Catanzaro Portfolio: 2010

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Works from 2006-2010

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p o r t f o l i oc a t a n z a r o

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t a b l e . o fc o n t e n t s




P.C.M.A. Spa: Hoboken, NJ

ReBuild.ReVive: Philadelphia

Rome, Italy: Analytique

Recent Competition Entries

Frasier Centre: State College

Case Study: Palazzo Linotte

Music & Concert Hall: PSU

Study Abroad: Sketches

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1__The Pennsylvania Concrete Masonry Assoc. sponsored this design competition for a spa in Hoboken, New Jersey.__The spa, located on the banks of the Hudson River, was designed as a gesture to New York City across the river.__The experiential serenity of water provided the framework for the building’s concept: the initial feel of water on feet, the progression to waste deep depths, and finally full submersion and release.__The transitional building sequence follows this path until finally reaching the main pool.__This project was a finalist in the competition and received First Honorable Mention credits.

h o b o k e n , n jp c m a : s p a


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_a spa for hoboken


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york city


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_cooling level plan _refresh level plan _immerse level plan

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c o o l i n g

r e f r e s h

i m m e r s e hallway circulation

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2__This two part project consisted of a team competition entry into the Ed Bacon Foundation ReBuild ReVive project in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.__The team urban design focused on community concentrated growth spawned by catalytic architectural implementations.__The organic growth between blocks, vacant lots, and roadways provided a framework for growth for the community to take part of the entire process.__The individual design project focused on one of the 4 catalytic architectural implementations:A new regional rail train station__This station provides infrastructure connections while becoming an axis point in the neighborhood for continued growth

p h i l a d e l p h i ar e b u i l d : r e v i v e


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16 group work: jeff harner, matt hoffman, adam longenbach

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urban master plan concept

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ground floor plan_9th & girard ave. train platform plan_9th & girard ave.

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community space view to citylongitudinal section

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model study

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aerial perspectiveview north

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3__Architecture is amplified and embodied in cities. Since most architecture is set in cities, and since the city is itself an architecture, it becomes necessary for us to evaluate the relationships that affect the making of buildings for cities and the organization of buildings into a meaningful whole. __The analytique drawing assignment vvas an in-depth personal evaluation of four months immersed in the city of Rome in the form of a drawing that explores our own personal connection to the city and its architecture.

[original: 4 9x12]



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4__This competition presented the design challenge of an architectural monument in the city of Norristown, Pennsylvania. A museum of industry and industrial art was to be conceived from the skeleton of the former Norristown County Penitentiary.__The prison architecture is juxtaposed with a contemporary addition that breaks the barrier of the prison’s walls by the inner forces brought about from confinement.__Art work is the production of works through the creative human spirit. This breaks down the conveyor belt mentality of industry and reformative ideals of prison. __Resulting architecture weaves in the midst of the old while creating a new vocabulary

c o m p e t i t i o n sd e s i g n


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the john stewardson memorial fellowship in architecture 2010[original 2 20x30]

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__the corbelletti design charette is the department of architecture’s annual competition in honor of former professor raniero corbelletti.__known for his incredible rendering capabilities, corbelletti’s legacy inspired the competition to require all submissions to be hand-drawn.__the program was established to try and unify the arts campus on penn state’s campus either through architecture or installations. my interactive concept for unification earned a place in the final round and an honorable mention distinction.

[original 24x36]

c o r b e l l e t t idesign_charette


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5__This mixed-use facility designed for the downtown of State College, Pennsylvania comprises a program of condominiums, cinemas, retail shops, as well as long term parking.__The structured, regimented style of living quarters becomes the framework from which the retail and cinemas break away, thus creating a void between the two.__Their resulting architectures produce a dichotomy of concrete and glass seemingly being pulled apart at the center. The program dictates its placement in each portion of the building.__A curtain walls reveal life and commotion while the condos are isolated and privatized.

statecollege,paf ras ier . centre


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residence retail & cinema vertical circulation the ‘break’

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the ‘break’

section model

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6 h a n d . d r a w i n ga d v a n c e d

__An elective hand drafting class was offered that taught the essential tools necessary to understand the geometries of space and translating them into drawings.__I took part in this intensive course in order to further my skills of hand drawing while also taking the first steps into complex architectural analysis; whether it be buildings around me every day or case study buildings.__This case study building, the Palazzo Linotte, was my semester long assignment to document in plan, section, and elevation.__The three drawings comprised a drawing set that measured 30” wide by 24” high.


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rendered elevationPALAZZO LINOTTE

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ground floor plan building section

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7__With a series of precedent studies of the world’s most famous concert halls, our design project took on the task of a new school of music and performing arts center for Penn State’s campus.__Located at a northern access point to campus, the new music building follows many paths of existing circulation while manipulating the pedestrian path through the building, much like a composer who manipulates his audience.__The main focus of the design was a multi-story concert hall specifically for professional performances.__Acoustical considerations were introduced throughout the project’s duration.

& .concert .ha l lm u s i c . s c h o o l


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section A-A

Musical Analysis Model: Vivaldi :: Spring

_With an assigned piece of classical music, an in depth analysis of the piece was done in order to understand the movement, metaphor, and architectonic experiences of a musical ensemble._Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ are an emotional journey through the annual transitions both nature and people experience with the changing of the weather._‘Spring’ is a fruitful excursion into the lively resurgence of life after a cold, dark winter._This interpretive model utilizes an array of materials to symbolize the image of life breaking through the barriers of winter, much like the crocuses protruding the snow and soil at winter’s end._The metal grate is punctured organically by painted wooden rods. Winter’s harsh climate is seen in the jagged edges of the metal yet is found to be vulnerable to the changing seasons as the protruding organisms begin to intertwine symbolizing the rebirth of spring.

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ground floor plan second floor plan third floor plan





el 1


el 2


el 3


el 4

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courtyard view to concert hall

east elevation_courtyard

west elevation_allen street

concert hall section

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section B-B

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__during the spring semester of 2009, I spent four months studying architecture and history in rome, italy.__the art of sketching enables one to capture a moment, a feeling, and an emotion on paper; this is something simple notes cannot accomplish alone.__my travels took me throughout the architectural wonders of italy from rome, to florence, to venice.__these sketches are a representation of the four months abroad and the architecture and sites I absorbed, analyzed, and embraced.


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pazzi chapel, quick spatial studypencil

piazza di santa maria novella_florence, italypencil

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st. peter’s basilica_rome, italy: cupola detailpencil

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the pantheon_rome, italy: door studypencil

the pantheon_rome, italy: capital detailink

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ponte vecchio_florence, italyink

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brunelleschi’s dome_florence, italy: view from hotel roof charcoal crayon

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piazza san marco_venice, italy: analytique of piazza and church pencil & charcoal

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temple of athena_paestum, italypencil

temple of hera II_paestum, italycharcoal crayon

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san lorenzo_florence, italy: plan, section elevation analytiquepencil

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__Architecture’s embodiment of ideas is a process that begins with the first stroke of a pen on paper or the first cut of a paper model.__It is my preference to immerse myself in an experiential methodology of design in order to fully grasp that in which I am thinking, designing, creating, or building.__Complete comprehension cannot be reached until all facets of a design have been explored.__My personal satisfaction with a design is achieved once it encompasses the depth and complexity that can only be ascertained through a polemic between ideas thus creating the strongest result.