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BSIT-ETFirst Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations, January 2006

Distance EducationENTRANCE TEST

Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Part -A is compulsory.

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part-B


I. Read the following passage and pickout the correct answer out of the given alternativesfor the questions.

Mark Twain was a great American writer. One day he met a friend at a race course. Thefriend said “I' ve lost all my money betting on losing horses. Can you buy ticket for me to ourplace?” Mark Twain told her friend that he had not enough money to buy two tickets andasked him to hide himself under a seat. The friend agreed as he had no other go. Mark Twainwent to the booking office and bought two tickets. After some time the train had started anda ticket examiner came around. Mark Twain showed him both the tickets. When the surprisedticket examiner asked Twain where the other passenger was ,he said “He is traveling underthe seat. He likes to do strange things”.


1. The race referred to here is _________

a) horse race

b) a motor race

c) a running race

d) none of these

2. The friend agreed ___________

a) to travel without a ticket

b) to buy a ticket for Mark Twain

c) to travel finding himself under a seat

d) to cheat the ticket examiner

3. The friend had no money on him __________

a) to pay the ticket examiner

b) to buy a ticket for the race

c) to help his friend Mark Twain

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d) to buy a train ticket for himself

4. This incident reveals that Mark Twain __________

a) loves to chat others

b) enjoys to see his friends traveling under a seat

c) likes to make fun of others

d) loves to do strange things

5. The reply of Mark Twain should have __________

a) surprised the ticket examiner

b) shocked the ticket examiner

c) hurt the feeling of the ticket examiner

d) made the ticket examiner angry 5 X 1=5 Marks

II. Fill in the blanks with the opposite of the words in italics.

1. This piece of land is fertile but that is

2. Glass is transparent but iron is

3. This is very vague but that is

4. India wants peace but other nations want

5. John is kind but Tom is 5 X 1=5 Marks

III. Match A with B to make meaningful sentences:


1. A style that is too full of words is called challengeable

2. That which can’t be read is called a somalogist

3. One who walks in sleep is called Illegible

4. One who is not qualified to apply is called verbose

5. One who talks in sleep is called a somabulist

5 X 1=5 Marks

IV. Select the correct word or words and complete the sentence.

1 I think that’ ____________ sthing to say

a) a awful b) an awful c) awful

2. Judy goes to ___________ on the bus

a) work b) a work c) the work

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3. Did you learn to play

a) violin b) a violin c) the violin

4. __________ starts at nine O' clock

a) school b) a school c) the school

6. a) There are 6 bowlers and 9 batsmen in .a cricket club. In how many ways can a team of 11 beselected so that the team contains atleast 4 bowlers?

b) Solve the equations graphically 4x + 3y = 5 and x - 2y = - 7 5+5 Marks

7. Prove that: Each diagonal divides the parallelogram into two congruent triangles. 10 Marks

8. Find HCF and LCH of the following expressions and hence illustrate that the product of the HCFand LCH of two expressions is equal to the product of the expression.

(x + y)2 and (x + y) (x3 - xy + y2) 10 Marks

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BSIT-11First Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations, January 2006


Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Part - A - Answer to all questions.

Each question carries one mark.

2. Part B - Answer any FIVE full questions.

Each full questions carry 15 marks.


Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark.

25 X 1=25 Marks

1. Mention two important weaknesses in you.

2. List out your two important qualities among potentials.

3. Identify your two weaknesses on time management

4 List out the qualities of personality Development.

5. List out some of important principles of human engineering in which you are good at.

6. Give two important etiquette pertaining to western dining.

7. State your long-term professional goal.

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8. Mention your two strengths, which could win a job for you.

9. Name the title and author of any good book that you have read during the last onemonth.

10. List out any five important things on which you seriously prepare before an interview.

11. Do you plan your activities for the day? Prepare a “To Do List” for tomorrow.

12. List out three tips for time management.

13. List out any two good deeds that you have done during this week.

14. Give two important principles of human engineering.

15. Mention any four important etiquette of Indian culture.

16. Name any two persons who have impressed you recently. Why?

17. List out two important Qualities needed to be a good team player.

18. Give two qualities for a good personality.

19. Mention any two traits to be successful as an IT-Professional.

20. What is “Woman Management”?

21. Mention two qualities that you need to improve on your Man Management skills.

22. How can you improve your vocabulary?

23. Mention the importance of Communication Skills.

24. What is creativity?

25. What are paragraphs?


Answer any FIVE full questions, each full question carries 15 marks.

5 x 15=75 Marks

1. a) Prepare a brief self-portrait of yourself for a professional career. 7 Marks

b) Prepare a concise and comprehensive Bio- Data of yourself for a job.

8 Marks

2. a) Plan out a strategy to make a good impression on your job. 7 Marks

b) Prepare a Time Commitment Plan for the semester (8 + 8 - 16 weeks), to achieveYour goal of acquiring knowledge and good success in your studies. 8 Marks

3. a) What are simple, compound and complex sentences? Give three examples for each ofthem. 9 Marks

b) Write a short note on how to improve vocabulary (200 words). 6 Marks

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4. a) List out the qualities that are required for a Good Personality and list out your positiveQualities as well as your shortcomings which you feel needs improvement.

10 Marks

b) List out some of the important etiquette pertaining to telephone and cell communication.5 Marks

5. a) What steps are needed to build a well-knit team? 5 Marks

b) List out the traits needed to be successful in the IT-Profession. 10 Marks

6. a) List out your strengths as well your weakness from the point of view of your professionalcareer. 10 Marks

b) List out your responses to ten typical questions in job interviews. 5 Marks

7. a) List out any five self-motivational factors which would gaud you to put in better effortsfor your success. 5 Marks

b) Write down your dreams for yourself for the following:

i) As an individual

ii) As an IT-Professional

iii) As a family member

iv) As a member of the society 10 Marks

8. a) How is spoken different written English. Take a sample of written English from anewspaper, magazine or a textbook also take a transcription of a dialogue from anydrama or any other source. Analyze the difference between the two. 10 Marks

b) Write a letter to the postmaster complaining against the failure of delivery of one ofyour registered posts. 5 Marks

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BSIT-12First Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations, January 2006


Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Part - A - Answer to all questions.

Each question carries one mark.

2. Part B - Answer any FIVE full questions.

Each full questions carry 15 marks.

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Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark.

25 X 1=25 Marks

1. What is meant by data processing?

2. List the components of the computer.

3. What is meant by Von-Neuman concept?

4. Modem is acronym for _____________

5. What is the necessity of UPS unit?

6. What is polling?

7. What is multitasking?

8. What is a thread?

9. What are the recent developments in the video display units?

10. What are the main functions of the operating system?

11. What is a port?

12. How printers are classified?

13. SIMM is acronym for

14. What are the drawbacks of magnetic tapes?

15. What is workstation?

16. What is a server?

State whether the following statements are True or False

17. Line printers are impact printers.

18. Primary storage is generally referred to as RAM.

19. The small storage areas in the storage are called location.

20. In sequential access time for all locations is same

21. Floppy disks are popular external storage media used with small computers.

22. ATM switches are multipart devices that act either as hubs or routers.

Fill up the following:

23. Use dual- ring topology.

24. Move packets from one medium to another.

25. What is the difference between router and bridge?

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Answer any FIVE full questions, each full question carries 15 marks.

5 x 15=75 Marks

1. a) Explain the capabilities of computer. 9 Marks

b) List out the various applications of computer. 6 Marks

2. a) Write the block diagram of a basic computer system and mention its functions.9 Marks

b) What are the limitations of computers? 6 Marks

3. a) What is OS? Explain. 6 Marks

b) Give the differences between system software and application software. 4 Marks

c) Explain how programming languages are classified. 5 Marks

4. a) Briefly explain the translator, compiler and interpreter. 9 Marks

b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of high-level language? 6 Marks

5. a) Explain different method of interface techniques. 5 Marks

b) How are printer classified? Explain the principle of anyone type of Printer. 5 Marks

c) Mention the functions of printers. 5 Marks

6. a) With diagram explain the classification of memory? 9 Marks

b) What are the differences between RAM and ROM? 6 Marks

7. a) What are the advantages of network? 5 Marks

b) With diagram explain the different types of network topologies. 5 Marks

c) What is access method? Explain different types of access methods. 5 Marks

8. a) Explain the elements of multimedia system. 6 Marks

b) What are the advantages of multimedia communication? 5 Marks

c) Give the network requirement. 4 Marks

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BSIT-13First Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations, January 2006


Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Part - A - Answer to all questions.

Each question carries one mark.

2. Part B - Answer any FIVE full questions.

Each full questions carry 15 marks.


Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark.

25 X 1=25 Marks

1. What is a Flowchart?

2. What is a control structure?

3. List the Special characters of C language.

4. What does = = stands for?

5. What a constant?

6. Give the syntax of IF THEN ELSE statement

7. What do mean by loop?

8. Name the logical operators?

9. What is the difference between Do and While statement?

10. What is an Array?

11. What is the key format of matrix multiplication?

12. What is the use of function?

13. Can we call printf ( ) a function?

14. How do you exchange 2 variable values A and B?

15. Define a file.

16. What does fopen do?

17. What is the difference between writing and appending?

18. How does the file know the end of the file?

19. What is a pointer?

20. Can array be used as pointers?

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21. What are the parameter passing mechanisms?

22. What are bit wise operators?

23. What does v indicate?

24. Define preprocessing process.

25 . What is the use of # include statement?


Answer any FIVE full questions, each full question carries 15 marks.

5 x 15=75 Marks

1. a) What is an algorithm? Explain with example. 5 Marks

b) Explain any library functions available in C language.

2. a) Write a program to calculate area of a perimeter of a circle. 5 Marks

b) Write a program to calculate area of Rectangle. 5 Marks

c) Write a program to round off a real number to nearest integer value.

5 Marks

3. a) Give the differences between IF and IF -ELSE statements. 5 Marks

b) Write a program to determine whether the year is leap year or not. 5 Marks

c) Write a program to simulate a calculator. 5 Marks

4. a) Give the differences between FOR loop and WHILE loop. 6 Marks

b) Write a program to find the greatest common divisor. 5 Marks

c) Write a program to find the reverse of a number. 4 Marks

5. a) What is an array? Give two examples. 5 Marks

b) Write a program to find largest and smallest sum and average of five numbers. 10 Marks

6. a) What is sorting? Write a program to arrange 10 numbers in ascending order.5 Marks

b) Write a function to calculate a absolute value. 5 Marks

c) Write a function to compute square root of a number. 5 Marks

7. a) What is a file? Mention its advantages and disadvantages. 5 Marks

b) What is a structure? Give a structure to store a students name, age, marks scored in 3subjects and the result. 10 Marks

8. a) Write a program to copy of on file to another. 5 Marks

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b) Explain briefly the concept of preprocessors. 5 Marks

c) Write function to count number of elements in linked list. 5 Marks

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BSIT-14First Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations, January 2006


Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Part - A - Answer to all questions.

Each question carries one mark.

2. Part B - Answer any FIVE full questions.

Each full questions carry 15 marks.


Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark.

25 X 1=25 Marks

1. What is an Assembler?

2. List the components of Programming Environment.

3. What is the role of Location Counter?

4. What do you mean by Lexical Analysis?

5. Define Syntactic Analysis.

6. What is EBNF?

7. What is Parser?

8. What is the function of Syntax Directed Translator?

9. Define Top- Down Parsing.

10. Define Symbol Tables.

11. What is Linear Search?

12. What is the role of String Pools.?

13. Define Collision Resolution.

14. What is Bucket Hashing?

15. What is the function of a Loader?

16. What is the Cold Starting of a computer system?

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17. Describe Relocation mechanism?

18. What is Run-Time Relocation?

19. What is Compile-Time Binding?

20. Define Program Linkage?

21. Give difference between Internal names and External names.

22. What is External Reference Relocation?

23. What is Internal Symbol Dictionary?

24. What is the role of Linkage Editors?

25. Describe Overly Linkers.


Answer any FIVE full questions, each full question carries 15 marks.

5 x 15=75 Marks

1. a) Explain SIC / XE architecture. 9 Marks

b) Give the differences between CISC and RICS machines. 6 Marks

2. a) Explain the architecture of a Cray 1 model computer. 7 Marks

b) What is MASM and TASM? Explain with example. 8 Marks

3. a) Explain the operations of the following:

i) Opcode

ii) Symbol table

iii) Instruction table

iv) Location counter. 8 Marks

b) Briefly explain the Assembler Directives. Give example for each. 7 Marks

4. a) Briefly explain the Parsing technique. 6 Marks

b) What is Lexical Analysis? Explain the lexical details in EBNF. 9 Marks

5. a) What are the Loader options available for a File operation? 6 Marks

b) Explain briefly the functions of Machine Dependent Loader. 9 Marks

6. a) Explain the Macro Assembly Directives. 10 Marks

b) Give the differences between a Macro and a Subroutine. 5 Marks

7. a) What is CPU Scheduling ?explain the various Scheduling algorithms. 10 Marks

b) How memory allocation is done in the OS? 5 Marks

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8. a) Explain the principle of Buddy System Storage allocation. 6 Marks

b) What is File System? How it is implemented. Explain. 4 Marks

c) Explain the main operations of Device Drivers. 5 Marks

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BSIT-21Second Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance EducationOPERATING SYSTEM

Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Answer to all questions in Part -A.

2. Answer any FIVE full questions in Part-B


Answer the following:

1. What is an operating system? 1 Marks

2. Draw a flow chart to illustrate stored program concept. 2 Marks

3. Why is the CPU scheduler called a short-term scheduler? 1 Marks

4. What are the conditions under which CPU switches from one process to another?2 Marks

5. Draw a Gantt chart to show scheduling of processes given below using FCFS scheduling:

PI(24 msecs), P2(3 msecs), P3(3 msecs)). 2 Marks

6. List out the common strategies for contiguous memory allocation. 2 Marks

7. What is a file? 1 Mark

8. List the operations carried out on files. 2 Marks

9. Draw a diagram to illustrate tree-structured directory. 2 Marks

10. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of contiguous file allocation of disk space.2 Marks

11. What information does a system call for an I/O convey? List the common componentsfound in a GUI environment 2 Marks

12. Give examples to illustrate the following commands:

MD, CD, DIR, COPY 4 Marks

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Answer any FIVE full questions.

1. a) Explain operating system as a resource manager. 6 Marks

b) Discuss the evolution of present day operating systems. 5 Marks

c) Explain the concept of spooling. 4 Marks

2. a) When does a medium term scheduler come into picture? 3 Marks

b) List the different criteria to compare scheduling algorithms. 6 Marks

c) Explain RR scheduling algorithm using the following data:

P1(10 msecs), P2(29 msecs), P3(3 msecs), P4(7 msecs),

P5(12 msecs).

Assume a time slice of 5msecs. 6 Marks

3. a) Draw diagrams and briefly explain the concepts of paging and segmentation.

10 Marks

b) What is the need for virtual memory? What are its benefits? 5 Marks

4. a) Explain the different file access methods.

b) Discuss layered approach to file system organization

c) Draw a diagram to illustrate indexed allocation of a disk file.

5. a) Draw a graph to show the disk head movements for the following I/O requirements:

98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124,65, 67 8 Marks

b) How do we choose a good disk scheduling algorithm? 4 Marks

c) Discuss the requirements of Windows based GUI. 3 Marks

6. a) List the characteristics of DOS. 5 Marks

b) What do the following commands in DOS do?

Backup, Chkdsk, Attrib, Sort, Diskcopy.

Give two examples each to illustrate the commands. 10 Marks

7. a) What is a Window? List the common elements found in a Window. 7 Marks

b) Explain any five features of Windows-NT. 8 Marks

8. Explain the following in Windows 98:

Menu, Recycle bin, Wordpad. 15 Marks

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BSIT-22Second Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance Education

DATA STRUCTURES USING CTime: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Answer to all questions in Part -A.

2. Answer any FIVE full questions in Part-B


Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark.

25 X 1=25 Marks

1. What is an algorithm?

2. In ‘C’ which data structure is suitable for representing homogeneous data types?

3. What is the significance of the declaration statement?

int* ptr ;

4. How many bytes are reserved for double data type?

5. Define pseudo code.

7. What ate the different of non-primitive data structures? Give example.

8. What is an Euler Graph?

9. What are dynamic arrays?

11. What is the condition for a queue to be full ?

12. Define binary tree.

13. Define in - order traversal of a tree.

14. Define expression tree.

15. What is a heap?

16. What is recursion?

17. What is a forest?

18. Demonstrate the use of stcmp ( ) library function using a sample program.

19. What is meant by prefix expression?

20. What is sorting?

21. Define adjacency matrix.

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22. What are the three different parts of a node in a DLL?

23. What is polish notation? What is a Sparse Matrix?

24. What are the different storage classes in Q ?


5 X 15=75 Marks

1. What is a stack? Explain the basic operations that can be performed on a stack and listany two applications of stack. Explain one of them. 15 Marks

2. Write C functions to implement the following in singly linked list.

i) To add a node after a specified node. 8 Marks

ii) To delete a specific node from the list. 7 Marks

3. Write an algorithm/pseudo code for the following:

i) Adding two Sparse Matrices. 7 Marks

ii) Multiplication of two Sparse Matrices. 8 Marks

4. What are the linear and binary search methods? Explain primary search method indetail. What is its time complexity? 15 Marks

5. Explain concept of tree. Write a note on the types and different operations on trees.15 Marks

6. a) Explain DFS with an example. 10 Marks

b) Differentiate between Depth First Search and Breadth First Search.

5 Marks

7. a) Develop an algorithm to convert infix expression into its equivalent postifix expression.10 Marks

b) What is queue? What are the basic operations performed on queue.

5 Marks

8. Write short notes on the following:

i) Threaded in Binary Tree

ii) Circularly Linked List

iii) Polynomial Addition 5 x 3=15 Marks

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BSIT-23Second Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance Education

DATA COMMUNICATIONTime: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Answer to all questions in Part -A.

2. Answer any FIVE full questions in Part-B


Answer to all questions.

25 X 1=25 Marks

1. What is communication system? 1 Marks

2. What is a signal. 2 Marks

3. What is a continuous signal ? 2 Marks

4. Give the difference between digital signal and discrete signal. 2 Marks

5. What is a channel ? 2 Marks

7. What is a MODEM? 2 Marks

8. What are the functions of protocol? 2 Marks

9. State Nyquist sampling theorem? 2 Marks

11. What are CRC and FCS ? 2 Marks

12. Ethernet is designed based on IEEE __________ standard. 1 Marks

13. What is guided transmission media? 2 Marks

14. Define ARQ. 1 Marks


Answer to any FIVE questions. 5 X 15=75 Marks

1. a) Discuss the” different components of a communication system? Explain the varioustasks performed by a communication system? 8 Marks

b) List out the categories in which the communication networks are classified and brieflydiscuss one network under each category. 7 Marks

2. Explain with block diagram, TCP/IP and OSI reference architectures?8+7 Marks

3. a) What is a protocol? What are the elements of a protocol? List some of the protocolsused in data link layer? 8 Marks

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b) Explain the functions of TCP /IP protocol. 7 Marks

4. a) Discuss Shannon channel capacity and line coding? 8 Marks

b) Discuss the characteristics of transmission media. 7 Marks

5. a) What is multiplexing? Discuss the different multiplexing techniques. 8 Marks

b) What is circuit switching? Explain the cross bar switch. 7 Marks

6. a) What are the functions of data link layer? Explain error detection with CRC. 5 Marks

b) What are the functions of ARQ ? Explain the following:

i) Stop and wait ARQ

ii) Go back N ARQ

iii) Selective reject ARQ 10 Marks

7. a) What is flow control? Why it is required? Explain. 7 Marks

b) Discuss switched networks and broadcast networks. 8 Marks

8. a) Discuss the MAC frame format and explain their functions. 7 Marks

b) What is a LAN? Explain the CSMA / CD algorithm. 8 Marks

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BSIT-24Second Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance Education

BASICS OF DBMSTime: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Answer to all questions in Part -A. 25 X 1=25 Marks

2. Answer any FIVE full questions in Part-B 5 X 14=25 Marks


Answer to all questions. 25 Marks

1. What is DBMS?

2. Mention the main difference between data and information.

3. Mention the classification of Data.

4. ASCII stands for

5. Define the term field.

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6. What is data model?

7. Give disadvantages of file processing system.

8. List out the components of database system.

9. What is data dependency?

10. What is the role of DBA?

11. What do you mean by record?

12. What is sequential file ?

13. Define Hashing technique.

14. Define attitude.

15. Define entity.

16. What is ER diagram?

17. What do you mean by primary key?

18. List out the properties of relational model.

19. Define network model.

20. What is data encryption?

21. List out various issues of security.

22. What is meant by collision resolution technique?

23. Record is a collection of ___________

24. The tool used to create a query in design view is called ___________

25. Forms and queries present the data on ____________


III. Answer any FIVE questions. 5 X 15=75 Marks

1. a) Explain the information and data with examples. 5 Marks

b) Explain briefly the tasks handled by the DBMS package. 5 Marks

c) How data can be classified? Explain with examples. 5 Marks

2. a) Explain how the data is represented. 5 Marks

b) What is flat file? Explain. 5 Marks

c) Explain briefly the disadvantages of file-oriented systems. 5 Marks

3. a) Explain clearly the advantages of database system. 5 Marks

b) Explain in detail the architecture of database systems. 10 Marks

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4. a) What do you mean by data independency? Explain briefly its types. 5 Marks

b) Explain briefly the objectives of DBMS. 5 Marks

c) Describe the components of DBMS. 5 Marks

5. a) Explain clearly the role of database administrator. 5 Marks

b) Explain briefly the three important data models. 5 Marks

c) What are primary and secondary indexes? Explain. 5 Marks

6. a) What problems are associated with sequential files? Explain. 5 Marks

b) Explain the organisation of a direct file and give their disadvantages and advantages.

10 Marks

7. a) Explain briefly database system development life cycle. 8 Marks

b) List out different types of attributes, give atleast two examples for each type. 7 Marks

8. a) Construct an E-R diagram for a car-insurance company that has a self of customers,each of whom owns one or more cars. Each car has associated with it zero or anynumber of recorded accidents. 7 Marks

b) What is meant by database security? Why it is needed? Explain its issues. 5 Marks

c) Explain briefly the features of MS- Access. 3 Marks

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BSIT-BCThird Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations, January 2006

Distance EducationBRIDGE COURSE

Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Answer any Five full questions from Part-I of Part -A.

2. Answer any Fifteen questions from Part - B


I. Answer any FIVE questions. 5X1=5 Marks

1. Name the symbol used in the flowchart for the decision making.

2. Name anyone high level language.

3. Give example for integer datatype.

4. Define sorting.

5. Give example for primitive data structure.

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6. Give an application of stack.

7. What is meant by token?

8. Define Abstract data type.

9. What is linked list?

10. Define pointer.


II. Answer any TEN questions. 10X2=20 Marks

1. Name the different basic symbols used in the flowchart.

2. Define assembler.

3. What are variables? Give example.

4. Name the different control structures in ‘c’ language.

5. What is an array?

6. Name the different parameter passing schemes in C language.

7. Write a function for PUSH operation in STACK.

8. Give the different applications for Doubly linked list.

9. Give the data communication model.

10. Define protocol.

11. Define bandwidth.

12. Describe modulation.


I. Answer any 15 questions. 15X5=75 Marks

1. Write a flowchart to find a biggest number among two numbers.

2. Give the difference between assembly language and highlevel language.

3. What rules are to be followed for framing the variables?

4. What is the use of scanf( ) and printf( ) functions? Give example.

5. Explain the working principle of WHILE loop with example.

6. Explain the working principle of FOR loop with example.

7. What is recursion? Give example.

8. With suitable example, explain the declaration of 1 dimensional and 2 -dimensional array in Clanguage.

9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pointers?

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10. With suitable example, explain call- by value parameter method.

11. Define data structure and give its classification.

12. What is a stack? What are the basic operations performed on the stack.

13. What is a list? Give its applications.

14. Explain one way chain and two way chain.

15. Explain how to evaluate the polynomials using linked list.

16. Explain how to implement queues.

17. Explain multiplexing schemes and give its applications.

18. What is circuit switching? And what are its advantages.

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BSIT-31Third Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance Education


Notes: 1. Answer any FIVE questions.

2. All questions carry equal marks.


Answer to all questions. 25 Marks

1. Prepare a brief self-portrait of yourself for a Professional career. 2 Marks

2. Mention two important weaknesses in you. 2 Marks

3. What are your special abilities? 1 Marks

4. State your long term professional goal. 2 Marks

5. List out the things you would carry to a job interview. 2 Marks

6. How do you manage your time off the college work? 1 Marks

7. List out any five important things on which you seriously prepare before an interview.2 Marks

8. Name the title and author and publication of any book that you have read during thelast one-month. 1 Marks

9. List out any two good deeds that you have done during this week. 1 Marks

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10. Name anyone person who has impressed you recently. Why? 1 Marks

11. Prepare a “To Do List” for tomorrow. 1 Marks

12. List out five tips for time management. 1 Marks

13. Name any four qualities for a good personality. 1 Marks

14. Mention at least four important principals of Human Engineering. 1 Marks

15. Mention two qualities that you need to improve on your Man Management skills.

1 Marks

16 Mention any four important etiquette of cell phone usage. 1 Marks

17. List out any four qualities to be a good team player. 1 Marks

18. Mention any two traits to be successful as an IT-Professional. 1 Marks

19. What is the difference between ‘Man Management’ and Woman Management?

2 Marks

20. What is your main aim in your life. 1 Marks


Answer any FIVE questions out of the following. 75 Marks

1. a) List the important strength in you. 4 Marks

b) List out your short term professional goals. 3 Marks

c) Prepare a self-improvement plan for yourself. Give action plan. 8 Marks

2. a) Give example. 5 Marks

b) Write in detail the preparation strategy for success in the interview. 5 Marks

c) Write down any five commonly asked questions in an interview and briefly indicateyour responses to the same. 5 Marks

3. a) Prepare a time log of how you are utilizing your time for a week. Summarize yourreflections for the same. 8 Marks

b) Prepare a time commitment plan for the next semester period in two modules of 16weeks of time in a semester. 7 Marks

4. a) List out the qualities that are required for a good personality 8 Marks

b) List out tips for Stress Management during job interviews. 7 Marks

5. a) Human Management and briefly elaborate on each point. 10 Marks

b) How do you motivate and change people to your view point and activity without anyresentment. 5 Marks

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6. a) Briefly write about the importance of team building in any organization. 5 Marks

b) What qualities in you need improvement to be a team person? How do you propose tomodify them? 10 Marks

7. a) Identify five things, which you are using at home or office. Mention why you need it.5 Marks

b) List out some of the important dos and don’ts in dining etiquette to be followed withguests. 5 Marks

c) Write a dialogue between you and your friend regarding a class picnic. 5 Marks

8. a) What is the role played by body gestures in communication? Discuss a few undesirablebody gestures. 10 Marks

b) What is reading? What are the different kinds of reading? 5 Marks

* * * * * * *


Third Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,January 2006

Distance EducationRDBMS

Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Answer any FIVE questions.

2. All questions carry equal marks.


Answer to all questions, each carries one mark.

1 X 25=25 Marks

1. A query language is required for the user to __________ with the database.

2. What is the difference between procedural and non-procedural language?

3. What is a relation?

4. What is an Union compatibility?

5. The division operation is suitable for queries that include the phrase _________.

6. The predicate __________ tests for the absence of NULL values.

7. What is normal form? Give example.

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8. In the first normal form all columns must be.

9. What is meant by an instance?

10. How do you give schema definition in SQL?

11. What is the necessity of embedded SQL?

12. What is the significance of group by clause?

13. What is set comparison?

14. What is the difference between procedure and function?

15. ORACLE is a _________ database.

16. ________ is a short form used for Server Process.

17. What is the need of Redo log buffer?

18. What is the importance of RECO Background process?

19. The data stored in cursor are called ___________

20. The technique to access the remote database by the user is called

21. Audio, Video and programs can be included in ____________ documents

22. A search tool is a computer program that performs

23. Video on demand uses ____________ databases.

24. What is GIS?

25. What is Genome database?


Answer any FIVE questions, each carries 15 marks.

5 X 15=75 Marks

1. a) Explain briefly the fundamental relational algebra operations with examples. 10 Marks

b) What is the meaning of composition of relational operations? Giveexamples. 5 Marks

2. a) What is an unnormalized relation? Explain the problems associated with an Unnormalized relation.Give example. 5 Marks

b) Explain the first, second and third normal form with example. 10 Marks

3. a) Explain briefly the elements that are internal to database with example. 10 Marks

b) Differentiate between Trace files and Alert log. 5 Marks

4. a) Explain PL / SQL default data types. 10 Marks

b) Explain the string operators in PL / SQL and Give examples. 5 Marks

5. a) Explain the different types of exceptions. 7 Marks

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b) What is binding? Explain different types of binding. 8 Marks

6. a) Explain the various components of ODBC. 10 Marks

b) Give the differences between two tier and three-tier database design. 5 Marks

7. a) What is HTML? Explain with the help of example code. 5 Marks

b) What is CGI? Explain its process structure. 8 Marks

8. a) What is mobile database? Explain the mobile computing Architecture. 8 Marks

b) What is Multimedia database? Explain the types of Multimedia data. 7 Marks

* * * * * * *

BSIT-33Third Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance Education


Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Answer any FIVE questions.

2. All questions carry equal marks.


Answer any FIVE questions. 5 X 5=25 Marks

1. Define object and class with a suitable example.

2. Write a C++ program to find a biggest among 3 numbers.

3. With a suitable example. Explain the constructor in C++.

4. What is inheritance. Give the different inheritance techniques of C++.

5. What is polymorphism? Give example.

6. With example explain operator overloading principle of C++ .


Answer any FIVE questions. (All questions carry equal marks.)

15X5=75 Marks

1. a) Explain the different data types supported in C++. with a classification chart. 8 Marks

b) State the rules to be followed for naming the variables? Differentiate constant and volatile qualifiers.7 Marks

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2. a) Explain the memory representation of arrays. Give the mechanisms for assigning the values to anarray and accessing the array elements. 8 Marks

b) Define a pointer variable and bring out the concepts of pointer with suitable examples. 7 Marks

3. a) List the pros and cons of structure data types, union types and enumerated types. 8 Marks

b) Explain the different bitwise operators supported in C++. Give the precedence and associativityof different operators in C++. 7 Marks

4. a) Compare and contrast dynamic memory allocation in C++ and ANSI-C. 6 Marks

b) Write a C++ program to find the type of a triangle by reading three sides of a triangle. 6Marks

c) Enlist the key differences between if - else construct and switch construct. 3 Marks

5. a) Write a C++ program to accept n numbers from the user and print the second largest andsmallest number in the list. 7 Marks

b) Enumerate the need for functions in C++. 4Marks

c) Discuss the different parameter passing mechanisms in C++. 4Marks

6. a) Write a C++ program to generate 10 random numbers between 10 and 55 inclusive, withoutrepetition of the sequence between program runs. 6 Marks

b) What is a storage class? Explain the different storages classes. 4 Marks

c) Explain encapsulation and polymorphism with examples. 5 Marks

7. a) Explain the need and usage of friend functions in C++. 8 Marks

b) What are the characteristics of constructors. Explain copy constructors, default constructors anddestructors. 7 Marks

8. a) Explain the mechanics and rules of operator overloading. 8 Marks

b) Explain public, private and protected derivations. Explain the different access privileges.

7 Marks

* * * * * * *

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BSIT-34Third Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance Education

COMPUTER NETWORKSTime: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Answer to all questions in Part -A.

2. Answer any FIVE full questions in Part-B


Answer to all questions. Each carries ONE mark

1 X 25=25 Marks

1. What is a Peer-to-Peer process?

2. OSI has __________ The layers.

3. The ___________ layer is responsible for delivering data frames from one station to next withouterror.

4. TCP / IP has ___________ layers.

5. The layers not present in TCP / IP model are ________ and _________ .

6. What is an IP address?

7. What is a subnet?

8 What are private networks?

9. What is ARP mechanism?

10. Define broadcast addressing.

11. A device having more than one IP address is known as _________ device.

12. Why fragmentation is required in IP datagram?

13. The two types of routing are __________ routing and __________ routing.

14. The IP datagram header has the IP addresses of ________ and _________ systems.

15. What is process-to-process communication?

16. In the sending system, UDP receives data unit from the ________ layer.

17. UDP offers _________ to ___________data communication.

18. UDP has the fixed header size of ____________ bytes.

19. Flow control is achieved through the use of ___________ window mechanism.

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20. In TCP, before sending data, a __________is established between the sending and receivingprocess.

21. In TCP / IP the two communicating process can be best described using the a ________ model.

22. What is Server-Client model?

23. Define a Process.

24. FTP is used to transfer ___________ from one host to another.

25. The number of connections required for FTP operation is ___________.


Answer any FIVE full questions, each carries 15 marks.

5 x 15=75 Marks

1. a) Briefly explain the OSI architecture? 5 Marks

b) What are the functions of network layer? Explain. 5 Marks

c) Explain the functionalities and the services offered by the transport layer of the OSI model.

5 Marks

2. a) Differentiate between the Session layer and presentation layer. 5 Marks

b) Explain the TCP / IP architecture. Give diagram. 10 Marks

3. a) What are the error reporting messages present in the ICMP. Explain any two of them.

10 Marks

b) Write a brief note on RARP. 5 Marks

4. a) What are the types of routing tables? Explain briefly. 6 Marks

b) Write the IP header diagram. Explain the fields Service Type, protocol, Checksum, Source IPaddress and Destination IP address. 9 Marks

5. a) Describe how checksum is calculated for the UDP diagram. 10 Marks

b) Write a short note on importance of TCP. 5 Marks

6. a) Write a diagram of TCP header. Explain the fields, Sequence number, Acknowledgment number,Window size and Urgent pointer. 10 Marks

b) Explain the concept of Multiplexing and Demultiplexing in TCP. 5 Marks

7. a) What is connectionless-iterative server? Using a diagram explain the same. 5 Marks

b) Write a brief description about the data connection used inFTP. 5 Marks

c) Briefly explain the steps involved in storing an image file into the server from client side.

5 Marks

* * * * * * *

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BSIT-41Fourth Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance Education

ALGORITHMSTime: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Part -A is compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions in Part-B


I. Answer the following: 1 X 13=13 Marks

1. ___________ is a technique of defining a process by itself.

2. One of the properties of an algorithm is ‘structured’ (True/False)

3. Algorithm + ____________ = Programme.

4. Stocks works on the strategy of “Last - in First - out (True/False)

5. Tree is a ____________ data structure.

6. Array is a ___________ data structure:

7. Circular queue is a “First - in First - out data structure (True/False)

8. A binary tree of depth L has atmost _____________ number of nodes.

9. A tree with n vertices has __________ edges.

10. The percentage of memory wastage in linked representation of binary tree is __________

11. A tree is a ____________ groups without any

12. Data structure used by recessive algorithm is ___________

13. Inorder traversal of an expression binary tree gives _________ expression.

3X4=12 Marks

14. Define algorithm ?What are its properties? What are its advantages?

15. Define stack? How do you represent a stack? Mention its applications.

16. What is recession? What is the difference between recursion and iteration? What are its meritsand demerits.

17. What is the limitation of linear queue? How do you overcome using circular queue?

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Answer the FIVE full questions.

1. a) Design two different algorithms to check if a given number is prime. 8 Marks

b) Design an algorithm to show the different operations on a stack. 7 Marks

2. a) Design an iterative and recursive algorithms to find a factorial of a number. 8 Marks

b) Design an algorithms to sent n numbers using insertion sort technique and trace the algorithm withan example. 7 Marks

3. a) Write an algorithm to sort list of elements using quick sort and hand simulate on a data set ofatleast 9-elements. 10 Marks

b) Write a recursive algorithm to find the GCD of two numbers. 5 Marks

4. a) Design an iterative and recursive algorithms to search for an element using binary search.

8 Marks

b) What is binary tree? What are the properties of a binary tree? Mention its applications.

7 Marks

5. a) Design an algorithm to check whether the given graph is connected from the adjency matrix.8 Marks

b) Design an algorithm in iteration and recursion to find minimum and maximum elements in an n-elements. 7 Marks

6. Design the recursive algorithm to sort a list of elements using Mergesert and hand simulate on adata set of atleast 9 elements. 15 Marks

7. Design recursive algorithms to traverse a binary tree represented in linked lists in inorder, preorderand postorder. And hand simulate your algorithms with an example. 15 Marks

8. Write short notes on :

a) Incidency matrix

b) Circular queue and its applications

c) Linked lists and its representation. 5X3=15 Marks

* * * * * * *

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BSIT-42Fourth Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance EducationJAVA PROGRAMMING

Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Part -A is compulsory and answer.

2. Answer any FIVE full questions in Part-B


I. Answer to all questions and each question carries 1 marks

1 X 25=25 Marks

1. Java program file must match with the name of the class with the extension Java.

a) True b) False

2. What will be result of the expression 13 & 25 ?

a)38 b)25 c)9 d) d)12

3. Which of the following is correct? int a = 16, a > > 2 = 4

a) int a = 16, a > > 2 = 4

b) int b = 8, b > > - 4

c) int a = 16, a > > > 2 = 4

b) int b = 8, b > > > 2 = - 4

4. What will be the values of x, m, and n after execution of the following statements?

int x, m, n;

m = 10; u = 15;

x = + + m + n + + ;

a) x = 25, m = 10, n = 15

b) x = 27, m = 10, n = 15

c) x = 26, m = 11, n = 16

d) x = 27, m = 11, n = 16

5. Consider the following statements, int x = 10, y = 15;

x = (x > y) ? (y + x); (y - x);

What will be the value of x after executing these statements?

a)10 b)25 c)15 d) d)5

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6. Consider the following code

If (number >= 0)

If (number >= 0)

System. out.printin (“Number is positive”);

System. out.printin (“Number is positive”);

What will be output if number is equal to 0 ?

a) Number is negative

b) Number is positive

c) Both A and B

d) None of the above

7. In the expression (X = = &&a < b) the Boolean expression x = = y is evaluated first and thenx < b is evaluated.

a) True b) False

8. The modulus operator (%) can be used only with integer operands.

a) True b) False

9. Declarations can appear anywhere in the body of a Java method.

a) True b) False

10. The default case is always required in the switch selection structure.

a) True b) False

11. A variable declared inside the for loop control cannot be referenced outside the loop

a) True b) False

12. Java always provides a default constructor to a class.

a) True b) False

13. The default case is always required in the switch selection structure.

a) True b) False

14. The name of the constructor should same as its class name

a) True b) False

15. The constructor should in public section

a) True b) False

16. The operator for exponentiation is

a) * * b) v c) % d) Not available

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17. How many times does the loop iterated?

for(i = 0, i = 10, i+ = 2)

System out println (“Hi/n);

a) 10 b) 2 c) infinite d) Non

18. What is the output after executing the following statements:

int a[4] = [4,5,6,7], i = 0;

a[i] = + + i + +;

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7

19. How many times does the loop iterated?

for (I = 10, I < = 20 ; I + +)

for (J = 30, J <= 20 ; J + +)

System out printl (“Hi In ‘ ) ;

A 20

B 100

C 200

D 40

20. Consider the following statements; int a =5; b = 10 and c = 7;

(a> c) ? a : ((b > c)? : b : c);

What will be the return value above statement after its execution?

a) 7 b) 5 c) 10 d) 12

21. Local variables can store by compiler

a) in register or heap

b) in register or stack

c) in stack or heap

d) global memory

22. We can overload methods with differences only in their return type.

a) True b) False

23. A method declared as static cannot access non-static class members

a) True b) False

24. Which of the following is not the keyword

a) switch b) default c) bolean d) d) integer

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25. Which of the statement will produce a value 10 if x = 9.7

a) round (x) b) abs (x) c) ceil (x) d) None of the above

II. Answer any FIVE full questions. 5 X 15=75 Marks

1. Distinguish between the following:

a) Object-Oriented and Procedure - Oriented Programming

b) Objects and Classes

c) Inheritance and Polymorphism

d) Dynamic binding and message passing 15 Marks

2. Explain following statements with their syntax:

C. Data abstraction of Data binding.

a) while and for loop

b) if _else and switch

c) go to and continue

d) while_do and do- while 15 Marks

3. a) Why JAVA known as platform-neutral language ? How JAVA is more secured than other language?5 Marks

b) What is typecasting? Why is it required in programming? Explain with an example. 5 Marks

c) Explain the Bit-wise operators available in JAVA with an example to each. 5 Marks

4. a) What are the objects? How are they created using classes? How do you assign values to datamembers of class? Explain with an example. 8 Marks

b) Write a Java programme to find sum of even and odd numbers in the given array. 7 Marks

5. a) What is function overloading? Illustrate the same with example. 8 Marks

b) Write a Java programme to create a thread by extending the thread class. 7 Marks

6. a) What is a constructor? What are its special properties?What are the different types ofconstructors? Explain with an example. 9 Marks

b) Write a Java programme to sort a list of numbers. 6 Marks

7. a) Write a Java programm to implement recursive binary search. 9 Marks

b) What is an array? How elements are stored in a memory? Explain how do you create array ofobjects? 6 Marks

8. Write short notes on :

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a) Execution of Java programme

b) JVM

c) OOP Lanjunges 5 X 3=15 Marks

* * * * * * *

BSIT-43Fourth Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance Education

UNIX & SHELL PROGRAMMINGTime: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Part -A is compulsory and answer

any FIVE full questions in Part-B


I. Answer to all questions.

1. Name the persons who first developed UNIX Operating System. 1 Marks

2. What is long form of POSIX. 1 Marks

3. What is topmost directory called in UNIX? How is it represented? 2 Marks

4. Identify the relative and absolute path names in the following

a) ../progs/xl.c

b) /usr/bin/ls 2 Marks

5. Mention the use of commands - file and type. 2 Marks

6. What did /dev/tty and /dev/null represents. 2 Marks

7. What is PATH variable? What is its use. 2 Marks

8. Name three modes of vi editor. 2 Marks

9. What did following characters signifies as first character in output of ls - 1 command.

-, d, b, c 4 Marks

10. Give a command to display only the running processes. 1 Marks

11. Give the commands to accept and refuse messages. 2 Marks

12 . How you do the following in Job control

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a) Running process in Background

b) Stopping process executing in foreground

c) Taking stopped job to background

d) Bringing background job to foreground 4 Marks


II. Answer any FIVE full questions. 15 X 5=75 Marks

1. With a neat diagram explain different layers of UNIX operating system? Also explain interactionbetween shell and kernel using any suitable command. 15 Marks

2. Explain the following commands with all possible options.

a) script b) passwd c) who d) tput e) lock 15 Marks

3. a) With a neat diagram explain the organization of UNIX file system. 8 Marks

b) What are soft links and hard links? Explain the commands to create them. 7 Marks

4. a) Explain the output of ls - l command. 8 Marks

b) Give the command to change the file permissions. Explain the process of changing file permissionsrelatively and absolutely. 7 Marks

5. a) What are three different modes of vi editor? Explain those. 8 Marks

b) List 10 commands and their usage that transit vi editor from command mode to input mode.7 Marks

6. a) What are wild cards? Explain their usage in pattern matching. 8 Marks

b) What are standard input, standard output and standard error? Give a command to redirectstandard error to working terminal and no where. 7 Marks

7. What is a process? Explain the mechanism of process creation in UNIX. 8 Marks

b) Explain the mechanism of executing job periodically using cron. 7 Marks

8. a) Explain the command grep with any four different options. 8 Marks

b) What is Shell programming? What is significance of shell programming? Write a shell program todisplay list of users logined to the system. 7 Marks

* * * * * * *

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BSIT-44Fourth Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance Education

SOFTWARE ENGINEERINGTime: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Part-A is compulsory and carries 25 marks

2. Answer any FIVE full questions in Part-B

and each question carries 10 marks.


I. Answer the following questions. Each question carries 1 mark.

1 X 10=10 Marks

1. Software is a process and __________

2. In waterfall model, the phases in the software development are organized in _________

3. The _________ method is also known as the iterative enhancement model.

4. An external entity is represented using __________ in a DFD.

5. In object-oriented design, the modules in the design represent ___________

6. The weakest coupling that is most desirable is __________

7. PDL stands for ________

8. _________ helps to view the source code.

9. The impart metrics used during testing is _____________

10. __________ risks threaten the quality and timeliness of the s/w to be built.

II. Answer the following questions. Each question carries 3 mark. 3X5=15 Marks

1. What is software engineering? Briefly explain different phases of software engineering process.

2. What is prototyping ? Explain its significance.

3. What is a data dictionary? Why do you need data dictionary?

4. What is SRS ? Why do you need SRS? When do you say SRS is traceable?

5. What is a baseline? Give two examples of baseline.


III. Answer the FIVE full questions. Each question carries 10 mark. 15 X 5=75 Marks

1. a) What is software? Why is it difficult to develop quality software ? List out the importantcharacteristics of software. 8 Marks

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b) What is software reusability? What are its advantages? 7 Marks

2. What are the limitations of waterfall model? Explain the Boehm Spiral model. 15 Marks

3. Explain the software design principles. 15 Marks

4. What is cohesion and coupling? Explain different cohesion and coupling. 15 Marks

5. Explain the necessary design steps for transaction mapping. 15 Marks

6. What is software testing? Why is it very important? Bring out the differences between white- boxand block - box testing. 15 Marks

7. What are cart drivers? How are they applicable in COCOMO? Explain. 15 Marks

8. Discuss Mccall’s software quality factors? 15 Marks

* * * * * * *

BSIT-51Fifth Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance Education

COMPUTER GRAPHICS & MULTIMEDIATime: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Answer any FIVE questions.

2. All questions carry equal marks.


Answer to all questions.

5 X 5=25 Marks

1. Define the term Interactive Computer Graphics and give its applications

2. Differentiate Raster and Random Scanning technique.

3. List the different features of graphic mode of “C” programming language

4. What is Photoshop. List the different selection tools of Photoshop.

5. What is digital Imaging. List the choices for digital imaging.


Answer any FIVE full questions. 15 X 5=75 Marks

1. a) Why we need Computer Graphics. Explain the different hardware’s required for Graphicsprogramming 8 Marks

b) Explain how different Programming languages supports for Graphicsprogramming. 7 Marks

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2. a) With the help of a diagram explain the working principle of CRT. 8 Marks

b) With the help of a diagram explain the working principle of DVSTsystem. 7 Marks

3. a) Write a C program to draw a fish structure. 7 Marks

b) List and explain any four Graphic Functions of ‘c’ Language. 8 Marks

4. a) Explain the getimage ( ) and put image ( ) functions with a suitableexample. 8 Marks

b) What is Multimedia. Give the development of Multimedia technology. 7 Marks

5. a) With a suitable example explain Morphing technology. 8 Marks

b) Name and explain the different kinds of film less cameras available in the market. 7 Marks

6. a) Explain the significance of file extension and give example. 4 Marks

b) Explain the editing tools of Photoshop software. 7 Marks

c) What is animation. List the different animation techniques. 4 Marks

7. a) Explain the rubber stamp tool of Photoshop Software. 7 Marks

b) Compare RGB and CMY color models. 4 Marks

c) Explain the meaning of cropping an image. 4 Marks

8. Write a short notes on

i) Layering in Photoshop 7 Marks

ii) Hard copy devices 4 Marks

* * * * * * *

BSIT-52Fifth Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance EducationWEB PROGRAMMING

Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Answer to all questions in Part -A.

2. Answer any FIVE full questions in Part-B


Answer to all questions.

1. What is the difference between internet and intranet. 2 Marks

2. Explain the two main ways that HTTP protocol to send information to a web server. 4 Marks

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3. Explain the tugs that use to design tables. 4 Marks

4. Differentiate between Java & Java scripts. 2 Marks

5. What is a web server. 2 Marks

6. How are JSPs better than servlets. 3 Marks

7. What are the advantages of using servlets. 3 Marks

8. What are cookies? And why are cookies used for? 2 Marks

9. What is XML ? Give the XML document. 3 Marks


Answer any FIVE questions

1. a) Explain HTML form. 9 Marks

b) Explain in brief the building block of web. 6 Marks

2. a) Explain any two formatting tags with syntax. 10 Marks

b) Write a HTML program to insert a selection list in a form. 5 Marks

3. a) Explain briefly about cascading style sheets. 10 Marks

b) How to create a “menu” using Java Script. 5 Marks

4. a) What is CGI ? Give example of CGI applications and explain anyone of them. 7 Marks

b) In brief explain two types of PEARL variables. 8 Marks

5. a) Explain the role of deployment descriptors. 8 Marks

b) Explain the difference between web server and application server. 7 Marks

6. a) What is JSp ? How is it different from CGI programming? 7 Marks

b) Explain JSP error handling. 8 Marks

7. a) Explain servlet life cycle. 9 Marks

b) Write a Java Servlet program using HTML to show all the parameter names that were sent andputs them in table. 6 Marks

8. a) What is SSL ? Why do you require SSL ? 8 Marks

b) What are the different ways of tracking users? 7 Marks

* * * * * * *

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BSIT-53Fifth Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance Education


Notes: 1. Answer to all questions in Part -A.

2. Answer any FIVE full questions in Part-B


Answer to all questions.

1. What is dataware house? 1 Marks

2. What is relation? 1 Marks

3. What is datamart ? 1 Marks

4. What is data loading process. 1 Marks

5. What is query redirection? 1 Marks

6. Differentiate between facts and dimensions. 2 Marks

7. Name the two methods of vertical splitting. 1 Marks

8. What is the role of indexing? 1 Marks

9. Give any four reasons for datamarting. 2 Marks

10. What is the use of metadata in the query manager. 1 Marks

11. What are the different system management tools used for datawarehouse? 2 Marks

12. Write any four events. 1 Marks

13. List the data mining primitives. 1 Marks

14. What is meant by normalization of data? 1 Marks

15. List the 3 layers that feed forward neural network contains. 1 Marks

16. Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised learning. 2 Marks

17. What are Ordinal, Ratio - Scaled variables? 2 Marks

18. Which coding is the heart ‘of the knowledge discovery process? 1 Marks

19. Which coupling in data mining system smoothly integrates DB / DW system? 1 Marks

20. What is Arching? 1 Marks

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Answer any FIVE full questions.

1. With a neat diagram explain data warehouse delivery method. 15 Marks

2. a) What is Star-Flake Schema? Explain how to design Star - Flake Schema. 10 Marks

b) Explain multi dimensional schemas. 5 Marks

3. a) Explain horizontal partitioning. 5 Marks

b) What are the steps to be follow to identify the facts and the dimensions. 10 Marks

4. Define aggregation. Explain steps required to design summary table. 15 Marks

5. a) Write the structure of boundaries of process manager, explain how it works. 8 Marks

b) Briefly explain the system management tools. 7 Marks

6. Explain the issues in data mining. 15 Marks

7. a) What are the requirements for clustering? 8 Marks

b) How the Naive Bayesian classification works. 7 Marks

8. a) What are the guidelines for KDD environment. 8 Marks

b) Explain data mining for financial data analysis. 7 Marks

* * * * * * *

BSIT-54Fifth Semester B.Sc., (IT) Examinations,

January 2006Distance EducationQUALITY & TESTING

Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Notes: 1. Answer to all questions in Part -A.

2. Answer any FIVE full questions in Part-B


Answer to all questions.

1. What is testing? 1 Marks

2. What are the hurdles in testing? 2 Marks

3. What is block box testing? 1 Marks

4. What do you mean by the term software quality assurance. 2 Marks

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5. What is the measure of reliability. 1 Marks

6. Explain the need for inspection. 2 Marks

7. In what way white box testing helps. 2 Marks

8. Explain the difference between code waste through. 3 Marks

9. What are the steps involved for test case design. 2 Marks

10. What are the two phases the documentation testing can be approached. 2 Marks

11. Explain the difference between verification and validation. 2 Marks

12. What is regression testing? Explain in brief. 3 Marks

13. Explain Alpha and Beta testing. 2 Marks


Answer any FIVE full questions.

1. a) Why do we need to test the software? 6 Marks

b) Explain the origin of the deject distribution in a typical software development life cycle.

9 Marks

2. a) Explain any five types of software testing: 10 Marks

b) What are quality concepts and quality of conformance. 5 Marks

3. a) Explain defect amplification model. 10 Marks

b) What are the main objectives of Formal technical reviews (FRI). 5 Marks

4. a) Prepare a checklist to be followed while inspection. 6 Marks

b) Explain equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis with example. List the prons andcons of each method. 9 Marks

5. a) Explain graph matrices with an example. 8 Marks

b) Explain control structure testing. 7 Marks

6. a) Write a note on test automation? List few automation tools used for testing. 6 Marks

b) Explain in detail validation method of testing software systems. 9 Marks

7. a) With figure explain the strategy for software testing and software testing steps. 8 Marks

b) Explain integration testing? Explain any one method to carry out integration testing. 7 Marks

8. Write short notes on :

a) Cyclomatic complexity 6 Marks

b) Smoke testing, localization testing 4 Marks

c) Software quality metrics. 5 Marks

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