Page 1: Bye Laws of Bucks Students' Union: Trustees

Bye Laws of

Bucks Students’ Union:


August 2014

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1. The Sabbatical Officers who are the Sabbatical Trustees, the Student Trustees and the Lay Trustees shall form the Trustee Board which shall be responsible for the governance and financial and strategic management of the Students’ Union in furtherance of the Students’ Union aims and objectives as set out in the Constitution.

2. The Trustees are charity trustees as defined by the Charities Act 1993.

3. The Trustee Board shall: 3.1. ensure that the Students’ Union operates in accordance with its aims

and objectives; 3.2. ensure that strategic plans are in place, and regularly reviewed, to provide

long-term direction for all Students’ Union services and activities; 3.3. review the Students’ Union’s mission and values statement; 3.4. approve annual departmental plans and budgets; 3.5. oversee the finances of the Students’ Union, approve the annual

budget, annual accounts and monitor financial activity to ensure compliance with the budget;

3.6. approve capital expenditure; 3.7. approve the financial regulations of the Students’ Union; 3.8. ensure comprehensive research is undertaken to identify members’

views on Students’ Union services and activities, and on the external environment, and to ensure that the senior managers of the Students’ Union take action accordingly;

3.9. oversee matters relating to the management of the Students’ Union buildings;

3.10. oversee Students’ Union staffing arrangements.

4. The Trustee Board shall be chaired by the President or, in her/his absence, another Officer appointed by the meeting.

5. The minutes of the meetings of the Trustee Board shall normally be considered open and shall be available to the Members on the Students’ Union’s website, except where those minutes relate to any reserved or confidential matters, including without limitation staff-related or disciplinary matters. Copies of the minutes shall also be kept in the Students’ Union’s offices.

6. The Trustee Board will report to Buckinghamshire New University and the Charity Commission as appropriate.

7. The Trustee Board will send a summary of business to Union Council on a quarterly basis that will normally be for information only.

8. In accordance with Clause 68 of Bucks Students’ Union Constitution, day-to-day management powers of the Students’ Union shall be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer.

9. In accordance with Bucks Students’ Union Constitution the Trustees may delegate any of their powers to any person(s) or committee. The Trustees will determine the number, remit and membership of these committees. Membership of these committees may include Trustees, Full Members, and/or Union staff members.

Lay Trustees

10. Lay Trustee positions shall be advertised widely using all appropriate media.

11. Following application, interviews shall be held by the Appointments Committee which will generally comprise the Chief Executive Officer, President, a Lay trustee and at least one Sabbatical Officer.

12. Lay Trustees shall be selected on the basis of their skills, knowledge, experience and characteristics, taking into account the current composition and diversity of the Trustee Board.

13. Lay Trustees shall not have been a Sabbatical Officer of Bucks Students’ Union within the last two years.

14. Lay Trustees shall be appointed for a four year term of office and may be reappointed for a second four year term of office, provided this second term does not exceed more than eight years of Trustee Board service in total. They shall not be appointed for any further terms beyond their second four year term/eight years of total service in any role.

Student Trustees

15. Student Trustee positions shall be advertised across all University sites for a minimum of a two week period during which nominations will be accepted by the Returning Officer.

16. Following nomination, appointments shall be made by cross-campus election.

17. Student Trustees shall be registered students of Buckinghamshire New University at the date of election and shall continue to be a student of the University for the duration of their term as Student Trustee.

18. Student Trustees shall not have been a Sabbatical Officer of Bucks Students’ Union within the last two years.

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19. Student Trustees shall be appointed for a term of office of up to two years and may be re-appointed for a second term of office of up to two years.

20. The appointment of any Student Trustee is immediately terminated on cessation of him or her being a student of the University.

21. Upon cessation as a Student Trustee the individual may be appointed as a Lay Trustee provided their cumulative terms of office does not exceed more than eight years of Trustee Board service. Such appointments should be made under the provisions laid out in the Constitution.

Sabbatical Trustees

22. Sabbatical Trustee positions shall be advertised across all University sites for a minimum of a two week period during which nominations will be accepted.

23. Following nomination, appointments shall be made by cross-campus election.

24. Sabbatical Trustees shall be registered students of Buckinghamshire New University or current Sabbatical Officers at the close of nominations.

25. Sabbatical Trustees shall be appointed for a term of office of one year and may be re-appointed for a second term of office of one year. They shall not be appointed for any further terms.

26. The appointment of any Sabbatical Trustee is immediately terminated on cessation of him or her being a Sabbatical Officer.

Resignation and Removal of Trustees

27. A Lay or Student Trustee may resign from the Board by writing to the President of the Students’ Union.

28. In accordance with Clause 51 of the Constitution, Lay or Student Trustees may be removed from office by:28.1. a motion of no confidence in the Trustee passed by a [simple majority]

of the Members voting in a Referendum, provided that at least [5% of Members cast a vote in the Referendum. Such a motion shall only be triggered by a Secure Petition of no confidence signed by at least [200] Members; or

28.2. a motion of no confidence in the Trustee passed by a [two thirds] majority in a vote of the Union Council. Such a motion shall only be triggered by a Secure Petition of no confidence signed by at least [200] Members.

29. The individual or group proposing the motion of no confidence shall have the right to select which of the voting mechanisms outlined in Clause 28 to use.

30. In the case of 28.1, the relevant Lay or Student Trustee shall be provided with a campaign budget as laid down in the Referenda bye-law to promote her/his case.

31. In the case of 28.2, the relevant Lay or Student Trustee shall be given at least five days notice of the meetings at which the resolution is due to be considered and shall be given the opportunity to attend the meetings in order to put her/his case, to nominate a representative to attend and speak on her/his behalf or to submit a written statement. The Lay or Student Trustee shall leave the meeting before a vote on the resolution is taken.

32. In accordance with Clause 52 the Constitution, Lay Trustees may be removed from office by: a majority resolution of no confidence passed by the Trustees. For the avoidance of doubt, the Trustee concerned and any Trustee who has a conflict of interest in relation to the matter shall not vote on this resolution and the quorum shall be adjusted accordingly.


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Bucks Students’ Union

Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, Bucks HP11 2JZ

Tel: 01494 601 600 Email: [email protected] Website:

Bucks Students’ Union is a registered charity – no. 1144820 VAT Reg. No. 669 0980 87