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  • Chapter 1Introduction

  • DefinitionChassis: All vehicle structures except body and engine

    Chassis Components:Chassis BeamSteering SystemBraking SystemSuspension SystemTire and WheelDriveline (gearbox, propeller shaft, drive shaft)

  • Basic Vehicle Motions6 Basic Motions of a Vehicle:Roll MotionPitch MotionVertical MotionYaw MotionLateral MotionLongitudinal Motion

  • Vehicle Roll

    Steering input from the driver or asymmetric road profile between left and right tires can cause the vehicle to roll

    Excessive roll angle can cause the vehicle to rollover

    Disadvantages of vehicle roll: reduces stability and safety, driver can loss control of the vehicle; and reduces passenger comfort

  • Vehicle Pitch Braking/throttle inputs from the driver or asymmetric road profile between front and rear tires can cause the vehicle to pitch

    Disadvantages of vehicle pitch: reduces stability and safety, driver can loss control of the vehicle; and reduces passenger comfort

  • Vehicle YawYaw angle: the difference between the direction of vehicle forward speed with the direction of travel

    Steering input from the driver, side wind force, asymmetric road friction can cause the vehicle to yaw

  • Vehicle Lateral Motion Vehicle will move laterally under steering input from the driver

    Lateral Maneuvers: lane change, cornering, collision avoidance, etc.

  • Longitudinal Motion Throttle or braking inputs from the driver can cause the vehicle to move longitudinally

    Longitudinal maneuver: accelerating or decelerating

  • Vertical Motion Vertical motion of the vehicle reduces vehicle comfort level

    Road input, steering input, brake input and throttle input can cause the vehicle to move vertically

  • Body Center of Gravity

    How to determine the location of the body center of gravity of a vehicle???