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Biodiversity Management in the Mining




November13, 2012

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› Provide general framework in managing biodiversity

component in the mining sector, with the objective to

ensure regulation compliance and to support

sustainability of environment-social.

› Discussion on practical ways in managing

biodiversity component in the mining sector.

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Objective of Presentation

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› Occupying only 1.3 % of the world’s land surface, Indonesia is fourth in

terms of population. It has some 12 % of the world’s mammals, 16 % of

its reptiles and amphibians, 17 %of its birds, and 25 % of fish species.

› There are approximately 600 mammal species (280 are endemic), 411

reptiles species (150 endemic), 270 amphibians (100 endemic) and

1,531 birds (26 % endemic).

› Known species of non-fish vertebrates total 2,906 (927 endemic).

› 30,000 to 35,000 plant species, the fifth highest level in the world

(BAPPENAS 1993). Indonesia is host to the world’s richest coral species

biodiversity (450 species) (Wilkinson 2000).

Biodiversity Richness

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› The main acts: Biodiversity Conservation (1990), Spatial Planning

(1992), and Environmental Protection and Management (2009)

and in the Basic Forestry Law (1999);

› In addition, involvement of international donors in nature

conservation require the GOI to abide by the conditions of loan

agreements (e.g., Development of a Park Zonation and Boundary

Plan, 1998)

› The principal agency in charge is the DG of Protection and Nature

Conservation from the MOF. Ministry of Environmental acts as a

coordinating agency and has prepared together with BAPPENAS,

the Biodiversity Action Plan in Indonesia.

Indonesian Regulation

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› IFC Performance Standard 6: Biodiversity Conservation and

Sustainable Natural Resource Management

› To protect and conserve biodiversity.

› To maintain the benefits from ecosystem services.

› To promote the sustainable management of living natural resources

through the adoption of practices that integrate conservation needs and

development priorities.

› Requirements: consider relevant threats to biodiversity and ecosystem

services, especially focusing on habitat loss, degradation and

fragmentation, invasive alien species, overexploitation, hydrological

changes, nutrient loading, and pollution

International Framework

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› The BBOP (Business and Biodiversity Offsets

Programme) - ‘Biodiversity Offsets’

› actions designed to compensate for significant residual adverse

biodiversity impacts arising from project development.

› to achieve no net loss and preferably a net gain: species composition,

habitat structure, ecosystem function and people’s use and cultural


International Framework

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› The ICMM (International Council on Mining and Metals)


› to help site practitioners and their support groups make sound

decisions based on closure aspects in a holistic manner.

› to be used to promote a more disciplined approach to integrated

closure planning and to increase the uniformity of good practices

across the sector. The concepts apply equally well to both large and

small companies.

› For Biodiversity: Tool-13, and the guideline: Good Practice

Guidance for Mining and Biodiversity

International Framework

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› Many mining areas are located

adjacent to protected areas

(national parks, protection forest,

other conservation areas);

› Big mining companies has a good

system in place to manage

biodiversity component;

› Small mining companies,

moreover illegal miners does not

have enough capacity and

resources to properly manage the


Mining and Protected Areas

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Issues Related with Mining in Indonesia – on the news

› Illegal gold mining in Bukit Baka National Park (August 27, 2012). Sumber:

› Terancam Tambang, 10 Ribu Warga Berencana Duduki Kantor Bupati

Belitung (October 16, 2012). Sumber :;

› Kasus Tambang G Resources, Warga Batang Toru Lapor ke KLH dan

Komnas HAM (November 9, 2012). Sumber :;

› Collaboration in Management of Conservation Area in Indonesia. Burung

Indonesia. Source:

› Membangun Kolaborasi di Ranah Konservasi - Tribun Kaltim - Kamis, 25

Oktober 2012. Source:

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Best Mining Practices

Exploration Planning Operations Closure

• Collect


baseline data

• Building database

• Integrated with

environmental and

social management

• Increase internal


• Collaborative


• Progressive land

revegetation, etc

• Update baseline

data and database

• Comprehensive

impact assessment

• Internalize



program into

company planning

• Management and

monitoring plan

• Sensitivity mapping

• Establish

partnership for

collaboration, etc

• Regular and

integrated monitoring

and reporting

• Progressive land


• Initiative to support

local biodiversity


• Continue and expand

partnership for

collaboration with

stakeholders (CSR)

• Planning ahead for

closure period, etc

• Effective stakeholder


• Ecological restoration

• Community


• Securing mine closure


• Better achievement

than the EIA/AMDAL


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