Page 1: BIOMECHANICS EDITORIAL CALENDAR - UBM … EDITORIAL CALENDAR relevance comprehensive coverage for


relevancecomprehensive coverage

for multidisciplinary


reacha cross-specialty mix

of decision-makers

throughout the

Biomechanics mainstream

resultsproven exposure to

a comprehensive team

of practitioners

The Magazine of Body Movement and Medicine

Page 2: BIOMECHANICS EDITORIAL CALENDAR - UBM … EDITORIAL CALENDAR relevance comprehensive coverage for

2 0 0 9 e d i t o r i a l c a l e n d a r

2009 issue closes

December 3, 2008

materials due

December 10, 2008


*Editorial lineup subject to change

februaryEditorial hiGhliGhts

Referred back pain•

Fibromyalgia comorbidities•

Alternative therapies for osteoarthritis•

Stroke rehabilitation•

Cutting-edge technology•

bonus distribution•AmericanPhysicalTherapyAssociation(APTA)

Combined Sections Meeting February 9-12 Las Vegas, NV

•AmericanAcademyofOrthopaedicSurgeons(AAOS) February 25-28 Las Vegas, NV

•AmericanAcademyofOrthotists&Prosthetists(AAOP) March 4-7 Atlanta, GA

issue closes

January 4, 2009

materials due

January 11, 2009

marchEditorial hiGhliGhts

Complex regional pain syndrome•

Basketball injuries•

Wound care •

Bunions and hallux valgus •

MRI for knee pain•

Cutting-edge technology•

bonus distribution

•Midwest Podiatry Conference April 2-5 Chicago, IL

issue closes

February 4

materials due

February 11

aprilEditorial hiGhliGhts

Correcting opioid misuse •

Baseball injuries•


Rotator cuff injuries•

Joint replacement •

Cutting-edge technology•

bonus distribution

American Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting •May 7-9 San Diego, CA

issue closes

March 3

materials due

March 10

board of advisorsRichard Blake, DPMJames Brodsky, MDPeter Cavanagh, PhDDavid M. Davidson, DPMGeorge J. Davies PT, ATCGary Dockery, DPMCarol Frey, MDSean P. Gallagher, PTRonald P. Grelsamer, MDJoseph Horrigan, DCSkip Hunter, PT, ATCThomas Hyde, DCDennis Janisse, CPedMichael Joyce, CPGuido LaPorta, DPMThomas H. Lee, MDMarvin Levin, MDTom Lunsford, CORoger Marzano, CPO, CPedJohn Michael, CPOLyle Micheli, MDWally Motloch, COMark Myerson, MDGlenn Pfeffer, MDAlvin C. Pike, CPJohn Sabolich, CPOG. James Sammarco, MDPaul Scherer, DPMSteven Shapiro, MDTim Staats, CPPaul Taylor, DPMRonald Valmassy, DPMLowell Scott Weil, DPMJustin Wernick, DPM

Editorial hiGhliGhts


Diabetic foot pain management•


Hockey injuries•

Cutting-edge technology•

bonus distribution

•New York Podiatric Clinical Conference January 23-25 New York, NY

•AmericanAcademyofPainMedicine January 28-31 Honolulu, HI

•ACSMTeamPhysicianCourse February 4-8 Orlando, FL

Page 3: BIOMECHANICS EDITORIAL CALENDAR - UBM … EDITORIAL CALENDAR relevance comprehensive coverage for

mayEditorial hiGhliGhts

Injecting corticosteroids for pain management•

Foot/ankle injury•


Hand injuries in ball sports•

Cutting-edge technology•

bonus distribution

Ameri• can College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) May 27-30 Seattle, WA

American Diabetes Association 69th Scientific •Sessions June 5-9 New Orleans, LA

issue closes

April 2

materials due

April 9

juneEditorial hiGhliGhts

Neuropathic pain/diabetes •

Injuries in throwing athletes •

NSAIDs for osteoarthritis •

Scoliosis and exercise •

Achilles tendon injuries •

Cutting-edge technology•

bonus distribution

•American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)Annual Conference: PT 2009 June 10-13 Baltimore, MD

National Athletic Trainer's Association (NATA) •June 17-20 San Antonio, TX

issue closes

May 1

materials due

May 8


Editorial hiGhliGhts

Plantar fasciitis pain •

Complications of diabetes•

Running injuries •

Physical therapy for rheumatoid arthritis•

Cutting-edge technology•

bonus distribution

Ameri• can Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM) July 9-12 Keystone, CO

American• Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) Annual Scientific Meeting July 30 - August 2 Toronto, Canada

issue closes

June 2

materials due

June 9


Editorial hiGhliGhts


Foot care •

Neck pain •

Elbow injuries •

Cutting-edge technology•

issue closes

June 1

materials due

July 8


Editorial hiGhliGhts

Chronic ankle pain•

Football injuries•

Diabetic arthritis •

Patellofemoral pain•

Cutting-edge technology•

bonus distribution

AmericanOrthotic&Prosthetic•Association (AOPA) September 20-23 Seattle, WA

issue closes

July 31

materials due

August 7


Editorial hiGhliGhts

Spondyloarthropathy •

Shin pain •

Sports fractures•

Bursitis in athletes •

Cutti• ng-edge technology

bonus distribution

American Academy of Pain •Management Meeting October 8-11 Phoenix, AZ

AAPM&R •October 22-25 Austin, TX

vissue closes

September 1

materials due

September 8

Page 4: BIOMECHANICS EDITORIAL CALENDAR - UBM … EDITORIAL CALENDAR relevance comprehensive coverage for

2010 BioMechanics Desk Reference

Contact Rich Dubin at (518) 452-9677 for details.

leo robert, Editor

BioMechanics Editor Leo Robert was new to the position in 2008. He also serves as editor of The Journal of Musculoskeletal Medicine.

Previously, Mr. Robert served as editor of Eyecare Business and managing editor of various healthcare journals. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and a master’s degree in communication from Fairfield University in Connecticut.

As BioMechanics editor, Mr. Robert combines a passion for sports with extensive experience in healthcare publishing.

•Packedwithinvaluableproduct-specificreferences from the medical literature, the BioMechanics Desk Reference works as a year-long lead generator for your products.

•ThousandsofpractitionerscountontheBioMechanics Desk Reference to make the most informed purchasing decisions. Maximize your visibility in this important resource with a display ad!

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Publishes December 2009

BioMechanics Desk Reference Featured Categories

Braces/Immobilization Diagnostic Imaging Footcare•Ankle •CT •Antifungals•Casting •MRI •Dermatological•Knee •X-Ray •Footwear•Spinal&Hip •WoundCare•Splints•UpperExtremity Foot Orthoses Pain Management Practice Management•Casting •Electrotherapy •Custom •Laser/LightTherapy•Diabetic •Pharmaceuticals•Materials •Prefabricated •ScanningTechnology

Prosthetics Rehabilitation•AK •Exercise&Therapy•BK Devices•CentralFabrication •FunctionAnalysis /CAD-CAM•Interfaces•Knee

november / december

Editorial hiGhliGhts

Shoulder pain •

Rheumatoid arthritis and TNF inhibitors•

Wound care and infections•

Stroke rehabilitation •

Cutting-edge technology•

bonus distribution

North American Spine Society (NASS) •November 10-14 San Francisco, CA

American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) •Private Practice Section November 11-14 Colorado Springs, CO

Pedorthic Footwear Association •November 19-22 Dallas, TX

issue closes

October 2

materials due

October 9

Page 5: BIOMECHANICS EDITORIAL CALENDAR - UBM … EDITORIAL CALENDAR relevance comprehensive coverage for

e d i t o r i a l o v e r v i e w

Ed itor ial Prof ilE : Musculoskeletal and gait conditions affect every patient population, from pediatrics to geriatrics. Interdisciplinary collaboration

is necessary to help patients overcome difficulties in mobility, rehabilitation, athletic injuries, diabetic conditions, wound care, and pain treatment. The

goal of BioMechanics is to deliver information on clinical factors and relevant research to physicians, podiatrists, physical therapists, athletic trainers and

other healthcare practitioners. BioMechanics seeks to promote interdisciplinary teamwork in the prevention and treatment of such impairments via a

peer-reviewed editorial environment.

BioMechanics covers topics that

matter to each member of the

multidisciplinary team from

the collaborative perspective

necessary in modern healthcare.

Topics covered in BioMechanics

include, but are not limited to:

sports medicine, rehabilitation,

pain management, diabetes

care, low back pain,

osteoarthritis, wound care,

emerging trends, and function


• BioMechanics covers the full spectrum of mobility and motion-related conditions, biomechanical treatments, and prevention and rehabilitation strategies

• Multidisciplinary, anonymous peer review of articles maintains editorial credibility and impartiality

• Extensive, focused coverage on a wide range of clinical topics provides your prospects one source for relevant news and information

• Multidisciplinary focus unites all members of the treatment team and offers you the opportunity to reach decision-makers in each practice

BioMechanics covers topics that affect your prospects' clinical practices

BioMechanics delivers comprehensive, relevant content for mobility treatment specialists

Our innovative In Stride and

Industry News sections bring the

latest clinical news to our readers

from a wide-ranging variety of

conferences and annual meetings,

including the American College

of Sports Medicine, the American

Diabetes Association, the American

Academy of Pain Medicine, the

American Podiatric Medicine

Assocation, and the American

Physical Therapy Academy. Our

Market Advance section brings our

readers up to date with new products

and advances.

BioMechanics Topic Breakdown

Pain Management23%

Sports Medicine17%


Rehabilitation 17%


Wound Care10% Foot Care


Page 6: BIOMECHANICS EDITORIAL CALENDAR - UBM … EDITORIAL CALENDAR relevance comprehensive coverage for

PublishEr: richard dubin

tElEPhonE: (518) 452-9677

faX: (518) 452-9849




of body




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The Magazine of Body Movement and Medicine

Managing plantar fasciitis and patellofemoral pain Tackling football injury prevention