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Business Process SimulationsFrom GREAT! to GOOD

Razvan Radulian, MBAIndependent Consultant/Coach/Trainer

Why-What-How Consulting,

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Why don’t we just jump right into it?i.e. Let’s skip the part when we sell our services…

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TriAgilus (fictitious spin-off subsidiary of large global CRO*)Challenge: Reduce RFP+Start-up processes from 30 to 15-daysSome of the MANY variables:• Huge stakes:• Sponsor: $600K to $8M loss per delayed-day• CRO: WIN (if profitable) or DIE (if miscalculating operational

timelines and/or costs)!• Large number & diversity of players• Many AND very complex processes• Aggressive competition• Global operations• Complex Regulatory environment

* CRO: Clinical Research Organization

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How would we (YOU) handle that?

“Hmm”Could it be… …?!?

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Lets’ try another approach…

“Yeap, of course, WHY NOT?”

Can it be… …?

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WHY SIMULATION(S)?• Reasons (past)• Purposes (future)

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WHY: Reasons (past)

The world without Simulations:• Complexity• Uncertainty• Interdependencies• Myths of the No-Sim world...

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WHY: Purposes (future)

• What are we trying to achieve?• Understand & Communicate• Validate the Process Model(s)• Exploration & Experimentation• Facilitating Decisions:

• Design choices• Manage Operations

• Rule out the UNEXPLAINED• Seek to explain the UNEXPECTED

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• Alternative methods that are…• Better• Cheaper• Easier to implement/execute

• Not sure why we [want to] do it…• Risks too high to tinker with

something that looks like “reality”, BUT is not• More… SIMULATIONS MIGHT NOT BE


Can’t Model Reality

Better Alternatives

Unclear Goals

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WHAT IS IT?Part of a larger process…

Goals & Objective






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WHAT IS IT?Types of Simulation

Process Validation

Structural Analysis

Time Analysis

Resource Analysis

Calendar Analysis

Operations Management



Areas of Use

Types of Analyses

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WHAT IT IS NOTRelated but not the same…

Not the Real


Process Modeling

Pure Mathematics

Pure Testing


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Hard to do or


Can’t be done with partial data…

Needs tons of data

Something only

Statisticians can do

People can’t understand it


“Some” of the fears/concerns…

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Simulation vs. AlternativesExperimenting with the Real Thing/Process:• Do we have a/the REAL THING?• Technically/operationally possible?• Convenient? Any distractions?• Practical? Costs, resources…• Too risky? Can we control it?• Do we have enough time?

• Any processes too long to even try it?• Politically/strategically possible?

• Any possible misinterpretations?• Can competitors find out about it?

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Simulation vs. AlternativesUsing Mathematical Models:• Possible?

• Do we have the Knowledge?• Do we have the “Rocket scientist”?• Do we have the Data?

• Too complex? • Any moving parts?• Any complex interdependencies?

• Predictable? Any uncertainties?• Certain about the… uncertainties?• Can we model the data behind the model?

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Simulation vs. Alternatives• Guessing (“What do we THINK it would happen?”)• Possible?• Can we tell if we are right?• How risky (if we are wrong)?• Who knows enough (for smart guesses)?• Any differences of opinion?• How many chances do we have

(before we get it right)?

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• Limited applicability• Too complex• Too expensive (to setup and run)• Too expensive (tools)• Only highly specialized people (the SIM-experts) can do it• There are ALWAYS easier ways to do it (using other methods)• Simulations are THE ONLY WAT to do it…

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HOW• Process Modeling• Scenarios & What-If Analyses• Data• Multi-level Analysis• Standards & Best Practices• Tools

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Process Model(s) [BPMN]Core Process Elements:• Activities:

• Tasks• Sub-Processes

• Decisions/Gateways:• Exclusive work (either A or B)• Parallel work (A and B)• Optional work (A and/or B and/or C)

• Events:• Start + Trigger• End or Terminate• Intermediate (e.g. Delays, Messages, etc.)• Interrupting (e.g. Timers, Exceptions,

Cancellations, etc.)

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Process Modeling (2)

Work coordination:• Orchestration (within Processes)• Collaboration (between Processes)

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Multi-Levels of Analysis Process Validation:

• Deadlocks• Infinite loops• Branches that are never used• Logic faults (e.g. unexpected work items/tokens)

Time & Throughput Analysis:• Processing & Cycle Times

Resources & Constraint Analysis:• Resource Capacity & Over/Under Utilization• Delays (due to waiting on available resources)

Calendar:• Resources availability by Calendar Periods

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Simulation DataInputs:• Historical data• Estimates (constant)• Probabilistic/Statistical


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Simulation Data

“Real-Time” (accelerated) data:• Animation• Items processed• Items waiting (to be processed)• Utilization Graphs• Etc.

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Simulation DataOutputs/Results:• Time Estimates• Resource Estimates• Capacity Estimates• What-If Comparisons

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Scenarios & What-If Analyses (“2 or 3 Nurses?”):Times…

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Scenarios & What-If Analyses (“2 or 3 Nurses?”): Resources…

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Standards and Best Practices

• BPMN:• BPSim:• Patterns and Anti-Patterns

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Many available tools:• Commercial• Open-source*

But, be aware…… look for GOOD tools, not “just” GREAT!

* The tool and some of the examples used in this presentation were from Bizagi (

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DEMOS & EXAMPLES• "Simple" case: Patient Assistance Process*• Complex cases: just imagine (see next slide)

* Source:

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What are we looking for?•BPMN Specification Violations

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LEVEL 1: PROCESS STRUCTURE, ANTI-PATTERNSWhat are we looking for?•Deadlocks• Infinite loops•Branches that are never used• Logic faults (e.g. unexpected work items/tokens)

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LEVEL 2a: TIME ANALYSISAssumptions:•Unlimited resources•No Costs associated with either Resources or Activities

What are we looking for?•Cycle-Time•Processing Time

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Assumptions:•Unlimited resources•Variable-Costs associated with Resources (e.g. hourly

rate)• Fixed-Costs associated with Activities (e.g. materials)

What are we looking for?•Cycle-Time & Processing Time (L2a)•Costs incurred while/to perform the process

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LEVEL 3: RESOURCE ANALYSISAssumptions:• Level 2 assumptions +• Limited Resources• Resources: either People or other kind of Resources

What are we looking for?• Level 2 analysis results +•Waiting times (delays) due to Resources not being available• Resource Over and Under-Utilization

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Assumptions:• Level 3 assumptions +•Resources Availability varies by Calendar Periods (e.g.


What are we looking for?• Level 3 analysis results +•Optimizing Costs & Resource Utilization• Identify Critical Time/Calendar Periods

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LEVEL 5: SCENARIOS & WHAT-IF ANALYSISAssumptions:• Level 4 assumptions +• Some scenarios may work better (or worse) than others

What are we looking for?• Level 4 analysis results +•Optimization: • Compare various alternate scenarios • Chose BEST alternative/option

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NOW, IMAGINE THIS…“Remember us?”

* CRO: Clinical Research Organization

TriAgilus (fictitious spin-off subsidiary of large global CRO*)Challenge: Reduce RFP+Start-up processes from 30 to 15-daysSome of the MANY variables:• Huge stakes:• Sponsor: $600K to $8M loss per delayed-day• CRO: WIN (if profitable) or DIE (if miscalculating operational

timelines and/or costs)!• Large number & diversity of players• Many AND very complex processes• Aggressive competition• Global operations• Complex Regulatory environment

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SO…What does all this mean to you?

Business Process Simulation and...• Business Analysis• Risk Management• Project Management

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Mr. Razvan Radulian… better know as Razz:-)

[email protected] or [email protected]: whywhathow

Twitter: @w5hyBlog:
