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  • 7/30/2019 atal News 2010



    Building 77, single handprint in red on North wallPhoto: Jason Quinlan.

    Our newsletters aim to provide a brief outline of each seasons activities at atalhyk. Highlights of theseasons excavations and finds are described as well as summaries of research programmes and eventsthat took place on site. More detailed information is available from our website at www.catalhoyuk.comunder research/archive reports/2010.

    The project works in Turkey with a permit provided by the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism, andunder the auspices of the British Institute at Ankara. The institutional partners of the project are SelukUniversity, Stanford University, University College London, Adam Mickiewicz University, and stanbul


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    There was even more talk at atalhyk this year thanmost. Our main aim in 2010 was to discuss the reportsthat the excavators and laboratory teams had writtensummarizing their results from the work at the sitebetween 2000 and 2008. In this post-excavationphase, (2009-2011) we are preparing 4 volumes for

    publication and over the summer in 2010 we listenedto the draft reports, discussed them, and prepared forproducing final reports in 2011.

    atalhyk is an important Neolithic site near umra,Konya. It was inhabited 9000 years ago by up to 8000people who lived in a large town. Inside their housespeople made wonderful art paintings, reliefs andsculptures which have survived across the millennia.The art was first found by James Mellaart in the 1960s.New work at the site started in 1993 and is planned tocontinue to 2018, under the auspices of the BritishInstitute of Archaeology at Ankara and with permission

    from the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Thenew excavations use modern scientific techniques toreconstruct the ways that people lived at atalhyk.

    One hundred and seventy one researchers andstudents and 20 local workers took part in the 2010season over the period from 11th June 3rd Sept2010. In addition we were visited by 21 guests and wehosted two seminars and a conference. The team wasmade up of individuals from Britain, the United States,France, Germany, Canada, Serbia, Australia, Poland in fact 19 different nationalities joined Turkishcolleagues from Seluk University and the University of

    Thrace. The new Assistant Director this year was Dr.Onur zbek from anakkale University.

    In the presentation of draft reports, the excavatorsgave up-dates on individual buildings and worked onthe stratigraphic relationships between buildings. Theheads of lab teams and researchers working in thevarious labs presented the results of their analyticalwork. Some very interesting, if rather unexpected,patterns emerged. For example, many members of theteam are now arguing that the wetland aroundatalhyk may not have been as uniform as wasonce thought. There may have been sufficient dry land

    for agricultural fields to be located near the site. This isa shift in thinking from our earlier work when wethought fields would have had to be located far fromthe site. Another new perspective concerns the socialorganization at atalhyk. We have long assumedthis was fairly egalitarian but in recent years we haveidentified history houses which contained more burialsand were more elaborate in terms of architecture andinstallations. It might have been expected that thesespecial houses would have more control overproduction, richer burials or more healthy individualsliving in them. But as data set after data set came in, itbecame clear that the history houses were not specialin any way other than having more burials and moreelaboration.

    This suggests that any tendencies towards socialdifferentiation at atalhyk were heavily dampened.As well as all the talking and writing, we did do someexcavation this year. Burin Erdou continued hiswork on the West Mound exploring the nature ofChalcolithic buildings. His team from Thrace

    University continued to identify the boundaries aroundthe building they had identified in previous years withmarvellous 2-storey red floors. Also on the WestMound, Peter Biehl from SUNY Buffalo continuedexcavation of a group of houses, identifying their sizeand relation to each other as well as exploring excitingevidence for pottery production. On the Neolithic EastMound we excavated mainly in the South Area wherewe have been trying to understand the overalldevelopment through time at the site. We have for thefirst time been able to excavate buildings in whatMellaart called Level VI, which are often burned andvery well preserved. One of these buildings, Building

    79, was reported on last year.

    Northeast platform of Building 77. Overall, this platformemerges as of very singular importance. Photo: Jason Quinlan

    Bina 77, Kuzeydou Platformu. Bu platformun genel binaierisinde ne kan bir unsur olduu gzlemlenmitir. Fotoraf:

    Jason Quinlan

    A sherd with a human face found in Chalcolithic West Mound(left), complete cooking pot from Neolitihic East Mound.

    Photo: Jason Quinlan

    Kalkolitik Bat Hykteki kazlarda bulunan insan yzl kap,(sol), tm bir piirme kab (sa). Fotoraf: Jason Quinlan

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    Areas excavated in 2010. Plan David Mackie

    2010 ylnda kazs yaplm alanlar. Plan: David Mackie

    South Area Excavations 2010. Photo by Jason Quinlan

    Gney Alan Kazlar 2010. Fotoraf: Jason Quinlan

  • 7/30/2019 atal News 2010



    atalhykte bu alma sezonunda, her zamankinden daha fazla akademik tartma olmutur.2010 sezonunun ana hedefi, kazy gerekletirenarkeologlar ve laboratuar ekipleri tarafndan yazlm,2000 ile 2008 yllar arasndaki almalar zetleyen

    raporlarn tartlmas idi. Bu kaz sonras almasrecinde (2009-2011), karlacak 4 ciltlik yaynmznhazrlklar yaplm ve 2010 yaz sezonu boyunca nraporlar dinlenmi, tartlm ve 2011deki finalraporlarna ynelik hazrlklar yaplmtr.

    atalhyk, umra, Konya yaknlarnda nemli birNeolitik yerlemedir. 9000 yl nce ikamet edilmi olanbu geni kentte yaklak 8000 kiinin yaaddnlmektedir. Evlerin iinde atalhyk sakinleritarafndan yaplan ve binlerce yldr korunan, duvarresimleri, kabartmalar ve oyma ileri mevcuttur. Bualandaki sanat, ilk defa James Mellaart tarafndan

    1960l yllarda kefedilmitir. Yeni kazlar 1993 ylndatekrar balam olup, 2018 ylna kadar, Ankara ngilizArkeoloji Enstitsnn nezaretinde ve T.C. Turizm veKltr Bakanl, Antlar ve Mzeler GenelMdrlnn izinleriyle devam etmesiplanlanmaktadr. Yeni kazlar, modern bilimselteknikleri kullanarak, atalhyk sakinlerininyaamlarn yeniden yaplandrmay hedeflemektedir.

    Yzyetmibir aratrmac ve renci ile 20 yerelalan, 11 Haziran ile 3 Eyll tarihleri arasndaatalhyk 2010 kaz sezonunda faaliyetlerinisrdrmlerdir. Buna ek olarak kaz, 21 ziyaretitarafndan ziyaret edilmi olup, getiimiz sezonierisinde 2 seminer ve de bir konferansa ev sahipliiyapmtr. Ekibimiz, ngiltere, Amerika, Fransa,Almanya, Kanada, Srbistan, Avustralya vePolonyadan gelen akedemisyen ve rencilerin,Seluk niversitesi ve Trakya niversitesindenmeslekdalarmza katlmasyla olumutur. Bu ylkiyeni kaz Bakan Yardmcmz anakkaleniversitesinden Dr Onur zbek olmutur.

    n raporlarn sunumlar esnasnda, kazlargerekletiren arkeologlar her bir bina zerinde ayrayr almlar ve binalarn kendi ierisindeki vebinalar arasndaki stratigrafik ilikilerini zmlemeyeodaklanmlardr. Ayr ca kaz sezonu boyuncalaboratuar ekipleri ve aratrmaclar analitikalmalarnn sonular n sunmulardr. Busonularn ortaya konulmas ile ok ilgin vebeklenmedik bir takm sonularn ortaya ktgrlmtr. rnein, atalhykn etrafnda varolduu dnlen bataklk alann imdiye kadardnld kadar hyn etrafnda homojen birekilde dalm gstermedii anlalmtr. Yerleiminyaknnda, tarm yapmaya elveril i bir takm kuruarazilerin var olduu sanlmaktadr. Bu yeni gr,daha nce inandmz gibi, tarmn yerleime uzakalanlarda yapld yorumundan farkldr. Bir bakayeni bak as da, atalhykte sosyalorganizasyona yneliktir. ok uzun bir sre sosyalorganizasyonun olduka eitiliki temellere dayandvar saylm ancak son yllarda tanmladmz, daha

    fazla gmte sahip, mimari ve i dekoratif unsurlarnok daha ayrntl tasvir edildii tarih evleri karmzakmtr. It might have been expected that thesespecial houses would have more control overproduction, richer burials or more healthy individualsliving in them. Bu zel tabir ettiimiz ev dizinininretimde daha fazla kontrol sahibi olduu, daha zengingmtlere sahip olduu ve bu evlerdeki bireylerinsalklarnn genel poplasyona gre daha iyi olmasgerektii beklenebilirdi. Fakat birbiri ardna gelen verigruplar elimize ulatka, anlalmtr ki, bu tarihevlerinin dier evlere gre daha fazla gmtbarndrmas ve daha detayl bir i yapsnn olmasdnda, bu evleri dierlerinden ayran zel bir yanyoktur. Bu durum, atalhykte sosyal farkllklarolduuna dair yaplan btn nerileri byk bir ldehaksz karmtr.

    The North and East walls of Building 80 in the South Area. PhotoJason Quinlan.

    Gney Alannda bulunan Bina 80nin Kuzey ve Douduvarlar. Fotoraf: Jason Quinlan.

    Btn bu tartma ve yazma srelerinin yan sra, buyl kaz da yaplmtr. Dr Burin Erdou

    bakanlndaki ekip, Bat Hykteki kazlarna devametmi ve Kalkolitik mimarinin yapsn anlamayaalmtr. Trakya niversitesinden kazlara katlanekip gemi yllarda bulduklar iki katl binann snrlarnbelirlemeye ynelik almalarn srdrmlerdir.Bununla beraber yine Bat Hykte SUNY BuffalodanPeter Biehl ve ekibi biribine bitiik ev gruplarnnkazlarna devam etmi ve bu evlerin bykln vebirbirleriyle olan ilikilerini anlamaya alm, ayrca biranak mlek atlyesine dair ok heyecan vericikantlar yakalamlardr. Neolitik Dou Hykte isekazlar genel olarak, yerleim alannn zamanierisindeki geliimini anlamaya ynelik olarak, Gney

    Alannda devam etmitir. lk defa olarak MellaartnSeviye VI diye adlandrd, genel olarak yanm haldebulunan ve ok iyi korumu tabakalar kazmayabaladk. Bu binalardan biri geen yl raporlarda adgeen Bina 79dur.

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    A decorated house found at atalhykIn the North shelter we had not initially intended toexcavate. The aim here during the study seasonphase has just been to monitor and maintainconservation. But over the winter some deteriorationhad been caused to Buildings 5 and Building 77. Inparticular the burned matrix of Building 77 hadresulted in many of the walls and plasters turning to asoft plaster, even where they had been consolidated.So we have taken the decision to conserve heavilyburned houses by excavating the plasters and wallfeatures and then capping the walls with new plasterand reconstructing significant features. In starting thisprocess in Building 77 we removed the upper layers ofplaster and found that the main room was even moreelaborate than had previously been realized. Allaround the northeast platform with its pair of bullhorns on pilasters, the plasters had been painted red

    many times. The red seemed to extend fromthe platform along the adjacent walls as a dado.But west of the platform, and west of a northernniche, we found an incised plaster panel. Thedesign is both regular and irregular and furtherwork will be needed to see how far it extends.On the east wall above the platform and reddado, we came across a very fine painting ofvertical and slanting lines. But it was the northwall above the platform that was mostimpressive. A niche there surmounted by aplastered ram skull and horns was surroundedin a red panel, and to the right above the ramskull was found some very well preservedpaintings of hands in red and similar to othersfound by Mellaart in a variety of houses.Overall, then, this northeast platform emergesas of very singular importance.

    Close up photo of the handprints on the Norh wall above the Northeast platform of Building 77 (left). Site Illustrator Katy Killackey drawing thehandprints (right).

    Bina 77, Kuzeydou platformunun st ksmnda konumlanan ve kuzey duvarnda bulunan el izlerinden yakn bi grnt (sol). listratr Katy Killackey elizlerinin izimini yaparken (sa).

    atalhykte duvar bezemeli bir evBu sezon planlanan almalar arasnda 4040

    alannda kaz yaplmas n grlmemi idi. Bualandaki almalarn ana amac, konservasyonilemlerini gzlemlemek ve srdrmek idi. Ancak kaylar boyunca Bina 5 ve 77de gzle grlr birypranma olmutur. zellikle yangn geirmi Bina77de salamlatrlm birok duvar ve sva,yumuamtr. Bunun zerine, ar yangn geirmibinalarn svalarn ve duvar unsurlarn kaldrarak,daha sonraki aamada duvarlar yeni svayla svamayve nemli mimari unsurlar yeniden yaplandrmay ngrm bulunuyoruz. Bina 77de bu ilemlerebalarken, en steki sva tabakalarn kaldrldnda,bu aamada ana odann daha nce dnldnden

    ok daha karmak bir yaps olduu anlalmtr.Kaidelerin zerinde boa boynuzlarnn bulunduukuzeydou platformunun etrafnn defalarca kezkrmz boya ile boyand grlmtr. Krmz boya

    platformdan balayp, platformun birletii duvarlaradoru uzanmaktadr. Ancak platformun bat ksm ve

    kuzey niin bat ksmnda bir duvar svasnn oyularakyapld bir panel ortaya kmtr. Bu ssleme hemmuntazam hem eri izgilerden olumu olup, ilerideyaplacak kazlarla nereye kadar uzand tespitedilecektir. Dou duvarnda, platformun ve krmzpanelin zerinde, yatay uzanan ve eri izgilerdenoluan son derece gzel bir duvar resminerastlanmtr. Ancak kuzey duvarndaki, platformunzerindeki ksm en etkiliyeci buluntudur. Buradaki niinzerinde bulunan sval ko kafatas ve boynuzlar,krmz bir panelle evrelenmi ve ko kafatasnnsana doru ise ok iyi korunmu bir krmz boyadanel basmas duvar resmi, 1960larda birok evde

    bulunduu biimde bulunmutur. Sonu olarak bukuzeydou platformu nemli bir unsur olarak nekmtr.

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    In Building 77, West of the Northeast platform, and West of a Northern niche, we found an incised plaster panel. The design is bothregular and irregular and further work will be needed to see how far it extends. Photo:Jason Quinlan

    Bina 77, kuzeydou platformu ile binann kuzey ksmndaki niin batsnda konumlanan oyma bezekli duvar ss. Ssleme dzenlive asimetrik olarak betimlenmi olup nereye kadar uzand ileride yaplacak almalarda aa kavuacaktr.

    Fotoraf: Jason Quinlan

    Painted hands above the northeast platform in Building 77. Photo Jason Quinlan.

    Bina 77deki kuzeydou platformunun st ksmnda konumlanan el baskl duvar resmi.

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    OTHER ACTIVITIESJohn Templeton Foundation Project IIThis second three-year programme funded by theJohn Templeton Foundation follows from the successof the first programme (2006-2009), which hasculminated in a publication .We held a conference at atalhyk. On 24th &-25thJuly about 100 people attended talks on Religion as

    the basis for power and property in the Neolithic ofAnatolia and adjacent areas. The speakers includedOfer Bar-Yosef, Gary Rollefson, Marc Verhoeven,Danielle Stordeur, Harald Hauptmann, Klaus Schmidt,Mehmet zdoan, Nur Balkan Atl, Mihribanzbaaran, Douglas Baird and Kostas Kotsakis. Thisimpressive line-up of Neolithic specialists debated inthe dig house seminar room discussing recent resultsfrom their excavations and making comparisons withatalhyk.

    Following the conference the annual seminar washeld involving a newly configured group ofinternational scholars in the disciplines ofarchaeology, anthropology, philosophy and religiousstudies. These seminars are aimed for contribution tothe interpretive process of the site.This team of scholars were then conducted on a tour,

    ably organised and led by Banu Aydnolugil, to otherNeolithic excavations to contextualise the period, andatalhyk. They visited the excavations at AklHyk where they were hosted by Prof. Mihribanzbaaran, director of the excavations and research,Istanbul University. The group then travelled to visitthe Museum of Anatolian Civilisations in Ankarawhere they were guided around the galleries withspecial attention to the newly furbished atalhykgallery

    Conference that took place at atalhyk Seminar room. atalhyk Seminer Salonunda yaplan konferanstan bir grnt.

    A reception was also held at the museum in theirhonour. The final leg of the tour was a visit to Gbekli

    Hyk in the anlurfa region, SE Turkey where thedirector of excavations Prof. Klaus Schmidt hosted andguided the group.

    Iraq delegation - World Monument FundFrom 18th to 20th July we hosted a delegation fromthe State Board of Antiquities and Heritage in Iraq andFuture of Babylon Project Directors from the WorldMonument Fund. Prior to visiting atalhyk thedelegates had meetings in Ankara at the Museum ofAnatolian Civilisations and at the Directorate Generalof Monuments and Museums. The aim of the visit toatalhyk was to conduct a series of seminars on

    Comparative Site Management Planning usingatalhyk as a case study.

    Topics addressed included an introduction of sitemanagement strategies and long-erm goals including

    on-community participation and ownership.

    Documentaries and VisitorsOn the 14th June a documentary team filmed at the sitefor a 7 part series entitled The River FlowingWestward, to be broadcast by TRT in Turkey, AlJazeera, PBS and the BBC, and on the 22nd July wehosted a site tour and evening dinner to a group of 60Yale University alumni.Guards HouseFinally, a new guards house that was grantedpermission for construction by the Koruma Korullu in2009 was completed in its new location in the spring of

    2010. We are indebted to the Konya Sugar Factory formaking this happen.

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    DER AKTVTELERJohn Templeton Fonu Projesi IIJohn Templeton Fonunun katklar ile gerekletirilenbu ikinci, yllk program, ilk yllk programn(2006-2009) baarsnn devam zerinegerekletirilmekte olup, bir yayn olarak ortayakacaktr. Bu yl ayrca atalhykte bir konferansdzenlenmitir. 24-25 Temmuz arasnda gerekleen

    Anadolu ve Komu Yerleimlerin Neolitikinde ktidarve Mlkiyetin Temeli olarak Din Olgusu balklkonferansa yaklak 100 katlmc elik etmitir.Konferanstaki konumaclar arasnda; Prof Ofer Bar-Yosef, Prof Gary Rollefson, Dr Marc Verhoeven, ProfDanielle Stordeur, Prof Harald Hauptmann, Prof KlausSchmidt, Prof Mehmet zdoan, Prof Nur Balkan Atl,Prof Mihriban zbaaran, Prof Douglas Baird andProf Kostas Kotsakis bulunmaktadr. Bu nemliNeolitik dnem uzmanlar bir araya gelip, kazmznseminer odasnda bakanlklarn yrttkleri kazlarnsonularn sunmular ve bu sonular atalhyklekarlatrp hep birlikte tartmlardr. Bunu takiben,

    arkeoloji, antropoloji, felsefe ve teoloji disiplinlerinemensup uluslaras bir akademisyen ekibi ile yllkolarak gerekletirdiimiz seminerler dizisi bu yl da,yerleim alannn yorumlanmasna ilikin felsefi veteolojik bak alarnn katklar ile yaplmtr. Buseminerler dizisi, alann yorumlanmasna oldukanemli katklar salamtr. Daha sonra buakademisyen grubu, Banu Aydnolugil tarafndan

    titizle organize edilen ve rehberliinde gerekleen,Neolitik dnemi ve atalhyk bir balamaoturtmak amac ile dzenlenmi, baka kazalanlarnn ziyaret edildii bir tura katlmlardr.Prof. Mihriban zbaaran bakanlnda kazlarnyrtld, Akl Hyk ziyaret edilmi, bunutakiben Ankara Anadolu Medeniyetleri Mzesigezilmi ve mzede dzenlenen bir resepsiyonaitirak edilmitir. Gezinin son noktas olarak da Prof.Klaus Schmidt bakanlnda kazlarn yrtld,Gneydou Anadoluda, anlurfa ili snrlarnda yeralan Gbekli Tepe Hyk kaz bakan tarafndanziyaretilere tantlmtr.

    Prof Mehmet zdoan from Istanbul University giving a talk at the conference. Photo: Jason Quinlan

    stanbul niversitesinden Prof Dr Mehmet zdoan konferanstaki konumas esnansnda. Fotoraf: Jason Quinlan

    Irakl Delege Dnya Antlar Fonu18-20 Temmuz aras Irak Antllar ve Kltr MirasGenel Mdrl ve Dnya Antlar FonununBabilin Gelecei Projesinin Bakanlarndan oluanbir delege grubu atalhyk ziyaret etmilerdir.atalhyk ziyaret etmeden nce delegelerAnkara Anadolu Medeniyetleri Mzesi ve Antlar veMzeler Genel Mdrlnde toplantlarakatlmlardr. Bu grubun atalhyk ziyaretindekiana ama, Karlatrmal Alan Ynetimi planlarnda

    atalhykn rnek inceleme olduu bir diziseminer gerekletirmektir. Burada tartlanbalklar arasnda, alan ynetimi stratejilerine giri iledevam eden arkeolojik kazlar, finans salanm,srdrelebilirlik ve toplum arkeolojisi gibi uzundnem amalar ieren konular tartlmtr.

    ekilen Belgeseller ve Dier Ziyaretiler14 Haziran gn, Batya Doru Akan Nehir/BirKresel Uygarlk Hikayesi balkl, TRT, Al Jazeera,PBS ve BBC gibi televizyon kanallar ndagsterilecek 7 blmlk belgesel dizinin bir ksmatalhykte ekilmitir. 22 Temmuz Gn, Yaleniversitesi Mezunlar grubundan 60 kii kazalann ziyaret etmi ve alan turunun ardndanakam yemeine katlmlardr.

    Beki EviKoruma Kurulundan 2009 ylnda alnan izinle,sonunda yeni beki evimiz 2010 baharnda yeniyerine ina edilmitir. Eve eyalar yerletirilmi ve evyaz boyunca kullanlm olup son yllarda kmetehlikesi gsteren eski evin yklabilmesine olanaksalam mtr.

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    atalhyk Summer School WorkshopSummer School Workshop is an ongoing project aspart of atalhyk Excavation Project since 2003. Itsmain aim is to introduce as well raise awarenessabout preservation and protection of archaeologicalsites.It is designed as a workshop for the children betweenthe ages of 8-12. Nevertheless, this year our targetaudience has changed. In 2009 we observed that the

    public around the immediate surrounding ofatalhyk does not know much about the site. Withthat in mind, we have included adults in our program.Therefore in 2010 we focused on adults.

    Children Workshops:92 children participated in the workshop. They wereall from Konya, either from the city centre or from thesmall towns in the surrounds. These children werereached through the primary schools or theorphanages.

    Children are given a tour of the site. Photo: Jason Quinlanocuklar alan turu esnasnda. Fotoraf: Jason Quinlan

    A play called Spirits of atalhyk was put on at the festival byschool children from Kkky (top). Photo Jason Quinlan

    Kkkydeki ocuklarca enlikler esnasnda sergilenen

    atalhykteki Hayaletler adl tiyatro oyunu (st). Fotoraf: JasonQuinlan

    atalhyk Archaeology Workshop (Summer School) is ongoingsince 2003 (right).

    atahyk Arkeoloji Atlyesi 2003 ylndan beri devam etmektedir.

    The Teachers:Having understood that the teachers trainingprogrammes lack presenting cultural heritage issues,we have collaborated with Konya Directorate ofNational Education. Accordingly, the teachers whowork at primary schools were invited to atalhyk.330 teachers attended the workshops between the15th of June and the 1st of July. The daily workshopinvolved; powerpoint presentation of Life at

    atalhyk, visiting experimental house and tour ofthe site. Also teachers were informed about thehands-on activities of students.

    Public Waterworks Administration Workers (DSI):Cultural Heritage is exposed to destruction mostlybecause of the construction of dams, roads, or anykind of building construction. The insufficiency ofknowledge among the workers sometimes results intotal destruction of the monuments even before theyare identified. To address this situation we invitedworkers in these fields of work and 22 DSI workersattended the workshops.

    The Other Participants:Within the project of Gnl Kprs which might betranslated as Bridge of Love atalhyk isintroduced to 190 students and 15 teachers. Theycame from Bolu/Dzce. At the annual festival atatalhyk, the guests around the neighbour villageswere shown a PowerPoint presentation introducingatalhyk. The visitors from Iraq (see OtherActivities, this report), who came to exchange theirknowledge on heritage management and sitemanagement plan were informed about theeducational programme we have been running formany years now.

    atalhyk Arkeoloji Atlyesiatalhyk Aratrma Projesine bal olarak,atalhyk tantmak, kltr varlklarna kar koruma ve sahiplendirme duygular kazandrmakamacyla yrtlen atalhyk Arkeoloji Atlyesi2003 ylndan bu yana devam etmektedir. Bugnedein, 08 12 ya grubuna giren temel eitimrencilerine ynelik olarak yrtlen atlyealmalarnn hedef kitlesi, 2009 kaz sezonunda,blge halknn ounluunun atalhyk hakkndayeterli bilgiye sahip olmamasndan yola klarakgeniletilmi, yetikinlerin de eitim programnakatlmalar salanmt. 2010 kaz sezonunda daocuklarn yan sra yetikin eitimine devam edildi.

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    ocuk Eitim Program:atalhyk Arkeoloji atlyesine Konya merkez, ile ve kylerindeki temel eitim rencileri ve Konya evresindekiillerde bulunan Sosyal Hizmetler ocuk Esirgeme Kurumunun korumas altndaki ocuklar olmak zere toplam 92ocuk katld.

    retmenler in Tantm Program:retmen yetitiren eitim fakltelerinin programlarnda kltr varlklarnn tantm ile ilgili konulara yeterince yerverilmemesinden yola klarak Konya l Milli Eitim Mdrl ile ortaklaa gerekletirilen bir organizasyonla,Konya merkez ilkretim okullarnda grev yapan retmenler,atalhyke davet edildi. 15 Haziran 2010 01 Temmuz 2010 tarihleri arasnda, nceden programlanan takvim

    sistemine uygun olarak 330 retmen atlye almasna katld. Bir gnlk etkinlikte, slayt gsterimi eliindeatalhykn tantm ve atalhykllerin yaam biimi hakknda bilgi aktarm, deneysel arkeoloji evi ve kaz alanziyareti yapld. ocuklara enteraktif yntemlerle uygulanan eitim program hakknda bilgi verildi.

    Devlet Su leri alanlar:Kltr varlklarnn en ar tahribata uradklar alanlarn banda kanal, baraj yol yapm ve inaat uygulamalargelmektedir. Bu alanlarda alan grevlilerin bilinsizlii kimi zaman kltr varlklarnn tespit edilemeden yok olmasnaneden olmaktadr. Bu nedenlerle oluan tahribat nlemek amacyla bu alanlarda alan grevliler de atalhykedavet edildi. Bu kapsamda balatlan eitim almalarna 22 DS alan katld.

    Program d katlmclar:Gnl Kprs Projesi kapsamnda Bolu/Dzceden Konyaya gelen 190 renci ve 15 retmene atalhyktantm yapld, ren yerindeki ziyarete ak alanlar gezdirildi. atalhykte yaplan Halk Gn ne atalhyknevresindeki kylerden katlan konuklara slayt gsterimi eliinde atalhyk tantm yapld.Iraktan atalhyke Alan Ynetimi konusunda bilgi paylamnda bulunmak amacyla gelen bir gruba atalhykArkeoloji Atlyesinde uygulanan eitim programnn tantm yapld.

    Children are participating in different activities during the atalhyk Summer School. Photos: Jason Quinlan

    atalhyk Yaz Okulu programnda ocuklar eitli aktivetelere katlmaktadrlar. Fotoraf: Jason Quinlan

  • 7/30/2019 atal News 2010


    Mollusc Shells at atalhyk: Insights from the2010 Study Season

    Shells were exploited at atalhyk in every possibleway: The most common finds are snails and Uniobivalves from (probably) the nearby arsamba river.The latter were used primarily as a food source, andsecondarily as a source of mother of pearl ornaments.Some of the crushed remains formed part of the

    plaster in the site. A few river shells, both Unio andgastropods were painted red. Since those were notperforated, it is not possible to determine that theywere personal ornaments, but they most likely playeda role in the spiritual lives of the inhabitants ofatalhyk.

    Personal ornaments and jewellery were made not onlyof local material (Unio, Viviparus, and Xeropicta), butalso from imported shells. Those consist of marineand fossil shells that were either used in their naturalstate (as in the case of scaphopods and naturallyholed gastropods), or were perforated and/or painted.

    Most marine and fossil shells were found in middensand fills, similarly to figurines. Very few come fromgraves. This is indicative of their value, as it showsthat this society was not ready to discard of theirvalued ornaments and figurines inside graves, butthey kept them for use by the living. Preliminaryenvironmental studies based on the shells indicatethat the information gathered to date complementinformation from plant remains, and isotopic studiesmight provide more accurate clues on the paleo-environment and paleo-climate.

    atalhykte Deniz Kabuklar: 2010 almaSezonunun Deerlendirilmesi

    Deniz kabuklar atalhykte her ekilde tketilmitir:En sk rastlanlan buluntular salyangozlar vemuhtemelen atalhyk yaknlarnda akan arambaayndan gelen bivalvulardr. Bilvalvular daha birincilolarak yiyecek olarak tketilmi, ve ikincil olarak ziyneteyas yapmnda kullanlmtr. Baz ezilerek

    paralanm deniz kabuu kalntlar mimaridekullanlan svann bir katks olarak ilev grmtr.Baz tatl su kabuklular (Unio ve gastropodlar) krmzboyal olarak bulunmulardr. zerlerinde herhangi birdelik bulunmadndan, kiisel ziynet eyas olarakkullanlma olaslklar yoktur, fakat muhtemelenatalhyk sakinlerinin ruhani dnyalarnda nemli roloynayan ob eler olmulardr.

    Kiisel ziynet eyalar ve taklar yanlzca yerelkaynaklara ait malzeme ile deil (Unio, Viviparus veXeropicta) ayn zamanda dardan getirilmi denizkabuklarndan da yaplmtr. Bunlardan bazlar doalhaliyle kullanlm(scaphopodalarda veya doal bir deliin zaten mevcut bulunduu gastropodalardaolduu gibi), ya bir delik alm veya boyanmtr.Deniz kabuu buluntularn birou, figrinlerde olduugibi plk alanlarndan ve ev dolgularndan gelmitir.

    Deniz kabuu zerine yaplan evresel koullarnyeniden yaplandrlmasna ilikin almalargstermitir ki, bu veri topluluu, imdiye dein bitkikalntlar ve izotop analizlerinden elde ettiimizbilgilerle birletirildiinde bize daha btnsel ve kesinpaleo-evresel ve paleo-iklimsel bilgiler verebilecektir.

    An unusual artifact made of Osilinus turbinatus, was found as three fragments that were repaired at the conservation lab. It is a ring cut out of thespire of the pearly Osilinus. It was found on the West mound in a grave fill, and might be as late as the Roman period when mother of pearl artifacts

    were very popular (left)

    Srad bir buluntu olan Osilinus turbinatus para halinde bulunmu ve konservasyon labatauarnda birletirilmitir. nciyi andran bir dokuyasahip olan Osilinusun spiral ksmndan bir yzk yaplmtr. Bat Hykte bulunan bir mezardan karlm olan yzk, inci taklarn ok popler

    olduu Roma dnemine ait olabilir (sol)

    Pendants made of Unio shells (right)

    Unio cinsinden midye eitleri ile yaplm kolye ular (sa)


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    Building 5 RecappingIt has been decided that a method of wall capping byusing natural/local materials would be tested in one ofthe buildings, to experiment and evaluate the successof the treatment in comparison to the consolidationmethod. Building 5 was targeted for this work. The

    soluble salts through the ground water causingmudbrick and plaster layers to constantly erode,delaminate and detach and not respond long term toany conservation treatments. In order to test theexperimental capping method, the most severelydelaminating plasters were removed from some of thewalls prior to the application of the capping. The wallcapping material, locally available earthen plaster(marl), was used in the same way that the villagerswould plaster their houses and the same as used inthe reconstruction of the experimental house. Weworked with the local women and men to prepare andapply the capping plaster onto the mudbrick walls.

    The capping plaster was constructed mainly in twolayers: a thicker base layer and several layers of verythin marl washes. The success of the capping will beevaluated in 2011 season to see whether the cappingmethod works for the buildings of atalhyk and forthe shelter environment, as opposed to theconsolidation treatments.


    Bina 5 Duvar KaplamaBu yl seilecek bir binann duvarlar zerinde, dahance tatbik edilen konsolidasyon ilemlerine alternatifbir metod olarak ve de bu farkl metodun sonularndeerlendirmek ve karlatrmak amac ile, duvarlarnyerel ve doal yap malzemeleri kullanlarak

    kaplanmasna karar verilmitir: Bu ilem iin Bina 5hedef olarak seilmitir. Yeralt sular aracl ilekerpi ve sva tabakalarna ulaan zlebilir tuzlar,bu tabakalarn devaml suretle erozyona uramasnave birbirinden ayrlmasna yol am ve uzun vadelihibir konservasyon uygulamasna yant vermemitir.Bu deneysel bir yntem olan kaplama ilemi,bahsedilen dklen sva tabakalar nntemizlenmesinden sonra uygulanmtr.Duvar kaplama malzemesi, yerel olarak mevcutbulunan kireli toprak kullanlarak, kyllerin kendievlerini svarken kulland ve deneysel evdekullanlan yntemlerle yaplmtr. Kireli topran

    hazrlanmas ve sva olarak uygulanmasaamalarnda yerel halktan kadn ve erkeklerle birlikteallmtr. Kaplama sva temel olarak iki tabakahalinde uygulanmtr: kaln bir tabaka halinde bir altkat zerine ince tabakalar halinde uygulanan kaplamaolmak zere. Bu kaplama ilemlerinin bu metodunkonsolidasyon ilemleriyle karlatrldnda,atalhyk binalarnn zerindeki baars 2011 kazsezonunda deerlendirilecektir.

    Building 5, replastering process on North wall F.224. Before the application of the base layer, the wall tops and surfaces were lightly dampened for

    the plaster to attach onto mudbrick better. Bare hands and damp clothes were used to apply the plaster onto the walls by smearing tightly

    Bina 5in kuzey duvar zerinde yaplan duvar kaplama ilemi. lk kat svay uygulamadan nce, duvarlarn tepesi ve yzeyi svann tutmasnsalamak amacyla hafife slatlmtr. plak eller ve bez paralar araclyla uygulanan sva skca bastrlarak eit birekilde yzeye yaylmtr.

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    Building 77 hand print painting & incised decoration

    Two interesting discoveries of the 2010 season were the hand print painting and the incised decoration whichwere found on the north wall of Building 77. This hand print decoration could be considered as the best preservedpainting of the current project so far and therefore decided to be conserved and investigated further to its extent. Inorder to preserve the red pigment layer, 5% Paraloid B72 in Acetone/Ethanol were applied on the painted area, inthree layers.

    The incised decoration was made of mud plaster and found on the north wall. From some of the delaminated plasterfragments it looked like there were at least 5 layers of red paint applied over the incised panel (Figure 103). In orderto preserve the decoration as well as the wall until the 2011 season, its surface was consolidated with 10% PrimalAC-33 in pure water, whilst for the plaster layers around it 25% Primal AC-33 in pure water was used. It wasbackfilled as the same way as the hand print paintings.

    Bina 77 el izi baskl duvar resmi & kaz bezekli duvar ss

    2010 kaz sezonunun iki ilgin kefi, Bina 77de bulunan el izi baskl duvar resmi ve kaz bezekli duvar ss idi.Bu el baskl duvar resmi, yeni dnem kazlarndan kan en iyi korunmu duvar resmi olup, bu sebeplekonservasyon ileminin yaplmasna ve daha ayrntl bir ekilde incelenmesine karar verilmitir. Krmz pigmentboyal tabakay koruyabilmek iin, Aseton/Etil Alkol iersine %5 Paraloid B72 kartrlarak boyal yzey zerine kat uygulanmtr.

    Kuzey duvarnda bulunan kaz bezekli duvar ss ise amurdan bir sva zerine yaplm ve. Dklen sva yzeyinprofilinden grld kadaryla bu sslemenin zerine en az be kat krmz boya uygulanmtr. Bu dekorasyonun2011 ylna kadar korunmas iin, saf su iine kartrlan 10% Primal AC-33 yzeye uygulanm, evresindeki svayzeye ise saf su iine kartrlan 25% Primal AC-33 uygulanmtr. Buras da el baskl duvar resminde olduu gibitoprakla kapatlmtr.

    Building 77 Northeast platform, North Wall. This platform emerges to have a singular importance. One of the most interesting features of the horncore pillars that were discovered was that the whole skull being embedded into the mud plaster pillars. This is an exciting archaeological

    information in terms of understanding the processes involved in construction of the pillars. Photo: Jason Quinlan

    Bina 77, kuzeydou platformu, kuzey duvar. Bu platform binann ierisinde nemli bir unsur olarak ne kmtr. Yaplan kazlarda boa boynuzlu

    kaidelerle ilgili ortaya kan en ilgin veri, bu boynuzlarn tm kafatas ile birlikte bu kadilerin ierisine yerletirilmi olduunu gzlemlemek idi. Budurum, kaidelerin yapm aamalarn anlamamz asndan heyecan verici bir arkeolojik veridir. Photo: Jason Quinlan

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    The new guards house (left) and the old guards house (right). Photo Jason Quinlan. Yeni beki evi (sol) ve eski beki evi (sa). Fotoraf: JasonQuinlan

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAn international team based in London University (UK) and Stanford University (USA) has undertaken archaeological research at

    atalhyk since 1993, with a permit granted by the Ministry of Culture, and under the auspices of the British Institute ofArchaeology at Ankara. We are especially grateful to the General Director of Monuments and Museums, and to our temsilci SonerAteoullar.

    The main sponsors of the project are Yap Kredi and Boeing. Another sponsor is Shell.

    Funding for the project in 2010 has also been received from the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, Stanford University, theGlobal Heritage Fund, University College London, the Turkish Cultural Foundation, the University of Poznan, the University ofGdansk, SUNY Buffalo and the Templeton Foundation and an anonymous donor.

    The institutional partners of the project are Selcuk University, Stanford University, University College London, Adam MickiewiczUniversity, and Istanbul University.

    TEEKKRLERLondra niversitesi (ngiltere) ve Stanford niversitesine (ABD) bal bulunan akademisyenlerinden oluan uluslaras ekip

    atalhyk kazlarnda 1993 ylndan beri, T.C. Turizm ve Kltr Bakanl, Antlar ve Mzeler Genel Mdrlnn izinleri veAnkara ngiliz Arkeoloji Enstits himayesinde arkeolojik almalarn yrtmektedir.

    Projenin ana sponsorlar Yap Kredi ve Boeingdir. Bir baka sponsorumuz ise Shell firmasdr.

    2010 yl kaz sezonu u kurumlardan salanan fonlarla gerekletirilmitir: Ankara ngiliz Arkeoloji Enstits, Stanford niversitesi,Kresel Kltr Miras Fonu, Londra niversitesi, Trk Kltr Vakf, Poznan niversitesi, Gdansk niversitesi, SUNY Buffalo andTempleton Fonu.

    Projenin akademik ortaklar unlardr: Seluk niversitesi, Stanford niversitesi, Londra niversitesi, Adam Mickiewicz niversitesi,stanbul niversitesi.

    Main Sponsors

    Other sponsor

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    FIELD TEAM 2010

    Project Director: Ian Hodder.Field Director & Project Coordinator: Shahina Farid.Assistant Director: Onur zbek.Government Representative: Soner Ateoullar.Project Assistant: Banu Aydnolugil.Camp Manager: Levent zer.Site Assistant: Yldz Dirmit.

    Site Custodians: Mustafa Tokyasun, Hasan Tokyasun, brahim Eken.Computing: Sarah Jones, Richard May, Rafael Lizerralde, Neil Davies.Database Development: Sarah Jones.South & 4040 Area excavations: Daniel Eddisford, Michael House, Roddy Regan, Lisa Yeomans, Christopher Atkinson,

    Agnieszka Bystron, Purnur Ece Ba, Maxime Brami, r Eyilik, Sarah Grant, Simge Gre,Arzu Linga, Dorthe Nistad.

    TP excavations: Arkadiusz Marciniak, Lech Czerniak, Marek Baranski, Marta Bartkowiak, Mathew Boyd, AgataCzeszewska, Patrycja Filipowicz, Andrew Goldman, Arkadiusz Klimowicz, Aldona Kurzawska,Andrzej Leszczewicz, Kamilla Pawlowska, Shannon Stewart, Marek Polcyn, Joanna Pyzel.

    IST Team: Mihriban zbaaran, Gne Duru, Nurcan Kayacan.West Mound, Trenches 5: Peter Biehl, Eva Rosenstock, Jennifer Byrnes, Xose Hermoso-Buxan, Bela Dimova, Ingmar

    Franz, Laura Harrison, David Orton, Eva Maria Mihan, Sonia Ostaptchouk, Jana Rogasch,Sophie Schmidt, Patrick Willett.

    West Mound, Trench 8: Burin Erdou, Nejat Ycel, Onur zbek, Melek Ku,Ozan zbudak, Abdurrahman Snmez.Stanford Field Team: Max Forrest Rose Figura, Alysha De Souza, Sadie Weber.Stanford Post-grads: Serena Love, Adam Nazaroff, Helen Human.Selcuk University Field Team: Numan Arslan, Mustafa eur, Mehmet rak, Ramazan Kaya, Ayegul Tabakolu, Onur

    Yksel.University California Merced: Maurizio Forte, Paola Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco, Fabrizio Galeazzi, Carlos Bazua, Julia Cline,

    Justine Issavi, Llonel Onsurez, Johnathan Wang,Site Workers: Mevlut Sivas, Mustafa Yal, smail Yal Hseyin Yal, Hasan Yal , Numan Bulu, smail

    Bulu.Yusuf Tokyasun, Mustafa Zeytin,Residue Sorters: Saliha Sivas, Hatice Yal, Rabia Yal,Tulin Yal, Esra ener,Illustration: Katy Killackey, Mesa Schumacher, Lyla Pynch-Brock.GIS Team: Cordelia Hall, Camilla Mazzucato.Survey and Digitising: Cordelia Hall, David Mackie.Geophys Team: Kristian Strutt, Grant Cox, Eleonora Gandolfi, Jessica Ogden.Finds: Julie Cassidy, Lisa Guerre.Heavy Residue: Milena Vasic, Slobodan Mitrovi.Conservation: Duygu amurcuolu, Rosemary Jeffreys, Ashley Morgan Lingle, Sanaz Mehran, Lucie Monot.Image and Media: Jason Quinlan, ur Eyilik.Faunal Team: Nerissa Russell, Arzu Demirergi.Human Remains: Clark Larsen, Baak Boz, Lori Hager, Emmy Bocaege, Evan Garofalo, Scott Haddow, Josh

    Sadvari.Archaeobotany: Amy Bogaard, Michael Charles, Catherine Longford, Muge Ergun, Petra Vaiglova, Gemma

    Martin.Charcoal: Eleni AsoutiPhytoliths: Philippa Ryan.Isotopic Analysis: Jessica Pearson.Micromorphology Team: Lisa-Marie Shillito, Emma Anderson, Georgia Koromila, Jamie Rowe.Shell: Daniella Bar-Yosef Mayer, Burcin Gm,.Chipped Stone: Tristan Carter, Marina Milic, Danica Mihailovic, Kelly Brown, Triantafyllia Eirini Dogiama.Groundstone: Karen Wright, Kimberly Jones, Emma Jordan, Christina Tsoraki, Ruth Siddall.Bead technology: Karen Wright, Roseleen Bains.Ceramics: Nurcan Yalman, Hilal Gltekin, Duygu Tarkan zbudak.Post Chalcolithic Assemblage: Mark Jackson.Figurines & Miniature Clay Objects: Lynn Meskell, Lucy Bennison Chapman, Louise Martin.Clay Stamps: Ali Trkcan.Clay Balls & Geometric Shapes: Sonya Atalay, Sheena Ketchum.

    Clay materiality & sourcing: Chris Doherty.Landscape Survey & Coring: Chris Doherty.Speleotherm Sourcing: Onur zbek, Glgn Grcan.Architectural Analysis: Serena Love.Clay Architectural Material: Mira Stevanovic.Visualisation Team: Stephanie Moser, Graeme Earl, Sara Perry, Ian Kirkpatrick, Rachel Bassinger, Gemma Tully.Forensic Team: Karl Harrison, Anna Davenport.C14 Dating Team: Alexandra Bayliss, Shahina Farid.Summer School: Glay Sert, Nuray Kaygaz, Il Demirta.Community Archaeology: Sonya Atalay, Sema Bac,Teddy Mendoza.Community Theatre Project: Serdar Bili, zlem Ozhabe.Research Projects: Veysel Apaydn, Sheena Ketchum, Antonia Davidovic Walther.House Staff: smail Salmanc, Nevriye ener, Glsm Eken, Elmas Motuk.

    This Newsletter has been compiled by Banu Aydnolugil, drawn from the 2010 season Archive Report ( by Banu Aydnolugil

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    The Friends of atalhyk was set up to promote the projects endeavours in excavation, conservation andheritage management at the site; to promote public interest in the site, both local and international; to

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    View of the East Mound from the N with the 4040 shelter to the left and the South shelter is to the right. Photo Shahina Farid


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