Page 1: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop



compiledbytheHiLiftPW Committee

AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 2: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

Overview• SourcesofdifferencesbetweenCFDresults(assuminguse

ofthecorrectgeometry):– Differentequations

• Thismaybeaduetounintentionalbugsinthesoftware• Oritmaybeonpurpose(e.g.,tweaktoaturbulencemodel)

– Useofdifferentboundaryconditions– Insufficientgridrefinement– VERIFICATION canhelpdiagnosethis

• Strongverification:methodofmanufacturedsolutions(MMS)• Weakverification:TurbulenceModelResource(TMR)website(

• Wewillshowyou:manyofthecodesusedinthisworkshophavenotbeenverified

• Wewillattempttolinkinconsistenciesintheverificationcasetoinconsistenciesinthelargehigh-liftcases

2AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 3: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

Case3– 2DAirfoilNear-WakeVerification


• Studyasimple2-Dcaseofnear-wakebehindDSMA661(MODELA)airfoil(J.FluidMech.(1985),Vol.160,pp.155-179)fromTMRwebsite

• CompareCFDresults that useostensibly thesame turbulence model toeach other• ForSAandSST,consistent results from2codes aretaken fromtheTMRwebsite• Results foragiven turbulence modelshould beconsistent as thegrid is refined

Notepossibleissue:farfield BCextentofonly20cmeansthatsolutiondifferencesmayoccurbecauseofnon-identicalfarfield BCimplementations

AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 4: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop




AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017


Page 5: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop




AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017


Page 6: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


6AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 7: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

SA– referencesolutions

7AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 8: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


8AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 9: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

PID Plot letter CL CD Velmin 1.01 Velmin 1.80 Overall001.1 A No No No No No003.2 C Y Y close No No004.1 D Y Y Y Y Y004.4 D close Y close Y close006.2 F Y Y Y Y Y007.1 G Y Y Y Y Y008.1 H Y close close Y close010.1 J close Y No Y No012.1 L Y Y (missing) (missing) Y015.1 O close close (missing) (missing) close016.2 P close close Y No No018.1 R No No No No No019.1 S No No No No No021.1 U Y No No No No022.2 V Y Y Y Y Y023.3 W Y Y Y Y Y026.1&3 Z close Y Y Y close026.2&4 Z Y Y Y Y Y030.5 b No No No No No033.2 f Y No No No No034.1 g close No No No No035.1 h No No No No No036.5 m Y Y No Y No 9AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 10: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

OverallsummaryfortheSAmodel• SAresultsincludeSA,SA-neg,SA-noft2,andSA-QCR– NotincludingRorRCvariantshere

• Consistentwitheachother:– CFL3D,FUN3D,004.1,006.2,007.1,012.1,022.2,023.3,026.2/4…30%ofentries

• Fairly“close”,butnotfullyconsistent:– 004.4,008.1,015.1,026.1/3

• Not-so-close:– 001.1,003.2,010.1,016.2,018.1,019.1,021.1,030.5,033.2,034.1,035.1,036.5• Note:036.5wasconsistenton3outof4measures

10AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 11: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

Lookatconsistent SAresultsinwake

11AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 12: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop






AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 13: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop





AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 14: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop




ResultscorrespondingwiththemostconsistentSAsolns fromCase3


AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 15: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop





AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 16: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop





ResultscorrespondingwiththemostconsistentSAsolns fromCase3

AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 17: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop




consistentSAsolns fromCase3


AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 18: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

Othermodels• SSTresults– Hadfarlesscontributions– Couldnot notetrendswithhigh-liftcases– ThreeresultswereconsistentwithCFL3D&FUN3Dcase3referencesolution:• 010.2,016.3,023.4• Others(003.1,020.3,025.1,030.6,036.6)wereclose,butlessconsistent– Note:020.3 usedSST+SAS,025.1 usedSST-V-sust,036.6 usedSST(mod)

• SSG/LRR-RSM-w2012– Twocontributors(onlyoneranhighliftcases)– 026.6 wasreasonablyconsistentwithCFL3D(026.5 wasoffonCL)

– 016.1 wasnotconsistentforumin atx/c=1.8

18AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 19: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


• SimilartopreviousverificationexercisesfrompastDPWsandHiLiftPWs:– Ifacodehasnotbeenverified,thenyoucannotexpecttogetconsistentsolutionswithothercodes

• Only30%ofparticipantswhoranCase3withSAwerefullyconsistent

• TakingthePIDsthatproducedthemostconsistentCase3results(withSA):– TheirSAresultsalsoweregenerallymoreconsistentforthetwoHL-CRMcases

– ButtheywerenotconsistentforJSMnearCL,max• nogridstudy

19AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 20: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


20AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 21: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop




AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 22: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop




AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 23: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop




Page 24: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop




AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 25: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

FocusonSA(umin atx/c=1.01)



AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 26: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

FocusonSA(umin atx/c=1.80)



AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 27: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop



• RorRCappearstolowerCL andCD somewhat(comparedtoSA),butthereisnotenoughconsistencyfromtheresultstoknowforsure

AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 28: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop



• UseoflowMpreconditioningchangesresults

AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 29: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop



• In026,aFarfield PointVortex(ffpv)wasrequiredtobringCL inlinewith“accepted”solutions• Reasonforthisisnotknown• Thereferencesolutionsdidnot useffpv

• Thenoft2optionhadasmalleffectondrag(reasonunknown)AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 30: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop



• Adaptinggoestosameresultasstandardgridrefinement

AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 31: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


31AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 32: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

SurfaceCp resultsforCase3



AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 33: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


33AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 34: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


34AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 35: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


35AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 36: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


36AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 37: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


37AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 38: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


38AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 39: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


39AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 40: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

FocusonSST(umin atx/c=1.01)

40AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 41: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

FocusonSST(umin atx/c=1.80)

41AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 42: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


42AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

alpha=8deg. alpha=16deg.

Page 43: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


43AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 44: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop




AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 45: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


45AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 46: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

FocusonRSM(umin atx/c=1.01)

46AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017

Page 47: Case 3 Results Verification Exercise - NASACase 3 –2D Airfoil Near-Wake Verification 3 • Study a simple 2-D case of near-wake behind DSMA661(MODEL A) airfoil (J. Fluid Mech. (1985),

CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

FocusonRSM(umin atx/c=1.80)

47AIAAHiLiftPW-3- Denver,CO,USAJune3-4,2017
