

By: Kristen Clayton

The First Camera

The world’s first camera was invented by Alexander Wolcott. His first design of the camera was on May 8th, 1840. It was estimated to be around € 700,000

The First Video Camera

In 1951, the first video tape recorder (VTR) captured live images from television cameras by converting the information into electrical impulses and saving the information onto magnetic tape.

World’s First Television

In 1884, Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, a 23-year-old university student in Germany, patented the first electromechanical television system which employed a scanning disk, a spinning disk with a series of holes spiraling toward the center.

World’s First Television Show

The first television station begin commercial broadcasting on July 1, 1941 under the call letters WNBT.

On May 2, 1941, 10 stations were issued a commercial television license by the FCC.

The First YouTube Video

the first video was actually uploaded to the site exactly five years ago, on April 23, 2005.

It was shot by Yakov Lapitsky and it's only 19

seconds long, showing one of YouTube's founders, Jawed Karim, at the San Diego Zoo.

The First VHS Tape VHS tape was the main format for home media

entertainment for over a decade, specifically during the 1980s and 1990s. According to the Washington Post, approximately 94.5 million devices to play VHS tapes were still functioning in the United States as of 2005.

The format suffered from a slow decline due to the advent and implementation of digital video formats including DVD and DVR technology.

The First Movie The First Motion Picture Ever Made - The Horse In Motion (1878)

Eadweard Muybridge's groundbreaking motion photography was accomplished using multiple cameras and assembling the individual pictures into a motion picture. Muybridge was commissioned by Leland Stanford (California governor/ Stanford University) to scientifically answer a popularly debated question during this era - are all four of a horse's hooves ever off the ground at the same time while the horse is galloping? Muybridge's time-motion photography proved they indeed were, and the idea of motion photography was born.

World’s First Computer

1936 Konrad Zuse - Z1 Computer First

freely programmable computer.

First Green Screen

The first green screen was invented in 1940 by Larry Butler for a film he was making.

The First Movie Theater

The first theater in the world exclusively devoted to showing motion pictures was the Nickelodeon, which was opened on June 19, 1905 in Pittsburgh, Penn.

The First Home Camera

The first home camera was the Sony Betamax invented in 1967

The First Film Projector

On April 21st in 1895, Woodville Latham and his sons, Otway and Gray, demonstrate their “Panopticon,” the first movie projector developed in the United States

The First Video Game

In 1958 William Higinbothan, an American physicist in the employ of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, created Tennis for Two in order to entertain and amuse visitors.

The First Disposable Camera

The first disposable camera was produced in 1949. The innovative device was created by A.D. Weir, who was looking for a camera he could keep with him without having to worry about losing or damaging it.

The First Video Game Played On A Television

In 1967, Ralph Baer wrote the first video game played on a television set, a game called Chase.

First Graphical Computer Game

In 1952, A.S. Douglas wrote his PhD degree at the University of Cambridge on Human-Computer interraction. Douglas created the first graphical computer game - a version of Tic-Tac-Toe.

The First Arcade Game

In 1971, Nolan Bushnell together with Ted Dabney, created the first arcade game. It was called Computer Space, based on Steve Russell's earlier game of Spacewar!.

The First movie on DVD

Twister represented the maiden flight for the now-standard format of DVD, in 1997

The First Commercial

In 1895, the world’s first commercial movie screening took place at the Grand Café in Paris. The film was made by Louis and Auguste Lumier, two French brothers who developed a camera-projector called the Cinematographe.
