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Page 2: Changingparadigm

There are two reasons to reform public education:



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Problem: Meet the future doing what they did in the past

Our kids don`t believe that

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Economic circumstance

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Problem: Modern epidemic? ADHD

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ADHD: kids are being medicated

But, they are living in the most stimulating period in history

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And, are we really worried about the reasons why they are distracted?

It is a fictitious epidemic

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The artists are victims of this mentality

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Schools are organised on factory lines

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The most important thing that they have in common is their age


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Changing paradigms: opposite to standarization:

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Education mostly deteriorates this capacity


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Conclusion: Changing paradigms in Education:

≠ Industrial: = Organic:

Utility VitalityLinearity CreativityConformity DiversityStandardization Customization

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