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Page 1: Bulimia 2 II 2011

International Environment for First-Timers: The History and Basics

Pemanasan Global: Kebohongan Internasional?

Presiden Garuda Youth Community: David Immanuel Sihombing

In the World Lacking of Trust: The Global Warming Conspiracy

Grassroots Gap in Climate Change Debate

Green Economy : Barriers to Build the Sustainability

Page 2: Bulimia 2 II 2011


S alam BULIMIA! Setelah setengah tahun berlalu dari sedisi sebelumnya. Bulimia (Buletin

Ilmiah) Edisi No. 2 Tahun 2010/2011 hadir kembali ke tengah teman-teman semuanya. Edisi ini secara kebetulan hadir di awal semester genap 2010/2011. Edisi ini kembali menyajikan berbagai tulisan, liputan, serta ide-ide dari rekan-rekan kontibutor serta kru Bulimia dari HMHI UI. Dengan ini pula, saya sebagai ketua redaksi berterima kasih kepada rekan-rekan kru Bulimia serta para kontributor yang telah meluangkan ide serta waktunya mengisi edisi ini. Segenap kru Bulimia telah berusaha memberikan yang terbaik untuk dapat disajikan, untuk mengisi pemahaman-pemahaman baru bagi teman-teman pembaca semuanya Belum lepas dari ingatan kita tentang peristiwa penting dunia internasional di penghujung tahun 2010 lalu: Conference of Parties (COP) ke-16 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Konferensi yang diselenggarakan di Cancun, Mexico pada 29

November s.d. 10 Desember 2010 tersebut menginspirasi kru Bulimia untuk mengangkat tajuk: ―Environmental Issues in the International World: Quo vadis Climate Change Debate?‖ Pembahasan isu-isu lingkungan dalam konteks internasional senantiasa menjadi pembahasan yang rumit. Isu perubahan iklim yang menjadi sorotan sejatinya merupakan pembahaan yang kompleks, dengan sub-sub isu di dalamnya. Akan kadaluwarsanya Protokol Kyoto pada 2012 menambah runyam perdebatan mengenai isu tersebut. Dunia internasional mempertanyakan instumen legal internasional pengganti Protokol Kyoto, serta masa depan pembahasan isu yang dipandang krusial ini. Perdebatan real dari isu perubahan iklim tidak berhenti sampai di situ. Perdebatan tersebut tidak hanya mencakup banyak pihak dengan berbagai kepentingan mereka: negara-negara, organisasi-organisasi internasional, aktor-aktor pada pasar perekonomian, sampai NGO-NGO. Perdebatan terkini juga diwarnai ketidaksepahaman pihak-pihak mengenai isu perubahan iklim tersebut. Banyak pihak mulai meragukan benar atau tidaknya mengenai perubahan iklim itu sendiri, yang mempengaruhi posisi dan sikap mereka

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dalam memandang isu tersebut. Tantangan lain dalam pembahasan isu perubahan iklim ialah linking international debates to local matters. Isu perubahan iklim diupayakan untuk tidak hanya menjadi pembahaan ekite-elite negara dalam politik internasional. Masalah-masalah lingkungan sesungguhnya juga terkait dengan kepentingan masyarakat luas serta kelompok-kelompok dalam masyarakat sipil. Suatu pekerjaan rumah yang tak mudah, namun harus selalu diperjuangkan oleh semua pihak yang berkepentingan. Akhir kata, selamat membaca!

Yohanes Nindito Adisuryo•(dito)

Bulimia HMHI FISIP UI Tahun 2011 Vol. 2 ―Environmental Issues in the

International World: Quo vadis Climate Change Debate?‖

Salam Redaksi

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Yuhhuuuuu, Bulimia Edisi II terbiiittt!!!! *prokk prokk prokkk prikitiiiwwwwww* JJJJ Campur aduk ya perasaannya, antara senang dan sedih. Senang karena akhirnya BULIMIA 2nd EDITION: Environmental Issues in the International World: Quo vadis Climate Change Debate ini berhasil disusun sedemikian rupa dengan totalitas tim redaksi maupun para kontributor dengan sangat baik, tapi sedih juga karena ini akan jadi edisi terakhir di masa kepengurusan HMHI 2010-2011. Terima kasih kepada tim redaksi yang telah bekerja sekian lama untuk BULIMIA, termasuk BULIMIA edisi lalu, BULIMIA 1st EDITION: Prediksi Hubungan RI-AS: Democracy and Interfaith Dialogue. Terima kasih juga sama teman-teman yang sudah menjadi kontributor, baik yang tetap maupun tidak tetap dalam Bulimia ini. Semoga setelah dua edisi Bulimia ini, manfaat yang diterima baik bagi para kontributor maupun pembaca setia bisa sangat terasa yaaaa. Tidak lupa juga kepada seluruh pembaca yang sudah menaruh perhatiannya kepada Bulimia ini, semoga Bulimia ini akan terus ada dan semakin baik lagi di kepengurusan selanjutnya. Amin!! Last but not least, buat para pembaca, maksimalkan penggunaan buletin ini secara bijak yaa. Say no to plagiarism, respect others!! Best regards,

Muti Dewitari•(muti)

Puji Tuhan! Divisi dan proker ini sudah berhasil menelurkan dua orang sarjana sosial cum laude pula.haha. Terimakasih atas dedikasi dan kerja keras tim terutama Dito, Tangguh,Tama dan Rindo atas terbitnya BULIMIA 2nd Edition. Kalian team yang hebat, thanks for the sharing and iced strawberry milks! Beyond proud. Setelah cukup lama debat sana-sini akhirnya terpilih juga tema ini, karena memang banyak anak HI yang cukup concern ke isu ini. Terimakasih buat semua kontributor , whoaa,meleleh tulisan-tulisan kalian bagus-bagus dan sangat kritis. Semoga pembaca bisa menikmati meskipun agak sedikit berat. Kalau perlu difotokopi, biar

tetangga kosan dan mama papa bisa ikut baca. Semoga ketajaman dalam menulis tidak berhenti dalam review dan upaya menyenangkan hati dosen, tapi juga hati teman-teman JMeskipun ini akan jadi Bulimia edisi terakhir kepengurusan Nyonya Muti, tapi saya berharap pengurus selanjutnya bisa meneruskan Bulimia lagi, tentunya dengan inovasi lebih baik lagi.

Rainintha Siahaan•(rain)

KETUA: Muti Dewitari (Muti) KEPALA DIVISI KEILMUAN: Carolina D. Rainintha Siahaan (Rain) ALAMAT: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, kampus UI Depok 16424

Salam HMHI

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▄ Pengantar 6 Andhyta Firselly



Environment for First-

Timers: The History

and Basics

▄ Main Features 11 Darang Sahdana Candra

Pemanasan Global:

Kebohongan Internasional?

19 Caroline Putri Pratama

In the World Lacking of

Trust: The Global Warming


27 Indah Gilang

Grassroots Gap in Climate

Change Debate

35 Avina Nadhila Widarsa

Green Economy : Barriers

to Build the Sustainability

▄ Tokoh 14 Presiden







▄ Resensi


Review 22 Buku

Hot, Flat, and Crowded

31 Film

Race to Witch Mountain

▄ Liputan 25 Yohanes Nindito Adisuryo

IndonesiaMUN 2010:

Challenging Future

Challenges: Bringing

Diplomacy Forward

▄ Questionnaire 38 Perspektif Hijau Manakah


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Thucydides in History of The Peloponnesian War or Morgenthau in Politics Among Nations obviously did not have any say on how greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere may cause dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. The concept of political border, national prosperity, and power maximizing once used to live peacefully without any clash or

dilemma with transnational issues such as global warming. Shortly, the term ‗environment‘ was once an ‗alien‘ for most international relations scholars. “Question: what are the justifications for bringing „environment‟ to the international stage?” United Nations Conference on the


Andhyta Firselly Utami

International Environment

for First-Timers: The History

and Basics


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Human Environment in Stockholm, 1972, produces several points that possess extreme importance as the foundation to hundreds of today‘s environmental movements. Attended by representatives from 113 countries, 19 intergovernmental agencies, and more than 400 intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations, this conference put forward several proclaims and principles on the issue of protection and improvement of human environment, including how it becomes ‗the urgent desire of the peoples of the whole world and duty of all governments‘.[1] “Then when exactly did all the fuss start?” Brazil might be a proper country to commence with. In June 1992, departing from an awareness to show commitment on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions stabilization, as many as 172 countries and 2,400 representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) assembled in Rio de Janeiro for an unprecedented United Nations Conference on

Environment and Development which is also known as The Earth Summit. The United Nations at that time sought to help governments reassess their economic development and find ways to halt the destruction of non-renewable natural resources and pollution of the planet for generations to come. This summit produces several guiding principles on patterns of production, alternative sources of energy, reliance on public transportation systems, growing scarcity of water, and—most essentially—the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. [2] Briefly, the framework categorizes countries into three parties: (1) Annex A: industrialized countries and countries in transition, (2) Annex B: developed countries which pay for costs of developing countries, (3) developing countries; and encourages all members to conduct policies in accordance with their role globally. These parties have been meeting annually in Conferences of the Parties to examine progress in dealing with climate change. While the first COP took place in Berlin, the last was in Cancun, Mexico (2010). “It did not sound very convincing. Do we have more binding rules?” In 1997 when the 3rd COP was held in Kyoto, the parties decided to target for more tangible actions. One of the first stepping-stone ideas is to reduce as much as 5% against 1990



▲ The logo of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)


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levels over the five year period 2008-2012, especially for 37 industrialized countries and the European community.[3] Albeit adopted on December 11th, 2007, this protocol came into force on February 16th 2005, due to necessary discourses and more discussions upon the new international ‗threat‘. In addition to the primary targets that must be met through national measures, Kyoto Protocol offers several instrumental means of three market-based mechanisms which were expected to help stimulate green investment and parties to meet their emission targets cost-effectively: A. Emissions trading (‗carbon

market‘) To put it simple, countries that have emission units to spare (permitted but not “used”) may sell this excess of capacity to countries whose production exceeds its threshold.

B. Clean development mechanism (CDM)

This mechanism allows a country with emission-reduction/limitation commitment (Annex B Party) to implement an emission-reduction project in developing countries.

C. Joint Implementation A country with an emission-reduction/limitation (Annex B Party) commitment may also earn emission reduction units (ERUs) from an emission-reduction project in another Annex B Party.

The protocol is therefore generally seen as an important pace towards a truly global emission reduction

▲ An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore’s 2006 documentary film about global warming



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regime that will stabilize CHG emissions as well as provides essential architectures for any international agreement on climate change. It assists the new international framework which is expected to be established by the end of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol in 2012. The documents are currently still negotiated and ratified and aimed to deliver the need to more stringent emission reductions.[4] “What about Al Gore‟s Inconvenient Truth?” Unlike security or economic issues, environmental problems recognize more role of the society as one of the most crucial and significant stakeholders. In rising public awareness, most of the credits should be given to (Albert Arnold) Al-Gore with his campaign in ―An Inconvenient Truth‖ (book and movie) which was intended to educate American—the world, in the end—citizens about the ongoing global warming.[5] Since the film’s release in 2006, it has been acknowledged as a re-energizer for environmental movements. Some schools even inserted the documentary in their science curricula.[6] The following is an excerpt to his famous conclusion in the end of the movie:

"Each one of us is a cause of global warming, but each one of us can make choices to change that with the things we buy, the electricity we use, the cars we drive; we can make choices to bring our individual carbon emissions to zero. The solutions are in our hands, we just have to have the determination to make it happen. We have everything that we need to reduce carbon emissions, everything but political will. But in America, the will to act is a renewable resource."

“So, global warming is really happening? I thought it is now snowing everywhere?” The term ‗global warming‘ itself explains that earth is experiencing a condition in which sun-rays can‘t be filtered properly and might lead to extensive increase of its surface‘s temperature. However, current news and weather reports have surprisingly reported unusual phenomena such as shocking news exhibiting massive snowfall in parts of Sydney, snowing 49 states of America including Hawaii, closure of Heathrow Airport, as well as collapse of Minneapolis‘ Metrodome. Some people might start to think: ―Isn‘t ‗global cooling‘ a more appropriate term?‖ or ―Would these anomalies show that the mighty theory was wrong?‖ Here‘s the truthful secret: the jet stream that normally flows westward-eastward now shifted and move southward and northward instead, bringing extra moistures and cold temperature of Alaska and Antarctica from Siberia to East Asia, Central Europe, and even Australia.[7]

[4] ibid. [5] [6]


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These strange series of events make the international community realizes that global cooperation is severely needed in order to tackle the problem of tremendous climate change. For this reason, environmental issues are mostly handled in Transnational Society cluster under international relations study, recognizing how the matter needs trans-border attention and real actions which cannot purely be relied on the government. “Okay. What‟s next?” True it is that the issue of international environment, compared

to other conventional subjects such as security and economy, is relatively new and unexplored. However, that is precisely why the study of international environment would give you opportunities for intriguing discoveries and development of theories that can be useful for the aggregate study of international relations. There are questions that remain unanswered such as the effectiveness of the three mechanisms provided by Kyoto Protocol and what kind of rules do we actually need to make them more binding. Whether you like it or not, they may become the task for our generation to accomplish.




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Tentu kita semua pernah mendengar mengenai isu pemanasan global. Isu ini merupakan salah satu isu yang amat eksis di dunia internasional belakangan ini. Pemanasan global sendiri kurang lebih merupakan suatu paham bahwa suhu Bumi meningkat dengan lebih cepat akibat polusi dan eksploitasi lingkungan hidup yang berlebihan semenjak Revolusi Industri. Hal tersebut konon akan menimbulkan dampak yang membahayakan Bumi. Titik tolak meningkatnya ―pamor‖ isu ini di dunia internasional adalah saat film An Inconvenient Truth karya mantan Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat Al

Gore beredar luas di bioskop-bioskop. Film tersebut menyajikan pemaparan mengenai dampak mengerikan pemanasan global terhadap lingkungan hidup kita di planet ini. Isu pemanasan global ini juga masuk ke ranah organisasi internasional. PBB dan World Meteorogical Association (WMO) membentuk Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) yang salah satu tugasnya adalah melakukan mitigasi (pencegahan) dan adaptasi (penyesuaian) agar umat manusia dapat menghadapi


Main Feature

Darang Sahdana Candra

Pemanasan Global:

Kebohongan Internasional?

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pemanasan global dengan siap.[1] Selain itu, berbagai konferensi seperti Kyoto Protocol, UNFCC, Copenhagen Summit, dan Cancun Climate Change Conference menjadikan pemanasan global sebagai salah satu pembahasan pokoknya. Dalam konferensi-konferensi tersebut, sebagian besar negara berdebat mengenai pentingnya mengurangi emisi karbon, terutama dari penggunaan bahan bakar fosil dan penebangan hutan. Janji-janji pengurangan emisi serta insentif-dana segar pun bertebaran di konferensi-konferensi tersebut. Jika kita melihat secara sepintas, pemanasan global tampak sebagai sesuatu yang sudah pasti, didukung oleh penelitian berbagai ilmuwan, dan merupakan sesuatu yang harus diurus secara struktural oleh negara, kalangan usaha, maupun masyarakat sendiri. Namun, pernahkah kita mempertanyakan eksistensi pemanasan global itu sendiri? Apakah kita dapat mempercayai begitu saja bahwa pemanasan global memang benar terjadi? Untuk sedikit memperlihatkan keanehan dalam prahara pemanasan global ini, kita dapat mengambil contoh dari sang pembuat film ―populer‖ yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, Al Gore. Ia merupakan penerima Nobel lingkungan hidup atas usahanya

berkampanye mengenai dampak buruk pemanasan global dan dapat dianggap sebagai ―nabi‖ dalam isu pemanasan global ini. Akan tetapi, gaya hidupnya sama sekali tidak mencerminkan hal yang Ia kampanyekan. Ia memiliki beberapa vila mewah yang amat luas serta menggunakan listrik belasan kali lipat lebih boros dibanding rata-rata rumah di sekitarnya, tentu tanpa pembangkit listrik yang ramah lingkungan.[2] Selain itu, vila lainnya di Montecito memiliki luas 1,5 acre lengkap dengan kolam renang, spa, air mancur, enam buah perapian, lima kamar tidur, dan sembilan kamar mandi.[3] Sungguh sebuah pemborosan khas orang kaya yang tidak mempedulikan lingkungan hidup. Terlepas dari gaya hidup Al Gore, pemanasan global sendiri sebenarnya masih menjadi perdebatan di kalangan ilmuwan. Dr. William Gray dari Universitas Colorado telah melakukan penelitian mengenai iklim global sejak tahun 1980an menemukan bahwa temperatur bumi tidak menunjukkan gejala pemanasan secara konstan, justru antara 2001-2008 yang terjadi adalah pendinginan.[4] Inter Academic Council (IAC) yang terdiri dari beberapa universitas terkemuka

[1] Edward A. Page, Climate Change, Justice and Future Generations, (Cheltenham: Ed-ward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2006), hala-man 7.

[2] “Al Gore Purchases Huge New Mac-Mansion“, diakses dari extend.135 [3] Lauren Beale, Los Angeles Times , “Al Gore, Tipper Gore snap up Montecito-area villa”, diakses dari

Main Feature

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di dunia juga menemukan berbagai kebohongan yang dilakukan oleh IPCC. Kebohongan tersebut antara lain laporan bahwa 55% daratan Belanda berada di bawah permukaan laut (yang ternyata hanya 26%) dan mengenai pencairan gletser di Pegunungan Himalaya (yang ternyata justru makin menebal).[5] Informasi terbaru datang dari situs fenomenal WikiLeaks. Situs tersebut membocorkan kawat-kawat diplomatik dari Copenhagen Summit, yang isinya makin mendukung pendapat bahwa pemanasan global merupakan sebuah kebohongan internasional yang struktural.[6] Kawat-kawat yang dibocorkan sebagian besar memperlihatkan mengenai kepentingan Amerika Serikat untuk tidak meratifikasi Protokol Kyoto,

tidak mau mengurangi emisi karbonnya, serta penyebaran isu pemanasan global untuk dapat menarik pajak lebih tinggi.[7] Ditambah lagi, berbagai ―diplomasi kotor‖ juga dilakukan Amerika Serikat dalam Copenhagen Summit, termasuk mengancam negara-negara kecil untuk mengikuti kehendaknya.[8] Oleh karena itu, pemanasan global dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu isu yang bahkan eksistensinya masih perlu diperdebatkan. Berbagai informasi baik versi media massa, negara, dan organisasi masyarakat sipil yang meyakini pemanasan global sedang terjadi maupun sebaliknya dapat dengan mudah kita temukan. Pada akhirnya, kembali kepada diri kita masing-masing untuk memilih informasi mana yang akan kita percayai.

[4] Alan Caruba, “Standing Firm against Hurricane of Lies”, diakses dari arti-cle/28947 [5] Donna Bowater, “Climate Change Lies are Exposed”, diakses dari [6] Timothy B. Hurst, “It’s Official for Lim-baugh, WikiLeaks Exposes Climate Change as

‘full-fledged, 100% fraud’”, diakses dari [7] ibid. [8] Dan Brennan, “WikiLeaks Reveals the Dirty Diplomacy of Climate Change”, diakses dari 2010/ dec2010/ clim-d15.shtml

Main Feature


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Bulimia: Selamat pagi. Kami dari Bulimia HMHI FISIP UI. Terima kasih banyak atas kesediaan Anda untuk hadir pada wawancara ini. Boleh tahu siapa nama lengkap Anda? David: Pertanyaan yang sulit. Hahaha. Nama saya David Immanuel Sihombing. Bulimia: Boleh tahu latar belakang pendidikan terakhir Anda? David: S1 Teknik Sipil-Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, saat ini sedang menjalani (hopefully) masa-masa akhir di perkuliahan. Singkat kata, saya sedang menyusun skripsi.

Bulimia: Lalu, bagaimana kaitan Anda dengan organisasi Garuda Youth Community (GYC), dalam arti, sejak kapan Anda mulai terlibat dalam organisasi dan bagaimana posisi Anda dalam organisasi ini serta pergerakannya? David: GYC sendiri menjadi agenda utama yang akan saya dan 2 rekan saya lakukan sekembalinya dari lawatan di Hungaria, Juli 2008 lalu. Bertemu dengan pemimpin muda di berbagai dunia yang aktif melakukan perubahan banyak menginspirasi kami untuk melakukan hal serupa di Indonesia. Kami ingat betul bagaimana anak-anak muda itu berkisah tentang pergerakan yang dipeloporinya dimulai dari hal kecil, kemudian kini berkembang pesat


Presiden Garuda Youth Community

David Immanuel Sihombing

▲ Garuda Youth Community (GYC) organisasi pemuda di Asia Tenggara yang didirikan di Indonesia pada 2009. GYC menggunakan pendekatan inovatif dalam isu-isu Green

Technology, Pendidikan dan Soft-skill, Jender dan Human Trafficking, serta Fair Trade dan Entrepreneurship

▼ Berbagai aktivitas Garuda Youth Community. Gambar:

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dan akhirnya mampu menggerakan sebagian besar anak muda di kota masing-masing untuk melakukan community service maupun kampanye di berbagai isu, bahkan hingga isu yang terbilang sangat sederhana: stop facebook-ing, when you get nothing to do while homeworks await to complete! Sementara, kami sendiri menyadari Indonesia bisa dikatakan cukup tertinggal dalam pergerakan pemberdayaan anak muda. Hal ini mungkin mulai terasa gaungnya saat ini, namun jika kita berbicara tentang angka partisipasi, mereka yang bersikap apatis dan tak tahu menahu masih mendominasi ketimbang mereka yang sadar akan potensi dirinya dan mau mengembangkannya sebagai bentuk servis untuk masyarakat maupun lingkungan. Dari hal tersebut dan dibangun dengan mimpi yang besar, GYC pun didirikan oleh 3 mahasiswa UI. GYC ini didirikan dengan tujuan untuk mengasah kepekaan dan meningkatkan partisipasi anak muda dalam melakukan perubahan melalui pengembangan potensi, bakat, dan kemampuan yang disalurkan dalam bentuk proyek pengabdian masyarakat dan lingkungan. GYC bukan komunitas formal, kami bergerak secara informal, berorientasi nirlaba dan independen. Kami bukan organisasi yang mengedepankan nama untuk meraih popularitas, seperti kebanyakan yang terjadi di ‚organisasi anak muda‗ atau organisasi mitra

golongan/partai tertentu, kami mandiri walau kami tidak menutup kerjasama dengan pihak lain untuk menggarap proyek bersama. Kini, setelah melalui satu tahun perjalanan, GYC telah banyak mengalami perubahan internal, dimana kini GYC fokus di bidang pemberdayaan anak muda untuk lingkungan yang dilakukan dalam bentuk program pendidikan/edukasi berwawasan lingkungan, ecopreneurship, kampanye dan advokasi dan lain sebagainya. Bulan Maret nanti, GYC berencana untuk bergerak sebagai CSR Consulting: bermitra bersama perusahaan yang ramah sosial dan lingkungan dan lembaga-lembaga pemerintah untuk melakukan program-program sosial-lingkungan. Bulimia: Kapan GYC berdiri dan di manakah organisasi tersebut pertama kali menginisiasikan aktivitas atau pergerakannya? David: GYC berdiri pada bulan Januari 2010 lalu. Sesuai dengan tujuan di awal pembentukan, pergerakan GYC dimulai dari isu-isu yang ada di ranah lokal. Awalnya, bekerjasama dengan salah seorang dosen dan mahasiswa TL 2008, GYC melakukan proyek lingkungan dengan menghadirkan sebuah sistem pengolahan limbah padat yang terintegrasi di Departemen Teknik Sipil, dimulai dari pengadaan tempat sampah pilah yang baru menggantikan tempat sampah sebelumnya yang sudah tidak layak guna, pengadaan bak kompos untuk pengolahan limbah organik dan bekerjasama dengan pemulung


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untuk penanganan limbah kertas dan plastik, sehingga saat petugas kebersihan UI datang, limbah yang tersisa sudah terminimisasi dan tidak menjadi beban bagi kampus lagi untuk menangani persoalan limbah yang tak tertanggulangi jumlahnya saat seluruhnya dikumpulkan di lokasi pembuangan akhir. Ini awal pergerakan kami di ranah lingkungan yang dimulai dari skala kampus, hingga kemudian kami melakukan sejumlah kampanye dan advokasi sebagai program kerja lanjutan, seperti penyebaran angket, propaganda gaya hidup hijau dan meramaikan beberapa acara lingkungan yang digagas berbagai fakultas di UI sebagai pemateri/pembicara. Dari skala kampus, kemudian kami

mulai bergerak secara nasional, setelah adanya

ajakan kerjasama dari pihak-

pihak lain, seperti


Lingkungan Hidup, JWFC-RC, Dewan Kesenian Jakarta dan Akademi Jakarta dan berbagai pihak lainnya serta dukungan dari media yang telah banyak membesarkan nama GYC, seperti Media Indonesia, The Jakarta Post, Green Radio FM dan RRI Pro2 FM. Bulimia: Apa bentuk-bentuk utama dari aktivitas GYC, yang berada dalam platform green movement atau “gerakan hijau“? David: Kami bergerak melalui 3 pilar: edukasi (pendidikan), advokasi (kampanye) dan teknologi (engineering). Kami melihat bahwa isu lingkungan memiliki keterkaitan dengan seluruh rumpun ilmu. Ambil contoh, isu limbah. Permasalahan sampah tidak akan selesai hanya dengan penyediaan sistem pengolahan limbah yang didukung teknologi canggih dimana limbah itu bahkan dapat berubah menjadi emas 24 karat. It makes no sense, jika tidak didukung kampanye yang proaktif dan edukasi yang yang menyentuh seluruh elemen masyarakat. Segala upaya menjadi sia-sia, jika pengembangan tekonologi tidak didukung dengan upaya perubahan mindset (pola berpikir) dan perilaku setiap orang. Percuma, dihadirkan tempat sampah yang dipilah berdasarkan jenisnya, jika orang-orang itu tidak peduli terhadap isu lingkungan, bukan? Selain itu, pergerakan yang dilakukan secara sendiri akan memberikan dampak yang tidak


◄ David Immanuel Sihombing

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lebih luas jika gerakan tersebut didukung oleh pihak-pihak lainnya. Di sinilah fungsi keberadaan GYC, menjembatani kepentingan dan aspirasi masyarakat sipil dengan para pemangku kebijakan dan pelaku industri, sehingga terwujud sebuah win-win solution dalam bentuk kolaborasi untuk peningkatan kualitas lingkungan hidup demi terwujudnya pembangunan berkelanjutan. Seperti program GYC di bulan September lalu, fenomena reklamasi menjadi kontroversi, kalangan industri dan pemerintah kubu terkait menilai ini adalah langkah revolusioner untuk meningkatkan laju perekonomian negara secara signifikan, namun LSM lingkungan dan pemerintah kubu kontra yaitu Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup menilai reklamasi telah mengakibatkan pencemaran besar-besaran di kawasan pesisir, sehingga ekosistem pun hancur dan masyarakat lokal semakin terpinggirkan. Di sini, GYC hadir, menggaet pihak pro, seperti Dinas Pemerintah Kota Jakarta Utara dan Pihak Pengembang Kawasan Pantai Utara dengan pihak kontra seperti Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan WALHI serta pihak netral, yaitu akademisi yang diwakili ahli tata ruang dari UI dan reklamasi dari ITB ke dalam sebuah program solutif dengan menjaring ide-ide inspiratif dari anak muda melalui perlombaan karya ilmiah senasional. Masterplan yang masuk pun menjadi masukan pengembangan Jakarta Utara bagi seluruh pihak, sehingga disini dapat dilihat peran GYC sebagai wadah aspirasi anak muda untuk didengarkan oleh para pemangku kebijakan, pelaku industri dan civitas

akademik. Disitulah gerakan hijau yang kami usung, yaitu: gerakan yang mengelaborasi multi-disiplin dan mengkolaborasi seluruh aspirasi dan kepentingan berbagai pihak melalui program edukasi, advokasi maupun teknologi untuk lingkungan. Bulimia: Boleh kami tahu, apa motivasi gerakan hijau tersebut serta tentu saja pendirian organisasi ini? David: Motivasi kami satu: meningkatkan kepekaan dan partisipasi anak muda untuk melakukan perubahan lingkungan. Motivasi ini yang menjadi landasan pendirian GYC yang kini mulai juga digerakan di kampus lainnya, seperti UNPAD, UGM, dan kampus-kampus lainnya. Bulimia: Bagaimana “gerakan hijau“ tersebut dibentuk atau diprogram; dalam arti, bagaimana strategi dari gerakan hijau tersebut, apakah program tersebut merupakan suatu program berbasis proyek (project-based program) yang diinisiasi secara independen, serta membuka kerjasama multi-parti dengan banyak stakeholders? David: Keduanya. Kami tidak terpaku dalam aturan yang justru mengekang aspirasi dan kebebasan dalam melakukan perubahan. GYC adalah gerakan pelopor kolaborasi antar rumpun ilmu dan golongan masyarakat. Kami bermitra dengan civitas akademik, pelaku industri dan pihak pemerintah di beberapa program yang kami lakukan,


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sebagai contoh, kami bermitra dengan berbagai LSM dan institusi terkait untuk melakukan kampanye #konsumenbijak dan menghadirkan situs panduan bagi konsumen Indonesia tentang produk-produk yang beredar, sehingga konsumen pun tahu apakah produk yang dibelinya itu ramah lingkungan (jejak karbon rendah), ramah sosial (tidak mempekerjakan buruh di bawah umur atau melakukan penindasan terhadap buruh, khususnya buruh perempuan) dan aman dan sehat untuk dikonsumsi. Saat ini, GYC juga bermitra dengan ‗YoungOnTop‘ dan rencananya turut menggandeng Kedutaan Besar Amerika, British Council dan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup untuk menggelar program pelatihan kepemimpinan dan pembinaan isu lingkungan bagi pelajar SMA yang akan dimulai bulan Maret-April nanti. Sebagian program lainnya juga dilakukan secara madani dan mandiri, seperti proyek revitalisasi pengolahan sampah skala kampus yang dimulai dari departemen. Bulimia: Bagaimana kontribusi pendanaan dari aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut? David: Kami selalu memaksimalkan di setiap kegiatan untuk mendekati ―zero cost‖ dengan mengoptimalkan jejaring yang dimiliki dan bermitra dengan berbagai pihak yang memiliki minat sama. Namun, untuk beberapa proyek yang memang dilakukan GYC sendiri, kebanyakan pendanaan datang dari sukarelawan maupun aktivitas fund-raising GYC. Kedepannya, untuk mendukung

pendanaan, GYC akan membuka jasa CSR Consulting bagi perusahaan-perusahaan, baik milik negara maupun swasta. Saat ini, GYC tengah menangani 2 perusahaan swasta dan profit yang diperoleh menjadi pendanaan bagi GYC untuk melakukan program pengabdian bagi lingkungan. Bulimia: Apa ekspektasi GYC ke depannya terkait dengan gerakan Green Movement yang dilaksanakan? David: Gerakan ini bisa menyentuh seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Yang menjadi tantangan justru bagaimana bisa merubah mindset orang-orang untuk semakin peduli terhadap lingkungan. Kami juga berharap ‗ide‘ yang kami usung ini bisa lahir dan berkembang di daerah-daerah lainnya di luar jangkauan kami. Kami justru jumawa jika komunitas baru lahir dengan visi misi dan bentukan yang sama. Di ‗dunia‘ aktivisme seperti ini, justru kolaborasi dan korporasi mewujudkan perubahan yang lebih signifikan dan menyentuh masyarakat. Bulimia: Apakah masyarakat umum dapat bergabung ataupun berkontribusi dalam kegiatan diatas? Bagaimana? David: Tentu saja. GYC adalah kumpulan relawan yang peduli dan mau berkontribusi untuk lingkungan. Kami membuka kerjasama dengan mitra/pihak lainnya dengan mengontak kami melalui email di [email protected] atau kontak saya secara langsung di 08568592618.•(tama)


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The earth is ―sick‖—you can say that she is

apparently having ―fever‖. At least, that is what people have been debating aboutthese past few years; about the term ―global warming‖, in which the earth is said to get hotter day by day because accumulation of carbon dioxide in the surface of the earth, causing it to be more unfriendly to its inhabitants. They are talking about the increase of natural disasters all over the world, the rising of the sea level because of the increase of temperature, the biodiversity decrease, the

environmental damage caused by pollution and

illegal exploitations in nature, which will all lead to one same fear: the extinction of mankind. This common perception of fear has influenced people worldwide. Having acknowledged that the problem is not bounded by regions, people started to be aware of the issue and to try to figure out applicable solutions to handle the problem. We can see the results of this awareness everyday, like, catch-phrases such as ―Go Green‖, ―Save the Planet‖, or ―Bike to Work‖ have been more familiar to our ears these

Main Feature

Caroline Putri Pratama

In the World Lacking of

Trust: The Global Warming


► The Great Global Warming Swindle, a 2007 documentary film suggesting that

the scientific opinion on climate change is influenced by funding and

political factors, and questioning whether scientific consensus

on anthropogenic global warming exists

made by British television producer Martin Durkin

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days. Other examples are that recycling industries and extra-curriculars have been pretty popular, or that companies have been doing CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), more specifically, Coca-cola Company alongside TransJakarta which have been doing the campaign ―Keep Jakarta Clean‖, or The Body Shop which have used recycled bottles for their products and in support of ―Against Animal Testing‖. See how this have been an impact for the past few years? Then again, there was this shocking news that concept ―global warming‖ is nothing but a conspiracy. There were a thousand emails and hundreds of documents from the University of East Anglia's (UEA) Hadley Climate Research Unit (CRU) which were leaked to the Internet back in 2009.[1] The emails and documents dated variously, stretched as early as 1996 up to 2009.[2] The content is pretty much able to be generalized as provoking the idea that ―global warming‖ is not happening, as can be proved by the documents attached with the mails. People all over the world were responding this case in different ways, whereas a few of them were being sceptical. They were questioning: if this is conspiracy,

then what is the purpose of it? More specifically, if this is conspiracy conducted by the liberals, then what do they want to do exactly, and why do those scientists fake it?[3] Is it to enlarge the market and gain profit? Is it the great-power states strategy for an international meme to influence others? To this phenomenon, Yglesias shared his thoughts that U.S Senator James Inhofe and other climate-change deniers should see the motives of this event is not as ―plausible‖; he questioned why China, which is seen to see the environment as crucial or significant, has no response to the conspiracy emails.[4] Both sides have their own arguments, yet the big question is still unanswered: which one is the truth? Responding to the case above, it can be seen that the world, especially when it comes to the involvement of any forms of ―power‖, is not able to be seen it is. Scientists might have faked it for wealth, or position. Companies might support this to reduce costs. Countries might support it for devisa. It seemed that every possibility on both positions is logical. It seemed both are true, and that it is needed to take a standpoint in responding the situation. Let‘s think in a different point of view. Since the case has come up,

[1] Meagher, Stewart., “Emails Expose The Global Warming Conspiracy”, accessed from, on Wednesday, Feb 9, 2011, 08.29 p.m. [2] Ibid.

[3] Merchant, Bryan., “Debunking the Great Global Warming Conspiracy”, accessed from, on Wednesday, Feb 9, 2011, 08.33 p.m. [4] Ibid.

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there might be a possibility of conducting a further study on whether ―global warming‖ is happening, or not, and this study may take years. In the meantime, what should be done? If we are stuck on choosing which side should be trusted, then it might be a waste of time. What if it is true and we, in that meantime, do nothing to reduce pollution? Will we not result to extinction as feared? What if the conspiracy is nothing but an issue? Is living in a polluted area giving us any benefit either? In the end, it does not matter much which side one should trust; it does not matter even if one does not trust the world. What one should look up to is to do what is needed to do. Individuals, or societies of the world should be more concerned that

some areas in the world have trash problems, or uneven distribution of clean water, or haze problems. Whether the concept is real or not, those kinds of problems exist, and those should be the major attention of the issue, not the concept. It is best to see what is currently occuring rather than debating which logic is true and do nothing about the current condition. Thus, on this world of such variety of thoughts, where people were trying to convince each other, seeing what is immediate and needs handling is more important. Rather than to focus on the debate of whether ―global warming‖ is true, having concerns towards environmental problems occuring and making solutions to overcome it is what we should be thinking about more deeply.

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Thomas Friedman telah mampu menambah khasanah masyarakat luas mengenai perkembangan dunia internasional melalui karya best-seller-nya, The World is Flat. Namun tak cukup hanya di situ. Setelah panjang-lebar dan secara komprehensif membuka tabir pesatnya globalisasi dan fenomena-fenomena dari dampaknya berbagai belahan bumi, Friedman kemudian bicara mengenai ‗sesaknya‘ bumi serta lingkungannya, akibat dari kemajuan serta pilihan-pilihan yang diambil

oleh manusia dalam pembangunan. Kritik-kritik dan perdebatan yang begitu lepas ala Friedman tersebut dituangkannya dalam buku berjudul ―Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need A Green Revolution and How We Can Renew America‖ ini. Secara implisit, dalam buku ini Friedman menempatkan Amerika Serikat (AS) dalam pembahasan utama mengenai ‗revolusi hijau‘ yang dimaksud. AS dianggapnya sebagai aktor kunci dalam perubahan-perubahan ke arah pandangan dan sikap-sikap yang lebih ‗ramah lingkungan‘ pada dunia internasional. Hal ini bukannya tanpa dasar. Dalam hal konsumsi energi saja, AS menempati ‗tahta‘


Yohanes Nindito

Hot, Flat, and Crowded

Thomas L. Friedman

Judul Buku: Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need A Green Revolution and How We Can Renew America Penulis: Thomas L. Friedman Rilis: New York, 2008 Penerbit: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux

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sebagai pengonsumsi energi terbesar di dunia. Dalam konsumsi minyak bumi saja, AS meraup hampir 30% dari keseluruhan konsumsi bahan bakar fosil sedunia. Dunia saat ini telah begitu ‗pengap,‘ ‗panas,‘ dan tercemar karena pembangunan ekonomi yang begitu pesat. Di tengah meningkatnya kebutuhan energy dalam jumlah besar untuk mendukung terus berjalannya pembangunan; kerusakan lingkungan, bencana alam, serta fenomena-fenomena yang terkait dengan perubahan iklim telah begitu merugikan banyak pihak, termasuk AS sendiri. Di tengah situasi yang seperti itu, Friedman melihat AS tetap saja belum mengambil sikap radikal, yang begitu ―green‖ untuk ke depannya. Baginya, AS tetap saja dipandang selalu menghindari peran-peran penting untuk menginisiasi sebuah revolusi hijau, terutama dalam tataran internasional. AS begitu takut untuk kehilangan supremasinya, terutama dalam ekonomi, jika ia harus bersikap lebih ‗hijau‘ lagi Terkesan ambisius, memang. Agak utopis, jika Amerika dipikirkan untuk mampu memimpin revolusi hijau di ‗Era Energi dan Iklim‗ (the Energy-Climate era) ini. Revolusi hijau tersebut dibangun dari sebuah

strategi nasional AS yang ditawarkan oleh Friedman, yang disebutnya sebagai ―Geo-Greenism.” AS bukan hanya harus, namun juga perlu untuk hal tersebut. Friedman mengatakan bahwa strategi yang ambisius tersebut tidak hanya secara normatif untuk menyelamatkan bumi yang makin kehilangan daya dukung lingkungannya. Strategi tersebut juga ditujukan untuk menyelamatkan kedigdayaan AS sendiri sebagai kekuatan global yang utama, agar dapat makin ‗kaya,‘ inovatif, produktif, dan tentunya juga ‗aman.‘ Dengan begitu, revolusi hijau yang dialamatkan Friedman bukan saja perkara domestik AS saja. AS dan para pengambil kebijakan di baliknya begitu dituntut untuk dapat mengatur penciptaan terobosan-terobosan tersebut. Persoalannya, terobosan tersebut tak hanya cukup pada pengadaan teknologi-teknologi serta sumber energi terbarukan ataupun aktivitas-aktivitas masyarakat akar rumput dalam mendorong


► Thomas Friedman. Selain Hot, Flat, and Crowded (2008), ia telah menulis berbagai

buku yang memperoleh kesuksesan komersial, seperti From Beirut to

Jerusalem (1989), The Lexus and the Olive Tree (1999), Longitudes and Attitudes (2002), serta yang paling terkenal The

World Is Flat (2005).

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pemakaian teknologi ramah lingkungan. Mutlak pula diperlukan kehadiran pasar dan sistemnya yang juga ‗peka‘ pada agenda-agenda hijau. Perdebatan ini terlihat akan semakin panjang jika melihat pasar perekonomian dan strukturnya yang masih terus belum mengintegrasikan agenda-agenda hijau tersebut. Skema tersebut seolah menjadi tarik-menarik yang

belum lagi usai. Posisi AS? Entah mau atau tidak menempatkan diri dalam inisiatif hijau yang radikal, pemaparan Friedman yang begitu apa adanya ini dirasa dapat selalu menjadi pertimbangan untuk para pengambil kebijakanya, apabila masih mau terys mempertahankan supremasinya di era ‗Energi-Iklim‘ ini

ke depannya.• (dito)


▲ The Garden of Earthly Delights, yang dijadikan desain sampul Hot, Flat, and Crowded, adalah lukisan panel oleh pelukis Belanda Hieronymus Bosch (1450–1516) dan tersimpan di

Museo del Prado di Madrid sejak 1939.

▲ Keempat buku Friedman lainnya yang fenomenal

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Inilah simulasi sidang Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) pertama di Indonesia: Indonesia Model United Nations (IMUN) 2010! Acara dengan tema ―Challenging the Global Challenge: Bringing Diplomacy Forward‖ ini diadakan dari tanggal 23 hingga 27 Oktober 2010, oleh Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) UI. Acara ini diikuti oleh 165 mahasiswa dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia serta lima orang delegasi mahasiswa dari negara-negara ASEAN lainnya, ditambah dengan 10 orang observer. Lima orang di antara observer tersebut juga merupakan mahasiswa dari negara-negara ASEAN: 2 mahasiswa dari Filipina, 2 mahasiswa dari Singapura, dan satu orang dari Vietnam

Rangkaian acara ini dibuka secara resmi pada Minggu, 24 November 2010, yang juga bertepatan dengan ulang tahun ke-65 PBB. Acara pembukaan IMUN 2010 yang dimeriahkan oleh pemotongan tumpeng dan penampilan dari Komunitas Tari FISIP UI ini dihadiri oleh rektor UI, Prof. Dr. derSoz. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri; dekan FISIP UI., Prof. Dr. Bambang Shergi Laksmono, serta Direktur United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) for Indonesia, Michele Zaccheo. Acara pembukaan ini kemudian dilanjutkan dengan studium generale dengan tema utama energi nuklir dan pengaruhnya dalam perpolitikan internasional. Pembicara yang hadir diantaranya ialah Prof. Dr. Juwono Sudarsono;


Indonesia Model UN

Challenging Future Challenges:

Bringing Diplomacy Forward

Yohanes Nindito Adisuryo

▲ Suasana simulasi sidang model PBB dalam rangkaian kegiatan Indonesia MUN

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Edy Prasetyono, Ph.D; Bantarto Bandoro, Ph.D; serta Direktur Konservasi Energi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia, Maryam Ayuni. Simulasi sidang PBB dalam IMUN 2010 terbagi atas tiga komite utama, yaitu UN General Assembly (Majelis Umum PBB), ASEAN Regional Forum, dan UN Security Council (Dewan Keamanan PBB). Majelis Umum PBB merupakan komite terbesar dengan partisipan terbanyak, yang menjadikan komite ini terlihat sebagai representasi kegiatan utama dalam IMUN 2010. Dalam komite ini, IMUN mengharapkan peserta mampu membawa diskusi ke tahap yang lebih lanjut mengenai masa depan penggunaan nuklir, bagaimana ‗menghumanisasi‘ nuklir, sebagai sarana dalam menjamin perdamaian dunia. Diskusi dalam ASEAN Regional Forum memperkenalkan pentingnya preventive diplomacy sebagai kunci dari negosiasi dan lobi yang dilakukan oleh negara-negara yang terlibat dalam suatu penanganan isu internasional.

Diskusi tersebut mengambil studi kasus permasalahan nuklir Korea Utara. Dalam simulasi sidang Dewan Keamanan PBB, peserta dihadapkan pada situasi internasional terkini, dimana pengaturan internasional mengenai nonproliferasi nuklir menjadi hal yang dipertaruhkan. Untuk itu, peserta memang diharapkan untuk mampu berpikir out of the box untuk memastikan terciptanya serangkaian persetujuan nuklir internasional untuk menengahi perdebatan tersebut. Tidak hanya simulasi-simulasi sidang semata. IMUN 2010 juga menampilkan acara Cultural Night pada 26 Oktober 2010 di FISIP UI, untuk semakin merekatkan keakraban antar peserta. Dalam acara ini, setiap peserta, termasuk peserta dari negara-negara ASEAN lainnya, diwajibkan memakai pakian adat dari daerah asal masing-masing, seperti tarian, lagu-lagu, dan sebagainya. IMUN 2010 telah menjadi perintis awal terciptanya wadah ataupun fórum-forum di Indonesia dalam pelatihan simulasi diplomasi bagi kaum muda. Kemampuan diplomasi, bagi kaum muda dan mahasiswa, sesungguhnya sangat penting untuk dapat membawa diri baik dalam mewakili bangsa dan negara maupun dalam mengangkat kesadaran pada isu-isu internasional yang menjadi perhatian bersama. Dengan IMUN 2010, mahasiswa diharapkan semakin mampu ke depannya, dalam Challenging the Global Challenge: Bringing Diplomacy Forward!•(dito)

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Gambar: Grup Facebook IndonesiaMUN

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We all agree when the earth suffers from climate change, we only have ourselves to help our mother nature. The dangerous human interference with the climate system results in the change in our climate. Environmen-talist and practitioners has explained to us how the climate system of our earth significantly changing and af-fect our lives: rainy season through-out the year, freezing winter, ex-treme weather and storm, La Nina-El Nino, and the rising of sea level to name a few. The urgency of climate change has come to be a prominent issue in international relations. Inter-national community calls for collec-tive action to mitigate the effects of climate change. Its question day by day has come into discussion of high-level politics of policy makers to design the best solution responding the problem. However, while the world leaders of countries are debat-ing on who is wrong or right, threat of climate change remains inevitable and messes up the lives of the most

vulnerable, yet least informed peo-ple toward climate change issue. A march for the protection of envi-ronment has been concerted throughout diverse actors and fields. United Nations conferences, interna-tional students' forum, academic debate in classes, corporate social responsibility, and civil society movement. In international forum, United Nations member states pledged to reduce carbon emission and set up sustainable carbon emis-sion projects, including technology transfer and financial aid to fights against climate change. Bali Road-map, Copenhagen Accord, and Can-cun Adaptive Framework are a set of legal mechanism signed as road map to mitigate climate change. Developing countries are urged to save their rain forest and plant man-grove along seaside to prevent abra-sion. Industrialized countries have to pay a sum of cash as for their car-bon emission surplus to developing

Main Feature

Indah Gilang

Grassroots Gap in Climate

Change Debate

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country. Non-states actors are also come into actions. Industries are now using green technology, indicating their responsibility towards sustainable future. Urban people are now more and more are back to nature, they bike while they go to work, school, campus, and travel around the city. People are now encouraged to apply green lifestyle: using green labeled product, using double sided paper, effective water and electricity usage, installing biopores around houses and office, etc. While world leaders convene to reach one universal voice of political will, class rooms are crowded with the climate change debate amongst academic and politician, multina-tional corporations are now more obliged to a set up legal environ-mental responsibility, do their debate even touch people in the grass-roots? Without our notice, there are multi-ple groups of people at the most risky and vulnerable fronts towards the drawbacks of climate change. Those who are reliant to fisheries, farming, logistic marketing, and other related field, out of our atten-tion and their knowledge, are the victims of climate change. Without any further suffering from climate change difficulties, commonly, they are the people living below poverty lines. When their works are hindered by multiple climate change prob-lems, the problems will affect their daily income as well as their ability for sustainable living. Let me take concrete example on the lives of

those groups comprising their cur-rent situation. As the weather goes extreme in the sea and turns into storm, which is dangerous for marine transportation, fishermen live along the coast of most developing countries should suspend their fishing activities until the weather is favorable for their work. Consequently, fishermen lost their loss of income opportunity from fisheries. Their wives have nothing to do with fisheries related indus-tries—making shrimp paste, oyster stew, fisheries packing—when the stock of commodities are not there. As commonly fishing is the only skill they have, they have nothing to do besides waiting until the wilderness of sea can be tamed while they de-pend on loan for their living. Yet, that is not the end of the miseries. There is also the rise of fisheries commodi-ties price in market due to lack of stock. The price of tuna in Jayapura raised over 100 %, from Rp35,000 per head, now turns up to Rp100,000 per head.[1] The bad weather in the sea also disturb barge As the season system remains un-predicted and the rains falls almost all year, the farming system in the whole year were messed up. In some area of Indonesia the rice field is in drought, while in other part drown in flood. The flower of chili

[1] Benny N Joewono, “Cuaca Buruk, Harga Ikan Naik 100 Persen”,, Febru-ary 3, 2011, retrieved from

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cannot bloom in the sowing time since the rain keeps falling in dry season. The farmers fail to harvest their crop. Consequently, there is a significant drop in chili stock in the market, while the high demand of chili for home usage, restaurant, and multiple food factories remains un-changed. The invisible hand of economy then takes its part and interfere the price. In early January 2011, the price of chili rocketed up to Rp95,000 per kilogram in East Java area.[2] This price are varied amongst the region, but it still re-mains around Rp80,000. Since chili is one of the basic important com-modities of most people in Indone-sia, numerous parties are in loss. Farmers cannot enjoy the full har-vest; restaurant should reduce the chili usage in their food and sauce; and of course our food will no longer spicy. The extreme weather due to climate change disturbs the commodities distribution, especially those which depend on inter-island sea transport. Due to bad weather in Sunda Strait, ferries cannot sail from Merak Har-bor to Bakauheni Harbor in Lam-pung, Sumatra. Trucks are 10-kilometer-traffic-jam to wait onto the ferry and have waited for three days get into the ferry. Jakarta-Medan trip that used to take three days three nights, in the bad weather condition like that could take up to a week.

Government can count how much is loss when the distribution of com-modities is disturb. The hike of price would be the logical consequence. And again, the drawbacks of climate change touch the most vulnerable grassroots. The explanation of the current situa-tion in the grassroots affected by the climate change phenomenon should come into a rethinking. Does the climate change debate touch the problem in the grassroots? This criti-cal question indicates that so far there is a gap between the debate of climate change and the realities in field. I find two critical problems needed to be addressed in the de-bate of climate change issue: strate-gic program target and information dissemination. First, the agreement and discussion in the international and country level do not reach the target in the grass-roots. The lives of the poor and the vulnerable people are sometimes out of topic, discriminated from the mainstream question in the discus-sion. The solution to save the cli-mate is so far revolve around the emission of carbon in developed countries, sophisticated industries, and the production of nature-friendly technologies. There are very limited debate or even the strategic pro-gram from the government for peo-ple in the coast, farmers, and others. When the fishermen cannot go to sea and they loss they income, do the government have strategic pro-gram to assist these helpless people when they cannot work because of the climate change? Do the govern-ment intervene when the prices of

[2] Triono Wahyu Sudibyo, “Gubernur Jateng: Biar Cabai Naik, Asal Jangan Beras”, detikFInance, Januari 3, 2011, retrieved from

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commodities hike up due harvest failure, bad weather, and bad traffic in the distribution system? So far, they do not. Furthermore, those who are in the very disadvantage position do not really have idea what is happening. Their comprehension about climate change is still very few to under-stand that there is bigger thing hap-pening beyond what they already know: climate change. What farmers know is that the weather is in anom-aly without any idea what makes it


What fishermen and sailors know is that the sea is going wild and it is safer for them not to challenge the nature. The information about cli-mate change and even the critical debate about it still revolve around well-educated people: academic, practitioner, professionals, and pol-icy-makers to name a few. Once again, people in the grassroots are discriminated in the target of infor-mation dissemination. Those two critical problem are needed to addressed very soon. The high-level debate does create solu-

tion and agreement, yet needed to be more strategic and do reach the most vulnerable target. Climate change issue is far beyond the envi-ronmental problem, now it reaches multiple fronts. The victims of cli-mate change are multifarious peo-ple. As the awareness to climate change problem has raised, now this is the time to eliminate the gap.

Main Feature

Picture: Taken from front cover of Time (Special Environment Issue), April 28, 2008.

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The Review of 2009‟s Celebrated Family Flick „Race to Witch Mountain‟ I would not call this movie everyone‘s favorite. But god, do I guarantee that ‗Race to Witch Mountain‘ is truly a great cinematic experience. Fun, exciting, captivating, thrilling—all the positive emotions you can feel and all the kind words you won‘t mind to spread around. Yet the most justified reason of why you should (momentarily) escape all academic stuffs and stick to this family flick for a little while is because of the highly noteworthy virtue it tries to convey, and to be honest, relates quite well with the issues oftentimes addressed in the field of International Relations itself—only with cooler CGI effects, more imaginative storyline and


Dwayne Johnson, AnnaSophia Robb, Carla Gugino, Ciarán Hinds, Alexander Ludwig, Tom Everett Scott, Chris Marquette

Music by: Trevor Rabin Cinematography: Greg Gardiner

Editing by: David Rennie Distributed by: Walt Disney

Pictures Release date: March 13, 2009

Director: Andy Fickman Producer: Andrew Gunn, Mario Iscovich, Anne Marie Sanderlin

Written by: Andy Fickman, Mark Bomback, Matt Lopez


Rindo Saio

The Rock, The Aliens and

The Greener Earth

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challenging premises. Sounds interesting, huh? Yes that‘s really something. But hold on a sec, there are still some excitements that you need to chew before landing into the main treat. So here you go; the casts & the plot. It may come as a surprise for you to find who the real deal of this movie. Ever heard of ‗The Rock‘ ? O yeah, it surely brings back the good old memory of the heyday. I remember back then, when I first watched WWE-Smackdown with my teen friends and wondered, ―Wow, is that dude God? Look at those hopeless pity-looking wrestlers he smacked! Epic win!‖ Never mind that silly quotation, but I definitely have a point and you have to admit it—The Rock was quite legendary. Of course, The Rock is dead now—long live Dwayne Johnson!—but the God-given charisma that separates him from all the other ex-wrestling lugs out there remains. And exclamation mark again, he continues to impress with the solid performance and likable presence as the troubled hero in this movie. In fact, there are three other major casts that offer all equal excellent performances. You may not be familiar with AnnaSophia Robb and Alexander

Ludwid yet. But

seriously, they both are golden—

two lovable teenage actors. And as the witty energetic love interest to Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino is as radiant as ever. In addition to the four main casts, we also have Ciarán Hinds and Tom Woodruff, Jr who give all convincing performance as the despicable bad guys. Outstanding casts all around that warrant you an absolute joyful cinematic experience to grasp the simple yet noble message it aims to convey. Now talking about the plot, just like another science fiction, it may not be slightly believable at all. But isn‘t that the beauty of it? Dwayne Johnson is Jack Bruno, a rough-around-the-edges Las Vegas cab driver in search of a more fulfilling life than his troubled past. We learn early on that he has had a less-than-honest background and was previously employed by some shady businessmen in the Las Vegas underworld. One day, not too long after what appears to be a UFO is sighted in the Nevada desert, Bruno meets the first of three people that will change his life around forever. Dr. Alex Friedman (played by Carla Gugino) is an astrophysicist who is in Las Vegas to speak on the existence of life on other planets at a UFO convention. Although they only speak briefly in the first encounter, Jack quickly dismisses her as just another nut-job who believes in the impossible and the absurd. The next two people he encounters are Sara (AnnaSophia Robb) and Seth (Alexander Ludwig), two normal-

◄ Race to Witch Mountain stars Dwayne Johnson as Jack Bruno.


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looking kids who are in an extraordinary situation and have paranormal abilities. After the kids convince Jack to drive them to their destination by waving thousands of dollars, he quickly realizes that something is definitely not right. These kids are not who they appear to be. In regards to where they come from, Jack is in for the surprise of his life. Turns out, Sara and Seth are two alien children who crash-land on Earth in an effort to recover a piece of evidence that will save their dying planet, which has been polluted to the point of inhabitability. The conflict exists when its government intends to invade Earth, despite the idea being unpopular among the majority of their race, so that their kind may survive. Seth and Sara's parents are scientists who sought a

way to save their planet without invasion but were arrested before completing their experiment. To save both worlds, they must retrieve their spaceship and return home. But the problem is, their spaceship was taken to the secret California government base called Witch Mountain, led by Henry Burke (Ciarán Hinds). So there goes the noble mission and thrilling race to Witch Mountain in order to free their spaceship from the government unit and deceive ‗the siphon‘—played by Tom Woodruff, Jr—an alien assassin sent by the alien government to stop the mission. So what‘s the noteworthy virtue anyway? Well there are surely many ways to interpret it, ranging from the parallel example of the unbearable pollutions that our beloved earth is

▲One of the scene in Race to Witch Mountain, showing Jack Bruno (Dwayne Johnson), Sara (AnnaSophia Robb), Seth (Alexander Ludwig), and Dr. Alex Friedman (Alexander Gugino).


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now facing to another cliché that other people from the other worlds (as referred to Sara and Seth) seem to care about the safety of our world much more than we do. But my way to interpret it, I really want to emphasize on the misguiding policies oftentimes coming from the governments or people with higher leverage to attain their goals (albeit noble) by violating the right of others. Of course, we are not going to have that classic debate again in defining what is right or wrong—the effective or misguiding policies. Yet in the simplest sense ever, one surely can not call it ‗right‘ or effective when the policy is sacrificing the environment of others only to guarantee their covetous well-being, as exemplified by the notorious intention of the alien government who has bigger leverage to annex the earth. The sad thing is, even in the earth—the only one world we all live in; such illustration was also and still is prominently featured. We call it ‗invasion‘ in the more popular term nowadays. And to satisfy this ill-fated goal, not only the strong governments sacrifice the freedom of innocent citizens in the invaded states, but also the right of their own citizens in the form of misallocated

budgets and resources, both natural and human. At the end, it is the earth that has to bear the impact of these ongoing invasions at all costs. How do we explain the impacts of arm forces that use some dangerous weapons (like chemical and nuclear) during invasions to the fears of the people and environment? However then, just like another great picture, this movie also leaves the audiences with profound motivation to be the hero for the greener earth. It asserts the importance of the active chivalry and boldness of the people to say NO to the government when the policy is harming the earth and its citizens—just like what Sara and Seth did. Well, I guess that‘s really in line with what we all learn in IR about the importance of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) or Global Civil Society for a larger appeal. That way, we can assure a more peaceful and preserved environment for generations to come, So, how does it provoke you so far?

The greener earth, anyone?.•



Outstanding performances—the cast shines through all the scenes, the message (to preserve the earth) conveyed, and cool musics all around! The story is somewhat unreal/too imaginative, CGI effect is captivating yet monotonous, and there are graphic violences—not safe for kids.



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The idea of green economy has been increased nowadays. Green economy is the alternative way to control fossil fuels production by changing the source of energy into the renewable resources one. It replaces the "black" economy model which depends on fossil fuels product such as oil, coal, and natural gas to the environmental friendly economy model. Solar, wind and hydropower are several names which can be used as renewable energy resources. Green economy model is now trying to sustain. Despite the spread of environmental concern and activism throughout governments and businesses around the world, there exist many

significant barriers that prevent firms from transitioning to renewable energy sources. ―Going green‖ is associated with high external costs, high future commercial rates, and high costs for research, development, and marketing. In addition, the current situation of global economic recovery after the global recession, make "going green" is considered too risky for many companies to face the possibility of market failure for the sake of environmental protection. Thus, the role of government are required to find a green economy model that financially viable. According to Anil Markandya and Kristen Halsnaes (2002), as environmental problems worsen and

Main Feature

Avina Nadhila Widarsa

Green Economy : Barriers

to Build the Sustainability


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public and government concern has risen, many firms have considered transitioning to renewable energy sources. However, there are a number of barriers such as market barriers, technical constraints, institutional barriers, and human capacity barriers that prevent such change. The most significant of these four categories are market barriers – it is simply not cost-effective for businesses or power-producing plants to transition to renewable energy. Some key aspects of the market barrier problem include the existence of monopolies, entry barriers, externalities and public goods, and price distortions and the absence of price signals. It is for sure will harmed the existence of industry that use the fossil fuels as energy resources and will take long time to replace it by renewable energy resources. In the category of institutional barriers, there is no established institutional system for green firms in most countries had become the most important barrier. Currently, many of the emerging companies are plagued by inefficiency, inertia, and collective action problems. Again, government role is needed to increase their administrative capacity to be more successful in implementing their legislative policies. Technical constraints also introduce numerous challenges to overcome. The most important is the problem of capital irreversibility. According to capital irreversibility theory, many developed nations already have an established energy infrastructure; the turnover to convert that infrastructure to be energy-efficient

and to accommodate renewable resources is both technically and financially improbable. These established power plants, which run off of coal, natural gas, or petroleum, must be replaced instead of converted. This demands a huge financial and technological investment. Furthermore, the existing power plants currently employ millions of workers in each country. Many of these workers do not have the skills or education to work at a solar power plant or a wind energy plant. If fossil fuel-based plants become replaced, their workers will essentially be left completely jobless, causing significant macroeconomic damage. Lastly, human capacity barriers limit the expansion of renewable energy corporations. With green technology being a relatively new scientific development, there is a huge lack in sufficient education level and depth. Many of the employees who work at green tech firms are required to have higher education degrees and more training in order to produce the same amount of energy as another employee at a traditional power plant. Additionally, these workers also are more costly in terms of wages, benefits, and insurance. On top of the increased cost and education time required for these employees, there is also a limited supply of them. If green tech wants to expand more, then it is imperative that they have a trained and competent supply of labor, a resource that is severely limited. So, there are many barriers to sustain the green economy model. The cost of this new model is just

Main Features

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too much and for developing countries that still need their industry to develop it is very crucial to maintain the needs of fossil fuels energy. In other side, global environmental problems should also be our concern because climate change and other environmental issues have affected human beings. It is acknowledged that the long-run solution for the global environmental problem is to increase funding for climate science in search of low-cost technology to help the world replace its dependence on fossil fuels and the industrial consequences of harmful chemicals and pollutants. However, at this point in history, the world does not have the resources or the technology to go completely green. Thus, according to Lester Rowntree (2006) it is widely regarded that the short-term approach to help world replace its dependence on fossil fuels is for governments to create market incentives for industries and corporations to become more environmentally conscious through the distribution of green subsidies. Merely, the green subsidies can help promote a growing green industry and create new high-tech job. However, there also inherent problems that exists with the distribution of green subsidies. It is acknowledged that if just government funding goes alone, the chances for

manipulation and corruption in green subsidies is higher because the lack of control to company who use it. Therefore, the system and control mechanism should be build from the civil society so that the subsidies go to the right place. Actually, in my opinion, it is still hard for us to build the sustainable green economy. Still, we are not ready enough to counter global environmental problems with the global green economy model. The green trends should not be only trends that will disappear soon. We should try to apply the green model to help our earth recover from environmental damage. Therefore, the roles of three actor in International Relations i.e. State, Private Sector and Civil Society is very important to build the more sustainable and environmental friendly world. Sources : Rowntree, Lester et al. Diversity

Amid Globalization, 3rd Edition. New York: Prentice Hall, 2006.

Markandya, Anil and Kristen

Halsnaes. Climate Change & Sustainable Development. Riso National Laboratory, 2002.

Main Feature


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1. Manakah istilah-istilah berikut ini yang terdengar paling sexy atau passionate bagi teman-teman.

a. Forest Conservation and Rights to the Indigenous People

b. Environmental Security c. Green Industry and

Production d. Les murs d’amour (Tembok-

tembok Cinta) 2. Ada banyak lalat dan nyamuk di

lingkungan rumah kita. a. Wah, lalat dan nyamuk

adalah sumber penyakit dan tanda tidak sehatnya lingkungan sekitar kita. Ini adalah ancaman ketahanan

bagi lingkungan sekitar kita, dan jika meluas akan menjadi ancaman bagi masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara kita!

b. Wah, prihatin jika sampai terjadi wabah. Tentu orang-orang yang kurang mampu semakin berat beban hidupnya untuk menanggung biaya berobat.

c. Wah, kemungkinan ada degradasi lingkungan dan wabah penyakit. Tentu ini sangat menghambat produktivitas masyarakat dalam perekonomian. Lebih parah lagi, bisa menghambat investasi nih! Ujung-ujungnya, FDI negara bisa turun nih!

d. Banyaknya lalat ialah pesan-


Perspektif Hijau Manakah


Dalam studi ilmu Hubungan Internasional, kita semua tentunya telah memahami bahwa isu-isu lingkungan merupakan suatu ‘asupan’ baru bagi pembahasan HI,

setidaknya dalam tiga dekade terakhir. Asupan tersebut dibawakan dalam suatu perangkat pemahaman yang “hijau,” yang kita kenal dengan ‘teori hijau’ atau

“green theory.” Sebagai suatu pemikiran yang diambil dari pembahasan lingkungan dan keruangan, green theory berupaya ‘masuk’ dan mengisi ruang

yang ada di dalam tiga perspektif utama kajian HI: pengkajian strategis, ekonomi-politik internasional, dan masyarakat transnasional. Sejalan dengan proses

tersebut, dari elaborasi yang terjadi, dapat diintisarikan tiga “perspektif hijau” yang lebih bersifat/ada pada ranah pembahasan HI, yaitu: Ecological Security,

Sustainable Development, dan Environmental Justice. Lantas, kira-kira termasuk yang manakah pandangan teman-teman? Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan

berikut ini. Selamat mencoba!

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pesan yang melesapkan kata-kata busuk ke dalam hati yang menganga. Banyaknya nyamuk ialah bisikan yang menghisap darah-darah penuh racun luka dari nadi-nadi berjelaga.

3. Bapak Presiden RI Susilo

Bambang Yudhoyono mencanangkan gerakan lingkungan ―One men One Tree― dan ―Tanam Satu Miliar Pohon‖

a. Ya ampun, program pencitraan lagi ya, pak Beye? Pasti álbum berikutnya bertema lingkungan atau pohon-pohon gitu deh!

b. Pak, selain itu lebih baik dianggarkan pula dana pemerintah untuk rehabilitasi taman-taman nasional kita... Ingat, itu semua aset nasional kita lho, pak!

c. Lebih baik anggarkan dananya untuk program rehabilitasi hutan-hutan serta ekosostemnya, termasuk pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal yang hidupnya bergantung dari hutan.

d. Lebih baik anggarkan untuk rehabilitasi hutan-hutan produksi. Kan menunjang kelangsungan produksi komoditi yang terkait dengan perhutanan, tuh!

4. Menurut loe, ―Cinta lingkungan―

itu apa sih? a. Tentu, tanggung jawab dan

rasa memiliki pada lingkungan sekitar kita, karena kelestarian lingkungan mencakup hidup dan hak

orang banyak, tanpa memandang latar belakang dan identitas mereka.

b. Ialah bagian dari rasa kecintaan pada bangsa dan tanah air kita. Turut menjaga kelestarian lingkungan pula berarti turut menjaga ketahanan nasional kita.

c. Cinta lingkungan itu berarti turut menjaga kelestarian lingkungan dalam rangka tetap mempertahankan daya dukung lingkungan, agar aktivitas pemenuhan rumah tangga masyarakat dapat terus terjamin

d. Menjaga keindahan di sekeliling kita: Hutan, sungai, gunung, pantai, semuanya; karena semua keindahan itu ingatkanku padamu, pujaan hatiku, yang buatku tak henti menuliskan sajak-sajak meski pena dan kertas telah habis dan waktu telah usai.

5. Kamu lagi mampir di

STARBUCKS. Ada menu kopi baru, dari biji kopi bermutu tinggi asli dari Afrika

a. Wah, kebetulan nih mau ekspansi bisnis kedai kopi. Harus dapat informasi detailnya

b. Langsung buka gadget atau laptop, searching tentang kopi tersebut dan perkebunannya Telusuri data-data penting: berapa upah para pekerjanya, bagaimana kondisi para pekerjanya – apakah terjadi eksploitasi yang tak wajar, analisis dampak lingkungannya, dll.

c. Wah, pengen tahu cara


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bikinnya! Lumayan buat nemenin nonton Liga Champion gitu.

d. Langsung hubungi instansi-instansi terkait: Masih baguskah ketahanan produksi kopi nasional kita, daya saingnya di pasar internasional, daya dukung lingkungannya, dsb.

6. Tentang isu “perubahan iklim“:

a. Tantangan pada advokasi lingkungan hidup yang kian meningkat. Semakin banyak kelompok masyarakat marginal yang dirugikan,

b. Harus ada strategi nasional, perkuat kebijakan-kebijakan nasional yang terkait. Terus pantau, apa ini cuma akal-akalan negara besar untuk menakuti-nakuti?

c. Bagaimanapun pembangunan harus tetap dilanjutkan. Hanya saja, siasat-siasat dan terobosan yang jitu, serta kooperasi antar stakeholders harus diupayakan.

d. Perubahan iklim sama sekali tak membuat keberadaan hati dan rasa ini berpaling darimu seorang.

7. Di lingkunganmu ada kerja

bakti. a. Wah, boleh nih! Saatnya

kongkow sama temen-temen sekalian cuci mata... Sapa tau ada yang nyantol..hehehe...

b. Hmm.. Iya juga sih mesti ikut. Kalo lingkungan bersih kan gue juga yang dapet untung!

c. Kerja bakti turut memupuk tanggung jawab sosial pada

lingkungan serta memperkuat pergerakan masyarakat untuk semakin mampu dan berdaya

d. Kerja bakti adalah latihan dan bagian dari bela negara, camkan itu!

8. Isi berita hari ini: Ramalan

cuaca-mendung sepanjang hari dan berpeluang hujan; Kapal-kapal di Pelabuhan Merak belum berani melaut karena gelombang tinggi; Banjir merusak lahan-lahan pertanian di banyak daerah. Badai dan topan melanda beberapa wilayah negara.

a. Ancaman bagi perekonomian! Jalur distribusi dan perdagangan terhambat! Gimana nih?

b. Cuaca ekstrem kian menggila. Tingkatkan kampanye untuk penghentian perusakan lingkungan!

c. Siaga nasional pada persediaan-persediaan strategis, terutama pangan dan bahan bakar. Kebijakan-kebijakan strategis harus diambil segera!

d. Mendung, hujan, badai: itu inspirasi baru bagiku untuk menuliskan stanza-stanza kerinduanku yang tak berbalas lagi berbatas ini padamu.

9. Sekumpulan besar kawanan

burung terbang melintas a. Apa?!? Mereka bermigrasi ke

arah negara tetangga! Wah gawat! Jangan-jangan ntar diklaim jadi fauna nasional mereka!

b. Namanya juga burung.


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Secara morfologis, mereka memang dimungkinkan untuk dapat terbang.

c. Ah itu cuma burung-burung liar, bukan burung-burung yang dapat diberdayakan untuk menghasilkan nilai ekonomis

d. Itu peringatan! Mungkin tempat asal mereka telah mengalami kerusakan lingkungan yang parah!

10. Kalo loe punya anak, loe mau

arahkan dia untuk a. Mampu berkompromi dan

berkontribusi untuk mampu meningkatkan kerja sama-kerja sama dalam perekonomian di era perubahan iklim ini

b. Aktif di gerakan kepanduan, sehingga punya rasa cinta tanah air yang kokoh dan semangat bela negara yang tebal

c. Dekat dengan hal-hal yang altruistis dan filantropis, mampu berbicara di depan umum tentang situasi yang dialami sesama yang berkekurangan

d. Woooi, berisik lu! Nikah dulu kali ye!

Kunci Jawaban akan dicocokkan ke dalam:

ES (Environmental Security)-


SD (Sustainable Development)-


EJ (Environmental Justice)-


O – others, mungkin perspektif

hijau-a la loe gak masuk pembahasan HI, coy!


a b c d












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Tanpa kontribusi mereka, takkan ada Bulimia pertama ini. Seluruh jajaran kru Bulimia mengucap-kan terima kasih kepada nama-nama berikut:

Andhyta Firselly Utami (AFU) ▲

Currently very grateful to be able to pursue her major in International Relations. If she has to pick what

she loves the most about her study, it‘ll be the fact that everyone can

write subjectively objective in their own interest. Her irresistible passion in language enigma keeps her world

rotating between books, lyrics, and movie scripts. Afu was once en-

gaged in Science division of BEM FISIP UI and continues to make a

little change by working as the Pro-gram Manager of Indonesian Future

Leaders at present.

▲ Darang Sahdana Candra

Seorang mahasiswa kelahiran tahun 1991 yang tinggal di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Saat ini, ia sedang menjalani tahun keduanya di program sarjana Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Indonesia. Sejarah dunia, studi perang, dan fotografi adalah beberapa bidang yang ia gemari. Dalam waktu luangnya, seringkali ia membaca buku ataupun bermain game bertema strategi.

Majoring in Civil Engineering at Uni-versitas Indonesia (UI), David is an

enthusiastic as well as self-motivated individual, with a great

interest of everything. His business plan was nominated as one of the 10

best business plans by Minister of Youth and Sport Industry

(MENPORA) in PEMUDA Contest and BINUS University in Entrepre-

neurship Competition and worked as officer in Incubator of Business. He

also participates in various other organizational activities, such as

Garuda Youth Community. David Immanuel Sihombing ►

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A 1992-er, the eldest of three siblings, currently a second-year student of the University of Indonesia (Universitas Indonesia), majoring inInternational Relations. She was born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia. Her interests are mainly on reading sci-fi, psychological and adventure books,learning foreign languages, listening to Jazz, playing basketball and ice-skating.

▲ Caroline Putri Pratama

Indah Gilang ▲

Lahir 22 Februari 1991, mahasiswa Ilmu Hubungan Internasional di UI

angkatan 2009. Membaca, menulis, berpikir menjadi pekerjaan sehari-hari Indah selain menonton kartun

Spongebob Squarepants dan Avatar: The Legend of Aang. Aktif di

berbagai organisasi mahasiswa seperti BEM FISIP UI 2010,

Indonesia Student Association for International Studies, dan

Mahasiswa Keluarga Cirebon, memberikannya pemikiran dan

jaringan yang luas sekaligus semangat mengabdi pada tanah air.

Sekarang ini, Indah tertarik kajian Ekonomi Politik Internasional

berbasis lingkungan dengan fokus kawasan Asia Timur dan Pasifik dan

bercita-cita menjadi analis HI profesional.


Student of department of Interna-tional Relations, minoring in Inter-national Political Economy. Avina enjoys writing, reading, and trav-eling in her spare time. Writing is one of her passion. She hopes to be more productive in writing arti-cles and publish them in to news-papers and journal.

▲ Avina Nadhila Widarsa

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Bulimia is the courtesy of

HMHI FISIP UI 2010 Himpunan Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional Ruang Baca Hubungan Internasional Gd. B, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Kampus UI Depok 16424