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Breaking Into Tech From Corporate America: Developing an Online Presence

By Justin Reitman +

Courtney Ronan +

Suits to Silicon Alley

Thursday, May 30, 13

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Four Questions to Introduce Ourselves

Who are you?

What do you do?

Which one of Social Media Platforms do you prefer?

Where would you like to be in 6 months?

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Four Questions to Introduce Ourselves

Who are you?

What do you do?

Which one of Social Media Platforms do you prefer?

Where would you like to be in 6 months?

I’m Justin Co-Founder of Suits to Silicon Alley

I’m a lawyer by training and currently Head of Content for Equitally a Fin-Tech Startup

I prefer Linkedin and Twitter for professional use - Facebook and Instagram for social.

At Equitally in charge of Business Development

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My Story

Tried to break in for over 6 months

Went to Meetups, Networking events, took classes

Attended Startup Weekend - Worked on project and team came in second

Kept in touch with Mentors, asked them how I could help

After getting coffee and meeting every other week with my boss, he asked me to join company.

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Our Roadmap

Lots of Noise





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Lots of Noise

Twitter Quora Linkedin

Facebook Blog Meetup

AngelList Google+ SkillShare

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Twitter LinkedIn


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Consolidate your MessageShort summary describes who you are (background, interests, current role)

Connect your - Personal Landing page

Twitter - LinkedIn - Blog

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Bottom-Up Networking Fill your stream with relevant content

Discover Relevant People Start small, who do they follow

Interact with individualsFeedback, questions (make them feel important)

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Relevant People fill their feed with Relevant Information and

Powerful People

Ask People Questions: They will Respond

Give Feedback!

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Make Every Connection Count Tell them why you are connecting; ask a questionDon’t reach out unannounced

Follow the Companies and groups you want to be apart of

Have a relevant Summary

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To show world who you are

Develop an expertise

Become a Thought Leader

Reach out for an interview

Lets Make it


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StrategyDo you want to start a company?

Which Industry?Edu-tech, eCommerce, Enterprise, Social Web

Crunch Base has a complete list

Use Social Media to solve your weaknesses and promote your strengths

Do you want to work at a startup?What Industry?

What Position?Biz Dev, Product, User Acquisition, Marketing

Follow people in those positions

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Anything Else

Other NetworksQuora - Answer and Ask Questions (Become an expert)

Skill Share - Work on Projects Make Something

Meetup - Find People with like minded interests

Other ResourcesStartup Institute

General Assembly


Business Insider

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Four Final Takeaways

Life-Long Learning

Developing Your Voice

Curating Content and Network (Top-Down)

Engaging with Your Network + Feedback

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