Page 1: Bulletin - November 15, 2015



Fr. Philip English

Office Administration

Aggie Agnino ext. 1 ______________________________________________________

Mass Times


5:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. - St. Helen Church

11:00 a.m. - St. Mark School

Gym, Beamsville

Opened - October 2, 1938

Schools St. Mark School

Principal: Steven Ward

Phone: (905) 563-9191

St. Edward School

Principal: Adrian Bishop

Phone: (905) 562-5531



Available Sundays at 1:00 pm. Call

parish office.

First Communion & Confirmation

Arranged through school. If your

child is not in a Catholic school or is

not baptized in the Roman Catholic

Church, contact the parish office.


Before or after mass or by appoint-



Six months’ notice; marriage prep


Anointing of the Sick

Please let us know when someone

has a serious or prolonged illness or

is to have surgery. This sacrament

celebrates the healing of mind and

body and the forgiveness of sins.

Catholic Funeral Rites

When a death occurs in your family,

please call the parish office and we

will assist you in making the neces-

sary liturgical arrangements.

4157 Maple Grove Rd. | PO Box 222 | Vineland, Ontario | L0R 2C0

Phone (905) 562-7427 | Fax (905) 562-7789 | [email protected]

Established as a Parish - January 1, 1986

Kindly complete the following and place in collection basket

☐ New Parishioner* ☐ Change of address ☐ Moving

Name________________________ Phone__________________ E-mail___________________

Address______________________________________________ City_____________________

Postal Code__________________

☐ I will use offertory envelopes If ☒, pick up in foyer: ☐ St. Helen Church or ☐ St. Mark School

We welcome you and invite you to share in the spiritual and social activities of your parish

Upcoming Events

- All Souls Remembrance Env. - Chili Take Out Night Nov. 20th, 5-7 p.m. - Nov. 25th - Diocesan Anniver-sary Mass @ Cathedral - Nov. 28th - Christmas Bazaar @ St. Mark School - Syrian Refugee Family Spon-sorship Collection, Nov. 28/29th. - Consecration Mass of the new St. Helen Church, Dec 6th @ 11 a.m. - Join us for a cup of brew after morning mass on Tuesdays & Thursdays


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Stewardship of Treasure November 8: Offertory Envelopes (151) $ 3,469 Offertory Loose $ 240 Facility Maintenance (25) $ 277 Building Fund (8) $ 965



Sr. Ministry for the Sick and Homebound We are grateful to those who give of their time and care to bring holy communion to our parishioners who cannot make it to church due to sickness or in-firmity. If you know of anyone who would like to re-ceive communion in their home, please contact the

parish office.

KoC St. Helen of the Cross Council 15999

St. Helen of the Cross Knights are sell-ing “Keep Christ in Christmas” magnets at all masses - $5 ea. The Knights thank you for your support in keeping the real meaning of Christmas alive!

Christmas Bazaar

Saturday, November 28th from 9 a.m. - 1p.m. in the St. Mark's School Gym. If interested in a ta-

ble or volunteering on the day, email us at: [email protected]

Remember Your Parish In Loving Memory

Keep your love for your parish alive. Remember your parish in your will and when recommending

expressions of sympathy.

Sunday Missals Living with Christ Sunday Missals are available and can be found at the church entrance. To cover the cost, a donation of $5 would be appreciated.

Diocesan Separated & Divorced Healing Ministry Support Group

We meet every second and fourth Monday (7:00-9:00 p.m.) at Mt. Carmel Spiritual Centre, 7020 Stanley Ave., Niagara Falls. For information, call 905-356-4113 or 905-684-0154, or e-mail: [email protected]. Next session: Monday, November 23: "Feelings of Shame in Separation and Divorce".

All Souls Remembrance All names of deceased loved ones will be remem-bered during the month of November. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine up-on them.

“Thank You” for remembering the poor box!

Mass In



Year B - November 16 - 22, 2015

Day Requested for Requested by

Mon No Morning Mass


8:30 a.m.

Intn of Hendriks & deKoning Families L&D

† Richard Murray

Helen & Andy Hendriks

Huguette & Maurice Murray


10:00 a.m. † Carmela & Antonio Guerriero Guerriero Family


8:30 a.m.

† Stephanie Ruiss

† Teresa Commisso

Herb Ruiss & Family

Maria & Rolando Cipro

Friday 10:00 a.m.

Menno Home

† Ernie Fracchioni Marilyn & Jack Lovett


5:00 p.m. For the People of St. Helen - L&D


9:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

St. Mark School

† Giuseppe Sgambelluri

† Gianni Valle

† Helen Samrak

All Saints & All Faithful Departed

Angie Sgambelluri

Francesca Paolone

Sue & Ivan Zuzek & Family

Giuseppina & Gennaro Elia

L & D (living & deceased)

Page 3: Bulletin - November 15, 2015

33rd Sunday OT - November 15, 2015 To Cope or To Hope

Dan 12:1-3 The promise of God’s coming and of

eternal life. Psalm 16 You are my inheritance, O Lord. Heb 10:11-14, 18 Jesus makes the perfect priestly

sacrifice: himself. Mark 13:24-32 Signs of the Messiah’s coming.

In today’s dramatic Gospel passage, Mark describes the sun and moon going dark as the Son of Man comes in the clouds with great power

and glory. From time to time, someone manages to figure out a new day for the end of the world. A few years ago it was 12-21-12, as divined from an ancient Mayan calendar. Some fearful people fled to back-yard bomb shelters. There’s a joke about one such man who had stocked his underground haven with cans of Spam. As he was opening one, he noticed the date warning printed on the can. It read: “Best before the end of the world.” There’s another cartoon depicting the day after the end of the world. It shows a wife reading the news that the end did not come. She then says to her husband, “So I guess you can mow the lawn now.” -- Deacon Dick Folger

Next Week’s Readings… Dan 7:13-14 The image of the enthroned Son of

Man. Psalm 93 The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty. Rev 1:5-8 Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega. John 18:33b-37 Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world.

St. Helen Church Raffle Tickets

Available for purchase. Support our new church and get your ticket. Next draw - November 22nd!

St. Helen's Chili Take Out Night

Friday, November 20th, 5 - 7 p.m. Complete your order form and either drop it off with payment at the parish office or place it in a sealed envelope marked Chili Take Out in the Sunday Collection Bas-

ket before Tuesday November 17th. Please join us and volunteer! Phone Anne Marie at 289-566-9090 or send an email to the office. All proceeds will go toward the Syrian Family Refugee Sponsorship Initiative.

Syrian Refugee Sponsorship

Thank you for your positive response and support for St. Helen Church to sponsor a Syrian refugee family to our parish commu-

nity. The fundraising goal is $30,000. Envelopes placed in the bulletin will be collected Nov. 28/29 at all Masses. Cheques payable to St. Helen Refugee Sponsorship. Tax receipts will be issued.

“I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35

Mass Changes As you know, the new church is nearing completion and preparations for the first Mass is underway. To this note, in order to bring out fully the symbolism and the signifi-cance of the rite, the opening of the new church and it’s consecration should take place at one and the same time. For this reason, we will not

celebrate any Masses in the new church until the Consecration Mass. Weekday Masses will be can-celled for December 1st to 4th. The Saturday Mass on December 5th will be held in the St. Mark School gym @ 5:00 p.m. There will not be a 9 a.m. Mass on December 6th. We encourage you to attend the Mass of Consecration on December 6th at 11 a.m. in the new church as this will be a

very special Mass. A reception will follow in the St.

Mark School gym; all are welcome to attend.

Blessed Prayer Shawls Available The Prayer Shawl Ministry continues to create handcrafted shawls for parishioners, their families and friends who are coping with illness, loneliness, pain or trouble. They are available to anyone who needs one. Please call the office to request a shawl or lap blanket or if you would like to join this ministry. Please call the office to request a shawl or lap blanket. We meet monthly and welcome new members.

We welcome you to our church and offer these simple WORSHIP PRACTICES to help everyone enter fully, consciously, and actively in our liturgies. As We Gather….We should be quiet when we enter the church. All private prayer ceases when Mass begins promptly on the hour and we join as one Body of Christ.

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