
How to sell Software using SALES

[email protected]

Appreciation is the currency you pay the universe with.

Helped 200+ venture backed startups in Silicon Valley scale sales.

Running a software business would be great if you didn’t have to deal with

customers.- Group of Anonymous BoS Attendees last night

★ Venture & Self Funded ★ Semi-Remote & small ★ Premium price in competitive market ★ Smallest competitor 10x larger in team (but smaller in revenue, not just profit)


• Inbound (qualify, activate)

• Cancellations (gain insights)

• Outbound (if market fit)

Sales Calls

1: Reach People 2: Sound Good 3: Ask Questions 4: Manage Objections 5: Close

Sales Calls


Sales Emails- Quality: write like a human (small letters, errors, etc.)- Quantity: send more than you’re comfortable with- Semi-Personal: [email protected] , Sent via

iPhone - Call to action oriented: Schedule a call , Reply to

this, etc.

1: Open 2: Read 3: Respond 4: Follow Up

Sales Emails

Break Up Email

Subject: Thank You From Hubspot Steli,

In reviewing some outstanding business today, I’ll be taking out of my current follow ups at this time.

Where we’d initially agreed in the value of our service to strengthen your online engagement, I’ve reached out to you on several occasions following our initial discussions. Having not received any replies to date, I assume that we’ve either fallen off your radar or perhaps the interest has diminished to the degree that my follow up is no longer warranted.

I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and wish you the best with your ongoing marketing efforts. I'd be happy to speak with you when you are ready to invest resources into generating leads from your site.


Email #5 I responded :)

Subject: Goodbye from Trunk Club Hi Steli,

I was really looking forward to putting together a trunk of great clothes for you, but I haven’t heard a response to my calls and emails. That means this will be my last email to you. If you change your mind and would like to give Trunk Club a try, please let me know and I’ll have you looking great in no time.


Email #4 I responded :)


Demo15mins or less

- Qualify first: Can/Should they buy , is it worth the time

- Benefits vs. Features: Focus on what’s relevant- Sales vs. Training: Demo value vs. teaching

functionality- Errors/Mistakes: Be prepared for them

Follow Up Relentlessly

Until you get a result (yes/no)




IBM doesn’t buy Software

Bob and Mary who work there do

1: Call people 2: Send lots of emails 3: Give good demos 4: Visit customers 5: Give real support

5 Ways to sell software using SALES

“People will forget what you said, what you did,

but never how you made them feel”
