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  • 7/25/2019 Case Digests Original


    Alawi vs. Alauya


    Alawi herein is a sales representative while

    respondent Alauya is the incumbent executiveclerk of the Sharia District in Marawi. hey wereclass mates and used to be friends.

    here was a contract executed for the purchase

    on instalments by Alauya throu!h Alawisa!ency and in connection" a housin! loan wasalso !ranted to Alauya by #$MF%.

    $owever" Alauya contested that the contract isnot at all bindin! and void ab initio for the!rounds that his consent to si!n the contractwas vitiated by !ross misrepresentation" deceit"fraud" dishonesty and abuse of con&dence bythe aforesaid sales a!ent.

    'pon learnin! of the of the letters sent byAlauya" Alawi &led a complaint a!ainst therespondent on the !rounds that alle!ations byAlauya were all malicious and libelous char!eswith no solid !rounds throu!h manifesti!norance and evident bad faith that causedundue in(ury to" and blemishin! her honor andestablished reputation and usurpation of the

    title of )attorney* which should only be used bythose who are member of the +ar.


    -# alle!ations a!ainst Alauya are with merits.


    he %ode of %onduct and 0thical Standards for

    1ublic 2cials and 0mployees enunciates theState policy of promotin! a hi!h standard ofethics and utmost responsibility in the publicservice.

    Alauya is evidently convinced that he has a ri!htof action a!ainst Sophia Alawi. he law re3uiresthat he exercise that ri!ht with propriety"without malice or vindictiveness" or undue harmto anyone4 in a manner consistent with !oodmorals" !ood customs" public policy" publicorder" supra4 or otherwise stated" that he 5actwith (ustice" !ive everyone his due" and observehonesty and !ood faith.5

    /i!hteous indi!nation" or vindication of ri!ht

    cannot (ustify resort to vituperative lan!ua!e" ordownri!ht name6callin!.

    As a man of the law" he may not use lan!ua!ewhich is abusive" o7ensive" scandalous"menacin!" or otherwise improper.89;As a (udicialemployee" it is expected that he accord respectfor the person and the ri!hts of others at alltimes" and that his every act and word shouldbe characteried!ed members of the 1hilippine+ar" hence may only practice law before Shari=acourts.89?;-hile one who has been admitted to
  • 7/25/2019 Case Digests Original


    the Shari=a +ar" and one who has been admittedto the 1hilippine +ar" may both be considered5counsellors"5 in the sense that they !ivecounsel or advice in a professional capacity"only the latter is an 5attorney.5 he title of

    5attorney5 is reserved to those who" havin!obtained the necessary de!ree in the study oflaw and successfully taken the +ar0xaminations" have been admitted to the,nte!rated +ar of the 1hilippines and remainmembers thereof in !ood standin!4 and it isthey only who are authori

  • 7/25/2019 Case Digests Original


    thus does not deserve admission to the1hilippine +ar.

    here are solid evidences that would clearly

    show that /ana appeared and si!ned as counselfor +unan and a certain 0mily 0stipona6$ao. Allthese happened even before respondent tookthe lawyers oath.

    he re!ulation of law is un3uestionably strict"

    under Section C @e of /ule ? of the /ules of

    %ourt" a person who en!a!es in theunauthori