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Shabbat Services 2

From Rabbi 3

Sisterhood/Men’s Club 9

Schools 11

Youth 12

Adult Studies 13

A-Team 13

Buns Family Library 15

Fundraising Report 18

Family Programs 18

Life Cycle Events 19

Mitzvah Grams 21

November 2011 Heshvan/Kislev 5772

Thanksgiving Service 3

Veterans Shabbat 6

Gift and Craft Show 7 & 8

Pumpkin Bread Sale 17

Sisterhood Fling 18

Havdala at the Beach 20

Blood Drive 22

Torah Fund 25

Unwrap the Magic

15th Anniversary celebration

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CHILD CARE To request Shabbat morning childcare for preschoolers,

please call the Synagogue office by Wednesday prior to Shabbat.

Congregation B’nai Israel

727-381-4900 Contacts

Rabbi Jacob Luski, D.D. 727-381-4900 Ext. 207

[email protected]

Cantor Jonathan Schultz

727-381-4900 Ext. 311 [email protected]

Executive Director, Sara A. Latham 727-381-4900 Ext. 202 [email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Preschool Director Bonnie Halprin 727-381-4900 Ext. 211

[email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah Education Director, Ilana Dayan

727-381-4900 Ext. 310 [email protected]

Youth & Family Program Director Sandy Brasch 727-381-4900 Ext. 209

[email protected]

Community Engagement, Liz Sembler 727-381-4900 Ext. 206 [email protected]

Torah Reader/Educator Deborah Marmon 727-381-4900 Ext. 205

[email protected]

Office Manager, Pam Askin 727-381-4900 Ext. 203

[email protected]

Receptionist, Anita Helfand 727-381-4900 Ext. 201

[email protected]

Accounting, Barbara Jarvis 727-381-4900 Ext.204

[email protected]

PRTT Secretary, Patzi Gil 727-381-4900 Ext. 210 [email protected]

President, Leslie Pearlstein M.D [email protected]

Sisterhood President, Alice Ettinger Men’s Club President, Jesse Rodman

USY President, Alyssa Kobernick Kadima President, Max Kobernick

Bulletin Committee:

Layout Editor, Masha Ronay

Coordinators, Pam Askin, Anita Helfand

B’nai Israel Review Publishes 11 times a year by

Congregation B’nai Israel 300 58th Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33710 727– 381-4900 FAX 727-344-1307

All rights reserved. No part of this document can be copied without the permission of

Congregation B’nai Israel

Shabbat Services & Candlelighting

PARTICIPATE IN ALIYOT The Ritual Committee of Congregation B’nai Israel

encourages worshippers to participate in services by

performing aliyot. If you would like to receive an aliyah, please

call the synagogue office at 381-4900, or kindly speak to one of the ushers when you

enter the sanctuary, and every effort will be made to

accommodate your request. Those wishing to receive an

aliyah on Shabbat morning are asked to arrive at services no

later than 9:30 am. We look forward to your

participation. Shalom,

Morry Bornstein, Ritual Chair

Friday, November 4, 2011 Candlelighting 6:27 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 pm Bar Mitzvah Michael Ross Giskin Saturday, November 5, 2011 Sedra – Leh Leha Shabbat Services 9:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Michael Ross Giskin Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv & Havdala 6:15 pm Friday, November 11, 2011 Veterans Day Candlelighting 5:23 pm Kabbalat Shabbat, PRTT Shabbaton 5:30 pm Followed by PRTT Dinner 6:30 pm Saturday, November 12, 2011 Sedra – Vayera Shabbat Services 9:00 am Veterans Shabbat, Birthday Shabbat Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minyan Katan 10:45 am Minha, Maariv & Havdalah 5:10 pm Friday, November 18, 2011 Candlelighting 5:20 pm Shabbat Service 8:00 pm Bar Mitzvah of Marc Jacob LeVine Saturday, November 19, 2011 Sedra – Haye Sarah Shabbat Services 9:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Marc Jacob LeVine Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv & Havdala 5:05 pm Friday, November 25, 2011 Candlelighting 5:18 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 pm Saturday, November 26, 2011 Sedra – Toldot Shabbat Services 9:00 am No Junior Congregation Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv & Havdala 5:05 pm

Friday, December 2, 2011 Candlelighting 5:17 pm Shabbat Service 8:00 pm Saturday, December 3, 2011 Sedra – Vayetze Shabbat Services 9:00 am Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv & Havdala 5:05 pm Havdala on the Beach 6:30 pm


If you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat on Friday evening, a Seudah

Shlishit on Shabbat afternoon or a L’Hayim following a

Morning Minyan in honor or memory of a loved one or a

special occasion, please

contact Synagogue office.


The Mitzvah Men’s Club provides a Continental

Breakfast for all worshippers on Minyan Mornings in the

alcove of the Social Hall. Please join the Minyanaires

for the morning Shaharit service and relax and

schmooze over breakfast bagels, cream cheese,

coffee cake and coffee/tea.


Attend Our Twice Daily Minyan

Mornings at 7:45 am Sunday -Thursday Evenings at

6:30 pm Sunday & Thanksgiving

morning at 9:00 am.

CBI Website

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From the Rabbi

All Else is Commentary Look up the word ‘thanksgiving’ in the Jewish Encyclopedia and you will find no explanation, merely the statement: “Thanksgiving – See

benedictions.” This is a fundamental insight of Judaism on the method of teaching the concept of gratitude. It is simply that every time we enjoy a gift of God’s wonderful world, we say a berakhah, a blessing and we offer thanksgiving. Thanksgiving does not come just one day of the year for the Jew; rather every day of the year is an occasion for thanksgiving. It is an old Jewish tradition that a Jew recites one hundred berakhot, blessings every single day. This means that a hundred times a day we might find the opportunity for giving thanks to God for all the good things in life. Judaism teaches us not to take the world for granted, but rather to pause and be sensitive to all the wonderful opportunities we have as human beings to enrich, ennoble and beautify our lives. It teaches us that a sensitive person, indeed a spiritual person, knows how to offer thanks. A writer on vacation was sitting with his family by the Gulf of Mexico, watching a beautiful sunset. The family sat in reverent silence as the

rays of the large afternoon sun shone across the water. After a while, the four year old daughter touched her father’s hand and whispered, “Father, let us say thanks.” That is the Jewish point of view. We need the ability to thank God for the blessings of each day, for each sunset, for each new month, for each new year, for each new joy. And this after all, is the essence of religion to which all else is commentary. Let us join in the Community Thanksgiving celebration on Sunday, November 20 at Maximo Presbyterian Church, 3200 58th Avenue South, St. Petersburg. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


Rabbi Jacob Luski

Reading the Torah each week I have formed several thoughts which I am sharing with you this New Year. Our matriarchs and patriarchs make many decisions which are sometimes right or wrong. They were imperfect people and we are as well. The Torah teaches us over thirty times to respect the stranger because we were once strangers in the land of Egypt. We have different rituals than our neighbors but we do not force on anyone our behaviors or beliefs and we expect the same tolerance in return. Although we are overwhelmed with computers and electronic devices, do not lose sight of our past. Our tradition offers a sense of stability in our lives. Lastly, continue studying and questioning. I am learning daily and struggle with personal and religious issues. Return to our texts and join our synagogue “mishpacha” for strength to continue.

B’Shalom, Debbie Marmon, Torah Reader and Educator

Torah Reader and Educator

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Happy Thanksgiving! Our family is very fortunate to be able to celebrate with so many loved ones. Consider inviting someone who is alone to share Thanksgiving with you. Even though CBI doesn’t have a formal food drive at Thanksgiving, we collect

food all year long for distribution by Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services. Collection bins are located in the lobby and in the synagogue office. Grocery gift cards are also accepted. Do a mitzvah, and help those that are less fortunate. Now that the weather is starting to cool off a little, and the High Holidays are over, the CBI board, committees, and staff are busy preparing for the remaining calendar of events and services - including daily minyan, Shabbat and Holiday services, family programming and fundraising events and projects; and adult, youth, and children’s programming. Get ready for the Gift & Craft show, preview on Saturday evening, December 10 and all day Sunday, December 11. The GCS committee has been hard at work since last year. The Gelt Giveaway is back! Get together with a group of friends and purchase a drawing ticket, and help support CBI. The Bloodmobile will be back on Sunday. If possible, give the Gift of Life! Also, if you know of someone who is ill or is going into the hospital, please call the synagogue office to let us know (even if it’s you). Again, all the best for a Happy Thanksgiving.

Sara Latham Executive Director

From the Executive Director

“Hineh Mah tov umah na'im shevet achim gam yachad.” “How good and pleasant is it when brothers sit together.” Psalm 133.

Over the recent Holidays, I had the honor to be seated on the Bimah and look over the sea of faces in our sanctuary. Some faces were my family and some faces were of friends and acquaintances. I also saw faces that I had not seen for quite some time. Then there were congregants’ faces that I had never seen before that day. Sitting next to Rabbi Luski, I learned the names of those unfamiliar faces. His encyclopedic memory of names and faces both educated and amazed me as we sat and prayed together. As I contemplated the faces of our congregation, the words and melody of Psalm 133 kept repeating in my head. Yes, it felt “good” to see all of our brothers and sisters sitting together in prayer. I could see in their faces happiness, sadness, and so many other emotions. Most especially, during the chanting of Kol Nidre and Hineni, there were times when I saw these faces deep in thought, reflecting on their souls. But something kept nagging at my brain. Why do so many of us, as Jews, gather together in our Kehilla Kedusha, our Holy Sanctuary, on just a limited number of days each year? What draws us all together,

From the President as brothers and sisters, during these few Holy Days? Some may say, “It’s our tradition.” We are following in our parents’ footsteps. Others may say our personal guilt forces us to come to Shul during the High Holidays. Yes, these are the “Days of Awe”, Yamim Noraim, and Repentance. Then there is Yizkor, the Remembrance of our Loved Ones who no long walk on this Earth; yet we sense their Neshamah with us every day. Are these the reasons Jews come together on the High Holidays? Do we think that praying together at these times, and no other time, will give us life and peace? My answer to all these questions is “YES”. My Jewish, scientific mind tells me that God placed a small algorithm, a set of rules, in the human computer, our brain. From this locus, deep in our brain’s cortex, a signal tells Jews to congregate as brothers and sisters at the beginning of a New Year. As Jews, we believe in “Life”. We celebrate being alive. We thank and praise God for our lives. The High Holidays refresh us yearly as we travel on the journey of our lives. What better way is there to celebrate a yearly reawakening other than gathering together with our brothers and sisters?

Shalom to all,

Leslie Pearlstein, MD, President

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600 6th Street South St. Petersburg, FL 33701

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I have so much to be thankful for! In particular, I am thankful for my wonderful family, my fabulous husband, Larry, and all of my friends who are my family here in St Petersburg. I am thankful for all the devoted women who have made my CBI Sisterhood presidency so pleasurable and rewarding. MY HEARTFELT THANKS to all of you who say yes when I call; who continue to work tirelessly to fulfill your responsibilities to the Sisterhood Board and CBI; who have volunteered to chair events and/or help with events; who help in the kitchen at any given time; who attend meetings, make crafts, have fun, share ruach and friendship with fellow members. I am thankful for the opportunities to learn each day through the activities and information available through Women’s League and the Women’s League website at Be sure to go online to see what’s there. Lastly, continue to support Sisterhood in the many ways that are available. Check the website for a complete list of committees and chairs. Below is a tiny portion of our many activities.

Catering – “Your Simcha, Your Way” – give Jean Kraff a call to plan your simcha;

Birthday Kiddush and Anniversary Shabbat – thank you Naomi Berg for her work last season; and thank you Helen Kahan for taking on the Birthday and Anniversary Shabbat. Send in your donation made out to Sisterhood and mark it “Birthday or Anniversary Shabbat

Baking – join the group who meets to bake the desserts for Oneg and Kiddush. Call Ruth Ann Mizrahi for a schedule.

Flower Fund and Mitzvah Cards– call Marilyn Goldberg to order fresh flowers for the Bima or a special card to celebrate a mitzvah.

OVER THE TOP! The Mitzvah Men’s Club membership is higher so far this year than in the last 5 years. One might assume, therefore, that a lot of guys think it’s a great organization to belong to and participate in. How can that be?? Well, our “official” motto is “Involving Jewish Men in Jewish Life”, but we believe as well that we exist to Do Good and Have Fun. What a concept! Even our World Wide Wrap, when we join annually with literally thousands of men and kids around the world to learn how to put on tefillin and what it means, combines that spiritual and learning experience with a fantastic Men’s Club brunch and an outstanding guest from the world of professional sports. (In fact, word on the street is that Theo Epstein applied [as of this writing he’s “between jobs”] and was turned down; some say it was because of security concerns for his safety, but I don’t believe it. (That kind of stuff happens in Boston, not here.) Point is, it’s a great time.



Mark your calendar:

WORLD WIDE WRAP, SUPER BOWL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 8:30 AM. If you haven’t sent in your membership stuff yet, there’s still a lot of year left. Call our membership chairman, The Honourable Phil Redisch, at 546-4291 and he’ll get you squared away.

Yours in brotherhood, Moishe Pipick , VP Fun

(Jesse Rodman, MMC President)

Judaica Shop – Ellen Bernstein and Anita Helfand are proud of the wonderful items that are available in the shop. So many special, artistic, fun items can be yours and you help CBI with each purchase.

Torah Fund – Marilyn LeVine would be happy to show you Torah Fund pins. Jennifer Sternberg will help you send Torah Fund cards; and Joanne Luski can give you information about Torah Fund.

Membership – if you know a woman who is not a member of Sisterhood, let Starr Silver know and she will personally call to invite her to join us; if you have not paid your dues to date, it is never too late—call Gail Frye and she will gladly send you the form and envelope.

Ways and Means – Sheryl Feinman and Diana Litt Meeting Hospitality – Millie Gelfond Board Dinners – Joan Redisch Israeli Affairs – Irma Mayer Birthday Greetings – Barbara Noonberg Historian – Ronnie Geffon Paid up Membership – Starr Silver – be ready for a great time Chai Club – Selma Gaby New Year Greetings – Anita Helfand Shalach Manot – Esta Blaxberg Mah Jongg Cards – Susan Scheinert Sisterhood Shabbat Services – Rikki Lewis Sisterhood Shabbat Oneg and Kiddush – Ruth Ann Mizrahi,

Joan Redisch, Gail Frye Shalom,

Alice Ettinger, Sisterhood President

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The PRTT Schedule for November: Sunday school will meet on November 6th and 13th. No Sunday School on November 20th and 27th - Thanksgiving holiday break

Tuesday Alef-Heh classes will meet on November 1st, 8th 15th and 29th. No classes on Tuesday November 22nd Thanksgiving holiday break. The PRTT Schedule for December: Sunday school will meet on December 4th and 11th. No Sunday School on December 18th, December 25th and January 1st Tuesday Alef-Heh classes will meet on December 6th and 13th. No classes on Tuesdays, December 20th and 27th - Winter vacation break PRTT classes will resume on Tuesday, January 3, 2012.


Ilana Dayan, Education Director


Some of the most important components of a good Jewish background need more than just study in a classroom. It is essential that our students have regular synagogue experience on Shabbat that interests and inspires them. Here at CBI we hold special Junior Congregation services for children in grades 3-7 on Shabbat mornings in the Chapel at 10:00 am. All children will worship together. They will put into practice the lessons they have learned during the week. Each student will have the opportunity to lead parts of the service, learn new melodies, and explore Shabbat teachings and stories. They will also gain the confidence they will need when it comes time to lead services for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations. Junior Congregation will meet on Saturdays, November 5th & 12th at 10:00 a.m. We look forward to seeing your children there.


What’s Jewish About Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is an American holiday, but it can easily be incorporated into Jewish family life. Most families get together for the traditional turkey dinner. It is nice for everybody, even those who live far away, to get together this time of year. The story of the pilgrims and their plentiful harvest that was followed by a feast with the Indians is seldom recalled at the dinner table the way we recall the story of the Exodus at our Passover Seder each year. But we have the model of storytelling with which generations of Jews have taught and renewed our values and commitments. Why not apply this model to the Thanksgiving meal? Share some American history. We can remember the suffering and displacement of the indigenous people, and other shameful oppressions such as slavers, as well as the refuge the United States provided for many people. Remember the ongoing revolutions such as civil and human rights. Thanksgiving Day is an opportunity for us to take stock of our country and give thanks for its blessings and for the opportunity here to work for and create change. Here are some ideas for your table:

Recall the history of this land. Go around the table and have everyone participate recalling the history of the land since the pilgrims arrived. Each person continues where the last left off.

Answer questions: What are we personally thankful for? What are we thankful for as American Jews? What do we wish to contribute to this country? What do we believe are the highest ideals and best values of the United States? Have we, as a nation, lived up to those ideals and values this past year?

Read aloud a great quote. Example – Emma Lazarus’ poem inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty.

B’shalom! Bonnie Halprin, Preschool Director



Each Shabbat morning children are invited to participate in Congregation Services by leading Ein Keloheinu and Aleinu at the conclusion of Musaf. Please make plans to have your child present at the assigned time. We look forward to hearing our children’s voices raised in song and prayer as they take their places along side all those who continue to make services more meaningful, spiritual and successful here at CBI. The participation schedule is as follows:

· November 12 - Grades 3 & 4 · December 3 - Grade 7 · December 10 - Grade 6 · December 17 - Grade 5

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Shalom! The High Holidays are a time of deep introspection for me as well as my fellow USYer’s. We are very excited for our new Jewish year and our upcoming events.

This past month we successfully hosted a Bucs party with our friends from Clearwater USY at the Warren’s household. We all had a great time with our friends at the joint-event watching the Bucs play and hoping they would win.

In November, we will travel to Jacksonville to attend the Mercaz Fall Sub-Regional convention. The theme is social networking, such as Facebook and Twitter. We will learn about communication and how to stay safe while using the different social networks. We look forward to amazing, Sicha’s or learning sessions, as well as socializing with our best friends. This sub-regional event is favored by many USY’ers in Mercaz. It is the first event of the year to see friends from other chapters.

Our chapter will go to work in the kitchen to bake pumpkin breads for Thanksgiving. In addition to earning funds for Tikun Olam, thanks to the support of our congregation we will deliver breads to the Jewish residents at the Philip Benjamin Towers. The chapter is very excited for the upcoming month, looking forward to Hanukka and Havdala on the Beach with the Congregation!

Alyssa Kobernick, USY President


November is a month of thanks and giving! This month the USYers have the opportunity for both. Once again they will bake pumpkin breads. The money raised will go toward Tikun Olam. At the end of each year the kids look at a number of giving opportunities and decide where tzedakah will go. Through this simple act they are forced to examine the needs around them and which they want to support. It is interesting to note CBI is always the first on the list. The kids realize the importance of supporting our beloved CBI to ensure its future. Next month, at the CBI Hanukka Celebration, we will all be able to take part in the Mitzvah of giving. Home baked cookies will be available for decoration and will then be delivered to our local firefighters and police Christmas day. This is a busy month for our youth groups. Kadima and USY will participate in Mercaz Fall Conventions and Halutzim will have a co-event with Kadima at the new “jump” venue, Airheads. Working with your children fills me with joy and gratitude and thanks to all who support me and our amazing youth department!

B’Shalom, Sandy Brasch, Youth and Family Program Director

November Calendar Wednesday, Nov 2: Hebrew High and Mehina 7:00 pm

Sunday, Nov 6: Halutzim and Kadima go to

AIRHEADS 12:30- 2:30

Wednesday, Nov 9: Dine and Dash 6:00; Hebrew High

and Mehina 7:00;

Israel Inside & Out @ Ahavat

Shalom 11th and 12th graders

Friday-Sunday, Nov 11-12: USY Mercaz Sub Regional


Friday-Saturday Nov 11-12: PRTT Shabbaton

Friday-Sunday, Nov 18-20: Mercaz Kadima Convention

Monday, Nov 21: USY Pumpkin Bread Baking 11:00

Wednesday Nov 30: USY Board meeting 6:00;

Hebrew High 7:00

COLLEGE CONNECTION Do you have a college student in the family?

CBI wants to stay connected and we need your help.

Please email the following information to Sandy Brasch [email protected]

Student name

Current college mailing address

Email address

Cell phone number

College attending, year in school and graduation date

Parent name and email address We will once again send mailings and “care packages” to our college students. To insure YOUR child receives his/her mail and package we must have a current address and email address.

Pam LeCompte, College Chair


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Torah For Seniors, led by Rabbi Jacob Luski Tuesday, November 1st at 11:00 am at Philip Benjamin

Tower Activities Room.

Lunch With The Rabbi & Mishnah Study Wednesday, November 2nd at 12:00 noon in the CBI Atrium. Please RSVP your deli lunch order to the synagogue office

by 1:00 pm the Tuesday prior to class.

NEW! NEW! NEW! Hebrew Classes with Ruth Mauer, all beginner levels welcome

6:45 pm Wednesdays: November 2, 9, 16, December 7 & 14.

Talmud Made Easy, led by Stephen Wein Tuesdays, November 8th and 22nd; and

December 6th and 22nd at 7:00 pm In the Buns Family Library

CBI - Hadassah Book Discussion Club

Wednesday, November 16th at 10:00 am In the Buns Family Library To discuss: Absurdistan: A Novel by Gary Shteyngart

Please refer to the Library page for full listing of books to be discussed.


The Jewish Federation of Pinellas & Pasco Counties & The Tampa Jewish Federation

Thursday, November 15, 2011 at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay Featuring Guest Speaker DAN SENOR - best-selling author of

Start-Up Nation 6:00 pm Major Gifts Reception, Yad Happy Hour & POM It Up

Women’s Campaign 7:00 pm Program & Reception Open to the Community Rsvp online at or call 530-3223

Private Davening Mentors Available

For those who have always wanted to learn to read Torah, lead a service or just improve your davening skills, we are offering

one-on-one tutors who will teach and work with you privately at your own pace. There is no cost for the course, but please call the

office to make arrangements.

Rapidly changing events in the Middle East present Israel with many political and defense challenges. Recent AIPAC mailings have described a few of the pressing increased threats and increased costs for Israel’s defense requirements.

Threat: Advanced Ballistic Missiles and Rockets Israel’s Need: Improve Rocket and Missile Defenses Threat: Sophisticated Anti-Aircraft Weapons Israel’s Need: Enhance Aircraft Capabilities Threat: Advanced Anti-Tank Weapons Israel’s Need: Enhanced Ground Forces Threat: Increased Sea- and Shore-Based Threats Israel’s Need: Upgrade Naval Fleet

A Struggle to Remain Strong in the Skies: Israel’s neighbors are dramatically increasing the size and capabilities of their air forces, forcing Israel to spend more to keep up. US aid helps Israel do just that.

Changing Regional Assumptions: Across the Middle East, protesters are demanding changes in their governments. While Israel hopes that free societies will emerge in Muslim countries, the Jewish state must prepare for the growing tension with its neighbors.

Costly Missile Defense Systems: All of Israel is under the threat of short-, medium-, and long-range rocket attacks. The Israeli government cannot afford to shield the entire country. US aid helps Israel strengthen its missile defense capabilities.

The changing and increasing threats are forcing Israel to invest heavily in new and expensive technologies. These costs are a detriment to Israel’s non-military programs and needs. You are urged to communicate with your federal representatives to encourage continued support of US aid to Israel.

The A-Team, The Advocacy for Israel Committee Byron Kolitz


The world rests on three things – on Torah, on service of God, on deeds of love.

Shimon Ha-Tzadik

Attention Maj Goddesses!

It's that time of year again ....... place your orders for the 2012 Mah Jongg cards !!!

Standard card ......$ 7 Large card ............$ 8

Checks payable to: CBI SISTERHOOD

Mail to: SUSAN SCHEINERT 9228 SILVERTHORN RD. LARGO , FL. 33777 Any questions? Contact me at 394.1428 or [email protected]

PS ........ no order too large or small :-))

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The CBI-Hadassah Book Clubs will continue to meet monthly on Wednesdays at 10:00 am in the Buns Family Library for lively discussions of current books.

Date Book Author 11/16/11 Absurdistan: A Novel Gary Shteyngart 12/21/11 Foreign Bodies Cynthia Ozick 1/18/12 The Last Jew Noah Gordon 2/15/12 Great House Nicole Krauss 3/21/12 To The End Of The Land David Grossman 4/18/12 All Other Nights Dara Horn 5/16/12 The Lazarus Project Aleksander Hemon

If you would like to lead a discussion group, please call Sheila Wasserman at 347- 5816!

BOOK REVIEW The Brothers Ashkanazi, by (The Other) I. Singer

By Rebecca Newberger Goldstein It is all but required, when introducing the Yiddish writer I(srael) J(oshua) Singer, to identify him as the older brother of the Yiddish writer I(saac) B(ashevis) Singer. It was, of course the younger Singer brother who would go on to garner the first and only Nobel prize awarded to a Yiddish writer (a record not likely ever to be broken). The reputational asymmetry between the brothers Singer is more than a little ironic; while the two brothers lived, it was Israel Joshua (1893–1944) who was famous, while Isaac (1902–1991) languished darkly in his internal contradictions and older brother’s shadow. The irony is heightened when the occasion for the introduction is the welcome reissue of I. J. Singer’s The Brothers Ashkanazi. It had been Israel Joshua, a forceful and bold personality, who had been the trailblazer, preparing the way for the more passive and self-conscious Isaac. It was Israel Joshua who first broke, and more irrevocably than his brother, with the Orthodox insularity of the family, their father, mystical and impractical, a rabbi from a Hasidic line, their mother, the daughter of a non-Hasidic rabbi and the so-called rationalist” of the couple. The Brothers Ashkanazi was the first book that I.J. Singer published after arriving in New York from Warsaw in 1934. Its ambition and range were unprecedented in Yiddish literature— how exhilaratingly impudent to pull even Czar Nicholas II into its pages, rendering his embarrassing inanities in the language of the despised Jews—and it called forth comparisons to Tolstoy. The critic Joseph Epstein has wittily described it as the greatest Russian novel ever written in Yiddish. Translated into English and published by Knopf in 1936, it went to the top of the New York Times bestseller list, lingering there together with Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind. I. J. Singer’s reputation had reached its zenith, and fans began to fantasize that the committee in Stockholm might cast its gaze on this Yiddish writer, who had made good on the Haskalah’s dream of cross-pollination between Jewish and secular cultures. But by 1944 the author was dead, felled by a massive heart attack. With his death, the talents of his younger brother, who had been somewhat lost as an immigrant, languishing in the shadow of his powerful brother’s reputation, were transcendentally unleashed. I.B. Singer, in carving out his unique standing as a Yiddish writer in world literature, would systematically minimize his indebtedness to the Yiddish tradition out of which he had arisen, issuing many statements emphasizing “the provincial and backward” writing of all Yiddish writers who had come before him, the sentimentality that precluded genuine artistry. Isaac would never have even considered such self-serving prevarications had his brother lived. I. B. Singer’s influence on so many Jewish novelists of this generation has been enormous. We should all be glad of the opportunity to read, with pleasure and illumination, the writing of the other brilliant Singer.

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Please patronize

our advertisers

Do you want to

place an ad? Call Pam Askin

Call 381-4900 ext 203 St. Petersburg Chapter

Come join us! For membership information

please contact:

Susan Kagan – Membership VP

[email protected]


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Todah Rabah for your generous support of our CBI Kol Nidre campaign and to Dr. David and Janice LeVine, our co-chairs. If you have not made your pledge, please speak with Sara Latham in the CBI office. Please help make our goal this year! Todah Rabah to Laurie Reiskind for chairing the CBI Membership Directory and to everyone who placed ads. The Directory is now being printed and will be mailed shortly. Our next important fundraisers are the Gift and Craft Show and Gelt Giveaway on December 10thand 11th. Plan to do your personal holiday shopping and buy a Gelt drawing ticket individually or as a group. Also, as the holidays approach, remember to order SCRIP gift cards for restaurants, entertainment, and shopping. Contact Jay Kauffman or the CBI office. As always, purchasing leaves on the Tree of Life to celebrate simchas and ordering Memorial Plaques for your loved ones who have passed, are another way of financially supporting our shul.

Diane Litt 3rd Vice President, Fundraising


It seems quite fitting to be recognizing our Jewish Veterans during this month of Thanksgiving. We all owe a great debt to those who have served or are currently serving in the U. S. or Israeli military. Shabbat morning, November 12 our children will honor those veterans in song. It is not too late to order your pumpkin bread from USY and I hope you will consider ordering one to donate to the Jewish residents of the Philip Benjamin Tower. See the flyer in this bulletin for all the details! During the High Holidays you received a beautiful and informative CBI Program Booklet highlighting all the amazing activities CBI offers. Although the booklet was an effort of many our sincere gratitude goes to Sheryl Sutton for her dedication to this project. Without her creative abilities this booklet would have never become a reality.

Mark your calendars now for Havdalah on the Beach, December 3. If you have never attended make this the year you do. We are fortunate to live in such a beautiful area and being together on the beach enhances this meaningful service. Wherever you gather for Thanksgiving may it be meaningful and joyful!


Sandy Brasch, Youth and Family Program Director

CBI Website

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We share in the sorrow

of the passing of:

BARRY AUGENBRAUN Husband of Janet Augenbraun,

Father of William Augenbraun & Leslie Goldman, Brother of Terry Augenbraun & Cookie Edelman.


Brother of Jerry Gilbert

BERNARD MAYER Brother of Jack Mayer

DR. JEFFREY JACOBSON Husband of Rita Jacobson,

Father of Amy Melker & Dawn Bomstein. Brother of Carol Goodman & Beverly Tsernov

Todah Rabah to Carol Marcin for volunteering and coordinating our core of volunteers. Thank you to the following volunteers who assisted with the office work and special mailings over the past months: Sally Swale, Carol Marcin, Kitty and Marvin Jacobs, Marian Lustigman-Rooth, Esta Blaxberg and Diana Litt. Our apologies to anyone we have inadvertently omitted.



Looking for a special way to

honor your family and friends who are celebrating

a simha?

The TREE OF LIFE is just the answer. What a joy it is for someone to walk into our shul and see a Tribute of their special birthday,

anniversary or wedding.

Does your child or grandchild have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or special occasion coming up? What a great way to honor them!

Also makes a great “group gift” for a special occasion. Order forms are in the synagogue office and lobby.

Minimum donation $254.

New leaves have been dedicated to: In honor of Lucille Ginsburg on her 90th Birthday, October 8, 2011, By Dear Friends:

Gloria Abrams, Naomi Berg, Ellen Bernstein, Esta Blaxberg, Selma Gaby, Dorothy Goldblatt, Jeannette & Alma Hirsch, Helen Kahan,

Gerry Lesser, Charlotte Levine, Jane Markowitz, Elsa & Joe Mekosh,

Adele Morris, Vivian Neumann, Marian Paikowsky, Lillian Rosen, Bevalan Rafal, Sandi & Jesse Rodman, Renee & Larry Salzer, Lilly Salcman, Ella

Schlanger, Bette Schroeder, Anita Sher, Sarah Swale.

In honor of our loving parents, Larry & Aldena Lew on their 50th Wedding Anniversary, October 25, 2011, Love, David and Aaron


Mazal Tov To:


Mrs. Jaclyn Litt Catalfina on achieving her NASM certification as a personal trainer.

Julia Lynn Halprin, daughter of David & Bonnie Halprin and granddaughter of Bette Schroeder, on receiving the prestigious Golden Kipah Honor Society Award.


Stacy & Jamie Rosenberg, Dr. Stanley & Nancy Rosenberg, Ron & Jayne Weissman, Dorothy Goldblatt and Elinor Citrin on the birth of their son, grandson and great-grandson, Landon Jude Rosenberg.

Dr. Martin & Zina Rosenblum and Steven & Elena Rosenblum on the birth of their granddaughter and daughter, Ines Rosenblum.

Cindy Fletcher and Michael & Nicole Manley on the birthday of their granddaughter and daughter, Daphne Anne Manley.


Dr. Allen and Mrs. Debbie Marmon on the engagement of their daughter, Dr. Shoshana Marmon to Dr. Daniel Laurie.


Dr. Jay Azneer

Mrs. Lily Michaels

Mr. Eric & Mrs. Chandaye Pastman

Miss Roberta De Blasio

Miss Jeni Armandez

Miss Jackie Wertel

Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Yael (Benstock) Alpert and son, Max.

Mr. Michael & Mrs. Mandi Gross

Mr. Joshua Ludin

Mr. Marvin Freeman

Dr. Kevin & Mrs. Alison Tralins and daughters, Jordan, Ella and Myla

Dr. Lionel & Mrs. Patricia Levinson

Dr. Igor & Dr. Yana Sirotkin and daughter, Lauren Talia

Mrs. Beverly Levine

Mr. Harris Meltzer

Mr. Gerry Werner

Mr. Jared Shenofsky

Mr. Arthur & Mrs. Sharon Schloss

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

St Pete Beach 6700 - Beach Plaza

St. Pete. Beach, FL 33706

6:30 pm

In case of rain program will be rescheduled

Bring a flashlight

Turn west onto 67th off of Gulf Blvd. go 2 blocks.

67th dead ends at Upham Beach

Parking meters $1.25/hour

8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Congregation B’nai Israel


St. Petersburg

Invites you to

Havdalah on the Beach

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In Honor of: ________________________________

Check the names of everyone to you would like to send a Mitzvah Gram. Send this form together with your check, minimum $10 donation each, to: Congregation B’nai Israel, 300 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 *The minimum donation per acknowledgement is $10. Please print:

Your Name: ______________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City, _____________________________Zip: __________________

Telephone: ______________

Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries and B’nai Mitzvah. Your good

wishes can be part of their memories, while at the same time, supporting B’nai Israel’s commitment to help our

schools, youth groups and Synagogue through your donations to our Mitzvah Fund.

1 Adele Morris 1 Jeff Hilton 2 Dr. Ruth Lebowitz 2 Rabbi Jacob Luski 3 Pam Wittner LeCompte 4 Irma Mayer 4 Claire Weinstein 4 Joel Shane 4 Dr. Brian Kagan 4 Victoria Schwartz 5 Cindy Weisberg 6 Sylvia Ayes 6 Marilyn LeVine 6 Aldena Lew 7 Ben Bush 7 Jill Engelman 8 Karen Reich 10 Esther Rothman 10 Sheila Hutman 11 Dr. Leslie Weiss 12 Sara Gershuny 12 Selma Gaby 13 Randi Rabin 13 Joe Kauffman 13 Elaine Rothstein 14 Ben Pertcheck

14 Barbara Levin 14 Sandy Harwood 16 Phyllis Werner 17 Dr. Sidney Grau 17 Ellen Goetz 17 Bonnie Halprin 17 Sheri Frogel 18 Ilene Goldblatt 19 Jeannette Hirsch 20 Asher Gil 20 Joel Taller 21 Ernest Drucker 21 Anita Helfand 21 Sandy Herskowitz 21 Robin Perlman 22 Bea Wallace 22 Ross Levy 23 Howard Rothstein 25 Robert Sutton 26 Barry Kelmachter 26 Eric Ludin 27 Thelma Gilbert 27 Elaine Garon 27 Melissa Terzi 28 Ana Masri 28 Michael Benstock


9:00 AM


6 Patricia & Leonard Adelson 6 Shevy & Tom Silverberg 12 Marilyn & Jack Goldberg 13 Shana & Matthew Gaines 16 Alice & Dr. Larry Ettinger 18 Joan & Jerry Benstock 22 Anita & Arlen Helfand 23 Mussie & Jack Eidelman 23 Yardena & Dr. Loren Isakson 24 Claire & Ron Yogman 25 Joanne & Rabbi Jacob Luski 25 Linda & Jack Goldfarb 26 Bonnie & David Halprin 27 Terri & Jay Gross 27 Betty & Allen Polon 28 Jane & Don Silverberg 30 Beth & Larry Figard


SHABBAT FRIDAY, December 16, 2011

8:00 PM

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DID YOU KNOW? Blood Donations are needed

Did you know, every day in the Tampa Bay area over 600 blood

donations are needed?

Did you know, 9 out of 10 people who live to age 70 require a blood

transfusion at least once in their life?

Did you know, as our congregation ages many of our former donors

cannot donate blood as they would like to.

Did you know each year we are asked to donate to many funds, but it

is a greater Mitzvah to give from your heart.

Did you know, this is one time you don’t have to reach into your

pockets, instead you roll up your sleeves and give something that is priceless, a pint of your blood!!

Did you know, it could be the best Hanukka gift for someone who has

everything except his or her health?

Did you know, you can enjoy Hanukka knowing you only have to give

the gift of life on one night, not eight?


Kol Tov

Jack Goldberg Mitzvah Men’s Club Blood Drive Chairman

Jewish Federation of Pinellas & Pasco Counties Covenant Fund Application

Follow these 3 Easy Steps

1. Fill out the Federation’s Covenant Fund one-page application.

2. Go to to submit your financial information. Enter 33773 in the zip code search to find our account: JFEDPPC.

a. Find your camp b. Fill out the online FACTS application c. Pay the $25 FACTS non-refundable application fee d. Submit 2010 tax return, essays and letters to FACTS

3. If you are in grades 9-12 please call the Federation office to set up your interview to be held on February 9, 2012



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Adult Studies In Honor of

Adele Morris Speedy Recovery - Chana Olmstead, Arlen Helfand &

Vivian Neumann

Lenny & Ruth Mauer Speedy Recovery - Chana Olmstead & Vivian Neumann

Adult Studies In Memory of

Dr. Mitchell & Leslie Weiss Barry Augenbraun

Rachel & Maury Seldin Barry Augenbraun

Alice & Larry Ettinger Harry Fishman

Lou Bader Bernard Mayer

Harold & Anita Pollack Bernard Mayer

Larry & Vera Green Barry Augenbraun

Camp Ramah In Memory of

Irma & Jack Mayer Lisi Wise, Phyllis Glauberman

Cantor's Fund In Honor of

Nina Ramos In appreciation

Cantor's Fund In Memory of

Marilu Valle Barry Augenbraun

Joan Epstein Barry Augenbraun

Ellen Jo Glassman In Memory of

Rita & Ben Thomas Sol Glassman

Library Fund In Honor of

Jane Markowitz Happy Special Birthday - Lucille Ginsburg

Library Fund In Memory of

Susan Slobodkin Sovel & Sylvia Heshelow

Leslie Kirsner Benjamin Gallant, Dr. Matilda Gallant

Ruth Lebowitz Barry Augenbraun

Thelma & Jerry Gilbert Barry Augenbraun

Sandy & Steve Harwood Barry Augenbraun

Jane Markowitz Barry Augenbraun

Larry & Vera Green Barry Augenbraun

Joseph & Terri Gross Barry Augenbraun

Anita & Arlen Helfand Barry Augenbraun

Lucille Ginsburg Barry Augenbraun

Library Music In Memory of

Bev & Mort Sherman Nathan Shure

Lorraine Maller Fund In Memory of

Joel & Ellen Goetz Barry Augenbraun

Mitzvah Fund In Honor of

Bebby & Arthur Marlin Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann

50th Wedding Anniversary - Gail & Michael Frye

Judi Gordon Happy Birthday - Marilyn Benjamin

Walter & Rebecca Simmons Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann

50th Wedding Anniversary - Gail & Michael Frye

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Leibson Bar Mitzvah of Jack Sutton

Marilyn Benjamin Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann

Susie & Alan Schwartz Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann

Bar Mitzvah of Jack Sutton

Jack & Linda Goldfarb Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann &

Chana Olmstead

Anita Sher Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann, Edna Sonkin &

Beverly Dikman

Ruth & Lenny Mauer Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann &

Chana Olmstead

Larry & Vera Green Happy Anniversary - Sandy & Sam Janofsky

Happy Birthday - Sally Swale

Dr. Patricia Cottrille Happy Birthday to Philip Redisch, Marilyn Benjamin,

Lillian Rosen

Happy Anniversary to Jerry & Thelma Gilbert &

Michael & Gail Frye

Lucille Ginsburg Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann

Liz & Greg Sembler 50th Wedding Anniversary - Gail & Michael Frye

Leonard Mauer's Birthday

Marilyn Benjamin 50th Wedding Anniversary - Gail & Michael Frye

Anita Sher Happy Birthday to Beverly Dikman

Esta Blaxberg 50th Wedding Anniversary - Gail & Michael Frye

Ana Masri Speedy Recovery to Vivian Neumann

Janet & Ed Shapiro Speedy Recovery - Harold Goldberg

Murray Fink Jack Fink

Audrey Kopelman Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann

Dirk Aardsma In appreciation

Dr. Patricia Cottrille Happy Birthday - Sandy Slomka, Michael Wallace,

Arlen Helfand, Debbie Sokolov, Linda Grau

Happy Anniversary - Karen & Mandel Sher,

Stephanie & Bernardo Stein, Marietta & Ernest Drucker

Mitzvah Fund In Memory of

Lillian Rosen Max Freedman

Marilyn Benjamin Herbert Norotsky

Annette Rosch Victor & Regina Brecher

Marvin Freeman Dossy Freeman

Susie & Alan Schwartz Herbert Norotsky

Sheri L. Frogel Meyer Frogel

Alice & Larry Ettinger Sidney Klemow

Moshe Gershuny Yechezkel Gershuny

Ed Hanna Loved ones

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hagendorf Loved ones

Dr. & Mrs. Ed Lurie Sidney Klemow

Ruth & Lenny Mauer Herbert Norotsky

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Rabbi's Fund In Memory of

Mark Lewis Rae Lewis

Ayes Family Ted Ayes

Mickey Walter & Lee Leibson Ida Feinberg Dropkin

Mark & Ricki Lewis Herbert Norotsky

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lachter Ester Lachter

Mali & Fred Feld Dorothy Schantz

Joan & Phil Redisch Herbert Norotsky

Kitty & Marvin Jacobs Sidney Klemow

Nancy Landfish, M.D. & Shaina Raisel Skop

Edward Bailey

Bea Wallace Loved ones

Ed Ginsberg Irving Obnetsky

Gerry & Richard Mensh Sidney Klemow

Ellen Fogel Sherrie Richman

Frank & Kathy Mendelblatt David Goffman

Joann Bush Sandy Bush

Sandy & Sam Janofsky Harry Janofsky

Marian Lustigman-Rooth Irwin Levine, William Lustigman,

Sadie Lustigman

Sheila & Maitland Knapp Meyer Grusmark

Jan & Craig Sher Dr. Lewis Sher

Dr. & Mrs. Irwin Feinman Benjamin Feinman

Bruce & Joanne Bokor Barry Augenbraun

Bea Wallace Barry Augenbraun

Elaine & Bob Lachter Viola Marx

Gerry Mensh Loved ones

USY Fund In Honor Of

Steve & Linda Grau Speedy Recovery to Vivian Neumann

Jack & Linda Goldfarb Birth of Ruby Bizer, granddaughter of

Joe & Diana Rosin

Birth of Naomi Drew Werner, granddaughter

of Phyllis & Sid Werner

Sally & Joe Cohen Wedding Anniversary of Kitty & Marvin Jacobs

Lucille Ginsburg Speedy Recovery to Vivian Neumann

Wendy Levine Gail & Michael Frye's 50th Wedding Anniversary

& Beverly Levine

Susie & Ira Berman Gail & Michael Frye's 50th Wedding Anniversary

USY Fund In Memory of

Audrey Chenkin Gilbert Chenkin

Helen Hill Gilbert Chenkin

Sally Cohen Herbert Norotsky

Jesse & Sandi Rodman Sidney Klemow, Lyubov Pleskov

Ed & Vivian Lurie Sandy Bush

Jackie & Barry Kanner Sidney Klemov

Susie & Ira Berman Barry Augenbraun

Dr. Mitchell & Leslie Weiss Sidney Klemow, Lyubov Pleskov

Karen & Mandel Sher Barry Augenbraun, Sidney Klemow

The Sternbergs Dr. Louis Sternberg

Karen & Mandel Sher Lewis Sher, M.D.

Lorne & Sharron Abrams Sidney Klemow

Bebby & Arthur Marlin Sidney Klemow

Jay & Karen Kauffman Herbert Norotsky

Susie & Alan Schwartz Sidney Klemow

& Family

Marilyn Benjamin Sidney Klemow

Sharon Gershuny Nathan Sonkin

Terri & Jay Gross Sidney Klemow

Thelma & Jerry Gilbert Herbert Norotsky, Sidney Klemow

The Schulman Family Sidney Klemow

Cyndi, Randy, Elyse & Sidney Klemow

Daniel Bond

Edna Sonkin Nathan Sonkin

Donna Milcich Samuel Rabinovitch

Marilyn Benjamin Barry Augenbraun

Anita Sher Calvin Weiskopf

Mendelblatt Family Barry Augenbraun

Esta Blaxberg Barry Augenbraun

Larry & Helen Freid Sidney Klemow, Barry Augenbraun

Sid & Phyllis Werner Barry Augenbraun

Ana Masri Sidney Klemow, Barry Augenbraun

Shoshana Russek Julio Russek, Ilan Russek

Dee & Mel Dinsfriend Karen Dinsfriend

Yollette & Louis Frey Charles & Jennie Burdman

Susie & Alan Schwartz Barry Augenbraun

Lil Rosen Barry Augenbraun

Melvin Kornfield Loved ones

Miriam B. Zack Barry Augenbraun

Susan Turner Howard Halpern

Louisa & Mark Benjamin Barry Augenbraun & Sidney Klemow

Greg & Liz Sembler Barry Augenbraun

Steve, Norma, Phyllis, Scott Barry Augenbraun

& Rob Portnoy

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Barry Augenbraun, Harold Gilbert, Bernard Mayer

Marilyn & Morrie LeVine Barry Augenbraun

Pauline Rivkind Fund In Memory of

Gail Burger Oscar Davis

Prayerbook Fund In Memory of

Joel & Betty Sue Shane Barry Augenbraun

Rabbi's Fund In Honor of

Jack & Linda Goldfarb Birth of Preston Levi Lawrence

Barbara Feinman In appreciation

Arlene Ludin Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann

Ellen & Joel Goetz Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann

& Preston Levi Lawrence

Vivian Neumann Happy 90th Birthday - Lucille Ginsburg

Gerry & Richard Mensh Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann

Drs. Mitchell & Leslie Weiss Speedy Recovery - Vivian Neumann

& Chana Olmstead

Mitzvah Fund In Memory of

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TORAH FUND 2011-2012 ~ Women Ensuring Conservative/Masorti Jewish Education

Hiddur Mitzvah - The concept of hiddur mitzvah -- beautifying or embellishing a mitzvah – is considered by many to be the inspiration for Jewish aesthetics. The pomegranate imagery of the 5772 Torah Fund pin has a multi-layered meaning. Pomegranates (rimmonim) are associated with the land of Israel as one of its bountiful fruits, and rimmonim is also the term for the finial adornments on the atzei chayyim, or staves, of a Torah scroll.

Torah Fund, a campaign to ensure our legacy to future generations of Conservative Jews by providing: Rabbis, Cantors, Educators and Administrators for Day Schools, Synagogue Schools and Synagogues, Social Workers, Researchers, Scholars and Lay Leaders.

For more info contact: Torah Fund Chair: Joanne Luski [email protected] 347-1741

Special Gifts Chair: Marilyn LeVine [email protected]

Torah Fund Cards Chair: Jennifer Sternberg [email protected]



Rabbi's Fund In Memory of

Mark Lewis Rae Lewis

Ayes Family Ted Ayes

Mickey Walter & Lee Leibson Ida Feinberg Dropkin

Mark & Ricki Lewis Herbert Norotsky

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lachter Ester Lachter

Mali & Fred Feld Dorothy Schantz

Joan & Phil Redisch Herbert Norotsky

Kitty & Marvin Jacobs Sidney Klemow

Nancy Landfish, M.D. & Shaina Raisel Skop

Edward Bailey

Bea Wallace Loved ones

Ed Ginsberg Irving Obnetsky

Gerry & Richard Mensh Sidney Klemow

Ellen Fogel Sherrie Richman

Frank & Kathy Mendelblatt David Goffman

Joann Bush Sandy Bush

Sandy & Sam Janofsky Harry Janofsky

Marian Lustigman-Rooth Irwin Levine, William Lustigman,

Sadie Lustigman

Sheila & Maitland Knapp Meyer Grusmark

Jan & Craig Sher Dr. Lewis Sher

Dr. & Mrs. Irwin Feinman Benjamin Feinman

Bruce & Joanne Bokor Barry Augenbraun

Bea Wallace Barry Augenbraun

Elaine & Bob Lachter Viola Marx

Gerry Mensh Loved ones

USY Fund In Honor Of

Steve & Linda Grau Speedy Recovery to Vivian Neumann

Jack & Linda Goldfarb Birth of Ruby Bizer, granddaughter of

Joe & Diana Rosin

Birth of Naomi Drew Werner, granddaughter

of Phyllis & Sid Werner

Sally & Joe Cohen Wedding Anniversary of Kitty & Marvin Jacobs

Lucille Ginsburg Speedy Recovery to Vivian Neumann

Wendy Levine Gail & Michael Frye's 50th Wedding Anniversary

& Beverly Levine

Susie & Ira Berman Gail & Michael Frye's 50th Wedding Anniversary

USY Fund In Memory of

Audrey Chenkin Gilbert Chenkin

Helen Hill Gilbert Chenkin

Sally Cohen Herbert Norotsky

Jesse & Sandi Rodman Sidney Klemow, Lyubov Pleskov

Ed & Vivian Lurie Sandy Bush

Jackie & Barry Kanner Sidney Klemov

Susie & Ira Berman Barry Augenbraun

Dr. Mitchell & Leslie Weiss Sidney Klemow, Lyubov Pleskov

Karen & Mandel Sher Barry Augenbraun, Sidney Klemow

The Sternbergs Dr. Louis Sternberg

Karen & Mandel Sher Lewis Sher, M.D.

USY Pilgrimage In Honor of

Barbara Jarvis Happy Birthday - Susie Berman

USY Pilgrimage In Memory of

Pearl Brook David Nevetsky

Susie Berman Sidney Klemow

Lillian Rosen Speedy Recovery to Vivian Neumann

Ellen Bernstein Herbert Norotsky

Shelley Lynn Sidney Klemow

Naomi Berg & Wes Sawyer Barry Augenbraun

Gail S. Warren Legacy In Honor of

for Leadership

Laurie & Marc Reiskind Speedy Recovery - Chana Olmstead

Gail S. Warren Legacy In Memory of

for Leadership

Laurie & Marc Reiskind Herbert Norotsky

Sidney Klemow

Phil & Joan Redisch Sidney Klemow

Jack & Linda Goldfarb Sidney Klemow

& Family

Stephanie & Bernardo Stein Regina Landes, Mona Feld, Barry Augenbraun,

Gail S. Warren

Steve Warren Doris Warren, Gail Warren

Shabbat Game Corner

Every Shabbat morning, during the Kiddush in the Benjamin Social Hall, a Shabbat Game Corner, will keep your children happy while parents enjoy the Kiddush.

Parents: Please assist your children in cleaning up before leaving. Thank you!

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Deadline for December Bulletin, October 31st