader may discover much of their character and a

little of their history.” (TLOTR I, 1988, p.10)

representament object Dicisign (interpretant)

The information about the content of the novels

“The Lord of The Ring” Novels

This book is largely concerned with Hobbits, and from its pages a reader may discover much of their character and a little of their history

Explanation: In the “Dicisign” table above, the statement stands

for dicisign because it mentions the information about the content of the


Page 66: CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the SETRIAWAN-FAH.pdfNurgiyantoro in Teori Pengkajian Fiksi, he wrote “novel


c). Argument

In this last part of typology (Argument), there are so many

arguments that appear in these novels. Argument is a sign

interpreted to represent its object in respect of habit or law.23

Argument is possibly to appear in every dialogue in these novels.

Considering to it, the writer classifies only on arguments that

related with such races based on these novels, and what has been

stated on the table of “Argument” it consist of some quotations

based on the novel “The Lord Of The Ring”.

1). Gandalf’s argument about hobbit

representament Object Argument (interpretant)

What Gandalf have said about the Hobbit.

Hobbit “[….] ‘My dear Frodo!’

Exclaimed Gandalf.

‘Hobbits are amazing

creatures, as I have said

before. You can learn all

that there is to know

about their ways in a

month. (TLOTR I, 1988,


Explanation: the quotation above refers to an argument because it

said something or gave opinion about Hobbit, Gandalf said that Hobbits

were amazing creatures.

23 Accesed at February 4th 2008.

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2). Gandalf’s argument about Men

representament object Argument


What Gandalf have said about the Men race.

Men [….] ‘My dear Frodo,

that is just what the

Rangers are: the last

remnant in the North of

the great people, the Men

of the West. They have

helped me before;….”

(TLOTR I, 1988, p.233)

Explanation: the quotation above refers to an argument because it

said something or gave opinion about Men, Gandalf said that Men were

the last remnant in the North of the great people.

3). Gandalf’s argument about Elves

representament object Argument (interpretant)

What Gandalf said about the Elves race

Elves “[….} ‘What about

Rivendell and the Elves?

Is Rivendell safe?’

‘Yes, at present, until all

else is conquered. The

Elves may fear the Dark

Lord, and they may fly

before him, but never

again will they listen to

him or serve him”

(TLOTR I, 1988, p.235)

Explanation: the quotation above refers to an argument because it

said something or gave opinion about Elves, Gandalf said that Elves never

wanted to listen or served the Dark Lord again.

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4). Treebeard’s argument about Dwarf

representament object Argument (interpretant)

What Treebeard said about Dwarf race

Dwarf “[….]

Learn now the lore of

living Creatures

First name the four, the

free peoples:

Eldest of all, the elf-


Dwarf the delver, dark

are his houses;

Ent the earthborn, old as


Man the mortal, master of

horses” (TLOTR II, 1988,


Explanation: the quotation above refers to an argument because it

said something or gave opinion about Dwarf, Treebeard said the Dwarf

was the delver, and their house was dark.

5). Treebeard’s argument about Ents

Representament Object Argument (interpretant)

What Treebeard said about Ents race

Ents “[….] We are stronger

than Trolls. We are made

of the bones of the earth.

We can split stone like the

roots of trees, only

quicker, far quicker, if

our minds are roused!”

(TLOTR II, 1988, p.89)

Explanation: the quotation above refers to an argument because it

said something or gave opinion about the Ents (the Old Trees from

Mirkwood), Treebeard said that the Ents were stronger than Trolls,

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made of the bones of the earth, and they could split stone like the roots of


C. Data Classification Based on Pierce’s Ten Classes of Sign.

Pierce classifies the differentiating of signs which has been explained

above into ten classes of sign. As the further explanation of Pierces semiotic

theory, the writer will give some examples about the using of Pierce’s ten classes

of sign that appears in this research.

NO Ten Classes of sign (Specification of

redundancies are in parentheses) Examples on this research

1 (Rhematic Iconic) Qualisign All of data that appears based on qualisign

2 (Rhematic) Iconic Sinsign All of data that appears based on icon

3 Rhematic Indexical Sinsign All of data that appears based on sinsign, except No. 3

4 Dicent (Indexical) Sinsign

Aragorn becomes a King of Gondor because he was the Isildur’s heir (See sinsign data No. 3)

5 (Rhematic) Iconic Legisign

Sign of Gandalf as it mentioned below

(See rheme data No. 2)

6 Rhematic Indexical Legisign

The word “Strider” which will stands as the pronoun to the character Aragorn (See rheme data No. 3)

7 Dicent Indexical Legisign Balin’s tomb (See legisign data No. 5)

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8 Rhematic Symbol (–ic Legisign) All off data that appears based on symbol

9 Dicent Symbol (–ic Legisign) Ring-bearer as the proposition phrase to Frodo (See dicisign data No. 4)

10 Argument (–ative Symbolic Legisign) All of data that appears based on argument

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A. Conclusions

“The Lord Of The Ring” is a novel released in three parts or trilogy, first

part is “The Fellowship Of The Ring”, the second part is “The Two Tower”, and

the third part is “The Return Of The King”, these novels was written by J.R.R

Tolkien, one of the great authors in this century, the way he wrote these novels

was an amazing imagination with its complexity to construct the story, the fiction

languages, the characters, the name of places, or even a fiction map of Middle

Earth that he creates through his imagination in these novels are one of the most

great details of a fiction novel ever.

In his great details to create the novels, there are so many signs that

appear through the characters and events. The approaches of Pierce’s semiotic

theory in “The Lord Of The Ring” novels trilogy is to analyze the signs refers to

the semiotic theory of Pierce. There are three parts in Pierce’s semiotic theory,

first is representament, second is object, and third is Interpretant. Based on that

three parts or triadic concepts of Pierce, there are the relation of sign to

representament which includes qualisign, sinsign, and legisign, the relation of

sign to object which includes icon, index, and symbol, and the relation of sign to

interpretant includes rheme, dicisign, and argument.

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From the research, the writer generally concludes that the semiotic theory

of Pierce with its triadic concepts has relations in each term, for examples:

On that triangle above, we can possibly analyze from every side of term,

if we analyze from the representament, then the representament will explain the

object and the interpretant, and so on. In other words, Gandalf the White

(representament) explains the physical changes in Gandalf, at first he was Gandalf

the Grey, and then he becomes Gandalf the White because he was settled as the

head of Council (interpretant), and Gandalf is the character who has those

physical changes, (object).

B. Suggestion

From the conclusions above, in this study the writer has several

suggestions as follows:

1. To get further understanding about the approach of triadic concept

of Pierce in the novels, the reader has to be more careful in reading

Gandalf the White (representament)

Gandalf (Object) Gandalf the Grey become Gandalf the White because Gandalf was settled as the head of Council


Page 73: CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the SETRIAWAN-FAH.pdfNurgiyantoro in Teori Pengkajian Fiksi, he wrote “novel


the novels, because the theory has relation with the philosophical


2. In classifying the signs, the novel readers should be more

reckoning the meaning of the triadic concepts of Pierce itself, so it

can make easier for them to absorb the concept of signs.

3. Finally, the writer hopes that this study will be useful for the

enrichment of studying semiotics, especially in the English

Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic

University Jakarta.

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