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Press Secretariat

President Garcia:

“I govern for the most needy and



page 5

Government transfers

12 mill ion soles to Cusco,

Puno and Huancavelica

page 2

Per u meets UN tar get

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Cusco, Puno and Huancavelica families, whose houses were affected by heavy rains and landslides, have received support from the Banco de Materiales (BM) in order to rebuild their homes. Through an Emergency Ordinance, President Alan Garcia ordered the transfer of 12’359,503 soles to BM so as to provide families with an adequate minimum standard of living.

Cusco received 6’937,838 soles to buy construction materials and 746,000 soles for corrugated iron. A total of 3’427,307 soles was transferred to Puno, while Huancavelica received 1’248,357 soles.

The document was signed in Cusco’s Lucre district, which was visited by the Head of State to assess the situation first hand.




Train will link eight districts from Villa el Salvador to downtown Lima.

Electric Train works are in progress. The first stage of the project began in mid-March with the concrete pouring for the 400 pillars that will hold up the train line.

The project, which is part of the integrated plan to modernize the urban transport system with the participation of the national government and Lima Metropolitan Municipality, will be ready by July next year.

The Electric Train service will run between Villa El Salvador district and Avenida Grau in downtown Lima.

Because of its solid structure, the train has been designed to last well over 100 years.

The train will be completed in the next 18 months and will transport about 260,000 passengers everyday from the south to the center of Lima.

The train will link the districts of Villa El Salvador, Villa María del Triunfo, San Juan de Miraflores, Surco, Surquillo, San Borja, San Luis, La Victoria and Cercado de Lima.

T h e p r o j e c t g e n e r a t e s a p p r ox i m a t e l y 5 0 0 0 d i r e c t a n d i n d i r e c t j o b s.

The modernization of Petroperu’s Talara refinery in Piura region has been launched with an investment of US$ 1.3 billion and will allow Petroperu to increase its oil refining capacity while protecting the environment.

Peru’s state oil company Petroperu and Spanish firm Tecnicas Reunidas SA signed the contract for modernization work at Talara during a ceremony chaired by President Alan Garcia.

The upgrades are being carried out to allow the refinery to produce diesel and gasoline with low sulfur content, process heavy crudes, and increase the distillation and conversion capacity to reduce the deficit in gas oil.

To that end, the processing capacity of the primary distillation unit will be increased and new processing units will be built, among other works. The modernization of the Talara refinery gets underway after 50 years.

With an investment of US$ 1.3 billion

President Alan

Garcia attend


the ceremonial

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for the first


400 pillars tha


will hold up


train line.

Water is property of the nation and there is no private ownership of this essential element. The National Water Authority (ANA) has the exclusive management of the national water resources and defines the role that each agency/institution plays in managing water resources. As part of the regulations concerning the Water Resources Law signed into law by President Alan Garcia a few weeks ago, the goal is to regulate

and ensure the integrated use and management of water resources through fundamental principles, such as its use for agricultural purposes and other productive use. The regulations stipulate that the State seeks to recover water quality and, through ANA, to control and prevent contamination. It also aims to protect watersheds and aquifers which are large reservoirs to supply future generations.

The document was developed by agencies involved in water

management, such as the National Board of Users of Irrigation Districts

and the Peruvian Exporters’ Association (ADEX).


President Alan Garcia Perez and the head of Peruvian social security institute EsSalud, Fernando Barrios, attended the presentation of 120 ambulances which will be given to EsSalud rural hospitals across the country. With an investment of 18 million soles, the ambulances carry highly

sophisticated medical equipment to handle emergencies and transport patients from remote areas to hospitals.

The ambulances will be distributed to hospitals and health centers in Amazonas, Ancash, Apurimac, Ayacucho, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huancavelica, Huanuco, Junín,

Ica, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Moquegua, Pasco, Piura, Puno, Juliaca, Moyobamba, Tarapoto, Tacna, Tumbes and Ucayali.

In 2008, EsSalud invested 27 million soles in the purchase of 200 rural ambulances with the aim to enhance emergency response capacity in the country.


1 2 0 R U R A L A M B U L A N C E S

For The Benefit Of Needy People President Alan Garcia Perez, who donated school uniforms and shoes to 134,457 students from Piura, said he will continue to “govern for the people, the most needy and the masses of the country”, by helping those who remained outside the development process for years.

On his 169th trip to a Peruvian region, the President inaugurated the upgraded Colegio N° 14007 and IE Juan Velasco Alvarado schools, in which the government invested nearly 3 million soles.

While redirecting government funds to implement development projects, the Head of State announced the upcoming construction of an EsSalud high-complexity hospital in order to expand health care coverage to the poorest citizens of Piura.

Garcia Perez pointed out that funding for the Talara refinery modernization project is guaranteed, adding that the Bayovar phosphate project will create 4000 jobs in areas of sugar cane production for ethanol.

“We work to improve the quality of life and employment opportunities for Peruvians and give their children a better education,” said President Garcia.

D e c e n t r a l i z at i o n i s i n p ro g re s s

The Government has increased public investment by six times in the country’s departments, as part of the decentralization policy promoted by President Alan Garcia.

“Public investment in roads, water supply, electricity and housing projects has increased by 3, 4 and even 6 times in different Peruvian departments. Significant funds have

been allocated to the benefit of the masses,” said President Alan Garcia Perez after launching a transitional housing program for people affected by heavy rains and floods in Cusco.

Public investment in Cusco totaled 508 million soles in 2005; but thanks to the government’s economic decentralization policy and increased investment projects, it reached 2.1

billion last year, 4 times more than in 2005.

“There is concrete evidence of decentralization,” said the Head of State, who pointed out that decentralization will achieve results progressively as it is not an overnight miracle, but a series of efforts that will help create a new way of living for the population.

“There is concrete evidence of decentralization”, (Alan Garcia Perez, Huacarpay town, Lucre district, Quispicanchis province, Cusco, 20/03/1910)

By 6times






Linked by Costa Verde

Peruvian President Alan Garcia Perez opened 1.5 km of roads and associated infrastructure in Lima’s bay area, better known as Costa Verde, between Universitaria and Escardo avenues in Lima’s San Miguel district.

The road expansion project is making quick progress. The Costa Verde will link Chorrillos and Callao districts by

this year end, giving Lima a huge seafront promenade with tourist, cultural, sports and recreation areas.

There are 24 km of bay between Morro Solar (Chorrillos) and La Punta (Callao). When the road is completed, Lima will have a new attraction that neither Rio de Janeiro in Brazil or Nice in France can equal.

The project, which started in March last year, includes the construction of embankments, roads, sidewalks, and bike paths as well as the installation of street lighting, litter baskets, and benches and the planting of hundreds of trees.

Works are carried out with an investment of over 13 million soles.

By planting 100 million trees nationwide, our country met the United Nations (UN) target concerning the fight against climate change.

Thanks to a Tree Planting Campaign launched by the government in 2006, Peru ranked first in reforestation efforts in South America and ninth in the world.

According to President Garcia, the next goal is to reach 180 million trees planted.

The campaign involved the mass participation of rural population in the coastal, highland, and jungle regions. People planted eucalyptus, pine, cypress and native species such as molle, among others.

As part of the campaign, more than 500,000 people participated in reforestation activities across the country.

By 6times




Colegio Mayor Secundario “Presidente del Perú,” an educational institution created to provide high quality and accessible education to Peruvian students, began its activities in a special ceremony attended by Peruvian President Alan Garcia Perez, State ministers, local authorities, students and parents.

Colegio Mayor Secundario, located in the Huampani Recreation Center in Chaclacayo, will educate the country’s best high school students in grades 3 through 5.

The school is staffed with qualified teachers and will provide students with free accommodation, food, uniforms and school materials.

Students will have a total of 1,920 class hours per school year, which is 520 more hours than any other high schools. Also, the school will have one of the most modern Information Access Center in Latin America, as well as a TV and video conferencing room.

During the opening ceremony, President Garcia urged the students to imbibe the values of discipline, sacrifice, patience and perseverance and asked them to seize this great opportunity offered by the State. “With this school, one of the goals and dreams of our project of improving our society and promoting the development of Peru through education is met,” he said.

High quality education.

The new five-story building has rooms for pediatric cardiac surgery, cardiac surgical intensive care and outpatient services. It also has a heart surgery room, a research and training area, and a 150-bed intensive care area.

Peruvian President Alan Garcia Perez inaugurated the new National Heart Institute (INCOR), which was built and equipped by EsSalud with an investment of over 100 million soles. It is located behind Edgardo Rebagliati Hospital in Lima’s Jesus Maria district.

This modern health center, which specializes in treating heart diseases, was built for the benefit of the entire population. The building has been equipped with sophisticated medical equipment to treat high complex heart conditions and perform heart transplants.

EsSalud’s INCOR aims to provide the most advanced diagnostic services and treatments of heart disease to its patients, both children and adults from different parts of the country.


serves Peruvians


In order to generate employment and higher revenues

S t a f f i n g a g e n c i e s a n d l a b o r m e d i at i o n a re p a r t o f t h e p a s t.

“The basic rights of employees are being defended, and now the workers have rights to social security,” (Alan Garcia, EsSalud headquarters, Jesus Maria, 08/03/1910)

MEETING PERU’S AMBASSADOR in ColombiaJorge Voto-Bernales Gatica has been serving as Peruvian Ambassador to Colombia since April 15, 2009.

The ambassador, who has nearly 40 years of experience in the Foreign Service, has been Deputy Foreign Minister and Permanent Representative of Peru to the United Nations, to the European Office of the United Nations, and the World Trade Organization.

He has also held important positions in the Peruvian Embassies in Argentina, Spain, Germany, Soviet Union and Ecuador.


Peruvian expatriates are eligible for the Law on Migration Incentives 28182, which is in force for the next three years starting from Thursday 12 March. The “Ley de Incentivos Migratorios” (Law on Migration Incentives), enacted by the President of the Republic, aims to promote the return of Peruvians living abroad, including tax incentives and mechanisms to facilitate the incorporation of returning Peruvians in professional and economic activities in the country.

The beneficiaries must meet the following requirements: having lived abroad for at least five years prior to

the date of submission of a written request to the competent authority, expressing their willingness to return to the country. Those who comply with these requirements will be exempt from payment of all taxes upon their return to the country. The Law includes household goods worth up to $ 30,000, one vehicle worth up to $ 30,000, as well as up to 100,000 dollars worth of professional tools, machinery, equipment, capital goods and other property they use to carry out professional, trade or business activities.

So far the government, more employees are on payroll and their basic rights are being defended, while staffing agency and labor mediation are part of the past. “The basic rights of employees are being defended, and now the workers have rights to social security,” said Peruvian President Alan Garcia Perez on March 8th, highlighting a report published by a local newspaper. According to Lima daily Gestion, staffing agency is an “extinguished

mechanism” and for employees to be on payroll is no longer a dream nowadays. In accordance with the report, an employee only has to show a receipt to get access to employment benefits while the State ensures that employees complete the payroll signup process.