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LA ONCE - Spain

Campaign Objective

La Once is a Spanish non-profitable organization with the mission to increase the life

quality of those who are blind or suffer from some visual disability. Their biggest revenue

comes from lottery games, in which almost 110.000 people are beneficed from.

They offer a variety of product ranges, each one adapted to a market context.

The objective was to develop a solution to the instant lottery called “Los Rascas”, a

scratch ticket based on simple and fast mechanics with prizes ranging from 0,50€ and

10.000€, depending on the product. This range of games have a short life, demanding

constant use of advertisement and development of new mechanics to keep sales.

Client Campaign Objetives:

1. Expand the range of products in the Instant Lottery, or,

2. Create a new concept of Instant Lottery

Insights and findings:

1. The usual buyer of Instant Lotteries is younger than traditional lotteries and lucky

games. They buy the product waiting for a fast and easy profit hopping for a small

economic happiness. The non buyer is looking for higher prizes or don’t believe in luck


2. This kind of product has a short time life due to its simplicity and passiveness. It

doesn’t promote any challenge. Younger players are looking for games with higher prizes

and more complex mechanics where they have more chances to win.

3. Because it’s has a simple mechanic and is an instant lottery, the winners are hardly

known and there is a perception that the higher prizes are never won. La Once is sold in

kiosks and their sellers are proud when they sell a prized ticket, it means they bring luck.

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4. When you buy the ticket, your luck is already set. You don’t have any control over your

chances to win. Younger players have the perception that the higher prizes are never

sorted and that there it’s impossible to get high prizes.

5. All of us have had at least once the desire to triumph over luck. And if the power to win

were in the hand of the player, and the price had to be reached instead of sorted?


“You decide your luck”

We decided to develop a new kind of product that fulfills with both client objectives. It is a

new product with new mechanics that is added to the present “Los Rascas”. It will also

allow La Once to develop new products evolving from it.

To triumph over you luck we based our concept upon a the idea that you can decide

where to go and when to stop. It’s up to you to reach the higher prize or give up with

lower prizes. It’s like being in a labyrinth where you have to use your skills and follow your


The Game:

“The 7x7”

The product mechanics resembles to a labyrinth with 7 columns and 7 rows with 49

scratch boxes in the total. You pick a route, being able to go forwards, leftwards or

rightwards in each box. There are 5 prizes and 5 deaths distributed in the boxes of each

tickets. To increase the emotion each ticket contain all the prize range from 0,50€ to

5.000€. To reach the higher prize is just up to the player. The price is set to 1,00€, the

same price of one of the actual products.

The name “The 7x7” links straightly to the product line name ”The 7 of Luck” and the

“The Super 7 of Luck” and represents also one characteristic of the product.

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With this new product we elevate the perception of a functional benefit that is a fast prize

and easy win to an emotional benefit that it’s a game where you are able to be rewarded

because of your skills. With this we enrich the possibilities of the Instant Lottery allowing

the development of similar products and powering it with the addictive characteristic of


Creative solutionThe communication is based upon the concept that you pick you luck and it’s instinctive

to win or not the prize. It turns the prize in a conquest.

The campaign is based on the game mechanics, with every action alluding to the game

and its steps. The instinct is used to illustrate the possibility to win or opt to stop before

reaching the top prize.

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For a promotional event a National Challenge was created. A promotional ticket is printed

with 2 prize boxes converted to the National Challenge invitation. The participants would

have to finish games with similar mechanics from the 7x7, with possibility to be eliminated

when finding a skull or trying further to be the big winner of 50.000€.

Also to stimulate interaction with the game and concept it will utilize a touch screen

distributed in metros and bus stops, where you can play the game touching the screen.

The prizes in this action would be converted to real tickets that could be collected in a


The internet supports the actions with news about new winners, games resembling the

product, advertising material with spots, jingles and wallpapers, and a game like the 7x7to train user skills.



Campaign Objective

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Impulsa TDT is the commercial name for the Association to the Implementation and

Development of Terrestrial Digital Television in Spain. It was created to promote the

Terrestrial Digital Television (TDT) and communicate the change to the digital format.

The Terrestrial Digital Television is a new band technology that will substitute the

conventional band. The full conversion will happen in April 2010 when all analogic signal

will be stopped, that is the “Analogic Black Out”.

The objective was to communicate the change to the part of the part of the population

not aware of the adjustment to the new standards and call them to migrate to the new


Insights and findings:

1. The Analogic Black Out is well known in Spain. Among the nonusers that are 40% of

the population, 80% are informed about the need to change and are likely to continue

with it until the limit date. However, what is TDT and it’s benefits is not clear to the


2. The need to change is less known among the elderly, principally from small villages.

They are in their major part retired, live in couple or alone, and have simple habits. The

television is a big part of their entertainment.

For most of the population in a higher age range the television is more than

entertainment, it’s like a friend, and the worst thing that could happen to them is losing a

companion that has been by their side so long.

3. The necessary steps to change to TDT is not clear to the nonusers. It has many

necessary procedures to assure the correct change. The installers are ready but notalways have the means to communicate that they are there to help with the change.


“Save John Wayne”

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We created the campaign upon a basis that a the disappearance of a traditional Television

personage, well known in Spain, would link to the “black out” of a common companion

that was the TV.

Major Points

1. The personage and his leaving linking to the emotional fear of losing a close friend.

This aims to communicate in a friendly way the need to change to TDT. Also, the

personage is a powerful representation of what is television and connects both to the

target people and younger generations through a feeling of nostalgia.

2. The installers are an important part of the change and are connected to the campaign

as the solvers of the question, or “Saviors of John Wayne”, providing them both withmaterial incentives and motivation and to be the personal touch of TDT.

Creative solution

1. John Wayne goes.

Communicate that John Wayne is going away and that you can prevent him from leaving.

This would be communicated through Television, Radio and printed folders distributed in

public spaces like hospitals, churches and bars.

2.The saviors.

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To explain why John Wayne is in danger and how to save it, direct marketing would be

sent together with electricity bills to the target. It has of a list of regional installers

telephones and an illustrated help guide with easy steps to change to TDT.

The installers would receive a kit “Savior of John Wayne” and a promotional uniform to

link them to the campaign when visiting houses to install the TDT. Also merchandising

material would be provided.

Support Actions

After the game and the event support actions in specialised magazines and in the internet

are established to maintain a communication with the target.


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Blyk - United Kingdom

Campaign Objective

Blyk is a UK based free mobile telephony network based on advertisement and it’s thefirst of it’s model. Users receive up to 6 commercial messages per day in exchange for

monthly free credits worth £15. It’s aimed exclusively for 16-24 year olds and it’s invitation

based, that means, to become a member you need to be invited by some friend or

through a promotion.

Blyk constantly updates information about their users throughout research. They go

beyond a mobile network and turn themselves into advertising/media platform. Blyk has

rich information about their users and enhances the quality of the communication turning

possible to engage and dialogue with their target.

It’s a young company that reached 170.000 subscribers in just a 10 months and now it is

looking to make itself known into the Advertising market, establishing it as a powerful

marketing tool.


Insights and findings:

The majority of Britons are starting to accept that advertising in mobile will continue to

increase while almost 50% of the UK’s youth wants to receive promos in their mobiles.

But they want something in return. Although they expect the inevitable growth of mobile

marketing, brands need to offer and add value to be successful. They need to be

relevant, and learning how to incentive and reward participants is

Blyk offers quality information of it users through segmentation. Their constant database

update turns possible high selection of targets, feedback’s and insights about their

services and costumers. It allows the use of messages, photos and videos to enrich

experience and recall.

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Online communities provide people within your network with information about your

tastes and habits. However we usually look for people with our own interests. The act of

looking colleagues profiles is not friendly and not everything is online. People with

common tastes and habits interact more and have better friendships.


“We are curious by nature”

The campaign was developed upon the idea that everyone is curious by nature, and we

have an especial interest in our friends, colleagues and their tastes. We always seek to

gather information about people that surround us in an discrete way, but sometimes we

don’t know how or don’t have opportunities to get to know them better. Blyk structures

allows interaction, dialogue and research and the the idea is to use this tolls to show they

know how to collect information and use it by showing they can entertain users with a

action that promotes social interaction using relevant messages.

Major Points

A Quest to discover more about your friends will utilise all the tools provided by Blyk,

generating an important opportunity to experiment how it works while generating

emotional involvement with a challenge to get to know more of your colleagues.

After the social interaction started in game, an event means to involve emotionally all the

target people by using the information provided by the game.

Posterior to the game and event Blyk will promote one meeting where the agencies and

marketing representatives from potential clients will be invited. This stage means to

present all Blyk tools for creating mobile campaigns and efficiently impact the Briton

youth. The game case will be presented among other successful actions.

Creative solution

1. The black box and the mysterious characters.

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The game to promote Blyk was developed to promote social

interaction between media planners, account planners and

Creative Directors in each agency. Each participant receives

a black box containing a mobile phone and a SIM card.

Through text and multimedia messages the users wouldexperiment truly what is to be a Blykrer and how do they

gather information and promote engagement. To discover

who was promoting the game it was necessary to finish the

game. The name of Blyk wouldn’t be mentioned until a final stage, when a new box with a

message explaining the campaign and a call for an event would be delivered. During the

game, the mobile and the SIM provided could be used for regular calls with a time and

SMS limit similar to what a conventional Blyk user has. After the end of this stage they

can use them like any other Blyker.

2. The final event you picked.

All relevant information gathered during the game would be used to promote a surprise

event that connects with the people. Here all the musical, cultural and food tastes are

used to create a show representing what people had more in common. Personalized

products like T-shirts or mugs would be given to each participant with messages

corresponding to their respective tastes and habits, collected during the game time.

Support Actions

After the game and the event support actions in specialised magazines and in the internet

are established to maintain a communication with the target.



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The Agency Exposure promoted by the Miami Ad School in Madrid is a opportunity to the

students to present their ideas and solutions developed during the 3 months time boot

camp. 27 professionals with big will to show Agency Directors they worth the bet, that

they are a valuable asset in the growing field that is Account Planning. The best agencies

and their best professionals will be looking for future creative planners, brand managers,

idea makers, strategists, market advisers and strategists, and we have 5 minutes to blow

their mind up with our book...

Objective: To create awareness about myself and create job opportunities.


Insight and Findings:

1. 27 “competitors” side by side presenting their concepts in similar ways. Everyone will

be presenting the strategies developed during the BootCamp. This decreases awareness

and recall.

2. Market in bad shape: Crisis. Just the best professionals capable of generating value

have a potential opportunity to get hired in a short time period. Recalling the message

increases opportunities.

Solution: To make a no-book where no strategies developed in the BootCamp will be

presented. Instead I will call attention to myself as a strategist, telling my history and why

I’ve become a planner. The strategies will be presented in a website, where everyone can

interact and post comments.

Idea: Unfold me (Unfold my life) -> Discover me

Creative Strategy: Present a folded moleskine where my life history will be told relating

what choices led me to what I am professionally today.


Printed folded “Time-line”

Website with all strategies, arts and CV.

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Selected cases:

1. La Once

2. Impulsa TDT

3. Blyk
