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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

CHAPTER 17Managing Leadership and

Influence Processes

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

The Nature of LeadershipWhat does leadership mean?

A process, the use of non-coercive influence to shape the group’s or organization’s goals, and: Motivate behavior. Define group or organizational culture.

What are the characteristics of those who are perceived to be leaders?

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Who Are Leaders?People who:

Can influence the behaviors of others. Are able to influence without having to rely

on force. Are accepted by others as leaders.

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Leadership Versus ManagementManagement: Planning and budgeting.

Organizing and staffing.

Controlling and problem solving.

Producing a degree of predictability.Leadership: Establishing direction.

Aligning people.

Motivating and inspiring.

Producing change, often to a dramatic degree.

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Power and LeadershipWhat is power?

The ability to affect the behavior of others.Legitimate power:

Power granted through the organizational structure, it is the power accorded people occupying particular positions as defined by the organization.

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Reward Power DefinedReward power:

The power to give or withhold rewards, such as: Salary increases. Bonuses. Promotion. Recommendation.

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Types of PowerCoercive power:

The power to force compliance by means of psychological, emotional, or physical threat.

Referent power: The personal power that accrues to someone

based on identification, imitation, loyalty, or charisma.

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

What Is Expert Power?The personal power

that accrues to someone based on the information or expertise that they possess.

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Michigan Studies on Leadership BehaviorJob-centered leader:

Leaders who pay close attention to an employ’s job and work procedures involved with that job.

Employee-centered leader: Leaders who develop cohesive work groups

and ensure employee satisfaction.

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Ohio State Leadership Studies

Initiating-structure behavior: Leaders who define the leader-subordinate roles so that everyone knows what is expected, establish formal lines of communication, and determine how tasks will be performed.

Consideration behavior: Leaders who show concern for subordinates and attempt to establish a friendly and supportive climate.

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

The Leadership Grid

A method of evaluating leadership styles to train managers using OD techniques so that they are simultaneously more concerned for both people and production.Concern for production:

Deals with the job aspects of leader behavior.Concern for people:

Deals with the people aspects of leader behavior.

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSUF17.1: The Leadership Grid 17 -


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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Figure 17.2: Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s Leadership Continuum

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

LPC TheorySuggests that the appropriate style of

leadership varies with situational favorableness.

Least preferred coworker (LPC) The measuring scale that asks leaders to

describe the person with whom she/he is able to work least well.

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LPC- 18 questions to determine your styleThis assessment asks you to think of one

person with whom you could work least well. Rate on different dimensions (Helpful Vs.

Frustrating) Scale 1 to 8

“relationship-motivated" leader (Fielder) If your score is 73 or above

"task-motivated" leader (Fielder) If your score is 64 or below

You to determine which leadership style (Fielder) If your score is between 65 and 72, he leaves

it up to

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Figure 17.3: The Least-Preferred Coworker Theory of Leadership

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

The Path-Goal Theory

A theory of leadership suggesting that the primary functions of a leader are to make valued or desired rewards available in the workplace.Clarifies for the subordinate the kinds of behavior that will lead to goal accomplishment and valued rewards.Here leaders can change their leadership style (opposite of Fielder’s LPC Theory)

Extension of “Expectancy theory” of motivation

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

The Path-Goal Framework

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Subordinates’ motivation to perform

(A Situational Factor)Subordinates’


• Perceived ability• Locus of control

Leader Behavior• Directive

• Supportive• Participative• Achievement


(A Situational Factor)EnvironmentalCharacteristics• Task structure• Work group• Rewards

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Decision Making Styles- Vroom’s TheoryManagers making decision(Subordinate Participation

Factor)Consult: (Individually)• Present

problem to group members individually.

Consult: (Group)• Present

problem to group members.

Facilitate:• Present to

group and facilitate group member discussion.

Delegate• Allow group

to define parameters, then develop solutions.

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Figure 17.6: Vroom’s

Development Driven

Decision Tree

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Figure 17.5: Vroom’s

Time-Driven Decision Tree

Research Studies Proved

the effectiveness of this

model New

enhancements to

this study is going


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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) ApproachStresses the importance of variable

relationships between supervisors and each of their subordinates.

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Subordinate 1 Subordinate 2 Subordinate 3 Subordinate 4 Subordinate 5


In-groupHigher Performance and satisfaction

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Related Perspectives on Leadership

Substitutes for leadership: Identifies situations in which leader behaviors are neutralized or replaced by characteristics of subordinates (Ability, experience, need for independence, professional orientation), the task (routine, intrinsic satisfaction), and the organization (group cohesion, inflexibility, reward power!).

E.g. Emergency room supervisor, relief work,

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Related Perspectives on Leadership …

Charismatic leadership: Assumes that charisma in an individual characteristic of the leader. Charisma: A form of interpersonal attraction that inspires support and acceptance.

Self confidence, firm belief/ideas, need to influence peopleLarger than life (e.g. Donald Trump)Traits

Envision the future Energize others (excitement, confidence, success) Support (Empathy, Confidence)

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Transformational LeadershipLeadership that goes beyond ordinary

expectations by transmitting a sense of mission stimulating learning experiences, and inspiring new ways of thinking.

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Rapid Change and Turbulent



• Trusting subordinates

• Developing vision

• Keeping cool• Encouraging

risk• An expert• Inviting dissent• Simplifying


Compared to transactional leaders who motivate followers to work toward established goals by exchanging rewardsfor their productivity.

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Political Behavior in OrganizationsPolitical behavior

Activities carried out for the specific purpose of acquiring, developing, and using power and other resources to obtain one’s preferred outcomes.

Impact (believed) Salary, Promotion, Hiring Bad, unfair, irrational, unhealthy


Inducement, persuasion, obligation, coercion

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Adeyl Khan, Faculty, BBA, NSU

Political Behavior in OrganizationsImpression management

(Subtle) A direct and intentional

effort by someone to enhance his/her image in the eyes of others.

Career! (Make yourself look good)

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Managing PoliticsBe aware- actions might have a political tieAutonomy, responsibility, challenge,

feedbackAvoid using power (No charge)Get disagreement out in the openAvoid covert activities

Common areas Performance evaluations Easy List!
