  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    Chapter 12: Risk Evaluation inCapital Budgeting

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    •Risk refers to the variability in the actual

    returns vis-à-vis the estimated returns, in termsof cash os!

    •Risk involved in capital budgeting can be

    measured in absolute as ell as relative terms!

    • "he absolute measures of risk include

    sensitivity analysis, simulation and standarddeviation!

    • "he coe#cient of variation is a relative

    measure of risk!

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    'e(nition of Risk'e(nition of Risk

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    )ature of Risk)ature of Risk

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    Risk  e*ists because of the inability of thedecision+maker to make perfect forecasts!

    n formal terms, the risk associated ith aninvestment may be de(ned as thevariability that is likely to occur in thefuture returns from the investment!

     "hree broad categories of the eventsinuencing the investment forecasts:

    General economic conditions Industry factors Company factors 

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    -tatistical "echni.ues for Risk-tatistical "echni.ues for Risk


    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    $robability0ariance or -tandard 'eviation

    Coe#cient of 0ariation

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    1! $robability1! $robability

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    / typical forecast for a period! "his is referredto as best estimate or most likely forecast:

    / forecaster should not give %ust one estimate,but a range of associated probability3aprobability distribution!

    Probability may be described as a measure ofsomeone4s opinion about the likelihood that anevent ill occur!

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    /ssigning $robability/ssigning $robability

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

     "he probability estimate, hich is based ona very large number of observations, isknon as an objective probability!

    $robability assignments that reect thestate of belief of a person rather than theob%ective evidence of a large number oftrials are called personal or subjective


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    E*pected )et $resent 0alueE*pected )et $resent 0alue

    6nce the probability assignments havebeen made to the future cash os thene*t step is to (nd out the expectednet present value.

    E*pected net present value 7 -um ofpresent values of e*pected net cashos!

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

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    2! 0ariance or -tandard 'eviation2! 0ariance or -tandard 'eviation -imply stated,

    variance measuresthe deviation aboute*pected cash oof each of thepossible cash os!

    -tandard deviationis the s.uare root of

    variance!/bsolute 8easure

    of Risk!

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    2 2 


     (NCF) = (NCF – ENCF)n

     j j


     P σ   ∑

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    9! Coe#cient of 0ariation9! Coe#cient of 0ariation Relative Measure of Risk 

    t is derived as the standard deviation of theprobability distribution divided by its

    e*pected value "he coe#cient of variation is a useful

    measure of risk hen e are comparing thepro%ects hich have

    i; same standard deviations but di

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    C6)0E)"6)/= "EC>)?@E- A6R R-



    Risk+/d%usted 'iscount Rate

    Certainty E.uivalent


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    1! $ayback1! $ayback

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

     "his method, ansers the duration ithinhich the initial investment is recovered

     "he merit of paybackts simplicity

    Aocusing attention on the near term future andthereby emphasising the li.uidity of the (rm throughrecovery of capital!

    Aavouring short term pro%ects over hat may be

    riskier, longer term pro%ects!t ignores the time value of cash os!

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    2! Risk+/d%usted 'iscount Rate2! Risk+/d%usted 'iscount Rate

    Risk-adjusted discount rate, ill allo forboth time preference and risk preference and ill be a sum of the risk+free rate andthe risk+premium rate reecting theinvestor4s attitude toards risk!


    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    = 0

     NCF NPV =

    (1 )


    t  k +∑

     f  r k = k + k 

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    Evaluation of Risk-adjustedEvaluation of Risk-adjusted

    Discount RateDiscount Rate

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    /dvantages : t is simple and can be easily understood! t has a great deal of intuitive appeal for risk+

    averse businessman!

     t incorporates an attitude risk+aversion;toards uncertainty!

    =imitations: "here is no easy ay of deriving a risk+ad%usted

    discount rate!t does not make any risk ad%ustment in the

    numerator for the cash os that are forecastover the future years!

    t is based on the assumption that investors arerisk+averse! "hough it is generally true, there

    e*ists a category of risk seekers ho do notdemand premium for assuming risks they are

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    3. Certainty—Euivalent3. Certainty—EuivalentReduce the forecasts of

    cash os to someconservative levels!

     "he certaintyDe.uivalentcoe#cient assumes a

    value beteen and 1,and varies inversely ithrisk!

    'ecision+makersub%ectively or

    ob%ectively establishesthe coe#cients! "he certaintyDe.uivalent

    coe#cient can bedetermined as a

    relationship beteen thecertain cash os andCompiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi



     NCF NPV =

    (1 ) f 

    nt t 

    t t  k 



    * NCF Certain net cash flow  =

     NCF Risky net cash flow

    t t 

    α    =

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    Evaluation of Certainty—Evaluation of Certainty—


    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

     "his method su

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    Risk-adjusted Discount RateRisk-adjusted Discount Rate

    !s. Certainty"Euivalent!s. Certainty"Euivalent

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

     "he certaintyDe.uivalent approach recognisesrisk in capital budgeting analysis by ad%ustingestimated cash os and employs risk+free rateto discount the ad%usted cash os!

    6n the other hand, the risk+ad%usted discountrate ad%usts for risk by ad%usting the discountrate! t has been suggested that the certaintyDe.uivalent approach is theoretically a superior


  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    #ensitivity $nalysis#ensitivity $nalysis

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    #ensitivity analysis is a ay of analysingchange in the pro%ect4s )$0 or RR; for a givenchange in one of the variables!

     "he folloing three steps are involved in the

    use of sensitivity analysis:denti(cation of all those variables, hich have aninuence on the pro%ect4s )$0 or RR;!

    'e(nition of the underlying mathematical;relationship beteen the variables!

    /nalysis of the impact of the change in each of the

    variables on the pro%ect4s )$0! "he decision maker, hile performing

    sensitivity analysis, computes the pro%ect4s )$0or RR; for each forecast under threeassumptions: a; pessimistic, b; e*pected, andc; optimistic!

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    DC% &reak-even $nalysisDC% &reak-even $nalysis

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    -ensitivity analysis is a variation of the break+even analysis!

    Fhat shall be the conse.uences if volume orprice or cost changes -ensitivity analysis;G Hou

    can ask this .uestion dio muchloer can the sales volume become before thepro%ect becomes unpro(tableG Fhat you areasking for is the break+even point!

    DC% break-even point is di

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    #cenario $nalysis#cenario $nalysis

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    6ne ay to e*amine the risk of investmentis to analyse the impact of alternativecombinations of variables, calledscenarios( on the pro%ect4s )$0 or RR;!

     "he decision+maker can develop someplausible scenarios for this purpose! Aorinstance, e can consider three scenarios:

    pessimistic, optimistic and e*pected!

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    #i)ulation $nalysis#i)ulation $nalysis

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

     "he Monte Carlo simulation or simply thesi)ulation analysis considers the interactionsamong variables and probabilities of the changein variables! t computes the probability

    distribution of )$0! "he simulation analysisinvolves the folloing steps:Airst, you should identify variables that

    inuence cash inos and outos!-econd, specify the formulae that relate

    variables! "hird, indicate the probability distribution for

    each variable!Aourth, develop a computer programme that

    randomly selects one value from theprobability distribution of each variable and

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    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

     "he model becomes .uite comple* to use!

    t does not indicate hether or not thepro%ect should be accepted!

    -imulation analysis, like sensitivity orscenario analysis, considers the risk of anypro%ect in isolation of other pro%ects! i!e tdoes not make comparisons beteen to


  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    Decision +rees forDecision +rees for

    #euential ,nvest)ent#euential ,nvest)ent


    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    nvestment e*penditures are not an isolatedperiod commitments, but as links in a chainof present and future commitments!

    /n analytical techni.ue to handle the

    se.uential decisions is to employ decisiontrees!

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    sefulness of Decision +reesefulness of Decision +ree


    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

     "he merits of the decision tree approach are:t clearly brings out the implicit assumptions and

    calculations for all to see, .uestion and revise!t allos a decision maker to visualise assumptions

    and alternatives in graphic form, hich is usually

    much easier to understand than the more abstract,analytical form!

     "he demerits of the decision tree approach are: "he decision tree diagrams can become more and

    more complicated as the decision maker decides toinclude more alternatives and more variables and tolook farther and farther in time!

    t is complicated even further if the analysis ise*tended to include interdependent alternatives andvariables that are dependent upon one another!

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    tility +*eory and Capitaltility +*eory and Capital


    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    @tility theory aims at incorporation ofdecision+maker4s risk preference e*plicitlyinto the decision procedure!

    /s regards the attitude of individualinvestors toards risk, they can beclassi(ed in three categories:Risk-averse Risk-neutral 

    Risk-seeking ndividuals are generally risk averters anddemonstrate a decreasing marginal utilityfor money function!

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    Exa)pleExa)ple =et us assume that the

    oner of a (rm isconsidering an investmentpro%ect, hich has I percent of probability of yieldinga net present value of Rs 1

    lakh and J per centprobability of a loss of netpresent value of Rs 1 lakh!

    $ro%ect has a positivee*pected )$0 of Rs 2 lakh!>oever, the oner may berisk averse, and he may

    consider the gain in utilityarising from the positiveoutcome positive $0 of Rs1 lakh; less than the loss inutility as a result of thenegative outcome negative

    $0 of Rs 1 lakh;! "he oner may re%ect theCompiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    ENPV = 10 0!" # (–10) 0!$ = Rs 2 lakh

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    &enets and /i)itations of&enets and /i)itations of

    tility +*eorytility +*eory

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi

    t su

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    Risk $nalysis in PracticeRisk $nalysis in Practice

    8ost companies in ndia account for risk hileevaluating their capital e*penditure decisions!

     "he folloing factors are considered to inuencethe riskiness of investment pro%ects:price of ra material and other inputs

    price of productproduct demandgovernment policiestechnological changespro%ect lifeination

    6ut of these factors, four factors thought to becontributing most to the pro%ect riskiness are:selling price, product demand, technical changesand government policies!

  • 8/19/2019 Ch 12. Risk Evaluation in Capital Budgeting


    R- /)/=H-- ) $R/C"CE "he most commonly used methods of risk analysis in

    practice are: sensitivity analysis

    conservative forecasts-ensitivity analysis allos to see the impact of the

    change in the behaviour of critical variables on thepro%ect pro(tability! Conservative forecasts includeusing short payback or higher discount rate fordiscounting cash os!

    E*cept a very fe companies most companies do notuse the statistical and other sophisticated techni.uesfor analysing risk in investment decisions!


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     "hank Hou

    Compiled by: $rof! Ra%see &oshi
