



Edi~Ii>:xnr E. $1C£R18T

vOLU)IP. l




"' That the medical undergraduate of to-day is better fitted, by preliminary training,

for historical researches than formerly is evidenced by the remarkable row of in­vestigations on the history of disease by the pupils of Professor \V. G. )facCallum and by the unqualified successor Professor Sigerist in activating research-work dur­ing the initial year of his seminary. The researches arc virtually inaugural disser­tations in medicine, comparing very favorably with the theses of French and German medical graduates. In a single academic year, the advantages of the seminnry method over the didactic lecture in the teaching of history of medicine have been established beyond peradventure. It was the method introduced at the N'aval Academy long ago in teaching seamanship, navigation, naval architec­ture, gunnery, even geography, and carried on by Langdcll at the Harvard Law School: the professor activates, as Osler did; the student docs the lecturing or re­searching and is taught to swim by throwing him into the water.

Through the courtesy ol Professor Sigerist, it is possible to print the subjoined revision and expansion of a catalogue of Texts illust rating the History of )fedicine, by the present compiler, originally published in the Index Catalogue ol the Surgeon General's Library, 1912, 2. p., XVII, 89-178. The incentive to this enterprise came lrom no less than Sir William Osler, who, in 1911, advised the then Librarian





as to the advantage of segregating the more valuable historic items in the Army Medical Library for safe keeping under glass. This was done and the above catalogue was subsequently used by the compiler as a convenient scaffolding for a book on history of medicine. In the present revision, the older subdivision, by periods, subjects and outstanding medical leaders, has been discarded in favor of an expanded chronologic arrangement under each subject. The advantages of a purview of each basic discipline and specialty as a cbronologic co11Jim11m• are obvious; but i t must be emphasized, at the start, that the present list, like the earlier, is merely illustrative, designed to peg out important milestones and land­marks of progress. along with some other references difficult to come at. Such a list might, in fact, be expanded indefinitely, even up to the dimensions of the three­volume Cata/qguc des scic11ccs 111Mica/cs of the BibliotMque impcriale (Paris, l 857-89), attributed by vague report to the industry of £mile Littrc. To glance over this extraordinary subject-catalogue of medical literature, replete with evaluations and viewpoints current in the Littrc-Darcmbcrg period, awakens a feeling of sad· ness. Here, in effect, is a complete picture of the status of medicine in this period, some items commemorating steps forward, others steps backward, others the not um1atural tendency of the human mind to hug an acceptable hypothesis for centuries, until newer findings cre."e a new succession of dissolving views. But most of the items in this vast catalogue are negative or nugatory, of no historic significance whatever; suggesting Cushing's witticism about those "who are to·day, but may not be to·morrow," or Schopenhauer's view of a library as a cross-section of geologic strata, with embedded fossils. The older texts and basic findings, the work of isolated pioneers who have thought in advance of their time, do nevertheless re­main very ~cal values in the historic perspective and one object of recent research work at the sources bas been to ascertain these values and bring them out in the retouched pictu_re. In a period of such incessant kaleidoscopic change as ours, we realize daily that there are no finalities in science, that hypotheses arc legion and that of theorizing about the causation of disease there is no end. But facts, such as the boiling point of water orheartmurmursorthe effect of quinine in malarial fever, are "things that have happened" and \\ill continue to happen under like initial conditions. In medicine, such facts and findings arc reliable as far as the individual reactions of the human organism are predictable and arc doubtless of more consequence to the future of humanity than the maunderings of Plato over the !unctions of the human frame or of Stahl on the causation of disease. Yet few, if any of us could have done better than Plato or Stahl, in his time and place, and that the Greeks knew more about medicine than is apparent from the remains of



their medical literature is an open secret among medical philologists. In the earlier centuries, as Osler pointed out, novel views of things were accepted grudgingly, reluctantly, at a tempo successively largo, le1110, a11da11te (going) and allegrello. The truth about the circulation, spontaneous generation, pathology as altered physiology, infection by microorganisms and insect-transmission of disease, con· notes, in eacb case, a long-drawn battle over bitterly contested ground. To-day, ascertained findings in science are accepted at a tempo qualifiable as preJlo and what views of things will obtain a century hence is beyond the perceptive powers of any one living. In some respects, post-bcllum humanity has moved forn·ard, in others distinctly backward; what will come out in the wash is unpredictable. Upon such obvious reasoning, the present extended array of titles is based and no apology seems necessary or desirable for the inclusion of sundry items from the more recent literature. Like the older references, these imply steps, whether fonvard or backward, and "streams of tendency." The names of publishers have been indi· catcd in the case of important books only and the pagination of periodical references has been gh·en wherever such items are not otherwise a,·ailablc as seP.,rate reprints or pamphlets. Should this list prove of assistance to the student in finding bis way through the mazes of medical literature, or to librarians in building up collections of the medical. and biological classics, it will have justified, to some extent, the object and expense of publication.

Texts Illustrating the History of Medicine

Collec-tke Scriptures and Opera omnJa

P&P)'rOS Ebtrs. 2 "· fol. I.eipzig, \V. Enp.lmann, 187.S. fCcrm:.e.n '"tNion by tr. Joachim. 12 . JkrliD, G. Rtimrr, 1$90]

Grosse (Otr} mtdizinische P3p)'ruS des Jkrlin b.tuseums («I. \Vahtr \Vrciin$ki] roy. 8'9. Ltipz.ig, J. C. Uinrichs, 190!>.

Assyrian )!cd;<AI Ttx1$ (cd. It C. Thompson! fol. London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1923.

Beltrlfgo tur Ktnntnis dc-.r assyro-b:lb>·lonischtn ittdizin ltd. Fr. KOchkr!. 40°, !..tipzlg, ]. C. Hin­richs, Im.

Sen Gupta (Ka.biraj N'3g:tndra Nath) The Ayurv­tdic: Sys.ttm of i)fedieint. 3 ,._ ~. Co.tcuua, 1901-6. S~ruta~ta (Sanskrit text) .. S°. Calcutt31

Baphst )(W)()n Press, 18JS.-6 (English transbtion by K. K. L. Bhish>grata. 3 '" S'. Calcutta, 1907-16.J

Chaflka-Samhlta (Sanskrit text]. s•. Calcutt3, Saru,·B.te Press .. 1Si1. (English tmoslation by Ka,,_ iraj Avinash Ch.B.ndr::t. K::t.,•inllnn 2 '" Ca;kutt:t. WI~ '

Hlp!JO<rates (400-310 B. C.l. <Eu,.,... compllt<>

(Crctk~french bilingual by £.mile Liure). 10 v. S°. Paris, J. B. Bailli~rt, 1839-61.

- ()pcr..t. td. H. KUhJcwein. 2 v. S°. Lip$iae, B. G. Ttubntr, 189-1-1902.

- Optm. Ed. J. L. Heiberg. \'. 1. S'. Lipsi::i.e, B. G. Teubncr, 192i.

- English tmr1$lation [Loeb Clmk~l Libnuy) by \V. H. S. }oner. and E. T. \\'ithington. 4 \'. 12~. London & ~cw York, Puto:i.m, l9?J-JI.

Aristotle 138-hl22 B. C.I Opera IGra«<>-Latin bilingu:tl). Edidit A<adcmi:i. Rtgi3 BoruSS;i(;l}. 5 \"• llcrolini, G. Reimer, 1$31- 70. -The \Vorks of . .. (English tmn!lation. Ed.

W. D. R.,,.]. II v. S'. Oxford, Ci>rtndon ~-. 190$-31

Asclepladcs of Bithynia (tirta 124 B. C.J, F~· mcnt:i. dig,ts.'C;it ct cumvit Chr. C. Gumpert. S., 11~. (dua 14-37 A. D.f. Dt mcdidna. fol. F1ortntin.c, N. I..Aureotiu~.J 14iS.

- Ed. Fr. ~l:irx. \".I.~. Lip!Uc, B. G. Tcubncr, 1915.

-Th.c s.imc. (~tin· bili.ngu3I by Alexondcr L<tl. $'. London, E. Cox, IS.JI.



Rw11101Bphe1u1 (<fr<o 98-117 A., D~. Opuscul• tl fn.gmcota.. Ed. Ch. F. de ~auh.ati. 3 . j,'.fosquu, imp. Unh•. Caes.artae, 1$06. -The ...... 1c ....... wu. bHi....W by wu.

1;,.m Clinch). Ir. Londini, J. Cl.ult, 17f6. --The ~mt. O:uvTCS (with Frmc.b vtrsion.

by Ch. Dartmbtrg and c •• £. Rut11cl. 6 v. S°. Paris, 1879. J. Jl. B•illi!rc, 1879.

Gaito (tlG-200 A. D.J OJ><,., omnia. Ed. C. G. Knhn IG,.....Lotin bilingual]. 20 v. Ir. Llpoiae, c. Cl>Obloch, 1821.JJ.

--Tbe samot. (Creek tutl. • v. r. Lipsiat, B. G. Teubotr, 1914-22. -- CEuvru anatomiq-ues., ph)'tiologiques cl

mMkales IF'ttnch a.nthology by Ch., Darcmbtrg.) 2 v. ir. Paris, Balllim, 1854-6.

Or1boslus (J~ A. D.J <Eu"" (Grttk· Fttn<b biliog\lal (8....,,,.J;u and Duaol><rg)). 6 v. roy. r. Pt.ris, lmp. nationale, 185t-i6. -- Colleclionum medicorum rdiquac (Grttk

text.) 4 v, 8°. Li~I:.:, B. G. Ttubner, 192Wl. Alennd•r of '~lies (525-605 A. D.I Origlnol

Text uod Utbc!'KUung von Theodor Puschmun. 2 v. S-. \\'ien, \V, BraumOlle~ 187M.

AeUus of Amida (tin• 027-565 A. D.J :Uedid Gl'Mci cootra.«at tx '\'tltn~s mcdidnac ttU"&-• biblos. fol. IBuilael, Frobm, 1549.

Paul of .tEgina \62S:..690.) Paulus !Eg:incta IGrcck ttxt) ed. J. J.... He OOrg. 2 v, 8°. I .. 11>1i0-c, D. C. Tcub· ntr, 1921-4. -Th• IEo;;lish tr>Datation by Fruic11

Adams!. 3 v. S°. Londo•, Sydtobam Soc., 1$4.f-7. Syrt&D a.n;1tomy,patbology and tkrapcvda or

The Book of l\fcdic1nt$. ISyriac:.f:nicJ,lsh bilingual, ed. Sir. E. A. \Valli& Budgel. 2 v. s•. l.ondon, 1901.

IUwu (SS0-.9321 Libri ad 1\lmansorcm. fol. ~ttdiolani~ 1481.

- Libtr di<tua Elcha.-i (Conth>tt1I fol. (Brix· lu, 1486}.

--()pc,. !i"-a. fol. Lu&'l:iuni 1$11. Abbas ~II Libtr ttgiut. iol. Veoetiis, 1492. Avicenna l9 1031) Libri V Canonis mcdidnae

[Arabic text). fo1. Romie, typog. l\ltdic-u, 1593. --The same lLAtin translation by Gerard of

Cttmona.) fol. Padu .. , ]. Hcrbon,)479. -- A treatise on tbe CaDoa of .utdicint. ££n.s·

lish tra.nsbtion of Book I by A. Cameron GNnc.r. s•. London, Luzac & Co., 1930.

Averuoe.r (1091-11621 Tcisir [I..alln translation.) fol. Vtnctiis., 1 .. 90.

Averroes (112(>.11981 Collig<t (Kullij>t]. fol. r.,,.,.., 1452, Coastantioe of Africa l-10871. ()pen. 2 '" fol.

Basllcu, ff. Petrus, 1$36-9. Salerno (Sebool of) Colkctlo Salero;un• (ed.

Salvatore De Rcnxi). S v. 8'. N'llpoli, f1liatre-Se­buio, 1852-9. .-- ) lagi.strl Salcmitani n~ndum tditi ltd. Pitro

G1acou:J. ~- & Atlu. fol. Tonno, frat. Bocxa. 1901.

P•m• l•u• 11493-15-111 SsmOicbe Wtrkc ... Hr$8. von J\.1-rl Sudhoff. 12 v. s•. :\,Hlnclltn &: Jler., R. OldtnbouJJi, 1922--Jt. --The Mme llfodttn ('.( vtr!iion by Bern­

hard Asc.hntrl. 4 v. Jtna, C. F°1Kber, 1926-32. Arttcella (Ku thesaunas Ol)trum mtdicorum anti•

quorum; ed. Cregorius t. Volpe.I fol. VcnctUs, B. Locatcllus, 1492.

Boe (In) ' 'Olu.minc hat< oontincntur. IAnbte 1-uthort) fol. Vtnttiis, 1508.

M ed.Id antiqu_i ~ • •. Vtartiis, Aldut., 1547. M principcs post Hippoc:ratan c.t

Ca!cnum. lLatin t~ation by H. Stephinu1I. fol. fttncofurt1, 1567.

Medici andqui Gra.cci. 4•, U:uilcat, 1581. de Balllou (Guillaume) (ISJ&-1616] 0per> me<li·

ta omni.a. 4 ''· 4•, Venetiit, 17J4....8. S.Dlltrt (o.rud) (1512-16lil Open. 6 v. fol.

'-"l:duni, 16,6. Wlllls (Thomos) (1622-75] ()per> omn;,.. 4°,

Cvlcvac 1676. . Syd•~ (Thomn>) (1624-39] 01><m omn;a, Culiclmu1 Alcundtr Crttohill. 8°. LoDdon, Sydcnham Soc., 1844. -The ..,,,.. (Ei>gli>h tr•nsl•tion 1>)' R. G.

Lotlwn]. 2v, Ir. Loodoo, S>'dcalwn Soc., IMll-50. Rtdl (Fnn<a<0) (162f>.98) Opere. 7 v. 4°. Vtte.

i:i..'l, 1712-30. Malplghl (Morecllo) (1628-941 Opera omni .. 2 v.

in 1. fol. Londini, 1686. • .. Leouwenllotk (Antonj) (1632-172JI Xatu·

u.rkuodCe \\'trktn • .a•. DtUt. 1696. (Latin tra.rula.· lion 4 ' '• "•· ~d. &t., 1722).

Jlasllvl (Ciorg.o) (1668-17061 ()pen omnia medi­to-pM).cti(:a tt ttotttorniu. 1m. 4•, Lugduoi, 17C».

Sta.hi (Gtorg Ernst) 1166()..1734} 'fhcori:l mcdica vcra. 4•, )l;ilo,tj 1707. (Gtrman tra.DsJAtion. 3 v, s•. Berlin, 1831-2. -- <Euvm. mfdico.phi1010pbiques tt prati· 6 v. S-. Paris., 1854)...6.l. l.anclsl (Giovanni )!aria) (1654-1120] ()pero. 2 v.

in I. 4°. Ctnc\'l'r, 1718. Hollmann (Friedrich) (l@-1742] OP<•• omnia

ph_yiko-medko. S v. fol. Ctnc,·tt. 1740-53. Botrba&ve (Hemwio) (1668-17JS) 0pe,. omnia

nxdic:a • .f•. Vtndiis, 1742. Huxham Oolut) (1692-1768] ()pen physi<a mtdi·

ca. 3 v, S-. li~. 116'. Werlhof (Paul Gottli<b) (1699-17671 Opera

mtd.i(:0;, 3 v. 4•, flannO\'tn\t1 1775--6. Bibllotheca medld.nae practica.e. 4 v, J):uiltu, J.

Schwc:ighau1tr, 1776-8. Cullto (William). (1712-90! The work$ of ••• 2v,

Ir. Edioburof>, 1827. Camper (Pitter) 117~] SsmmOicbe klti~

Schriftf!n. S-. Ltipzig, 178>1-S, (Frcocb uin1Jation, 8°. Paris, ISOJ).

HW>ttr Oohn) (1728-931 'thc work$of . ,. 4v. & Atlas. 8'. Condon, 1837.



BOWIOD (\Villiam) l11J9-7ol) \\lod:t. }:.dittd, with an introduction a.od notes, by Ceorge Culliver. s•. London, Sydcnbam Soc., 1846.

Rulb (Benjamin) l114S-18131 McdiCAI loquid<l a.od obscrv1t1ons. 4 \' . r . Philadelphia, 1'89-96.

Purklnje (Johann E"iu>;;<ll>t•) 11187-1869) Op­tra Omnia. r. Prag. 1918.

Llltor (JO>q>b), L«d 11827-1912) The <0ll«tcd papit:rt. 2 v. OJ::ford, Oarcodon J>tt.1$, 1909.

Cbarcot Oea.n-lla.rtin) (182,S..9JJ. <£u,-ro C'Om­~tts, 9 v. a-. Pario, 1886-90.

Cootr1butlou of Ph1slcla.a1 to M1tht1111Ucal and Pbytlcal Science.

Art1totle. Physica. DeC3t:to. (t:nglish tran!litjon), /,. Ais: \\'or:C_,_ Oxford, 1930, 11 (8Ji...Jt3~. -- )1cteorologica. /n Ids: \\lorks. Oxford, 1931,

111 m<.J90•. A•"°;tcolA (C<0~) (149-1-1555) De re metolli<n. 4'.

DlslfCM>i ISJO. (Knglish \'tNion by Jlcrbtn C. and Lou JI. [OO\'tr, 49

• London, 1912J. R-rdo (Robert) l1510?-S8). The grounde of

antt laritbmttKJ. 8°. London, 1S4-0. -- Tbt rt.bmy lO knowJ~e [geometry) &•.

London, 155 - The <a$llt of kno.-!cdge (utrooomy) 8".

London, IS51. -- Tbr whetstone of witlt {a.l,ctbrt.J. tr. r.

London, 1557. ~ (,) (1501-161. Artls _ li,•t

de rqiulis ia!gtbraicis libcr unut. rol. ~orimbt:rpc, 1545.

Llbovl"" (Andr<as) l-1616) Afchymi• collccu. it•. 1'"'rantofurti, 1595.

Giibert (Willbm) 11540-1003) 0. magncte. Lon· dinl, 1600.

StAbl (Georg Ernst) Funda.mtntA chymiac. 4°. Norimbug.:'le, 112.3.

BoerbUve (Henn>nn) 11668-17381. Element& chcmiu. 4•. Lugd. Bat .• I. Sc\"uinuJ. t1J2.

Yo.a,c (Thomas) (111J-1829) On the theory of light and colours. Phil. Tr., Lond., 1~21 xc_!l, _12-48. -- fMay on lhc cohesion of duicu. i•ILil. Tr.,

Load., JSGS, scv, 65-Si. --A course of lccturt:S on rutural pbilOIOphy.

2 v. 4•, London, JS07. BtneUus (]6ns J=b) (11i9-184SI lllhandlinpr

i r)'jirc, ktmic oc.h rniocnllogic. 6 v. ~.Stockholm, 1~18.

Wells (William Charlc,;) (1157-1817) An ""'Y on dew. s•. London, 1814.

\'On Bclmboltz (Hcrminn) 11821-94). Utbtr die Erba.ltung dcr Krah. 8°. Berlin, C. Rcimtr..i 1841. -- Vorlesuo,gcn Ubtr thcorcti.schc Pbys.1k. S iJ,

S-. Berlin, 1891-8. von Moyer (Julius Robert) 11814-18) Oi< M ..

<lw>ik dcr WlrmeS". Stuttgart, Cotta, 1861. IOst­wold's Klassaer, 1911, No. ISO.I

Smith (D.-id Eugme) Ran. aritbmtti<A. 8". Bolton, 1908.


(Natural lli&tory)

Empedocles (tirca 490--•JO n. C.) The frai:;ni.cnt.s. Translated by \\lilliAm Jo:llrry Uonard. !.ton~. Chicago, 1907 J..'!.vii, 451-'114 \Reprint, 1908)

Lucredus \litu1 CaNt) 98-.SS D. C.) De re­ru..m natura. {Latin·En.glish bilingual: H. A. J. )ion .. roJ. 2 v. r. Camb~. 1861. -Thewne: l'\'.Jf. S. RouJ<i 12". London,

1918. Pliny tho Elder. lt~oria natur.Ua (Latin·Frtoch

biliogu•IJ. 20 v. 8". Pario, 18~. --The same. The natural history of Pljny.

Tuns.I. by John llostock and J(. T. RiJt-y. 6v. J~. London, ISSS-7.

Gla.1l\1Jle (Bartholomew) f,;,co 1230-50) De proprit-tAtibus rerum fol. BaStl, 1470.

--TheMmc. lEngHJh \'Cl°Jion by John of Trev· iM) fol. London, "'''° 1495.

Leonardo da VJ.ocJ fl4S2 .. J519) Codict 5Ul vo1o dcgli u«<lli, fol. P•rio, UWJ. -- FcuiHtts infdiu (Rou,·t-y~) fol. Paris, 1901. Ga.rt der Ge1undbelt (Plams a.od animals) fol.

l.lainz., Pttt-r Sdiotffer, 1485. Bortus sanltads. 4•. :Uainz, J. Mq"<knbac.b,

1491. A«adtmf.a det Llocel. Pb.Dtanun a.nimalh.Jo,

mincrali~m mexic.a.nonam historia . .a•. Romu, 1651 Sttns.en (N'kb) (16JS.-861 De ao1ido iotnt toli·

dum. 4•, Ftortntlu 1664. ,...,, Leeuwenhoek (i\ntonj) l16J2- 172JI Am>na

naturae. Sm. 4•, Delphia Ba.tavorumt 1~5. Swammerdam Ou) 11637-SOJ B)~Otl dcr nntuur.

4•. Utr«ht, 1669. fl.atfn 1mn1.lntion by H. D. G:n1b. 4•. Leyden, 1131.)

Redt, (t',.,n«t<o) (162<>-9-1). Exptrim<nto <ir<a ~cacn.tioDem inJCCtonam. 24• Amstclodamj, (Jtal· Lan tn.osl&tion1 12•. NaP!li, 16871 von Llnn6 (Lmnaeu1) (Carl) (I i0i-i8) Syftltma .natune. (1735) s• J-Jolmiac-, J)S$.

Spallanz•nl, (Luaro) (1'29-99). f'isic:a ~imale c ,·«tt&bilt. J v. 16•. Vtncz:ia, tiS2.

Blwnenbod> yohann Friedrich) (1152-1840! 8n"lntl't i.ur !\alurguc:hichtt". r. IW<>-1811.

Dazwln (£rasmul) 11131- 18021 Zoonomia 2 v. 4•, London, 1 i9't-6

Isls oder Rncytloi»tdiM':ht Zthung (ed. LorenL Oken). 41v.8°. Jeni\ & l.ci1,ii_.(C:, 1817-48.

Dutrod>ot Ofenri) 11116-18411 ;\J~moir<s pour scrvir ;l l'hiuoirc anatomiquc ct ph~kilogiquc des \'~Ctau.xe:tdtsl\nimllUX. 2 't/, s•. Paris, 1837.

Steenstrup (Johann" J· S.) l1S-Jt9i). Om For· pla.ntnil'.lg og Udvikling tutnntm \'cxlcndc Genera· tionttad.;:l;cr (alternation o( gt"ncrations.). s•. KjjSbenha.,-n, 1842.

(Chambers (Rob<11) (1802- n l) \'<Stites o! tbe natural hbtory o( crtaUon. a•. Edinburgh, ISM.




W>·man UclJ'rics) (1814-14}, Twcl\'C lectures on C'On\l)3f't\th·c physiology.$'. Coston, 1849.

Darwin (~ha<lcs (Robtrt)) (1809-$2) On the origin of Sl)C(i~ b)' m~ns of n:iturnl ttlettion. S0

London,]. ~lurmy, ISS9. Bates (Henry \\"alter) Contributions to an insect

faun:t of the Am3.i0n Va1lcy (Prottcti\'e mimicry). Tr. I.inn. Soc., r.ond., 18621 xxiii, 495-566. Vl.>asteur (1,.ouis) (1$22"°"S). Exptrientes Ttlt\~ tivcs aux gCnE.m.tiOn$ ditts spontan~. Compt. rend. Acad. d. so., P~r. , tSCiO, I, 303; &l9: Ii, 34$; 6iS: 1864, h•iii, 21: 1S6S, b:i, 1001.

Miiller (l:ritz) For Darwin. 8°. l.tipr.ig1 \V. En­gelm:tnn, 1864.

Spencer (Herbert) (182()..1903). The 1>rinc:iples of biology. 12° l.ondon, 1866-7.

Haeci<el (Ernst) (18Ji- ) Nn.lllrliche Sch~p.. funpgcschichte. 8° nc:rtin, 1868.

Huxley (Thom•• Henry) (1825-951 On the phy .. ical of life. 8°. London 1868.

Wallace (Alf«<! Ru-..cll) /t821- ) Contribution• to the thtory of nn.\ural St1ection. 12 Londont ISiO.

Butler (!iamucl) Life and habit. $0• London, 1878.

Loeb U:r.~ucs) (tSS9- ) Dtr trcliotropismus dcr Thicrc und ~inc Ucbcreinstimmung m1t dtm Hcliotropismus dcr l>fianttn. s• \\'Or?.bufR, 1$90.

- The mcchi..nis.tic conctp\ion or life. 8*. Chicago, 1912.

Drlescb (Hans) (1867- ) Ocr Vitalismu$ alt Crschkhtc und als. Lehr('. $0 Lt-ip?-ig, 190S. ""?dlnot (Charlts Sodgwi<I<) (1&52- ) The prnb­lcm of t\t;,t, ~rowth and s• New York, 190$.

Ketblc (t-·rcderk:k) Pfant·animals. 8°. Cambridge, 1910. V HendCrS(ID (Lawrence J.) TI1c filD('t$ or the cn,•ironmcnt. $4'. New York, 1913 .

.,,,, Pearl (R11yn\ond) The biology oi death. s•. Philadelphia, 1922.

Robt-rlson (T. Hr:)itsf'ord) The chc.mi<-.1.l lxlsi!: of grov;'th t\nd scncsccncc. 8°. Phifadclphfa1 19'23. ...-Tabulac blologlcaa. 9 , .. 4°. Ucrlin1 1925-33.

Wstory of lllotogy

Tho::nson Uohn .i\rthur) (1861- I The science of life. 8°. ChiC'af(o & N'cw York, 1899. ,./NordenskUSld (Brik) l)ic C<-s(hichtc dcr Biologic s•. Jtnt\, 1906.

R4dl (Em.nnucl) Ccschichtc der biolo-cPscJ1cn Th'C'oricn S°'. LciPt~. l90S-13 {English tr:in.sltUion. 8°. London, Oxford Prt:SS, 1930.)

Singer (Ch:i.rlcs) 11876- ) A short history of biOIQg)'. 8°. Oxford, 1931.


Ste, also, ]\la.tcria mcdiea Thompson (R<'t!inald Campbell) (1876- I The

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Copwell (Maton fltcll) [ -18651. A«Wot of aa opuatioD for the ~· tioD. « a tu.mor in which a I' tu~ WU a · to the c:arotid a.r­-· [N0> .. :;r 4, 1803. N. fA;. j. M. ft S. Bost., 1824. xiil,JS7...J<D. '

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- Anliv:rysme ,·rai de la.,vi~rc droitc, op&6 d'apres la m~tbode de \Vardrop· mort le 9• jour ap~ l'o~ration (le 12 juin 1829f. Arch. g6n. de m6d., Par., 1829, 1. s .. xx, 56()...573.

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performed on the carotid artery for nncurisnl, in the yt#r tSOS; \•tith the post.mortem examination, 1821. Guy's Hosp., Rcp.,Lond., 1836, i, S3-5S, 1 pl.

- - C3SC of subclavian ancurism. (Account of bi$ attempt to ligntc the subc:lavian artery by Vl\· lentinc ~lott. Aug. 20, 1800]. ~icd. Rcposit., N . Y., 1809-10 xiii, 331-334.

- - Tu·o castS of aneurism or the carotid artery (with ligation}. ~·ltd. Chir. Tr. 3. ed., Lond. , 1815, i, I: 224.

- - Cucoll;g.tun>of theaorta. [1817). In Surg. ESMys (Cooper&. Tmvers). London., 1818, pt. 1, 101-130 2 pl.

- - SO:me experiments and ob~rvations on tying the carotid and vertebral artcriC*r and the poeu,mC>g,Utric1 phrtnic, and S>:r'P3.theuc ncrvea. Cuy s H~~· Rep., Lond., 1836, 'j 457; 654.

Motl (Valentine) [1785-1865. Rcficctions on securing in a lig:3turc, the art.eri:i innomi.nat.3, to which is added a case i.D which this artC!'f was tied by a surgical, opcrntion fl\fa.y 11, 1818) l\fcd.: &. Surg. R~., N. Y, 1818, I, 9-54. Abo Repnnl.

- - Lt~3turc 01 the artcria iii.nee. communi$, atilO orig>n. (18271. Phila. J.M. & Phy._ Sc., 1827, xiv, 176-1$1.

- - Aneurism involving the su.bcbvian nnd the root of the carotid; successfully treated by tying the carotid artery. Am. J. l\L Sc., Phila., 1829, v, 297-lSJO, vi, 532. -- Femoral a.ncurisnt for \Yhich the external

iliac artc.r)' was tied. A., J. !.1. Sc., Phila.., 1831, vi.ii, 393-397. --Case of 3ocurism of the ri3ht subclavian

artcryr in which the vessel was t1~ \Yitbin t1?~ scolc.n1 musc1cs. Am. J. ~1. Sc,,, Ph1la., 1833, x11, 3S4. -- .A.. case of aneurism of either the. iscb.iatic or

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von Grado (Carl Ferdinand) (J;87- 1840) (Ligation o! the innom.inate artery (1822); death

68 days all<r (1822)). Lond. M. & Phys. J., 1923, xlix, 475.

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Busbe (Gordon) {Tcl3.ngiect.'\$is; lf':tion of the common ii inc artery.) April 7, 1830.1 N. York l\1cd.~ Chir. Bull., 1832, it SS.

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Syme 0.,...) (I 7~18)u). Case of ilioe ancu­rism remedied by opening the sac and tying the oon1mon iliac, the cx-tcmal iliac t\od tbt internal iliM: arteriC*. Proc. Roy. ~f. & Chir. Soc., Lond., 1862,iv, 114-116.

Parker (Willard) (1800-84). Ligature of the left subclavian inside the SC'4lcnus muscle, together with common carotid and vcrtcbrnl a.rte.ries for s.ubc:lavian ancurism; hemorrhage from tht distal end of the sulx:lavian; death on 42d day. Am .. J. }.i. Sc., Phil.a., 1864, xlvii, 562.

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Millt&ry Medicine and Surgery

(Including Cun-shot \Vounds)

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History of Surgery

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BaWJe (i\tatthcw) (li6t-1823). An account of a partirular change of structure in the human O\'a· rium. (Oermoid cyst-5). Lond. )J. ).1 1189, x, 322-332.

&immerrlDg (S=ucl Thomos) (liSS-1830). Ueber dje \\liri:.uogen dcr Schno.rbruste. 8° Berlin, 1793.

MeDowell (Ephmlm) (1771-1830). Three CMCS

of cxtirp.\tion of ~ ovan:t. (1$09-16). Edec:t. Repct. Anal)'t. Rev., Pbila., 181i, vii, 242-2-14.

Klog (John) (1813-93). Case of an cnlrtuterine foetus, produced i!h·c through :tn iods.ion 0'.13.dt into the ,.~ina of the mother, who ttCO\'Crtd after delivery, without l\OY a.Ianni~ . 5)'1'.Uptoms. ~icd. Rtpasit, N. Y., tSli, n. s., iii, 388--394. -- An :u~al)"is of the wbi«t or extmuterine

fettntion and of the retrovcrsion of the gravid uterus. S'°. ~orwicb, 1$1$.

Smlth (Nothan) (1182-1829). ol ovarian dropsy sucxcW'ully removed bya surgicalopcmtion. Am. ~1. R«<>roer, Phil•., 1s22, '" 12.i-126.

Llzan Uohn) (HSlt-IS«>J. Qbscr,.otions on cxtmctioo of di!eascd ov:uia. Edinburgh, 1825.

RJt~en (Fcrdinond A. M. F.) (1787-186;). Gtt.chichte eines. ung\lostigtm Erfol~oe verricb· tctcn Bauschscheidetl5(:bnitts und Folgcrung dar­ (Gutrc>elytrotomy, 1821). Heidelb. klin. Ano., 1825, i, 263-277.

Coopor (Sir A>tl~ P .. ton) Illustrations ol di.­cases of tbc brtast. 4 . London, 1$29.

Rowe (l'hilib<rt-J0«pb) (1;~1S54). M!moirc sur la restauration du ~rin~ cbez la. dans les ~de division ou de rupture co"!p\~te de cette poruc. Go.t. m&l. de Par1)~;.hA u, 17-22.

Gibson (William) (H..,..1...S). <;as< ol """""'" fully repeated Cawrtan se<:hon, 1$35-7). Am .. J. Sc;• Pbllo.j 183~, xvi, 351. (Rti??rted by Joseph G. Naocttde : X\'l.7 264; 1SJ$, xxu, 13. (Reported by George Foxl \Autopsy, fifty. f~an later, by C. \V. Homer and R. P. FJ3rrisi 1885, n. s. xc, 422.

MlcbacUs (Cusuw Adoll) 11798-ISIS). Mcrk­ward.iger Fall von ei.ncm zum 4. l\lale bei dcrselbc.n Frau mit glUcklkhcm Erfolge \'Orgenoi:ru:n.enen Kn.iscncbniue. }.1itth. a. d. Geb. d. :I.led., Altona, 1836, iv, Hit. 60, 7-S.

Mettauer Uobn Peter) (1787-1875). Vcsico­va.gino.I fistula. (Successfully ope.rated, August, 1838). Boston lt. and$. J .• 1840, xxii, 154.

Be.ywud (G«irgc) Cuc of \'CSico-vagin:il 6.stula. succcWully trca.tCd by ~n operation. Am. j. ~1. Sc., PhHa., 1839, xxiv1.283-288.

Clay (Cborles) (lwl-93). C.scs ol peritoneal section, for the extirrxation of diseased O\"l'lria, by the large iocision from sternum to pubes, success­fully lrtatcd. [~fed. Times, Lond., 1$42, vii.) s•. London, 1842. --Obstr"ations on ovariotomy 1 statistieal

and p~ctical. Also, a JUcceWul case or entire removal of the uterus and its appendages. Tr. Obst. Soe. Lond. (1863), 1864, v, SS-14, I pl.

Rt<lmler Uostpb C.-A.) (1774-1852). ln'¢ntion du sp6cu.lum plein ct bri~. Bull. 1\cad. de rn6:t, Par., 1842-3 viii, 661~.

Slmpoon (Sir James Youn&) (1811-;0). (Mem­oir on the uterine sound.} Lond. & F.dinb. l\lonth. J. ~I. Sc., 1843, ill, & 547; iOl; l()()t); 1$44, h·, 208.

Nott Uosiah Clnrk) (18()1-13). Extif,tion ol the os COC'Cygis for ncur.algia. N. Ori. M ..• 1844-S, i, 58-00.

Bennett U•.,.. Henry) (1816-91). A P"'ctical trtatise on in&mmation ulctration, and induration of the neck of the uteru.s. 8° London_, 1$45.

Atlee (Washington!.«) (1808-18). A table ol oU the known ope.rations or ovariotom_y. f'rom 1701 to 1851. (Tr. Am. ~f. AS5., Pbilll., 1851, iv.) 8°. Phib. dclphia, lSSl.

- The surgical trtatmcot of certain 6brous tumol'1 of the uterus. S° Philadelphia, IS.53. N~laton (Auguste) (1801-73) I.econ sur l'ht'.mo­

!~t ~tro-ut~ririe. G~. d. h6p., Par., JSSt, 3. s., 111, 573; 578; 581; 185'2, 1v, 45j 66

Job<rt (de Lombollel (Antoine-Joseph) (1199-1867). Trait~ des fi!tules v&:ico-ut~rines, \'&iCO­ut~ro-\•aginales, ent~ro-vagina.lcs ct TC(;tO-\'aginales. 8° Paris, 1852.

Sims Uomos Marion) (1813-S.l). On th• treat· rnent of ves.ico-vagina.I fistula. [Am. J. l\J. Sc. Phil.a., 185~._ n. s. :u:iii.) s•. Philadcfphia1 1852

- VnJ;ID>JmU>. Tr. Obst. Soe. Lond. \1861), 1862, m, 3~7. -- t..:linical notes oo uterine surgery. 8° New

Yorl:., 1866. -- Amputation of the cervix uteri. (Tr. N.

York ~I. Soc:..:_)861.) 8°. New York, 1861 Burnb.o.m l ,Vttlter) (18()$..$3). Extirp:ltion of the

uterus and ovaries. for Mrcomatous di.s.caie. (MQ.?' 25, 1853). Nelson's Am. Lanett, Plattsburgh, N. Y., 1$.SJ, vi~ 147.

Kimball 1Cllmon) (1~2). Su-.lul we ol txtirp:ttion of the uterus (for (1bromyomaJ. (Sept<mb<r I, 1853). Boston M. & S. J., 185.S, lii, 249-255.

Noeggerath (Errul) (1841-95). On cpl<)~totomy. N. York..:. )f. J., 1853, 3. s., iv, 9-U. -- uic latcntc wciblkhen Gesch­

lccl>t. S- Bonn, 1872. Simon (Gustav) (1824-16). Ueb<r die Hciluog

der Bl~&beidcnfisteln. s• Ci~, 1854. Velpoau (Allrtd) (H?S-1861). TrniM dt> malA·

dies du iein. s•. Pari~ 1854. Ayru (Daniel) Congenital cxst.rop-hy of the

urinary bladder, complicated with prolapsus uteri folloW'Ulg prtg.naoey: successfully treated by a new plastic c>peration. Am. :l.f. Gu., N. V., 1859, x, 81-$9, 2 pl.

Bemul> (GuJt•ve) (1819-81) & ~upll U=· Ernest) (18~). Clinique mfdicalc sur lcs mab­dies des femmes. $0 Paris, IS«>-62.

Koeb<rlf (Eugene) (1828- ) Eottirpotion de l'ut~rus et des Ol'a.1res. Ca.L. mEd. de Stnwb., 1863, x:xiii, 101.



- De l'ovariotomie. ~l~m. Acad. de !'Md., Par., 1863, nvi, 321-472, 6 pl. -- J)ocu1ncnts pour servir A l'hi.ttoire do l'ex·

tirptLtion des tumeurs 6brais.cs de II\ matri« 1;mr I.a fnl:thodc s.uspubicnnc. Cai. m&l. de. Stm&b., 1864, uiv, 17.

EDU1161 (Thomas Addis) (1828-1918) On the uul.m<'nt of dysmtnorrhoca and sterility, ruulting from antct1uion of the uterus. K. Yortt M. ]., 1865, i, 20S-219.

- Su.rgtf)" of the tt:rvix in connection with tho uutment of «rU.iD uterine diKasn. Am. J. ()btt.., N. Y., 1868-9, i, 339'-J62. -- Chronic C)"Slitis in the ft:male and mode of

utatmenl (vaai.nal C)"$.lOtomy.). Am. Pract_, J..ouls:ville, 1872, v 65-92. --A study o( the etiolOBY of perintal lo.cera~

dona, with 3 new method for ht proper rtpair. [Tr. Am. Gyn«. Soc., 1882, N. Y., 1884, "iii.) 8•. New York, 18$11.

Wells (S;r Thoma! Spencer) (1818-97). Dis­ea1a of the ovaries.. S- London, t86S-72.

Thomas (Theodore Gaillard) (1832-1903). A practical treatise on diseases of womtn. ~. Phila· ddphla, 1868. -- Cutroelytrotomy; a substitute for the

Caet.arean Krtion. Am. J. Obst., N. \·., ISiO, Hi, 125-139. -- Vaginal ovariotomy. Am. J. ~t. Sc., Phila.,

ISiO, n. a., Jix, 387-390. Ptu!oe (Edmund R2Ddolph) (1814-78). 0-'>·

rian tumors. 8° N'ew York, 1872. Ba1t•1 (Robert) (1828-95). Normal ovariotomy.

(Preliminary communica.tion: J. Cyn.'\cc. Soc. Boat., 1872J vii, 331-33.S). Tr. ?-1. Au. Ctorgia, Atlllntn, 1873, xx:iv, J~.

Marlin (Augu&t Eduard) (1847- ) Zur EnuckatM>n dcr int.n.~rictalen :l.1yomc des CorpuJ uteri. Zl&Chr. f. u. Fmuenkr., Stultg., 1875-4, i, 8JS-S49.

Pany Oohn S.) (1843-76). Extra-ut<rine preg­nancy. s•Philadetphia, IS76.

Pono (Edoardo) (1842-1902) Della amputuionc uk~-..ric:a come di ~Uo ttUnO. Ann. di mtd. e Wr., l\libno, 1876, <'CXU"ii, 291"3SO.

Hecar (Allr<d) (1830- ) Ueb<r d;e Entir-padon nonnaler und ni.cht xu umfln..-cJicher Tumoren degcnerirter EicntOcke. Centralbl. f. (;y_nllk., Lei1n., ISii, i, 297: 18i8, ii, 25.

Ruge (C•rl Arnold) (1846- ) & Veit Ooh.) (J8S2- ) Anatomi.schc Bedeutuns;r der Ero· lioDen om Scbt:identhtil. Centralbl. f. Cynlk., Lt_i_pz., 1877, i, 17-19.

Freund (Wilhelm Alexander) (ISJJ- ) Eine ncuc ~tetbode dtr Eutirpation dC"S glN(n UttNJ. Dul ltlin. Wchn!chr, 1878, xv, 417.

Stb.rllder {Karl) \183$-S7). Ueb<r dM: Laparo-14mlc 1><; Utuusmyomcn. Ctntralbl. I. C)'ftlk, Ltipa:ic., 18i8, ii, 494.

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lbi4., 18$4, x, 1*162. Tait (Rob<rt Lawoon) (1845-99). Removal ol

normal ovarits. Brit. A1. J. Lond., 1Si9, ~-~1_3i~'-~· --A cue of removal of the ut(:riDc appenaqn.

Brit. l!. J., LoDd., 1881, i, 766. --Gcntral summary of_ c:oodus.ions from OM

thousand cut1 ol abdominal Stttion. l2° Bir· mioglwn, 1884. -- On the method ol fbp-tplitting in «rtain

plastic operations. Brit. Cynacc. j., Lond., 1887-8, iii, 366: 1891-2, vii, l9S. -- L«turcs on ectopic prtg_n.3ncy and pelvic

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Adams (Jamn Alexander) A new operation for uterine displattmenu.. Clugow N. ]., 1882, xvii. 43i-446.

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History of Grnat«>ICCJ

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