Page 1: Challenges To Maintaining Sustainability And Needs For Effective Expansion

DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Challenges To Maintaining Challenges To Maintaining Sustainability And Needs For Sustainability And Needs For

Effective ExpansionEffective Expansion

Page 2: Challenges To Maintaining Sustainability And Needs For Effective Expansion

DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline

• Pakistan: An Overview• Why Foreign Aid?• DAD Pakistan: A Background• DAD as a Viable AIMS• Country Experience• Challenges• A Way Forward

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Pakistan: An OverviewPakistan: An Overview

• Location: South Asia

• Area: 800,000 square km

• Population 170 Million

• Economy– GDP US$ 166.5 Billion– Per Capita Income US$ 1046– Foreign Assistance US$ 4-5 Billion (P/A)

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Why Foreign Aid?Why Foreign Aid?

• Low Tax to GDP ratio:• Narrow Tax base• Mismatch in sectoral revenues and their proportionate share

in GDP

• Resource gap in budget• Commitment to MDG• Low GDP growth rate/ Savings

Significant Share of Foreign Assistance in Budget

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

DAD Pakistan: BackgroundDAD Pakistan: Background

• Huge growth in the volume of assistance after the 2005 earthquake led to increased coordination challenge

• Signatory to Paris Declaration 2005

• Ownership from development partners

• Set-up of DAD with UNDP support in March 2006 to track earthquake assistance

• Decision by EAD in early 2007 to use DAD for tracking of all foreign assistance

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

DAD as a Viable AIMSDAD as a Viable AIMS

• An on-line System

• Development Partners as Custodians of Data

• Customized/ Country Specific Data Structure

• Source of Knowledge Sharing Regarding best Practices in Aid Management

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Country ExperienceCountry Experience• DAD Pakistan is fully operational (tracks

1,349 projects)

• Institutionalized Mechanism for Data Entry & Validation Established

– Over 130 Focal Persons from bilateral and multilateral agencies trained

– More than 25 EAD Section Officers trained

– SOP for data entry & validation prepared

– IT Training to EAD Computer Centre Staff provided

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Country Experience (Cont..)Country Experience (Cont..)• Analytical reports:

– Earthquake Assistance Report

– Draft Annual Development Assistance Report for 2006.

– Discussion paper titled ‘Fragmentation & Proliferation in the Delivery of Foreign Assistance to Pakistan’

– Short analytical reports provided to different organizations (sectoral, geographic and donor profiles)

• GoP supported in other aid effectiveness issues (Paris Declaration Survey, Draft Aid Policy, PDF, Accra HLF, Jordan AE Forum, etc.)

• Reallocation of database & application server from Bangkok to Islamabad ISP.

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Division of WorkDivision of Work

• EAD – Maintaining the DAD application– Managing the data exchange process– Disseminating of analytical reports

• Development Partners– Entering and updating data regularly

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Data Entry and Validation ProcessData Entry and Validation Process

Who• Principal responsibility of (lead) Funding Agency• EAD for donors with limited capacity

How• By editing projects in DAD

Frequency • Whenever a change happens or at least quarterly.

Who• Funding Agency• Leading Agency in case of Co-Funded Projects• EAD for donors with limited capacity

How• Online Data entry in DAD• New project should be entered when signed• Avoid double entry by checking pre-existence of project in DAD

Who• EAD/ Funding Agencies

How• EAD produces and disseminates reports to inform:

i. GoP decision makingii. Donors decision makingiii. Resource mobilization and


Who• EAD

How• Produce monthly reports• Compare DAD data with internal records• Contact donors if data is inconsistent or not updated regularly• Implement bi-annual data review

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

DAD Pakistan: ChallengesDAD Pakistan: Challenges

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

1. Software Issues1. Software Issues

– Designed as an Earthquake Related AIMS

– Lack of Flexibility to Continuously adapt to the needs of the Government

– Connectivity Problems Experienced by some Development Partners

– On-line Regular Data Validation is Missing

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

2. Data Quality Issues2. Data Quality Issues

–Reluctance of some Development Partners to enter & update Data

–Incomplete/ Insufficient Disaggregated Data

– Under-utilization of Certain DAD Features and Elements, e.g. Results Tracking

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

3. Operational Issues3. Operational Issues

– Difficulties within EAD to Adjust Business Processes

– EAD’s Capacity Issues

– Implementing Partners not in the Loop

– Uncertainty among a few Stakeholders about the Roles and Responsibilities regarding the Data Entry Process

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Way Forward to Ensure Way Forward to Ensure SustainabilitySustainability

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

StrategyStrategyThree Pronged Strategy:

1. Expansion of DAD Software as per New Requirements

2. Hot Pursuit Policy for Better Data Quality

3. DAD Sustainability Strategy

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Expansion of DAD Software as per Expansion of DAD Software as per New RequirementsNew Requirements

1.Need Assessment & Consensus Building with all Stakeholders– Draft list of Requirements for DAD

Enhancement circulated among all Stakeholders for review

– Stakeholders Workshop for Consensus Building

2.Revision of Contract with Synergy International for three players

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Draft DAD Enhancement RequirementsDraft DAD Enhancement Requirements

• Capturing Planned Assistance Information and its linkage with Project Application

• Sharing of data entry responsibility with Implementing Partners

• New requirements in face of Emerging Aid Environment (e.g.: Flash Appeal Number for IDPs Projects, Capturing Tokyo Pledges in DAD)

• Enhanced reporting module• Enhanced information searching mechanism• New requirements for DAD Administration Center.

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

2. Hot Pursuit Policy for Better Data 2. Hot Pursuit Policy for Better Data QualityQuality

1. Integration of DAD within EAD’s Aid Management Structure

2.Mandatory Bi-annual Data up-dation Exercise

3.Stepwise preferential milestones for portfolio reflection in DAD

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

PC Wing

WB/ IDB Wing

ADB/ Japan Wing

Economics Affairs Division

EC Wing

UN/ China Wing

2. 2. Hot Pursuit Policy for Better Data Quality:Hot Pursuit Policy for Better Data Quality:


Implementing Partners

Aid Analyst

Aid Coordination Officer I

Aid Coordination Officer II

Aid Coordination Officer IV

Aid Coordination Officer III

DAD Team

Database Manager

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Aid Coordination OfficersDAD Focal Persons

2. 2. Hot Pursuit Policy for Better Data Quality:Hot Pursuit Policy for Better Data Quality:b. Mandatory Bi-annual Data updation Exercise

Receive the above three DAD Reports along

with a Cover Letter to the Data Exchange

Focal Person/s

Update/ Validate Reports

Sign Reports and Send them back to

the EAD

Receive Signed Reports and File them

Send the above three DAD Reports along with a Cover Letter to the Section Officer

for Data Exchange Focal Person/s

Data Accuracy Check Report

Financial Data Completeness Check Report

Descriptive Data

Completeness Check Report

Take DAD Backup on the Cut-Off Date for Reporting

Generate DAD Reports regarding Respective Portfolio/s of each


EAD Section Officers

Receive the above three

DAD Reports along with a

Cover Letter & send them to

Data Exchange Focal Person/s

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

1. Project Details

2. Project Funding 3. Key Indicators (Part A)a. Sectorb. Sub-Sectorc. Provinced. Districte. Tehsil/ Taluka

6. Project History

5. Notes & Attachments

3. Key Indicators (Part B)a. Expected Outputsb. KPIsc. Factors Causing Delayd. # of Beneficiaries/ HHe. Thematic Markers

4. Paris Declaration Indicators

Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Stage IV

2. 2. Hot Pursuit Policy for Better Data Quality:Hot Pursuit Policy for Better Data Quality: c. STEP WISE PREFERENCIAL MILESTONES FOR PORTFOLIO REFLECTION IN DAD

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

DAD Sustainability StrategyDAD Sustainability Strategy

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

DAD Sustainability StrategyDAD Sustainability Strategy

• Formalizing the Standards:

– Standard Operating Procedures for Data Entry

– User Manuals

• Provision of Trainings

• Set-up of DAD Help Desk

• Development of an Offline Data Entry Module

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DAD Community of Practice1st Global Conference, October 5-9, 2009

Yerevan, Armenia

Any Questions/ Comments
