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Chapter 2Guiding Principles of Governance

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Objectives1. Understand the 4 guiding principles of good


2. Understand that good governance determines the growth of nations.

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Guiding Principles of Good Governance

Leadership is key Anticipate change and stay relevant

Reward for work and work for reward

A stake for everyone, opportunities for all

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Leadership is Key1

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What do you think are the qualities of a good student leader?

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How will you feel if your class monitor spends all your class fund by buying himself an iPad Air?

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World's Three Most Corrupt Leaders

Source: Transparency International Global Corruption Report 2004.

S/N Name Position Funds embezzled

1 Mohamed Suharto

President of Indonesia (1967–1998) 15–35 billion

2 Ferdinand Marcos President of the Philippines (1972–1986) 5–10 billion

3 Mobutu Sese Seko President of Zaire (1965–1997) 5 billion

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Mohamed Suharto

President of Indonesia (1967–1998)

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Mohamed SuhartoIn 1999, the Suharto family fortune is worth an estimated US$15 billion.

The family is said to control nearly 40% of the land in East Timor.

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Mohamed SuhartoIn 2000, Suharto comes under investigation for corruption.

He is accused of embezzling US$571 million of governmentdonations to one of a number of foundations under his control and then using the money to finance family investments.

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Effects on Indonesia


of the population live below the poverty line

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High Unemployment Rate

Deter Foreign Investment

Instable Government

Effects on Indonesia

Despite a significant degree of economic stability returning, economic watchers and investors are skepticalabout the reform.

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World's highest Integrity Government

Country Level of Corruption (10 = no corruption, 0 = high levels of corruption)

New Zealand, Sweden & Denmark 9.3

Singapore 9.2Finland & Switzerland 9.0


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Effects on Singapore

Significantnumber of visits by foreign delegations to Singapore

One of the world’s strongest trade nations

Top location for foreign investors


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Pause, Reflect & Discuss…

Will you prefer living in Indonesia or Singapore?


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This Durai is a g** d*** s*****, I feel sick when opening The Straits Times nowadays, his face made me lose my appetite and his act made me PUKE! Singapore government must make him vomit all he sucked from the population and those who contributed to NKF ... I am waiting to see what is the verdict .. I hope Singapore law do not disappoint me.

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Caning of Michael Peter Fay


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Convicted of 1. vandalising cars & 2. stealing road signs.

Sentenced to 1. 4 months in jail, 2. $2,200 fine and 3. 4 strokes of the cane.

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Deemed the punishment of caning to be excessive for a teenager committing a non-violent crime. Pressured Singapore government to grant Fay clemency from caning.US Trade Representative said that he would try to prevent the WTO's first meeting from taking place in Singapore.

Could not apply different standards to persons subjected to the same law.

Was not obliged in any way to base its actions on the will of the Americanpublic or government.

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Leadership is KeyLeaders must be of good character to win confidence and respect of the people.

Honest Capable Moral Courage Integrity

Do what is right and not what is popular.

Leaders must have talentand ability.


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Which function does the principle help to fulfill?

Capable leaders can help to maintain sovereignty.Honest and capable leaders can ensure stability in the government.

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Anticipate Changes and Stay Relevant


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Past Singapore River and the Waterfront

How do you feel if this is the Singapore you are now living in?

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NowSingapore River and the Waterfront

How do you feel if this is the Singapore you are now living in?

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How do you feel if this is the Singapore you are now living in?

FutureSingapore River and the Waterfront

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What does it mean by ‘anticipate change & stay relevant’?

Government makes decisions that are forward-looking

(tackling future challenges).

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Four Tap Strategy (2002)

Rainwater Recycling

Desalination Importation

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NEWaterSingapore depends on Malaysia for its water


Water agreement with Malaysia ends in 2061.

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People’s Reactions towards NEWater

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Government’s AssuranceGovernment communicated with the people to assure them that NEWater is safe for drinking via schools, newspaper and the Internet

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Anticipate Change and Stay RelevantWhat do you think will happen to Singapore if we do notanticipate change and stay relevant?

Why is it important for Singapore to be able to anticipate change and stay relevant?


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What functions does the principle fulfill?

This principle helps to meet the needs of the people,

especially the needs of people in the future.

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Reward for Work and Work for Reward


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Imagine…Examination results are out, and you are eagerly awaiting your results for your SS mid-year exams. You are confident of getting good results, since you put in a lot of work and effort revising for it.

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Imagine…However, upon receiving your results, you are horrified to discover that you only barelypassed! You ask around, and realisethat only those relatives and parents who were teachersscored distinctions.

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Imagine…You confirm your suspicions when, going through their papers, you discover that most of your answers were similar to theirs, but YOU were not awarded the marks.

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Pause, Reflect & Discuss…How did the teacher reward students’ performances?

What would happen if the government rewards students’ performances in this manner?

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Court Finds Gandhi Opponent Guilty of Nepotism

An Indian court has dealt a severe blow to one of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's sharpest political foes, saying that he had misused his office to benefit his relatives.

Sourced from:

Now analyse these…

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Now analyse these…Scandal may cost World Bank boss his jobWhen Dr. Wolfowitz joined the World Bank as its president, he transferred his girlfriend to the State Department and signed a memo that gave her a tax-free salary of $193,590. Essentially, her new boss at the State Department, earned $10,000 less than Wolfowitz’s girlfriend.

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Pause, Reflect & Discuss…How should our government give out jobs and rewards to us?

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Reward for Work, Work for Reward

MeritocracyReward based on performance


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Examples of meritocracy Students who performed well in studies and CCA are awarded.Edusave scholarship and merit bursary scheme reward the top 10% and 25% of the students in school and ITE.

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Pause, Reflect & Discuss…What are the benefits of being a meritocratic society?

Ensures equal opportunities for everyone regardless of

race, religion and socio-economic background.

Encourages everyone to achieve their best.

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Pause, Reflect & Discuss…To what extent does our government practice Meritocracy?

Can you think of some examples that show Meritocracy being practiced by our government?

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What functions does the principle fulfill?This principle helps to meet the needs of the people

This principle also helps to build the nation – everyone

knows that it is fair and equal in Singapore

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A Stake for Everyone, Opportunities for All


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Letters to the ForumMay 18, 2007

Bishan Family Park - a plea from the trees

We are a group of trees that stand tall and majestic on a little sloped strip of woods just at the junction of Bishan Road and Braddell Road…… Please allow us to continue being a nature park where residents can take a quiet stroll and enjoy nature right at their doorstep. …… We appeal to you, Mr Wong Kan Seng and the other decision-makers, to temper the zeal for urban development with a little mercy for us. Please listen to our plea! Jo Marion Seow (Mrs)

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Letters to the ForumMay 18, 2007

No mention of singles who take care of parents

...... When one of our MPs, Dr Lim Wee Kiak, suggested that stay-at-home spouses be given the Workfare Bonus, people were quick to highlight mothers who gave up their careers to take care of their young children. But no one mentions the plight of single adults who take care of their elderly parents. Sad to say, I belong to this group of people….. …..Throughout all these years, members of society and even my relatives do not tell me filial piety is a value to be recognised. I am labelled 'unemployed' or 'idle'…..Zym Tay Gek Mui (Miss)

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A Stake for Everyone, Opportunities for All

People have a greater sense of belonging to the country if they have a say in decision-making.


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A Stake for Everyone, Opportunities for AllMore opportunities have been created to involve people in decision-making

During feedback sessions, people voiced their opinions about government’s proposal and policies.

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What functions does the principle fulfill? Helps to build a nation

by encouraging a sense of belonging among people

Helps to meet people’s needs

People can voice out their concerns and needs

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Pause, Reflect & Discuss…How do you think you can contribute to the country by just making suggestions and expressing your opinions?

What do you think will happen to Singapore if people are not given an opportunity to express their views?if people do not have a stake in the country?

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Guiding Principles of Good Governance

Leadership is key Anticipate change and stay relevant

Reward for work and work for reward

A stake for everyone, opportunities for all
