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    Name of the client:Felipe Domingo Acob Sr.

    Address:37Ganagan, Bacarra Ilocos Norte

    Hospital Number:101750



    Date of Birth: October 23, 1938

    Place of birth: Bacarra, Ilocos Norte

    Civil Status: Married

    Religion: Roman Catholic

    Educational attainment: Elementary Graduate

    Occupation: Farmer

    Chief Complaint: Cough and difficulty of breathing

    Admitting Diagnosis: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Acute exacerbation

    Bronchitis, Pulmonary Tuberculosis Class IV

    Date of admission:August19, 2010

    Time of Admission: 11:55 pm

    Admitting Physician:Decinna Quilala, M.D./ Emely T. Pumaras, M.D.

    Attending Physician: Dr. Lijauco/ Dr. Rasos

    Final Diagnosis: COPD exacerbation controlled Bronchitis resolved PTB class IV

    Date of Discharge: August 24, 2010

    Time of discharge: 4:30 PM

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    Name Sex Ag





    p to the












    Male 71




    Patient Elementary


    None Catholi




    n Doro,



    a Acob







    Wife High School


    None Catholi




    n Doro,




    Male 50




    Son College









    s Agas







    Daughter College











    Male 47




    Son College


    Farmer Catholi




    n Doro,










    Daughter College
















    Daughter College










    Male 24




    Son College



    Farmer Catholi




    n Doro,


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    Acob family is a nuclear type of family. They are living within the vicinity of the father,

    thus, considered to be patrilocal type of family. The family is oriented with both the mother and

    the fathers kin, thus, they are bilineal type of family. With regards to decision making, the

    family is an egalitarian type of family where in both the father and mother makes the decision.

    Mr. and Mrs. Acob participate in barangay activities such as Oplan Dalus. For other

    activities such as fiestas and other assemblies they are not that active. The family have

    misunderstanding sometimes like when Tata Felipe insists to work even though they tell him

    not to work because of the fact that this may aggravate this condition (collecting fire woods)

    but it is easily resolved When we argue about such things, my wife gives me a cold shoulder

    but after an hour, she talks to me again like nothing happened, as added by Tata Felipe. Mr.

    and Mrs. Acob are the only ones who are living in their family house since their children

    already have their own families. The family has a good relationship and they communicate

    properly. They communicate through phone calls and letters with their children abroad.

    Reading magazines, listening radio, watching television, gardening and chatting to their

    neighbours are their leisure time.

    Mr. and Mrs. Acob dont have monthly allowance on their own since they do not have

    job at present. Mrs Acob claimed that they depend on their children for their financial needs

    since they are already old to work. Their children working abroad send them money every

    month. They receive a total of 10,000 a month. Each of their children contributes Php. 2,500.

    According to Mrs. Acob, she is the one who decides for the allocation of their monthly

    allowance. The amount is allocated mainly for their needs and is broken down as follows; Php

    3000 is allotted for food and groceries with toiletries, Php 500 each are allotted for

    transportation and electricity, Php 1000 is for miscellaneous expenses such as sudden illness or

    hospitalization, load and magazines, Php 180 is spend for drinking water and Php 1820 is their

    savings. Php 1000 is also allocated for medicines like Dulcolax, Ventolin and their multivitamins.

    According to Mrs. Acob, their monthly allowance is enough to meet their daily necessities for


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    FOOD (w/ groceries and toiletries)-3000

    MEDICINES---------------------------- 3000




    ELECTRICITY--------------------------- 500

    WATER(mineral water)-------------180


    A. Family Health History

    Nana Catalina, the wife of our patient revealed that the family had experienced having

    coughs, colds, and fever during extreme temperatures, muscle aches, toothache, headache and







    monthly budget








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    stomach aches. Such minor discomforts are usually managed with over- the- counter drugs such

    as Solmux 500 mg PC until the symptoms will subside for cough, Neozep 500 mg PC for colds,

    Biogesic 500 mg PRN for fever, Mefenamic Acid 500 mg PRN for headache, Alaxan 500 mg PRN

    for body pains, and Kremil-S 500 mg or Lomotil 2 mg both PRN for stomach ache; as claimed by

    Nana Catalina. The family had experienced some infectious and communicable diseases such as

    chicken pox, measles, mumps and sore eyes. They usually manage chickenpox thru bed rest

    and by exposing the sick child to the smoke of burnt onions when lesions are healing. For

    measles, they would let the member wear any black clothes for they believe that this will lessen

    the itchiness and for mumps they would apply akot-akot mixed with vinegar on the affected

    area. For other managements of diseases, he mentioned bed rest, adequate intake of nutritious

    foods such as vegetables and enough sleep as their health habit practices.

    They also utilize herbal medicines like oregano decoction, kutsay extract and guava

    extract. They would use the oregano decoction for cough, kutsay extract for wounds and the

    guava leaves for washing and cleansing wounds. As added by Tata Felipe, they do not usually

    consult to the Bacarra health centre; instead, they go straight to tertiary hospital like MMMH &

    MC whenever the condition of one family members health is severe or it worsens.

    Mata Acob, grandmother of our client on paternal side had asthma but Nana Catalina

    (wife of our client) do not know if she was diagnosed, who diagnosed her and what were the

    managements done to her. As claimed by Nana Catalina, Mata Acob was a heavy smoker, and

    she can consume 10 tobacco sticks a day. Nana Catalina added that she was the one who

    taught our client to smoke when he was just grade 5. Apolinario Acob, husband of Mata Acob

    died because of complications of old age. Apolinario Acob and Mata Acob were blessed with 12

    children; unfortunately Nana Catalina can only remember 3 of them namely; Kolas Acob, Pilo

    Acob, and Juan Acob. All of them already died because of complications of old age.

    Santan, grandmother of our client on maternal side, died already because of

    complications of old age. Santiago, husband of Santan died because of complications of old age.

    They were blessed with 3 children, namely; Ferming, Dorothea and Crispin Domingo. They

    already died because of complications of old age.

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    Juan Acob and Dorothea Acob, parents of our client were blessed with 6 children.

    Milagros Ancheta, 62 years old, Marta, 64 years old, residing now at Mindanao, Lory Bagaoisan

    66 years old, residing at Hawaii, Susima Bagaoisan 70 years old, Maria Garcia died at the age of

    69 years because of bone cancer but they cannot remember any informations regarding the

    disease and Felipe Acob our patient who was diagnosed with COPD last August 19, 2010.

    As for their immunizations, Nana Catalina is not sure if they received any and Tata

    Felipe did not have any scar that would reveal that he have received his BCG vaccine. According

    to Nana Catalina their children completed all their immunizations.

    He stressed out that they do not believe in ghosts, bad spirits, witchcraft, and quack

    doctor. But he stated that he often consults to manghihilot whenever there are sprains and

    muscle aches and he claimed to be effective.

    B. Past Health History

    Tata Felipe already experienced having common illnesses such as cough, fever,

    headache and toothache as claimed. These were managed through taking in over the counter

    drugs such as Solmux for cough, Paracetamol for fever and headache and Mefenamic acid for


    Infectious diseases he encountered during his childhood were the following: measles,

    chickenpox and mumps. No medical consultation done, instead they treated it by taking in

    Paracetamol to relieve fever and they let the smoke of garlic and onions with a charcoal in a pot

    to their body to relieve itchiness for chickenpox. When he had his mumps, his mother topically

    applied akot-akot on the affected site. Tata Felipe did not undergo any minor or major

    operations except for circumcision when he was in grade four.

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    According to Tata Felipe, he had no allergies to food or to drugs. He prefers eating

    vegetables and meat especially internal organs like liver. As claimed, He began smoking at a

    very young age which actually at grade 5. His Lola taught him to try tobacco whenever he goes

    home after school. He begun to consume 2-3 sticks a day at age of 13 and gradually increase to

    8-10 sticks during high school years. As became older, he could already consume as much as 1

    pack of cigarettes until his mid 40s. On the other hand, he also started drinking liquor such as

    GSM Bilog and beer when he was 14 y/o consuming 2-3 bottles of each every week. He,

    together with his friends drinks occasionally.


    In the year 1972, when he was 42, he experienced and complaint difficulty of breathing

    which prompted him to have a check up at their Health Center. He had undergone x-ray and

    diagnosed with asthma. Tata Felipe can no longer remember the doctor who attended him but

    he was given take home medications which he took in preventing his asthma attacks but he

    doesnt remember the medications given to him.

    Two months past, he was rushed to Ranada General Hospital when he suffered again

    from difficulty of breathing. He was diagnosed to be an asthma case again and was given

    Ventolin inhaler and other unrecalled medicines. As far on what his wife remembered, he was

    confined for 3 days. When he suffers from the above symptoms or from asthma attacks, he no

    longer sought consultation to any medical facility, instead, the family buys Ventolin inhaler to

    relieve difficulty of breathing and Solmux for cough with their current prescription.

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    In year 1990 of December, Nana Catalina decided to let her husband consult to Doctor

    Reyes Clinic. She was alarmed seeing her husband expectorates phlegm, rusty in colour and

    vicious when coughing and sweats mostly at night even in cold season. Nana Catalina knew

    about Dr. Reyes since she read several articles written by the said doctor on Bannawag which

    talks about asthma and other lung disorders. And so Tata Felipe together with his wife agreed

    to go at Dr. Reyes Clinic in Ilocos Sur. Tata Felipe had a sputum examination, he was instructed

    to collect 1 sputum specimen in the morning and 2 specimens were collected in the clinic. Dr.

    Reyes also examined Mr. Acobs X-ray according to him. His sputum examination and X-ray

    reveals that he was positive of pulmonary tuberculosis. As for treatment, he was prescribed to

    take Rifampin, Pyrazinamide and Isoniazid pyridoxine for 6 months. When asked about the

    dosages, they could no longer remember it. Dr. Reyes made a referral letter saying about Tata

    Felipes condition to Bacarra Health Center so that those medicines would be given for free.

    Tata Felipe revealed that he did not take the medication religiously for 6 months because

    sometimes he would forget to take or, if we run out of medicines, sometimes we dont have

    time to go and get from the health center and, we didnt continue it since Im feeling better

    then as claimed. 1991 Tata Felipe went back to the Health Center for check-up after 6 months

    and his examinations revealed that he is still positive of PTB, he was again given another 6

    months treatment with an additional medication which is Ethambutol. According to Tata Felipe

    he religiously took the medication until 6 months and when they went for another check-up for

    evaluation, his PTB was already resolved. Tata Felipe was so happy and thankful

    He continued to work as a farmer. But had asthma attacks especially during cold

    seasons as well as when triggered by irritants such as dust, smoke and fumes as claimed. His

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    asthma was not really that serious as he verbalized since medications can just relieved it

    (Ventolin Inhaler, Solmux).

    Because of his condition, his family advises him to quit smoking and drinking liquor.

    It was also told by his doctor before that smoking can expose him to more severe disorders.

    Tata Felipe didnt deny that once in while he still taste a bit after which but he emotionally

    expressed that he made an effort to stop it for the sake of his children and to have a longer life

    together with his family. Though it is difficult in his part; he successfully quitted such vices in a

    gradual manner.

    Upon waking up in the morning of August 17, 2010 he experienced sudden dryness and

    itchiness of throat and finally ending up to productive cough. As his cough progresses,

    shortness of breath had been developed it is hard for him to breath and he complaints of the

    sound of rales he was experiencing as verbalized by Nana Catalina. He thought that this was

    just brought by weather changes and exhaustion from doing house hold choirs such as cleaning

    the backyard. At first, he does not sought consultation with the thought that he again had been

    attacked by asthma. He had taken medicines previously prescribed by a private physician such

    as Ventolin inhaler and Solmux. He gained temporary relief from those drugs. Nana Catalina

    also added that his husband was sneezing caused maybe by frequently taking a bath just after a

    perspiring work and weather changes so she bought Neozep Forte (500mg) as management of

    cold which he took every 4 hours. However, as days pass by, his cough became recurrent and

    persistent. On the evening of august 19, 2010, he suffered from difficulty of breathing and

    severe coughing. He was immediately rushed to the Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and

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    Medical Center at exactly 11:55 PM with an admitting diagnosis of COPD in acute exacerbation

    bronchitis, PTB Class IV. He was admitted by Dr. Quilala and Dr. Pumaras.


    Ericksons Theory of Psychosocial Development

    Ericksons Theory of Psychosocial Development

    It is necessary to study the development of a person to be able to understand the responses

    that are seen in the client in certain circumstances or situations. One theory that had been

    devised to do such study is the Psychosocial or Emotional Development by Erik H. Erickson. He

    believes that maturation of bodily functions is linked with expectations of society and culture inwhich the person lives. According to him, in each stages of a persons emotional development,

    there are particular changes, which he called crisis that exists for a healthy development to

    occur. When needs are met, a healthy or positive personality is developed and the individual

    moves to the future stages with particular strength; but if not, an unhealthy outcome occurs

    which will influence future relationships.

    Erickson identified Ego Integrity versus Despair as the developmental stage to be

    achieved during the Late Adulthood (60 years old and above) in which our client belongs. He

    said that ego integrity suggest an acceptance of ones lifestyle and a belief the choices made

    where the best that could be made at a particular time. Into our client, he accepts this stage by

    showing a positive attitude instead of grumping feature when talking of his old age.

    Despair, the opposite of ego integrity, implies that the older person feels dissatisfied

    and disappointed with his or her life and if given another chance the person would live life

    differently. It is being manifested by our client by longing for his drinking sessions and smoking


    In this span of age, the client is expected to feel good about his choices in life, and self

    acceptance of the inevitable death and the acceptance that his ability to contribute to the

    community is minimized. On the other hand, our client is not expected to wish life could turn

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    out differently as with him now, to be angry of the aging bodies, and withdrawn from the


    Tata Felipe, 71 y/o is in his late adulthood stage with the central task of achieving Ego

    Integrity vs. Despair. Tata Felipe feels good about his past life choices. He was able to form a

    family and commit himself to his own responsibilities. And now that his children are all happily

    married, still Tata Felipe never failed to be the good father to them. Towards his wife, Tata

    Felipe has maintained same warmth or sweetness and a good relationship. They also quarrel at

    times but the conflict does not last long because they would immediately settle it.

    Tata Felipe belongs to certain organization in their barangay such as the Senior Citizen

    Club, when he was still younger he would attend to Barangay Fiestas and Oplan Dalus. He alsostated that they won as the cleanest house in their barangay last 2008.

    He is also regarded as a good neighbor and a good person because he knows how to

    help others and he knows how to get along with them.

    The negative indicators such as a persons feeling of dissatisfaction and disappointment

    with his life and if given another chance the person would live life differently is not seen to our


    He said that he accepts the changes of his physical stature and that death is inevitable.

    Analysis: Based from his accomplishments over the years, Tata Felipe could be said to be

    manifesting the indicators of a positive resolution such as satisfaction with his life and the

    decisions and acceptance of the inevitable death.

    Havighursts Theory of Developmental Task

    Havighursts theory of Developmental Tasks states that learning is essential to life and

    that to understand growth and development; one must understand and accept the premise

    that the human being continues to learn throughout life. Effective learning and achievement of

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    tasks during one period leads to happiness and success with later task while failure leads to

    unhappiness, disapproval by the society and difficulty with later tasks.

    Tata Felipe belongs to Havighursts age group of Later Maturity wherein he is expected

    to develop tasks like Accepting and adjusting to decrease physical strength and health Tata

    Felipe already accepted and adjusted himself to his decreased physical strength and health. He

    admitted that his activities now are no longer like his activities when he was still younger and

    stronger. He also told us that these changes in strength and health are just normal to aging

    people. Adjusting to retirement and lower income Tata Felipe long decided to stop doing

    farming for he can no longer be productive with his work and his health can be worsen if he still

    do strenuous activities. He has already retired and just stayed mostly in their home, and

    enjoying the company of his wife. Even if he already retired from farming, he doesnt worry in

    terms of financial terms for his children sends their income. Though his income is no longer like

    of that when he was still farming, he already adjusted to a lower income and accepts it since he

    and his wife also spends lesser now. Aging and inevitable death of age and spouse When we

    asked Tata Felipe if he already accepted aging and death, he gladly told us that it is just a

    normal part of living and that also includes death. As much as he wanted to return to his youth,

    he also looks forward about the life that is to come after death. Establish Affiliation with Age

    Group Despite of his age, he still maintained a relationship with the people, especially hisfriends who are at the same time belongs to his age group, they still have conversations yet it is

    not as often as it was of the past since they no longer see each others often. Meet Social and

    Civic Obligations, Even if Tata Felipe is now old, he makes sure that his social and civic

    obligations are still met, such as exercising his right to vote. And during the 2010 National

    Elections he voted and was delighted and accepted the new system of voting. He told us that

    these are the things that he can never grow old with. Live in Satisfactory Physical Environment,

    Being with his wife in their home, they maintain their physical environment with its cleanlinessand their community is also composed of a good environment. He was also satisfied with the

    peacefulness of their community and his environment.

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    Based from his accomplishments over the years, Tata Felipe could be said to have

    achieved the expected tasks like practicing his rights to vote, satisfaction with his physical

    environment and peacefulness of the community and acceptance of the inevitable death.

    VI. Patterns of Functioning

    Patterns of


    Before Illness During Illness

    Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

    Eating The patient was

    diagnosed of COPD on

    August 19, 2010. Prior

    to this, he claimed

    that he eats three

    times a day and have

    snacks in between.

    He usually eats his

    breakfast between

    6:00-6:30 AM, lunch

    at 11:00-11:30 AM,

    and dinner at 6:30-

    Before hospital admission, he

    usually eats the same foods

    as that mentioned in before

    illness as long as they are well

    cooked and prepared such as

    nilagang baka (1/2-1 bowl),

    pancit (1 serving) and

    sinabawang gulay with meat

    (1 serving). He only can only

    consume half of the food he

    was eating before illness.

    He eats his meal, 6:00-6:30

    AM for breakfast, 11:00-

    During his stay on hospital

    he can consume all the

    hospital rations served for

    each meal which consist of

    one serving for meat and

    vegetable and one cup of

    rice. He was on DAT diet. His

    snacks usually consist of

    fruits such as apples and


    He eats his meal around 6

    AM for breakfast, 11:30-

    12:30 PM at lunch and as

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    7:00 in the evening.

    He prefers to eat meat

    especially nilagang

    baka (1/2-1 bowl), he

    also like pancit (1

    serving) and

    sinabawang gulay

    with meat (1 serving).

    He doesnt like to eat

    foods that have bland

    taste and no additives

    and also raw foods

    like kinilaw. He usually

    consume 1- 1 1/2 cup

    of rice each meal.

    His snack usually

    consists of native

    delicacies like suman-

    latik, banana cue, and

    ginataan. According to

    him he doesnt have

    11:30 AM at lunch and 6:30-

    7:00 for dinner.

    His snack usually consists of

    native delicacies like suman-

    latik, banana cue, and

    ginataan. According to him he

    doesnt have any allergies to


    early as 5:30-6:00 PM for his


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    any allergies to food.

    Analysis: There was a change on the eating pattern of the patient before illness and before

    hospitalization due to difficulty of breathing. However when he was confined at the hospital,

    his appetite increases as manifested by consuming all the rations served.

    Patterns of


    Before Illness During Illness

    Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

    Drinking He claimed that he

    drinks upto 9 glasses

    (250mL/glass) of

    water per day. He also

    like to drink alcoholic

    beverages like gin

    (bilog) which he

    consume upto 2

    bottles per week and

    sometimes beer which

    he can consumes 3

    bottles in a week. He

    doesnt like to drink

    He already discontinued

    drinking alcoholic beverages.

    He can consume 2250 mL of

    water in a day. He also drinks

    1 glass of tea (320 ml)

    whenever he feels

    constipated. His total fluid

    intake for 24 hours was

    approximately 2,250- 2,570


    During hospitalization, he only

    drinks water with an amount of

    600-1000 mL in a day.

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    beverage that is

    sweet. He also drinks

    1 glass (320 ml) of tea

    when he feels

    constipated. He

    doesnt have any

    allergies to beverages.

    All in all he can


    approximately 2,570-

    2,850 ml/day.

    Analysis: There was a change in the drinking pattern of the patient before illness and before

    hospitalization since the patient discontinued drinking beer and gin, this is associated with the

    presence of his ailment. There is also change during hospitalization due to decrease intake of

    water because he is confined to bed.

    Patterns of


    Before Illness During Illness

    Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

    Bladder He voids 3-5 times a

    day. Usually, he

    Since Tata Felipe stop drinking

    alcoholic beverages, his

    He voids 2-3 times a day with

    an approximate amount of

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    Elimination urinates once in the

    morning after he

    wakes up, in the

    afternoon and before

    bedtime. He claimed

    that his urine color

    was yellowish to clear,

    no foul odor,

    bubbling, and the

    duration during

    voiding is not the


    bladder elimination is the

    same as when they do not

    have drinking session (3-5

    times). His urine output is

    approximately 1800-2000 ml/


    1200-1500 mL. Urine is

    characterized as yellowish to

    clear, no offensive odor.

    Analysis: There was an alteration in bladder elimination as to frequency and amount before

    illness to during illness attributed to the discontinuation of drinking alcoholic beverages.

    However, during illness (before hospitalization) comparing during hospitalization, there was a

    decrease in bladder elimination secondary to increase insensible losses due to the respiratory


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    Patterns of


    Before Illness During Illness

    Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization



    Our client defecates

    once a day. As to the

    characteristics of his

    feces, he describes it

    as brownish in color,

    aromatic, and its

    consistency is soft. He

    feels constipated

    sometimes and

    defecates early in the

    morning around 3


    He claimed that he defecates

    the same before illness. As to

    the characteristics of his

    feces, he describes it as

    brownish in color, aromatic,

    and its consistency is soft. He

    feels constipated sometimes

    and defecates early in the

    morning around 3 AM.

    He claimed that he only

    defecated on the day of

    discharge. He doesnt use

    Dulocolax anymore because

    of the unavailability if the

    drug. As to the characteristics

    of his feces, he claimed that

    its the same before illness

    which is brownish in color,

    and its consistency is hard.

    Analysis: There was a change in the bowel elimination during illness (before hospitalization) to

    during hospitalization due to the decrease activity and because he didnt use any Dulcolax.

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    Patterns of


    Before Illness During Illness

    Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

    Sleeping Our patient sleeps at

    8:00-9:00 PM and

    wakes up at 4:30-5:00

    AM. He claimed that

    his sleep was not

    continuous and the

    duration is 8 hours.

    His bed time rituals

    include watching TV

    for 1-2 hours and

    reading magazines

    until he feels sleepy.

    He also takes a nap

    for 1-2 hours. All in all

    he sleeps 9-10 hours

    in a day. He utilizes 1

    pillow on his head and

    1 on his side. He also

    applies gas and oil

    He sleeps and wakes up the

    same time at 8:00-9:00 PM

    and wakes up at 4:30-5:00 AM

    before hospitalization but he is

    more frequently awakened

    not like before illness. He

    frequently awakes because of

    profuse sweating. He still

    applies gas and oil before

    wearing sock at bedtime, he

    uses 1 pillow on his head and

    1 on his side and uses

    mosquito net.

    He sleeps at 10-11 PM and

    wakes up around 5-7 AM. He

    claimed that he is disturbed

    during his sleep because of

    the nurses routine. He uses 1

    pillow on his head. He didnt

    apply gas and oil before

    bedtime. He also takes a nap

    for 1-2 hours.

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    before wearing socks

    at bedtime and uses

    mosquito net.

    Analysis: There is a change in the sleeping pattern before hospitalization to during

    hospitalization due to the new environment and nurses routine (vital sings taking and giving


    Patterns of


    Before Illness During Illness

    Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

    Bathing He takes a bath twice

    a day, once in the

    morning and before

    he sleeps. He prefers

    to use warm water.

    He uses a pail of

    water, Safeguard soap

    and Sunsilk shampoo

    and uses stone that

    serve as body scrub

    during bathing. He

    He claimed that he do his

    usual bathing the same

    before illness such as using

    herbal leaves, prefer warm

    water, and utilize stone as

    body scrub. He uses a pail of

    water, Safeguard soap and

    Sunsilk shampoo.

    Sponge bath was rendered by

    her wife once in the morning

    and before his bedtime.

    Sometimes his daughters do

    her wifes activities.

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    also uses herbal

    decoction such as

    lagundi and

    sambong leaves

    that he apply after

    scrubbing for soothing


    Analysis: There was a change in the in the bathing pattern of our patient during illness, before

    hospitalization and during hospitalization due to the environment (dirty CR and its availability)

    and presence of IV fluid prior to his confinement.



    Before Illness During Illness

    Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

    Our clients daily routine

    includes different kinds of

    activities such as eating,

    sleeping, bathing, feeding

    their pets at home and

    working at the farm. Even

    The daily routine of our client

    still includes eating, sleeping,

    and bathing. But he cannot

    do these without assistance

    of his wife. By this time, he

    can no longer also do feeding

    Tata Felipe can no longer do

    hes usual activities such as

    eating, and bathing without

    assistance of his wife. Because

    Tata was easily being

    exhausted when he does these

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    though hes on the stage of

    late adulthood, he can still

    perform these things without

    any assistance or any assistive

    devices. He also performs

    household chores like

    washing the dishes and

    cleaning their house. He does

    these activities without being


    their pets at home and

    working at the farm because

    of easy fatigability and the

    presence of difficulty of


    things. He doesnt take a

    whole bath during his 4 days of

    confinement but nana Catalina

    rendered him only Partial

    Bath. He spend most of his

    time on lying on bed, reading

    magazines and chatting with

    his wife and to those who

    visits him.

    Analysis: There was a change in the physical competency of our client because of the

    discomforts such as difficulty of breathing and easy fatigability he is suffering.

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    Analysis: There was a change in the emotional competency of Tata Felipe because he became

    irritable due to the presence of his illness.


    Before Illness During Illness

    Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

    Before Illness During Illness

    Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

    As claimed, Tata Felipe is a

    cheerful one. However, nana

    Catalina added that he is not

    a type of person who is

    expressive. As verbalized by

    Nana Catalina, I just can

    sense what my husband feels

    even if he wont tell me.

    When they quarrel, Nana

    Catalina will just scold him

    and Tata Felipe will stop


    According to Nana Catalina,

    Tata Felipe is still cheerful.

    Tata Felipe told us that he

    can do anything he wanted

    when he was at home which

    is of his comfort. According to

    him, when he doesnt feel

    well, he tried to suppress it,

    but nana Catalina can sense

    his discomforts.

    As we observed, Tata Felipe is

    a cheerful person. But there

    are times that he gets irritable.

    He sometimes shouts to the

    nurses. According to him,

    when the nurses administer

    medications in the night while

    he is sleeping, he doesnt want

    to be disturbed.

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    Tata Felipe is a friendly type

    of person. He has a good

    relationship with his relatives

    and other people in their

    community. Whenever he has

    nothing to do in their house,

    he goes out and chats with

    their neighbours. He is kind to

    them and he knows how to

    help them whenever they

    have problems. He alsostated that he doesnt have

    any enemies in their


    He maintains a good

    relationship with other

    people. He can still go out

    from their house and chat

    with their neighbours but

    unlike before, he rarely does


    Even if tata Felipe have only

    few people to interact with, he

    still maintained his social

    competency by having a

    respecting relationship with

    his room mate. He often has a

    good conversation with the

    people around him and his

    fellow patient.

    Analysis: There were changes in the social competency of our client since he still interact with

    other people in a good manner.


    Before Illness During Illness

    Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

    Tata is a person who easily

    understands of what is beingexplained to him. He is well

    oriented about events, time,

    place, person, and what is

    happening around him. In

    During the course of illness

    he could still comprehend ofwhat is being explained and

    being told to him. He can still

    decide on things on his own.

    Tata Felipe can still

    comprehend what is beingexplained to him. He is still

    well oriented about the time,

    place, person and the things

    happening about him. And

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    terms of decision making on

    such things like for the

    welfare of their family, he can

    decide on it.

    during our interview, he

    answers our questions

    appropriately such as where

    he lives and what date is their


    Analysis: Tata Felipes mental capacity to comprehend and retain information and make

    decisions did not change before and during illness. When we asked him questions, he

    answers it appropriately and correctly.


    Before Illness During Illness

    Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

    He rarely goes to church

    because their house is too far

    from their church. He has a

    strong faith to God and

    according to him,

    eventhough i dont attend

    the mass i never forget to

    pray. He claimed that he

    prays upon waking up in the

    morning, before he eats his

    meals and before he goes to


    Tata Felipes faith is still

    strong. When we have asked

    him if he still prays, he

    claimed that he does. He

    prays upon waking up in the

    morning, before he eats his

    meals and before he goes to

    sleep. He affirmed that he

    still believes in God despite

    his illness.

    Our clients faith was still the

    strong as what he claimed it to

    be. He told us that he always

    pray to God when he wakes up

    in the morning, before eating

    his meals and before he will go

    to sleep.

    Analysis: There was no alteration in the spiritual competency of our client since his faith to God

    remains before he got ill and during the course of his illness.

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    General Appearance:

    During the day of physical assessment, our client is wearing a yellow sando and a

    white printed pajama. He is neat in appearance, with a brown complexion. His hair is well

    combed. He has an IV fluid of D5NM inserted as venoclysis regulated at 27-28 gtts/min was

    intact on his left basilic vein. He has a noticeable barrel chest. His body built is considered as an

    ectomorph. He was cooperative during the assessment.

    Height: 174 cm BMI: 20 kg/m2

    Weight: 60 kg

    Date of Assessment: August 20, 2010 Time of assessment: 3:00 PM

    Vital Signs:

    BP: 120/70mmHg, in sitting position, taken at right arm

    PR: 81 bpm, regular in rhythm

    Temperature: 36.5C per axilla

    RR: 25 breaths per minute, regular in rhythm


    - Normocephalic, round and proportional to the body- Hair is evenly distributed, with presence of white hair, thick, smooth and resilient- No discolorations, lesions or itchiness, no dandruff on the scalp- Facial features are found to be symmetric- No involuntary movements noted

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    - Almond shaped- Eyebrows are evenly distributed, thick and with few white hairs- Eyelashes are short, thin and evenly distributed- Eyelids are wrinkled- With noticeable eye bags- Pale conjunctiva, smooth, no lesions found- Cornea are opaque, moist and with reports of blurry vision on his left eye

    Grade of eyeglass: 2.5

    - Iris found to be round and black in color- PERRLA (Pupils Equally Round and Reactive to Light and Accommodation)- Has good ocular movement-able to move eyeballs from left to right, up and down


    - Same color with the other parts of the body- In line with the outer canthus of the eye- Bean shaped, attached earlobe- With minimal cerumen- With a good hearing acuity- able to reiterate the words we uttered to him in a soft voice


    - Same color with the face- No nasal discharges noted- High bridged nose- Pinkish nasal mucosa- With patent nares- No swelling observed around the nose

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    Mouth and Throat

    - Lips has symmetrical contour, pinkish in color but somewhat brownish at the edge- Lips are smooth and moist in appearance- Pinkish tongue- Able to move tongue left to right, up-down, in-out- Buccal mucosa is pinkish, smooth in appearance, with no lesions noted- Gums are pinkish, no lesions, no bleeding found and veins are slightly visible- No tooth is present at the upper part (he uses dentures)- Lower part has 5 teeth- yellowish and blackish in color and with carries- Hard palate appears bony and whitish while soft palate appears pinkish- Uvula positioned in the midline of the soft palate, pink in color- With visible veins on the buccal mucosa


    - Same color with the other parts of the body- Skin is wrinkled and sagging- Trachea palpated in the midline- Has normal range of motion-able to flex and hyperextend- No engorgement of the neck vein


    - Symmetrical- Has lighter color than the other parts of the body- Areola are round and black in color- Nipples are symmetrical in color- With a Barrel chest;

    AP diameter: 17cm

    Transverse diameter: 15cm

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    - With normal lung expansion- With hyperresonant sound upon percussion- With a cardiac rate of 82 bpm- regular in rhythm- With abnormal breath sounds(wheezes) - lower lobe of the lungs- With a RR of 25 breaths per minute- regular in rhythm


    - Lighter in color than the other parts of the body- Slightly protruberant- With normoactive bowel sound

    RUQ- 7 LUQ- 8

    RLQ- 8 LLQ- 8

    - With tympanitic abdominal sound upon percussion

    Upper Extremities

    - Symmetrical in size and color- With hanging shoulders- Same color with the other parts of the body- No tenderness, lesions, deformities noted- With heart shape tattoo on the left forearm; about 2 inches in size- With sagging skin on the arm- With poor skin turgor- IV line inserted at left basilic vein- With a pulse rate of 81 bpm- regular in rhythm in both peripheral pulses- With good capillary refill of 2 seconds- With a good range of motion-able to adduct and abduct arms without restriction- With pinkish nailbeds- With short clean nails- With good muscle strength

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    - Blood pressure taken at the right brachial artery: 120/70 mmHg

    Lower Extremities

    - Symmetrical in size and color- Same color with the other parts of the body- No tenderness, lesions, deformities noted- With good capillary refill of 2 seconds- With poor skin turgor- With a good range of motion-able to adduct and abduct legs without restriction- With pinkish nail beds- With short clean nails

    IX. On- Going Appraisal

    IX. On- Going Appraisal

    August 21, 2010


    day appraisal

    Tata Felipe was seen lying on bed in supine position with an IVF of D 5NM 1L @ 500 cc

    level regulated to 27-28 gtts/min inserted at right basilic vein, infusing well. He complains of

    back pain and wheezes every time he breathes. Tata Felipe has a productive cough with

    yellowish sputum. He also reported having difficulty of getting sleep. The client was seen by

    Dr. Lijauco with new orders made such as to continue meds (Salbutamol + Fluticasone 50

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    mg/250 mg diskus inhalation BID, MV+Buclizine 1 cap OD and decrease Salbutamol +

    Ipratroprium Neb to every 6 hours). Nebulization was done at 6 pm.

    Tata Felipe is on DAT with strict aspiration precaution and was able to consume all of his

    hospital rations served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. His vital signs were taken and

    recorded as follows:

    Body temperature (C) 36.2 36.6

    Blood Pressure (mmHg) 110-120/70-80

    Pulse Rate (beats/min) 80-88

    Respiratory Rate (breaths/min) 22-28

    Tata Felipe had partial bath this assisted by his wife.

    His I and O for 24 hours monitoring were: for the 3-11 shift, his Clysis was 400 cc, oral

    intake of 300 cc and output of 380 ml. For 11-7, his Clysis was 400 cc, oral intake of 200 cc

    and output of 380 ml and for the 7-3 shift, his Clysis was 100 cc, oral intake of 300cc and

    output of 400 ml.

    Over all, his total Clysis was 900cc, oral intake of 800 cc and urine output of 1160 ml. he

    urinated three times and did not defecate

    August 22, 2010


    day appraisal

    Tata Felipe was seen sitting on the bedside with an IVF of D5NM 1L at 400cc

    level regulated to 27-28 gtts/min. He is active in appearance. There were no back pains

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    noted but he has still wheezes every time he breathes. He has still productive cough and

    yellowish sputum and still with complains of difficulty in getting sleep. The client was seen

    by Dr. Lijauco with new orders made such as to continue the meds (Budesonide every 12

    hrs, N-acetylcysteine 200mg sachet in glass water BID , Salmeterol + Fluticasone 50

    mg/250 mcg diskus inhalation BID, MV+Buchizine 1 cap OD, Salbutamol + Ipratropium Neb

    every 6 hours, and Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV every 8 hours).

    Tata Felipe is still on DAT with aspiration precaution and was able to consume all of his

    hospital rations for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    His vital signs were taken and recorded as follows:

    Body temperature (C) 36.2-36.8

    Blood Pressure (mmHg) 120/70-80

    Pulse Rate (beats/min) 80-88

    Respiratory Rate (breaths/min) 24-28

    Tata Felipe had a partial bath assisted by his wife. He was awake most of the time and

    took two one-hour sleeps in the morning and afternoon.

    His I and O for 24 hours monitoring were: for the 3-11 shift, his Clysis was 400 cc,

    oral intake of 300 cc and output of 380 ml. For 11-7, his Clysis was 400 cc, oral intake of 200

    cc and output of 380 ml and for the 7-3 shift, his Clysis was 100 cc, oral intake of 300cc and

    output of 400 ml.

    Over all, his total Clysis was 900cc, oral intake of 800 cc and urine output of 1160 ml. he

    urinated three times and did not defecate

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    August 23, 2010


    day appraisal

    Tata Felipe was seen lying on bed with an IVF of D5NMiL at 900 cc level regulated to

    KVO. He is active in appearance and still complains of wheezes each time he breathes. Tata

    Felipe has productive cough and with complaints of unable to sleep. The client was seen by

    Dr. Rasos at 4:45 pm with new orders such as to facilitate spirometry but he refused, and

    IVF to consume and shift to heplock.

    Tata Felipe is still on DAT and was able to consume all of his hospital rations served for

    breakfast and for lunch.

    His vital signs were taken and recorded as follows:

    Body temperature (C) 36.1-36.5

    Blood Pressure (mmHg) 130- 110/70

    Pulse Rate (beats/min) 60-88

    Respiratory Rate (breaths/min) 22-25

    He took a partial bath again with the help of his wife. He was awake most of the time

    reading magazines and chatting to his wife and his roommate.

    His I and O for 24 hours monitoring were: for the 3-11 shift, his clysis was 250 cc, oral

    intake of 300 cc and output of 420 ml. For 11-7, his clysis was 200 cc, oral intake of 200 cc

    and output of 380 ml and for the 7-3 shift, his clysis was 450 cc, oral intake of 250cc and

    output of 400 ml.

    Over all, his total Clysis was 900cc, oral intake of 750 cc and urine output of 1200 ml. he

    urinated three times and did not defecate

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    August 24, 2010


    day appraisal

    Tata Felipe was seen sitting on bedside chair with heplock at right cephalic vein. He is

    conversant and still with complains of wheezes but it is minimized compared to the

    previous days. The client was seen by Dr. Lijauco at 1:30 pm with new orders made such as

    MGH and prescribed with take home meds (Salmeterol + Fluticasone 50 mg per 250 mg

    diskus inhalation BID, Salbutamol + Ipratroprium Nebule PRN if DOB, Levofloxacin 750 mg 1

    tab OD for seven days) and for follow check up at OPD on September 2, 2010. Tata Felipe is

    still on DAT and was able to consume all of his hospital rations for breakfast and for lunch.

    His vital signs were taken and recorded as follows:

    Body temperature (C) 36.3-36.7

    Blood Pressure (mmHg) 130-110/90-70

    Pulse Rate (beats/min) 80-72

    Respiratory Rate (breaths/min) 24-28

    He was able to take a full bath today but still with the assistance of his wife. He also

    defecated once.

    His I and O for 24 hours monitoring were: for the 7-3 shift he urinated and defecated

    once, his oral intake was 450 cc. And total amount of urine was 380 cc. And at 4:30 pm he

    already went home in good condition and disposition.

    X. Medical Management

    A. Diagnostic Procedures

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    1. Complete Blood Count


    The CBC is used as a broad screening test to check for such disorders as anemia,

    infection, and many other diseases. It is actually a panel of tests that examines different

    parts of the blood and includes the following: Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, RBC indices, WBC,

    and the differential count.


    Complete Blood Count (CBC) was done to our patient to determine significant changes

    on the blood components brought about by the disease.

    Date Requested: August 20, 2010

    Date Performed: August 20, 2010

    Requesting Physician: Mia Grace Lijauco, M.D.



    Hemoglobin 140 140-175 g/L NORMAL

    Hematocrit 0.41 0.41-0.50 NORMAL

    RBC 4.560 4.5-5.9 x 10^12L NORMAL

    MCV 89.00 80-100 fL NORMAL

    MCH 30.70 27-32 pg NORMAL

    MCHC 34.50 31-35 g/dL NORMAL

    WBC 7.38 4.50-11.0 x 10^9/L NORMAL

    Platelet 224 150-450 x 10^9/L NORMAL


    Segmenter 0.61 0.50-0.70 NORMAL

    Lymphocyte 0.29 0.20-0.40 NORMAL

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    Monocytes 0.08 0.02-0.08 NORMAL

    Eosinophils 0.01 0.01-0.04 NORMAL

    Basophils 0.01 0.00-0.01 NORMAL


    The result of the CBC was within normal range because our patient has good immune


    Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

    1. Verify doctors order To validate the existence of the procedure2. Reemphasize to the client about the

    type of procedure and its purpose.

    In order to establish rapport and gain


    3. Explain to the client that a tinglingsensation maybe felt while collecting

    the specimen.

    In order for the client to know what to be felt

    during the collection of specimen.

    4. Refer to the doctor the results andattach to the patients chart

    In order for the physician to evaluate the

    results and perform the necessary


    2. Blood Chemistry


    Blood chemistry was done to our patient to determine significant changes on the

    electrolyte components brought about by the disease.

    Date Requested: August 20, 2010

    Date Performed: August 20, 2010

    Requesting Physician: Mia Grace Lijauco, M.D.

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    Blood Urea Nitrogen 7.54 1.7-8.3 mmol/L NORMAL

    Creatinine 66.25 44.2-150.3 mmol/L NORMAL

    Sodium 142.00 136-150 mmol/L NORMAL

    Potassium 4.20 3.4-5.3 mmol/L NORMAL

    Chloride 102.00 96-106 mmol/L NORMAL


    The result of the blood chemistry was within normal range and has no affectation on the


    Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

    1. Verify doctors order To validate the existence of the procedure2. Reemphasize to the client about the

    type of procedure and its purpose.

    In order to establish rapport and gain


    3. Explain to the client that a tinglingsensation maybe felt while collecting

    the specimen.

    In order for the client to know what to be felt

    during the collection of specimen.

    4. Refer to the doctor the results andattach to the patients chart

    In order for the physician to evaluate the

    results and perform the necessary


    3. Arterial Blood Gases


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    This test is used to evaluate oxygenation and acid/base status. This test assesses both

    the ventilation and diffusion capacity of the lungs to assist in diagnosis and to give an objective

    assessment of improvement or deterioration.


    This was done to our patient to identify an impending acid-base imbalances

    Date Requested: August 22, 2010

    Date Performed: August 23, 2010

    Requesting Physician: Emely T. Pumaras, M.D.



    pH Arterial Blood 7.414 7.35-7.45 mmHg NORMAL

    pCO2 35.2 3.5.0 -45.0 mmHg NORMAL

    pO2 64.4 80.0 -105.0 mmol/L DECREASE

    HCO3 22.0 22.0-26.0 mmol/L NORMAL

    Base Excess -2.6 -2.00 3.00 % NORMAL

    O2 Saturation 92.4 95% NORMAL


    The abnormal low level of pO2 and O2 saturation results to hypoxemia is due to

    impaired ventilation perfusion mismatch, narrowed airways secondary to the disease process

    and decrease ventilation.

    Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

    1. Verify doctors order To validate the existence of the procedure2. Reemphasize to the client about the To gain cooperation and compliance

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    type of procedure and its purpose.

    3. Inform the patient that arterial bloodsample collection is usually more

    painful than regular venipuncture.

    To be able to know by the patient what to be

    felt during the collection of specimen.

    4. Instruct the patient to sit with thearm hyper extended and wrist resting

    on a small pillow

    For proper collection of specimen from the

    venipuncture site

    5. Instruct the client to relax while bloodis being collected.

    To void false positive results

    5. Refer to the physician the result ofthe examination then attach to the

    patients chart

    In order for the physician to evaluate the

    results and perform the necessary


    6. Administer oxygen as prescribed This is to address O2 saturation anddecreased pO2

    7. Position patient in semi-fowlersposition

    To loosen airways and facilitate

    3. Acid-Fast Bacilli


    This test of various body fluids identifies tubercle bacilli in order to diagnose andmonitor the treatment of tuberculosis. Findings of acid-fast bacilli on microscopic examination

    indicate possible tuberculosis and allow for timely initiation of anti-tuberculosis therapy.

    Smears and cultures, primarily of sputum but also of other body specimens such a s urine, skin

    biopsies, cerebrospinal fluids, gastric washing and blood are stained to detect acid-fast bacilli.

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    This procedure was done to our patient to confirm hi tuberculosis by determining the

    causative agent involved and to determine the appropriate treatment.

    Date Requested: August 19, 2010

    Date Performed: August 20, 2010

    Requesting Physician: Dr. Lijauco


    Gram Stain

    Gram (+) cocci singly and short chain

    Gram (-) bacilli many

    WBC > 25/lpo

    Fungal elements moderate

    AFB Stain

    (-) for fungal elements

    Culture: x Aerobic x Anaerobic


    Moderate growth of AmpC beta-lactamase producing Pseudomonas aeroginosa and

    moderate growth ofCandida albicans

    Susceptibility Test Result:

    AmpC beta-lactamase producing pseudomonas aeroginosa (disk diffusion)

    Susceptible to:





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    The presence of microorganisms (candida albicans and pseudomonas aeroginosa)

    signifies that our client is suffering from tuberculosis

    Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

    1. Verify doctors order To validate the existence of the procedure2. Reemphasize the purpose of such

    diagnostic procedure.

    To gain cooperation and compliance

    3. Reemphasize to the patient thecorrect procedure of specimen


    In order for the client to become aware on

    the correct procedure of gathering

    specimen for accurate results

    4. Encourage the client to increasefluid intake the night before

    To loosen secretions and to expectorate

    sputum and specimen easier

    5. Refer to the doctor the result ofthe examination then attach to the

    patients chart

    So that the physician will see the result

    and if abnormalities is present proper

    management will be given



    The ECG is a diagnostic tool used in assessing the cardiovascular system. ECG is used to

    measure the rate and regularity of heartbeats as well as the size and position of the chambers,

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    the presence of any damage to the heart, and the effects of drugs or devices used to regulate

    the heart (such as a pacemaker). It is a graphic recording of the electrical activity of the heart.

    The ECG is obtained by placing disposable electrodes in standard positions on the skin of the

    chest wall and extremities.


    This procedure was done to our patient to determine if there is an affectation in the

    heart brought about by the disease.

    Date Ordered: August 19, 2010

    Date Performed: August 20, 2010

    Requesting Physician: Mia Grace Lijauco M.D.

    Result: Regular sinus rhythm, left axis deviation

    Analysis: the left axis deviation may be possibly caused by the cardiac muscle enlargement due

    to the increase workload of the heart to compensate for the ventilation perfusion.

    Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

    1. Verify doctors order To validate the existence of the procedure2. Reemphasize to the patient and

    significant other about the

    procedure, including where it will

    take place and its expected


    To alleviate anxiety and to gain

    cooperation of the patient

    3. Instruct patient to remove allmetals attached

    To prevent any alteration in the result of

    the ECG

    4. Refer to the physician the ECG So that the physician will be able to

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    result once available and then

    attach it to the clients chart

    determine the appropriate management

    to be applied to the patient based on the


    5. Report any abnormalities in the v/sand urine output to the physician

    To make an immediate intervention to

    prevent complication

    B. Treatment

    1. Intravenous Therapy


    Intravenous Therapy is the giving of fluid substances into a vein. Intravenous Fluids aims

    to maintain homeostatic functioning or maintain and replace body stores of water, electrolytes,

    vitamins, minerals, proteins and calories in patients who cannot maintain an adequate intake

    by the mouth; provide an avenue for the administration of IV medications and monitor central

    venous pressure; restore acid-base balance and restore volume of blood components.


    This was given to our client for rehydration and serves as an avenue for medications,

    supplementary of nutrients and electrolytes.

    IV Fluid Date Performed Requesting Physician

    D5NM August 19, August 20, August

    21, August 22

    Dr. Lijauco

    D5W August 20 Dr. Lijauco

    Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

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    1. Verify doctors order to validate the presence of the procedure2. Reemphasize to the patient the

    purpose of the therapy.

    To gain the patients compliance and


    3. Check the fluids and equipments tobe used for infusions for any

    discoloration, cloudiness, presence of

    particles, cracks of bottle, punctured

    bottle, IV tubing and catheters


    To identify possible indications of expiration or


    4. Clean the infusion site using cottonballs with alcohol.

    To prevent infection.

    5. Regulate IV Fluid to the desired flowrate.

    In order to meet necessary fluid and

    electrolyte needed by the body within the

    specified length of infusion as well as to

    prevent circulatory overload.

    6. Check for the presence of signs ofinfiltrations such as coolness of the

    area, absence of blood backflow,

    leaking of solution, sluggish flow rate

    and swelling at the IV site.

    To assess for the patency of IV line and to

    ensure proper infusion

    7. Read the clysis at eye level. To ensure a more accurate measurement.8. Document the type of IV solution

    infused, its volume, its desired flow

    rate, the date and time it was infused

    and consumed.

    This would serve as a record or for legal


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    2. Nebulization

    It provides a visible mist of water articles for the patient to inhale. This is used to liquefy

    secretions, to warm and humidify air, relieve edema of airways and an avenue for medication purposes.


    This was done to our patient to administer medications which will relieve mucosal edema thus

    dilating airway thus facilitating ventilation.

    Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

    1. Verify doctors order To validate the existence of the procedure2. Reemphasize the procedures to the

    patient and significant others

    To gain cooperation

    3. Prepare and assemble the equipment.Check the electrical device before use

    To ensure an effective nebulization

    To prevent short circuit

    4. Place the client in a semi-fowlersposition

    For lung expansion for effective breathing

    5. Place the prescribed dose ofmedication. Fill the nebulizer with

    prepared medication

    To ensure proper amount of medication is

    given to the patient

    6. Let the patent seal mouth on themouthpiece

    To inhale the nebulizer vapor through the


    7. Encourage the patient to breathe thenebulized vapor thru the mouthpiece

    For maximum effect of the drug

    8. Remain with the patient until all thesolution has been administered

    To make sure that the patient consume all the


    9. May render bronchial clapping thenencourage patient to do deep

    breathing and coughing exercise

    To loosen the secretions thus easy to beexpectorate

    10.Provide good oral hygiene after theprocedure

    To remove the remaining mist of the drug

    present in the mouth

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    11.Wash and dry the nebulize equipment,tubing or mouthpiece and put in a

    sealed plastic and into a proper place

    To be ready for another use

    12.Document the procedureappropriately

    To record the improvement or any abnormal


    13. Increase oral fluid intake To synergize the effect of the therapy

    C. Drug Study


    BRAND NAME: Pulmicort Turbuhaler

    CLASSIFICATION: Corticosteroid

    DESIRED DOSAGE, ROUTE & FREQUENCY: two inhalations every 12 hours

    DESIRED EFFECT: This drug is given to our patient to reduce inflammation in the bronchi.


    Budesonide is an anti-inflammatory corticosteroid exhibits potent glucocorticoid

    activity and weak minerolocorticoid activity. The exact mechanism of the cortiosteroids

    isnt known, but they have a wide range of inhibitory activity against such cell types such

    as mast cells and macrophages and mediators (such as leukotrienes) involved in allergic

    and non-allergic inflammation.

    Date Ordered: August 20, 2010

    Requesting Physician: Dr. Lijauco

    Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

    1. Reemphasize to client the purpose,and effects of the drug

    To gain cooperation and compliance

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    2. Use cautiously, if at all, in patientswith active or quiescent TB of the

    respiratory tract, ocular herpes

    simplex, or untreated systemic fungal,

    bacteria, viral, or parasitic infections

    To avoid further complications.

    3. Refer to physician if bronchospasmsoccur after using budesonide

    To prevent further complications such as


    4. Watch for candida infections of thepharynx

    For immediate treatment of the said


    5. Tell patient that budesonide inhalerisnt a bronchodilator and isntintended to treat episodes of asthma

    For precautionary measures

    6. Pulmicort Turbuhaler must be kept up-right(mouthpiece on top) during


    To provide correct dosage

    7. instruct patient to place mouthpiecebetween lips and to inhale forcefully

    and deeply

    To obtain the desired effect of the drug faster

    8. Tell the patient that he may not tastethe drug or sense it entering his lungs,

    but it doesnt mean it isnt effective.

    To make the patient aware on the possible

    outcome of the drug given

    9. Replace mouthpiece cover after useand always keep it clean and dry

    To prevent the contamination from micro

    organisms, thereby preventing the occurrence

    of infection

    10. Instruct the patient to carry or wearmedical identification indicating need

    for supplementary corticosteroid

    during periods of stress or an asthma


    For identification purposes

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    Generic name:N- Acetylcysteine

    Classification: Mucolytic

    Mode of action: This drug is a mucolytic that reduces the viscosity of pulmonary secretions by

    splitting disulfide linkages between mucoprotein molecular complexes

    Dosage, Route, Frequency: 200 mg / sachet in glass H20 BID

    Desired Effect: This drug was given to our patient to improve airway flow and to provide a more

    comfortable breathing.

    Date Ordered: August 19, 2010

    Requesting Physician: Dr. Lijauco/Dr. Rasos

    Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

    1. Reemphasize to client the purpose,and effects of the drug

    To gain cooperation and compliance

    2. Instruct patient or watcher thefrequency and dosage of the drug

    To prevent toxicity

    3. Administer cautiously to elderly ordebilitated patients with severe

    respiratory insufficiency.

    To avoid further problems since drug also

    stimulates cardiac muscle.

    4. Mix with juice Because drug smells strongly like sulfur soas to improve its palatability.

    5. Monitor cough type andfrequency.

    For more effective treatment.

    6. Instruct client to report signs ofside effects of the medication

    To prevent further complications

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    BRAND NAME: Sodium Succinate

    CLASSIFICATION: Corticosteroids

    DOSAGE, ROUTE AND FREQUENCY: 100 mg, IV every 8 hours

    MECHANISM OF ACTION: Decreases inflammation by entering target cells and binding to

    cytoplasmic receptors initiating many complex reactions thus resulting to blockage on the

    release of histamine, bradykinine and serotonin.

    DESIRED EFFECT: This drug is given to our patient to potentiate other drugs(Budesonide) to

    reduce pulmonary inflammation.

    Date Ordered: August 20, 2010

    Requesting Physician: Dr. Lijauco/Dr. Rasos

    Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

    1. Reemphasize to client the purpose, andeffects of the drug

    To gain cooperation and compliance

    2. Do skin testing To determine any allergic reaction3. Check the patency of the IV line To make sure that it is in the vein4. Monitor I & O accurately Since one of the following signs is fluid


    5. Monitor BP Because this drug causesvasoconstriction effect thereby

    increasing BP. Prompt monitoring of

    side effects.

    6. Weigh the patient daily with the sameclothing and weighing scale

    To determine if he gained weight and

    fluid retention

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    7. Encourage patient to increase intake ofVitamin C and potassium rich foods

    such as banana, cantaloupe, potato,


    To increase body resistance and to

    prevent the occurrence of hypokalemia

    8. Increase fluid intake To loosen the secretions

    Generic Name:Fluticasone-Salmeterol

    Brand Name: Advair Diskus

    Classification: Bronchodilators

    Dosage, route, frequency: Fluticasone-Salmeterol 250mcg/50mcg Diskus Inhalation BID

    Mechanism of Action:

    It prevents the release of substances such as leukotrienes in the body that cause inflammation

    and relaxing muscles in the airways to improve breathing.

    Desired Effect:

    This drug was given to our patient to dilate the bronchioles thereby facilitating normal

    breathing pattern and air exchange

    Date Prescribed: August 21, 2010

    Requesting Physician: Dr. Quilala/Dr. Lijauco

    Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

    1. Reemphasize to client the purpose ofthe drug

    to gain cooperation

    2. Tell the client to gargle and rinse mouthafter using this medication

    to help prevent dryness, relieve throat irritation,

    and to prevent mouth infections

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    3. Inform the patient to report any unusualweakness, sudden weight loss, dizziness.

    This is a side effect of the drug that needs

    immediate treatment

    4. Instruct the patient to carry a medical IDbracelet at anytime as noted

    This would help identify that the patient need

    for oral corticosteroids during times ofstress

    5. Instruct the watcher or patient tostore the medication in a dry place

    Drug content may be altered

    6. Instruct the patient not to overdose This drug causes ototoxicity7. Increase oral fluid intake To loosen the cesretions

    Generic Name: BUCLIZINE

    Brand Name:

    Classification: Antiemetic/Antihistamine

    Dosage, Route, Frequency: 1 cap 50 mg oral OD

    Mechanism of Action:

    Vomiting (emesis) is essentially a protective mechanism for removing irritant or otherwiseharmful substances from the upper GI tract. Emesis or vomiting is controlled by the vomiting centre in

    the medulla region of the brain, an important part of which is the chemotrigger zone (CTZ). The vomiting

    centre possesses neurons which are rich in muscarinic cholinergic and histamine containing synapses.

    These types of neurons are especially involved in transmission from the vestibular apparatus to the

    vomiting centre. Motion sickness principally involves overstimulation of these pathways due to various

    sensory stimuli. Hence the action of buclizine which acts to block the histamine receptors in the

    vomiting centres and thus reduces activity along these pathways. Furthermore since buclizine possesses

    anti-cholinergic properties as well, the muscarinic receptors are similarly blocked.

    Desired effect:

    This drug was given to our client to address nausea, vomiting and drowsiness.

    Date ordered: August 21, 2010

    Requesting Physician: Dr. Lijauco

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    Nursing Intervention Rationale

    1. Reemphasize to client the purpose andeffects of the drug

    To gain cooperation and compliance

    2. Advice the client to store the drug in dryplaces.

    Heat or moisture may alter the content of the drug


    Advise patient to report any unusualweakness, sudden weight loss, dizziness. This maybe a side effect of the drug that requiresimmediate treatment

    4. Should be taken with food. (Take within hr before meals.)

    To avoid GI upset

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    I. Nursing Diagnosis

    Impaired Gas Exchange related to narrowed airway secondary to overproduction of

    thick tenacious mucus secretion, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of mucus glands as manifested

    by body weakness, presence of adventitious sounds (wheezes), productive cough, respiratory

    rate of 28 bpm and a verbalization of marigatan nak nga mangirwar ti plemas ko anak ko.

    Nursing Inference

    The increase production and accumulation of thick tenacious mucus secretions, due to

    the hypertrophy and hyperplasia of goblet cell,s causes obstruction in the airway. Obstruction

    of the airway causes decrease in ventilation in the affected alveoli hence impairing gas


    Nursing Goal

    After 30-60 minutes of rendering nursing interventions, the patient will have effective

    gas exchange as manifested by absence of body weakness, absence of adventitious sounds and

    absence of cough.

    Nursing Intervention

    1. Position the client in high Fowlers position.

    To promote lung expansion.

    2. Administer bronchodilator (salbutamol + ipratropium) as the ordered.

    To relax the smooth muscle of tracheobronchial tree thereby increasing thelumen.

    3. Administer oxygen inhalation 1-2 lpm.

    To deliver oxygen adequate for tissue perfusion.

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    4. Encourage the patient to drink plenty of water at least 3L/ day if it is not


    To loosen the secretions by decreasing its viscosity thus easier to expectorate.

    5. Move patient side to side every two hours.

    To promote postural drainage.

    6.. Encourage deep, slow or pursed lip breathing.

    To prevent airway collapse, dyspnea and work of breathing

    7. Administer mucolytics (N-acetylcysteine)as ordered.

    To liquefy or dissolve viscous mucus secretions thereby promoting easier


    Nursing Evaluation

    After 1 hourof rendering nursing intervention, the patient has an effective gas exchange

    as manifested by absence of body weakness, absence of adventitious sounds, and absence of


    II. Nursing Diagnosis

    Ineffective airway clearance related to accumulation of secretions which are thick and

    tenacious as manifested by an RR of 28 bpm rales and wheezes, productive cough and

    verbalization of the client marigatan nak nga mangirwar toy plemas ko.

    Nursing Inference

    Due to hyperplasia of mucus glands, there will be increased production of

    tracheobronchial secretions which interferes the flow of gases in the airway, thus ineffective

    airway clearance occurs.

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    Nursing Goal

    After 30 minutes-1 hour of nursing intervention the client will be able to maintain

    patent airway as would be manifested by absence of adventitious sound, and verbalization of

    the client haanak unay marigatan nga umangesen ken nalakak mairwar ti plemas kon.

    Nursing Intervention

    1. Position the client in high Fowlers position.

    To promote lung expansion and promote postural drainage.

    2. Encourage the patient to drink plenty of water at least 3L/ day as tolerated.

    To loosen the secretions by decreasing its viscosity thus easier to expectorate

    3. Encourage deep, slow or pursed lip breathing.

    To prevent airway collapse, dyspnea and work of breathing

    4. Administer mucolytics as ordered.

    Breaks chemical bonds in the mucus, which are responsible for the increase

    viscosity if such bonds are broken, mucus becomes easier to be expectorate.

    5. Do postural drainage before meals and after nebulization

    to help drain secretions

    6. Administer oxygen inhalation 1-2 lpm

    deliver oxygen adequate to meet the body cells needs.

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    Nursing evaluation

    After 1 hourof nursing intervention the client is able to maintain patent airway as manifested

    by absence of adventitious sound, and verbalization of the client haanak unay marigatan nga


    III.Nursing Diagnosis

    Sleep pattern disturbances related to difficulty of breathing, and hospital settings and

    routines as manifested by presence of eye bags, irritability, restlessness and a total sleep of 5

    hours and verbalization of the client marigatanak nga mangala ti turog ko isu haanak unay

    makatur-turog ken.

    Nursing Inference

    Due to change in the environment, difficulty of breathing and hospital settings and

    routines, the client feels discomfort that may alter the usual or normal length of getting asleep

    thus there is an alteration in the sleeping pattern of the client.

    Nursing Goal

    After of rendering nursing intervention, the clients sleep hour will be normalized as

    manifested by absence of eyebags, sleep hour of 7-8 hours and verbalization of the client

    hanak met marigatan mangala ti turog kon isu mayat met ti panagturog kon.

    Nursing Intervention

    1. Provide comfort measures such as backrub.

    To promote physical and mental relaxation.

    2. Encourage patient not to have a nap during daytime.

    To have a larger duration of being awake thus early getting sleep at night.

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    3. Encourage patient to drink warm milk before going to bed.

    It contains trypthopan which induces sleep.

    4. Provide quiet environment conducive to sleep such as closing the door.

    These measures promotes rest and sleep by decreasing stimulus

    5. Encourage patient to turn off the light, but if not, provide cover to the eyes with the likes of


    By covering the eyes, light cant pass through thus increasing production of melatonin,

    sleep inducing hormone.

    6. Inform client of necessary care interruptions ahead of time.

    Preparing the client for awakenings and planning to minimize awakenings, decrease

    unnecessary stress and anxiety that may prevent subsequent sleep.

    7. Implement measures as indicated to prevent frequent voiding at night, such as decreasing

    fluid intake before bedtime.

    These measures prevent the need to wake up for frequent voiding.

    8. Administer bronchodilator and humidifiers as ordered

    To prevent mucus membrane from drying and becoming irritated and to loosen

    secretions for easier expectoration.

    9. Encourage purse lip breathing .

    It creates resistance to the air flowing out of the lungs, thereby prolonging exhalation

    10. Encourage patient to assume semi fowlers while sleeping.

    This posture permits full lung expansion.

    11. Plan satisfying activities for the client during daytime.

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    Satisfying daytime activities stimulate wakefulness and discourage daytime napping

    which can disrupt circadian rhythms and night time sleep

    12. Encourage the client to express concerns when unable to sleep.

    To decrease anxiety thus promoting relaxation.

    Nursing evaluation

    After 2 days of rendering nursing intervention, the clients sleep hour have normalized

    and decreased frequent awakenings as manifested by absence of eye bags, sleep hour of 7-8

    hours and verbalization of the client hanak met marigatan mangala ti turog kon isu mayat met

    ti panagturog kon.

    IV. Nursing Diagnosis

    Activity Intolerance related to body weakness secondary to decrease oxygen supply to

    the different muscles of the body as manifested by easy fatigability and inability to bath

    without assistance.

    Nursing Inference

    Oxygen is needed for the production of energy of the body. Once oxygen supply is

    deprived, there will be poor production of body energy causing weakness. Since there is

    weakness activity intolerance results.

    Nursing Goal

    After 1 to 2 days of rendering nursing interventions, the patient will be able to tolerate

    activities as would be manifested by ability of the patient to do his usual mild routines in a long

    period of time such as taking a bath without experiencing weakness and without assistance.

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    Nursing Interventions

    1. Encourage the patient to drink plenty of water, do bronchial clapping to the patient and

    administer bronchodilator and mucolytic as order.

    To improve airflow

    2. Encourage the patient to have adequate rest.

    To lessen the oxygen demand of body tissues and conserve energy

    3. Instruct the watcher to assist the patient in doing his ADL

    To reduce energy expenditure

    4. Encourage passive exercise such as dangling and deep breathing exercises.

    To maintain muscle strength

    5. Avoid doing for the patient what the patient can do for him and avoid giving exercises to

    which he cant do.

    To increase self esteem of the patient

    Nursing Evaluation

    After 2 days of rendering nursing interventions, the patient is able to tolerate

    activities as manifested by ability of the patient to perform his usual mild activities in longer

    period such as taking a bath a bath without experiencing weakness and without assistance.


    Tata Felipe, 71 years old,residing at Brgy. 37 Ganagan Doro, Bacarra, was admitted to

    emergency room last August 19, 2010 at 11:55 in the evening with a chief complaint of cough

    and difficulty of breathing. After thorough history taking and physical examination done by Dr.

    Quilala and Dr. Pumaras, he was admitted to Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical

    Center (MMMH & MC). Tata Felipe had an admitting diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive

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    Pulmonary Disease in Acute Exacerbation Bronchitis, PTB Class IV. After a continuous

    management and examination, the final diagnosis was COPD exacerbation controlled Bronchitis

    resolved PTB class IV.

    Laboratory works were done such as Hematology, ECG, ABG and Acid Fast Bacili. Results

    revealed some abnormalities such as decreased oxygen, has moderate of AmpC Beta-lactamase

    producing Pseudomonas Aerogenosa and moderate growth of Candida albicans. Spirometry

    was also ordered but the client refused because he said that he wants to perform the

    procedure when he will have his check up.IV therapy such as D5NM and D5W were given and

    medications such as Budesonide, N-acetylcystein, Hydrocortisone, and Fluticasone-Salmeterol

    for nebulization to liquefy secretions.

    After four days of nursing interaction, assessment, planning, and interventions, the

    clients condition had improved in many ways.

    The difficulty of breathing experienced by the client has been managed by proper

    positioning, increasing its fluid intake as well as rest, comfort and conducive environment were

    provided. Nutrition was also emphasized to increase strength and endurance for the body

    weakness complained by the patient. Fortunately, the patient regained his strength. Body

    weakness was no longer felt during the last days of confinement.

    On August 24, 2010 the client was discharged in good condition and disposition. He was

    given salmetrol + fluticasone 50 mg/250mg diskus inhalation twice a day,

    salbutamol+ipatropium nebulization as needed if there is difficulty of breathing, and

    levofloxacin 750 mg 1 tablet once a day for 7 days as his home medication and was ordered to

    come back on September 2, 2010 for follow up check up.

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    Mariano Marcos State University


    Department of Nursing

    Batac, Ilocos Norte

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

    Disease in Acute exacerbation

    Bronchitis, Pulmonary Tuberculosis
