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Catanzaro: localisation and climate

Catanzaro is the main city in Calabria. It overlooks the Gulf of Squillace, in the Ionian Sea.

Catanzaros got 96.000 inhabitants ;

The climate is Mediterranean: summers are scorching andwinters are mild ;

The city main rivers are the Fiumerella (in local dialectHjumareddha) and the torrent Corace ;

Catanzaro Lido sea is an attraction for a lot of tourists from the whole world. The climate is also marked by the wind, Catanzaro is well-known for.

Some hypotheses trace the origin of Catanzaro to an ancient Greek colony in the place which later became the oldest Scolacium . The Scolacium Archaeological Park , close to Catanzaro Lido, is a unique place in relation to the historical stratification of two overlapping cities founded by the two major civilizations of the classical age: the Hellenic and the Latin. The forum, the theater, the amphitheater, the baths, the Byzantine necropolis and Roman mausoleums, and finds are just some examples of what you can see in this magical place. There is a stunning and imposing Norman basilica of Santa Maria della Roccella, unique monument of its kind and for centuries the largest place of worship in Calabria (mentioned several times for the coveted recognition of UNESCO World Heritage Site). In summer there are also concerts and shows.

HISTORY (Roccelletta)Typical dishes

CUZZUPA:This is a typical Easter Calabrian dish. It can have different shapes. In the centre of it there is an egg.

PIZZOS TRUFFLE:Its a typical product of the Calabrian pastry. It is a hazelnut ice cream that is modelled in the palm of the hand, in the form of a hemisphere with a heart of melted dark chocolate. It was invented in the 50s.

NDUJA: It is a soft sausage and has a particularly spicy taste. It is generally spread on a slice of warm toasted bread, but you can also prepare a very spicy sauce to dress pasta.

MORZELLO:It is a typical meat dish. This dish is considered a true symbol of the city of Catanzaro.

PITTA NCHIUSA:It is a tipical Christmas cake with honey, raisins and dried figs.Sport Facilities

Swimming Pool in Giovino.

Sport halls for Basketball and Volleyball.

Nicola Ceravolo Stadium.Free Time

Biodiversity Park.Shopping Centre Le Fontane.The beautiful Promenade.

Catanzaro is an Italian city; there are 91028 inhabitants. It is the main town in Calabria. It is known as the city between two seas, as just 30 km split the Ionian sea and the Tirrenian sea. On a clear day you can see both the two seas and the Eolian Islands.

The wonderful sea of our peninsula Catanzaro is the seat of the university of Magna Graecia . Catanzaro is also known as the city of the three Vs: V OF SAINT VITALIANO, THE PATRON SAINT ;


V OF VELVET (IN ITALIAN VELLUTO) FOR THE IMPORTANT SILK AND VELVET PAST INDUSTRY.The historical city centre was destroyed by the earthquakes and the bombs of the Second World War. The main street of the city is Corso Mazzini .The main churches of the city are situated in the city centre. The Cathedral is the most important place of cult of the chief town. Behind the Cathedral there is the church of Santissimo Rosario. Two other important churches are the church of Santa Maria del Carmine and the church of Saint Rocco.The civil architecture of Catanzaro consists of buildings and monuments that date back to different centuries. The most important palaces are: De Riso Palace, Mancusi Palace and Anania Palace. The symbol of the city is Fazzari Palace.Another symbol of the city is Cavatore fountain set in the wall of the old Norman Castle in Matteotti Square.Morandi bridgeAnother important symbol of Catanzaro is the one arch bridge designed by the famous contemporary architect Morandi in 1962.

Politeama TheatreThe new theatre Politeama was designed by the architect Paolo Portoghesi in 1992.Its design was quite controversial at the beginning, but now everybody in Catanzaro loves it and considers it as a distinctive landmark .The theatrical season is generally quite rich. It offers classical and modern concerts, plays and opera.

A wonderful parkThe so-called bio-diversity park is considered the green heart of the city. People like going there to practise sport , to walk the dog or just to walk and relax. In the park you can see several examples of wild life (birds and plants) and admire some amazing examples of contemporary sculpture by world famous artists.

The mayor is Mr Sergio Abramo.

ITALIAN SCHOOL20We spend 16 years at school: - 3 years for nursery;- 5 years for primary school;- 3 years for secondary school;- 5 years for high school.There are two kinds of high schools: Lyceum (like this) and Technical institutes.

Students who want to continue with university studies can do it, whatever school they attended.Italian schoolsItalian schools (main features)We dont have to wear a uniform, but we can wear what we like. This is a beautiful thing, because we can be original.

In general we spend 5 or 6 hours at school, but some schools have more hours.

Primary school pupils have Saturdays off.

Our school Our school name is E. Fermi. Its divided into two buildings:

- Language (we study 3 languages: English, German and French...)- Human Science (they study Psychology...)- Socio-economic (they study Economics...)

- Scientific (they study Mathematics, Physics)

School facilitiesThere are two laboratories: a computer lab and a science lab.We have also a gym, where we go during P.E. lessons, but when its sunny we go out to play volleyball.There is a library, where we go to borrow books or study.We have a video room, where we can see some films.

Auditorium In our school there is a big auditorium where we can meet and discuss problems once a month, we meet visitors and we go for the important events. In this auditorium university students have some lessons.

Meet people from other countries

Our school gives us the chance to meet young people from other countries and to practise the 3 languages we study.

We love our school!Made by:The pupils of II A, Liceo linguistico E.Fermi Catanzaro Lido in the school year 2014/2015null218501.67
