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Blue Ocean Strategy Marketing Plan 1

Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy Marketing Plan

Katelyn Harvey, Leila Jett, Logan George,

Kaizsa Grant and Jessica Callaghan

BUS-427 Marketing Management

December 5th

, 2016

Flagler College

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Executive Summary


The latest design for Graco is a car seat that has the capability to heat and cool. The

technology for this product will be the same as the technology used in bucket seats in a vehicle.

The car seat will be controlled through a remote along with several other safety features.

Business History

Graco is an American baby products company. Graco was founded in 1942 by

Russell Gray and Robert Cone. The company is currently owned and affiliated with Newell

Brands. Graco’s original headquarters was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but is now based out of

Atlanta, Ga. In 1998 Graco introduced the world to the “SnugRide” infant car seat. Since

“SnugRides” introduction Graco has been America’s top selling infant car seat manufacturer.


Here at Graco, we will have a variety of team members from different departments to

assure that the ComfortTemp is a product that parents, grandparents and friend will all rave

about. We will hire a design team to create the design and mold of our car seat. We will also hire

a technology and safety teams who will make sure all technology is up to date and pass all

regulations. Lastly, we will hire a marketing team to promote and advertise the product.


NHTSA and UL listing will help guide us to provide a product that passes every

safety requirement. They will offer Graco an extensive safety report that we will provide to our

families to reassure them that this is the best product for their children.

Mission Statement

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“Graco holds its reputation as the leading baby product manufacturer in high regards.

We are here to serve you and your families in every way possible.” As a company, there is

nothing more important that providing the best product for the families who trust us.

Introducing the Blue Ocean

Greetings! We are the innovation and design team from the Graco Company! As

parents, we are constantly faced with many obstacles on a day-to-day basis. One of our main

concerns is making sure that our children are safe and comfortable at all times. If you are a

parent, you know that is not always an easy. At Graco, our goal is to do just that. We want to

give every parent peace of mind knowing that their child is properly secured where ever they go.

With that being said, we would like to introduce our newest addition to the Graco family – the

ComfortTemp car seat. We have taken the same heating and cooling technology that you see in

the seats of so many cars and trucks today and applied it to your child’s next car seat.

Why did we do this, you ask? Babies are precious gifts and it is very hard to know

exactly what your child is wanting when they cannot communicate with you directly. A couple

of our innovators own vehicles that do not have back seat air vents. This makes is extremely hard

for air and heat to reach the back seat when it is blazing or freezing outside. They would have to

use portable fans to keep the child cool in the summer time and severely bundle them up in the

winter time to keep them warm. Everyday tasks with the babies became a hassle and they

decided it was time for a change. That is where our idea was born.

The ComfortTemp car seat can get cold and warm in a matter of seconds without the

dangerous coils or cords. It is perfectly safe for your baby. You can control it with buttons that

are installed on the base or with our easy to use app on your phone. You can turn on the seat

before you even get to the car. When you receive your seat, you can download the app and enter

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the registration number for the seat you just purchased. This is how you will be able to control

your seat. No need to worry because you can register the same seat on multiple devices.

After doing some extensive research on what temperatures are safe for babies, we

determined that the seat will get no cooler than 68 degrees and no warmer than 75 degrees. The

car seat is smart enough to self-control its temperatures. This means if the seat ever goes above

or below those temperatures, it will automatically shut off and send an alert to the registered

phone(s). This protects the baby from getting harmed if a malfunction were to take place. The

seat will also prevent you from turning on the heat if it is already and outside and the cooling

feature if it is already cold outside.

A big problem in the United States is the number of infant deaths we have from

parents leaving their children in the vehicle in the heat. Here at Graco, we want to do everything

we can to prevent those tragedies. Each ComfortTemp car seat comes equipped with a pressure

sensor which senses anything heavier than five pounds. If your phone gets too far away from the

car seat and it senses weight in the seat, your phone will alert you to remind you to turn back and

get the baby out of the car.

The best part is that you can purchase this amazing car seat in three different styles.

We offer the ComfortTemp as a rear facing infant seat, a front facing infant seat and the high-

back booster seat.

Created market space and the rationale

Create Demand

The ComfortTemp car seat is something that every parent is going to want. It will be

really popular in places that reach extremely hot temperatures (Florida) and extremely cold

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temperatures (Michigan). Parents everywhere are going to want to make sure their child is safe

and comfortable no matter what it feels like outside.

High Profitable Growth Opportunity

Right now, the ComfortTemp only comes in a three styles. The goal is to make all of

our car seats come with this technology. Later down the line, we would like to offer that

technology in the same car seat stroller duo that we have in so many of our products. We would

be able to sell that option for one low price.

Make Competition Irrelevant

The ComfortTemp is currently the only thing on the market that combines this

technology in a safety-inspected car seat.

Four Action Framework

For decades, Graco has been one of the leading manufacturers for infant and toddler

products. With culture and technology changing so rapidly, Graco understands it must stay with

today’s current trends if it wants to continue to maintain and achieve its goals.

When it comes to purchasing items for a newborn baby or toddler, statistics have

shown that parents will make their purchasing decisions based off of four key areas. Parents will

focus on the overall comfort of the product, how convenient the product is, the overall safety of

the product, and last but not least, how easy the product is to use. These four key factors have

helped shaped what the industry markets and competes on a daily basis.

While the industry has made comfort, convenience, safety and adaptability the

foundation of the business, industries have also sets their sights on what else could they add to

their products to help generate sales. Industries today have put massive attention into the style of

the seat, rather than improving other aspects of the car seat. There are numerous car seats

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available, due to the different styles of handle, cloth, covering etc. Companies have made the

design of the product more important than actual product itself.

Even though the design of the product has taken a little too much importance, the

industry has done a great job in maintaining its safety standards. Most car seats today are on a

five- point or six-point harness system. While this is a great standard to have, Graco would like

to raise the bar and create a product with a seven-point harness system. The seven-point harness

system could help take away major looseness the baby or seat may have. A seven-point system

could potentially re-define the safety standards for a car seat.

As stated above, we discussed earlier how comfort, convenience, safety and adaptability is

the cornerstone of this industry. While this has been what industries built their success on, it’s

time to throw some modern technology in the mix. One product that has still not been offered to

the product is a tempered car seat. A tempered car seat would give the baby or toddler the perfect

comfort satisfaction. The car seat would be both heated and cooled. Temperatures would be

regulated by a built in digital thermometer that would not be allowed to exceed certain hot and

cold temperatures.

Reconstructing Market Boundaries

When creating a blue ocean strategy, a company has to break from the competition and

focus on a way to reconstruct market boundaries. To that effect, Graco will have to create a

product that is in a category of its own and attract customers to a compelling feature. The ability

to control the temperature of a car seat will be a unique feature that can drive sales and help

Graco look across boundaries in a new perspective in order to create blue ocean opportunities

within the car seat market. Following the blue ocean guidelines, Graco will focus on the six paths

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framework with the purpose of remaking market boundaries for their new product, the

ComfortTemp car seat.

Reconstructing Market Boundaries – Path One

The first path of the framework is to look across alternative industries. Graco will

have to compete with other brands as well as substitutes in the car seat industry that provide

children with both elements of comfort and safety. The only other alternative to the Graco

ComfortTemp car seat is a car that has an A/C and heating system that flows evenly throughout

the whole car. This standard system has the same purpose as the ComfortTemp; however, it is

not specialized for individualized seating. The ComfortTemp will allow parents to adjust the

internal temperature of the car seat to provide children with comfort regardless of the weather

condition outside the car or the climate inside the car. With this product, Graco will create a new

market space that will make customers look past limited alternatives and purchase this unique car


Reconstructing Market Boundaries – Path Two

The second path is look across strategic groups within industries. Strategic groups

within industries are groups of organizations or companies within an industry that pursues a

similar strategy. By inventing the ComfortTemp, Graco will create a new demand for car seats

and unlock an untapped market. Not only is Graco a well-known brand that has been around for

decades, but it also has many loyal customers who trust and love the brand. This company will

be able to take advantage of the strategic group of parents searching for comfort and safety for

their children. The ComfortTemp is a car seat that provides cooling and heating technology to

give children ultimate comfort whether it is a hot and sunny day or a cold and snowy one. No

other car seat exists that can offer such comfort at the touch of a button. In addition, this car seat

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provides top of the line safety, which ensures children will stay strapped in and protected at all

times. Other companies mostly offer simple and standard car seats without any additional

features or benefits. Customers are willing to trade down and purchase these cheaper options if

they cannot afford the more luxury styles. However, if comfort and safety is a priority, concerned

parents will easily trade up for the ComfortTemp once they consider the utility and

overwhelming benefit of the product.

Reconstructing Market Boundaries – Path Three

The third path of the framework is to look across buyer groups. Graco typically

focuses on parents as their main buyer group. Parents are the main targeted buyer group for the

ComfortTemp. While it is generally unsafe to not have children in car seats, it is also illegal. This

makes parents an obvious target audience. This product appeals to parents because they

inherently care about the comfort of their children, want the best for them and want to follow the

law. Parents will do anything to see their children happy and top of the line products such as the

ComfortTemp help to ensure that. Graco has the opportunity to shift the buyer group and expand

it by focusing on people who do not have kids, but that attend baby showers for people that are

expecting. Expanding to this market could unlock new value. Babies are always being born,

which makes friends and family of those who are expecting a huge market.

Reconstructing Market Boundaries – Path Four

Graco is looking across complimentary products and service offerings by evaluating

the total solution customers are looking for when they shop for a new car seat. The first step for a

consumer to be shopping for a car seat is obviously having a car, or at least having access to a

vehicle. When a parent chooses a car seat, they want it to be comfortable and safe for their baby.

Purchasing a car seat is viewed by parents as an investment, so they want it to be well made, be

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reliable, and last for the duration of the child’s need. Graco is offering all of these factors in the

ComfortTemp car seat. No other brand offers a temperature-controlled car seat which makes

Graco’s product a unique, reliable, comfortable and safe car seat choice.

Reconstructing Market Boundaries – Path Five

The ComfortTemp car seat has both a functional and emotional orientation in the

market. Graco’s newest addition to the line will provide the functionality of a temperature-

controlled car seat that will help babies and children feel more comfortable on car rides during

extreme weather conditions. The emotional aspect of any car seat is both with the car seat itself

and with the Graco line of products. Parents want their children to be safe and comfortable at all

times and any product that helps them achieve that goal has an emotional tie. Graco has also

been around so long that many people have a sense of emotional connection with the brand,

whether their parents used it or they themselves have been loyal customers.

Reconstructing Market Boundaries – Path Six

Finally, within the sixth framework, Graco is assessing trends and staying focused on

the present times. Graco is hoping to see the trend of temperature-controlled car seats grow and

flourish. Babies and children deserve the comfort and security of a car seat that meets their needs

as they grow and parents need peace of mind that their little ones are safe and secure. In the 60

years Graco has dedicated toward making products for babies and children, the company has

developed a reputation as a trustworthy brand. Graco wants to continue to build on that

relationship with current consumers and future generations.

Big Picture

As Graco prepares to launch its new brand of car seat, the company is excited to

announce a new line of products. Graco is pleased to announce that the new temperature

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controlled technology will not only focus car seats for infants and toddlers, but also strollers and


Graco has made its primary mission to be able to provide the best products for new

parents. Graco believes that each child should be able to receive the best care and use the best

products his or her parents can afford and Graco is excited to be able to make that dream become


The new strollers we will focus on a temperature controlled seat that will be based

off of the baby’s weight and outside temperature. The stroller will be similar in design to most

strollers on the market; the only difference is there will be a remote control to adjust

temperatures. There will be a digital thermometer built into the left side of the handle bar of the

stroller. On the right handle bar, there will be two sets of arrows that will give the parent access

to control the temperature of the stroller.

For the new line of cribs, Graco will focus on a crib featuring temperature controls

within the mattress. Graco believes a temperature controlled mattress will be able to provide the

best sleep experience for a child. It will allow each child to sleep in the perfect temperature. Like

the car seat, the crib can also be accessed by using the mobile app. This feature will give parents

the ability to adjust the cribs temperature from a distance. The new temperature controlled crib

will also have a built in digital thermometer to display the current temperature and two sets of

arrows to help adjust the overall temperature.

Graco is very excited about its new line of products. As a company that is dedicated

to the comfort and safety of children, Graco believes each child should have the best products.

Graco wants its new line of temperature controlled products to provide just that.

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Reaching Beyond Demand

Graco’s “ComfortTemp” car seat reaches beyond demand in many ways. There is

uncontested market space. There is nothing like this for babies. It can be given as a gift, received

as a gift, donated or even for a specific situation. This product will make people feel safe

knowing their baby or child is comfortable. This is a great value to parents, grandparents,

siblings, neighbors and so many more because this product is different. That is why this

ComfortTemp seat was created.

Graco’s Comfort Temp car seat has a built in cooling and heating system. The car

seat is set to not go over the hot or cold limit for an infant or child. The car seat automatically

prevents itself from becoming too hot or cold. An app will be provided for customers to

download. This app is for the convenience of those who want the car seat control through their

mobile device. One of the most important features of the app is that car seat senses pressure in

the seat and an alarm will sound on the parent’s phone if they move too far from the vehicle

while there is weight in the seat. This will help prevent people from leaving kids in the car. A

power button will come on the car seat if the consumer does not want to control the car seat that

way. Not to mention, these car seats come in stylish colors.

To reach beyond demand, Graco has thought about the non-customers before customers.

Graco separated the non-customers into three tiers. The first tier is soon-to-be non-customers.

First tier customers are the ones who buy from Graco, but also buy from other name brands that

sell baby products, such as a car seat. Maybe a car seat is on sale at Britax and the customer

chooses to go buy their car seat from Britax. Our second tier is the refusing customers. These are

the customers who are loyal to another baby product brand and refuse to try out Graco. The third

tier is unexplored customers: those who never heard of Graco. This could be because they never

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shopped for baby car seat or baby products. By reconstructing the three tiers in a different

prospective, Graco has the opportunity to convince non-customers to buy the product. The first

tier to get customers to buy the ComfortTemp car seat will be to offer coupons and show that

Graco’s products are valuable, reliable, safe and manufactured a high level of quality and care.

The second tier for our refusing customers is creating a relationship with moms, families and

friends. Creating commercials and word of mouth can convince refusing customers to join and

be a part of the Graco family. Graco wants to show its loyalty to gain the loyalty of consumers.

This will encourage customers to take an interest in Graco. For our last tier, the unexplored

customers we would create buzz and utilize commercials, digital media and word of mouth to let

those who do not buy baby products or have not heard of Graco know that the brand is the best

choice for them to buy Comfort Temp as a gift, because Graco cares about the safety of babies

and children.

Strategic Sequence

Buyer Utility

This particular Graco car seat is unlike anything out on the market today. Customers are

looking for a product that is useful while also being affordable. With such a unique product it

will draw customers’ attention. Vehicle manufacturers have heated/cooled seats in their vehicles

now, so there is no reason to doubt that the technology works. Parents are willing to do anything

to make their child comfortable and secure.


The price point for the Graco ComfortTemp car seat is $400. The average price of a

normal car seat is between $150 and $200. This car seat is worth the price, because it saves the

customer from having to by a clip on a fan during the summer and during the winter, parents are

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easily able to provide warmth for their children. It makes it easier for children to be comfortable

and want to sit in their car seats.


The cost to build the car seat is going to be $100 dollars. The price is set higher than most

car seats on the market because of the additional cost in having to work the heating and cooling

system into the design of the car seat. The heating and cooling system will be the most costly

addition to the product. Graco will have to buy the technology from the creator in order to put

the system in the car seat. This consideration will absorb the rest of the $250 budget for each car



The main issue that retailers might have with this product is the safety of the child.

Companies are not going to release a product into the market if they do not feel confident in the

safety of the product. The technology will consist of information from vehicles that already have

the heating/cooling in the front seats and showing retailers that has been in use for many years,

so it should be okay to use for our children.

Identify key organizational hurdles and how they will overcome each hurdle

When creating a blue ocean strategy, a company will face four hurdles: cognitive,

resources, motivational, and political. Although all companies face different hurdles, the key to a

successful strategy change is identifying each hurdle and how to overcome it. When developing

the ComfortTemp car seat, Graco must look at every angle of their strategy. Each stage of the

strategy is equally important, from the development stage of the car seat to the execution phase.

Graco will do extensive research and conduct regular product testing in order to overcome any

hurdles they may face in the process. By making the ComfortTemp car seat, Graco wants to

create a win-win solution for all of its consumers and the company itself.

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The first hurdle, cognitive, is making people aware of the need for a strategic shift

and to agree on its causes. Graco will face many questions as to why the market needs a product

like the ComfortTemp car seat, especially when it is priced higher than all other car seats and the

safety of the child comes into question. These hurdles may begin to create skepticism among

customers and result in a lack of sales. To overcome these hurdles, Graco must come face-to-

face with the worst operational problems possible and figure out what exactly could make

customers feel uneasy about this new product. Graco will demonstrate to its customers how the

product works and educate them on the benefits of the ComfortTemp technology. Science shows

that people remember and respond most effectively to what they see and experience. Therefore,

letting customers experience the new car seat first hand will help them to understand the

company’s reasoning for developing this specific product. After this is widely implemented, the

hurdle of price will no longer be an issue because after consumers get the full experience through

a product demonstration, it will be clear why consumers are willing to pay a higher price for the

comfort and safety of their children. Focusing on safety, Graco will run a wide variety of routine

tests to assure the heating and cooling elements are guaranteed safe without any possible

glitches. In addition, it is important to listen to your customers’ needs and desires and get them

involved, so they can fall in love with your product and relate to your brand. There is no other

product like this on the market, making Graco’s ComfortTemp car seat in a league of its own.

The second hurdle, limited resources, questions if a company can use fewer resources

to accomplish their goals, or have the money to spend on necessary changes. Graco can

redistribute resources from cold spots such as choosing fabric colors to hot spots such product

development and technology. This is the biggest hurdle Graco will have to overcome because

safety is their top priority when making these new ComfortTemp car seats. Spending the

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majority of time researching and getting the technology just right is where Graco should use their

resources. Graco has to use their resources in the most effective way possible in order to

overcome the hurdle of limited resources to avoid any technology glitches which could cause

harm to a child. While this will cost a considerable amount, it must be a main focus so Graco can

create a quality product without any complications, so it can be profitable in the long run.

The third hurdle is motivation. Graco must alert employees of the need for a strategic

shift and identify how the shift can be achieved with limited resources. Graco needs to focus on

three factors to help motivate employees: kingpins, fishbowl management, and atomization.

When creating a new product, you have to have everyone onboard and believe in your product to

make it successful. Kingpins are key influencers of the brand such as the CEO. If the CEO of

Graco can create a positive movement and help employees fall in love with the product that they

are creating, everyone will be able to work as a team, in a happy environment. Fishbowl

management creates a transparent atmosphere where employees get to watch their manager or

CEO in action. With the spotlight shining brightly on the leadership, the workforce will be

motivated by the good example provided by employers. Also, when employees are treated fairly

and given proper understanding of their job, everyone is left emotionally and physically satisfied.

The last factor is atomization. Graco will have to create goals that are attainable for all

employees. These are the ways Graco can overcome the hurdle of motivation within the

workplace and its employees.

The final hurdle is politics. To overcome this hurdle, political forces and tipping

point leaders focus on three disproportionate influence factors: leveraging angels, silencing

devils, and getting a consigliore on their top management team. In this example, Graco will use

doctors as their angels to support and advocate for the ComfortTemp car seat. Providing

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testimonials from doctors who stand by this product and align with the values of the company

will reassure consumers that this is the best possible purchase for their children. On the other

hand, Graco will have to identify their devils and create a way to silence them. These would

consist of people who are skeptical of the new technology, including other brands or competitors

that will try to detour customers from purchasing it. Graco will need to win over their detractors

by providing them with facts, data, and strong testimonials from influencers mitigate any

negative opinions about this new blue ocean strategy. Lastly, the company will have to bring on

a consigliore to their top management team; someone who is respected in the industry and has

knowledge of all the possible situations the company could face by implementing this new

strategy. Graco can overcome this hurdle by having someone who has worked in this industry for

years and would be beneficial to the company and its mission.

Building Execution into Strategy

Graco has been a trusted brand for over 60 years now. Parents feel comfortable

purchasing the Graco brand because of the countless years of intuitive design, comfort and safety

that Graco products offer. With the invention and introduction of the Graco ComfortTemp car

seat into the market and into consumers’ lives, Graco wants customers to feel at ease that their

baby or child is safe and comfortable in their car seat. Graco plans to meet this promise through

rigorous, public testing.

Before releasing the product, the ComfortTemp car seat will be thoroughly tested in

the factory for safety. The seat itself is heated and cooled by safety-coils that are controlled both

remotely and manually on the seat, so the factory will ensure that no issues with controlling the

seat will arise. The coils are only able to reach certain high and low temperature, so overheating

or freezing will be nearly impossible, but Graco wants to lower that chance even further by

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testing the product so thoroughly that potential issues are completely resolved before the product

ever hits the market. This design and the safety of the seat are at the peak of the marketing

message for this product and Graco wants consumers to feel fully satisfied that their baby or

child is safe when riding in their ComfortTemp car seat.

After factory testing is completed, employees at Graco have agreed to test the

product themselves, with their family. If the employee does not have a child, a realistic doll can

be used that has been modified to react to extreme temperatures and has weight similar to a child

its size. Employees will test the product for a minimum of six months before the product is

released to the public and a great portion of employee reviews and tests will be made available to

the public on the Graco website. After the trial period with the employee is over, they have the

opportunity to review the product to the company for strengths, weaknesses and suggestions for

improvement. This allows the employees to be part of the process and enables them to have their

say in what is being manufactured.

When employee testing of the product is complete, Graco will include consumers in

the testing of the product before it is fully released to the public. All of the testing, factory,

employee-based and consumer trials will be posted on the website and on social media through

commercials and short videos. Employees will write honest reviews of the product and

recommendations to parents who are interested in purchasing the ComfortTemp car seat and the

changes in design that employees directly impacted will be featured, as well. Ultimately, Graco

wants both parents and employees to feel like they had an impactful part in the design of the

ComfortTemp car seat.

Graco intends to continue its work as one of the most trusted brands for babies,

children and their parents’ peace of mind. The company wants to work with employees to build

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more trust in the products they are helping design and manufacture and trust in the company to

listen to their suggestions for product improvement. Not only is Graco dedicated to the safety

and comfort of babies and children, it is committed to the happiness and peace of mind for

parents and employees in the Graco team.

Value, Profit and People Proposition

For Graco’s value, profit and people proposition, the main focus is on what problems

the product solves, how Graco is going to increase profit and the target audience.


The Graco ComfortTemp car seat focuses on making sure that both parent and child

are comfortable. It is no secret that when a baby is uncomfortable, they cry until they get exactly

what they want. Since babies obviously cannot communicate with us, parents have to solve

issues before they arise. Graco did just that. This car seat keeps the baby from getting too

uncomfortably hot or cold. When a parent’s car does not come with air vents in the back, they

tend to feel that they need to search for a new car or spend unnecessary money in purchasing

fans to keep their baby cool. With the ComfortTemp, that same parent can keep the car they have

and rest easy knowing their baby is comfortable.


The ComfortTemp car seat is available in three different styles to grow with a child.

The seat cost varies depending on which style purchased; however, the prices range from $300-

$400. Each car seat only takes about $100 to develop, so the profit from this product is very



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The people Graco wants to reach out to include mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts

and uncles and anyone of purchasing age. Graco wants mothers and fathers to see how safe and

comfortable the ComfortTemp is. The ComfortTemp would make a great gift as well from

family members and friends. The best part is that the car seat can be passed down from

generation to generation.

Red Ocean Traps

Creating a new product can be challenging, but that is why it is best to work out the

complications beforehand. Red ocean traps can be hidden in places that most people would look

right over. So to avoid red oceans traps Graco must think ahead.

The misconception that this new baby car seat is about new technology

The first red ocean trap Graco would avoid easily. The Comfort Temp car seat is a part of

technology but it is not new. Graco is using existing technology with an existing product.

Keeping this misconception in mind, Graco will avoid this thought. The company knows what

has been creating and it is not new technology.

The belief that to create a new car seat you have to be first to the market

Graco is the first company to ever put in action this kind of car seat to fulfill the needs of

parents and babies. Competition and being first in the market is not the goal for Graco.

Consumers will put Graco in that position to be first, but Graco is focusing on the babies and

making them feel comfortable.

The belief of perfection and pretending that the new car seat will have no flaws

Graco has done everything possible to make sure the new car seats are safe.

ComfortTemp will have documentation on how National Highway Traffic Safety Association

(NHTSA) and the UL approves this product, as well as how neonatologist and pediatricians

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approve the car seat is safe for babies, and Graco will have realistic statistics on ComfortTemp.

Technology is tricky sometimes and things happen, but Graco will help prevent mishaps and

complications from happening for babies’ safety. Graco is not a naive company so preparation is

always put forth.

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Graco Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved December 05, 2016, from

NHTSA. (n.d.). Retrieved December 05, 2016, from