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Cannabis Nizozemska7 What is the Office of Medicinal Cannabis?The Office for Medicinal Cannabis (OMC) is the government office which is responsible for the production of cannabis for medical and scientific purposes. Pharmacies, universities and research institutes can get legal medicinal cannabis from us.

8 The Office of Medicinal Cannabis Since 1 January 2001 the OMC has been the government agency responsible for implementing the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. It is also responsible for overseeing the production of cannabis for medicinal and scientific purposes.The OMC has a monopoly on supplying medicinal cannabis to pharmacies, and on its import and export. The OMC also processes applications for exemptions from the Opium Act relating to cannabis and cannabis resin.The quality of the medicinal cannabis is guaranteed by a constant supervision of the grower and the distributor.9 Products and servicesThe OMC supplies the following products and services: Cannabis for medicinal purposes: In the Netherlands exclusively to pharmacies, pharmacy-holding GP's, hospitals and veterinarians The OMC is willing to deliver also outside the Netherlands in case the autorities of that perticular country agree on that. Cannabis for scientifical research. Import and export of cannabis and cannabisresin. Opiumact exemptions for cannabis and cannabisresin.10 More information Press Exemptions from the Opium Act Import and export Patient information Medicinal cannabis

Cannabis is the dried flowers of the female Cannabis sativa L plant (also known as hemp). Other names for cannabis are marijuana or weed.

Cannabis contains a number of active elements, including dronabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Dronabinol is usually the main ingredient, but other substances such as CBD can also have an active effect. The composition determines the effects, and side effects, of the cannabis.

Cannabis distributed by pharmacies is of pharmaceutical quality and complies with the strictest requirements. This cannabis is intended for medicinal use only.Types of medicinal cannabis

Four types of medicinal cannabis are available through pharmacies: Bedrocan, Bedrobinol, Bediol and Bedica. The composition and strength varies (see table).Types medicinale cannabis% dronabinol (THC)% cannabidiol (CBD)price per 5 gram*Bedrobinolapprox.13,5
