  • 1. CARINGCOUNSELING CENTERFreeman Woolnough, MEd, CCCSave Me from Myself! Escaping the One-Way Stream

2. CARINGCOUNSELING In the Name of Love 3. Whats on the agenda Intro Case Study Calling/Mindset Specific Interventions? Group Discussion 4. Who is this guy..? 5. Have you seen..? 6. Lets look at a case Alex, 32 years old Has 2 kids, partner currently unemployed Personal aide in seniors home Familys culture has always looked down on aide work, but hospitals are respectable Loves helping people, good with handling gross things Frustration with supervision, team members making mistakes Mom died 5 years ago, made decision to become nurse HS diploma, went to uni 4 years ago and failed many courses (incl. Biology) Looking for resources to become a nurse ASAP without going through the necessary schooling 7. Speed Round! 5 minutes to jot down as many thoughts as possible on the topic/case Things to consider Activities/Interventions Language to use/Phrasing 8. Feelings: Client 9. Feelings: Professional 10. What is this thing called calling? 11. Mindset 12. Thats nice to know, but Motivational Interviewing 13. Some other theories Narrative 14. Some other theories Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 15. Lets come back to Alex 32 years old Has 2 kids, partner currently unemployed Personal aide in seniors home Familys culture has always looked down on aide work, but hospitals are respectable Loves helping people, good with handling gross things Frustration with supervision, team members making mistakes Mom died 5 years ago, made decision to become nurse HS diploma, went to uni 4 years ago and failed many courses (incl. Biology) Looking for resources to become a nurse ASAP without going through the necessary schooling 16. So what do we do? 17. References -Millennials: The Next Greatest Generation? (Time Magazine, May 2013)-Listen to your heart? Calling and receptivity to career advice. Dobrow, S. R., & Tosti-Kharas, J. (2012)-Calling: The development of a scale measure. Dobrow, S. R., & Tosti-Kharas, J. (2011)-Calling and career counseling with college students: Finding meaning in work and life. Adams, C. M. (2012)-Disentangling the link between perceiving a calling and living a calling. Duffy, R. D., & Autin, K. L. (2013)-Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Carol Dweck)-Motivational Interviewing MI, Glossary & Fact Sheet (Kathleen Sciacca)-Maps of Narrative Practice (Michael White)-Cognitive Therapy Techniques (Robert Leahy) 18. Freeman Woolnough Residence Outreach Counsellor Queens University [email protected] (613) 533-6000, x. 78034
