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Samarth Agarwal

Test Duration: 45 minutes- 60 minutes

1. The best way to make your burgers taste yummy is _______ the patties with lots of scrumptious

mayo and cheese. You can also add red meat, boiled bone less chicken and mix it with black

pepper powder. Place chopped cabbage, carrots, and smashed potatoes. If you are a big fan of

cheese, then you can add grated cottage cheese to make your burger ______. Finally you can

grill the burger to melt the cheese and it will also help the vegetables to get semi-cooked.

a. Filling – Yummier

b. Finally – Black

c. Pepper – Burger

d. Cheese – Vegetable

e. Best – Grated

2. A very scrumptious fresh pressed cheese from the Auvergne Mountains is ----------- as one of the

best cheese in the whole world. Cantal is a cheese that many believe to be very close to an

English cottage cheddar or also called as chester.

a. Believe

b. Cottage

c. Cheese

d. Considered

e. Cheddar

3. Kerala is a beautiful state -- -- -- -- -- on the Malabar Coast. It is recognized for its natural

exquisiteness. Geologically, it lies among Lakshadweep Sea and Western Ghats, which causes

the weather of the state to be equatorial tropic. On the other hand, the climatic conditions

differ according to the geographic position.

a. Situated

b. According

c. Geographic

d. Differ

e. Climatic

4. Romans were -- -- -- -- -- of old and antique wines, sometimes the wines are 30 years old

according to the evidence found in some Roman writings. Either they corrected the first sealed

vessel or they liked tarnished wine. The Romans were the first people to make -- -- -- -- -- of

earthenware jugs for preserving wine.

a. Fond – Use

b. Wines – Corrected

c. Romans – Liked

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Samarth Agarwal

d. Tarnished – Wine

e. People – Wine

5. The first and important beer ----------- in the test market of Richmond, California. The American

Can Corporation had been testing with the plan of wrapping beer in cans since 1880.

a. Appeared

b. Corporation

c. Wrapping

d. Beer

e. California

6. Red Fort, Delhi is -- -- -- -- -- on the banks of the Yamuna River in the 16th century. The Red Fort

also called as Lal Qila was the made by the Mughal monarch King Shah Jahan. This is also -- -- -- -

- -- as the shajahan's current capital, Shahjahanabad, and is the seventh popular Muslim city in


a. Situated – Called

b. Monarch – Mughal

c. King – Seventh

d. Muslim – Century

e. Current – Popular

7. Eskimos have an extremely urbanized art and are trained carvers of woods and walrus tusks.

Their dress is nearly or entirely made up of furs and they usually use sleds pulled by wolfs for -- -

- -- -- -- in wintry weather, and skin-covering canoes or kayaks in hot season. They chase in little

groups and are very independent and self-determining.

a. Transportation

b. Chase

c. Nearly

d. Groups

e. Weather

8. This is actually no-brainer. With all of the freshening elements both within and outer surface of

your home, you will have to be sure to -- -- -- -- -- yourself after every bath or after every face

cleaning. If you have oily skin, then try and use oil-free moisturizer and apply the moisturizer

when your skin is damp.

a. Damp

b. Moisturize

c. Oily skin

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Samarth Agarwal

d. Apply

e. Bath

Choose correct antonyms…

9. Amplify: -- -- -- -- --

a. Plenty

b. Opportunity

c. Simplify

d. Travel

e. Costume

10. Aptitude: -- -- -- --

a. Enemy

b. Solitude

c. Lack of talent

d. Destroy

e. Humor

11. Anathema: -- -- -- -- --

a. Prayer

b. Holy

c. Numb

d. Blessings

e. Cruel

Mark the correct analogies

12. Literate: Educated :: Logical: -- -- -- -- --

a. Reasonable

b. Non- Valid

c. Immune

d. Complain

e. Length

13. Immune: Resistant::Impact: -- -- -- -- --

a. Contact

b. Collision

c. Call

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Samarth Agarwal

d. Candy

e. Cumin

14. Fabric: Textile::Fabulous: -- -- -- -- --

a. Lame

b. Dull

c. Sick

d. Wonderful

e. Logical

15. Habitat: Environment::Habitual: -- -- -- -- --

a. Regular

b. Bore

c. Home

d. Schedule

e. Routine

16. Quantity 1: (-9)8

Quantity 2: (-8)2

a. Quantity 1 is greater than quantity 2

b. Quantity 2 is greater than quantity 1

c. Both the quantities are equal

d. There is no relationship between the two quantities

17. 2. Quantity 1: (6/12)4

Quantity 2: (6/12)1/2

a. Quantity 2 is greater than quantity 1

b. Quantity 1 is greater than quantity 2

c. Both quantities are equal

d. There is no relationship between both the quantities

18. e = 3s + 6

And s = 3

Assume that quantity 1 is (e) and quantity 2 is 15. Determine whether

a. Quantity 1 is greater than 2

b. Quantity 2 is greater than 1

c. Both quantities are equal

d. The relationship between the two quantities cannot be determined

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19. V = 0.36

W = 0.42 / 3

a. V is greater than W

b. W is greater than V

c. X is equal to W

d. There is no relation between V and W

20. m < 2 and n > 2

Quantity 1: nm

Quantity 2: mn

a. Both the quantities are equal

b. 1 is less than 2

c. 2 is less than 1

d. No relation

21. If |m – 3| = 4m – 5, then which of the following could be the value of m?

a. 98

b. 6

c. 85

d. 2

e. 47

22. If w = 2/3 and a = 6 then a/w + 4/w2 =

a. 323

b. 76

c. 10

d. 11

e. 2346

23. If u = cos Θ and v = sin Θ, then for all Θ, u2 + v2 =

a. 12

b. 1

c. 23

d. 78

e. 78

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24. A skating champion moves along the circumference of a circle of radius 21 meters in 44 seconds.

How many seconds will it take her to move along the perimeter of a hexagon of side 42 meters?

a. 56

b. 84

c. 64

d. 48

25. The head of a fish is 6 inches long. Its tail is as long as its head and half its body. If its body is half

of its whole length, how long is the fish?

a. 16 inches

b. 24 inches

c. 32 inches

d. 48 inches

26. A bartender has two casks full of mixture of vodka and tomato juice. The ratio of vodka and

tomato juice in the first and second cask is 3:10 and 8:15 respectively. In what proportion should

the mixtures be mixed to satisfy a customer who likes vodka and tomato juice in the ratio 7:16?

a. 1 : 2

b. 117 : 213

c. 13 : 22

d. 2 : 3

27. The distance between the points (-6, 17) and (-6, -17) is

a. 9

b. 19

c. 56

d. 29

e. 74

28. If 7a + 2b = 11 and a - 2b = 5, then what is the value of a?

a. - 5.0

b. - 8.5

c. - 0.8

d. 1.9

e. 2.0

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29. A broker has been assigned the task of allotting offices to six of the political parties. The offices

are numbered 1 - 6. The offices are arranged in a row and they are separated from each other

by five foot high dividers. Thus the voices, sounds and cigarette smoke flow easily from one

office to another. Miss Anne needs to use the telephone quite often throughout the day. Mr.

Taylor and Mr. Benz need adjacent offices as they need to consult each other often during their

work. Miss Stuart is a senior employee and has to be allotted the office number 5, having the

biggest window. Mr. Warne requires silence in the offices next to him. Mr. Tom, Mr. Taylor and

Mr. Warne are all smokers. Miss Stuart is allergic to tobacco smoking and thus the offices next

to hers needs to be occupied by the non-smokers. Moreover all the employees are supposed to

maintain an atmosphere of silence during office hours unless it is stated specifically.

The ideal candidate to occupy the office furthest from Mr. Benz would be?

a. Miss Stuart

b. Mr. Taylor

c. Mr. Tom

d. Miss Anne

e. Mr. Warne

30. Which of the following events would result in a request for a change in the office by one or

more employees, within a period of one month since the assignment of the offices?

a. Mr. Warne quitting smoking.

b. The installation of a noisy teletype machine by Miss Stuart in her office.

c. Miss Anne's need for silence in the office/offices next to her own.

d. Mr. Benz suffering from tuberculosis.

e. Mr. Tom taking over the duties formerly taken care of by Miss. Anne

31. A milkman mixes 20 liters of water with 80 liters of milk. After selling one fourth of this mixture,

he adds water to replenish the quantity that he has sold. What is the current proportion of

water to milk?

a. 2:3

b. 1:2

c. 1:3

d. 3:4

32. If a man cycles at 10 km/hr, then he arrives at a certain place at I p.m. If he cycles at 15 km/ hr,

he will arrive at the same place at 11 a.m. At what speed must he cycle to get there at noon?

a. 11 km/hr

b. 12 km/hr

c. 13 Km/hr

d. 14 Km/hr

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Samarth Agarwal

In an examination, there are 100 questions divided into three groups A, B and C such that each

group contains at least one question. Each question in group A carries 1 mark, each question in

group B carries 2 marks and each question in group C carries 3 marks. It is known that the

questions in group A together carry at least 60% of the total marks.

33. If group B contains 23 questions, then how many questions are there in group C?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. Cannot be determined

34. If group C contains 8 questions and group B carries at least 20% of the total marks, which of the

following best describes the number of questions in group B?

a. 11 or 12

b. 12 or 13

c. 13 or 14

d. 14 or 15

In each question, the word at the top of the table is used in four different ways, numbered I to 4.

Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.


a. Nagasaki suffered from the fallout of nuclear radiation.

b. People believed that the political fallout of the scandal would be insignificant.

c. Who can predict the environmental fallout of the WTO agreements?

d. The headmaster could not understand the fallout of several of his good students at the

Public examination.


a. She did not have passing marks in mathematics

b. The mad woman was cursing everybody passing her on the road.

c. At the birthday party all the children enjoyed a game of passing the parcel.

d. A passing taxi was stopped to rush the accident victim to the hospital

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Samarth Agarwal

37. BOLT

a. The shopkeeper showed us a bolt of fine silk.

b. 2. As he could not move, he made a bolt for the gate.

c. 3. Could you please bolt the door?

d. 4. The thief was arrested before he could bolt from the scene of the crime.


a. Home loans have brought houses within the reach of the common man.

b. The boat reached the island under the cover of darkness.

c. The union and the management failed to reach an agreement.

d. Modern psychology seeks to explore the deep reach of the human mind.


a. Most of the vehicles filtered to the left.

b. The preliminary test filters out those students who are not good at mathematics.

c. The new policies adopted by the management have not yet filtered down to the staff.

d. As soon as the doors of the museum were opened the people started filtering through.

40. The sentences given in each of the following questions, when properly sequenced, form a

coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. From among the four choices given

below each question, choose the most logical order of sentences that constructs a coherent


A. It is humanly impossible to read the hundreds of books which come out every month.

B. By going through book covers, reviews and gossips about authors anyone can take part in

any literary discussion.

C. All of us like to be, or pretend to be well read, take part in literary proceedings and pepper

our conversations with quotes.

D. The trick is to understand that even a slight familiarity with books and authors is enough to

put on a show of enlightenment.

E. No one is obliged to read all the books, yet we can talk and argue about them.

F. We can even have passionate literary exchanges on books we have not read at all.

Correct Sequence is,

a. cdefab

b. cefdba

c. efdcba

d. caefbd
