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What is subject-verb agreement? 10a



10a What is subject-verb agreement?Subject-verb agreement means that a SUBJECT and its VERB match inNUMBER (singular or plural) and PERSON (first, second, or third person). Box 10-1 presents these major concepts in grammatical agreement.

The firefly glows. [Firefly is a singular subject in the third person; glowsis a singular verb in the third person.]Fireflies glow. [Fireflies is a plural subject in the third person; glow is aplural verb in the third person.]

BOX 10-1 S U M M A RY

Major concepts in grammaticalagreement

■ Number, as a concept in grammar, refers to singular (one) and plural(more than one).

■ The first person is the speaker or writer. I (singular) and we (plural)are the only subjects that occur in the first person.

SINGULAR I see a field of fireflies.PLURAL We see a field of fireflies.

■ The second person is the person spoken or written to. You (for bothsingular and plural) is the only subject that occurs in the secondperson.

SINGULAR You see a shower of sparks.PLURAL You see a shower of sparks.

■ The third person is the person or thing being spoken or written about.He, she, it (singular) and they (plural) are the third-person subjectforms. Most rules for subject-verb agreement involve the third person.

SINGULAR The scientist sees a cloud of cosmic dust.PLURAL The scientists see a cloud of cosmic dust.

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10b Why is a final -s or -es in a subject or verb so important?

SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT often involves one letter: s (or es) for words thatend in -s. For verbs in the present tense, you form the SIMPLE FORM of third-person singular by adding -s or -es: laugh, laughs; kiss, kisses. Major excep-tions are the verbs be (is), have (has) and do (does); see 8c.

That student agrees that young teenagers watch too muchtelevision.Those young teenagers are taking valuable time away from studying.That student has a part-time job for ten or twenty hours a week.Still, that student does well in college.

For a subject to become plural, you add -s or -es to its end: lip, lips;princess, princesses. Major exceptions include most pronouns (they, it) anda few nouns that for singular and plural either don’t change (deer, deer) orchange internally (mouse, mice). Box 10-2 on the next page shows you howto visualize the basic pattern for agreement using -s or -es.

Here’s a device for remembering how agreement works for most subject-verb agreement. Note that the final -s or -es can take only one path at atime—to the end of the verb or to the end of the subject.


subject-s or -es



student students-s -s

works work

raindrop raindrops-s -s

dances dance

bus buses-es -es

passes pass

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Can I ignore words between a subject and its verb? 10c

A L E R T: When you use an AUXILIARY VERB with a main verb, never add-s or -es to the main verb: The coach can walk [not can walks] to campus.The coach does like [not does likes] his job.

E X E R C I S E 1 0 - 1 Use the subject and verb in each set to write two com-plete sentences—one with a singular subject and one with a plural sub-ject. Keep all verbs in the present tense. For help, consult 10b.

EXAMPLE climber, increase

Singular subject: Without proper equipment, a mountain climberincreases the risk of falling.

Plural subject: Without proper equipment, mountain climbersincrease the risk of falling.

1. dog, bark 5. author, write

2. flower, bloom 6. tornado, demolish

3. team, compete 7. jet, depart

4. planet, rotate 8. professor, might quiz

10c Can I ignore words between a subject and its verb?

You can ignore all words between a subject and its verb. Focus strictly on thesubject and its verb. Box 10-3 shows you this pattern.

NO Winners of the state contest goes to the national finals.[Winners is the subject; the verb must agree with it. Ignore thewords of the state contest.]

YES Winners of the state contest go to the national finals.

BOX 10-2 PAT T E R N

Basic subject-verb agreement

The student works long hours. The students work long hours.


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The words one of the . . . often require a second look. Use a singular verbto agree with the word one. Don’t be distracted by the plural noun that comesafter of the. (For information on the phrase one of the . . . who, see 10k.)

NO One of the problems are the funds needed for traveling to thenational finals.

YES One of the problems is the funds needed for traveling to thenational finals.

Similarly, ignore all word groups between the subject and the verb, start-ing with including, together with, along with, accompanied by, in additionto, except, and as well as.

NO The moon, as well as the planet Venus, are visible in the nightsky. [Moon is the subject. The verb must agree with it. Ignore thewords as well as Venus.]

YES The moon, as well as the planet Venus, is visible in the nightsky.

10d How do verbs work when subjects are connected by and ?

When two SUBJECTS are connected by and, they create a single COM-POUND SUBJECT. A compound subject calls for a plural verb. Box 10-4 showsyou this pattern. (For related material on PRONOUNS and ANTECEDENTS, see 10o.)

� The studentin my college class

works long my college classes


� The studentsin my college class

work long my college classes


BOX 10-3 PAT T E R N

When words separate subject and verb

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How do verbs work when subjects are connected by or? 10f

The Cascade Diner and the Wayside Diner have [not has] friedcatfish today. [These are two different diners.]

One exception occurs when and joins subjects that refer to a single thingor person.

My friend and neighbor makes [not make] excellent chili. [In this sen-tence, the friend is the same person as the neighbor. If they were two differ-ent people, makes would become make.]

Macaroni and cheese contains [not contain] carbohydrates, protein,and many calories. [Macaroni and cheese is one dish, not two separatedishes, so it requires a singular verb.]

10e How do verbs work with each and every ?The words each and every are singular even if they refer to a compound sub-ject. Therefore, they take a singular verb.

Each human hand and foot makes [not make] a distinctive print.To identify lawbreakers, every police chief, sheriff, and federalmarshal depends [not depend] on such prints.

A L E R T: Use one word, either each or every, not both at the same time: Each (not Each and every) robber has been caught. (For more infor-mation about pronoun agreement for each and every, see 10h, 10o, and10q.)

10f How do verbs work when subjects are connected by or?

As Box 10-5 on the next page shows, when SUBJECTS are joined by or, or thesets either. . . or, neither. . . nor, not only. . . but (also), the verb agrees with thesubject closest to it. Ignore everything before the last-mentioned noun or

BOX 10-4 PAT T E R N

When subjects are joined by and

The student and the instructor work long hours.


(uses and)

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pronoun. The box shows this pattern with either. . . or. (For related materialon pronouns and antecedents, see 10p.)

Neither spiders nor flies upset me.Not only spiders but also all other arachnids have four pairs of legs.A dinner of six clam fritters, four blue crabs, or one steamed lobstersounds good.

10g How do verbs work with inverted word order?In English sentences, the SUBJECT normally comes before its VERB:Astronomy is interesting. Inverted word order reverses the typicalsubject-verb pattern by putting the verb first. Most questions use invertedword order: Is astronomy interesting? In inverted word order, find the sub-ject first and then check whether the verb agrees with it.

Into deep space shoot probing satellites. [The plural verb shoot agreeswith the inverted plural subject satellites.]

On the television screen appears an image of Saturn. [The singular verbappears agrees with the inverted singular subject image.]

10h How do verbs work with indefinite pronouns?Indefinite pronouns usually refer to nonspecific persons, things, quanti-ties, or ideas. The nonspecific aspect is why these pronouns are labeled“indefinite.” As part of a sentence, however, the indefinite pronoun is usuallyclear from the meaning.

Most indefinite pronouns are singular and require a singular verb foragreement. Yet, others are always plural, and a few can be singular or plural.

BOX 10-5 PAT T E R N

When subjects are joined by or

� Either the instructor orthe student knows the answer.Either the instructors or


� Either the instructor orEither the instructors or

the students know the answer.


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How do verbs work with indefinite pronouns? 10h

BOX 10-6 S U M M A RY

Common indefinite pronouns

Always Plural

both many

Always Singular

another every no oneanybody everybody nothinganyone everyone oneanything everything somebodyeach neither someoneeither nobody something

Singular or Plural, Depending on Context

all more noneany most some

Box 10-6 clarifies this situation by listing indefinite pronouns according towhat verb form they require. (For related material on pronouns andantecedents, see 10q.)

Here are sample sentences:


Everything about that intersection is dangerous.But whenever anyone says anything, nothing is done.Each of us has [not have] to shovel snow; each is [not are] expected tohelp.Every snowstorm of the past two years has [not have] been severe.Every one of them has [not have] caused massive traffic jams.

S I N G U L A R O R P L U R A L I N D E F I N I T E P R O N O U N S ( D E P E N D I N G O N M E A N I N G )

Some of our streams are polluted. [Some refers to the plural nounstreams, so the plural verb are is correct.]Some pollution is reversible, but all pollution threatens the balanceof nature. [Some and all refer to the singular noun pollution, so the singu-lar verbs is and threatens are correct.]All that environmentalists ask is to give nature a chance. [All has the mean-ing here of “everything” or “the only thing,” so the singular verb is is correct.]Winter has driven the birds south; all have left. [All refers to the pluralnoun birds, so the plural verb have is correct.]

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10i How do verbs work with collective nouns?A collective noun names a group of people or things: family, audience, class,number, committee, team, group, and the like. When the group of people orthings is acting as one unit, use a singular verb. When members of the groupare acting individually, use a plural verb. As you’re writing, be careful not toshift back and forth between a singular and a plural verb for the same noun.

The senior class nervously awaits final exams. [The class is acting as asingle unit, so the verb is singular.]

The senior class were fitted for their graduation robes today. [The mem-bers (of the class) were fitted as individuals, so the verb is plural.]

10j Why does the linking verb agree with the subject,not the subject complement?

Even though a LINKING VERB connects a sentence’s SUBJECT to its SUBJECT

COMPLEMENT, the linking verb agrees with the subject. It does not agree withthe subject complement.

NO The worst part of owning a car are the bills. [The subject is thesingular part, so the plural verb are is wrong. The subject comple-ment is the plural bills and doesn’t affect agreement.]

YES The worst part of owning a car is the bills. [The singular subjectpart agrees with the singular verb is. The subject complementdoesn’t affect agreement.]

10k What verbs agree with who, which, and that?If the ANTECEDENT of who, which, or that is singular, use a singular verb. Ifthe antecedent is plural, use a plural verb.

The scientist will share the prize with the researchers who work withher. [Who refers to researchers, so the plural verb work is used.]

George Jones is the student who works in the science lab. [Who refersto student, so the singular verb works is used.]

If you use phrases including one of the or the only one of the immediatelybefore who, which, or that in a sentence, be careful about the verb you use.Who, which, or that always refers to the plural word immediately followingone of the, so the verb must be plural. Although the only one of is also alwaysfollowed by a plural word, who, which, or that must be singular to agree withthe singular one.

Tracy is one of the students who talk in class. [Who refers to students,so the verb talk is plural. Tracy is pointed out, but the talking is still done byall the students.]

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How do verbs work with special nouns? 10l

Jim is the only one of the students who talks in class. [Who refers toone, so the verb talks is singular. Jim is the single person who is talking.]

E X E R C I S E 1 0 - 2 Supply the correct present-tense form of the verb inparentheses. For help, consult 10h through 10k.

EXAMPLE Everybody on a class trip to the coastal waters of the PacificOcean (to enjoy) enjoys an opportunity to study dolphins in theirnatural habitat.

1. A class of college students in marine biology (to take) _____ notes individ-ually while watching dolphins feed off the California coast.

2. Everyone in the class (to listen) _____ as a team of dolphin experts (to explain) _____ some of the mammals’ characteristics.

3. A group of dolphins, called a pod, usually (to consist) _____ of 10,000 to30,000 members.

4. One unique characteristic of dolphins’ brains (to be) _____ the sleep pat-terns that (to keep) _____ one-half of the brain awake at all times.

5. All (to need) _____ to stay awake to breathe or else they would drown.

10l How do verbs work with amounts, fields of study,and other special nouns?

AmountsSUBJECTS that refer to time, sums of money, distance, or measurement aresingular. They take singular verbs.

Two hours is not enough time to finish. [time]

Three hundred dollars is what we must pay. [sum of money]

Two miles is a short sprint for some serious joggers. [distance]

Three-quarters of an inch is needed for a perfect fit. [measurement]

Fields of studyWhen you refer to a field of study, it’s singular even though it appears to beplural: economics, mathematics, physics, and statistics.

Statistics is required of science majors. [Statistics is a course of study,so the singular verb is is correct.]

Statistics show that a teacher shortage is coming. [Statistics isn’t usedhere as a field of study, so the plural verb show is correct.]

Special nounsAthletics, news, ethics, and measles are singular despite their plural appear-ance. Also, United States of America is singular: It is one nation. However,

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politics and sports take singular or plural verbs, depending on the meaningof the sentence.

The news gets better each day. [News is a singular noun, so the singularverb gets is correct.]

Sports is a good way to build physical stamina. [Sports is one generalactivity, so the singular verb is is correct.]

Three sports are offered at the recreation center. [Sports are separateactivities, so the plural verb are offered is correct.]

Jeans, pants, scissors, clippers, tweezers, eyeglasses, thanks, and richesare some of the words that require a plural verb, even though they refer toone thing. However, if you use pair with jeans, pants, scissors, clippers,tweezers, or eyeglasses, use a singular verb for agreement.

Those slacks need pressing. [plural]That pair of slacks needs pressing. [singular]

Series and means can be singular or plural, according to the meaning youintend.

Two new TV series are big hits. [Series refers to individual items (two dif-ferent series), so the plural verb are is correct.]

A series of disasters is plaguing our production. [Series refers to a wholegroup (the whole series of disasters), so the singular verb is is correct.]

10m How do verbs work with titles, company names,and words as themselves?

TitlesA title itself refers to one work or entity (even when plural and compoundNOUNS are in the title), so a singular verb is correct.

Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler is a prize-winning novel.

Company NamesMany companies have plural words in their names. However, a companyshould always be treated as a singular unit, requiring a singular verb.

Cohn Brothers boxes and delivers fine art.

Words as ThemselvesWhenever you write about words as themselves to call attention to thosewords, use a singular verb, even if more than one word is involved.

We implies that everyone is included.During the Vietnam War, protective reaction strikes was aeuphemism for bombing.

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How do verbs work with titles, company names? 10m

E X E R C I S E 1 0 - 3 Supply the correct present-tense form of the verb inparentheses. For help, consult 10i through 10m.

EXAMPLE In a fast-growing trend, some of the people who (to live) live on col-lege campuses and (to participate) participate in campus lifetoday are not students but retired persons.

1. College-linked retirement communities (to be) _____ the general term forretirement homes based on or near colleges and universities.

2. These communities, which (to gratify) _____ a retiree’s desire for an activelife and lifelong learning, are springing up on many campuses.

3. Many college-linked communities (to require) _____ their residents to havebeen formerly linked to the affiliated university, in a role such as a faculty orstaff member, but some (to open) _____ their doors to all interested retirees.

4. To the residents of such retirement communities, the major advantage (tobe) _____ opportunities for ongoing cultural, intellectual, and social growth.

5. However, the younger student body often (to benefit) _____ when retireestake part in courses and activities and thereby bring decades of wisdomand experience to their studies.

E X E R C I S E 1 0 - 4 This is an exercise covering subject-verb agreement (10athrough 10m). Supply the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

EXAMPLE Of the thirty thousand plant species on earth, the rose (to be) isthe most universally known.

1. Each plant species (to invite) _____ much discussion about origins andmeanings, and when talk turns to flowers, the rose is usually the first men-tioned.

2. More fragrant and colorful (to be) _____ other types of flowers, yet roses(to remain) _____ the most popular worldwide.

3. Each of the types of roses (to symbolize) _____ beauty, love, romance, andsecrecy.

4. There (to be) _____ over two hundred pure species of roses and thousandsof mixed species, thirty-five of which (to flourish) _____ in the soil of NorthAmerica.

5. It’s impossible to determine exactly where or when the first rose (to be)_____ domesticated, because roses have existed for so many centuries;one of the earliest references dates back to 3000 BC.

6. One myth from Greek mythology (to suggest) _____ that the rose firstappeared with the birth of the goddess Aphrodite.

7. Another myth, which focuses on the rose’s thorns, (to say) _____ that anangry god shot arrows into the stem to curse the rose forever with arrow-shaped thorns.

8. While theories of this kind (to explain) _____ the significance and evolutionof the rose, few people can explain the flower’s enduring popularity.

9. Even today, a couple (to demonstrate) _____ love by exchanging red roses.

10. Of all flowers, the best seller (to remain) _____ the rose.

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10n What is pronoun-antecedent agreement?Pronoun-antecedent agreement means that a PRONOUN matches itsANTECEDENT in NUMBER (singular or plural) and PERSON (first, second, orthird person). Box 10-7 shows you how to visualize this pattern of grammat-ical agreement. You might also want to consult Box 10-1 in 10a for explana-tions and examples of the concepts number and person.

The firefly glows when it emerges from its nest at night. [The singularpronouns it and its match their singular antecedent, firefly.]Fireflies glow when they emerge from their nests at night. [The pluralpronouns they and their match their plural antecedent, fireflies.]

BOX 10-7 PAT T E R N

Pronoun-antecedent agreement

� Loud music has its harmful side effects.



� The musicians damaged their hearing.




10o How do pronouns work when and connectsantecedents?

When and connects two or more ANTECEDENTS, they require a plural pro-noun. This rule applies even if each separate antecedent is singular. (Forrelated material on subjects and verbs, see 10d.)

The Cascade Diner and the Wayside Diner closed for New Year’sEve to give their [not its] employees the night off. [Two separate dinersrequire a plural pronoun.]

When and joins singular nouns that nevertheless refer to a single personor thing, use a singular pronoun.

My friend and neighbor makes his [not their] excellent chili every Sat-urday. [The friend is the same person as the neighbor, so the singular his(or her) is correct. If two different people were involved, the correct pronounwould be their, and make would be the correct verb.]

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How do pronouns work when antecedents are indefinite pronouns? 10q

BOX 10-8 PAT T E R N

When antecedents are joined by or

each, everyThe words each and every are singular, even when they refer to two ormore antecedents joined by and. The same rule applies when each or everyis used alone (10h). (For related material on subjects and verbs, see 10e.)

Each human hand and foot leaves its [not their] distinctive print.

The rule still applies when the construction one of the follows each orevery.

Each one of the robbers left his [not their] fingerprints at the scene.

10p How do pronouns work when or connectsantecedents?

When ANTECEDENTS are joined by or or by CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS suchas either. . . or, neither. . . nor, or not only . . . but (also), the antecedentsmight mix singulars and plurals. For the purposes of agreement, ignoreeverything before the final antecedent. Box 10-8 shows you how to visualizethis pattern. (For related material on subjects and verbs see 10f.)

After the restaurant closes, either the resident mice or the owner’scat gets itself a meal.After the restaurant closes, either the owner’s cat or the residentmice get themselves a meal.

� Either the loudspeakers or the microphone needs its electric cordrepaired.


� Either the microphone or the loudspeakers need their electriccords repaired.



10q How do pronouns work when antecedents are indefinite pronouns?

INDEFINITE PRONOUNS usually refer to unknown persons, things, quantities, orideas. The unknown aspect is why these pronouns are labeled “indefinite.” Butin a sentence, context gives an indefinite pronoun a clear meaning, even if the

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pronoun doesn’t have a specific antecedent. Most indefinite pronouns are sin-gular. Two indefinite pronouns, both and many, are plural. A few indefinitepronouns can be singular or plural, depending on the meaning of the sentence.

For a list of indefinite pronouns, grouped as singular or plural, see Box 10-6 in 10h. For more information about avoiding sexist language, espe-cially when using indefinite pronouns, see 10r and 20g. (For related materi-al on subjects and verbs, see 10h.)


Everyone taking this course hopes to get his or her [not their] collegedegree within a year.Anybody wanting to wear a cap and gown at graduation must have hisor her [not their] measurements taken.Each of the students handed in his or her [not their] final term paper.


When winter break arrives for students, most leave their dormitoriesfor home. [Most refers to students, so the plural pronoun their is correct.]

As for the luggage, most is already on its way to the airport. [Mostrefers to luggage, so the singular pronoun its is correct.]

None thinks that he or she will miss graduation. [None is singular asused in this sentence, so the singular pronoun he or she is correct.]

None of the students has paid his or her [not their] graduation fee yet.[None is singular as used in this sentence, so the singular pronoun his orher is correct.]

None are so proud as they who graduate. [None is plural as used in thissentence, so the plural pronoun they is correct.]

10r How do I use nonsexist pronouns?A word is nonsexist when it carries neither male nor female gender. EachPRONOUN in English carries one of three genders: male (he, him, his); female(she, her, hers); or neutral (you, your, yours, we, our, ours, them, they, their,theirs, it, its). Usage today favors nonsexist terms in all word choices.You, therefore, want to use gender-free pronouns whenever possible. In thepast, it was grammatically correct to use only masculine pronouns to refer toINDEFINITE PRONOUNS: “Everyone open his book.” Today, however, peopleknow that the pronouns he, his, him, and himself exclude women, who makeup over half the population. Box 10-9 shows three ways to avoid using mas-culine pronouns when referring to males and females together. For moreinformation on gender-neutral language, see 20g.

Questions often arise concerning the use of he or she and his or her. Ingeneral, writers find these gender-free pronoun constructions awkward. Toavoid them, many writers make the antecedents plural. Doing this becomesproblematic when the subject is a SINGULAR INDEFINITE PRONOUN (Box 10-6

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How do pronouns work when antecedents are collective nouns? 10s

BOX 10-9 S U M M A RY

Avoiding the masculine pronoun whenreferring to males and females together

■ Solution 1: Use a pair of pronouns—he or she. However, avoid usinga pair more than once in a sentence or in many sentences in a row.A he or she construction acts as a singular pronoun.Everyone hopes that he or she will win a scholarship.A doctor usually has time to keep up to date only in his or herspecialty.

■ Solution 2: Revise into the plural.Many students hope that they will win a scholarship.Most doctors have time to keep up to date only in their specialties.

■ Solution 3: Recast the sentence.Everyone hopes to win a scholarship.Few specialists have time for general reading.

in section 10n). In the popular press (such as newspapers and magazines),the use of the plural pronoun they or them with a singular antecedent hasbeen gaining favor. Indeed, some experts find that the history of English sup-ports this use. In ACADEMIC WRITING, however, it is better for you not to fol-low the practice of the popular press. Language practice changes, however,so what we say here is our best advice as we write this book.

10s How do pronouns work when antecedents arecollective nouns?

A COLLECTIVE NOUN names a group of people or things, such as family,group, audience, class, number, committee, and team. When the group actsas one unit, use a singular pronoun to refer to it. When the members of thegroup act individually, use a plural pronoun. In the latter case, if the sentenceis awkward, substitute a plural noun for the collective noun. (For relatedmaterial on subjects and verbs, see 10i.)

The audience was cheering as it stood to applaud the performers. [Theaudience was acting as one unit, so the singular pronoun it is correct.]

The audience put on their coats and walked out. [The members of theaudience were acting as individuals, so all actions become plural;therefore, the plural pronoun their is correct.]

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The family is spending its vacation in Rockport, Maine. [All the familymembers went to one place together.]

The parallel sentence to the last example above would be The family arespending their vacations in Maine, Hawaii, and Rome, which might meanthat each family member is going to a different place. But such a sentence isawkward. Therefore, revise the sentence.

The family members are spending their vacations in Maine, Hawaii,and Rome. [Substituting a plural noun family members for the collectivenoun family sounds more natural.]

E X E R C I S E 1 0 - 5 Underline the correct pronoun in parentheses. For help,consult 10n through 10s.

EXAMPLE Many people wonder what gives certain leaders (his or her, their)spark and magnetic personal appeal.

1. Power and authority alone don’t guarantee charisma; (it, they) must becombined with passion and strong purpose.

2. (He, She, He or she, They) can inspire followers to believe that the leader’sgoals are the same as (his, her, his or her, their) own.

3. Today, a number of major corporations offer (its, their) employees charisma-training courses to enhance leadership qualities.

4. Usually, it’s not the quiet, low-profile manager but rather the charismaticmanager with strong leadership qualities who convinces others that (his,her, his or her, their) best interests are served by the course of action (he,she, he or she, they) is/are proposing.

5. Charisma trainers advise would-be leaders to start by bringing order to (his,her, his or her, their) activities; in stressful times, anyone who appears tohave some part of (his, her, his or her, their) life under control makes others relax and perform (his, her, his or her, their) responsibilities better.


Adjectives and Adverbs

11a What are the differences between adjectives and adverbs?

The differences between adjectives and adverbs relate to how they function.Adjectives modify NOUNS and PRONOUNS. Adverbs modify VERBS, adjectives,and other adverbs. What’s the same about adjective and adverbs is that they

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