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  • 8/9/2019 Brochure Hv Substations


    Competence in Substations

    Transmission gridsEHV/HV-substations

  • 8/9/2019 Brochure Hv Substations




    Specialist for Power Networks and Systems

    SAG similarly stands for comprehensive know-how and a wide experience in electrical power systems

    providing specialised full services as well as system knowledge for electrical energy systems. Since

    the foundation of the company in 1916, SAG was close-knitted with the extension and maintenance

    of transmission and distribution systems at home and abroad. Traditionally the substation business

    belongs to the core business activities within SAG.

    Your Partner

    for Energy relatedInfrastructure

    With approximately 8,000 employees, the

    SAG Group generates an annual turnover of

    around 1 thousand million. The core markets

    are Germany and neighbouring countries in

    Western and Central Europe as well as project-

    related business in other European countries

    and worldwide. SAG has more than 100 locati-

    ons in Germany to underline its nationwide


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    Solutions for new requirementsIn recent years, new requirements and impulsesfor the construction, modernisation and operationof high and medium voltage switchgears resultedin two main factors: the ongoing expansion of cross-border networks and structural changes in thetransmission and distribution networks due to in-creased deployment of renewable energy sources.

    SAG consistently adapts its product and serviceportfolio to these market changes with the objec-

    tive to offer safe, efficient and cost-optimisedsolutions to the customer considering the entirelifecycle of the equipment.

    This applies both to transmission and distributionsystem operators, utilities, local authorities,municipalities, industrial customers as well asindependent power producers.

    The principle of networked competenceIn substation business the guiding principle behindall SAG activities is networked competence. SAGs

    substation division collaborates similarly inten-sively with affiliated divisions or companies of theSAG Group.

    The substation division is fit for the market. Viabranch offices, regional offices and local cooper-ation partners SAG is close to the customer. In Ger-many, the main sales offices are located in Essen,Ergolding, Berlin and Weinheim. The fast-growinginternational business is managed from the divi-sion substation export in Langen near Frankfurt.

    Based on decades of experience, SAG as one ofthe leading European service providers for powernetwork infrastructures develops and imple-ments tailor-made, forward-looking solutions forall added value stages of Asset Management andAsset Service.

    The core activities of SAG comprise: turnkey construction and maintenance of

    overhead lines and substations, provision of customer-specific automation

    and geo-information systems, and development of IT-supported asset, main-tenance and operations management systems.

    Overall projects from one single sourceThe full service offered by SAG relies on distinct,manufacturer-independent system know-how,which is based on the detailed knowledge of theimplemented equipment and systems and further-more on the substantiated state of knowledge of network control. Hence, SAG is in the position tofully handle and realise even the most ambitious


    In transmission and distribution networks substa-tions are of utmost importance for the reliabilityof electrical energy supply. In the wide branchedelectrical supply infrastructure substations bundleand distribute load flows at all network levelsfrom generation via transmission to distribution.Due to their substantial and functional primaryand secondary technique substations are highsophisticated and complex systems.


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    Products and Services

    Everything the Customer Needs

    Electrical power systems whether national or international are almost similarly structured.

    The technical standards, however, often differ significantly in terms of country specific require-

    ments respectively individual requirements of the network operators. In substation business

    SAGs wide range portfolio entirely satisfies the customer needs on the highest level of quality.

    Our utmost concern is to support our customerswith effective and reliable supplies in orderto support and to steadily strengthen their

    market position. For this purpose a high levelquality standard of our products and servicesis an indispensable requisite. Qualified, com-mitted, quality-conscious employees andour comprehensiveQuality Management Sys-tem are the guarantors for the securing of out-standing quality.

    In addition, protecting the occupational safetyand the health of all employees as well as theprotection of the environment are also keyparts of the corporate philosophy of SAG. Forthe successful implementation of these goals,all relevant aspects are integrated in SAGsOccupational Safety Management System andthe Directive on Environmental Protection.

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    Products and Services

    SAGs supply and service portfolio has developedover many years and is both extensive and flexible.It is oriented to network operation processes andthus covers the entire lifecycle of the equipment,i.e. from design stage via construction, modernisa-tion and maintenance and moreover to dismantlingand recycling.

    Based on this, SAG develops tailor-made solutionsfor clients of the energy and industry sector. Inthis context the idea of giving the best service to

    the customer is of vital importance. At the sametime, the selected product from the differentmanufacturers are combined to form an optimizedsystem fulfilling all requirements.

    Turnkey with standard technologyTurnkey competence, distinctive orientation toservice, manufacturer independence and profes-sional interface management thus particularlycharacterise SAGs product portfolio in substationconstruction. Core elements of the service andsupply spectrum is engineering, procurement,

    erection, testing and commissioning as well asmaintenance of all: HV switchgears > 60 kV

    (outdoor and indoor technology) MV switchgears > 6 kV (AIS and GIS) Auxiliary systems Protection systems Control, Metering, Communication

    The range of products and services offered issupplemented by: Damage analyses and rehabilitation concepts,

    developed by SAGs Research and TechnologyCentre (SAG VTZ)

    Grid connection and operation of decentralisedpower producers, like wind farms or photovol-taic systems

    Earthing calculations and analyses Studies on electrical interference

    Streamlining increases profitabilityWith this orientation SAG is exactly followingpresent market requirements. Due to increasingregulatory and competitive pressure, cost con-siderations increasingly become the decisive

    factor in substation business. Increasing require-ments on profitability are forcing the networkoperators to permanently improve and optimisetheir return on system investments and to organ-ise and configure the network service as effi-cient as possible. Rehabilitation of existingswitchgear systems is thus becoming more andmore significant. At the same time, network andsystem operators are permanently attemptingto exploit additional efficiency and quality po-tentials by combining primary and secondarytechnologies from different manufacturers and

    delegating the realization to the specialist staff of the contractor.

    Innovations in SAGs own productsSAG offers not only the necessary system, engin-eering and project management know-how. Furtherto this, SAG manufactures control, protectionand annunciator panels, customer specific AIS MVswitchgears and the recently developed fieldadaptation cabinet, which optimize the interfaceto the primary equipment. This cabinet providesthe complete secondary technique for HV switch-gears in one single unit, is factory pre-tested andready for connection.

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    Tailor-Made Concepts

    The network operation increasingly faces growing economical and technical requirements leading to an

    increasing demand for tailor-made concepts for the construction, expansion and modernisation of high

    and medium voltage substations. Utility and industry costumers are therefore turning more and more to

    the proven manufacturer-independent solution competence of SAG, as demonstrated by some selected

    recent reference projects below.


    Germany: Implementation of the Superior Po-wer Infrastructure for Lignite Mining in Gar-zweiler for RWE Power AG, Construction of S/S Kriftel for RWE Transportnetz Strom

    Austria: Construction of a 110 kV substationfor EVN

    France: Extension of a 400 kV substation forRTE (Rseau de Transport d lectricit)

    Luxembourg: Construction of substation Ber-

    chem, Kayl for Cegedel S.A., Construction of 220/25 kV substation Oxylux for Cegedel S.A. Netherlands: Construction of 380/150 kV

    transformer substation for TenneT Ireland: Construction of S/S Athy for ESB,

    Construction of S/S Stephenstown for ESB UK:Rehabilitation of S/S Aldershot

    for Scottish & Southern Electric Sweden: Extension of S/S Linkping for State

    Utility Kraftnt AB, Turnkey construction of 400 kV-S/S Stenkullen for Svenska Kraftnt

    Mexico: Refurbishment and Improvement of

    the 115 kV grid connection S/S for VW-Faci-lity in Puebla

    Algeria: Extension of S/S El Affroun,Cherchell, Kherba and Oued Sly forSONELGAZ, Extension of 220 kV substationsEl Kseur and Bouira for SONELGAZ

    Rwanda: Turnkey construction of S/S MontKigali for Electrogaz, Turnkey constructionof 110/70/30 kV/ 10 MVA S/S Kabarondo

    Thailand: Construction of a Solar Power Plantfor EGAT

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    Wind Farm GridConnection/Ireland:Bally WaterBally Water Wind Farm Ltd.,as IPP, ordered SAG to

    realize the grid connection of their wind farm inCounty Killmuckridge in Ireland. The 110/20-kVsubstation connects a 42 MW wind farm to theelectrical grid of the Irish Utility ESB. In thefinal stage the wind farm will have an aggregatecapacity of 72 MW. SAGs scope comprises the

    grid study for the connection of the wind farm,primary and secondary engineering, supply anderection of HV and MV components, laying of21 km 110 kV power and communication cables.

    Electrogaz/Rwanda: GridExtension/RehabilitationIn Eastern Rwanda SAG issignificantly involved inthe extension and rehabili-

    tation of the electricity supply system. In thewestern part of the country SAG is currently real-

    izing a new 110 kV transmission link for thenational utility Electrogaz. The scope within thisproject comprises the turn-key construction of a15 km OHTL and a new 110/30 kV 40 MVA sub-station. In a second project SAG is rehabilitatingthe 110/30 kV substation Gikondo, located in thesuburbia of Kigali. Within this turn-key projectSAG, as principle contractor, provides the com-plete spectrum from engineering, civil works,procurement of a 30 kV MV GIS double busbarswitchgear, installation, erection to commis-sioning and new control and protection systemsfor the 110 kV feeders.

    RWE Power/Germany: Turn-key infrastructure for Lignitecoal mine GarzweilerSince the beginning of 2006RWE Power AG has been step-

    wise expanding the brown coal surface miningfacility in Garzweiler in the Rhineland. SAG asconsortium leader together with a manufacturerimplemented the superior power supply infra-structure. The key elements of this turnkey projectwith a total value of 12.6 Million Euros was the

    construction of a 110/25/6 kV transformer substa-tion for the material handling facilities and a 6 kVauxiliary system for the drainage facilities. SAGwas responsible for the project management, pri-mary engineering, civil works as well as all erec-tion works. The consortium partner provided highvoltage and secondary equipment.

    Svenska Kraftnt/Sweden:Reconstruction of a 400 kVsubstationThe Swedish Svenska Kraft-

    nt AB is currently system-atically expanding its high voltage grid. In thiscontext SAG received the order to reconstruct the400/ 130 kV substation Stenkullen, east of Gothen-burg. The turn-key contract comprises engineering,procurement, erection testing and commissioningof the new primary and secondary technique.The core element of the future switchgear will bea central portal with two tubular busbars. Thedigital control system IDS LISA 850 will be func-tionally adapted and will meet the stringentScandinavian requirements on electromagneticcompatibility.


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    SAG GmbHPittlerstr. 4463225 LangenGermany

    T +49 6103 4858-0F +49 6103 4858-389E [email protected]
