
Car Seat Safety Mistakes

Parents Must Avoid

Buying a used car seat without more research

While purchasing a used car seat,

make sure:

It meets all safety standards

No such damage is there

Not a single part is missing

Placing it in a wrong way

Your child car seat should never be placed in the front .

Make sure to place it in the back.

Improper installation

Go through the instructions very carefully before installing the seat.

The owner’s manual can be your best guide during installation.

Turning your child to face forward too soon

Don’t turn your child to face forward until two years old or he/she has

reached the height or weight limit of the seat.

Rear facing infant seat having a wrong angle

Make sure you are installing the car seat in a correct angle

according to the manufacturer’s instruction guide.

Improper use of retainer clips

Use the clips at the armpit level of

your child, resting across his breastbone.

Prematurely switching your child to a booster seat

Do not switch your child to the booster seat until he meets the highest weight

i.e. 40 to 80 pounds or height as per the NHTSA recommendation.

Re-using a seat that has been in a crash

Keep in mind your car seat is a one time use deal but in case of minor crashes

you can follow the NHTSA guidelines to ensure whether to use that seat or not.

Putting your child in a bulky winter coat

Avoid bulky winter coats in your vehicle as it creates a gap

between your child and the harness straps, which is too

dangerous .

Using the safety belt too early

Don’t rush for the seat belts.

Before using seat belts make sure :

Adjusting two kids with one seat belt

Letting your kids share one seat belt is too dangerous. It can cause their heads collide together during

a jerk.

Letting your child share the front seat

Don’t allow your kid to sit in the front seat since it is against the NHTSA

recommendation and totally unsafe for the kid.

The middle of the back seat is the safest place for your kid as he/she is protected

from all sides.