Page 1: candidate PAUL FISHWICK€¦ · Cllr Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey Shaun Hanna 07796 241 797 Femi Obileye 07886 739181 Winnersh


Published & promoted by Rachel Bishop-Firth on behalf of Paul Fishwick (Liberal Democrat), all at 44 Ormonde Road, Wokingham RG41 2RB. Printed by Bishops Printers Limited, Walton Road, Portsmouth, PO6 1TR

demanding better!

Paul Fishwick chosen by Lib Dems to contest Winnersh

Paul FISHWICKLib Dem Councillors Prue Bray and RachelleShepherd-DuBey say “Vote for Paul!”

Your candidate


Prue Bray and RachelleShepherd-DuBey are urgingWinnersh voters to support LibDem candidate Paul Fishwick inthis year’s borough elections.They say “Paul is alreadyserving the community as ViceChair of the Parish Council,using his extensive experienceworking in local government.“Paul’s knowledge of highwaysissues is particularly useful inWinnersh, as we have the reliefroad and the Winnersh

crossroads, a couple of themost difficult problems in theBorough.“In May you have a chance toelect another hard workingcouncillor to serve alongsideus. Paul is just as keen,dedicated and determined tomake a difference as we are.“Please vote for Paul on 2nd

May. He will stand up for youand do his absolute best foreveryone in Winnersh.”

Lib Dem candidate for Winnersh Paul Fishwicksays, “I have recently retired following 43 years inlocal government working in Highways andTransport, and I want to use my skills andenthusiasm to put something back into thecommunity where you and I live. And that’s why I amstanding as the Lib Dem candidate in Winnersh in theWokingham Borough Council elections on 2nd May.

Locally we have 2 Lib Dem councillors already, PrueBray and Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey. Everyone inWinnersh knows about them and the great work theydo. They have a good name for hard work, and for

being effective, approachable and caring about theircommunity. That’s the sort of councillor I want to beas well. This May will be my chance to join them onthe borough council.

I have already been working alongside Prue andRachelle on local problems in my role as a parishcouncillor. I have had success with getting streetlights fixed and pot holes repaired and now I want todo more. I have spent my whole life dealing withroads and transport, and I think my expertise couldbe really useful in helping with the many issues wehave in Winnersh and Sindlesham.

The status quo is not good enough. It’s time to demand better for our area.

Please give me the opportunity to work alongside Prue and Rachelle in representingyou and doing what is in the best interests of our community. Thank you!”

Paul FishwickLib Dem candidate

for WokinghamBorough Council

Paul has lived in Winnersh for over13 years with his wife Lesley.He has met so many residents on thedoorstep and understands the issuesthey face. Some of these he hasalready managed to solve by beingactive and taking appropriate action.Many residents will already know Paulas Vice Chair of the Parish Council, andthrough his monthly weather reports.

Rachelle, Paul and Prue,standing where Phase 2 of the

Winnersh relief road will bebuilt starting later this year

Check us out at Twitter: @wokinghamlibdem

Page 2: candidate PAUL FISHWICK€¦ · Cllr Rachelle Shepherd-DuBey Shaun Hanna 07796 241 797 Femi Obileye 07886 739181 Winnersh

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The Liberal Democrats exist to build a fair, free and open society in which we seek to balance the fundamentalvalues of liberty, equality and community and in which no-one shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity.

You can join the hundreds of people already supporting our campaign tochallenge the amount of housing being forced on this area by signingour petition at has become even more important now the government has giventhe Conservatives at the borough council the green light to carry onwith their proposal for 15,000 new houses at Grazeley.

Have you signed our housing numbers petition?

The Lib Dems will fight for theaffordable housing we need but willoppose development on green fields

and inappropriate sites.

Nationally, the Lib Dems havepledged to increase income taxby 1p to raise £6 billion a yearfor the NHS.Locally, the Lib Dems wouldreinstate funding to Health WatchWokingham, an independentgroup who monitor and challengelocal health providers.

Better health care

Protect our children properly

Wokingham Borough Conservatives axed more school crossingpatrols last year. The Lib Dems would reinstate them where parentswant them back.

Better safety for our schoolchildren

A better town centreThe Lib Dems would improveWokingham town centre by● sorting out the pavements

and roads to make it saferfor disabled people

● Providing parking fortransport for the elderly anddisabled in the town centre

● providing free Bank Holidayparking and 2 hours freeparking on Saturdays tohelp local shops.

Better specialneeds educationThe Lib Dems would providemore school places in theBorough for children on theautistic spectrum, by building ourown special needs provision.This would help prevent childrenhaving to travel long distances toschool.

Borough and Parish councillors:

Cllr Prue Bray0118 989 [email protected]

07909 [email protected]

Cllr RachelleShepherd-DuBey

Shaun Hanna07796 241 [email protected]

Femi Obileye07886 [email protected]

Winnersh Parish councillors:

Paul Fishwick07932 [email protected]

The Lib Dems wantmore emphasis onaffordable housing tomeet local people’sneeds. We would likemore bungalows and1, 2 and 3 bed houses,rather than the 4, 5and 6 bed houses thatsuit developers.

And we are still campaigning for:Better School Funding

Peach Place contractorgoes BUST!The council’s contractor who is building Peach Place has gone bust.The Lib Dems say,“This is bound to leadto delays and costincreases.“Peach Place shouldhave been finished lastNovember, but, like theMarket Place project,has considerablyoverrun.

“When things havesettled down, we want the Council to show they have learned fromthis, so that it won’t happen again to other projects.”

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