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Bing Pay Per Click – Is It The Better

Advertising Approach

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Bing pay per click is a really interesting alternative to Google’s Adwords, or I should probably

say – the better substitute… why? There are several reasons most important of which I will

point out right away.



Data source: [4]

As you can see from the picture Google is not the only search engine being used by searchers.

Not only this but Microsoft’s engine – Bing is constantly as well as quickly growing their

monthly visitors. 165 000 000 unique visitors is a pretty convincing reason to consider Bing pay

per click advertising [5]

a needed traffic source, moreover it might even turn out to be the better


As I said several factors lead us to evaluating Bing the more suitable decision for PPC. The first

one is the “second” status it has, meaning less marketers advertising there, better click through

rates and lower prices.

There is one more major advantage in Bing pay per click advertising and it is people actually

trusting Bing ads [6]


Now you would again ask why?

Reason one:

Few marketers know that there are actually that many users searching with Bing. The main

explanation for this is the majority of online entrepreneurs who have been on the internet for a

while and have done PPC exclusively, have had good results using Adwords, therefore they

worship Google.

Marketers like Google so much they forget this is business and what brings more money is the

better option. And for a PPC campaign to bring you more money there have to be considered

factors link cost per click, click through rates and traffic quality, rather than just the amount of

traffic your preferred advertising platform gets.

If less marketers used Bing to advertise, there would be fewer spam ads, lower prices and

less competition to pump the prices together with making ads approval more difficult.

Reason two:

Very Few marketers understand that Pay per click platforms only deliver clicks… you are the

only one who make the sales, meaning that it is not the amount of traffic that is the most

important part of a PPC campaign, but your ability to convert delivered clicks to sales.

This is pretty obvious, yet most people tend to forget about it. So we can again conclude

Google’s number one traffic rank is not the best option to get impressed by. Both platforms will

deliver clicks, only Bing’s are cheaper, or at least might be.

Reason three:

This one is huge, and I left it for last on purpose. Online entrepreneurs hardly think of the

following as a factor for Bing Pay per click to be better, but there are more sites popping up now

than ever online, and most of them try to monetize publishing Google’s ads.

This leads to the following problem – lower traffic quality, caused by numeral factors one of

which is many ads being published on really dumb sites, which of course leads to lower

customer trust. Many ads get published on well known sites as well, however overall more sites

displaying Google’s ads leads to lower traffic quality.

I haven’t even said anything about Google’s restrictions, which by the way make it close to

impossible to advertise several major niches like the money making one.

Upcoming conclusion:

Bing pay per click could be a lot more profitable as well as less frustrating for advertising,

estimating the lower CPC, the higher traffic quality, the less competition and the more customer-

friendly advertising rules. Google on the other hand is still the number one search engine and

will probably be such for quite a while, which is a solid factor for proven clicks… only if you

manage to get your ad approved, prepare yourself to invest just a tad more and very carefully

choose your ad copy as well as landing pages and many more factors… that could make you hate

yourself for trying to use their service at the end.

Both are the best approach to start a business online though, as PPC is one of the fastest

ways to see things rolling and start showing the world your offers.

Bing Search [7]