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• Teams of max 2 members

• Audio-Visual questions. Write down all answers on the sheets given to you

• Exchange sheets at the end

• All bouquets and brickbats may be directed to Meg and KR

• Best of luck!

• X first came to notice in 1963, when he restored the Pamban Bridge connecting Rameswaram to mainland Tamil Nadu, demolished by a cyclone.

• In later years, X headed the team that built and started running the Calcutta Metro.

• In the late 1980s, he built a series of railway lines through the uneven and heavily forested terrain of coastal Maharashtra, considered one of the country’s greatest engineering marvels.

• In recent times, he has come to be known to the people of Delhi for a similar reason. Name X

E Sreedharan

This fictional character was introduced to the world in 1941. Initially, the makers marketed him as ‘America’s Newest Boyfriend’. Who?


ESPN is a well-known sports broadcaster. What does ESPN stand for?

Entertainment & Sports Programming Network


Tyson Gay’s surname being changed to Homosexual by word filters on the

American Family Association website

• In 2006, an 11-year old boy sued for ‘inflicting mental trauma and causing severe social embarrassment’. What was his name?

Hari Sadu

When Mahatma Gandhi visited London to participate in the 2nd Round Table Conference, this famous person wanted to meet him. Gandhi initially refused, as he had never heard of the man or seen his work. However, on learning that the person originally came from a poor family in London’s East End, Gandhi changed his mind and agreed to meet him. His first question to Gandhi was about his attitude to machinery. Journalist Louis Fischer later described it as an encounter ‘between toothless and toothsome smiling’. Which person?

Charlie Chaplin

Parody of?

The parody The original

Different users and critics have varying opinions about her, labelling her replies as witty, philosophical and even weird. Her end-user licensing agreement does not cover marriage. She tries to be of every assistance possible, including helping you hide a body! Doesn’t reveal her age and when asked what she wants out of life, says-‘I have everything I need already.

Siri of iPhone 4S

Identify this actor, who plays a lead role in an upcoming flick.

The still image on the previous slide is from Empire Of The Sun, where Bale plays a prison camp inmate.

The MGM Studios motto is ‘Ars Gratia Artis’. What does it mean (in English ) ?

Art For Art’s Sake

"Ich liebe es" in German."C'est tout ce que j'aime" in French"Me encanta" in Argentinian Spanish

“Amo muito tudo isso” in Portuguese

“Işte bunu seviyorum” in Turkish

How do we know this better?

The next one minute of this song has been censored. Where is this commonly heard?

(Audio question)

The opening track of How I Met Your Mother

X & Y is a Fortune 500 American multinational corporation headquartered in Ohio which manufactures a wide range of consumer goods.

It was founded by William X, a candlemaker, and James Y, a soapmaker, who immigrated from England and Ireland respectively. They settled in Cincinnati initially and met when they married sisters, Olivia and Elizabeth Norris. Alexander Norris, their father-in-law, called a meeting in which he persuaded his new sons-in-law to become business partners. On October 31, 1837, as a result of the suggestion, X & Y was born.

Identify X and Y

Procter & Gamble

The couple depicted below, both CIA agents, were killed in a plane crash. Why

are they significant in pop culture?

Spiderman’s parents, Mary and Richard Parker


The Ten Commandments of the Mafia

Short Visual Connect• Rules :

Identify/deduce each slide AND explain the overall connect and how each fits into the connect. You will have to write the complete answers for all 4, even if you crack the connect midway.


• +20/-10 for first slide• +15/-8 for second slide• +10/-5 for third slide• +5/-0 for fourth slide

French President Charles de Gaulle once said, ‘My only

international rival is __________’



They were connected by a certain event. What did it lead to?


Parody of?#4


• Tintin

• Schindler’s List

• The 11 Israeli athletes killed at the 1972 Munich Olympics, and Mossad’s ensuing reprisals.

• Parody of ET

And the connect is…….

Movies by Steven Spielberg