  • 8/2/2019 Briefing Note NSIC Main Building 25.01.2011





    Qualifying Criteria 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s IVRCL Infrastructures &Projects Limited.

    M/s URC Construction Privatelimited.

    M/s JMC Projects (I) Ltd. M/s Nagarjuna ConstructionCompany Limited.

    1 The Earnest Money of Rs.50.00 lacs

    (Rupees fifty Lacs only) in shape of

    Bankers Cheque / Pay Order/ Demand

    Draft payable at Delhi / Gurgaon,

    drawn in favour of RITES Ltd.

    DD. No. 202345 Dated 18.01.2011ICICI Bank, Noida.

    ` 50,00,000.00 (C-488 to C-489, Vol.-III)

    DD No. 847324 dated 04.01.2011State Bank of India,Erode for

    ` 50,00,000.00 (Photo copy notenclosed in the file)

    DD. No. 321948 dt.18.01.2011Oriental Bank of Commerce, Noida

    ` 50,00,000.00 (Photo copy notenclosed in the file)

    DD. No. 015967 Dt 11.12.2010 ,ICICIbank, Gurgaon. (Photo copy not

    enclosed in the file)

    2 Tender Validity

    The Tender shall be valid for a period of

    120 days from 19.01.2010(Date of


  • 8/2/2019 Briefing Note NSIC Main Building 25.01.2011



    Qualifying Criteria 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s IVRCL Infrastructures &Projects Limited.

    M/s URC Construction Privatelimited.

    M/s JMC Projects (I) Ltd. M/s Nagarjuna ConstructionCompany Limited.

    3 Annual Turnover

    The bidder should have had average

    annual financial turnover of Rs. 6570

    Lacs on construction works during the

    last five years ending on 31st March



    The bidder should furnishAnnual Financial Turnover for each

    of the last 5 financial years in tabular

    form and give reference of the

    document (with page no.) relied upon

    in support of meeting the

    Qualification Criteria.

    - The tenderer should submit

    self attested copy of Auditors Report

    along with Balance Sheet and Profit

    and Loss Statement along with

    Schedules for the relevant financial

    year in which the minimum criterion

    is met. Provisional audit reports or

    certified statements may not be


    - If the Audited Balance Sheet

    for the immediately preceding year is

    not available in case of tender

    opened before 30th Sept., audited

    Balance Sheets, Profit and Loss

    Statements and other financial

    statements of the five financial years

    immediately preceding the previous

    year may be adopted for evaluating

    the credentials of the bidder.

    The bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of profit & loss account withbalance sheet for the year ending2009-10 placed at C-474 to C-437VOL.III but Auditors Repot notsubmitted,

    self attested printed book of AnnualReport for the years 2005-06, 2006-

    07, 2007-08, 2008-09 , 2009-10placed at C-404 to C-408 VOL.III

    Finance is requested to calculateannual financial turnover from theabove financial document submitted.

    Self attested copy of Annual financial

    Turnover in tabular form for 2005-2006 to 2009-2010 placed at C-410VOL.III









    The bidder has submitted selfattested copy of Charted

    Accountants certificate placed onfolio no C-509.

    The bidder has not submittedAuditors Report along withBalance Sheet and Profit and

    Loss Statement









    The bidder has submitted Selfattes ted copy of Chartedaccountants certificate placed atfolio no C- 1115, Vol.- V Profit andloss account with balance sheet-2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 , 2009-10 placed at folio no-C-1071-1080, Vol.- V.

    Self attested printed book of AnnualReport for the years 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10placed at C-983 to C-987, Vol. V..Auditors Report not submitted.Finance is requested to calculateannual financial turnover from theabove financial document submitted.










    The bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of Auditors Report Audited

    Accountss Report along with Balance

    Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement forthe year ending 2005-06, 2006-07,2007-08, 2008-09 & 2009-10 at C-1433 to C-1326, Vol.-VII.

    Finance is requested to calculate

    annual financial turnover from the abovefinancial document submitted.









  • 8/2/2019 Briefing Note NSIC Main Building 25.01.2011



    Qualifying Criteria 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s IVRCL Infrastructures &Projects Limited.

    M/s URC Construction Privatelimited.

    M/s JMC Projects (I) Ltd. M/s Nagarjuna ConstructionCompany Limited.

    4 Work Experience

    The bidder should have satisfactorily

    completed in his own name, at least

    one similar work of minimum value of

    Rs 6570 lacs OR at least two similar

    works each of minimum value of Rs

    4928 Lacs during the last 5 (five) years

    prior to the date of submission of the

    bid. Works completed prior to thecutoff date shall not be considered.

    Similar Works

    Similar Works shall mean the work of

    Construction of Basement +Ground+ 4

    Institutional/ Commercial / Office

    Complex with minimum built-up area

    of 32,600 Sqm. With RCC framed


    Notes :

    - A weightage of 5%

    (compounded annually from the date

    of completion of the work to the

    submission of the bid) shall be givenfor equating the value of works of the

    previous years to the current year.

    - Only such works shall be

    considered where physical completion

    of entire work is over or

    commissioning of work has been done,

    whichever is earlier.

    - The bidder should submit the

    details of such similar completed

    works as per the format at Proforma-1

    enclosed. In support of having

    completed these works, the bidder

    should submit attested copies of the

    completion certificates from theowner/ client indicating the name of

    the work, the description of work done

    by the bidder, value of contract

    executed by the bidder, extent of

    financial participation by bidder in

    case of JV, date of start, date of

    completion (stipulated and actual) and

    value of the material supplied by the

    Client. The value of work executed

    (a) Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificate No.BMTC:CO:CE:NURM:EE:531/10-11 dt.01.10.10 issued by Executive Engineer(Project) BMTC, Bangalore. (C-400Vol.-III)

    i) Scope of work-

    S.N Description ofwork

    Scope of work

    1 Bus Stand(RCCStructure)

    Lower level(Basement)+Upperlevel+4Floors

    2 Multi LevelCar Parking(RCC Work)


    Total Built up Area In SuperStructure = 43000 Sqm

    ii) Date of start-31-07-2008iii)Schedule date of Completion-30-07-

    2010 (24 months)

    iv)Actual date of Completion- 30-09-2010 (virtually completed)v) Actual cost of completed work- ` 76

    crorersvi) Agreement amount- ` 79.5 crorersas per last certified Bill(Civil)

    ----------------------------------(b) Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificate No. Nil dt.

    09.04.2010 issued by Project ManagerBITS Pillani- Hyderabad Campus forConstruction of BITS Pillani HyderabadCampus @ Jawahar Nagar,

    Shameerpet, Hyderabad . (C-399,Vol.-III)i) Scope of work- Institutional Buildingconsisting of academic Block, Adminblock, Lecture theaters and class roomblocks, Library work shop buildings,hostel blocks for Boys and Girls, Dininghalls, medical care, Shopping complex,student activity centre ,Directorresidence,G-2,G-3,G-4 and G-5 type

    (a)Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of Completion certificate No.54(330)/HCD-III /07/776 dt.26.03.2007 issued by Executiveengineer HCD, CPWD andHyderabad.

    i)Scope of work-Income tax officebuilding consists of B Blocks(4 Nos

    tower blocks,2Nos lifts blocks & 2toilet block)having structure of G +10floors (43m height),flooring withgranite, Marble, Vitrified Tiles, Kotastone & MOSAIC TILES, Aluminiumpartition with double skin prelaminated board ,Structural glazing,

    horiltage flakes etc),water supply&sanitary works. Which is placed atC-516 to C-517 Vol.-IV.(ii)Date of start- 28.07.2003(iii)Stipulated date of completion :19.03.2005(iv) Date of Completion 02.09.2006(v)Actual Amount including

    Escalation amount RS.183167871.00vi)Agreement Amount

    RS.15,32,94,023.00vii) Built-Up Area is not specified.

    (b)Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificate No. Nil dt.13.08.2010 issued by ManagingDirector (Mr.A.Sennimalai) forconstruction of Five Star Hotel ForM/s Appu Hotels Ltd. C-515 Vol.-iv)i)Scope of work-Construction of 2RCC Basements including Raft

    Foundation, Waterproofing work and

    completion of RCC Framed structureof Ground Floor + Nine Upper Floorto a total height of 44.00M FromGround Floor Level.ii) Date of start- 26.10.2007(iii) Stipulated date of completion :30.10.2008(iv) Date of Completion 30.07.2010

    (v)Actual Amount includingEscalation amount RS.60.31crores

    (a)Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificate No-Nil dt.21.01.2009 issued by Chief generalManager-(PG-II). placed at FolioNo.C-11108-1109 for Constructionof post graduate institute of medical

    Education & Research at Dr. RMLHospital , New Delhi .

    i)Scope of work- Construction ofmain building block (Lecture Hall,Institute Block and Library)

    The work comprises of civil plumbingand sanitary ,Electrical, Lift ,HVAC,Fire F ighting and external

    development works such as roadsland scaping internal and externallightning ,sewerage and storm waterdrainage.Type of structure : RCC frameStructure having 2basement+Ground floor+6 stories.(ii)Date of start- 02.05.2006

    (iii)Stipulated date of completion :02.05.2007(iv) Date of Completion 13.09.2007

    (v)Actual AmountRS.4420.63 Lacsvi)Agreement Amount RS.4596.11Lacsvii)Amount after adding weight age :

    vii) Built-Up Area- 23016 Sqm.

    ----------------------------------(b)Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificate No-Nil dt.29.06.2009 issued by Director

    Operations, Vikas Telecom

    Limited,Bangalore.placed at FolioNo.C-1101 for Construction ofVrindavan Tech village Phase IIbui ld ing at outer r ing road,Deverabeesanahalli, Bangalore,Karnataka .

    A certificate from Assetz propertyservices is also submitted by

    the bidder mentioning detaileddescription of the project.

    a) Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificate no - Nil Dated-25.11.09 issued by Executive Engineerouter Delhi Division CPWD forconstruction of Cabinet Sectt. Buildingat 5A Lodhi Road, New Delhi placed at

    folio no-C-1321 to C- 1322, Vol.-VII.i) Scope of work- RCC framed Structure

    (single basement +12 storeys i/c watersupply, sanitary installat ions,drainage ,electric installation anddevelopment works.ii) Date of start -29-09-2006.i ii) Date of actual complet ion:-18.09.2008iv))Actual cost of completed:- `8285.38lacsv) Tendered cost `860364275.00vi)Total Built up area : 65,000 Sqm--------------------------------(b) Bidder has submitted self attested

    copy for Certificates No-Nil Dated-15.12.07 issued by chief engineer Tribal

    Welfare, Sports Authority of AndhraPradesh for construction of GamesVillage at Gachibowli hydrabad.placedat folio no-C-1320 to C- 1318, Vol.-VII.i)Scope of work :-RCC framed structurein basement ground+ Thirteen Floors,Electrical, HVAC, Fire Detection andfire fighting system.ii) Date of start -02-10-2006iii)date of actual completion -06.10.2007iv) Actual cost of completed work-`7200.00lacsv)Revised value of contract -`7200.00 Built up area : 53,243 Sqm



    (c) Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy for Certificates No- NIL Dated-01.06.2009 issued by ExecutiveEngineer ,International cricket stadium,Raipur for construction of cricket

    stadium complex at Parasada, Raipur,Chattisgarh .placed at folio no-C-1315,

  • 8/2/2019 Briefing Note NSIC Main Building 25.01.2011



    Qualifying Criteria 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s IVRCL Infrastructures &Projects Limited.

    M/s URC Construction Privatelimited.

    M/s JMC Projects (I) Ltd. M/s Nagarjuna ConstructionCompany Limited.

    should be inclusive of the value of free

    supply items and escalation amount, if


    - The bidder should include

    details of only such works in Proforma

    1 which satisfy the Qualification

    Criteria and submit supporting details/

    credentials of only such works.

    - Credential certificates issued

    by Govt. Organizations/ Semi Govt.

    Organizations/ Public Sector

    Undertakings/ Autonomous bodies /

    Municipal bodies/ Public Ltd. Cos.

    listed on BSE/NSE shall only be

    accepted for assessing the eligibility of

    a tenderer. Certificates issued by such

    Public Ltd. Co. must be supported by

    TDS Certificates evidencing the value

    of work.

    - The cutoff date shall be

    calculated backwards from the date of

    submission/opening of tender i.e. for atender which is being opened on

    6.10.09, the cutoff date shall be


    As the opening date was 19.01.2011 the

    cutoff date is 20.01.2006

    quarters with services like plumbingsanitary , Internal and externalelectrification works ,water proofingworks, flooring, masonry works, doorsand windows, painting works, roadworks, external development works,

    external water supply and UG tank,Sub Station Works etc.

    ii) Date of start-09-03-2007iii) Schedule date of Completion- 08-03-2010iv) Actual date of Complet ion-31.03.2010 time extended without L.D.v) Actual cost of completed work- `94.59 amount- ` 11054.93 lacsvii) Total Built up Area In SuperStructure = 16.30 lacs Sqft. i.e.151431.955 Sqm----------------------------------(c) Bidder has submitted self attested

    copy of certificate No. Nil dt.29.09.2009 issued by Executive

    Engineer ,Punjab Technical University,Ladowal i Road, Jalandar for Construction of wing A,B. and C atPTU site on Jalandhar kapurthalahighway. (C-384 to C-395, Vol.-III)i) Scope of work- Construction Of Twobuildings (i)G+3 (framed structure) (ii)

    B+G+7(framed structure) .ii) Date of start-02.01.2006iii) Schedule date of Completion-31.08.2007iv) Actual date of Complet ion-31.03.2009v) Actual cost of completed work- `28.50 Crores

    vi) Agreement amount-`

    29.72 CroresTotal Built up area 24749 Sqm

    ----------------------------------(d) Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificate No.NIL Dated08.05.2009 issued by Dy. ChiefEngineer (Con-I),Sec railway,Bilaspur),for Construct ion of Type II , IQuarters ,RPF barrack ,training centre,

    vi)Agreement Amount not specifiedvii) Built-Up Area 62000 Sqm.

    The company is NSE listed butTDS certificate not submitted.----------------------------------(c) Bidder has submitted selfattested copy of certificate No. Nil dt.

    10.04.2010 issued by Manager- Civil& Projects (Mr.S.RengasamyBE.,MIE.,) PSG Institutions AvinashiRoad, Coimbatore- 641004 forconstruction of Institutional Buildingsincluding Electrical lift, plumbing andsanitary works.

    ii) Date of start- 18.01.2007(iii) Stipulated date of completion :30.03.2009(iv) Date of Completion 30.08.2009(v)Actual Amount includingEscalation amount RS.24 croresvi)Agreement Amount not specifiedvii) Built-Up Area Not mentioned.

    Certificate placed at C-506 is not valid asthe date of completion in this case is30.04.2005

    Other certificates are placed at C-502 to C-512 of Vol. IV

    i)Scope of work- Construction ofVardhman Medical college andlibrary building (package I)including civil auditorium works( 4

    nos) electrical lifts 6 No.s sanitaryand plumbing fire fighting and fire

    detection ,curtain glazing, central airconditioning at safdarjung Hospitalcomplex, New Delhi(ii)Date of start21.09.2005(iii)Stipulated date of completion :Not mentioned.(iv) Date of Completion 28.02.2007

    (v)Actual AmountRS.4763.47 Lacsvi)Agreement Amount RS.4860.62Lacsvii) Built-Up Area- 27,500 Sqm.

    The company Vikas TelecomLimited is NSE listed but TDScertificate not submitted.Also

    Assetz property services a listed company.----------------------------------Other work certificates are placed onfolio No C-1091-C-1096.

    Vol.-VII.i)Scope of work :-RCC framed structurein cellar + Five FloorsHeight of building24.08 m ,Depth of basement 4.50 m.ii) Date of start -23.09.2004iii)date of actual completion -31.05.2009

    iv) Actual cost of completed work-`101.01 Crores.

    v) Agreement amount -`101.56 Croresvi)Total Built up area : 57,155 Sqm


    (e) Other work certificates are placed onfolio No C-1316-1317.

  • 8/2/2019 Briefing Note NSIC Main Building 25.01.2011



    Qualifying Criteria 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s IVRCL Infrastructures &Projects Limited.

    M/s URC Construction Privatelimited.

    M/s JMC Projects (I) Ltd. M/s Nagarjuna ConstructionCompany Limited.

    administrative building for sectionrailway zonal headquarters,GMsbungalow other service buildings alongwith allied infrastructure for new zonalhead quarters of south east centralrai lway, Bilaspur- Chatt isgarh(Package-II) (C-381-385, Vol.-III)i) Scope of work-

    A Block B Block CBlock

    D Block

    GF+FF GF+3floors



    ii) Date of start-27.01.2005iii) Schedule date of Completion-26.07.2006

    iv) Actual date of Complet ion-27.04.2009 (major works have beencompleted and few minor works suchas landscaping etc are in progress.

    v) Gross amount of completed work- `42.51 Croresvi) Agreement amount- ` 44.51 Crores

    (a)Original `38.12 Crores(b) Revised- ` 44.51 Crores

    vii)Total Built-up area-92599.00Sqm----------------------------------List of other work completed areplaced on folio No C-348 and C-380

    5 Solvency Certificate

    A Solvency Certificate of minimum

    solvency of Rs 3285 Lacs (suggested

    format at Proforma 2) from a

    Nationalized or a Scheduled Bank

    issued not earlier then 6 months from

    the last date of submission of tender is

    required to be submitted by the


    i.e. before 18.07.2010 as date of opening

    of bid was 19.01.2011

    The bidder has submitted copy of selfattested Solvency certificate No.13/2010-11 dtd. 19.07.2010 issued byChief Manager Tamilnad MercantileBank Ltd.,15-2-696 f irst f loor,Siddiamber Bazar, Kishan Gunj,

    Hyderabad-500 012,Andhra PradeshState. (placed at folio no-C-346, Vol.-III). The certificate is not as perstandard Performa-2 at page No.23 ofTec. Bid Volume 1. The certificatestates as under

    This is to certify that M/s IVRCLInfrastructures & Projects Limitedhaving its registered office at M-22/3RT,Vi jaynagar Colony,

    The bidder has not submittedSolvency Certificate.

    Bidder has submitted self attestedcopies of solvency certificate whichwas issued earlier than sixmonths from the date of submission of bid and the letter isalso not in standard Performa. (C-

    1081, Vol.-V)

    The bidder has submitted unattestedOriginal Solvency certificate NoCAG/HYD/AMT-1/2010-11/560 dtd.11.12.2010 issued by Asst. generalManager and Relationship ManagerState Bank of India ,Hyderabad

    Branch which states that This is tocertify that to the best of our knowledgeand information, M/s NagarjunaConstruction Company Limited. havingits registered office at 41 NagarjunaHills,\ Punjagutta,Hyderabad-500082,Andhra Pradesh , a customer ofour bank is a reputed company with agood financial standing and can betreated as solvent to the extent of `

  • 8/2/2019 Briefing Note NSIC Main Building 25.01.2011


  • 8/2/2019 Briefing Note NSIC Main Building 25.01.2011



    Qualifying Criteria 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s IVRCL Infrastructures &Projects Limited.

    M/s URC Construction Privatelimited.

    M/s JMC Projects (I) Ltd. M/s Nagarjuna ConstructionCompany Limited.

    7 A declaration in the form of affidavit on

    stamp paper of ` 10/- duly attested by

    Notary/Magistrate should be submitted

    as per format given in Proforma 3

    Bidder has Submitted self attestedwith attestation by Notary placed at C-342, Vol.-III

    Bidder has Submitted self attestedwith attestation by Notary placed atC-548,Vol.-IV but name of bidderis not mentioned.

    Bidder has Submitted self attestedwith attestation by Notary placed atC-1069, Vol.-V.

    Submitted with attestation by Notaryplaced at C-1309, Vol.-VII.

    8 Self attested copy of Partnership Deed/

    Memorandum and Articles of

    Association of the firm.

    Submitted self attested copy forMemorandum and Art icles of

    Association of firm at C-432 Vol-III.

    Bidder has not submitted Copy ofPartnership Deed/ Memorandumand Articles of Association of thefirm.

    Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of Memorandum and Article of

    Association of firm at folio noC-1146.

    Submitted memorandum and Articles ofAssociation of firm without selfattestation on cover page only. (C-1478 to C -1458 Vol-VII).

    9 Written Power of Attorney of the

    signatory of the Tender on behalf of the

    tenderer. (Annexure-IV)

    Bidder has submitted power of attorneyin favor of Ms. Swapan Kumar Senwhich is placed at C-491 C-493 Vol-III

    Bidder has submitted Power ofattorney in favour Mr C.Devarajan,(Joint Managing Director) 63/73,perianna Street, Erode-638001which is placed at folio no C-537 toC-538 Vol. IV.

    Bidder has submitted Power ofattorney in favour Mr.SubrataKumar Sahani, Asst. Vice President(Business Development &Tendering) of the Company, agedabout 50 years, res iding at40,Pocket- C,(S.F.S. Flats), MayurVihar III, Delhi 110096 which isplaced at folio no C-1151-1152, Vol.-VI.Bidder has also submitted selfattested copy of Extract of Meetingof Management Committee ofDirectors of JMC Projects (India)

    LTD. (C-1150, Vol.-VI)

    Bidder has submitted power of attorneyin favor of Mr. BB Kumar, ExecutiveVice President (Technical) , as attorneywhich is placed at C-1454 to C-1453Vol-VII.

    10 Self attested copy of a certificate, (valid

    as on last date of submission of bid) of

    registration with CPWD or MES or

    Railways or DOT or State PWD or any

    other Central / State Government

    Undertaking, Municipal Bodies or from

    working contractors of RITES.

    Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificateNo.Proc.No.Rc/ENC(A.W.)/ADA/AE3/SP45R/2009 dt. 20.03.2010 issued byEngineer -in -ch ief I & CADDepartment ,ERRUMManzil,Hydrabad. RegistrationNo.COT/SP/732/2009 For registrationwith I & CAD Department.(C-426 to C-428, Vol.-III). Also Submitted copy ofLOA for Construction of boys hostelG+7 and facu lty housing atMNNIT,Allahabad.No.RITES/ CP/MNNIT/BH/ Allahabad/2009. (C-422 to

    C-424, Vol.-III)

    And some other certificates are alsoenclosed by the bidder placed at (C-412 to C421)

    Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of Completion certificate issuedfrom CPWD No. 54(330)/HCD-III/07/776 dt. 26.03.2007 issued byExecutive engineer HCD, CPWDand Hyderabad. i)Scope of work-Income tax office building consists ofB Blocks(4 Nos tower blocks,2Noslifts blocks & 2 toilet block)havingstructure of G +10 floors (43mheight),flooring with granite, Marble,Vitrified Tiles, Kota stone & MOSAICTILES, Aluminium partition withdouble skin pre laminated board

    ,Structural glazing, horiltage flakesetc),water supply& sanitary works.Which is placed at C-516 Vol.-IV.

    Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of list certificates at C-1136and submitted self attested copy ofcertificate No. C/14- # 1 (CIVIL)Dated:- 31-07-2008, Office OrderNo. 1164 (CIVIL), Issued By theSuperintending Engineer (C&M),CPWD Department, O.M. No.DGW/MAN/157 Dated: - 14.07.2008,Its validity Up to Four Years. (C-1132 to C-1134 Vol. - V).

    And some other certificates are alsoenclosed by the bidder placed at (C-1117 to C-11131 Vol.- V)

    (i)Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificate No. C14#1(Civil). dt.15.07.2010 issued by SuperintendingEngineer (C-1447 to C- 1444, Vol.-VII)

    Some other certificates for registrationwith other departments are alsosubmitted which are placed at C-1443to C-1436.

    11 Letter of Transmittal as given in


    Submitted and placed at C-434-435,Vol.-III.

    Submitted self attested and availableat C-560 to C-561, Vol.-IV but thename of applicant and date is notmentioned.

    Submitted and placed at C-1147-1148, Vol. - VI.

    Submitted and placed at C-1481 to C-1482, Vol.-VII, but date is notmentioned with seal and signatures

  • 8/2/2019 Briefing Note NSIC Main Building 25.01.2011



    Qualifying Criteria 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s IVRCL Infrastructures &Projects Limited.

    M/s URC Construction Privatelimited.

    M/s JMC Projects (I) Ltd. M/s Nagarjuna ConstructionCompany Limited.

    12 List of similar works completed during

    last five tears as per Performa-I. Submitted self attested and placed atC-401-402, Vol.-III.

    Submitted self attested and placedat C-555 to C-556, Vol.-IV.

    Submitted and placed at C-1113,Vol.-V.

    Submitted and placed at C-1324, Vol.-VII.

    13 Self attested copy of PAN/TAN issued

    by Income Tax Department.

    submitted self attested copy of PANNo. issued by income Tax Departmentat C- 431 Vol.-III

    Submitted Self attested Copy forPAN No. Issued by Income TaxDepartment at Folio no C-533


    Submitted self attested copy of PANNo. issued by income TaxDepartment at C- 1137 Vol.-V.

    submitted self attested copy of PAN No.issued by income Tax Department at C-1451 Vol. VII

    14 Self attested copy of Registration under

    Labour Laws, like PF, ESI etc.

    Submitted self attested copy of PF andESI Certificate which are placed at C-332 to C-336, Vol.-III.

    I)Bidder has submitted self attestedESI Registrat ion copy at C-523Vol.IVII) Bidder has Submitted self attested unstamped PF registrationcopy at C-524 TO C-531, Vol.-IV

    Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of PF Registration (EPF andmiscellaneous provisions Act, 1952-

    Applicability thereof-Allotment codeNumber) and some EPF monthlychallan on folio no-C-1045 to C-1055and ESI certificate copy placed onfolio no C-1042 to C-1044 Vol. - V.

    PF and ESI registration submitted atC-1299 to C-1301 , Vol. VII.

    15 Self attested copy of Sales Tax, Works

    Contract Tax, Service Tax Registration

    Certificate (as applicable).

    Submitted self attested copies of sometax certificates which are placed at C-338to C-340, Vol.- III.

    Submitted self attested copy ofIncome tax return acknowledgementwhich are placed at C-519, Vol.- IV.

    Bidder has submittedI) Self attested copy of Mah. Sales

    Tax on Works Contracts Act, 1989placed at folio no. C-1068 Vol. - V.II) Self attested copy for DVAT TIN

    Certificate Placed at folio no. C-1056Vol. - V.Self attested copies of some taxcertificates which are placed at C-1057 to C-1067 Vol. - V.

    Bidder has submitted Sales taxcertificates and some other certificateswhich are placed at C-1449 to C-1450,Vol. VII. , Service Tax Registration.SalesTax, certificate of deduction of tax at

    source under delhi VAT Tax Act - 2007 C-1303 certificate are placed at C-1307 toC-1450, Vol. VII

    16 The Tender document & drawings

    issued to the tenderer is required to be

    submitted duly signed and stamped with

    firm seal on each page as token of

    having read the conditions.

    Submitted Tender document dulystamped and signed, placed at C-231Vol.- I I and drawings are notSubmitted.

    Submitted Tender document anddrawing duly stamped and signed atC-635 to C-951, Vol. - IV.

    Submitted Tender document dulystamped and signed, Placed at C-1157, Vol.- VI and drawings arenot Submitted.

    Submitted Tender document dulystamped and signed placed at C-1487Vol VII But drawings are notsubmitted

    17 Tender and Contract form at page 45 to

    47 of Technical bid, Part-I is required to

    be submitted duly signed and witnessed.

    Submitted and placed at folio no. C-C231 of Vol. II

    Bidder has submitted Tender andContract form signed but addressed

    to AGM (Tender Cell) butAccepting Authority should beManaging Director /Rites Ltd. atfolio no-C-554-556 Vol. III

    Submitted and placed at folio no. C-1038 to C-1039 of Vol. V.

    Not submitted.

    18 Integrity Pact is required to be

    submitted duly signed and stamped.

    Submitted and placed at folio no. C-480-486 Vol. III

    The bidder has submitted theIntegrity Pact duly signed at foliono. C-634-562 Vol. IV

    The bidder has submitted two copyof The Integrity Pact duly signed atfolio no. C-1024 to C-1036 Vol. V.but not signed with two witness.

    The bidder has submitted the IntegrityPact of Technical Bid duly signed withtwo witness but name and address ofthe second is not mentioned. (C-1290 to C-1295, Vol.-VII )

    19 Corrigendum 1 to 7, and clarifications Bidder has submitted self attested `Bidder has submitted self attested Bidder has submitted self attested Bidder has submitted self attested

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    Qualifying Criteria 1/8 2/8 3/8 4/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s IVRCL Infrastructures &Projects Limited.

    M/s URC Construction Privatelimited.

    M/s JMC Projects (I) Ltd. M/s Nagarjuna ConstructionCompany Limited.

    are required to be submitted duly

    signed and stamped.

    Clarifications, corrigendum no-1, 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 placed at folio no C-151to C-229, Vol.-II.

    corrigendum no-1 to 6 placed at foliono C-846 to C-910, Vol.-IV butCorrigendum No 7 is notenclosed.

    Clarifications, corrigendum no-1, 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 placed at folio no C-1158 to C-1237, Vol.-VI

    Clarifications, corrigendum no-1, 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 placed at folio no C-151 toC-1288 To C-1241, Vol.-II.

    20 ISO certificate (if any) Submitted and placed at C-329 to C-330, Vol.-III.

    Submitted and placed at C-518,Vol.-IV.

    Submitted self attested copy, placedat C-1041, Vol.-V.

    Submitted and placed at C-1297, Vol.-VII.

    21 Conditions/deviations if any NIL NIL

    22 Any other information The bidder has submitted (i)Indemnity bond (Annexure G pageno.145) placed at C-547 to C-546.(ii) Integrity pact placed at C-537-CC-454(iii)Extract of minutes ofmeeting of board of Directors placedat C-534 toC-536(iv)Certificate ofsales tax verification-placed at C-521.Details of additional places ofbusiness placed at C-521.

    I) Bidder has submitted QualityPolicy placed at folio no C-981.Vol. - V.ii) Bidder has submitted CertificateFor Excellence in Construction inHigh Rise Building Award -2000Issued From Association ofConsulting Civil Engineers (India).

    And some other certificates areplaced at C- 955 to C-979, Vol.- V.


    Qualifying Criteria 8/8 6/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s Era Infra Engineering Limited. M/s Sam ( India) Built Well Pvt.Ltd.

    1 The Earnest Money of Rs.50.00 lacs

    (Rupees fifty Lacs only) in shape of

    Bankers Cheque / Pay Order/ Demand

    Draft payable at Delhi / Gurgaon,

    drawn in favour of RITES Ltd.

    DD. No. 357510 Dated 18.01.2011State Bank of India, New Delhi.For ` 50,00,000.00 (C-488 to C-489,Vol.-III)

    DD No. 033726 dated 18.01.2011Axis Bank Limited ,New Delhi for` 50,00,000.00 (C-488 to C-489,Vol.-III)

    2 Tender Validity

    The Tender shall be valid for a period of

    120 days from 19.01.2010(Date ofsubmission)

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    Qualifying Criteria 8/8 6/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s Era Infra Engineering Limited. M/s Sam ( India) Built Well Pvt.Ltd.

    3 Annual Turnover

    The bidder should have had average

    annual financial turnover of Rs. 6570

    Lacs on construction works during the

    last five years ending on 31st March


    - The bidder should furnish

    Annual Financial Turnover for each

    of the last 5 financial years in tabular

    form and give reference of the

    document (with page no.) relied upon

    in support of meeting the

    Qualification Criteria.

    - The tenderer should submit

    self attested copy of Auditors Report

    along with Balance Sheet and Profit

    and Loss Statement along with

    Schedules for the relevant financial

    year in which the minimum criterion

    is met. Provisional audit reports or

    certified statements may not be


    - If the Audited Balance Sheet

    for the immediately preceding year is

    not available in case of tender opened

    before 30th Sept., audited Balance

    Sheets, Profit and Loss Statements

    and other financial statements of the

    five financial years immediately

    preceding the previous year may be

    adopted for evaluating the

    credentials of the bidder.

    The bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of profit & loss account for theyears 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08,2008-09 , 2009-10 which is notattested by the Chartered Accountantplaced at C-2459 to C-2464, VOL.-XIV.

    The bidder has submitted self attested

    copy of turn over certificate for the last5 years in tabular form placed at C-2473, Vol- XIV.

    The bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of No loss certificate placed at C-2466- C-2467, Vol- XIV.

    The bidder has submitted copy ofAnnual Report for the years 2005-06,2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 , 2009-10with self attestation on cover pagesplaced at C-2175 to C-2256 VOL-.XIII& C-2257 to C-2414 , Vol- XIV.

    Finance is requested to calculateannual financial turnover from theabove financial document submitted.









    The bidder has submitted selfattested copy of balance sheet andprofit & loss account for the years2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 & Auditors report for theyears 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 ,2009-10.The bidder has also submitted self

    attested copy of Incom Tax ReturnAcknowledgements for the years2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 , 2009-10 & 2010-11.Refer C-1679 to C-1728, VOL-X.

    The bidder has submitted selfattested copy of financial informationfor the last 5 years in tabular formwhich is attested by the chartered

    Accountants placed at C- 1729, Vol-X.

    Finance is requested to calculateannual financial turnover from the

    above financial document submitted.










    4 Work Experience

    The bidder should have satisfactorily

    completed in his own name, at least one

    similar work of minimum value ofRs

    (a) The bidder has submitted selfattested copy of certificate no.NBCC:SGM:SBG/DELHI:CBI:2010 dt.05.10.2010 issued by Senior General

    (a)Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificate No Nil dt.12.07.2010 issued by AGM/CP,Rites Ltd. For the construction of

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    Qualifying Criteria 8/8 6/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s Era Infra Engineering Limited. M/s Sam ( India) Built Well Pvt.Ltd.

    6570 lacs OR at least two similar

    works each of minimum value of Rs

    4928 Lacs during the last 5 (five) years

    prior to the date of submission of the

    bid. Works completed prior to the

    cutoff date shall not be considered.

    Similar Works

    Similar Works shall mean the work of

    Construction of Basement +Ground+ 4

    Institutional/ Commercial / Office

    Complex with minimum built-up area

    of 32,600 Sqm. With RCC framed


    Notes :

    - A weightage of 5%

    (compounded annually from the date

    of completion of the work to the

    submission of the bid) shall be given

    for equating the value of works of the

    previous years to the current year.

    - Only such works shall be

    considered where physical completion

    of entire work is over or commissioning

    of work has been done, whichever is


    - The bidder should submit the

    details of such similar completed works

    as per the format at Proforma-1

    enclosed. In support of having

    completed these works, the bidder

    should submit attested copies of the

    completion certificates from the owner/

    client indicating the name of the work,

    the description of work done by the

    bidder, value of contract executed by

    the bidder, extent of financialparticipation by bidder in case of JV,

    date of start, date of completion

    (stipulated and actual) and value of the

    material supplied by the Client. The

    value of work executed should be

    inclusive of the value of free supply

    items and escalation amount, if any.

    - The bidder should include

    Manager, SBG- Delhi, NBCC forConstruction of CBI HO Building atEnvelop- 5B, C.G.O. Complex, LodhiRoad, New Delhi. ( C-2455, Vol XIV)

    i) Scope of work-2 basement + Ground + 12 Storied,RCC framed building with BMC

    including water supply, sanitation,sewerage, electrification, fire fightingworks, fire alarm work and landscapingwork.ii) Date of start 25.02.2008iii) Stipulated date of Completion as perLOI- 24.02.2010

    iv) Value of Work as per contract-115.12 Croresv)Certified Value of Work Executedupto 31.08.2010 ` 91.06 crores(Approx)vi)Present Status of work- Structurecompleted, Finishing and externaldevelopment work in progress.

    Note: The submitted certificate isnot a final work exper iencecertificate.

    (b) Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificate No. 54(214)/CWGD-VIII/2010-11/489 dt. 20.10.2010 issuedby Executive Engineer, CWGD-VIII,CPWD forConstruction of Wrestlingstadium at Indira Gandhi StadiumComplex, New Delhi for Commonmwealth Games-2010. (C-2452, Vol.-XIV)i) Scope of work-

    Civil work consist of 3 storey RCCframed structure/auditorium in steelstructure of upto 25m height whichincludes piling, beam/column/slabs,structural steel, double skin instulatedroofing, internal & external finishingworks, water supply, sanitaryinstallation, drainage and E&M works.ii) Date of agreement 01.08.2008iii) Date of start- 23.08.2008

    Residential / staff quarters forDelhi Police at Sector 16B,Dwarka, New Delhi. The workincludes the construction of 342Residential apartments, basementfor parking, Community centre,Electric substation building, Guardroom, Pump room & Under Ground

    tank, Rain water harvesting System,Bore well, Horticulture/ Plantationworks & all types of developmentworks. ( C-1676, Vol X)

    i)Nature of work-Multi storied RCCFramed Structure on Raftfoundation, (stilt + 9 floors), TotalBuilt up area- 28621Sq.M.(ii)Tender cost- 45.22 Crores( Excluding DVAT & Escalation)(iii)Executed cost- Work done paid

    so far Rs. 41.78 Crores . Escalationpaid Rs. 2.92 Crores . Final billunder preparation.

    (iv) Date of start- 19.10.2007(v) Date of Completion as per agg.18.10.2009vi)Amount of compensation leviedfor completion- NIL, Provisional EOTgranted upto 31.03.2010.Work virtually/substantial lycompleted on 31.03.2010

    -------------------------------------------------(b)Bidder has submitted self

    attested copy of certificate No. Nil dt.Nil issued by Dy. Chief/ M. Depot,DMRC for construction of Depotcum work shop at Mundkacorridor of Phase II of DelhiMRTS.(C-1675 Vol.-X)i)Scope of work-Construction ofdepot cum workshop RCC Framebuilding, including Double Basementparking having approx. area 36000Sqm along with internal & externaldevelopment work complete.ii) Date of start- 31.01.2008(iii) Date of completion : 30.07.2009(iv) Estimated cost- Rs.

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    Qualifying Criteria 8/8 6/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s Era Infra Engineering Limited. M/s Sam ( India) Built Well Pvt.Ltd.

    details of only such works in Proforma

    1 which satisfy the Qualification

    Criteria and submit supporting details/

    credentials of only such works.

    - Credential certificates issued

    by Govt. Organizations/ Semi Govt.

    Organizations/ Public Sector

    Undertakings/ Autonomous bodies /Municipal bodies/ Public Ltd. Cos.

    listed on BSE/NSE shall only be

    accepted for assessing the eligibility of

    a tenderer. Certificates issued by such

    Public Ltd. Co. must be supported by

    TDS Certificates evidencing the value

    of work.

    - The cutoff date shall be

    calculated backwards from the date of

    submission/opening of tender i.e. for a

    tender which is being opened on

    6.10.09, the cutoff date shall be


    As the opening date was 19.01.2011 thecutoff date is 20.01.2006

    iv) Actual date of Completion-08.05.2010v)Value of Work completed ` 90crores (Approx)vi)Tendered cost- 79,20,96,374/-(including E&M work)

    List of other works completed areplaced on folio No C-2446- C- 2451 &C-2453- C- 2454, Vol- XIV.

    123,03,56,607.00(v)Actual Cost of work done Rs.112,66,90,885.90

    ------------------------------------------------(c) Bidder has submitted self attested copy of certificate No. Nil dt.04.01.11 issued by Chief Project

    Manager, DSIIDC for constructionof Hospital, Medical college,Boys, Girls, Nurses & DoctorsHostel, Community centre cumMess, Service block, IndoorSports block, Mortuary block,Residential staff quarters A to Etype at Khera Dabur, Najafgarh,Delhi. (C-1674, Vol X)ii) Date of start- 14.08.2007(iii) Stipulated date of completion :14.08.2009(iv) Actual Date of Completion ofCivil work 29.09.2009(v) Actual Date of Completion of

    Electrical work 12.04.2010vi)Awarded cost- Rs. 6970.60 Lacsvii) Type of construction, no of floors,

    Area of buildings constructed underthis contract- RCC framedstructure having hospital buildingonly with basement + ground+ 3 &4th floors partially constructed.Floor area of various buildingsconstructed under this contract isapprox 5,50,000 Sq. Ft.

    -------------------------------------------------(d) Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificate No. Nil dt. Nilissued by Dy. Chief ProjectManager/ YA, DMRC for partdesign and construction ofstructural works, Architecturalfinishing works, plumbing works& site development works ofKarkardrooma Metro station, C-1673 Vol.-X)i)Tender cost- Rs. 34.49 Croresii) Executed cost- Rs. 40.23 Crores( Excluding Dvat & Escation)

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    Qualifying Criteria 8/8 6/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s Era Infra Engineering Limited. M/s Sam ( India) Built Well Pvt.Ltd.

    Rs. 4.00 Crores ( against DVAT)Rs. 3.29 Crores ( against Escalation)(iii) Date of start- 02.04.2007(iv) Date of completion : 30.09.2009(v)Nature of work: RCC framed

    structure on pile foundation( Basement + 4 storied) including

    Architectural finishing, plumbing and

    site development work.

    -------------------------------------------------The bidder has submitted selfattested copy of another workexperience certificate, placed at C-1672, Vol- X.

    The bidder has also submitted someoffer letters which is placed at C-1665 to C-1671 of Vol. X

    5 Solvency Certificate

    A Solvency Certificate of minimumsolvency of Rs 3285 Lacs (suggested

    format at Proforma 2) from a

    Nationalized or a Scheduled Bank

    issued not earlier then 6 months from

    the last date of submission of tender is

    required to be submitted by the bidder.

    i.e. before 18.07.2010 as date of opening

    of bid was 19.01.2011

    The bidder has submitted self attested

    copy of Solvency certificate No.IFB:CR:703:10 dtd. 25.09.2010 issuedby Deputy General Manager, UnionBank of India, Industrial FinanceBranch, M-11, 1st Floor, Middle Circle,Connaught Circus, New Delhi- 110001(placed at folio no-C-2475, Vol.-XIV).The certificate states as underThis is to certify that to the best of ourknowledge and information, M/s EraIn fra Eng ineering Limited---------------------------------------------------a customer of our bank is respectableand can be treated as good upto thesum of ` 1456.50 crores. This-------------------------------------any of itsofficers. (C-2475, Vol.-XIV)

    The bidder has submitted self

    attested copy of Solvency certificateNo. NDCBB/CAD/2010-11/1859dtd. 03.01.2011 issued by ChiefManager, Bank of India, New DelhiCorporate Banking Branch, 37,Shaheed Bhagat singh Marg (NearShivaji Stadium, New Delhi- 110001(placed at folio no-C-1730, Vol.-X).The certificate states as underThis is to certify that to the best ofour knowledge and information thatM/s Sam (India) Builtwell PvtLimited---------------------------------------------------a customer of our bank isrespectable and can be treated asgood for engagements upto ` 70crores. This letter is issued at therequest of ------------------------forwork at NSIC Complex at OkhlaIndustrial Estate, New Delhi.

    It is clarified that-------------------------------------any ofits officers, more particularly eitheras guarantor or otherwise.

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    Qualifying Criteria 8/8 6/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s Era Infra Engineering Limited. M/s Sam ( India) Built Well Pvt.Ltd.

    6 Profitability

    The applicant firm shall be a profit

    (net) making firm and shall not have

    incurred any losses in any three years

    including the year preceding the date

    of submission of tender out of last 5

    financial years.

    The bidder should submit self

    attested copies of auditors reportalong with audited Balance Sheet and

    Profit and Loss statement for last five

    financial years.

    The bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of profit & loss account for theyears 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08,2008-09 , 2009-10 which is notattested by the Chartered Accountantplaced at C-2459 to C-2464, VOL.-XIV.

    The bidder has submitted self attested

    copy of turn over certificate for the last5 years in tabular form placed at C-2473, Vol- XIV.

    The bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of No loss certificate placed at C-2466- C-2467, Vol- XIV.

    The bidder has submitted copy ofAnnual Report for the years 2005-06,2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 , 2009-10with self attestation on cover pagesplaced at C-2175 to C-2256 VOL-.XIII& C-2257 to C-2414 , Vol- XIV.

    Finance is requested to calculate profit& loss from the financial documentssubmitted.


    Profit Loss






    The bidder has submitted selfattested copy of balance sheet andprofit & loss account for the years2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 & Auditors report for theyears 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 ,2009-10.The bidder has also submitted self

    attested copy of Incom Tax ReturnAcknowledgements for the years2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 , 2009-10 & 2010-11.Refer C-1679 to C-1728, VOL-X.

    The bidder has submitted selfattested copy of financial informationfor the last 5 years in tabular formwhich is attested by the chartered

    Accountants placed at C- 1729, Vol-X.Finance is requested to calculateprofit & loss from the financialdocuments submitted.


    Profit Loss






    7 A declaration in the form of affidavit on

    stamp paper of ` 10/- duly attested by

    Notary/Magistrate should be submitted

    as per format given in Proforma 3

    Bidder has Submitted declarationwhich is notarized, signed but notstampedplaced at C-2419, Vol.-XIV

    Bidder has Submitted declarationwhich is notarized & duly selfattested placed at C-1751, Vol.-X.

    8 Self attested copy of Partnership Deed/

    Memorandum and Articles of

    Submitted Memorandum and Articlesof Association of f irm with self

    Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of Memorandum of association

  • 8/2/2019 Briefing Note NSIC Main Building 25.01.2011



    Qualifying Criteria 8/8 6/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s Era Infra Engineering Limited. M/s Sam ( India) Built Well Pvt.Ltd.

    Association of the firm. attestation on cover page only placedat C-2477- C-2503, Vol-XIV .

    and article of association of firm inwhich Certificate of Incorporation isnotarized placed at folio no C-1646-1658, Vol- X.

    9 Written Power of Attorney of the

    signatory of the Tender on behalf of the

    tenderer. (Annexure-IV)

    Bidder has submitted power of attorneyin favor of Mr. Aniruddha Kumar,residing at F-7, Pearl Apartment,

    Vaishali, Ghaziabad which is notarizedand witnessed placed at C-2416 C-2417 Vol-XIV

    Bidder has submitted Power ofattorney in favour Sh. Madan Lal,S/o Sh. Prahlad Rai Aged 48 years,

    R/o 28, Saini Enclave, Delhi- 110092which is notarized and witnessedplaced at folio no C-1755 Vol. X.

    10 Self attested copy of a certificate, (valid

    as on last date of submission of bid) of

    registration with CPWD or MES or

    Railways or DOT or State PWD or any

    other Central / State Government

    Undertaking, Municipal Bodies or from

    working contractors of RITES.

    Bidder has submitted self attested copyof certificate dt. 12.08.2008 issued byExecutive Engineer (M), DirectorateGeneral of Works, CPWD, CSQOganisation Contract and MannualUnit, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi forthe revalidation of enlistment ofcontractor in Class- I Civil Category &the revalidation is for 5 years w. e. f.07.07.2008 (C-2439 to C-2442, Vol.-XIV)

    Bidder has submitted self attestedcopy of certificate no. C/14- # I(Civil) dt. 04.07.2007 issued byExecutive Engineer (M), DirectorateGeneral of Works, CPWD, CSQOganisation Contract and MannualUnit, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi forthe enlistment of contractor in Class-I Civil Category for a period of 4years from 04.07.2007 (C-1747 toC-1748, Vol.-X)

    11 Letter of Transmittal as given in


    Submitted and placed at C-2509-C-2510, Vol.-XIV.

    Submitted and placed at C-1753-C-1754, Vol.-X.

    12 List of similar works completed during

    last five tears as per proforma-I.

    Submitted self attested and placed atC-2456-C-2457, Vol.-XIV.

    Submitted self attested and placedat C-1677 to C-1678, Vol.-X.

    13 Self attested copy of PAN/TAN issued

    by Income Tax Department.

    Submitted self attested copy of PANNo. issued by income Tax Departmentat C- 2437, Vol.-XIV.

    Submitted self attested copy of PANNo. i ssued by income TaxDepartment at C- 1739, Vol.-X.

    14 Self attested copy of Registration under

    Labour Laws, like PF, ESI etc.

    Submitted self attested copy of PFCertificate which are placed at C-2430to C-2435, Vol.-XIV.

    Submitted self attested copy ofsome PF Certificate which areplaced at C-1740 to C-1742, Vol.-X.

    15 Self attested copy of Sales Tax, Works

    Contract Tax, Service Tax Registration

    Certificate (as applicable).

    Submitted self attested copies of sometax certificates which are placed at C-2471 & C-2469, Vol.- XIV.

    Submitted self attested copies ofsome tax certificates which areplaced at C- 1744 & C-1746, Vol.- X.

    16 The Tender document & drawings

    issued to the tenderer is required to be

    submitted duly signed and stamped with

    firm seal on each page as token of

    having read the conditions.

    Submitted Tender document anddrawings duly stamped and signed.

    Submitted Tender document dulystamped and signed, excludingdrawings , C-1645, Vol-X.

    17 Tender and Contract form at page 45 to Not signed. Not signed.

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    Qualifying Criteria 8/8 6/8

    Name Of Bidder M/s Era Infra Engineering Limited. M/s Sam ( India) Built Well Pvt.Ltd.

    47 of Technical bid, Part-I is required to

    be submitted duly signed and witnessed.

    18 Integrity Pact is required to be

    submitted duly signed and stamped.The bidder has submitted the IntegrityPact duly signed and stamped placedat folio no. C-2421-C-2428 Vol. XIV

    There is only one witness who belongsto the same compay ie. M/s Era InfraEngineering Ltd, But his name is not


    The bidder has submitted theIntegrity Pact duly signed andstamped with witness placed at foliono. C-1731-C-1734 Vol. X

    19 Corrigendum 1 to 7, and clarifications

    are required to be submitted duly signed

    and stamped.

    Bidder has submitted self attestedcopies of Clarifications, corrigendumno-1, 2, 3,4,5,6 and 7 placed at folio noC-2129 to C-2174, Vol.-XIII.

    `Bidder has submitted self attestedcopies of Clarifications, corrigendumno-1 to 6 placed at folio no C-1756to C-1831, Vol.-X, but CorrigendumNo 7 is not enclosed.

    20 ISO certificate (if any) Submitted and placed at C-2505 C-2507, Vol.-XIV.

    Submitted and placed at C-1735 toC-1738, Vol.-X.

    21 Conditions/deviations if any NIL NIL

    22 Any other information (i) The bidder has submitted theRites letter no. RITES/CP/TC/MDBP

    /NSIC/Pkg-I/ 2010 dt 31.12.10regarding the corrigendums No. 1to5 & the date of submission / openingwhich is duly self attested.C-1832,Vol.-X.(ii) The bidder has submitted selfattested copy of the detailsregarding technical & administrativepersonnel & details of plants andequipments, C-1659- C- 1664, Vol.-X.(iii) The bidder has submitted theself attested copy of introduction oftheir company and the details ofboard of directors C-1749 to C-1750Vol-X
